The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1906, Image 3

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Wireless Telegraph
Plant Operated by Boys
In Newport It I aro two wireless
telegraph plants owned and oper
ated by boys which are nerhans the
most complete amateur plants In the
country They belong to Lloyd Man
uel who has his plant at his home on
Third street and Henry Itooney
Whose apparatus Ib situated on Mt
iVernon street
Both boys receive and send mes
sages but aro particularly busy in re
jcelving the many messages that aro
sent to the wireless station at the
torpedo station At times the
perators at the torpedo station talk
Kvith the boy operators at Newport
t mt 3 S
adjustable The length of the wavo
is regulated with this apparatus by
moving the chips In either an upward
or downward direction After ascer
taining precisely the right position for
a certain station it Is an easy matter
to keep this in mind and no further
trouble is experienced Though other
stations than the one they aro calk
Ing may receive the message it is
heard most distinctly by Uie station
to which the apparatus Is adjusted
The greatest improvement over the
earlier instrument is In the wave de
tector Two pieces of carbon with an
ordinary needle placed across them
Wtiwm I IP
The House Used in Wireless Experiments
and the navy men both enlisted men
and officers are much interested in
the work of the amateurs
Last winter Charles Fielding a mes
senger boy employed by the Postal
telegraph company constructed a
wireless station and sent and received
messages So interested did Com
mander Albert Gleaves of the torpedo
station become in the apparatus and
work of the messenger boy that he
visited the Improvised station at
Fieldings home with the result that
Filding was enlisted in the navy
though two years under the age limit
This last act was waived as the navy
was anxious to have the services of
the young expert Commander
Gleaves made a full report of Field
ings apparatus to the navy depart
ment Fielding is now an electrician
in the navy and is stationed at the
Brooklyn navy yard
Manuel and Rooney spend prac
tically all their spare time working
and experimenting with their outfits
and have made several improvements
and additions to their first rather
crude apparatus
In the part of the apparatus which
is used for sending messages a con
denser and a tunning coil are used
This is a brass wire connected with
the aerial and to the instrument itself
by means of leads or chips which are
Measuring Its Velocity by Aid of Elec
trically Charged Screens
Measuring the velocity of a cannon
ball may seem to be a difficult matter
Tut it is really one of the simplest of
1 r MH
The Cannon and Targets
scientific problems The accompany
ing diagram shows the whole thing
Somewhere in the path of the pro
jectile are placed two wire screens
marked C and D each formed of a
simple frame across which a wire
runs back and forth forming part of
an electric battery circuit in which an
accurate timepiece T is also inter
As the projectile on being fired
from tile gun passes through the
screen C the circuit of which it is
a part is broken and the clockwork is
started the index originally pointing
io zero On passing through the other
screen D the projectile interrupts the
second circuit with the effect of in
stantly bringing the clock mechanism
to a stop
Knowing then the exact distance
between the two screens usually sev
eral hundred feet it follows that by di
viding it by the number of seconds or
fractions of a second marked on the
-clock dial representing the time that
has elapsed during the passage of the
projectile from screen C to screen D
we obtain the number of feet per sec
ond that the projectile was traveling
When a man of evil stock tries to do
jright he is fighting all his forbears
at once
was the way in which the first de
tector was made Now the boys use
an electro lytic receiver This con
sists of a hair like platinum wire
which is partly contained in a recep
tacle containing acid to which it is
fastened by means of a screw ad
justment Another tunning coil is
used similar to the one used in send
ing but in this coil there are many
more turns of wire A sliding con
tact is employed and in this manner
any part of the coil can be used
A receiver attached to the head
similar to the ones used by telephone
operators is used The sliding con
tact is then moved up and down un
til the apparatus responds
The general aim of all experiment
ers in the field of wireless telegraphy
at the present time is to discover a
selective system of transmitting mes
sages This is a system whereby it
will be possible to transmit messages
from one point to another without
outside stations being able to inter
fere or butt in
This latter is now the greatest de
fect in wireless telegraphing as other
stations than the one intended get the
mesrage Of course these may not
understand the message if It is sent in
a code but they are able to bother the
sender and receiver to a greater or
less extent
A Trick That Will Amuse an Evening
Company Immensely
Public entertainers of all kinds are
always anxious to get on good terms
with their audiences One of the sur
est methods of attaining this is to dec
ceive the spectators with some appar
ently genuine trick and to then as
it were allow them to discover that
the feat is really a bogus one
A good example of this is afforded
by a conjurer who putting a plate on
top of pedestal places a billiard ball
upon it Facing the audience he steps
in front of the pedestal then steps
aside again and lo and behold the
billiard ball has disappeared
The performer searches for the
ball and soon pretending to see it
dropping from the clouds he catches
it and holds it aloft in his right hand
for all to see
In reality the performers left arm
fixed in front of him is from elbow
downwards a dummy one and it is
with his real left hand that he picks
up the billiard ball behind his back
Soon in the search the ball is se-
J jJ
S2 5 V JLjl If l THt
Z2 V -- JAIR
I explanation I
The Trick illustrated
cretly transferred to his right hand
and the trick neatly finished
A shout of laughter invariably arises
as after bowing low the performer
retires up the stage his left forearm
and hand now of course showing
plainly against his black cloth coat
Power of Light
The extraordinary resuscitating
power of light recently received a
curious illustration in the silver mines
at Laurium A mine had been aban
doned 2000 years when some poppy
seed was found beneath the slag The
slag being removed in a short time
the entire space was covered with the
most gorgeous show of poppies After
their 20 centuries rest thev had
bloomed as vigorously as if they had
UCvU uuiuc ujr UUHCIS Ul yesteraay
Characteristics of the Popular Pugs-Hand-Reared
Kittens Salt Baths
for Sick Goldfish Birds
Need of Sunlight
Pugs are very affectionate and good
tempered dogs their great fault is
greediness and this is all the more
serious as they are naturally inclined
to be fat and want less food than
most dogs of their size and more ex
When a kitten has to be reared by
hand the best thing to do is to bring
it up on the bottle a miniature feed
ing bottle such as is sold In toy shops
will answer the purpose admirably
The method is much superior to spoon
feeding as the latter involves much
handling and kittens should be han
dled as little as possible until they
are six weeks old
The most common and fatal of the
diseases which attack goldfish is a
fungus growth which first appears as
a tiny white speck on the tail fins
head or body of the fish and which
spreads with great rapidity unless
it is treated at once The sick fish
should bo placed in water containing
a strong solution of salt It should
then be taken out and wiped with a
soft cloth so as to remove as much of
the growth as possible after which
it should be given a second salt-water
bath This seems to enable the
fish to throw off the disease sooner
than anything
If your canaries have laid eggs out
of season it is safer not to allow
them lo bo hatched but to take them
away and either destroy them or blow
them and put them on a string Tift
reason of this is that the moulting
season may be at hand and it is too
great a strain on your birds consti
tutions to bring up another family
Plenty of sunlight greatly beautifies
a birds plumage If it is daily placed
where the suns rays can fall upon it
the feathers will become far brighter
and more richly hued than if it is
always kept in the shade Take the
precaution however to cover a
tion of the cage so that the bird can
retire out of the glare of the sun
when it chooses
Retrievers learn to fetch and carry
more quickly than other dogs and
may be made very useful in bringing
ones slippers and other small arti
cles and in carrying things in the
For the Hall or Den
Mission furniture in dark oak
adorns many halls better than mahog
any If the hall is large mission
chairs may be accompanied with a
table and tabouret A settle of the
same with a detached mirror having
hooks for hats and coats is newer
than the hat rack and seat combined
An entrance hall may also contain
an odd chair which may be a family
A Chinese hour glass chair which
is of willow is a favorite in the den
or studio For comfort the chair
should have loose cushions at the
back and on the seat These should
be covered in material of Oriental
Kidney and Tomato Pie
Boil four ounces of macaroni till
tender and cut it into inch lengths
Skin and core a beef kidney boil it
slowly in salted water for half an
hour and cut it in slices Butter a
pie dish put a layer of macaroni on
it over that spread a layer of sliced
kidney seasoned with pepper and salt
and made mustard dredge lightly
with flour Cover this with a layer of
sliced raw tomatoes sprinkled with
bread crumbs repeat the layers in
the above order add some good rich
gravy and let the top layer be of
bread crumbs with small bits of but
ter on the surface Bake steadily for
an hour
Chicken in Jelly
Prepare a chicken as for boiling
Place it in a saucepan with sufficient
water to cover it cold add a sprig of
thyme and a thick slice of lemon and
salt to taste
Cook gently till tender Meanwhile
soak half an ounce of gelatine in suffi
cient water to cover it When the
chicken is done add the gelatine to
the liquor in which the chicken was
boiled and reduce Skin the chicken
when cool and cut it up into neat
Place in a round basin or shape if
preferred and when the liquor is re
duced enough strain over chicken and
leave till set
To Keep Clothes White
In putting away white clothes from
one season to another to keep them
Irom yellowing take a bag made of
an old sheet wash clean dip in
strong blueing water and dry It
should be very blue Then put clean
ccthes in bag loosely and hang in a
darc clnset Clothes will keep white
tor -ears by this method
Will Absorb Spilled Oil
If kerosene is spilled on carpets
bcoks or manuscripts try removing
it by sprinkling corn meal thickly
over the ai tifle immediately Renew
frequently until the oil has been en
tirely absorbed
To Keep Laundry Irons Smooth
Laundry irors often become
from bits of starch baking on the
jdges The very best way to keep
hem snooth and clean is to wash
hem thoroughly in soap suds Be
aiire hat they are well dried or mst
wJl gather
Art of
Boomerang Making
The Returning Boomerang Differs
Widely From Those Used In
Warfare How They Should
Be Thrown
The boomerang Is a weird and er
ratic form of missle and though I
have about 50 and have continually
practised with them for many years I
have not one that it may be said
closely resembles another in its be
havior It is impossble to reproduce
with even approximate accuracy a
good returning Australian boomerang
owing to tne numerous twists and in
dentations contained in its outlnes
These curious twists and hollows rep
resent the experience of generations
of native boomerang artists
There are two distinct kinds of Aus
tralian boomerang the one used in
warfare and the returning one As
the latter is always more or less flat
on one side it may be easily dis
tinguished It will be noticed how
slight is its curve Fig I If how
ever we make one exactly similar as
regards its size and curve it will make
no attempt to return when thrown
Fig II shows the boomerang edge
ways and emphasises the lateral
twists rather resemblng those of the
propeller of a steamship which cause
the weapon to return to the person
who throws it
The Australian war boomerang Fig
III is nearly twice as large and
heavy as the returning one has no
twists and is rounded on both sides
It does not return to the thrower
This weapon will travel skimming
low over the ground to a range of
from 150 yards to 180 yards and the
blow it gives a tree trunk at 100 yards
is as if the latter were violently
struck with a blunt and heavj sword
As an instrument of savage warfare
It would have a terrible effect on a
5cantily clad opponent
Though the returning boomerang
One of the Historic Edifices of Great
Britain Recently Destroyed
by Fire A World
A fire which brought grief to the
art lovers all over the Christain world
was that which destroyed Selby Ab
Dey in Yorkshire England The old
abbey was a relic of the highest in
terest both architecturally and his
All Gothic it is hardly too much to
say was epitomised in this building
from rounded Norman arch to flam
boyant window tracery of the later
time Nor do many churches possess
a history comparable in interest with
that of Selby Abbey It was founded
by the Conqueror in 10GS The tradi
tion runs that Williams son Henry
was born in the ancient town The
early Benedictine settlement became
in after time the only mitred abbey
with a single exception north of the
Trent Gradually the Abbots fav
ored both by Pope and King grew
wealthy as their lands and stock in
creased In 1292 the income amount
2d to 832 a year equal to 16000
at the present day And this great
wealth was available for a community
whose members numbered no more
han 30
At its zenith of wealth and beauty
the Abbey was a magnificent pile 300
feet in length rich and splendid with
the glories of Norman Early English
and Decorated architecture But its
choir separated from the aisles by
seven pointed arches with clustered
pillars rich with carvings and tra
ceried windows and splendid with
stained glass was the chief glory of
the building before its decline As
for the great east window with its
Fig 1 was chiefly employed by na
tives for killing as food birds flying
in small numbers or in flocks it was
also constantly used as an amusing
plaything just as a sling for pebbles
or a bow and arrow might be carried
by a schoolboy All the best Austr
Han boomerangs are closely notcbou
on both surfaces
The Australian gave his boomerang
this rough surface so that it might
bite the air in its flight For the
same reason the outside or cover of
a golf ball is Indented or pitted a
when golf balls are made with a
smooth china like surface as was
formerly the case it was found they
would not fly far or accurately There
have been many diagrams in various
periodicals describing the light of a
boomerang none of which in my
opinion has ever clearly indicated its
career in the air I will endeavor to
elucidate this subject in a manner
that I consider is easier to understand
than one conveyed in a series of con
fusing lines and figures For exam
ple take up your position facing the
north and throw your boomerang
northeast It should travel from right
lo left the north being the far apex
of its circular route and return from
the northwest It should then pass
close to you towards the southeast
for a scoie of yards or more behind
Flight of a Boomerang
The black center spot represents the
thrower The small arrows indicate its
flight and the large one points in the di
rection the wind should blow -from Of
course the position of the thrower will
vary in accordance with the wind and
he may be facintj S E or W instead
of as here shown towards the north
your back and returning again spin
down to the ground within a yard or
two of your feet In this case the
most favorable wind would be from
the northwest To put It shortly
throw the boomerang to your right
front or at an angle that is halfway
between the point of your right should
er and the direction you are facing
standing so that the wind blows to
wards your left front
storied glass representng the Tree
of Jesse restored by Mr William Liv
ersidge some years ago it is con-side-ed
the second finest of its kind in
existence Fortunately this escaped
disaster like most of the monuments
and tombs which are very interesting
But the flames have consumed the
Lathom Chapel and north transept
the chapel windows large and small
have gone and the roofs also The
magnificent choir was burnt out com
pletely as well as the east end The
inside of the tower was burned from
base to roof clock belfry and bells
falling in a shower of sparks The
nave has gone and the great organ in
course of erection at a cost of 1200
many a pillar is ruined and carving
tracery and a thousand details of
Gothic beauty with the lovliness of
age upon them are destroyed
Yet is hard not to fancy that his
tory had been wiped out with this
ancient building of which the main
walls and Norman and Early English
columns are the sole sound remains
For it will be difficult to imagine in
the newness of the restoration that
here King John walked that here the
two first Edwards stayed when the
war with the Scots was raging or
that here Qupeen Margaret wor
shipped as we are told in histories
The Selby fire brigade with its
single engine could do little to check
the flames although it was quickly
on the scene In fact notwithstanding
the arrival afterwards of engines from
Leeds and York the fire pretty well
worked its will and only stopped
when its fuel was all consumed
The flames appear to have origi
nated in the Lathom Chapel which
contained the new organ This was
blown by a Kinetic blower driven
by a gas engine and something went
wrong here The fire spread with
astonishing rapidity from the Lathom
His Little Joke
I never permit my hired man to go
out night said the farmer
And why have you made such a
rule as that
Oh just to keep my hand in
Houston Post
To the Point
j Office Boy What can I do to get
I a raise in salary sir
The Boss Earn what youre getting
now Detroit Free Press
His Explanation
Young man said the stern parent
did I hear you kissing my daughter in
the parlor last night
You did sir
Why did you do it
To be plain sir she was the only
kissable thing about and I felt in the
mood Milwaukee Sentinel
Languages Spoken in India
Seventeen distinct languages be
sides English are spoken in India
November is tho month of falling
temperatures Over all tho temperato
rtjdons tho hot weather has passed
oad the first rigors of winter have ap
peared As the great bulk of civilized
nations is located In tho Temperato
The Human System
Must Adjust itself
to Changing Tem
Zones tho offect
of changing sea
sons is a ques
tion of the high
est importance
When the weath
er begin 8 to
change from warm to cold when cool
nights succeed hot nights when clear
cold days follow hot sultry days tho
human body must adjust itself to this
changed condition or perish
Tho perspiration incident to warm
weather has been checked This do
tains within tho system poisonous
materials which have heretofore found
escape through the perspiration
Most of the poisonous materials re
tained in tho system by the checked
perspiration find their way out of tho
body If at all through tho kidnoys
This throws upon tho kidneys extra
labor They become charged and over
loaded with tho poisonous excretory
materials This has a tendency to In
flame the kidneys producing function
al diseases of tho kidneys and some
times Brights Disease
Peruna acts upon the skin by stimu
lating the emunctory glands and ducts
thus preventing the detention of pois
onous materials which should pass
out Peruna invigorates the kidneys
and encourages them to fulfill their
function in spite of the chills and dis
couragements of cold weather
Peruna is a
combination o f
well tried harm
less remedies
that have stood
tho test of time
Many of these
is o World
Renowned Rem
edy For Climatic
remedies have been used by doctors
and by the people in Europe and
America for a hundred years
Peruna has been used by Dr Hart
man in his private practice for many
years with notable results Its efficacy
has been proven by decades of use by
thousands of people and has been
substantiated over and over by many
thousands of homes
Disobedience Brought Death
An Italian prince had strictly for
bidden one of his daughters to smoke
but so great a hold had the habit ob
tained over her that she secretly en
gaged in the practice at every oppor
tunity One day she was indulging In
a cigarette as she reclined on a bal
cony attired in a dress of the lightest
muslin Suddenly her father appeared
on the scene In the hurry to hide the
evidence of her disobedience the
princess placed her hand with the
burning cigarette behind her back
The result was startling and tragic
her frock was immediately in a blaze
and she was fearfully burned from
head to foot dying after suffering in
Conscientious people are like ideas
They refuse to strike a man when he
is down
Smokers have to call for Lewis Single
Binder cigar to Ret it Your dealer or
Lewis Factory Peoria 111
he deepest love is that which pro
fesses least
Mrs Cota Confined to Bed and in
Constant Pain Cured by Dr
Williams Pink Pills
Rheumatism can be inherited and that
fact proves it to be a disease of the blood
It is necessary therefore to treat it
through the blood if a permanent cure
is expected External applications may
give temporary relief from pain but a3
long as the poisonous acid is in the blood
the pain will return perhaps in a new
place but it will surely return Dr Wil
liams Pink Pills cure rheumatism be
cause they go directly to the seat of the
disorder purifying and enriching the
Mrs Henry Cota of West Cheshire
Conn is the wife of the village ma
chinist Several years ago she says
I was laid up with rheumatism in my
feet ankles and knees I was in con
stant pain and sometimes the affected
parts would swell so badly that I could
not get about at all to attend to my
household duties There was one period
of three weeks during which I was con
fined to the bed My sufferings were
awful and the doctors medicine did not
help me
One day a neighbor told me about
Dr Williams Pink Pills and I decided to
try them After I had taken them a
short time I was decidedly better and a
few more boxes cured me What is
better the cure was permanent
Remember Dr Williams Pink Pills do
not act on the bowels They make iipv
blood and restore shattered nervos They
toueup the stomach and restore impaired
digestion bring healthful refreshing
sleep give strength to the weak and make
mi erable complaining people strong
hungry and energetic Thpy are sold by
all druggists or will be sent postpaid on
receipt of price 50 cents per box pir
boxes 250 by the Dr Williams Medi
cine Co Schenectady NY
In buying a cough medicine re
member the best cough cure
Kemps Balsam
costs no more than any other kind
Remember too the kind that
cures is the only kind worth any
Every year thousands are saved
from a consumptives grave be
taking Kemps Balsam in time
Is it worth while to experiment
with anything else
Sold by all dealers at 25c and 50c