The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1906, Image 8

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We have so many dolls we are finding difficulty to
show all of them All the latest favorites from doll land
are now here We have jointed kid body dolls with natural
hair sleepy eyes and dolls that can talk Large and small
dolls Dolls from I cent to 10 Also a full line of Heads
There is always a large demand for perfumes at holiday
time and care should be taken to get the right quality We
have an immense stock and it includes the finest odors of the
best perfumers both in fancy gift packages and bulk Sachet
powders toilet waters etc in abundance here
Do not overlook cameras It is a gift that is pleasing to
people of all ages Cameras have been so perfected that
anyone can become a successful amateur We have a fine
line of the best cameras made If you wish to get one bet
ter make sure by buying one at once Price from i to 25
Shaving Sets
If he doesnt shave himself make it an object for him to
do so by buying him a good outfit We have the kind of
equipment that makes shaving both easy and pleasant The
best razors strops mugs lather brushes etc Gillette Safety
Razors from 5 in the nickle to 10 in the gold plated make
good presents
Lymiier and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phone No 1 Manager
I BrHsrbertJPratf I
Registered Graduate
Office over McConnells Drug Store
f Former location Atlanta Georgia
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
H Boyle
C E Eldred Co Atty
Attoknets at Law
Long Distance Phone 44
3boms 1 ana 7 second floor
Pbstoffice Building
McCook Neb
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
a Old Rubber Copper and Brass
I Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across street in P Walsh
flcCook - Nebraska
R F D No 1
Mrs Wiley Matthews is with Mrs
Endsley during T A 3 absence in Ohio
John B Fiechtnersnew house is com
ing on nicely It will be a fine farm
They had a dance at Peter Voges last
Saturday night
A E Price has been off duty part of
the week with poisoned hands
Mrs 0 M Cunningham and Miss
Freda Metro spent the Thanksgiving
holidays at their home in Beverly
Butler Jones has been delivering some
fine hogs on Brush creek this week to
several parties
Tuesday night some unknown party
broke some window glass in the North
Star school house and concluded an un-
l worthy act by inditing a letter to the
lady school teacher For shame
Personals Mi ss Claudia Hatcher
was a Sunday visitor at Shadeland
Miss Hannah Johnson has been visit
ing her sister Emma at Joseph Dudeks
this week Mr and Mr3 Frank Dudek
were thankful with her homefolks
The outfit who were here for a few
days with two photograph cars have
gone to Holbrook
Percy Catlett and family will soon
move down from their farm near Mc
Cook and again become residents of
Bartley which will be pleasing to their
many friends in this vicinity They will
occupy the Bert Stevens property Mr
Catlett has secured a position with the J
Perry Bee lumber company Wel
come Percy
Dr and Mrs Arbogart have moved in
to the Dutcher residence in the west
part of town
C W Strempher has returned from a
visit to McCook
Wes Arbogart was down from Dundy
county the fore part of the week His
daughter Mrs Jinks Fletcher returned
with him for a visit with her mother
Miss Pearl Lyman has returned from
her visit in West Virginia She had a
pleasant stay there We are all glad to
welcome her home
The Bartley Mutual Telephone Co
has put out a new directory covering the
seven branch lines that go out from
Mr and Mrs Martin Paine are rejoic
ing over the advent of a handsome boy
baby at their home
Meetings continue at the M
church Several conversions are report
The new phone line south of Bartley
is now equipped with phones and the
farmers keep it hot with helloes and
good byes
Ami Teel of Indiahola was a business
visitor with us Tuesday
The parents of Jas Sipe left for Oma
ha yesterday where they will visit for a
few days and then go to Kansas to visit
another son and family They may con
clude to return to Bartley in the spring
and make this their permanent home
They were well pleased with our town
Grand ma Haining of Blue Hill Neb
is here on a visit with J B Haining
Several brothers of Mr Haining are here
from different parts of the state Some
of these brothers had not met for over
thirty years They are having a pleas
ant family reunion and some of them
are favorably impressed with this part
of the country and will likely buy prop
erty and locate here
Mr and Mrs Rich have moved to
Cambridge and are living in their own
residence in the east part of town They
think of returning here in the spring
n w iTiwnrjmrn
Three weeks till Christmas
Mrs Aaron Dutcher boarded No 5
Tuesday night for Kansas where she
will visit her daughter
Mrs F D Brown drove over from
Danbury Sunday and spent the day
with friends
Charles Lebn and family spent
Thankbgiv ng with his father Daniel
Lohn and family
Mrs Junker who has been quite ill
recently is very much improved in
Mrs Sydney Toogood htfs been quite
poorly the past week
Mrs Carlos Bert is very low at this
writing with inflammatory rheumatism
Misses Mamie Mann and Anna Smith
visited with Miss Carrie Schoenthal
Sunday night
Mr and Mrs Chat Myers came up
from Cambridge Thanksgiving eve and
attended the masked ball at the opera
Mr and Mrs Hayden came down
from McCook Thursday morning and
visited during the day with Luke and
Mrs James Boldman is enjoying a
visit from her mother and brother
Ross White came down from McCook
Monday morning to visit his brother
who is telegraph operator at this place
Marion Powell of Lincoln came in
Wednesday morning and drove over to
Marion same day
Robert McEldowney has gone to Kan
sas to work at the mercantile business
A son was born to Mr and Mrs Chas
Broomdeld this week
Mr and Mrs V H McCarrick and
children of Bison Oklahoma arrived in
this city Wednesday morning for a vis
it with Mrs McCarricks parents
The usual festivities attending the
annual Thanksgiving ball obtained hero
last Thursday evening A large and
merry crowd was in attendance
I M Smith accompanied bv his
daughter Mrs C L Walker and child
ren passed through Indianola Thurs
day morning enroute for Stamford
where they went to spend Thanksgiv
ing times with Mr and Mrs Ben Coffey
David Stonecypher who has been
sick for such a long time entered into
his rest Sunday afternoon The funeral
was held at the home Tuesday-morning
Rev E Smith officiating burial in
the Willow cemetery
Miss Edith Allen entertained the L
H Ns Tuesday evening The next
meeting will be with Miss Georgia Short
J L Sargent has sold his hardware
store and residence to H L Gooden
burger of Marion
Mrs Ola Stilgebouer went to Hebron
Nebr Tuesday
Mr Ennis contractor of the Danbury
school house of Alma Nebr is with us
with his carpenters to finish the build
W R Burbridge is called to assist
Evangelist Clara Hazebrigg in a meet
ing at Lenora Kansas where as a result
of Mr Burbridges preaching a new
church building is just completad and
ready for dedication
A Guaranteed cure For Plies
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6toli
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
A World of-
Christmas Present
The reason holiday buying is always so trying is because
the right goods and the right people do not get together Our
advertising is intended to overcome this difficulty We have
an unusually complete stock of the worlds most desirable
gifts We can not however give you any adequate idea of
the extent or beauty of our line until you come to the store
We shall be glad to have you come as early and as fre
quently as possible Our stock is worthy of inspection and
seeing it while everything is here will save you much labor
and worry in selecting gifts We have goods that insure
Our Christmas presents are too numerous to mention
but if you will come to the store we will be glad to assist you
by making suggestions of presents suitable for men women
or children some of which we list below
Gold and fountain pens paper weights letter openers
box papers with holly decorations smoker sets cigars mili
tary sets manicure goods vases toilet articles books bibles
hand bags and pocket books music rolls stationery calend
ars games etc etc
L II Tilton and L A Wright each
gave the ladies of the Methodist church
a load of corn if they would come and
shuck it The ladies 13 in number
went on Tuesday and shucked the two
loads arriving home by four oclock in
the afternoon TLey auctioned off the
corn receiving from R A Green 75
cents a bushel for the same
Mr and Mrs L A Aughie returned
Monday evening to their home in Lin
The shooting match Tuesday was
successful Most of the country boys
carried away the turkeys
Miss Golda Simmons loft on Tuesday
evening for Minnesota on a short visit
to relatives and friends
Mrs Adaline VanNortwick of Lincoln
is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs
Wililam Relph
Library Notes
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is
one of the new books of the Public Li
brary It is the story of a Lithuanian
family in Chicagos Packingtown
More than this it is a blazing indict
ment of existing conditions which no
American can read without experienc
ing a desire to do something
The Breath Of The Gods by Sidney
McCall is another one of our new books
This book possesses unusual power as a
story with a strong original and un
expected plot closely knit and vividly
unfolded and replete with surprises and
striking situations It is unquestion
ably an interest compelling novel
Also Editorial Wild Oats by Mark
Twain This volume contains several of
Mark Twains funniest sketches all
narrating various journalistic experien
ces of his youth These bits of literary
whimsicality and adventure have become
widely popular among the humorists
well known writings
The new books will be loaned for 7
days only and not renewed
Library hours Morning 1030 to 12
oclock afternoon from 130 to 6 oclock
evenings from 7 to 9 oclock Sunday
afternoon from 2 to 5 oclock
Advertised Letters
The following letters remained uncall
ed for at the McCook postoflice Dec
5th 1906
Alexandtr Joe A
Burkett Mr Roy L
Ault A A
Bohlken Mr Will
Blodgett A S
Boise Harvey P
Ballentine Arthur
Brown Mr Elmer
Bene C E
Chine Mrs I
Croughan Mr Tom
Cranor Mrs F
Cunningham Hazel
Curtis Mr WH
Cuniberson MrT L
Copeland Genievel
Davis A J
Daley Mr John
Rev John J Duffy O
Earl Mr W G
Eaton Mr N C
Fredrick S S
Fentin Mr Ray
Fuller Mr Clyde
Green Mr E G
Gardner Mr Kyle
Harris Mr A E
Hockens Mr George
Harper Mr J F
Hunt Mr H L
Inuard Miss Vera
Ike Mr G B
Jones Miss Belle
Johnson Mr Art
Kinder Mr J T
Korns Mrs Mary
Lester Mrs Jones
Monnty Mr John
McMungo Mrs D
Hanks Mr Clifford G Shaffer Mr Jean
Huett Lizzio 3
Harris Mr Georgo
Holmes Mr Adam
Walker F T
Wilson Mr Howard
Williams Mrs Clara
Wymore Mr C W
I Wood Mrs M Louise
McMastor C W
Marrain Mr Will
Medlock Mr Will
Nevin C
Martin G A
McGrath Mr Wm
McKillipp C R
McLean Harry
PickerelU Mrs Yiolot
Pratt Mr Herman
Patterson Mr Earl
Reeder Miss Pearl M
Buggies Mr Louis B
Runsmer A N
Schwartz Charles
Smith T W
Stine Mr H L
Steach Mr Elden
Scilley Rev H
Smith Mrs Emma
West Miss Claudia
Williams Mr Percy
Waugh Mrs Frank
Wenhurst Mrs
Withers Dr A F
Wood Mr C R
Williams Miss Nellie and Elsio
The remains of Reubeu Trawbridgep
daughter nine years of age were ship
ped down from Wauneta Monday even
ing on train 176 and were interred in
Riverview cemetery the same evening
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p
m Young peoples meeting at 7 p m
A F Green Pastor
Christian Science Zint McClain
building C II Meeker C S first
reader Subject God the Preserver
of Man
Catholic Order of sorvices Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Louohran Pastor
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a in Holy communion and sermon at
8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday
school at 10 a m The Rector will offi
ciate All are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Sermon at 8 Junior League at 4 Ep
worth League at 7 Sermon and Lords
Supper by presiding elder Rev C C
Wilson D D at 11
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Christian Endeavor at
7 p m Union prayer meeting Wednes
day at the Methodist church Rev
Yvm Hardcastle State C E Secretary
will speak on that work Sunday night
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Holiday Rates
On Dec 20 21 22 23 21 25 30 31
1906 and Jan 1st 19C7 the Burlington
will sell round trip tickots at a greatly
reduced rate to all points in Arkansas
Indian Territory Iowa Kansas Minne
sota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota
Oklahoma South Dakota
Texas Wisconsin and to a great many
points in Colorado Illinois Michigan
Montana and Wyoming
These tickets are limited to contin
uous passage in each direction with a
final limit of January 7 1907
McCook Neb Dec 5 1900
Geo Scott Agent
The Triijune will print it for you
McCook - - Nebraska
Gilbert B Nettleton Charlotte Nettleton hit
wifeAlbert Nettleton single Asahei New
ton Nettleton Sarah Nettleton his wife Louisa
Johnson Edward Johnson her husband Amelia
M Swartwout Nelson F Swartwont lmr hue
band defendants will take notice that on the
first day of November 1906 William A Nettle
ton plaintiff filed his petition in the district
court of Red Willow county Nebraska against
the above named defendants and A Stella Fitch
William S Fitch her husband Charles h
Meeker Agnes Meeker his wife and A Stella
Fitch administratrix of the estate of Edward
L Nettleton deceased defendants thn
and prayer of which are ro obtain a finding of
said court that one Ella E Nettleton described
in said petition died interstate unmarried
without issue previous to the death of one Ed
ward L Nettleton therein described that said
Edward L Nettleton died interstate unmar
ried without issue and seized in fee simple o
the south half of the southeast quarter and lot
eight of section 29 and lot live of section 23 all
in town 3 north range 30 west of the 6th P M
in said county that plaintiff and defendants
Gilbert B Nettleton Albert C Nettleton Asahei
Newton Nettleton Louisa Johnson tmiD xr
Swartwout and Florence Johnson are the only
heirs at law of Edward L Nettleton deceased
and are the only persons interested in said land
that plaintiff is the owner of the undivided one
seventh interest herein Plaitntifffurtherpravs
for a decree of said court in his favor quietine
his title in and to one seventh interest against
TJlftVJius by
---- di lur tne rents and
profits of said land received by him for a de
cree confirming the shares in said land of thn
said only heirs of said Edward L Nettleton for
a partition thereof according to the respective
rights of the parties therein and if said land
cannot be equitably divided that the same be
sold and the prceeds of such sale be distributed
mongthe parties in interest according to thfr
respective rights and for such other relief
may be just and equitable You are required
toanswersaid petition on or before the four
teenth of
day January 1907
Dated December 1st 1906
William A Plaintiff
By W S Moelan
His Attorney
Probably no gift is more universally satisfactory than
books We have books suitable for every age sex and class
All of the late -fiction standard novels poems and classics
Will be pleased to have you come and look over our books at
any time
You can always give this with a certainty that it will be
prized Fine as our stock was in previous years it is excelled
in every way this year All we have space for here is to urge
you to see it as soon as you can
We have thoroughly searched the market for the newest
and most desirable novelties and believe we have secured
everything that is worth while These things will be certain
to go first and many of them- cannot be replaced before Christ
mas so dont miss seeing them while they are all here
Presentation Pictures
Remember your friend with a beautiful picture They
not only add beauty to the home but make il more cheerful
Religious and library pictures comics marine scenes and
fruit pictures Etchings pastels water colors medallions
and the latest novelties in frames
See Our Picture Display
B wr iiiioL
The - best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
p r i ces
keep it
is flarshs
He wants
trade and
by merit to
The Butcher
Phone 12
c C o o k
b r a s k a
Studio upstairs in new Rishel building
south of Post Office K
E il
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
J M Rupp
uuuft wurK
P O Bos 131 McCook Nebraska
McCook Laundry
Dry and Steam Cleaning and
JUHN E KPI l c v
McCook Nebraska
To all persons interested VnK ss
Angelo P Welles lato of JafdcnnnJ10 Jstat0
ou are hereby notifiv I w0nnfr deceased
of November iS Sho 2th
rJ26 Matie SI day
petition inti Welles fid
of Angelo P Welles late nft J of tho estate
ceased and that the sam jndcountS de
county court room in h1 beard at tho
said county on th Llhte ft J McCook in
bor a t the Jiour Sfi Kgr Sf f D
It 13 further ordnrnd P m
given all Parties inteTesfeSn0 of heB bo
Dated this 27th day of Novm
ssalI JCildoRE
County Judge