J K n THIS IN NEBRASKA EVENTS 9F INTEREST OF MORE OR LESS IMPORTANCE Biennial Report of the Deputy of In surance Total Receipts and Ex penditures From All Sources Nebraska Insurance Matters LINCOLN The biennial report by -John L Pierce insurance deputy shows that 327 insurance companies iare doing business in Nebraska at this time The total premiums re ceived In Nebraska by all classes of companies in 1904 was 9030559 and 4n 1905 98GG332 The total losses pald by all classes of companies in 1904 was 3808958 and in 1905 4 535229 RISKS WRITTEN 1404 1005 Fire ftebruskn stock companies 35490455 40591717 Stk companies other states 135018308 15CC00352 Alutunl nlii 11 rAn too rT rvo tr r XUVMt SUOOU Totals 215149540 254739530 Lilfe and Accident Nebraska leal reserve Iliu companies 5 Xepral reserve life companici other states Mutual benelit life assns Mutual accident companies JYaternal bene ficiary H0 Totals Total premiums received by all companies 0710455 0453002 14951953 2093S00 18301240 12540494 3021050 21070120 2C103C95 27000300 Totals CS101143 71291020 PREMIUMS RECEIVED Tire Nebraska stock companies 523027 530430 Stock companies other states 1824331 2009770 Mutual compa nies C44S28 782130 Totals 29921SG Life and Accident Nebraska legal reserve 1 1 i e companies e pr a 1 reserve life companies other states Mutual- benefit life assns Mutual accident companies Fraternal bene ficiary 41 v O Totals Miscellaneous JMutual hail and plate glass companies Fidelity casual ty and surety companies 207SCC9 2SS336 5972G8 7049S8 2003101 221530 154709 2593393 2S5S41 1S42CC 2251201 055340 C0193S9 53453 5 02515 3295S1 39G202 383034 45SS07 9030559 9SCCS32 Railroad Gives Away Elevator Sir Vincent who represents the Farmers Grain company on the Omaha Grain exchange relates the following incident that fell under his observation recently He was invited to assist in a farmers jubilee in an Icwa village on the anniversary -of the opening of their elevator Parties Tvere present from Lohrville la where there is also a railroad junc tion or crossing of two lines On the first line of road was located an ele vator worth probably 2500 and it was the property of the railroad com pany The farmers organized a grain company and began looking for a site Of course the new line wanted the company to build on its property The old line realizing that the bulk of the shipments would go over the line pat ronized by the farmers company of fered the farmers tho above mentioned elevator on its switch The offer was accepted and the deed made out for a nominal sum The move was a sa gacious one There will probably be no less than 100 cars of grain shipped each year and the freight will be about 75 a car or 7500 annually that the road would have lrt if it had permit ted the farmers to build on the rival road That railroad mar be said to have invested 2500 in farmers The income from hauling two cars will pay interest at G per cent on the investment and the rest of the 7- 500 will contain a large element of profit Mr Vincent in speaking of the in cident stated that he desired to call attention to the fact that an elevator is only a storage place for grain till cars can be obtained to ship in and since the railroads are required to house al lother freight offered it was his opinion that the should be re quired to furnish the elevator to as sist in handling and loading the grain He remarked that the proposition ap peared reasonable and the only argu ment against it would seem to be that the other system has been used so long that it has grown familiar Journal Stockman South Omaha Child Burned to Death TJTICA Near this city a death re sulted from the use of kerosene oil by trying to start a fire The G-year-old girl of Will Blazing living nine miles northwest of the city started to light a fire in the kitchen stove by placing a cab in tne can As she took the cob out of the can she dropped some oil on her clothing and as soon as she had applied the match it immediately set her clothing on Are She was fat ally burned Taken Fatally III on Train LEXINGTON A man named O S Noran of Creston Neb who was ill with kidney and bladder trouble en route over the Union Pacific railroad for Denver was taken worse on the train this morning and removed to the Commercial hotel of this city where he died Struck Vife While Drunk KEARNEY Dr Mansford Mott a veterinary surgeon was fined 100 and costs in police court this afternoon for striking his wife NEBRASKA BRIEFS Farmers Institute will be held Falls City December 18 19 Len Collins escaped prosecution on charge of bootlegging at Tekamah The state will move fish from Gib sons to Cut Off lake at Nebraska City Roy Patterson was thrown from a horse and broke his arm at Platts mouth Gordon M Moore braheman plead ed guilty to stealing from a car at Sidney Fremont Hill of New York is in Nor folk booming the Yankton Gull railroad The initiative and referendum prop osition was defeated in special elec tion at Blair Falling from a baby buggy the In fant son of M Rogers of Utica broke his collar bone The state board of public lands and buildings let a contract for the renova tion of the legislative halls for 400 The identity of the supposed sui cide at Alliance has been proven He was C Curtis whose mother lives in Tucson Ariz The county commissioners have called an election in three of the pre cincts of Polk county to vote bonds for an electric railroad The four elevators at Eustis are making extensive preparations to handle the enormous corn crc which will be moving in a few days George N Erickson a fifteen-year-old hoy broke through the ice while skating on a mill pond at Dannebrog and was drowned He was alone at the time William S Noyes a former railroad man and restaurant and hotel prop rietor well known throughout the state fell dead in the Bostwick barber shop at Hastings Word has been received at Beatrice from Casey la that J F Burns who formerly conducted a wholesale groc ery house in that city had lost his large general store by fire Many acres of beets are still unhar vostcd in the vicinity of Sutherland and the ground in places is frozen too hard to admit of digging Some of the growers are fearful lest they en counter serious losses as a result Ninety per cent of the corn crop of Cuming county is now safely cribbed The weather for the last month has been highly favorable for gathering corn and every advantage has been taken of that fact by the farmers Rev Joseph Presson commandant at the Soldiers Home at Milford in his forthcoming report will advise the erection of a cottage for the use of the commandant and his family and single men employed at the home About a year ago Frank Fentress of Polk county sold out all he had and pulled up stakes for Washington One year was enough for Frank and he has moved back like hundreds of oth ers and will hereafter stand up for Nebraska Henry Habig was shot and instantly killed while hunting along the Platte river in Hall county A gun in the hands of his son-in-law Arnold Feh renkamp having accidentally dis charged Habig had time only to say Arnold youve killed me Miss Charlotte Templeton secretary of the Nebraska library commission has just returned from assisting in the organization of the new libraries in NebrasKa One is located at Nel son where George Lyons offered a building free of rent for a year and the city council authorized a levy for the benefit of the library The other is at Geneva where a large library has been given to the public and the free rent of a building offered The law enacted by the last legisla ture to regulate veterinary surgeons is unconstitutional according to a de cision rendered by County Judge Les lie of Omaha in the case of the state against Dr D D Turner The case was filed by Dr Ramacciotti as a test of the law The decision will be of interest because several other prose cutions hinged on the outcome of this case It is said it may be carried to the supreme court for a final test W H Holloway residing some miles from Grand Island uad a strange ex perience the other night while making his way home from that city When about half way between that city and Doniphan a man jumped out from the side of the road told him to halt making the command good by point ing a revolver at Holloway and mounted the wagon Looking at Hol loway closely the main said You are not the man I was looking for dis mounted and told Holloway to drive on The second distressing accident dur ing the past week says a Shelton dis patch happeneed when a horse ran away with Mr Mcse Kithcart and threw him out and broke one of his legs between the ankle and knee The other accident was that of Marshall George who was just leaving his home to move to Hampton Neb When going down an incline near the mill race he fell from his loaded wagon and the team ran away the wagon running over cne of his legs and badly fractur ing it above the knee F F Foster one of tho trainmen on the Union Pacific between Loup City and St Paul narrowly escaped death near the fair grounds by being struck with an engine Nebraska will be represented and have its snare at international stock shows At the stock show at Chicago next month in the exhibit of steers in the Auerdeen Angus class Nebraska University has entered six Christian Lang Co of York who won prem iums at Nebraska State fair expect to exhibit Angus cattle at the next inter national at r5 22 RIA STORY OF THE MARCH WHITE GUARD 25 SIR GILBERT PARKER Copyright 1002 by It F Fenno Co CHAPTER I Continued The men grouped themselves about the fire Late Carscallen getting the coldest corner Each man drew his tobacco from his pocket and cutting It waited for Sub factor Hume to speak His eyes were debating as they rested on the four Then he took out Rose Lepages letter and with the group looking at him now he read it aloud When it was finished Cloud-In-the-Sky gave a guttural assent and Gaspe Toujours Rooking at Jeff Hyde said It is cold in the Barren Grounds We shall need much tabac These men could read without diffi culty Jaspar Humes reason for sum moning them To Gaspe Toujours re mark Jeff Hyde nodded affirmatively and then all looked at Late Carscal len He opened his heavy jaws once or twice with an animal like sound and then he said in a general kind of way To the Barren Grounds But who leads Jaspar Hume was writing on a slip of paper and he did not reply The faces of three of them showed just a shade of anxiety They had their opinions but they were not sure Cloud-in-the-Sky however grunted at them and raised the howl of his pipe toward the Sub factor The anxiety then seemed to be dispelled For ten minutes more they 3at so all silent Then Jaspar Humo rose handed the slip of paper to Sergeant Gosse and said Attend to that at once Gosse Examine the food and blankets closely The five were left alone Then Jaspar Hume spoke Jeff Hyde Gaspe Toujours Late Car scallen and Cloud-in-the-Sky this man alive or dead is between here and the Barren Grounds He must be found for his wifes sake He handed Jeff Hyde her letter Jeff Hyde rubbed his fingers before he touched the delicate and perfumed missive Its delicacy seemed to be wilder him He said in a rough but kindly way Hope to die if I dont and passed it on to Gaspe Toujours who did not find it necessary to speak His comrade had answered for him Late Carscallen held It inquisitively for a moment and then his jaws opened and shut as if he were about to speak But before he did so the Sub factor said It is a long journey and a hard one Those who go may never nrmio Ruf fTiic man tirno wnrlr fN Vlll UUif bUld UAUU 11 IT WA IV ing for his country and he has got a wife a good wife He held up the letter Late Carscallen wants to know who will lead you Cant you trust me I will give you a leader that you will follow to the Barren Grounds To morrow you will know who he is Men are you satisfied Will you do it The four rose and Cloud-in-the-Sky nodded approvingly many times The Sub factor held out his hand Each man shook it Jeff Hyde first and he said Close up ranks for the H B C CH B C meaning of course Hudson Bay Company Once more Jaspar Hume spoke Go to Gosse and get your outfits at nine to morrow morning Cloud-in-the-Sky have your sleds at the store at eight oclock to be loaded Then all meet me at 1015 at the office of the Chief Factor Good night Left alone the Sub factor sat down to the pine table at one end of the room and after a short hesitation be gan to write For hours he sat there rising only to put wood on the fire The result was three letters the largest addressed to a famous society In London one to a solicitor in Mon treal and one to Mr Field the Chief Factor They were all sealed carefully Then Jaspar Hume rose took out his knife and went over to the box as if to break the red seal He paused however sighed and put the knife back again As he did so he felt something touch his leg It was the dog Jaspar Hume drew In a sharp breath and said It was all ready Jacques and in another three months I should have been in London with it But it will go whether I go or not Whether I go or not Jacques The dog sprang up and put his head against his masters breast Good dog good dog its all right Jacques however it goes its all right Then the dog lay down and watched the man until he drew the blankets over a fighting but masterly soul CHAPTER II At ten oclock next morning Jas par Hume presented himself at the Chief Factors office He bore with him the letters he had written the night before The Factor said Well Hume I am glad to see you That womans Have you anything to propose I suppose not he added despairingly as he looked closely Into the face of the other Yes Mr Field I propose this i that the expedition shall start at noon I to day Shall start at noon to day T In two hours J3ut who are the party Jeff Hyde Gaspe Toujours Late Carscallen and Cloud-In-the-Sky And who leads them Hume Who leads With your permission sir I do You Hume You But man con sider the danger And then there ia there is your invention I have considered all Here are three letters If we do not come back in three months you will please send this one with the box in my room to the address on the envelope this Is for a solicitor in Montreal which you will also forward as soon as possible this last one is for yourself but you will not open it until the three months have passed Have I your permission to lead these men They would not go without me I know that I know that Hume I hate to have you go but I cant say no Go and good luck go with you Here the manly old Factor turned away his head He knew that Jaspar Hume had done right He knew the possible sacrifice this man was making of all his hopes of his very life and his sound Scotch heart appreciated the act to the full But he did not know all He did not Know that Jaspar Hume was starting to look for the man who had robbed him of youth and hope and genius and home Here is a letter that the wife has written to her husband in the hope that he is alive You will take it with you Hume And the other she wrote to me shall I keep it Sfep stood in front of the store on which the British Hag was hoisted with an other beneath It bearing the inaglc letters H B C magic because they have opened to the world rofflone that seemed destined never to know the touch of civilization The few Inhabitants of the Fort had gathered the dogs and loaded sledB wore at the door The White Guard were thero too all but their leader It wanted but two minutes to twelve when Jaspar Hume came from his house dressed also In the white blanket costume and followed by his dog Jacques In a moment more ho had placed Jacques at the head ol the first team of dogs They were to have their leader too and they testi fied to the fact by a bark of approval Punctually at noon Jaspar Hume shook hands with the Factor said a quick good bye to the rest called out a friendly How to the Indians stand ing near and to the sound of a hearty cheer heartier perhaps because none had a confident hope that the five would come back the March of the White Guard began CHAPTER III It is 18 days after In the shadow of a little island of pines that lies in a shivering waste of ice and snow the White Guard camp They are able to do this night what they have not done for days dig a great grave of snow and building a fire of pine wood at each end of this strange house get protection and something like comfort They sit close to the fires Jaspar Hume is writing with his numbed fingers The extract that follows is taken from his diary It tells that days life and so gives an idea of harder sterner days that they have spent and will spend on this weary journey December 25th This is Christmas day and Camp 27 We have marched only five miles to day We Well Drink to the Day When W Sea Them Again No sir I will keep it if you will allow me It is my commission you know And the shadow of a smile hovered about Jaspar Humes lips The Factor smiled kindly as he re plied Ah yes your commission Capt Jaspar Hume of of what Hume Just then the door opened and there entered the four men whom we saw sat around the Sub factors fire the night before They were dressed in white blanket costumes from head to foot white woolen capotes covering the gray fur caps they wore Jaspar Hume ran his eye over them and then answered the Factors question Of the White Guard sir Good was the reply Men you are going on a relief expedition one in which there is danger You need a good leader You have one in Jas par Hume Jeff Hyde shook his head at the others with a pleased 1-told-you-so ex pression Cloud-in-the-Sky grunted his deep approval and Late Carscallen smacked his lips in a satisfied man ner and rubbed his leg with a school boy sense of enjoyment The factor continued In the name of the Hud son Bay company I will say that if you come back having done your duty faithfully you shall be well re warded And I believe you will comp back if it is in human power to do so Here Jeff Hyde said It isnt for reward were doin it Mr Field but because Capt Hume wished it be- ceuse we believed hed lead us and to his chin and sleep drew oblivion for the lost fellows wife We wouldnt have said wed do it if it wasnt for him thats just called us the White Guard Under the bronze of the Sub-factors face there spread a glow mors red than brown and he said simply Thank you men for they had all nodded assent to Jeff Hydes words Come with me to the store We will start at noon letter was on my mind all night i And at noon the White Guard are SO miles from Great Fish river and the worst yet to do We have dis covered no signs Jeff Hyde has had a bad two days with his frozen foot Gaspe Toujours helps him nobly One of the dogs died this morning Jacques is a great leader This nights shel ter is a godsend Cloud-in-the-Sky has a plan whereby some of us will sleep well We are in latitude 63 degrees 47 minutes and longitude 112 degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds Have worked out lunar observations Have marked a tree JH 27 and and raised cairn No 3 We are able to celebrate Christmas Day with a good basin of tea and our standby of beans cooked In fat I was right about them they have great sustaining pow er To morrow we will start at ten oclock The writing done Jaspar Hume puts his book away and turns toward the rest Cloud-in-the-Sky and Late Car scallen are smoking Little can be seen of their faces they are muf fled to the eyes Gaspe Toujours is drinking a basin of tea and Jeff Hyde is fitfully dozing by the fire The dogs are above in the tqnt all but Jacques who to night is permitted to be near his master The Sub factor rises takes from a knapsack a small tin pail and puts It near the fire This operation is watched by the others Then he takes five little cups that fit snugly into each other separates them and puts them also near the fire None of the party speak A change seems to pass over the faces of all except Cloud-In-the-Sky He smokes on unmoved At length the Sub factor speaks cheer ily Now men before we turn In well do something In honor of the day Liquor we none of us have touched since we started but back there in the fort and maybe in other places too they will be think ing to us so well drink a health to them though its but a spoonful and to the day when we see them again CTO BE CONTTNUED VIRTUES OF OLIVE OIL One of the Most Valuable of All Toilet Adjuncts The uhos and virtues of olive oil nro many not only from a culinary point of view but as a medicine and an ad j junct to the toilet For Internal use ollvo oil Is Jy valuablo In many cases being as good If not better than cod liver oil and far more palatable while as a beauty specific It Is of more value than many high priced cosmetics and jSkln foods both of which last virtues it unites in itself With respect to skin food and cos metics no animal fat or any cream Laving such as a base should ever bo used for the face as It has a tendency to encourage that most fatal foe to womans beauty superfluous hairs lOllve oil however being a vegetable product has no such Injurious effect and can be used with safety by almost anyone except perhaps those with greasy skins But particularly those who have ar rived or are arriving at the much talked of and dreaded uncertain ago should not neglect the regular use of olive oil it helps In a wonderful way to preserve the soft nothings of chin and throat Some people advocate pure glycerin but this sticky stuff is absolutely ru inous to the skin and should neer bo used alone olive oil on the otlu r lliand is most beneficial As to the method of its employment simply wash the face well and then gently rub the oil in with linger tips using an upward motion for the cheeks till the skin has absorbed as1 much as it can then wipe off with clean wadding lint or a piece of old linen SOME USES FOR SODA Material Practically Indispensable for the Housewife A weak solution of soda will revive 4the color in a dusty carpet Keep flowers fresh by putting a pinch of soda in the water Add a little soda to the water when boiling out enamel saucepans and it will help to cleanse Jhem A spoonful of soda added vt water in which dishcloths are washed J will keep them a good color and en them One large teaspoonful of sal i soda will bleach a kettleful of clothes Hair brushes need a weekly cleansing j for -this purpose add one tablespnnnful j of soda to a quart of hot water dip the bristles not the back into this and J Shake well until perfectly clean j rinse and stand on edge to dry When the waste pipe is clogged with grease pour down a gallon of boiling water in which has been dissolved aj cupful of soda Repeat this until all the impurities are removed In conk ing gooseberries add a pinch r ko k size of a pea to each quart of fruit le s sugar will be required to svi Ten it Add a teaspoonful of soda to the water in which you wash silver - fore using glass fruit jars the serondi time wash with soda water and riis in order to sweeten them Dam pen soda and apply when bitten by any poisonous insect The Housekyjer Steak Bernaise As the delicious French sauce re quires close attention in its making it is safer to have butter creamed and the egg beaten before commenc ing to broil the steak The rest of th i process can be attended to while the meat is cooking Rub in a small bowl four rounded tablespoonfuls of butter until creamy adding a sifting of pap rika and half a teaspoonful salt Beat the yolks of four eggs in a small sauce pan and set one side In another saucepan put four tablespoonfuls each hot water and tarragon vinegar with a slice of onion and cook until reduced one half Strain out the onion add the hot vinegar to the beaten ctr yolks little by little set the pan over the fire in a hot water bath and stir rapidly as the egg thickens A soon as creamy and thick take from the fire add a portion of the creamed butter incorporate thoroughly add moro of the butter and so on until all is in and well blended Then po ir at once over a hot broiled sirloin or tenderloin steak When fresh tarravnn cannot be obtained a little of the line minced herb is added just before serv ing Minced parsley or chives an also sometimes used and garlic may be substituted for the onion Empress Cake Have ready six ounces of butter and the same of caster sugar three eggs nine ounces of flour half teaspoonful f baking powder grated rind of lemon and four ounces of glace cher ries cut into halves Line a cake tin with buttered paper Cream together the butter and sugar Well whisk the eggs Sieve togetver the flour and baking powder and edd the lemon rind to it Next add alternately some flour and ess to the butter and sugar till all mixed in Poar half of the the tin then sprinkle in a layer A the cherries cut in halves Next add the rest of the mixture Bake first in a quick oven then in a cooler one for about three quarters of an hour Hemstitched Guimpe An easy and very quick way to make quite an elaborate guimpe yoke to draw the thread suflicienTly form 16 of an inch wide stripes at nrh and a half distances Hemistich ooth edges and embroider some prer f simple vine or else featherstirch ii tine effect on the parts between T p Iravrn lines can end at graduated u lances to form the yoke as exacIy a Dossible the size to show aove h jress edge and thus avoid any extra ir wasted work t