The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 04, 1907, Image 7

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Since Using Doans Kidney Pills Not
a Single Stone Has Formed
Capt S L Crute Adjt Wm Watts
Camp Tj C V Roanoke Va says
I suffered a long
long time with my
back and felt
draggy and list
less and tired all
the time I lost
from my usual
weight 225 to
170 Urinary pas
sages were too
frequent and I
have had to get
up often at night
I had headaches
and dizzy spells also but my worst
suffering was from renal colic After
I began using Doans Kidney Pills I
passed a gravel stone as big as a
bean Since then I have never had
an attack of gravel and have picked
up to my former health and weight I
am a well man and give Doans Kid
ney Pills credit for it
Sold by all dealers HO cents a box
Poster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
Some men get as tired of being mar
ried as some women do of not being
Perfectly simple and pimply perfect is
DiES 10c per package
Many a widows heart has
warmed over by an old flame
Mrs Winslows soothing Hjrup
Forchildien Ueiiunir soflens tje gums leuuccs In
Bammatiou allays pain cures wind colic Eoca tottlo
Villains invariably get what Is com
ing to them on the stage
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to euro any case
of Itching Wind UiecdlitK or Protruding Tiles in
U to 14 days or money refunded fiUc
They are countless roads
sides to the grave Cicero
on all
Garfield Tea is made of herbs a great
point in its favor Take it for constipa
tion indigestion and liver disturbances
German Output of Chemicals
Germany leads -the world in the pro
duction of chemicals The total output
for the year amounts to 357000000
This includes a million tons of sul
phuric acid and half a million tons of
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOR1A
a safe and pure remedy for infants and children
and sec that it
Bears tlio
Signature of
la TJse For Over 30 Years
The Kmd You Have Always Bought
Known as Memory Bells
Memory bells are toys given by the
Japanese youths to their sweethearts
They are constructed of slips of glass
so delicately poised that the least vi
bration sets them jingling The deli
cate tinkling serves to remind their
owner of the giver hence the pretty
fanciful name
Get Thorough Training on
American Boat
The first Japanese youth to be ad
mitted to the crew of the schoolship
St Marys is Katzern Artyoshi Art
yoshi who is 17 years old has been
in the revenue cutter service on the
Pacific for the last three years
As it is necessary for all foreigners
who wish to become members of the
schoolships crew to have a guardian
Artyoshi was forced to get one before
he could be admitted to the crew He
succeeded in getting Capt Osborn to
act in that capacity Capt Osborn
will coach the boy along and help him
over the hard points in his lessons
Artyoshi has not made up his mind
yet whether he will remain in this
country or go home to Japan after he
has been graduated from the school
ship A term on the schoolship fits
a boy for service in the merchant ma
rine Artyoshi says he likes the
United States and may stay here but
if Japan ever goes to war he will re
turn home quickly as possible to take
part in it
Woman Stopped Coffee and
Quit Other Things
No better practical proof that coffee
is a drug can be required than to note
how the nerves become unstrung in
women who nabitually drink it
The stomach too rebels at being
continually drugged with coffee and
tea they both contain the drug
caffeine Ask your doctor
An la woman tells the old story
I had used coffee for six years and
was troubled with headaches nervous
ness and dizziness In the morning
upon rising I used to belch up a sour
fluid regularly
Often I got so nervous and miser
able I would cry without the least rea
son and I noticed my eyesight was
getting poor
After using Postum a while I ob
served the headaches left me and soon
the belching of sour fluid stopped wa
ter brash from dyspepsia I feel de
cidedly different now and I am con
vinced that it is because I stopped
coffee and began to use Postum I can
see better now my eyes are stronger
A friend of mine did not like
Postum but when I told her to make it
like it said on the package she liked
it all right Name given by Postum
Co Battle Creek Mich Always boil
Postum well and it will surprise you
Read the little book The Road to
WeHville in pkgs Theres a rea
a -
When It came to the point of ac
tually carrying out his intentions on
that wonderful May afternoon Mr J
Spencer Parker seemed to accomplish
no more than a hunting dog chasing
a rabbit In f 3 tall rye continually
jumping up a down and never get
ting anywhere A dozen times he
walked resolutely toward the brass
door knob of 1316 and as maay times
ho concluded to saunler languidly
past as if he had no other reason
for appearing in that neighborhood
than simply to sun himself But
finally he summond up courage enough
to pull the bell knob and an imitation
cow bell tinkled in the back of the
J Spencer Parker upon my word
exclaimed the middle aged woman
who came to the door And pray
what brings you here to day
She spoke in a sweet musical tone
in pleasing harmony with the diffi
dent demeanor of her guest whose
every motion was quiet and respect
able and whose voice sounded strange
ly like hers as he replied Just vis
iting maam I wished to pay you
my regards Mrs Simpson and to con
gratulate you upon Mr Watkins who
is coming to board with you
Congratulate me cried Mrs
Simpson Why I am indeed delight
ed to hear that Do you know I
have never seen him yet
Yes The look in Mr Parkers
eyes was far away as he replied and
his body bent forward attentively I
have known Mr Watkins Jeremiah
Watkins maam from a boy 1 am
glad he is come to such a home as
Indeed you please me Mr Parker
returned Mrs Simpson I shall be
especially happy to tell our boarders
what sort of person they may ex
Mr Parker gave a sudden start but
carefully recovered himself Ah he
said thats what I came to tell you
Yes Mr Watkins is a a a gen
Again the courteous speaker leaned
forward as he spoke struggling awk
wardly for the next word but I want
you to know that he is a a gentle
Ah returned Mrs Simpson with
ready intuition Then he is perhaps
Not exactly replied Mr Parker
thoughtfully and sweetly but he
looks let me say he looks rougher
than he is
But he is
Yes said Mr Parker He is a
Half an hour later the door closed
softly and J Spencer Parker came
down the front steps of 1316 at first
smiling and then sadly walking with
slow unsteady step As he passed
by the little corner grocery store he
paused and smote himself pathetically
on the breast
Liar he said groaning Liar
And yet it had to be done God
forgive me
Anyone who had happened to see
Mr Parkers friend Mr Jeremy Wat
kins on the next day when he came
with his trunks to 1316 might have
been excused for cherishing the sus
picion that he was not exactly a Beau
Brummel or a Lord Chesterfield He
cursed the baggage man for letting
his trunk fall roughly to the ground
and quarreled with him over his fee
and to further give vent to his feel
ings he strode to the door and gave
the bell knob a vicious jerk There
was not a look on his face or a ges
ture of his body that did not reveal
him a coarse ill mannered young man
properly of the stable rather than
the house His square rough face
with its loose mouth and broad nose
his burly shoulders and big hands
and his clothing inviolate with re
spect to any previous contact with the
whisk broom bespoke a vulgarity of
person that he did not attempt to con
ceal It seemed almost impossible
that he should be a friend or acquaint
ance of such a person as J Spencer
Mrs Simpson radiant sweet and
fresh appeared at the door and gazed
at him for a momenL Then seeing
his trunks she extended her hand
and said
Mr Watkins I suppose
Yes J Watkins was on the point
of asking her who in h I she thought
he was with two trunks right there
before her eyes but something in her
ladylike manner evidently different
from what he had been accustomed to
checked him
I am so glad to see you she
went on So glad to know that we
are to have you here We are almost
like a family here and so you can
imagine how much 1 was pleased to
learn that our new lodger was a cul
tivated gentleman
Watkins flushed angrily supposing
that she was making sport of him
but one glance at her frank ingenuous
face convinced him of her sincerity
Some one must have been here
he stammered uncomfortably telling
you about me
Yes replied Mrs Simpson Mr
Parker was here yesterday He thinks
highly of you
Again the surging suspicion that
Mrs Simpson was mocking him and
again the sweet and straightforward
look from her
I have known him a number of
years maam replied Watkins in a
subdued voice
So he said returned Mrs Simp
son and it is indeed delightful that
those who know one well can speak
so well of him But come your1
trunks must be taken care of I will
call our man
The man came a wizened man
whose face was wrinkled into a con
stant smile and as he bustled about
assisting Watkins with the trunks he
talked pleasantly and respectfully
You will be pleased here sir he
said as they stopped panting t the
top of the stairs If I do say it
myself there are no more gentleman
ly or lady like people in the world
than at 1316
Watkins who had been just on the
puint of cursing the man roundly for
dropping the trunk on his foot at the
top landing contented himself with
blaspheming inwardly instead
At dinner there was a general hush
when he entered the room and he
was introduced to the lodgers one by
one A sweet looking girl sat next
him who said
It will be so delightful to have you
here Mr Watkins Mr Parker who
called here yesterday tells us that
3ou spent two summers in Europe
Memories of rough debauches in
London and Paris and feverish gam
bling at Monte Carlo came flooding
to his brain His only subjects of
conversation in regard to European
travel heretofore had been coarse
ones But now coloring he spoke
Mr Watkins
of Notre Dame and the Louvre of St
Pauls and Windsor The unaccount
able influence of this slight creature
beside him brought to his memory
scenes of beauty and interest that he
had looked on only in passing and
had long forgotten He talked with
out roughness and even found him
self thanking the waitress for things
she passed him He felt pleasantly
He walked that evening with two
of his fellow lodgers for a little exer
cise before retiring One of them
was the young lady whom he had sat
next to at dinner The other was a
young lawyer who occupied the room
next to his in the hall Their talk
was wholesome and happy They
asked him about his home and his
business not as curiosity seekers or
idlers but as people sincerely inter
ested In him They never talked of
themselves but answered his ques
tions frankly
When he returned to his room there
was a nower on ms oureau rue gas
was burning low The windows were
slightly opened and the fresh pure
air surrounded him He found a pitch
er of cool water at hand and a glass
stood near it Presently Mrs Simp
son knocked at his door It occurred
to me she said sweetly that you
might not yet have unpacked your
Watkins looked apprehensively at
the cheap trashy literature that
adorned his shelves N no he
said slowly I havent
If you would like to use any of our
books just go down into the library
and help yourself You need not
bother to return them to their places
if you get interested Just leave them
here in your room
Upon the following Sunday one of
the neighbors met Mr Watkins in
front of 1316
I suppose this is Mr Watkins ho
said cordially offering his hand I
am indeed glad to meet you for I
have heard of you from your friends
Come up to morrow to 1324 three
doors up and have dinner We shall
be glad to add another gentleman to
our list of acquaintances
And so time passed until one
bright day three months later there
came again to 1316 Mr J Spencer
Parker He pulled the door knob
with some trepidation and heard
again the faint tinkle of the Imita
tion cowbell in the rear He talked
again to the middle aged delightfully
beautiful woman who answered his
call He left again in about half an
hour But this time as he passed
the little grocery store on the corner
he was seen to slap himself enthusias
tically on the leg and to smile ra
The Extent of His Generosity
Generous Why hes the stingiest
man I ever knew
Yes but he gives himself way
whenever there is a call for any out
lay of money Houston Post
rveep your Bloou Pure
No one can be happy light hearted
I and healthy with a body full of blood
that cannot do its duty to every part
because of Its impurity therefore the
j first and mo3t important work in hand
is to purify the blood so that every
organ will get the full benefit of a
healthy circulation There is no rem
edy so good as that old family rem
edy Brandreths Pills Each pill con
tains one grain of the solid extract of
sarsaparilla blended with two grains
of a combination of pure and mild
vegetable products making it a blood
purifier unexcelled in character One
or two taken every night for awhile
will produce surprising results
Brandreths Pills have been in use
for over a century and are for sale
everywhere plain or sugar coated
Those things on which philosophy
has set its seal are beyond the reach
of injury no age will discard them or
lessen their force each succeeding
century will add somewhat to the re
spect in which they are held for we
look upon what is near us with jeal
ous eyes but we admire what is
farther off with less prejudice Sen
Chlnene Superior to Japs
Discussing the little rumpus with
Japan Senator William A Clark ex
presses the opinion the Chinese in
this country are superior to the Jap
anese I have loaned thousands of
dollars to Chinamen said the sena
tor and never have I known one to
fail to meet his obligations He em
phasized his opinion as to the superior
ity of the Chinamen by calling atten
tion to the fact that the Japanese in
their banking institutions employ
Chinamen in positions of trust in
preference to their own countrymen
Hands Cracked and Bleeding Nail
Came Off of Finger Cuticura Rem
edies Brought Prompt Relief
I had eczema on my hands for
about eleven years The hands crack
ed open in many places and bled One
of my fingers was so bad that the
nail came off I had often heard of
cures by the Cuticura Remedies but
had no confidence in them as I had
tried so many remedies and they all
had failed to cure me I had seen
three doctors but got no relief Final
ly my husband said that we would
try the Cuticura Remedies so we got
a cake of Cuticura Soap a box of
Cuticura Ointment and two bottles
of Cuticura Resolvent Pills Of course
I keep Cuticura Soap all the time for
my hands but the one cake of Soap
and half a box of Cuticura Ointment
cured them It is surely a blessing
for me to have my hands well and I
am very proud of having tried Cuti
cura Remedies and recommend them
to all suffpring with eczema Mrs
Eliza A Wiley R F D No 2
comb low
c - nn
Horses Still in Demand
Happily the horse has a faculty for
upsetting the gloomy predictions that
he is fated to be put out of business
by the automobile The horse business
has kept right on developing in spite
of the fact that the automobile indus
try has been engaged in similar un
dertaking The demand for horses is
still great The supply of some
classes of them is inadequate The
prices are high The automobile may
scare the horse into the ditch but
it isnt likely to crowd him to the wall
There will always be a field for the
horse as there will always be a field
for the automobile Hartford Times
Rothschilds Never Prosecute
While the Bank of England makes
it a point never under any circum
stances to relinquish the prosecution
of those who have defrauded it in the
slightest degree being willing if need
be to spend thousands of pounds to
capture and prosecute people who
have robbed it of even a few shillings
the Rothschilds make it a rule never
to appeal to the courts or to the police
in such matters Of course they are
like every other banker occasionally
the victims of dishonesty but neither
the police nor the public ever hear
about the matter This has always
been a principle of the heads of the
house who take the ground that it is
better to bear the loss in silence than
to disturb popular confidence in the
safety of the concern by allowing it
to be seen that its treasures are not
adequately safeguarded
Guarantee On Their Products
We warrant and guarantee that
all packages of Postum Cereal Grape
Nuts and Elijahs Manna hereafter sold
by any jobber or retailer comply with
the provisions of the National Pure
Food Law and are not and shall not
be adulterated or mis branded within
the meaning of said Act of Congress
approved June 30 1906 and entitled
An act for preventing the manufac
ture sale or transportation of adul
terated or mis branded or poisonous or
deleterious foods drugs medicines
liquors and for regulating traffic there
in for other purposes
Postum Ckkkal Co Ltd
C W Post Ghairman
Battle Creek Mich
Dec 12 1906
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 15th day of December 1906
Benjamin F Reid
Notary Public
My commission expires July 1 1907
Our goods are pure they always
i have been and always will be they are
not mis branded We have always
sincethe beginning of our business
primed a truthful statement on the
packages of the ingredients contained
therein and we stand back of every
Art In Hand Made Articles
Oscar S Straus the new secretary
of commerce and labor is a connois
seur of pottery and porcelains Ma
chinery ho said has robbed us of
our useful arts to a great extent In
machine made things there can be no
artistic quality no Individual expres
sion In hand made things even the
humblest there is always an oppor
tunity for art to show itself
No Advance in Wisdom
Mark Twain tells how four years
ago he was Invited by the University
of Missouri to go out there and receive
the degree of LL D At the same time
he visited Hannibal his boyhood
home Just as he was about to leave
being accompanied to the station by a
crowd ofcitizens Tom Nash a school
fellow came up white headed but
still a boy He shook hands with his
friend of many a year and nodding
toward the crowd said People of
this town are the same blamed fools
they always were aint they Sam
TiP irJUTruilWMiiw 11 TTIIlVlW I Til II
W N U OMAHA NO 1 1907
LflL H
r mmmm
r mmw
Positively cored by
these Little Fills
They also relievo Dto
trcss from Ityspcpsia In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating A perfect rem
edy for Dtalncsa Nausea
Drowsiness Bad Taste
In tho Mouth Coated
Tonguo rain In tho SIdo
regulate tho Dowels Purely Vegetable
Genuine Must Bear
Fac Similo Signature
Canadian Government
Free Farms
Over 200000 American
farmers wlio have set
tled in Canada during
the past few years testi
fy to the fnctthnt Cana
da is tevonI rmebtioa
the greatest farming laud in the world
of wheat from thu harvest of 1906 menus good
money to the farmers of Western Cauaic vrlicn
t lie world has to be fed Cattle Raising Ua try
ing and Mixed Farming are also profitable call
ings Coal wood and water in abundance
churches and schools convenient markets easy
of access Taxes low
For advice and information address the Super
intendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or
any authorised Canadian Government Agent
W V BENNETT 801 New York Life Building
Omaha Nebraska
enlists Ior four years youim men of kooU
ctiaracter anil bimml pbvsieal condition be
tween ttiu nKfs ot 17 anil i5 as apprentice sea
men opportunities for advancement pay
Jlti to 71 a inoniu Klectr cians machinists
blacksmiths coppersmiths yeomen clerks
carpenters thipiiticK firemen uiiiHiclaiiK
cooks etc between 21 and years enlisted
in special ratings with suitable pay hospital
apprentices la to 2S years Retirement on
three fourths pay and allowances after ill
years service Applicants must be American
First clothinu onttlt freo to recruits Upon
discharge travel allowance t cents per nine to
place of enlistment It nus four months pay
and increase in pay upon ru eiiiistmeiit within
lour months of tlischirxe unices at lincotn
and Il istlncs Nebraska Also ounnK winter
at IVs Miilnts and Sioux 1iti lowi Address
mjr You save money ra
Jm and avoid failures in your
m baking if you use BjL
iw iSvwA r rxt tP 2 S gjgajK grgg Epsfe uupa
llilljitei 25 ounces gv 25 cents IS
H w wsi i nere is true economy i ou cannot ar
ounces te sure every time or have your Mi
Kisw r i i 111 S
tgll some if you pay less or MF
fllxPW P1 a substitute MR
tfiS1 qggPSgir Chicago
nPgCTrejraff TWqjrjgrgM II I III II MHII 1 1 IIIM
Wf Nothing pleases the eye so much Y
t sK stiffljMflm a a wel1 made dainty Vi
I I rjPW v t j Y ll if properly laundered j
toM W To get the bet results f
a 35a I Vi ijatls necessary to use
I m I ii the best laundry
f fByit1 i
Iff lr c MihMJZs I
gives that finish to th
lothes that all ladies
de -ire and should ob
tain It is the delight
of the experienced
Isurdress Once tried
they will use no other It is pure and
is guaranteed not to injure the most
delicate fatric It is sold by the
best grocers at ioc a package Each
package contains 16 ounces Other
starches not nearlv so good sell at
the same price per package but they contain onlv 12 ounces of starch
Consult your own interests Ask lor DEFIANCE STARCH get it and we
know you will never Ube any other
Paid for the proof of any misrapresenta
tions tn our Literature abuut
in the GULF COAST COUNTRY IN SOUTH TEXAS Our Farmers make nre croo of from
Sooo to S10000 Der acre and two or three crops a year SUFFICIENT RAINFALL PRODUC
like in the Pan handle Land sells NOW at Suoo to Sis 00 per acre on ea r trnns WRITE TO
DAY for FREE LITERATURE and LATFT TEXAS MAP ndvertisinz Department D