The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 11, 1907, Image 5
mmmmmmmmmmmimammmmBmzmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rs fTTHHMWfnwlWriJllliWyiWWMBPIMM TKiTriTtrmivriT mrrwfftrYfffcfiVwii im im MBfflwyiTuwftrrrrmiiiflj iJnnlll w LqatTmTrrtrtMHswtfvynFffrrlTrriii tgyg n i j G M THE NEW YEAR m i DOSSIBLY you are already a patron of this bank If not it might be well to start in with the New Year A trial may prove mutually profitable With a view to get ting better acquainted we invite you to call THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebr li The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harsh s motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it 8 JLI MAUVU The Butcher Phone 12 J C BALL McCook AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fairbury Hanchett Windmill This is a warranted and guaran teed windmill nothing better in the market Write or call on Mr Ball before buviner PHONE BLACK 307 tWWWhSWSWV 71 McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free JOHN E KELLEY TTOBNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEE McCook Nebraska ggjgont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Oflico in PostoiEce building DENTIST PnE i Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook FAY HOSTETTER TEACHER ON PIANO McCook Nebraska Studio upstairs in new Eishel building south of Post Office By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance The pardon record of ex Govornor Mic key discloses that during the four years of his incumbency ho released upwards of 260 convicts Lacking less then a doz en of equaling the total nunibei of con victs enrolled at the penitentiary when his term began A board of pardons would obviate such hysterical hutnani tarianism Nothing like knowing whats going on We keep you posted locally but The Weekly Inter Ocean gives the news of all the world By our special arrange ment you can securo both papers for one full year for the very low rate of Sl03 FOR SALE Tuerk water motor and several steam radiators Inquire or write The Tribune McCook Neb NOTICE OF GUARDIANS SALE In tlio district court of Red Willow county state of ebraska In the matter of the application of James Earl Ludwick guardian of Lowis Basil Ludwick and Lor n Landon Ludwick minors for license to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of sin order of the Hon R C Orr judge of the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska made on the lath day of December 1900 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash at the east front door of the court house in the city of McCook in said county on the second day of February 1907 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate towit An undivided one half interest in lots one and two in block six in the original town of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour James Eakl Ludwick Boyle Eldrrd Guardian of Lewis Basil Attorney s Lud wick and Loren Lan don Ludwick minors In the County Court of Red Willow county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Mary A OCon nell deceased To all persons interested in said estate You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of De cember 1906 Catherine OConnell executrix of the estate of Mary A OConnell deceased filed in said court her final account as said exe cutrix and that said final account will bo heard on the 15th day of January 1907 at the hour of 10 oclock am at the county courtroom in the city of McCook in aid county you are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above in dicated and show cause if such exit ts why such account should not be heard It is hereby ordered thatsaid Catherine OCon nell give notice to all persons interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order to be pub lished in the McCook Tribune a newspaper printed and published in said county for three successive weeks prior to said hearing Dated this 25th day of December 1906 seal J C Mooee County Judge Notice to Creditors In the County Court State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In the matter of the estate of Angelo PWelles deceased I J C Moore county judge of said county in said state hereby notify all persons having claims and demands against the estate of the said Angelo P Welles deceased that I have set and appointed the following days for the recep tion examination and adjustment of said claim and demands as provided by law at the county court room in McCook Red Will w county and state aforesaid to wj the fourteenth day of January 1907 and the seventeenth day of July 1907 And all per ons so interested in said estate will appear at said time and place and duly present their said claims and demands in the manner required by law or show cause for not so doing and in case any of said claims shall not be presented by the sixteenth day of July 1907 the same hall be forever barr d Given under my hand and seal of the county court this seventeenth day of December A D 1906 J U Moobe sealI County Judge ORDER OF HEARING ON PROBATE OF WILL In tho county court of Red Willow county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of George Morris deceased On reading and filing tho petition of J E Kelley proving that the instrument filed on tho 27th day of December 1906 and purporting to be a duly authenticated copy of tho last will and testament of the said deceased may bo proved approved probated allowed and recorded as tho last will and testament of the said George Morris deceased late of Guthrie county state of Iown - Ordered that January 12 1907 at one oclock pm is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested in said matter may appear at tho county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted and it is fur ther ordered that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tho hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tribune a weekly nowsrtaper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said date of hearirg Dated December 27 1906 seal J C Moore County Judge 2 J MymZkslsk F M Fagan is east on a visit Ex Supt C L Eaton went up to Den ver Saturday night last A daughter was born to Boss Painter and Mrs Wiil Harmon Sunday Ex Supt V O English is now cashier of tho Covina National Bank of Covina Californa Engineer and Mrs F J Zrijicek were in the city Wednesday on their way to Hastings from Brush Ho will run out of Hastings in the future The Burlington will expend 82000 on additions and improvements to the depot unless the people of McCook can con vert them to a new structure Conductor and Mrs S M McCreary and little daughter left Tuesday morn ing for Galesburg 111 He is gradually improving frcm his recent severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism Engineerand Mrs WalterStokes Mrs Vina Wood and Lloyd Jennings returned Friday night last from Omaha where they sought the skill of an eye specialist for Lloyd Sunday morning Lloyd re turned to Omaha to receive treatment have glasses fitted etc to bo absent a couple weeks The Tribune was not fully advised as to the donors of the gold watch and chain to Ex Supt Eaton recently The handsome and valuable gift was made by all employes of the division from sec tion men up not from headquarters and clerical men exclusively Tho switch men from the Denver yard contributed 3500 to the fund This week Barney Hofer purchased the lot between Paul Antons meat mar ket and the John Morris building on Main street He expects to occupy the building now occupied by Keegan Okerson about March 1st Mr Hofer contemplates building a brick store on the lot in the near future The postof fice will in due time secure the needed entire room in which tho office is now located no lobby business reservation being allowed Wanted Gentleman or lady to travel for mer cantile house of large capital Territory at home or abroad to suit If desirable the home may be used as headquarters Weekly salary of 1000 per year and ex penses Address with stamp Jos A Alexander McCook Nebraska Great Eagles Military Dance Bixler Opera House February 12th Music by Nebraska Brigade Band d R F D No 1 Postal Clerk A B Bower is at home for his layofT Both the Pickens aud Fitch schools resumed Monday after a two weeks holiday Mrs C A Stone and mother were vis itors at the homes of Mrs M J Stroud and G Fred Randel this week Emery McDougal of Haigler is visit ing relatives and friends and is glad to bo back in good old McCook again John Breitling has been visiting in Colorado aud Kansas being taken ill in Kansas Mrs Brietling is sick at home meanwhile Mrs Fannie Berger of Elmwood Neb raska and Mrs Ella Stander of Louis ville Feb wore guests of Mr and Mrs J ILee Mr and Mrs William Hills and Mrs Fickus of Atwood Col old time friends of James Lee visited at his home on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week Mrs James I Leo is entertaining her rother Perry Jones from LamontOkhi and sister-in-law Mis W M Jones from Oklahoma Oklahoma Both were former residents of his county and will be re membered by many McCook friends Miss Elizabeth Weber of New York city who has been ailing for seme time at the home of FMKennedy southeast of town with consumption died on last Suuday evening about eight oclockThe remains were shipped to New York city Monday night Deceased was a factory girl about 22 years old Sbe was much benefitted two years ago by a visit here for her health and returned home but upon her arrival here the second time some weeks since was beyond climatic help The work on the laterals to McCooks sewer system is now well under way tbo first lateral to be excavated being up the alley between Main avenue and Man chester street The Davis Heuser Con struction Co of Hutchinson Kansas is prosecuting the work as rapidly as the labor market warrants Ladies read this catalogue of charms Bright eyes glowing cheeks red lips a smooth skin without a blemish in short perfect health For sale with every paffkage Hollisters Rocky Mountain tea 35 cents A McMillen The Maywood Carrico Telephone company of Valley precinct Hayes coun ty has filed its articles of incorporation with State Secretary Junkin L Teeters is president and J P Vierson is secy We have arranged with The Weekly Inter Ocean so that our patrons can se cure that sterling paper together with our own at the exceedingly low price of S105 for one year This is a rare opport unity and should be taken advantage of E F OSBORN J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ a Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL FUXI FP OPERA 4 Fred Raymonds OLD ARKANSAS Saturday Evening sJHflU ry l 9th Popular Plays at Popular Prices eacaggiggga iAwyw SBHIfTO fBSHI m life fiWzmssB WMmkSSm MMrM QflBKraSPi iSS t r5 1 V FRANKLIN I set JL ssljL I T C H Botle Hfft mmmt HLV - 11 I Q I IF YOUR GIFT OF SHOES OR SLIPPERS DOES NOT SUIT YOU WE CAN OUR STOCK OF SPRING FOOTWEAR is now arriving and we have almost everpthing you need for any kind of weather or place to wear on your feet SCHOOL SHOES Little men and misses may wet their feetmost any day All must hurry off to school be the weather mild or cool Those who ways- of wisdom choose at The Model get their shoes Never more need children cheep over wet and chilly feet when The Model shoes they wear nows the time to get a pair Overshoes all kinds Rubber Boots etc for the sloppy cold weather NOW IS THE TIME TO GET STORM BOOTS THEY KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY THE MODEL SHOE STORE IH McCOOK NEBRASKA PHONE 18 RESOLVED that jnow is not the omlythim 6 that falls this tme of the year our prices are coming DOWN ON SoiAE OP OUR- VEPnYBKT valves hi DONT WANTAMY LEFT OVERS J mi DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE S W Wl DMfrr R vDVJ Ifflfc feu K J V s - K f 7 fi V V JfcJ VAiJ 7rv fcr - r - j jm - r xzmmr2 - rj r tl A - Vftr Si CSVOIHT I Ob Of TUB IUl rWlOvm CO RftJ JrD VStt Wm- 19rxC 5y 7 O f Vit r H A- I v vsfflK - A V H P SUTTON icCnoR SrTOW T7re YE S OUR PRICE 5 HAVE FALLEN BUT THEY HAVE NOT FALLEN ON SHIPPED IN FAKE STUFF THEY HAVE FALLEN ON WHAT WE HAVE LEFT OF THE REGULAR LINE 5 OF GOOD MERCHANDISE IT 3 IMPOSSIBLE YOU KNor TO BUY JUST EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE ficWS TO SELL AND No MORE WHAT WE HAVE LEFT OF OUR WINTER GOODS WE SHALL SELL AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES MENS Bor S AND LADIES SWEATERS AT JUST ONE HALF TK RECULAR PRICE ONE FIFTH OFF ON LADIES COATS AND FURS MENS AND BOYS OVER COATS UNDERWEAR ETC BUY NOW RESPECTFULLY G L DEGROFF CO V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 7000 A C EBERT W VWWWVVWWWt 1 Gatewood Valine I ornceor Store DENTIST CCH X oll6 TODAY deal Bargain Depot C E Eldeed Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED ATTOKiSTEYS AT I AW Long Distance I rne 41 I Rooms 1 an l 7 second floor mc nr r Web Postofllco Earldinj v PCSSZSSQSZSSCf mnsNmv e o I JEWELER MU SCL good NEBIU