The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 11, 1907, Image 1
h t vc s J TWENTY SIXTH YEAR mht FINE SPEAKING AND SINGING The Union Meetings Start Off Well An nouncement of Meetings Saturday night at 730 oclock Sun day morning at 11 oclock subject Jo nah Sunday afternoon at 1 oclock Young Peoples Rally subject Open Doors Sunday evening at 730 oclock subject Excuses The Lyon union meetings in tho Bixler opera house started ofT in fino shape on last Sunday Five hundred people greeted Mr Lyon in the morning and seven hundred in the evening in the evening the chorus choir 85 strong sur prised everyone They sang tho songs old and new with spirit and power and gave promise of some fine chorus sing ing when they have sung longer togeth er Mr Stentz the chorus leader and solo singer captured tho chorus and the audience with his bright happy way and it is safe to say that he will bo very popular with the people of McCook At each service he sings a simple gospel solo in clear baritone voice and with distinct enunciation This solo is one of the most enjoyable parts of each service Tho chorus is increasing in numbers and power each night and in itself is a great inspiration to the bingors and to the au dience Each evening an eflicient corps of ushers has been on hand and the com fort and convenience cf all are carefully looked after All who have heard Mr Lyon unite in JIIUORD H LYON words of commendation and of endorse ment He is a Christian gentleman wit a passion for reality and true righteous ness His sermons are clear forceful and interesting revealing a trained in tellect and a logical mind He is not sensational but absolutely fearless In all kindness he seeks to reveal to the listener his own sins that he may arouse conviction and action His defense of Revivals Sunday was unanswerable and his sermon Sunday night on The Value of a Human Soul was a strong plea for humanity and brotherhood The response of the people of McCook to this effort of the churches has been encouraging Good audiences have at tended the meetings the choir has done its part nobly and there is faith in many hearts and prayer on many lips that God has great things in stere for McCook in the coming days The churches are to be congratulated on securing such strong safe men to conduct this work The meetings will continue Saturday at 730 pm Sunday at 11 a m 330 and 730 p m At the afternoon meet ing Sunday Mr Lyon will address young people between the ages of 15 and 30 None under 15 will be admitted There will be a meeting every nigat next week but Monday Afternoon meet ings will be held at 3 oclock on Tues day Wednesday Thursday and Friday All these meetings will be held in the Bixler opera house and everybody is in vited On Wednesday evening Mr Lyon be gan a series of addresses on the ten com mandments He announced his text from Romans third chapter and 20th verse For by the law is the knowledge of sin This discourse was a full and fearless statement of facts regarding the prevalent transgression of Gods laws It may be called an example of conscien tious preaching which shuns not to de clare the whole counsel of God Like John the Baptist or John Knox Mr Lyon does not fear the face of man but courageously echoes the will and truth of the Almighty The substance of his discourse Wed nesday night is involved in the follow The law of God does ing statements not extirpate sin it reveals it The law creates in the heart a hunger for right eousness The law of supply and demand definite in religion as m mand is just as Not until we real commerce nature or sinfulness can God do anything ize our for us living in a lawless period of We are history Tbis spirit is seen first of all home today homes In the average in the children do about as they please day the Zsummmmmmm If a boy wants to suck a cigarette ard loaf around tho gambling dens or grog gories he does If the mother says to tho daugbterI do not want you on the streets at night she pertly answers I dont care what you want and off she starts It is about time that Christian parents stopped raising children for hell The spint of lawlessness is seen also in society at largo Many obey tho law if it suits their interest but if it doesnt they dothe other thing Tho anarch ist is not always tho man who in the slums flaunts the red flag Some of tho most dangerous law breakers live in fino houses on the boulevards For so many conturios have men talked about free dom that now the pendulum has swung to tho other extreme and liberty to do right is being interpreted as license to do wrong All sorts of wickedness and vice aro masquerading under the guise of personal liberty The man who contin ues wilfully to disregard and violate the national stato or municipal laws is as truly a traitor as was Benedict Arnold or the secessionist of Gl Anarchism and atheism go hand in band Every anarchist is an atheist From disregard of divine law it is an easy step to defy ing human authority Speaking of tho first commandment the speaker said I think we can all see why Thou shalt have no other gods before mo was put first If a man keeps the first law he will keep all the rest And the second commandment is like unto tho first Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image We talk about the idolatry of heathen coun oa MiTtP flirtn tries when we have about as much right hera in America Some make idols of their children some make them of them selves of intellect of pleasure or of dress But no god is so successfully competing with Christ for the mastery as the money god In tho case of many appetite is their god They seem to be merely flesh They might better have walked on four feet than on two Say men if your wives or mothers or daugh ters were guilty of the private habits thatsome of you men areyou would turn from them in perfect disgust Man your wife has the same right to make a cusp idor or a beer keg of herself as you have No man has a right to profess to follow Christ and yet smell like the devil The average man cares vastly more for his stomach than for his soul Erskine said If r were following two men you - niot tell which man the dog belong a to as long as the men walked togeth er But let the men separate and you can tell quickly to which man the dog belongs If desire goes one way and duty the other if the world and the flesh draw one way and Christ and conscience the other which way do you goj Christ will not accept second place in your life Thou shalt have no other gods before Him Mr Lyon will continue the discussion of the commandments this evening MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs H L Kennedy is homesteading near Creston S D Sheriff Petersons children have been quite ill this week Mrs E P Huber is enjoying a visit from her cousin Mrs E M Gardner AlexCakmichael was down from Den ver early in the week on a short visit Miss Maude Coleman ha been home from Minneapolis Minn for past two weeks Miss Carrie Wurts succeeds to the position of high school assistant vacated by Mr Heffelbower Mrs Louis Fleischman left Saturday night on 6 for Omaha to consult a spe cialist relative to her health MrsHiramThrailkill of Los Angeles Calif has been here on a visit to the homefolks for a week or two Al J Hatcher was up from Cheney Nebraska last week on business mat ters and to see oldtime friends Mrs H M Ireland arrived home Saturday night from her absence of a couple weeks with Kearney relatives Mrs E W McAninch has received the sad news of the death of her mother at Ringold Iowa Thursday of last week Mrs C WBritt is visiting relatives in Burlington Iowa Mr Britt accom panied her as far as Lincoln Sunday morning Miss Kathryne Sawyer returned to her art work in University Place Tues day morning Mrs Sawyer accompanied her for a short visit CoNTrACTOR ENNis who has the con tract to build the new high school will occupy the Heffelbower residence on north Marshall street Revs Davis of Cambridge Kerr of Box Elder and Parker of Palisade have been in attendance upon the meetings in the opera house this week Karl son of Cashier and Mrs A C Ebert who has been quite sick with an attack of fever the past weekis improv ing all will be pleased to learn W E Heffelbower departed on 14 Wednesday night for Inavale where he will remain until early March when he will occupy his irrigated farm near Longmont Colorado Mrs Heffelbower and baby will join him there in May The Tribune wishes them much pros perity and happiness in the new home and avocation McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY Advertised Letters The following letters remained uncall ed for at the McCook postoflice Jan 3rd 190G LETTERS Adams Mr Geo Smith Mrs Anna Bridges Mr E C Thomat E D Buchanan Mr R actor Beeson Mr Frank Sidors Mr W Corson Miss Cora Vaugn MrTrany Wessaves Mr C Dillwortb Oliver Decker Mrs L Waugh Mrs Frank Dillon Mr Fred Wray Dave 2 Farmer Earnoy Young Mr W F Gundorson Chas Garrett Mr Lige Hall Mr Jess Hust Mr Franklin Ilomesly R S Lee Mrs Elizabeth Phillips MrLB Miller Miss Lovina Perkins Fred J Riley Miss Claudia Rogers Hazel Richardson MrHD Rollins Mr Matt Rankin Miss Anna Smith T W Sorrence Mrs Pearl When calling for these please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Wentz Snider Wedding Wednesday evening at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Martin Snider in West McCook occurred a very happy wedding in the union of Mr Jas W Wentz and Miss Zelda Snider Rev M B Carman officiating Miss Alice Amen was bridesmaid and Mr Harvey M Snider best man A spleudid wed ding supper was spread Many gifts wem bestowed upon the estimaUe young couple The ceremony was witnessed by members of boti families interested A hew home nicely furnished awaited the young couple Jerome Lewis Buried Here The remains of Jerome Lewis arrived from Colorado last Saturday night and on Sunday morning at ten oclock were buried in the Longviow cemetery where brief services were conducted by Rev G B Hawkes of the Congregational church in the presence of quite a comp any of sympathizing friends of Mr and Mrs William Lewis The deceased was a victim of that mountain scourge pneumonia The Experiences of Practical Farmers in all sections of the country have shown that there is a saving of from 20 to 50 per cent by feeding ground feed Be sure and attend the McCook Hardware Cos exhibit January 24 25 26 and see the Famous Lightning Triple Gear Mill do the business just the way you want it done Davy Crockett In his early manhood he took for him self this motto of sense and action Be sure youre right then go ahead Peo ple who buy any other than Meritas table oilcloth are taking an inferior ar ticle and if they are paying more than 15c for Meritas they are throwing money at the birds Meritas for 15c at Thompsons Good Girl Wanted One who can cook and wants a good home No washing to do Come at once Wages for a good girl or middle aged woman S6 per week Steady work ll 2ts Cosoro Hotel IndiauolaNebr Settle Up All persons indebted to Predmore Bros R J Predmore or G W Pred more Sons must settle up soon The books will be found at G W Predmore and Sons shop Dress Making Wanted Will do sewing by the day or at my residence First class work One and one half blocks north of Bixler opera house 12 21 tf Mrs J E Morse You Get Free an extra set of burs with each Famous Lightning Feed Grinder purchased at the exhibit January 24 25 27 McCook Hardware Co Quarter Section For Sale The northeast quarter of section 13 township 4 range 30 in Red Willow county Nebraska Address The Tri bune McCook Neb Cambridge Flour Red Lion Silver Leaf and Oak leaf brands always on hand J E Nelms Second Hand two horse Gasoline Engine for sale cheap at the McCook Hardware Cos Let Ludwick explain the new gas burner to you Lost A watch and a silver dollar in an Indian handbag Reward for returh to Tribune office Verlie Berry is homo from Kansas being called by the illness of his father Mrs J A Wilcox will entertain chap ter X P E O Saturday January 12th Edward Wyant and Albert Styer were over from Beaver countryTue3day on business matters J G Conly departed Thursday for Nampa Idaho where he enters the em ploy of Central Lumber Co sgMR and Mrs C RKnowles of Cul bertson have been guests of her parents Mr and O M Knipple part of the week Miss Edna Waite John Jones and Schell Kimmell returned to Lincoln on 2 Sunday morning to their university work Mrs J N Osborn of Ayr Nebraska was a guest of her brother J H Yarger close of last week Mrs Osborn also visited in Wray Colo r jCirvf r IT Commercial Club Meeting Tho McCook Commercial club held a regular meeting Tuesday eveing of this week The regular bills and routine business wbre disposed of Apropos of the contemplated improve ment to bo made by the company on the old headquarters building tho city im provement committee of tho club had its attention urgently directed to tho mat ter of promptly and insistently bringing before management of tho Burlington railway company tho necessity of build ing a new building rather then repairing the preaent old out-of-date and insuf ficient structure The matter of providing a suitable rest room with drinking water lavatory and closet accommodations for women and children only on one of the main streets was suggested by William Lewis and promptly and heartly seconded by the entire membership The matter of se curing a location is now being looked to This will be a most desirable improve ment and comfort which the trading ladies coming to McCook will deeply appreciate - Jury List February Term Following litil comprises tho panel of jurymen for the February term of dist rict court 1907 J W Kozell Iudianola precinct Willard Dutton Driftwood precmct G A Somerville Perry precinct Martin Matson Willow Grove prec G E Thompson Willow Grove prec A C Abbott Lebanon precinct A D Johnston Valley Grange prec William Bell North Valley precinct M Lawritson Willow Grove precinct C D Ouster Willow Groo precinct S J Hughes Valley Grange precinct A B Kinzer tol man precinct Patrick Waibb vVihuu Gnne prec II P Sutton Willow Grove precinct Louis Thorgrimson Willow Grove pre Warren Cooper Willow Grove prec William Lewis Willow Grove precinct Joseph Junker Missouri Riage prec J K Gordon Box Elder precinct David MagnerWUlow Grove precinct R M Douglass Willow Grove prec A J Lohr East Villey precinct H W Parker Beaver precinct Everyday Articles Meritas table oilcloth the best 15c Peerless carpet warp the best 23c Sansons and American Prints 5c Best two bushel sixteen ounce seam less bags Best apron check ginghams 5c Best two thumb husking mittsdoz 81 00 Mens all leather gloves 18c Boys all leather gloves 13c Ladies fleece lined wrappers SI 35 to 75c Izzer home made bed comforts SI 85 Fur scarfs 81000 to 100 Boys three to eight year overcoats 2 50 Outing flannel nightgowns 50c to 8200 Boys knee pants 25c to 8100 Boys two piece suits 8125 to 8500 Bovs three piece blk Melton suits 8400 1000 other items at real cash values The Thompson D G Co Terms of District Court 190 Judge Orr has prepared the following calendar for the terms of district court in the 14th district for tae year 1907 Chase county May 6th Nov ISth Dundy county April 15th Nov 25th Frontier county March 25th Oct7th Furnas county March 11th June 10th October 21st Gosper county Feb 18th Sept 30th Hayes county April 22nd Nov 11th Hitchcock county April 8th October 14th Red Willow county February 4th June 3rd December 2nd Another Blossom Transplanted Last Saturday afternoon Mr and Mrs Ed Flitcraft were called upon to bear the sorrow of the death of their infant daughter aged about two months Brief services were conducted at the home Sunday afternoon by Rev A F Green of the Baptist church after which Riverviow received the little remains The bereaved family has very tender sympathy The Presidents Wife If Mrs Roosevelt had to do her own sewing her social activities would be greatly limited The present day ready-to-wear skirt is a great boon to woman kind Our line of them is large running from 8200 to 8700 Alteration free The Thompson Dry Goods Co Card of Thanks We desire in this way to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown during the short illness and after the death of our darlinsr baby Arlene Mr and Mrs Ed Flitcraft Izzer Bed Comforts Home made fourteen yards of clofch seventy two ounces of Izzer Batts well tacked and hemmed 81 85 to 8250 at Thompsons WantedApprentices The Tribune wishes to employ sever al apprentices boys or girls Make ap plication at once to the publisher F M Kimmell Three Hundred Dollars will buy a good eight horse power en gine and a four hole shelter in good con dition at McCook Hardware Cos This outfit only been used a short season Get The Tribune to do your printing sy Tfc C1IY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Christian Science Services at Zint McClnin bldg Sunday at 11 oclock a in Wednesday at 8 oclock p m Subject Sacrament Reading room at same place open daily where Christian Science literature may be had Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a in Holy communion and sermon on third Sunday in each month at 8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday school at 10 a m Tho rector will olliciato All are welcome to these services E R Earle Roctor Dr S C Beach desires to an nounce that owingto his appoint ment as surgeon to the C B Q at McCook he will open an office in the Valsh building room 8 where ne may be found from 10 to 12 mornings 2 to 4 afternoons and 6 to 8 evenings on week days Sun days 1 to 3 afternoons only Tele phone 261 Residence as before just north of postoffice phone 126 McCunnpll dells Eastman k drks supplies W N Rogers OmahaSundav Furnace heated loimb for rent blocks east of Bco Hive store We and went down to South The Fo tnightly had a double header last Friday night and Kodak supplies at C R Wood worth it Cos Druggists Great Efiles dance February 12th in Bixler Music by Brigade band Two ell drugs theyre fresh too C R Woodworth Co Military dance by Eagles February 12th Bixler opera house Brigade band Cash paid for eggs highest market price Reynolds Poultry Co Phone 2S5 Old Gurney stand Our White Pine and Tar cough reme dy is a wonder for coughs olds and hoarseness C R Woodworth Co Take your poultry and eggs to tho Reynolds Poultry Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Get tho be3t market price in cash- Wanted Information regarding a brown hunting dog a pointer with a white breast that strayed from the home of undersigned Answers to name of Jack 1 ll 2ts II 11 Tyler Henry Loveland contractor and builder from Denver is here to stay and figure on all jobs Plans and specifica tion furnished For particulars call at the McCook Hardware Cos store 3t Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence ho buys only the best of livestock of all kinds and sells only the best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed This week Bert Griggs moved his ci gar factory No 106 from the basement under Benjamin Burnetts cigar store to the renovated Randel cottage in rear of city hall giving him brighter and better and more healthful surroundings and quarters Keep your liver and bowels in shape this cold weather Much easier to ward off ickness if all the functions are doing their part properly The liver and bowels play most important parts in lifes har mony organization McConnells little liver pills tone up a sluggish liver and return the bowels to a normal action Diamond this week sold his stock of clothing shoes and gents furnishings to Mr Harry Simons of Edgar Xeb who will continue in the same line of business at the old stand We trust that with courtesy and a good line of merchandise he will deserve and receive a liberal share of public patronage Dia mond the workingmans friend expects to devote his time in building up his new block on West Dennison street The Skin Beautiful All the soft daintiness of a babys skin is imparted by McCONNELLS FRA GRANT LOTION Just a little daily will fortify your complexion against winter chaps L W McConnell Druggist Now is The Time to have your wells made and get ready for spring We have the best well drill in this part of the state and would like to figure on your work McCook Hardware Co Wanted An experienced lady book keeper Must know shorthand and type writing Address Powell Nilsson Marion Nebraska Marseilles and Sandwich one and two hole shellers at the Mc Cook Hardware Cos Just the thing for gasoline eugine or hand power 3ilPIWMBBBgwaetet3awwgaiiPMiLiiji wiwmTmiiiiiH nnniiiiVriiniiniiilit BwigiTTrTtwTiiii ml ill II n inituwwiiiiiiirim hiiiiMimwhn i JI1 tO U I WWWWWBg Ht -5 e r il Nebraska Statofcu6U icnl Society - fe urt htftt 11 L906 NUMBER 33 FARMERS ATTENTION Do not- fail to witness tho Famous Lightning Feed Grindor Exhibition at our place of business Wc will servo n FREE LUNCH to all who call using Hour ground by this Famous Grinder from which wo will make hot cakes nnd servo them with butter syrup and hot coffee Ladies and all aro invited This is a grinder not a crusher and while you are horo wo want to show you tho merits of tho best feed grinders over in vented It has roller bearings chilled steel burrs friction plates to takouptho wear and nine lugs to forco tho grain into tho burrs which make threo revo lutions to one of tho sweepand tho bear ings run in oil Tho Famous Lightning Food Grinder grinds fastorruts easier and lasts longer than any othor mill made and you novor have to grind yonr grain a second timo to get it fino enough Wo want tho ladies to come in and test our Hour Como and see us grind wheat oats rye Kafir corn and corn shelled or in tho ear at the rato of 25 to 50 bushels an hour with but ono horse Remembor the dates Thursdny Fri dsy and Saturday January 21th 25th and 20th Do not fail to witness this oxhibition and secure a Lightning Grinder Tho original and only genuino Lightmng Grinder sold in this territory to tho trade by Lininger Implement Co Oma ha Nebraska Oomo in and wo will show you Vours for business McCook Hardware Co McCook Neb MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs McMillens Cough Cure Public school resumed Monday Tun cent sale at Tuo Ideal Store Everything in drugs McConnoll Eagle dance Bixler February 12th McConnells Balsam a sure cure for coughs J E Barngrover McCook Loans and Abstracts Dr Kays ollice is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Choice bargains in remnant wall pap ers at Woodworth Cos Rooms to rent Furnished or unfurn ished Mrs C B Rowkll Lost Brooch with two gold crosses Finder please leave at Tribune office Hot Springs Blood Remedy We guar antee it Woodworth Co McMillens Cream Lotion will make your hands and face smooth and soft The daintiest baby powder is By Lo L W McConnell Druggist Great Eagle dance Bixler opera house February 12th Music by Brigade band Tho Reynolds Poultry Co will give you the highest price for your poultry and eggs in cash Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office Hot water bottles and combination fountain syringes in all styles at Mc Millens drug store Heads stop aching after a couple doses of McConuells headache capsules The certain headache relief 25c if in need of anything in fancy toilet preparations Woodworth Co have a fine new line to select from If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruts and vegetables at Magner ib Stokes Big 10c sale begun January 7th A few large bargains left The Ideal Store Two good 3econd hand showcases one roll top desk for sale cheap D W Colson Co Have you seen our holiday display The big show is now on C R Woodworth Co 10c sale 10c to 35c values to go at only 10c Sale begins Jan 7th The Ideal Store Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in the line of fresh and salt moats Also fruits and vegetables Caring for teeth is well repaid by im proved appearance McConnell has everything required for proper tooth care The highest market price paid for chickens and turkeys by the Reynolds Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Phone 285 The sponge that gets better with every using Kleanwell Rubber Sponge Feels good in the bath Try one L W McConnell Druggist The Tribune will print it for you