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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1907)
r r K A yif TWENTY SIXTH YEAR l 111 1 LARGE RESULTS OBTAINED Revival Meetings Cont nue lo Draw Large Crowds Many Converts Already Secured BULLETIN 1OR COMING iMKETlNGS Fridnj 7S0 The Dead Line in Amusements Saturday 730 Chorus and Sermon Sunday 1100 a in The Deity of Chrit 300 p m Mens Meeting Sowing und Reapitg 730 p m Heaven and Hell The good weather of the past week has helped to biing largo crowds to the Opera lloue nud tuiiosity has given way to interest Already largo numbers have decided for Christ about 200 hav ing made- contest ion Each night Mr Lyon haa preaebod strong convincing biblical sermons and hast romph tely won the confidence of those who have regular ly heard him each night The chorus under the leaden hip of Mr Stentz is faithfully performing its iinpoitant ser vice arid is winning the appreciation of the people each niglft men -and women hae given rheir lives to Iho service of God Mr Lyon appeal- to intellect of his hearers his method- uro safe and sane and sure to produce permanent re sults One of the most interesting in cidents in the meeting was the singing of the Sunbeam Chorus last Wednes day night Th s choi ni evniifted of 150 girls and boys and they pleased and de lighted the audience when they crowd ed the platform and sung Ill be a Sun beam for Jesus We are glad to say that the Sunbeam Chorub vill be disked to sing again The meeting for men only Sunday afternoon exceeded all expectations It was a mighty in spiration to hear 400 men unite a one in song and the address on the Great Fight was just what was claimed Mr Lyons Masterpiece As he por trayed the temptations and sins of men and appealed for pure manly living hearts were touched and melted Never on this earth will the results of that ad dress be known This address will be continued next Sundaj at 3 p m and it is safe to say that every man in Mc Cook that can do so will be there Sun day night was perhaps the largest crowd ever assembled indoors iu Mc Cook The Opera House was completely filled and the audience listened intently to the searching sermon on The Great Election TUESDAY EVENING EVANGELIST LYON SPOKE IN PART A3 FOLLOWS The life of the apostle Peter in many ways is especially attractive He was a man of strong personality He would make his impress for good or evil upon any person or community When there are so many iu these days that are simply camp followers it is interesting to know one that is leader of thought and act ion In the second place he was a person of enthusiasm One of the great lacks of the average man in these days is motive and energy Too many seem to be too lazy or lifeless to be Christians But the point that is of special interest is that Peter made mistakes Now it is better to make mistakes than not to make anything There is more hope -for a person that has energy and am bition if it is turned in the wrong way than for one who is always listless and dull But Peter not only made mis takes he drifted away from God he denied his Lord and shamefully blas phemed If we can find why it was that Peter drifted into a life of sin perhaps some soul tonight can see the reason why he has hetraAed his Lord One reason for i Burlson Mr J Barker J D Coleman A Carter James Dale Miss LZ Graham C L Jackson Audrey J Reilley T E Shaffer Bill Sullivan Mr James A r srrr a jjr - f - A meeting for women only was held last Sunday afternoon It was one of the largest audiences Mr Lyon has led in McCook and it was decided to continue the address next Tuesday afternoon at 400 p m Meetiugs have also been held in the shops at the noon hour twice this week and the men have shown their apprecia tion by their attention and interest Another feature of peculiar interest this week has been the business mens meet ings held each morning at 900 a m in the rooms of the commercial club for half an hour A goodly number of mep have gathered here each day and have found thh upper room a pluco of help and profit These union meetiugs have already been a mighty blessing to McCook Criticism and prejudice have molted away in the face of souls saved and lives reconsecrated to God and the Christ ian people of McCook are of one mind and one desire Tonight Friday Mr Lyon will speak on Amusements and everybody is in vited The confession of a converted Unitarian is the subject of Mr Jjyons sermon for next Sunday morning He will tell of his own conversion from doubt and unbelief while a student in a state university and tho reasons which led him to accept Christ as the Son of God Sunday afternoon there will be another meeting for men only wi th the subject Sowing and Reaping The meetings will continue everj night next week bufrMondav for by E in his back sliding was that he was over Tcnere oy tne luissoun jfacinc ior a term confident This is apt to be a weakness of a 3trong life He trusted in himself rather than in God The soul that seeks by his own efforts to gain salvation will miserably fail The more you doubt yourself the better In the next place the apostle denied bis Master because he endeavored to follow Him afar off It is hard to keep a little religion It is like trying to build a fire with a few sticks A little girl once said to her mother I know why I fall out of bed so often It is be cause I go to sleep so near when I get in Many have just enough religion to make them miserable If you are ijoingto be a Christian at all be a whole hearted one Many want to put one band in the hand of God and the other band in the hand of the devil and the result is that they got no satisfaction from either side Further Peter went m and sat down with ungodly com panions On thqt chilly night he was in the outer court by a littie fire endeav oring to warm himself How many that profess faith in Jesus in our own day are leaving the sunshine of Gods love and faith and endeavoring to warm themselves before the heathen fires of this world It iB dangerous to be in the company of the ungodly without clearly and positively showing your colors MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE J W Wimer is suffering an attack of pneumonia Miss Helen E Wengek returned to the city midweek Mrs H H Hurt is here from Colo rado Springs visiting relatives Mr and Mrs J E Kelley entertain ed the whist club Tuesday evening Miss Winnie Browne has been down from Denver this week visiting friends E Oxley of Bariley was iu thtcouu ty seat a couple days of last weeis ou busi ness Mrs C W Britt arrived home Mon day from her Burlington Iowa visit to relatives Harrv Simons returned to the city Wednesday night from a short business trip east Jacob Wiggins of Culbertson was a uest of E F Newlon closing days of last week Mrs Sarah McCarl has a new house unde construction on the lot south of her residence Contractor Ennis has purchased the Heffelbower residence and two lots south of that property W H Starrs is here from Salt Lake City Utah called by the serious illness of Lis aged father C R Ricketts of the city laundry returned close of last week from visit ing relatives in Easton Penn Mr and Mrs Frank Still man went to Denver Monday night to seo the great fat stock show of this week O N Rector is preparing to build a cosy modern cottage on the corner lot just east of the H G Phelps residence MrsE J Kates arrived from Platts moutb Monday and will be the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs T B Campbell until next Tuesday Mrs C A Stone returned last Sat urday on 13 to her home in Haigler af ter spending a few weeks here and here abouts visiting oldtime friends Mr and Mrs Albert Barnett left on Monday for Lincoln to attend the an nual meeting of the Nebraska Lumber mens Association the Hoo Hoos Mr and Mrs B M Frees departed eastward Monday after spending sev eral weeks in western Nebraska and eastern Colorado he on his annual busi ness tour Mrs Z L Kay left yesterday Kankakee 111 where she was called the death of her mother Mrs N Brown who passed away suddenly her 86th year E R Branscom west end mail car rier on the McCook Hayes Center star route departed for Hayes Center Wed nesday morning after a visit of a few days with his father here Mrs Kate Ashmore has been the guest of Mrs J W Line part of the week The Ashmores were among the earliest residents of Indianola he serving a term as county judge of Red Willow county Miss Cora Jeferies left Tuesday morning on Nc 2 for Hayes City Kan sas where she goes to visit her brother and acuaintances he being employed of three years Miss Cora will be absent about a month Mrs J H Snyder and children re turned first of the week with him from Nebraska City where they spent about a month during the recovery of Mr Sny der and young daughter from opera tions Both are quite restored to health again Mr Snyder expecting to return to his run about the first of the coming month Advertised Letters The following letters remained uncall ed for at the McCook postoffice Jan 1st 1907 LETTERS Bianson Mrs K Y Uluston tA Coney Wm Crum Mr H E Gale Paul Hofferber Mr Claud Reilly Mr Ralph Reed Gilbert Soreuson G P Sproul Miss Mary Stewnoterson Mr John Strauser Mr C J Thomas Frank A Vanbuskirk Mr Jesso Wells Mr Loronz Wendell Mr Gust Wilkins Miss Lillian When calling for these please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster The Tribune will print it for you fyV HaP v Real Estate Transfers j The following real estate filings have I been made in the county clerks ollice since last Thursday U S to John G Winsor pat nw qr 29- lion o N French and w to John L Sargtfr wd 11 in 5 Danbury 975 Tlodoro O Larson to John Larson wd se qr 14-3-29 82300 Lincoln Land Co to James E Corey wd 7 and 8 in 15 2nd McCook 8230 T W Counter and w to Oliver II Loch wd s hf 5 3 27 812000 Marian V Overstate and w to Jeffer son II Stephens wd und hf int on 2 in 3 Lebanon 8S00 William Deere and w to Edward Flit craft wd und hf int on se qr ne 29 3 30 n of rr row 8300 William A Nettletou and w to Chas H Meeker qcd It 5 of 28 and It 8 and s hf so qr of 29 iu 3 30 8257 Magdelena Dietsch wid to Sylvester J Rouse wd pt 6 in 54 Bartley 81000 Rutherford B Archibald and w to Dan Casheu ud sw qr 26 2 28 83000 Rosoland Parsons and w to Ella N Bur rows wd 8 in 28 McCook 82000 U S to Oliver W Sollers pat w hf sw qr and ne qr sw qr and nw qr so qr 23-1-29 Milton D Althouse and w to Lavega Olmstead wd nw qr w hf sw qr ne qr sw qr nw qr se qr 23 1 29 S4000 William II Lister and w to Quiulon R Miles wd s hf ne qr 13-1-23 82000 Geo W Jackson and w to William Donaldson wd nw r 83500 Marion Powell and wife deed Martin Nilsson and w to R E Bacon 13 and 14 in 5 Marion S135 William Hubor to Edgar Huber wd 15 in 25 Rivorview Cemetery 82500 - Affa C Seeley and Paul S Seeley to Loonard Ilarsch wd ne qr 35-3-27 87 oO The Bush Walton Case The famous Bush Walton case had a hearing in this city Tuesday before Judgo Adams of Minden The case is one Kr specific performance of contract for assignment f a decreo of foreclosure and involves a quarter sect ion of laud in Hayes count and Bush a cattleman and L H Lawton are the real persons at interest The quarter is specially valuable to Bush because it is the only place on a two-thousand-acre ranch where cattle can reach running water the Frenchman river Bush bought a tax liemfrom Walton and fail ing to meet payment in time stated Law tou secured the same henco the bitter controversy between Bush and Lawton The judge will render his decision in time for the first day of the next term of district court in Furnas county Adds 810000 to Surplus At the annual meeting of the board of directors of the First National Bank last week S10000 were added to the banks surplus fund making that fund now 820000 which with the banks capital of 850000 gives the bank a work ing capital of 870000 C H Boyle was elected a member of the board of directors which is now com posed as follows B M Frees presi dent H P Waite vice president F A Pennell cashier HPSutton and C HBoyle Louis Thorgrimson is the assistant cashier Going to Paint We will estimate the exact cost for you Possibly we can give you some good pointers on the colors and kinds of paints which gives best satisfaction for the least money We have color cards and much useful information regarding painting Come in and talk itoverxvith ns even though you are not decided just what you will do L W McConnell Druggist Baths Sure We are connected with- the sewer system and our rooms are newly cleaned We invite old customers and new as well to come for baths Services of a rubber if wanted Bruns Barber Shop Removal Sale From now until I move will sell the bulk of my goods at greatly reduced prices many articles below cost We prefer to sacrifice our stock and save trouble and expense in moving Barnry Hofer P O Store Settle Up All persons indebted to Predmore Bros R J Predmore or G W Pred more Sons must settle up soon The books will be found at G W Predmore and Sons shop Dress Making Wanted Will do sewing by the day or at my residence First class work One and one half blocks north of Bixler opera house 12 21 tf Mrs J E Morse Quarter Section For Sale The northeast quarter of section 13 township 4 range 30 in Red Willow county Nebraska Address The Tri bune McCook Neb If You Need a Furnace in your house already built let us tell you how you can get one put right in and pay for it next fall McCook Hardware Co WantedApprentices The Tribute wishes to employ sever al apprentices boys or girls Make ap plication at once to the publisher F M Kimmell COUGHS this time of the year are hard to get rid of Why not get a bottle of McConnells Balsam Our guarantee to relieve stands back of that 25c Ladies S175ne wool waists for 129 at Thompsons clearing sale Get The Tribune to do your printing Br TjpTT t - Death Ended Long- Suffering- Death relieved John Schlagol of his long and painful sufferings last Friday afternoon about two oclock at the homo of his brother Fred in this city - Funeral services wore held in the Bap tist church Sunday afternoon address ed by Rev Green of the Baptist church and Rev Henkelmann of the German Congregational church A crowded church attested the sympathy and es teom of friends of the departed Burial was made in Rivorview ceme tery John Schlagel was born in Germany July 12 1873 coming to America when but two years of age and residing in Nebraska ever since He was united in marriage with Mary Dudek nine years ago last fall He is survived by his wife three children father two sisters and three brothers John Schlagel was a young man of high character and his death in tho prime of life is deeply regretted by all who enjoyed an acquaintance with him Ilia wife and children and members of his family all have tho tenderest sm pathy in their loss and sorrow Burlington Engine Order Tho fifteen passenger engines in cluded in the Burlingtons order of ninety new locomotives are to be of the monster JSl type Ready for service the new monsters weigh 370000 pounds and are over seventy five feet long their drivewheels six in number are seventy four inches high The tender holds 8000 gallons of water and 26000 poundh of coal These are the heaviest engines in the Burlington service ex ceeding -in weight all other freight and passenger machines The freight en gines are a trifle lighter a matter of some 8000 pounds but this is not apparent to tho casual observed They weigh only 368000 pounds and are well adapter1 for fast service They are seventy three feet long have six drivers aud carry in their tender 8000 gallons of water and 32000 pounds of coal With the delivery of the new engines the Burlington will have forty five SI class passenger engines and 175 R5 freight engines They are considered the bet ever built for their respective branches of service The American Locomotive company is the builder of the ninetv new engines COURT HOUSE NEWS county court Following licenses have been issued since our last report William II Galvin age 31 Effie M La Velio age 20 both of Wallace Neb Graited Dec 24 Harrv II Halley age 21 Stoekville Neb Etella O Spellman age 20 May wood Neb Jan 12 Married by County Judge Moore Carl Suska age 23 Samantha Spell man age 18 both of May wood Nebr Jan 12 Clyde L Hall age 21 Orifino Nebr Delia Purdue age 24 Cambridge Neb Jan 12 James Steinman age 25 Hilda Molin der age 23 both of McCook Jan 15 Advance Notice to Subscribers Subscription expiration notices are now being prepared and in a few days will be mailed to all delinquent subscri bers of The Tribune We hope to re ceive a prompt reply from all The sub scription price is 81 00 a year payable in advance Labor and material have sharp ly advanced but the subscription price re mains at 81 00 a year but the S100 should be in advance The Publisher People Building Houses should rember that to make a house modern it must have a furnace and the best time to buy it is when building A score of satisfied customers in McCook stand up for the Lennox steel furnace and our method of putting them in A furnace built like a boiler with no chance for dirt or gas to get into your rooms McCook Hardware Co Confidence Cashed During the few days of our clearing sale we have found our expections realiz ed in the liberal patronage drawn by our announcements Our advertisements are carried out in every particular and are entitled to the confidence they create You are invited to get your share of the bargains being handed out daily The Thompson D G Co QUALITY In medicine what do you care about price if the quality isnt the best Every drug and chemical in our store is up to the highest quality that can be obtained L W McConnell Druggist Lost Bracelet and Pocketbook Wire bracelet with three Greek letters on it lost at pay car on 15th also small pocketbook containing few old coins lost near or at opera house Reward for both Maude McBrayer H0NARD1NE A good wash for the teeth a breath purifier and health preserver L W McConnfll Druggist FOR SALE Tuerk water motor and several steam radiators Inquire or write The Tribune McCook Neb You dislike going to bed because the bed is cold dont you Try a hot water bottle to warm the bed vll kinds at C R Woodworth Cos Ladies 50c fliunelette waists for 35c Thompsons clearing sale Mens heavy Melton ulsters for 8369 Thompsons clearing sale Ladies 8175 fur scarfs for 8129 at Thompsons dealing eale Kodaks Cameras and supplies at Woodworth Cos j Ladies black fur scarfs for 69c at Thompsons clearing sale iNobrnska fcitato xiio frnl Society McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 25 190 C1IY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Louohran Pastor Christian Science Sen ices at Zint McClain bldg Sunday at 11 oclock a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p m Subject Truth Readine room at same place open daily wheru Christian Science literature may bo had Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a ui Holy communion and sermon on third Sunday in each month at 8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday school at 10 a m The rector will officiate All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Say you saw it in The Tribune Woodworth Co sell pyrography goods Mens 8175 sweaters for 8129 at Thompsons clearing sale Ladies 75c outing flannel gowns for 59c at Thompsons clearing sale Great Eagles dance February 12th in Bixler Music by McCook band Childrens S400 crushed plush coats 82 99 Thompsons clearing sale Lowneys t Chocolates Where Wot OWOIiTU Cos We filled 7500 prescriptions last year We can fill jours C 1 Woodworth Fancy Navel Oranges only 65c a peck J A Wilcox Son Military dance by Eagles February 12th Bixler opera house McCook band No morphine cocaine or narcotics in Woodworth Co Mentholated White Pine and Tar cough remedy Think of it sitting in the park in the pale mi nlight witu your best girl Jinuiiry 21st iu tuoevening in McUok Nebraska Sunday evening at 730 oclock Rev E R Earle rector of St Albans Epis copal church will have for his sermon subject Amusements Any child can take our Mentholated White Pine and Tar cough remody with out the least danger It contains no morphine or poisonous substances WooDWoirra Co Notice has been posted by Post master T M Campbell that the office at Box Elder this county will be discontinued Wo understand that Mr Campbell will also close out his store at that place Henry Loveland contractor and buiider from Denver is hero to stay and figure ou all jobs Plans and specifica tion furnished For particulars call at the McCook Hardware Cos stoTj 3t Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of livestock of all kinds and sells only the best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed There will be another great meeting for men only at the opera house next Sunday afternoon at three oclock Mr Lyon will speak Mr Stentz and the male quartet will sing Every man who attended last Sunday is talking it up The Congregational Methodist and Evangelical churches of Cambridge have united in a series of evangelistic services under George H Williams of Wheaton HI who is at present holding services of that nature in Plymouth church Lincoln The Season for American Fence will last until every farm in the country is fenced hog tight and not a head of wheat or seed of any kind goes to waste Ask McCook Hardware Co what it will cost and do not take any substitute for the best Fence on earth Chapped Cracked Hands McConnells Fragrant Lotion keeps the hands from cracking If they are already so it heals them quickly It makes the skin soft delightful to use It gives excellent satisfaction and costs only 25c Wanted An experienced lady book keeper Must know shorthand and type writing Address Powell Nilsson Marion Nebraska RURAL FREE DELIVERY NO 1 Mrs Mary Schlagel is quite sick Ralph Warfield marketed cattle in McCook last Thursday They had an enjoyable dance at Henry Schamels last Saturday night Miss Hannah Johnston is visiting her sister Emma at Joseph Dudeks Frank Dudek and Will Broorafield are hauling wheat to Red Willow this week Ira Kennedy has bought the J E Tirrill farm and moved onto the same last week Mrs Grace Watson of Sanborn Nebr visited with Mr and Mrs Lee Sunday and Monday Mr Roseland Parsons of Trenton visited witn Mr and Mrs Lee Wednes day and Thursday James I Lee commenced putting up his ice last Tuesday morning The ice is clear as crystal and from nine to ten inches thick Perry Jones of Oklahoma returned to visit McCook friends after spending a few days with his sister and family at Haigler Nebr Mr and Mis Peter Voge Joseph Crocker and Henry Reiners were guests of A E Price last Sunday Mr and Mrs Henry Voge were guests of Mr and Mrs W P Broomfield Sunday gr - fpe NUMBER 35 Do Not Forget tho Focl Grinder Exhibit now going on at the McCook Hardware Gos Hesides a free juneh you get a useful souvenir and will bo shown how to oporato tho host feed grindor on earth and liavo tho opportunity to buy something that every farmor needs An extra set of burs f reo with oach mill sold during the exhibit Ladies also invited MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for dugH McMillons Cough Cure Everything in drugs McConnoll Eagle dance Bixler February 12th McConnolls Balsam cures coughs Eastman Kokaks and Kodak supplies at McConnolls J E Barngrover McCook Loans and Abstracts Prico and quality bargains at Tho Ideal Store this week Childrens 820 fur sots for S1G9 at Thompsons clearing sale 89u gets a mans blanket lined coat at Thompsons clearing sale Ladies 81000 fur scarfs for 8G49 at Thompsons clearing sale Misses long coats as low as 160 at Thompsons clenrin salo Ladies long coats as low as 389 at Thompsons clearing salo S700 silk bound fine whito belt3 for 8529 Thompsons clearing sale 8369 gets a sheep fleece lined duck coat at Thompsons clearing sale Dr Kays office is now ono door north of Commercial hotol Phone 97 Ladies 8400 heavy wool shawls for 8299 Thompson- clearing salo McMillens Crciiii Lition will mako your humid and face smooth and soft Bargains in canned and dried fruits and vegetables J A Wilcox Son Great Eaglo dance Bixler opera house February 12th Music by McCook band Boys 8250 overcoats with sleeve orna ments for 8189 at Thompsons clearing sale Quito a largo flock of robins were to be been in the city park close of last week Bound duplicate receipt booKS three receipts to tho page for sale at The Tribune office Bear skin plush for 81 G9 per yard in white red navy and Reseda Thomp sons clearing sale Hot water bottles and combination fountain syringes in all styles at Mc Millons drug store 8289 is present prico on a good wool blanket at Thompsons clearing sale reduced from 8375 The Degrie of Honor will meet in Pettys hall second and fourth Friday nights of each month Woodmen will indulge in another ministrel show after Lent We are as sured it will be the best ever Tonight comes the special address on Amusements at the opera house It will doubtless draw a large crowd If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruits and vegetables at Magner Stokes We have a nice assortment of stamp ed Bass wood for pyrography work Woodworth Co Druggists Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in the line of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables Corn chop at the mill at 80 cents a hundred Every thing delivered McCook Milling Co Next term of district court for Red Willow will be held in McCook com mencing Monday February 4th a jury term Next week will conclude the special meeting now being held in the opera house The closing services will be held Sunday Feby 3 All persons knowing themselves in debted to mo are are requested to call and pay up as soon as possible as I need the coin Barney Hofer There is a bottle of our Mentholated White Pine and Tar cough cure in the drug store window for you this week Its only 25c a bottle WoodworthCo The streets Wednesday were thronged with ladies going to the womens meet ing at the opera house This address will bo continued next Tuesday after noon See us if you are going to build We have had 25 years experience Fine de signing a specialty Claybaugh Bros Shop opposite Blue Front livery barn McCook Nebr Our Mentholated White Pine and Tar cough remedy is guaranteed under the new Pure Food and Drug Law The best and surest cure for coughs and colds Woodworth it Cp John Brening has commenced tho erection of a two story brick on the cor ner north of the Palmer hotel We un derstand it wiil be equipped as a board ing house with a machine shop in tho basement