The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 04, 1907, Image 6

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Aug 21 Uprising of
insurgents in west
ern Cuba
22 R cvotutlo n
spreads and gov
ernment decides to
raise 10000 men to
fight rebels 7000
Insurgents under
arms in Plnar del
Rio province
24 Heavy fighting
in Pinar del Hio
2G Band of 100 in
surgents loot Las
Lajas Santa Clara
20 Government of
fers amnesty and
many leaders In
Provinces of Ma-
Secretary Taft clara surrender
Sep 10 Cruiser Des Homes sails for
13 Sailors land from Cruiser Denver at
Havana but Immediately ordered to re
turn to vessel guard for American lega
tion left
14 President decides to send Sec of War
Taft and Assist Sec of State Bacon to
Cuba to Investigate conditions and lend
influence to restore peace Extra ses
sion of Cuban congress grants Pres
Palma fullest power to carry on war
against insurgents
15 Palma orders suspension of hostilities
19 Taft and Bacon arrive at Havana and
begin efforts for peace
25 Indications are that American Inter
vention will be necessary to restore
29 American intervention occurs Sec
Taft issues proclamation creating him
self provisional military governor ma
rines landed in Havana to protect treas
ury Palma resigns presidency
Oct 5 American troops ijuietly landed at
9 Chas 15 Magoon newly appointed pro
visional governor of Cuba arrived at
Havana Cov Taft issuer general am
nesty decree
17 Secretary of War Taft Assistant Sec
retary of State Bacon Gen Funston
and party arrive in Washington from
0 Arms of Cuban insurgents thrown Into
sea from Morro Castle
Feb 23 Mont Pelee in violent eruption
Earthquake shocks create panic
throughout West Indies
Apr IS Earthquake and ensuing fire
ruins heart of San Francisco property
damage placed at 200000000 50000 peo
ple homeless 150003 buildings in ruins
20000 persons injured ioss of life dam
age extends along the entire Pacific
19 Congress appropriates 1000000 for suf
23 Last of Frisco fires extinguished con
gress provides 1500000 more for relief
of quake victims
23 President shifts authority of relief
work to San Francisco citizens with
Red Cross as auxiliary
2G War department sends 2500 troops to
San Francisco
27 First street cars run across city
May S President recommends appropria
tion of additional 500000 for quake vic
tims Vesuvius again showing consid
erable activity
Jul IS Socorro N M badly damaged by
Aug 17 Disastrous earthquake visits Val
paraiso Chili fatalities estimated at
2000 property loss 250000000 several
other towns in country in ruins rail
roads all destroyed town of Quillota
with population of 10000 completely de
Sep 27 San Juan Porto Rico experiences
series of earthquake shock
mmmm iHi I iii 11
Paul O Stcnsland
Jan 1 E x G o v
Stennenberg o f
Idaho murdered
by bomb at Boise
2 Clarence Barnum
near Rochester
Micit kills wife
son and daughter
with ax and slays
self with gun
Mathew Styer
Caledonia Minn
kills sweetheart
her mother sister
and self
11 Nels Nelson
Walkason Wash
murders mother
attempts to kill
wife and children
then slays self
12 E x A u d i t o r
Sherrick Indiana
nrrpsted at In
dianapolis charge
i in- onrl rnnsnirac
ontenced to 2 years in jail for alleged
lottery swindle New Hampshire fa
ther kills wife 6 children and self after
Boise Idaho
l Etanrr
kills 6jrcluJin his mother and sweet
heart ana mays st
2S Captain of Gen Slocum which burned
with lo of 1000 lives sentenced to
FTj VITchicaRo circuit court
cTerk indicted 2i time for forgery em
bezzlement and larceny
Ebfaqul Indian band murders S
3E liSto SSwn asphyxiates
ui JCohhnWttnDolt Mil- cWId
dren and self from Fall River Mass
Leaders of Western Federa
tion of Minors accused of 30 murders
and assassination of ex Gov
2SnannldHoch convicted wife
dSperrinSneffidOa mobVace riot burn
r dwellings wreck saloon and injure of
ficers miking it necessary to call out
SSxSmorc homes burned in race riot-
1 ytoffoS jury finds Dr O C
of mother
Haush guilty of murder
vl sister
Richard Ivens confessed slayer of
25 Mr Bee Kollister found guilty of
sentenced to death
deed at Chicago and
26 Six Italian murdered at Minneapolis
2finE Sherrick ex Indiana auditor
Vlcted of embezzling 120000 state
funds denied new trial
AOT V J A Linn clerk circuit court
Cook Co I pleads guilty of con
spiracy to defraud county given in
definite prison term
lo ContractorB Green and Gaynor con
victed of fraud against government in
connection with harbor work at
13LVeene and Gaynor fined 575749 each
and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment
HThree negroes hanged and burned by
mob at Springfield Mo
2S Ex Assistant Cashier H G Goll of
First National Bank of Milwaukee
found guilty of breaking banking laws
May 5 Goll sentenced 1U years
onment at Ft Leavenworth Kan
24 Six large business firms of Kansas
City admit receiving rebates from N Y
freight broker
r Jun 11 Dr W B Glllett and R A
niss former vice presidents of Mutual
Life indicted for forge y and perjury
Jun 12 Four leading packing concerns
found guilty at Kansai City of accept-
ing rebates from raUrcads
13 C B Q railroad found guilty at
Kansas City of granting concessions to
leading packers
23 Harry Thaw Pittsburg millionaire
killed Stanford white noted architect
and millionaire at Madison Square
Roof Garden N Y for alleged in
timacy with wife formerly Evelyn Nes
28 Thaw Indicted for murder In first de
gree for killing White
23 Thaw pleads not guilty to murder
Jul 1 Negro hanged and burned near
Womack I T by mob for assault on
C C A railroad and 2 former officials
found guilty at Chicago of granting re
30 J A Cook ex clrcult court olerk
found guilty at Chicago of conspiracy
to defraud Cook county sentenced to
Aug 6 Mob at Salisbury N C takes 3
negroes from jail and lynches them
S Standard Oil Co Indicted at Chicago
for receiving rebates
10 Goo Hall sentenced to 15 years Im
prisonment at Salisbury N C for par
ticipating In lynching of 3 negroes Said
to be first instance of kind
Sep 3 Stensland arrested at Tangier
5 A Segal Philadelphia promoter ar
rested for causing failure Real Estate
6 Mrs II Knippcn decapitates her 2
22 Eighteen negroes and 1 white man
killed In race war at Atlanta Ga
26 Stensland pleads guilty given In
determinate penitentiary sentence
Oct 16 Standard Oil Co Indiana indict
ed by federal grand jury at Jackson
Nov 2 Federal grand jury at Atlanta
Ga Indicts 5 well known manufactur
ers for peonage
5 H W Hering former cashier of Mil
waukee Avenue State bank of Chicago
pleads guilty to forgery and embezzle
ment given indeterminate penitentiary
15 Mayor Schmitz of San Francisco and
Abram Ruef indicted by grand jury on
charge of extortion
23 Enrico Caruso famous Italian tenor
found guilty and lined 10 in New York
for insulting women Joseph F Smith
president Mormon church pleaded
guilty to charge of unlawful cohabita
tion and fined 300 at Salt Lake City
29 Mayor Schmitz of San Francisco ar
rested on charge of extortion Federal
grand jury at Salt Lake City votes sev
eral Indictments in coal land fraud
Dec 4 Chester Gillette convicted of mur
der of sweetheart Grace Brown at Big
Moose Lake N Y on July 11 at Herk
imer N Y
Jan 3 Resolution
introduced into
New York legisla
ture asking TJ S
Senator Depew to
resign because of
insurance expos
7 Gov Hanly In
diana files suit to
oust Sec of State
Storms for dere
liction of duty
S J M Patterson
inaugurated gov
ernor of Ohio
Iowa general as
sembly began
15 Wisconsin legis
lative inquiry be
g 1 n s insurance
Tfi PhiHnntnf fmn
Cong Hepburn trade tariff bill
passes national house of representatives
Feb 7 Venezuela requests U S to con
trol French consulate Secretary Root
S Gov Patterson Ohio signs 2 cent fare
bill making it a law Pension appro
priation bill carrying 139000000 passed
14 J G Brady Alaska governor resigns
19 Sec of State Storms Indiana resigns
Illinois wins right to -divert sewage
into Mississippi river in national su
preme court case
20 Reformers win in Philadelphia alder
manic election
21 Cong Grosvenor of Ohio defeated for
Mar 1 J M Patterson Chicago commis
sioner public works becomes socialist
and resigns
S Ex Slate Senator Green New York
found not guilty of conspiracy to de
fraud government
9 American forces wipe out entire Moro
band in Island of Jolo battle killing GOO
12 National supreme coirt gives Chicago
use of its streets taking rights from
traction companies N W Gilbert
congressional representative Indiana
resigns accepting Philippine judgeship
15 Ex State Auditor Sherrick Indiana
found guilty of embezzlement
19 C S Francis named as ambassador
to Austria Hungary to succeed Bel
lamy Storer
21 Labor heads appeal to president for
legislative aid Chicago federal judge
grants immunity from punishment pleas
to 16 indicted packers
2S G W Perkins arrested for grand lar
ceny for giving N Y Life cash to Re
publican campaign fund
Mar 31 Ohio general assembly adjourns
until 190S
Apr 3 House passes national quarantine
bill David S Rose Democrat defeat
ed by S M Becker for mayor of Mil
waukee Chicago goes on record as op
posing municipal operation of street rail
5 Illinois supreme court declares new
primary election law unconstitutional
17 Wisconsin supreme court sustains
legality of law permitting women to
vote in school matters
26 Indiana supreme court declares Parks
anti cigarette law valid
May 2 Gov E W Hoch renominated by
Kansas Republicans
4 President sends message to congress
arraigning Standard Oil Co and officials
and recommending legislation
11 Government wins suit brought to dis
solve paper trust at St Paul
IS Senate passed Hepburn railroad rate
bill by vote of 71 to 3
21 Supreme court affirms decision sen
tencing Senator Burton to 6 months im
prisonment and fine of 2500
25 Senate passes agriculture appropria
tion bill carrying 7S00000 and carrying
meat inspection bill
Jun 1 Senate committee on privileges
and election decides Reed Smoot not en
titled to seat as senator from Utah
4 Nelll Reynolds report on conditions at
Chicago packing houses sent to con
gress by president O N Carter Re
publican elected justice of supreme
court of Illinois
S W P White appointed senator from
11 Col H A Dupont defeats J E Ad-
dlcks in contest for seat in senate in
14 House adoptes statehood bill admitting
Oklahoma and Indian territory as one
19 House adopts Beveridge amendment
bill to agricultural bill relating to meat
inspection H H D Pierce appointed
minister to Norwav
21 Wisconsin supreme court sustains in
heritance tax law
29 General deficiency bill passed by con
gress Pure tood bill passed Con
gress adjourns
Aug 1 Iowa Republicans renominate A
B Cummins for governor at Des Moines
16 Speaker Cannon renominated for con
gress at Danville 111
17 J S Harlan of Chicago appointed
member interstate commerce commis
Sep 10 Cong C E Littlefield Republic
an of Maine reelected
19 President extends eight hour law to
apply to all public work
26 Hearst nominated for governor by
New York Democrats at Buffalo
Chas E Hughes nominated for gov
ernor by New York Republicans at
Oct 3 Senator Beveridge opens Republic
an campaign at Des Moines la
Nov 6 Election held throughout country
Chas E Hughes defeats W R Hearst
ticket for governor of New York
Democrats elect rest of state ticket
Republicans elect governors and ma
jority of state ticket in Iowa Michigan
Wisconsin Kansas Nebraska New
Hampshire and Colorado also elect
state tickets In Illinois Ohio Connec
ticut and Pennsylvania Democrats win
in Minnesota Massachusetts Oklahoma
and the south Republican majority in
house cut down
30 John A Mcllhenny appointed civil
service commissioner
Dec 3 Final session of Fifty ninth con
gress begins
10 John W Riddle minister to Rou
mania and Servia named to succeed
Ambassador Meyer at St Petersburg
11 President sends special message to
congress urging full citizenship for Por
to Ricans
17 President in special message praised
work being done on Panama canal and
flayed critics of enterprise Secretaries
Strauss Bonaparte and Metcalf sworn
in as members of reorganized cabinet
20 Congress adjourned over Christmas
Jan 14 Parsons Snyder Co Cleveland
O liabilities 150000
18 G S McReynolds Co Chicago lia
bilities 400000
Feb S Boliver County Bank Cleveland
Miss liabilities 110000 assets 130000
15 Bank of America Chicago placed in
receivers hands
26 Cash Buyers Union Chicago placed
in receivers hands Williamson Lib
bey Lumber Co Oshkosh Wis liabili
ties 300000
Mar 1 Southern Bank Trust Co Ft
Smith Ark owing depositors 80000
2 Walsh president defunct Chicago Na
tional bank arrested on charge of falsi
fying reports
27 National Business College Quincy 111
assigns liabilities 30000 assets UO0l0
29 North Freedom Wis bank closed by
Apr 2 Teis Smith Co bankers Pekin
111 liabilities 100000
May 2 Delmont national bank Delmont
Pa closed Receiver for American Re
serve Eond Co St Louis appointed
Jun IS Farmers State bank of Clear
field la closed by state bank ex
Aug 6 Milwaukee Ave State bank Clii
cago closed by state bank examiner
liabilities 4000000
S F E Coyne ex postmaster Chicago
failed in bakery and luncheon business
1C Garfield Park bank of Chicago closed
as result of collapse of Milwaukee Ave
State bank
2S Real Estate Trust Co of Philadelphia
suspends business liabilities 7000000
Sep 20 Bates National bank of Butler
Mo closed by directors
29 Private bank at Muldleport O closed
Nearly all deposits of 115000 gone
Nov 15 Bank of Beckwith Co at Ev
anston Wyo closed owing to financial
30 Three banks conducted by C V
Chandler at Macomb Colchester and
Bardolph HI closed for lack of ready
Dec 1 Bank of Kiowa I T closed on
account of slow collections and inability
to realize on assets
12 Farmers and Drovers National bank
of Waynesburg Pa closed by comp
troller of currency
13 Cummings Commission Co one of
largest brokerage houses in northwest
17 Lincoln bank of Morton Park susurb
of Chicago fails
MS tt3ft
L 5r jmL
sjyyj zfmjitff u
w wz
D B Henderson
Jan 9 W R Har
per president Uni
versity of Chicago
at Chicago
15 Col R G
10 Marshall
Chicago merchant
prince of pneu
monia in New
0 H B Hurd no
ted lawyer and II-
tuois citizen at
fj Feb 25 Ex Speaker
of national house
of representatives
at Dubuque la
27 S P Langley
secretary Smith
sonian Institution at Aiken S C
Mar 4 Ex Gov Hogg Texas at Hous
11 Gen J S Gage distinguished soldier
at San Jose Cal
12 Susan B Anthony suffragist leader
at age of SC in Rochester N Y John
St John first white settler at head of
great lakes In Superior Wis aged 90
IS Johann Most noted anarchist leader
at Cincinnati
19 Gen J M Thayer ex U S senator
and governor Nebraska at Lincoln
25 Ex Mayor S M Ashbridge at Phila
29 T E Barrett sheriff Cook county 111
at Chicago
Apr 4 Former Gov Gen Blanco Cuba
at Madrid C A Warwick publisher
Constitution Democrat Keokuk la
30 J E Boyd ex Gov of Nebraska at
Omaha Mrs Mary McKittredge be
lieved oldest woman in America at
Uniontown Pa age 10S suicide
May 7 Max Judd noted chess player at
St Louis
23 Henrik Ibsen noted Norwegian dra
matist and poet at Christiania
Jun 1 Congressman Robert Adams Phil
adelphia committed suicide at Vasn
4 Senator A P Gorman Maryland at
14 Robert B Roosevelt uncle of presi
dent at Sayvilie L I
15 Congressman R E Lester Georgia
result of accident
17 H N Pillsbury
noted chess mas
ter at Phila
Gen H L Porter
leading shoe man
ufacturer at How
ell Mass
19 Gov J M Pat
tison of Ohio at
MilfordE Hig
gins ex a c t i n g
Gov Utah a t
27 Jerre Dunn at
Elizabeth N J
29 R e v D r J
Smith noted Con
gregational minis
ter at Roxbury
Jul 3 G Y Wisner
noted consulting
engineer at De-
A P Gorman troit
9 Congressman H C Adams of Wiscon
sin at Chicago Judge G P Wanty
of Michigan at London
16 Alfred Beit millionaire South African
financier at London
22 Russell Sage at Lawrence L I
age S9
Aug 2 E A Gage son of former secre
tary at Seattle Wash suicide
4 Rear Admiral Train at Chefoo China
19 L Morrison noted actor at Yonkers
Aug 31 E Rosewater proprietor Omaha
Bee at Omaha
Sep 3 H Oelrichs prominent New York
clubman on board ocean liner
16 Ex Gov A T Bliss of Michigan at
251-Ex-Congressman Clarke of Alabama
at St Louis
Oct 16 Mrs Jefferson Davis widow of
president of the confederacy
Oct 1 Albert J Adams noted policy
king by suicide at New York
15 Samuel Jones noted evangelist on
train near Little Rock Ark
29 Ex Congressman R F Davis of
Massachusetts at Fall River Bishop
Nicholson D D of Milwaukee Epis
copal diocese at Milwaukee
31 Judge Joseph E Gary oldest mem
ber of Chicago bench at Chicago
aged S5
Nov 1 Congressman Rockwood Hoar
of Massachusetts son late Senator
Hoar at Worcester
12 Gen Wm R Shatter retired at
Bakersfield Cal
30 Otto Young multi millionaire Chica
go merchant and philanthropist at
LakP Geneva Wis
Dec 2 Mark Hassier noted musical di
rector and composer at Philadelphia
S Bishop G E Seymour of Episcopal
diocese of Springfield 111 at Spring-
nwm I
field Ex Gov A Garcclon of Maine
at Lcwiston
9 Dr F Henrotln leading Chicago physi
cian at Chicago apt Billy Wil
liams famous turfman at New Or
12 Ex Senator Brown of Utah at Wash
ington from bullet wounds Inflicted by
Mrs Annie Bradley
Jan 5 At Kansas City Mo 4 buildings
destroyed loss 500000
Feb 9 Littleton V Va nearly wiped
out 1500 rendered homeless
1G Niverton Pa almost entirely wiped
IS Business section Rutland Vt partly
destroyed Grain elevator at Duluth
Minn burned loss 1000000
21 Hitchcock Okla business section
practically destroyed
22 Business section of Dawson Wis
wiped out
Mar 4 Last hair of Standhone la busi
ness section burns other half destroyed
some time before
16 White Pigeon Mich business section
nearly wiped out Business portion
Rustin Mich completely destroyed
2S Johnstown Pa swept by flames loss
Apr 3 Buffalo N Y Evening Times
building loss 200000
May 17 Boone la Boone Cereal Co
loss 105000
IS Hundred residences and dozen busi
ness buildings wiped out at Stanley
Wis Ioss 200000 Town of Cobalt
New Ontario Can completely de
stroyed several killed by explosion
Jun 1 South Boston Va loss 300000
7 Duck Hill Miss almost completely
destroyed Over SCO homeless
11 Fire in Armour packing plant at
South Omaha Neb loss 100000
17 Ryan building annex at St Paul loss
20 Santa Cruz Cal main building or
Casino at resort loss 111000
Jul 17 Wentzville Mo practically entire
business section destroyed
Sep 13 Tiburon Cal entire business dis
trict 200 people homeless
Oct IS At Birmingham Ala business
houses loss 300000
22 Second disastrous conflagration at
Bristow la wiped out practically all
of remaining business section of town
Nov 13 Richland O practically wiped
out by gas explosion 2 children burned
to death
Dec 1 At Princeton O mob of 300
masked men burned 2 big tobacco steni
merles owned by tobacco trust
S At Chicago fire in wholesale business
district caused loss of 300000 2 lives
cl - J1
Joe Gans
Jan 11 Sir Thomas
Lipton plans race
against New York
Yacht club for
American cup
12 Herrera knocks
out Young Cor
bett in fifth at
Los Angeles
13 Willie Hoppe de
feated Mau rice
V i g n a u x for
worlds lS i n c h
balk line billiard
championship a t
Paris inter-collegiate
football put
under ban at Har
vard university
IS K id G o o g
killed by blow on
heart in bout in
New York
2S Demogeot at Or
monde Beach Fla drives auto 2 miles
in 5S 4 3 seconds breaking worlds rec
Feb 2S Frankie Neil knocks out Harry
Tonny at San Francisco latter dies of
Mar 14 Battling Nelson easily beats Mc
Govern in 6 rounds at Philadelphia
21 American bowling congress meets at
Louisville Ky R H Bryson elected
27 Hoppe defeats Slosson for worlds balk
line billiard championship at New York
Apr 12 National League baseball season
17 American League baseball season
starts Sutton averaged 100 and made
run of 234 in 500 point billiard game at
May 23 Frank Gotch defeats Tom Jenkins
for wrestling championship of America
at Kansas City
Jun 16 Frank Kramer American bicycle
rider wins City of Paris grand prize
Value 1000
Jul 9 lGth annual congress American
Whist League opens at Boston
21 Frank Gotch defeated C Olson south
ern catch-as-catch-can wrestling cham
pion at New Orleans
Aug 7 Umpires Johnstone and Emslie
barred from Polo grounds N Y Nat
League game scheduled between N Y
and Chicago forfeited to latter
24 W R Crosby wins western handicap
at trap shooters tournment at Denver
with score of 97 targets
Sep C Joe Gans wins lightweight cham
pionship from Battling Nelson in 42nd
round at Goldfielil Nov on foul
14 C M Daniels of New York lowers
worlds record for 220 vards swim at
St Louis New mark 242 2 5
Oct 2 Manager Fred Tenny announces he
and Roy Thomas of Philadelphia Na
tional league club have bought inter
est in Boston National league club
13 Chicago American league club won
worlds championship by defeating Na
tionals in post spason series at Chicago
Nov S Steve LHommedieu wvll known
bookmaker ruled off turf for life by
Louisville Jockey club
19 Tom Cooper noted bicycle racer
killed in automobile collision in New
30 Ralph Rose breaks worlds record in
putting 12 pound shot at San Francisco
distance 55 fee Oi inches
Dec 12 Harry C Pulliam reelected pres
ident National Baseball League
IS George Sutton defeated Willie Hoppe
at 1S 2 balk line billiards in New York
retaining championship
Jan 4 In Coaldale W Va 23 in mine ex
S At Haverstraw N J 15 in landslide
9 At Minneapolis Minn 11 in hotel fire
IS At Detroit W Va IS in mine ex
21 At Philadelphia Pa IS in church fire
23 Off Vancouver Island in Pacific US in
wreck of steamer Valencia At Sunny
side Col 5 in snowslide
25 At Poteau I T 14 in mine explosion
Feb 4 Near La Salle 111 4 by drowning
S In West Virginia 2S in mine explosion
12 At Portland Ore 4 in business section
19 At Maitland Col 16 in mine dust ex
25 Gambier O 3 in college dormitory
Mar 1 At Meridian Miss 24 in tornado
which caused property loss of 1500100
14 At Jamestown Ind 3 in collapse of
building In Atlantic ocean 27 by
drowning on foundered steamer Britisli
16t Adobe Col about 45 in train col
lision At Camden N J 3 in armory
19 Near Silverton Col 16 in landslides
22 In a West Virginia mine explosion 26
In Winfield Col mining district 6
in landslide
6 Near Natsona Wyo 10 by drowning
At New York 4 in fire and explosion
pr nExplosion in gun turret of bat
tleship Kearsarge in Cuban waters kills
7 injures 14
22 In mine near Trinidad Col 22 by dust
26 Tornado destroys Bellevue Tex 11
dead other damage throughout suite
May 4 Seven in train wreck near Al
toona Pa
2S Five at Golconda New by drowning
as result of breaking of dam At
Louisville 9 in train wreck
Jun C At East Providence R I 11 in
trolley car wreck
7 At Rocky Ford Mont S by white damp
in mine Six in storms in Minnesota
and Wisconsin
C At Lafayette Ind Mrs S Gobbau and
6 children burned to death at Sag
inaw Mich 7 by explosion of gasoline
11 At Martinsville N 1 a in wreck
1- At Cedar Rapids la S young girls
bv drowning while wading in river
w At Manitowoc Wis 5 by lightning
3 At South Framingliam Mass 7 by
collapse of building
AugS At Omaha Neb 5 children of T
O Daniels in burning home
12 At Davenport Wash 5 by drowning
13 At Sang Hollow Pa 7 in train wreck
Sep S Four Italians at Naugatuck
onn by police In dispute
14 Four in tornado in Nclraska
IS Seven In train wreck at Cimarron
River Okla
21 Seven at Jclllco Tenn by dynamlto
explosion property damage 500000
26 Six In rail collision near Danville 111
27 Hurricane on gulf coast devastates Mo
bile Ala and Pensacola Fla Iasx of
life estimated at 150 property loss 12
Oct JS Train of three electric cars car
rying 91 persons jumped from trcstlo
near Atlantic City N J carrying
about GO persons to watery grave Fifty-four
bodies recovered
Oct 1 Cloudburst at Mobile Ala causes
over 1000000 damages
4 Twcnty nln known dead and many
more entombed by explosion at Poca
hontas Va mine Five passengers
killed score Injunv In rear end col
lision near Troy N Y
19 Hurricano sweeps coast of Florida
Cuba and Central America causing
heavy Ioss of life and damage to prop
21 Considerable property damaged by
storm along eastern slope of Rockies
from Wyoming to Now Mexico
23 At Kansas City Kan 13 by lire which
destroyed Chamber of Commerce BIdg
Nov 12 At Cleveland O six by boiler
13 Forty two lives lost by sinking of
steamer DIx in harbor at Seattle Wash
23 E D Kceler professional automobile
driver killed in collision of racing autos
at Philadelphia
29 Samuel Spencer president Southern
Railway Co and 6 others in rear end
collision near Lynchburg Va
Dec 4 Clirton Ariz partly destroyed by
Hood caused by breaking of dam sev
eral persons drowned Four children
burned to death in homo near Westtield
7 At Ithaca N Y 7 perish In burning or
fraternity house at Cornell university
Near Lewiston Me 1 In head on
19 Near Vicksburg Miss 16 by explosion
on river steamer
23 At Enderlin N D 9 in railroad
Pres Failleries of
King Haakon of
Jan 3 Rodriguez
attacks Iucrtii
Plata San Domin
go killing 25
4 S a n Domingo
rebels defeated 3
Morales generals
and 120 men killed
5 San Domingo rev
olution ended witli
defeat of President
Morales and kill
ing of Gen Rod
12 France bre a k s
off diplomatic rela
tions with Vene
14 Ex Fremier Bal
four beaten Tor
election to parlia
ment 1 i b e r al s
sweep Britain
3 Spanish cabinet resigns
17 M Fallieries
Republican elect
ed to succeed M Loubct as president
of France
21 Brazilian cruiser Aquidaban destroyed
by explosion 212 lives lost
23 Venezuela expels all French consuls
29 King- Christian of Denmark dies at
30 Frederick VIII proclaimed king of
Feb 5 Countess Boni de Castellane for
merly Anna Gould of New York en
ters plea for divorce in Paris
13 New British parliament opens J W
Lowther elected speaker
25 In Colombia tidal wave 2000 drowned
Mar 4 Tavernola Italy swallowed up by
Lake Iseo
5 Fucecchio Italy dance hall panic re
sults in IB deaths
7 French cabinet resigns Three would
be assassins of Gen Uejxs president of
Colombia shot to death
11 M Sarrien accepts task of forming
new French ministry mine explosion
and fire kills 1193 in France
13 In Arabian rebellion Turkish troops
niassai ie 5Oit0 natives at Sana Arabia
IS Earthquake at Kagi Formosa kills
huTreds and destroying 1UU homes
j Palma elected president of Cuba
Mar 31 Moroccan conference reaches
Apr 5 Fifty five killed by collapse of
hotel in Black Forest Germany
6 German troops win victory over natives
in German East Africa natives lose
205 men
10 Fourteen killed over 200 injured by
collapse Market place at Naples
Apr IS Father Louis Martin Black
Pone of Jesuits dies at Koine
20 Town of Pasil P I destroyed by fire
May 1 Considerable May day rioting in
Paris Over lLOJ arrests made
2 Czar accepts resignation of Premier
19 Palma inaugurated president of Ciiba
at Havana
31 Wedding of King
Alfonso XIII of
Spain and Prin
cess Victoria of
England celebrat
ed at Madrid
Couple narrowly
eseipe assassina
tion by b o m I
which kills 16 and
injures manv
Jun 20 Pulajanes
kill 3 policemen on
Island of Leyte
21 Haakon VII and
Q u e e n M a u cl
crowned rulers of
30 23 persons killed
in train wreck
near London
Jul 4 Son born to
crown princess of
S Natal troops defeat rebels killing 547
12 Maj Dreyfus restored to position in
French army
14 Fire at Niji Novgorod Russia de
stroys 275 houses over 3C00 families
IS Lady Curzon dies in London
20 Fire at Yokohama Japan destroys
1000 houses
23 Band of Pulajanes on Island of Levte
P I killed 13 soldiers and 1 civilian
Aug 5 Italian steamer Sirio v ceked off
Hormigas island 300 drowned
Sep S Father Wernz elected head of
Jesuits at Rome
IS Hurricane in harbor of Hong Kong
China caused over 1000 deaths and
great damage
Oct 14 Twenty five miners killed by ex
plosion in colliery near Durham Eng
Nov 15 Anna Gould Countess de Cas
tellane granted divorce from Count
Koni by French tribunal at Paris
Counts plea for alimony denied
17 Bomb exploded in St Peters church
Rome creates panic
Dec 3 Spanish cabinet resigns action
followed by hostile demonstration in
chamber of deputies
7 Dr Lapponi physician to pope died
at Rome
11 France expelled secretary of papal
numcio as result of church state war
12 German emperor dissolvei reichstag
and ordered new elections following de
feat of government on African bill
22 James Bryce selected to succee
Durand as Britisli ambassador to
- - - -
Feb 1 Operators reject demands of mine
workers for wage increase miners in
crease defense fund
13 F A Heinz sells Montana copper in
terests to Amalgamated company for
25L 00CO ending 7 year industrial war
Mar 19 Standard Oil officials agree to
answer questions of Missoar attorney
29 United Mine Workers after second
unsuccessful conference with operators
decide on strike April 1 Involving both
anthracite and bituminous fields opera
tors appeal to Roosevelt for aid
Apr 13 Strik of 20u0 brick layers at St
Iouis practically brings building to
May 0 Anthracite miners vote to accept
original proposition of operators and re
turn to work
Jun 7 Wages trouble of southwest min
ers and operators settled by John Mitch
ell at Kansas City 1U3 scale 1
mt ft renewed i
13 National executive committee United
Mine Workers order per capita assess
ment of 5 cents per week on working
Jul 2 Inctease of 5 per cenL In wages
of Northern Michigan copper mine em
30 United Mine Workers lovy tax of 19
cents per capita for thoao Idlo during
HUspenslon of work
Oct 17 Wages of Beveral thousand silver
miners In Aspen Col district Increased
Nov 2 Announced that wages of nil em
ployes of Pennsylvania railroad system
on lines east nnd west of Plttsburir to
be Increased nearly 150000 men affected
12 Twenty sixth annual convention of
American Federation of Labor openod
at Minneapolis
15 American Society of Equity National
Farmers union affiliated with Ameri
can Federation of Labor organization
claims membership of over million
24 Samuel Gompers reelected president
American Federation of Labor at Min
30 In trial of union teamsters at Chicago
4 of defendants pleaded guilty
Dec 10 Two thousand members Indus
trial Workers of World struck at Sche
nectady N Y because of refusal of
General Electric Co to relnstato 3 mem
bers of union
Jan I Moscow rev
olution crushed
insurrectio n I s t a
4 Terrorists began
war Insurgents
seize factory In
Riga troops bat
ter down doors
killing many and
capturing 1C0O
5 One thousand
killed and 3000
wounded in Mos
cow riots
9 Near Hazcnpot
dragoons surround
revolutionists kill
ing entire bund
12 Cossacks blow up
Armenian s e m I
nary In Tifiis kill
ing 33 and wound
ing 300 Nearly Premier Stolypin
330 killed as result of attack
15 Russian rebels assassinate major gen
eral and 3 police oliicials
Feb 21 Gen Orloff in quelling Baltic
province outbreaks shoots more than 700
Mar 20 Mutiny among sailors at Sebas
topol results In massacre
Apr 6 Fourteen Russian soldiers butch
ered for refusing to lire on Sebastopol
S Governor of Tver killed by bomb In
streets of city
May C Governor general assassinated at
Ekaterinosiav Gov Gen murdered at
Elizabethpol Attempt made to as
sassinate Vice Admiral Doubasoff at
10 Czar delivers speech to douma no
mention of amnesty made
13 Body of Father Capon found hanging
in deserted house in Finland town
15 Imperative demand for reforms made
in dounias reply to czars speech
21 W II Stuart American vice consul
Britisli subject killed at Batum
Jun 14 Hundreds killed In massacre of
Jews by Christians at Biaiystok
Anti Jewish lights throughout country
Jul 11 Attempt made to assassinate Vico
Admiral Chuknin at Sevastopol
19 Port Arthur commission recommends
death for Gen Stoessel for surrendering
21 Imperial ukase dissolves parliament
23 Troops at fortress at Viborg Finland
Aug 2 Mutiny at Sveaborg ended
3 Governor of Samra killed by bomb
23 Bomb intended to slay Premier Stoly
pin wrecks his villa on Aptekarsky Is
land 32 persons killed Premier es
caped Gen Min assassinated by
young woman at Ieterhof
Sep 10 At least 300 Jews killed and
slaughter at Siedlce 1000 wounded
12 Massacre of Jews at Siedlce ceases
19 Gen Nicolaieft assassinated at War
Oct 9 Commission appointed by czar
finds causes of Sveaborg and Cron
stadt mutinies largely attributable to
negligence and inefficiency of otllcers
39 Nine soldiers convicted of plot to blow
up building where court marshal trying
Cronstadt mutineers is sitting executed
Nov S Seven nationalist workmen shot
down by socialists t Lodcz
Dee 1 Chief of Police Chopote of Kazan
21 Ten terrorists executed at Riga
22 Count Alexis Ignatieff member of
council of empire and ex-governor-general
of Kiev voihynia and Podolia as
sassinated at Tver
Jan 2 C T YerVes deceased traction
magnate gives lJ i to Chicago uni
versity and making ample provision for
numerous charities as well as for wifa
7 Midshipman Decatur acquitted by
court martial of chargo of hazing at An
21 Hopkinsville Ky mob takes negro
accused of assault from jail and hangs
24 Willof Marshall Field deceased Chi
cago merchant prince opened showing
estate of 1W0jO000 5000000 left to
23 Mrs C T Ycrke3 weds Wilson
Mizner of San Francisco
Feb 2 President pardons Midshipman
Miller convicted of hazing at Annap
C Dr G II Simmons Peoila 111 minis
ter bank president anil politician kills
self when facing exposure of financial
methods and private conduct
16 Pat Crowe found not guilty of rob
bery in connection with Cudahy case at
17 Miss Alice Roosevelt married to Cong
Nicholas Longworth at White House
Mar 5 Prairie fires sweep Texas causing
loss of ooocoo
11 Nine hundred Moros slain in 4 days
lighting with Americans in Philippines
15 Andrew Hamilton scores New York
Life trustees before insurance commit
tee at Albany N Y
IS Steamer Atlanta burns off Sheboygan
Wis on Lake Michigan Snowslide
near Ouray Cal causes damage of
19 Andrew Hamilton shows receipt for
730J donated to Republican campaign
funds by New York Life insurance com
2o Giving of political contributions de
clared non criminal by District Attor
ney Jerome
Apr 1 John Alexander Dowie deposed as
leader of Zion City III Overseer
Voliva elevated to leadership
7 Kansas supreme court rules that Kan
sas City live stock exchange is illegal
25 Application for receiver for ZIon City
111 made by Dowie
Jul 3 Secretary of State Root sails for
3 months tour of South America
Aug 9 Wisconsin railway commissioners
render opinion reducing grain rates lor
state 1 cent per bushel
16 Gen R B Brown of ZanesvSlIe O
elected commander-in-chief o G A R
at Minneapolis
Aug 30 W J Bryan welcomed at New
York by big gathering of Democrats on
return from trip around world
Sep ZJ Secretary of State Root returns
from tour of South America
Oct 3 President Hill of Great Northern
railway sold 730000r tins of ore to
Tnited States Steel corporation for
4 ijOOKW
29 Standard Oil company fined JiW at
i indlay O- for carrying on business
combine in violation of state laws
Oct IS Triennial convention of World3
Christian Temperance Union begun at
19 Troop of cavalry sent to Wyoming to
to round up dissatisfied Ute Indians
Nov 1 Band of 10O Ute Indians capture
wagon load of army rations intended for
troops in Wyoming
C Three companies of negro troops in
Texas ordered dismissed from army for
failure to disclose identity of comrades
guilty of rioting at Brownsville Tex
S President and Mrs Roosevelt and
party left Washington on trip of in
spection of Panama canal on battleship
2i President and party return to Wash
ington from trip to Panama and lorto
Dec 5 F W Finley second vice presi
dent of Southern railroad elected to
succeed late president Sampel Spencer
C John D Rockefeller and 6 associate
who control Standard Oil Co served
with subpoenas to appear before federal
circuit court in St Louis January 7
Kansas grain inspection and weighing
law declared void
lOXobel peace prize valued at 540000
conferred on President Roosevelt by
Norwegian storthing money will be
used to establish industrial peace com
24 Decision against Standard Oil Com
pany at Findlay O- thrown out In com
mon pleas court