n I THE FARMER IN WESTERN CANADA The Quality of No 1 Hard Wheat Cannot Be Beaten The Canadian West in tho past five or ten years has given a set back to1 the theory that largo cities are tho backbone of a country and a nations best asset Hero wo have a country where no city exceeds 100000 and where only one comes within easy distance of that figure according to tho census just taken and where no other city reaches a population ex ceeding 15000 Tho places with a population over 5000 can be counted upon the fingers of one hand and yet the prosperity that prevails Is some thing unprecedented in the history of all countries past or present Tho reason for this marvelous prosperity is not hard to seek The large majority of tho 810000 people who inhabit Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta have gone on to the farm and have betaken themselves to tho task of not only feeding and clothing themselves but of raising food for others less happily circumstanced The crop of 190C although not ab normal Is an eye opener to many who previously had given little thought to the subject Ninety million bushels of wheat at 70 cents per bushel 63000 000 76000000 bushels of oats at 30 cents per bushel 22800000 17000 000 bushels of barley at 40 cents per bushel G800000 makes a total of 92600000 This is altogether outside the root products dairy produce and the returns from the cattle trade the beet sugar industry and tho various other by products of mixed farming When such returns are obtainable from the soil It is not to be wondered at that many are leaving the congest ed districts of the eayst to take upon themselves the life of the prairie farm and the labor of the housbandman With the construction of additional railroads new avenues for agricultur al enterprise are opening up and im proved opportunities are offered to the settler who understands prairie farm ing and is willing to do his part in building up the new country This is the theme that Mr J J Hill the veteran railroad builder in the West has laid before the people in a series of addresses which he has given at various points during the past few months and having been for so long identified with the devel opment of the West there are few men better qualified than he to ex press an opinion upon it Take care of the country says he and the cities will take care of themselves The farmers of the Western States and the Canadian West are more prosperous than ever before and when it comes to measuring up re sults the Canadian appears to have somewhat the better of it His land is cheaper in fact the government continues to give free homesteads to settlers and the returns per acre are heavier when the crop is harvested Farming land in the Western States runs from 60 to 150 an acre and up whereas equally good soil may be pur chased in Canada for S to 315 per acre within easy reach of a shipping point and much of this is available for free homesteading The quality of the Canadian No 1 hard wheat can not be beaten and the returns to the acre are several bushels better than on this side of the line the soil and climate of that country being peculiar ly adapted to wheat growing The fact is evidently appreciated by the large number of American farmers who have in the past two or three years settled in the Canadian West The agents of the Canadian Government whose address will be found elsewhere advise us that for the fiscal year 1904 5 the records show that 43543 Americans settled in Canada and in 1905 6 the number reached 57796 From all of which it appears that at present there is a good thing in farming in Western Canada and that the American farm er is not slow to avail himself of it A BRIDGE OF MAHOGANY Valuable Wood Used in Mexican Struo ture for Pedestrians and Teams As mahogany is among the most costly woods in the world it may be inferred that this tropical material is not very extensively employed in the construction of buildings etc A bridge constructed of solid mahogany is certainly a rarity a curiosity There is one claimed to be the only one in the world built of that mate rial This structure is located in the department of Palenque state of Chi apas republic of Mexico This dis trict lies in the extreme southwestern part of Mexico near the boundary line cf Guatemala The mahogany bridge is construct ed entirely of that valuable wood except some Iron braces and nails that are necessary The bridge spans the Rio Michol and its total length in cluding approaches exceeds 150 feet while the width is 15 feet It is used by both teams and pedestrians and though somewhat rude and primitive in construction it is very substantial None of the timbers of the flooring were sawed for in that region there arc no sawmills but were hewn and split In that section of old Mexico there rre several very large rubber planta tions and mahogany trees are quite remmon In clearing away the trop ical forests for setting out the young rubber trees the mahogany growths rre also cut down and removed As this wood is quite abundant some of it was used in building the bridge American Inventor Hammocks In Sleeping Cars In Nova Scotia the experiment has been tried of running a train with hammocks instead of the usual bunks in the sleeping cars It was a great success v TV3ar TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN BOY He Has Improved Markedly of Late Declares a Casual Observer It seems to me that tho quality of the boy now growing up in this country is peculiarly fine He is not only less obstreperous and egotistical but clearer and cleaner minded than the lad of twenty years ago His ad vance physically will be manifest to anyone who will compare the figures In a class photograph of to day with those of yesterday He is taller stralghter better featured finer haired handsomer and more like a thoroughbred In every way writes George Harvey in the North Ameri can Review The exercise to which much of this improvement is attributable may be no more zealous but it seems to be less spasmodic niorp consistent and better adapted to its true purpose As an inevitable sequence his habits Have become more regular improving in turn his manners Altogether he has beeome attractive partially in what he might resent being called a girlish sense as the effect of his greater delicacy but chiefly in a purely masculine way since In point of reality he was neverj before so manly or so scrupulous of hto personal honor His mother is the one chiefly re sponsible for this happy evolution Thirty years ago her prototype donned a cap and became frankly middle aged at marriage From that day the principal feature of her personal ap pearance her figure ceased to inter est her especially and at forty she was satisfactory to a degree as a mother but utterly worthless as a comrade and as a helper To day at forty five she is her daughters equal in appearance and usually we be ilieve her superior in we possession of that mysterious indefinable yet pe culiarly fascinating quality known as charm She has not only main tained but enhanced her attractive ness by growing with as well as for her children It is this daily association from babyhood with her to whom instinct accords earliest reverence that has refined the boy The rather may have been no less congenial as a comrade but circumstances have minimized in a comparative sense Ms helpfulness as a friend Himself the product of a generation less carefully trained and possessing the pelf-satisfaction-of personal success he is unable to per ceive the desirability of a change in method tending to broaden develop ment Hence his patronizing atti tude his disposition to continue to treat as a child the son rapidly ap proaching manhood It is the mother persisting in being a girl who is glad to be regarded and treated by the boy as an intellectual equal To her therefore belongs the credit of a transformation which we believe to be clearly perceivable and which bodes the greatest good to this vast American organism which soon will require the finest mental and1 moral fiber yet demanded by civiliza tion Bible History Up to Date Miller Reese Hutchinson the inven tor is a great motor enthusiast and he has for many years bean interest ed in their development He sold outi his stable when he took to motoring and in consequence his son Reese Jr a bright little chap of three knows little of anything in the vehi cle line save the automobile Before his return from his country place in Bay Shore recently the lads5 mother was telling him several Bibli cal stories and among others told of the birth of the Saviour of the world in a stable in Bethlehem The lad was much interested and later in the evening he awoke from his sleep and insisted on more stories Asked what stories he especially desired he re plied seriously Oh I dont know I think I like that one about the garage in Bethle hem What Tuberculin Is Tuberculin is the result of many experiments to obtain a curative anti toxin or serum for tuberculosis It is a product of the growth of the tuber- Ie organism in artificial cultures says Farming but it is a perfectly harmless product when properly used It will neither cure nor cause the disease to spread in an affected animal neither will it injure a healthy one in any way In skilled hands it is almost in fallible and with ordinary judgment the errors are only a few per cent In Pennsylvania 4000 animals that had given characteristic reactions were slaughtered and examined and the presence of the disease was demon strated in all but eight The Eye Game Captivating shades are coming in with the liking for candle light at din ner parties One of the prettiest shades is of white satin embroidered with silver thread Candfe shade games will be popular One is called the eye game Every shade bears a reproduction of the eye of a dis tinguished man or woman painted on mica which lights up Pencils and cards are passed around at desert and guesses as to the owners of the original eyes are written down The diner who makes the largest number of correct guesses gets a prize Gloria Mundi Speak of me quoth the novelist magnanimously as frankly as if I had been dead 100 years If you had been dead 100 years I shouldnt be speaking of you at all replied the critic taking prompt ad vantage of the dispensation Puck Its often difficult to get even with people who owe you money Mr IVlnsIon fl Soothing Syrnp For children teething eoften the gum reducR In LammaMon alloy pain euro wludcollc IBc a bottle Almost any one can be a power for evil but it takesja man among mei to be a power for good PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color more goods brighter colors with less work than others About the only difference between a family jar and a family row is that tho jar is a trifle smaller Lewis Single Binder costs more than other 5c cigars Smokers know wu v Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 Enmity of your enemies is less un certain than the friendship of your friends National Pure Food and Drugs Act The Garfield Remedies meet with the highest requucnienls of the new Law Take Garfield Tea for constipation I hear Mrs OFiannagan that your husband is very strong in his convic tions Yis sor but hes wake in his head Defiance Starch Never sticks to the iron no blotches no blisters makes ironing easy and doss not injure the goods Cost of the Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal at Agra would cost ten millions if built to day It was begun in 1629 and finished in 1648 Important to Mothers Examlno carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see that it Bears the Signature of Z7cx In TJso For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Boagut Will Study Irish Language The education committee of the Lon don county council has decided to rec ommend to the council that classes for the study of the Irish language and lit erature be opened in the public ele mentary schools of Finsbury Islington St Pancras and Stepney Sheer white goods in fact any fine wash goods when new owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if pnmer attention was given to starching the first essential being good Starch which has sufficient strength to stiffen without thickening the goods Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the improved appearance of your work Depew Writes Reminiscences While Senator Chauncey M Depew was enjoying his long rest at he did a good deal of work on his reminiscences He is not sure that they will ever be published his idea being that they might be of interest to his son In his fifty years of public life Mr Depew has known a great many prominent personages and his reminiscences can hardly fail to bo exceedingly readable Checked Attempt at Monopoly Trusts were sometimes dealt with summarily in old England For in stance the records of the Brewers company show that on Monday July 30 1422 Robert Chichele the mayor of London sent for the masters and 12 of the most worthy of our company to appear at the Guildhall for selling dear ale After much dispute about the price and quantity of malt wherein Whityngtone the late mayor declared that the brewers had ridden into the country and forestalled the malt to raise its price they were convicted In the penalty of 20 100 which ob jecting to the masters were ordered to be kept in prison in the chamber lains custody until they should pay it or find security for the payment thereof NEW YEARS CALLS A New Drink to Replace the Old Time Apple Jack Twenty five years ago the custom of making New Years calls was a de lightful one for all concerned until some of the boys got more egg nog or apple jack than they could suc cessfully carry Then the ladies tried to be charit able and the gentlemen tried to be as chivalrous as ever and stand up at the same time If anyone thinks there has not been considerable improvement made in the last quarter of a century in the use of alcoohlic beverages let him stop to consider among other things the fact that the old custom of New Years calls and the genteel tippling is nearly obsolete The custom of calling on ones friends however at the beginning of the new year is a good habit and an other good habit to start at that time is the use of well made Postum in stead of coffee or spirits A States Island doctor has a sen sible daughter who has set Postum before her guests as a good thing to drink at Yule Tide and a good way to begin the New Year Her father writes My daughter and I have used Postum for some time past and we feel sure it contains wholesome food material I shall not only recommend it to my patients but my daughter will be most pleased to give a demonstration of Postum to our Christmas and New Years callers Read The Road to Wellville inpkgs Theres a reason TSSSBKutfi BOYS HEAD ONE SOLID CORE Hair All Came Out Under Doctor Three Months and No Better Cuticura Works Wonderc Mr A C Barnett proprietor of a general store in Avard Oklahoma tells in tho following grateful letter how Cuticura cured his son of a ter rible eczema My little boy had ec zema His head was ono solid sore all over his scalp his hair all cama out and he suffered very much I had a physician treat him but at the end of three months he was no bet er I remembered that the Cuticura Remedies had cured me and after giving him two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent according to directions and using Cuticura Soap and Oint ment on him daily his eczema left him hi3 hair grew again and he has never had any eczema since Wo use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they keep our skin soft and healthy I cheerfully recommend tho Cuticura Remedies for all case3 of eczema A C Barnett Mar 30 1905 Wife Desertion Alarms So many Cincinnati wives have been deserted by their husbands of late that the city council has taken steps- to ward putting a check on such run aways It has been found that mort gage loan sharks are contributing fac tors in a great many cases A mans ability to mortgage his furniture with out the knowledge of his wife is a strong temptation to husbands of weak will An ordinance has been intro duced making such mortgage of no avail unless they bear the signaturo of both -husband and wife Keep in Good Health There aro many thousands of peo ple all over the world who can at tribute their good health to taking one of two Brandreths Pills every night These pills cleanse the stomach and bowels stimulate the kidneys and liver and purify the blood They are the same fine laxative tonic pills your grandparents used and being purely vegetable they are adapted to children and pld people as well as those in the vigor of manhood and womanhood Brandreths Pilis have been m use for over a century and are for sale everywhere plain or sugar coated Japans Empress Popular It is doubtful if any royal consort more loved by her people than is the empress of Japan Educated accord ing to feudal ideas and skilled In all the accomplishments befitting one of her social eminence her majesty strongly favors the broadness of the new education for women and from her private purse gives large sums toward the maintenance of womens schools and universities During the war with Russia the empress visited the hospitals many times and every day passed hours making bandages The effect of these bandages upon the wounded soldiers has been of deep In terest to medical and scientific men for the soldiers honored by them seemed to rally under a peculiar men tal influence All other bandages were destroyed after their first use those made by the empress were sterilized and used again for the simple reason of their effect on the recovery of the soldiers rnvHWiivaDBBMmwHBMwaMMwnHnBnHMnBi ladies but get rid of the dis ease wnich is the cause or most of womans nervousness viz female trouble 1 was Pavcry nervous writes Mrs T L Tones of Gallatin Tenn and suffered she years m with every disease peculiar to mv sex I had headache SM i spj backache and acute female is inflammation I took threes bottles of Cardui and it cured me I gained 35 pounds in weight I tell my husbaadj that WOHANS RELIEF m was worth its weight in gold E iM to me and I recommend it to Sg II all women M 1 At all Druggists M Quaker yts p 011 ITk i r - tiM VUESMAIIFU Jj VSSiS5s11 POLISH mv 1 r rrfi i f j - o iTVlJJJTsg Canadian Government mm Free Farm of wheat from the hanf t 190o means jjood money to the farmers of V extern Caia ia ner the world has to be fed Cattle Rilling Dairy- ing and Mixed FartnmjjEre aloprofnai e cail ings Coal wood and water tn abundance churches and schools convtutent markets eavy of access Taxes low For advice and information address the Si per- intendent of Immigration Ottawa Canaan or anv authorized Canadian G riment Aefiit W V BENNETT 801 New York Life Omaha Nebraska package guarantees the purity and quality of the oats on the inside ft Ltpw When you can buy the large sized FamSiy Package of Quaker 0at3 containing one of these dain tily decorated dishes at same price you pay for common rolled oats 25c there is no reason why you should rt use the best rolled oats made JKe Quaker Qats Qmpany Quaker Best Cornmca cools better ami it better titan any other corawcal made 3 pouuil sealed package 10c taa 25 gubicqs fas 25 Gents The original 2 ounce can Others have copied SrifB J the can but K C quality has never been equaled g at any piiLc JAQUES MTr CO Cnlcaco AiVMitrva hj m l jgjtfnuin km ij mmwnnvi - TMurev NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AIO MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER IRRITANT CAPISICUM VASELIN EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A OUICK SURE SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN PRICE 15c IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c IN POSTAGE STAMPS DONT WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will rot blister the most deiicate skin The pain alamg and curative qualities of the article are wonderful It will stop the toothache at once and relieve Headache and Sciatica We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known also as an external rerredy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic Neuralgic and Gouty complaints A trial will prove what ve claim for it and it will be founo to be invaluable in the household and for chtlcren Once used no family will be without it Many people say it is the best of all your preparations Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label as otherwise it is not genuine SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU CHESEBROUGH MFG CO 17 STATE STREET NEW YORK CITY pa waij wi vi - u Miiia i m - ui irr SiOOCLO REWARDl J 1 In every large sized FamaSy Package youll find a handsome semi porcelain china dish The dishes will please every housewife The Quaker Oats will give genu ine satisfaction to every member of the family Every family ought to eat the best rolled oats that means Quaker Oats The Quaker on the outside of the Paid f vr tle pro- of any misrepresenta tions 11 cur Literature about in the GULF COAST COUNTRY IN SOUTH TEXAS Our Fa mers make crops of from S5000 to 300 00 per acre and tvro or three crops a year SUFFICIENT RAINFALL PRODUC TIVE SOILS ARTESIAN VELLS HEALTHFUL CLIMATE No Blizzards in our Country like in the Pan handle Land sells NOW at rtro to 25 00 per acre on easy t rms WRITE TO DAY for FREE LITERATIRE and LATFST TEXAS MAP Advertisina Department D FALFURRIAS IMMIGRATION COMPANY KANSAS CITY MO LETS SHOW YOU- 1JJJMM UJIWJ UJ r I STOVE 1 - irr rT t J XM hrfciTimi J Li 1 i wrrT j siffm If m DUST Sf SMOKE PIPIRT BIbI SMELL llli SLOP ill MOSS Ofl 61 y SPILL in If SPATTER U S NAVY s Over 200fO0 American larrners who hae nes tled in Canada dun 5 tte past few vear testi fy tothe fact that m i t voml question Ihe greatest farming lard in the wcrd fllfrK relFTY en ists fnr four years yonc vrcix of ttooil ciaracu r ind sound jars tal condlion be tween t c isresor I and J5a apprentloe sa mn 1 jrtun ties for aarar cement pay SIC to 4U a monii IXL ctncian tua thin- p biacui itt s coitersm tns yeomen csrfcs dtp liters stijinttes tirenicn n usetacs doss e oetween 21 and 5 yeas enisted iipc a I nunsT1 vrasmtao pjiit hosp a app ea c s 1j to 23 vca s Uetlrenfnt en t a is pay a d aliowanors af er Ji yetri service Appi cants must bt Aacrtcan cit F rst c caSt freer recrui C n Isohare Tvei aowane cenu ppr m e i tee f ctiisttnenr is nufuuriii nibs pay and in w n -e-e st siem w tan oi rn mIsi Sison re OlHces a i aidXI - kiNfira k t A so mirtir r cr a U s M - l i T I t j e NAVY 2ECELITINC STATION CEK2OMUA ATbTTPQ of thcacr 111 i iiJ s nrc to cy any- s jes or im turc advertised n shculd irsist upon having as tc rerusing all Lcns JTrTwraJMTpfgE if- TTTTTtf I EE 9 Its cslurrns 5 3 w at they 4 i WANTED At GOOD SALART palil 8ALE8MEN S W N U 0MAHA N 43 1906