Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1907)
V IV R 8 8 i tftf - - - i f K G x - - TWENTY SIXTH YEAR SPECIAL MEETINGS Sunday 1 1 A M at Btxler Opera House Conducted by Lyon and stentz Four Churches Unite The grand union meetings for which plans have been made the past three months will begin next Sunday Jan 0 at the Bixler opera house at 11 a mM when Mr Lyon will preach his first Ale Cook sermon and Mr Stentz will Bing and lead the large chorus Four churches of McCook have united for these meetings viz The Methodist Baptist Congregational and Christian These churches will discontinue their services except Sunday school during the progress of the union meetings and will unite their entire energy to the sue cess of this union effort Sunday the meetings will be held at 11 a m and 730 p m at both of which Mr Lyon will preach The week day services will be held every night this week at 730 Each night the chorus will lead the singing Mr Stentz will sing a solo xind Mr Lyon will preach All the ser vices will be held at the opera house MILFORD H LYON The executive committee met at the Congregational church Sunday after noon heard reports of the committees and made final plans The reports showed all committees doing successful work and the promise that all will be ready by Sunday It was evident that unity and oneness prevail among all the uniting churches This week the opera house is under going several changes to make it more convenient for this kind of meetings A temporary platform is being built over the orchestra pit somewhat- below the stage to accommodate the speaker andjthe two pianos while upon the stage raised scats will be built for the chorus so that all can be see from the audience Mr Lyon the evangelist is a man of wide experience He was born in Iowa graduated from the University of Iowa for two years was president of Ellsworth college and for a number of years a suc cessful pastor in Chicago He has been i i this work for seven years and has held eleven union meetings in Nebraska in cluding Crete Columbus Fremont and Blair In each place he met with suc cess He is a Christian gentlemen of true character His methods are safe and sane to which no honest person can object He seeks not for numbers and and external effect but for lasting re sults Mr Stentz is a young man also from Iowa he has a fine tenor voice and is an experienced chorus leader He is also an earnest Christian and a true helper to Mr Lyon Messrs Lyon and Stentz will arrive in McCook Saturday on No 1 and will make their headquarters at the Com mercial hotel Mr Stentz desires to meet the members of the chorus at the ME church Saturday evening at eight A cordial invitation is extended to all those who can sing to join the choir Belw will be found a list of the com mittees and the ushers Executive Committee Rev A F Green chairman L Lindemann G E Thompson Rev G B Hawkes A Mc- IHE -- mHRK Mm -v fHn J DALE STENTZ - r r i tig 1 n Jl VfaiA - Millen HC Clapp M B Carman JG Schleich Judge Moore and Dr Ireland Prayer Meeting Rev G B Hawkes chairman Dr Ireland Mrs II A Rouch A H Tirrill Buildine Rev M B Carman TV Lindemann MrsA Barnett Music L Lindemann chairman Chester Rodgers Miss Rosie Akers Advertising The pastors Ushers J G Schleich chief H C Clapp assistant chief Louis Thorgrim son Roy Cochlin E S Howell J E Ludwick D C Marsh A C Ebert Judge Moore J W Chase A H Tir rill J A Wilcox J H Yarger Judge Berry Herbert Watkins G E Thomp son M Coslebaugh B P Addis Geo Burgess Ray Schriuer Deacon Jack son A McMillen T P Rowell Arthur Randel J D Young T B Campbell F L Schwab Louis Suess F L Wolf W C Blair W M Stoner Dr Ireland S D Hughes H H Miller W P Clark MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE V Franklin was a Lincoln visitor Monday Mips Ella Halligan is visiting her sister Mrs C J Ryan James Brady arrived home from his Illinois trip last Saturday night R W Devoh clerk district court is up from Lincoln for the holidays Frank DeLong was in Oberlin Kan sas first of the week on business E T Meyers and family of west of town have moved to Avoca Iowa Ed Cain was up from Hastings this week visiting relatives and friends Mrs N B Brush is over from Al mena Kansas guest of her parents Mrs Oliver Rees of Fairbury is in the city visiting relatives and friends Mrs J F Jernberg wag down from Denver close of last week on a visit Mrs J G Schobel will be at home to chapter X P E O Saturday Jan 5th Judge R G Orr returned first of the week via Lincoln from a trip to Arkan sas Mrs Matella Gordon entertained a company of lady friends at dinner last Friday Mrs A J Brown who has been vis iting relatives in Iowa arrived home thin week Mrs R A Coupe of Falls City has been a guest of Mrs C J OBrien since last week Mrs Barney Hafer and Brisbin are spending the wepk with her parents at Wauneta Mrs Hugh Brown returned to Hast tings Monday after a visit of a few days with McCook friends Mrs Mary Campbell has been quite ill with an attack of pneumonia but is much improved at this writing Mrs Will Duncan of Beatrice arriv ed in the city yesterday and is a guest of her aunt Mrs Mary Babcock William Lewis was called to Colo rado first of the week by the news of the serious illness of his brother Mrs C H Barrett went down to Bartley this morning to see her daugh ter Mrs Perry Ginther who is ill Mrs E E Magee and little Bruce left for Ashland yesterday morning to make a short stay at Fairmont en route R B Simmons was in Omaha and Council Bluffs close of last and early part of this week making purchases in his line Mrs Walter Hickling and son Char lie arrived home Monday night on No 5 from a weeks visit in Omaha and points east W E Heffelbower high school as sistant expects to take up his residence on his irrigated tract near Loveland Col orado soon Supt G H Thomas was reelected president of the association at the meet ing of the Nebraska Library Association in Lincoln last week Leon HiNESof Benkelman and Russell Woods of Wauneta were guests of Mrs J P Allen early in the week Russell is a student at Culver military school Miss Florence N Johnston supt of Brown county is here from Ains worth visiting her former home and old time friends the first time in several years C W Keys came over from Wilson ville last Friday with his- nephew Alli son who briefly visited the Keys last week He heard The Mikado at the Bixler Friday night Judge J C Moore was at the Tyrone church Thursday of last week attend ing the funeral of the youngest son of C S Blair of that place The child died on Wednesday of last week after a few days illness Was buried in ihe Tyrone cemetery the funeral services being held by Rev Powers of Wilsonville Mrs E W McAninch returned on Wednesday from Ringold Iowa where she was summoned two weeks since by serious sickness of her mother who is yet very ill Mrs McAninchs brother J H Pottorff of Denver accompanied her and stopped oil hero for a short visit qp i r Death of Claude Bailey -So far as human sympathy goes Trav eling Engineer and Mrs C M Bailey have a wealth of it from McCook friends in the sad death of their eldest son Claude yesterday morning about six oclock Claude returned homo from Denver where he has been attending the Sacred Heart school for tho holiday vacation badly run down physically from what tho school authorities claimed was an attack of quinsy but which local physi cians and a summoned city expert said was diphtheria Heart complications caused his death in a few days despite every effort made for his relief Claude Edward Bailey was born in McCook November 4th 1891 died Jan uary 3rd 1907 Funeral services at Catholic church Saturday morning at 1030 oclock Claude was a popular boy of parts and great promise His untimely death is deeply and keenly deplored The Mikado and La Mascotte The Boston Ideal Opera Co gave Mc Cook two enjoyable comic opera per formances end of last week in the Bix ler Friday evening presenting The Mi kado and Saturday evening the even more comic La Mascotte Both of these light operas are long on comedy and so is the company consequently they made a hit The average McCook audience has a magnificent stomach for theatrical fun and they got it with some good music in the bargain All in all both appearances were quite satisfactory and pleasing The company augmented by five new members will preseut a new opera in McCook early in February when they will doutless be well received A Good Indians Prayer Powers that be make mo sufficient to my own occasions Teach me to know and to observe the rulpq nf tho nrjvmfj I Give to me to mind my own business at all times and to lose no good oppor tunity of holding my tongue When it is appointed for me to suffer let me so far as humanely be possible take example from the dear well bred beasts and go away quietly to bear my suffering by myself Help me to win if win I may but and this O powers especially if I may not win make me a good loser Amen Robert Frothingham DeLong Son Sell Out Messrs Osborn Wentz on January 1st assumed charge of the business and outfit of Frank DeLong Son The new firm is composed of E R Dick Osborn and J W Wentz both popular boys and obliging rustlers They make a strong bid for your patronage Settle Up All persons indebted to Predmore Bros R J Predmore or G W Pred more Sons must settle up soon The books will be found at G W Predmore and Sons shop Dress Making- Wanted Will do sewing by the day or at my residence First class work One and one half blocks north of Bixler opera house 12 21 tf Mrs J E Morse Cambridge Flour Red Lion Silver Leaf and Oak leaf brands always on hand J E Nelms Second Hand two horse Gasoline Engine for sale cheap at the McCook Hardware Cos Let Ludwick explain the new gas burner to you The simplest as well as the most com plex prescriptions receive our careful at tention L W McConnell Druggist As to tooth brushes we will say we have a line that is bristling with good points Replaced if bristles come out L W McConnell Druggist Lost Brooch with two gold crosses Finder please leave at Tribune office Mrs Walter Babcock of Cambridge was a guest of Mrs Charles Babcock yesterday Mrs W B Mills gave her annual Pupils recital at the home yesterday afternoon H H Berry was taken quite ill this week but his condition is improved at this printing Miss Vergie Ludwick was the host ess at the gathering of the Awl Os Tuesday evening Sylvester Cordeals Masonic breth ren handsomely remembered his invalu able services for years by presenting him with a superb cut glass water service Mrs Will Stoner entertained a com pany of young ladies of the city at her home on Melvin street last evening in honor of her sister Nisa Annetta Woods Mrs Sharkey Gets Decree The petition of Mrs Bernard J Shar key for a divorce from bed and board of her husband who is an engineer on tho Burlington running from Lincoln to McCook was granted by Judge Frost yesterday after almost two entire days had been spent in tho introduction of testimony for Ijoth sides and lengthy arguments by counsel In addition she was given all the personal property and alimony of 2000 as prayed with the provision that in lieu of the alimony Shaikey might turn over to her all title in the homestead where the were liv ing and which was one of the matters over which the family had trouble which ultimately culminated in the divorce proceedings Mr Sharkey wanted to deed away the property but tho wife objected and so she alleged he threat ened to secure a divorce from her on that account She started her action first however but Sharkey at tho hear ing evinced an emphatic desire that the divorce bo made absolute instead of only partial as was desired by the wife The court found in favor of the wife how ever Lincoln Journal Just Staples Simpsons silver gray prints 5c black and white 5c American silver gray 5c dark and light indigo blue prints 5c Merrimack and Allensoprints 5c American shirting prints 5c Best table oilcloth 15c Best apron check ginghams 5c Best two bushel sixteen ounce seam less bags 20c Fleischers German knitting yarn 25c All colors Saxony yarn per skein 5c Mens all leather gloves 18c Boys all leather gloves 13c Two pairs half woolsox for 25c Mens black fleeced underwear 50c Mens good blue denim overalls 50c Ice wool shawls 21 inches square 25c Izzer home made bed comforts 8LS5 1000 other items at real cash values The Thompon D G Co COUNTS COURT COUNTY court following licenses have bean issued since our last report Eustache E High 40 and Theodosia K Korb 18 both of Danbury Neb Walter H Goodenberger27 and Eth el Lyons 16 both of Marion Neb William H Galvin 31 and Effie M LaVelle 20 both of Wallace Neb Abraham Buckley 21 and Anna Os walt 19 both of Traer Kansas probate Foreign will of Luella C Crandall filed for probate A Great Twelfth Annual The twelfth annual ball by CWBron son lodge No 487 Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen held in the Bixler opera house Monday evening was a great and charactertistic success The large build ing was appropriately and handsomely decorated in order designs and colors Fishers orchestra provided the music There was a large and brilliant attend ance leaving nothing to be desired A Good New Years Resolve By the help of Providence I hereby resolve that during 1907 I will avoid all dissipation and excessive alimentation and put the means time and strength thus saved into informing books I fur ther resolve to buy all my goods of The Thompson Dr Goods Co and recom mend my friends to do the same signed Keptem Lastyer Excessive Alimentation Competent authoricies declare that five sixths of all disease is attributable to the aboe cause also that tho dis pensible outlay would buy a full supply of Izzer bed comforts for every family 8185 to S250 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos only Quarter Section For Sale The northeast quarter of section 13 township 4 range 30 in Red Willow county Nebraska Address The Tri bune McCook Neb WantedApprentices The Tribune wishes to employ sever al apprentices boys or girls Make ap plication at once to the publisher F MKimmell Three Hundred Dollars will buy a good eight horse power en gine and a four hole shelter in good con dition at McCook Hardware Cos This outfit only been used a short season Marseilles and Sandwich one and two hole shellers at the Mc Cook Hardware Cos Just the thing for gasoline ei gine or hand power Rev Carman gave his hearers an ex cellent address on Nathaniel Hawthorne in the Methodist church Thursday eve ning of last week under public library auspices and in the interest of the good reading movement Get The Tribune to do your printing nHf II M7 McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 4 WJC tf rf CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS CATHOLic MDrder of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday Bchool 230 p m Every Sunday J J Louohran Pastor Christian Science Services at Zint McClain bldg Sunday at 11 oclock a mt Wednesday at 8 oclock p m Subject Life Reading room at same place open daily where Christian Science literature may be had Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a m Holy communion and sermon at 8 p m prayers and sormon Sunday school at 10 a m Tho Rector will offi ciate All are welcome to these services E R Eaule Rector McConnell sells Eastman kodaks and supplies Kodaks and Kodak supplies at C R Woodworth Cos Druggists We sell drugs theyre fresh too C R Woodworth fc Co Cash paid for eggs highest market price Reynolds Poultry Co Phone 285 Old Gurney stand Our White Pine and Tar cough reme dy is a wonder for coughs colds and hoarseness C R Woodworth Co Take your Tutr eggn to tho Reynolds Poultry Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Get tho bejt market price in cash We have a hnbit of carrying the purest spices that you and all good cooks like Try them Flavoring extracts too L W McConnell Druggist Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of livestock of all kinds and lis only tho best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed Prisoner Walks Out George Monroe who has been occupy ing the county jail for a few weeks under sentence for securing money under false pretenses by circulating spurious paper money walked out of jail last Saturday and has since made himself so scarce in this neighborhood that ho has not and likely will not again bo apprehended Sheriff Peterson was absent at Geneva attending a meeting of Nebraska sheriffs and the jail was temporarily in charge of his father-in-law George Fowler After attending to matters about the jail Mr Fowler in leaving failed to lock the outside door he is not able to ex plain how and tho prisoner walked out Red Willow countys jail seems to be hoodooed Real Estate Transfers Leonard J Shippee to James M Stark wd to pt lot 3 in 7 3 2G 8700 Leonard J Shippee to Ed Wilson wd to pt lot 3 in 8700 Lemuel Russnogle to William Russno gle wd to n hf sw qr 816S0 Oscar M Rittenburg and w to John E Hathorn wd 1 2 in 61 Bartley 8920 Elmore D Currier and w to D B Reisher wd e hf nw qr and Its 1 2 in 19-3-29 81600 J II Graves and w to John B Dun lap wd sw qr 10-3-28 85000 John L Able and w to Henry C Adams wd se qr 9-3-29 81100 Results Count Our dres skirt department exhibits pleasing results viz lots of skirts sold the greater number of them being our best skirts necessary alterations made to the perfect satisfaction of customers without charge to them sales to cus tomers sent in by others who have worn our skirts tho satisfying of all pocket books from S200 to 8700 We invite your inspection when interested The Thompson D G Co Now is The Time to have your wells made and get ready for spring We have the best well drill in this part of the state and would like to figure on your work McCook Hardware Co Bedding- We make bedding such as sheets pillow slips and bed comforts Izzer bed comforts are absolutely unequalled at 3185 to S250 The Thompson D G Co For Sale McCook City Property My residence on north Marshall st New house of five roms with bath room Furnace heat Wm Heffelbower Alter the Christmas and New Years turkey feed you should have a Uni versal foodgrinder to make dainty dishes of the good things left over McCook Hardware Co sells them You Are Invited to call and inspect the automatic gates at the McCook Hardware Cos Every fence is deserving of a good gate and every farmer should have both Wanted An experienced lady book keeper Must know shorthand and type writing Address Powell Nilsson Marion Nebraska Jcnl Society NUMBER 32 All Farmers are Invited to attend our three days EXHIBIT Jan 24 25 2Gof tho famous Lightning Trip pie Geared Feed Grindors These mills have been improved and we now find them absolutely tho best safest and most reliable mill on the market During this EXHIBITION hot cakoa mado from flour ground in those mills will be served with maplo syrup and everything possible will bedouo to make it pleasant for you With each mill sold during tho ox hibit wo will give free one extra set of burs Power mills will bo opjrated by RVand Dempster gasoline engines An EXPERT will bo in charge during the exhibition and the numerous uses to which these mills can bo put will bo fully explained Cut this out place it in your hat and be sure and come and visit this exhibit Every farmer should have a good feed mill and in this way save ono third of his feed McCook Hardware Co MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoll for drugs MeMillens Cough Cure Everything in drugs McConnell McConuells Balsam cures coughs Buy an Edison Phonograph of Mc Connell Day board at the National hotel 8350 per week J E Barngrovor McCook Loans and Abstracts Genuino sable brushes for blocking in Other artists goods a nice line Dr Kaj a uilic is now onu door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Choice bargains in remnant wall pap ers at Woodworth Cos Rooms to rent Furnished or unfurn ished Mrs C B Rowell Big 10c sale January 7th at The Ideal Store Hot Springs Blood Remedy We guar antee it Woodworth Co McMillpns Cream Lotion will make your hands and face smooth and doit The smoothest skin follows tho use of McConnells Fragrant Lotion It cures chaps easily The Reynolds Poultry Co will give you the highest price for your poultry and eggs in cash Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office Eastman Kodaks plates films print ing paper and artists supplies at Mc Connells druggist Hot water bottles and combination fountain syringes in all styles at Mc Millens drug store If in need of anything in fancy toilet preparations Woodworth Co have a fine new line to select from If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruits and vegetables at Magner Stokes Dainty stationery for invitations fab rics you will delight to send L W McConnell Druggist Two good 3econd hand showcases one roll top desk for sale cheap D W Colson Co In quality service and price we claim to excel L W McConnell Druggist Have you seen our holiday display The big show is now on C R Woodworth Co 10c sale 10c to 35c values to go at only 10c Sale begins Jan 7th The Ideal Store Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in the line of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables The highest market price paid for chickens and turkeys by the Reynolds Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Phone 285 Baby needs healthful food these cold days If the food does not agree try another we have a complete stock al ways fresh L W McConnell Druggist Dr Warrich the specialist late of tho New York Eye and Ear Hospital will meet eye ear nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly fitted at the Commercial hotel in McCook Tuesday January Sth Hours 12 to 6 p m Regular trips Underwear We keep our assortment very com plete See us Thompsons The Tribune will print it for you