The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 30, 1906, Image 1

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Remains Pass Through McCook
Mr aud Mrs Emerson Hanson passed
through McCook Tuesday morning on
No 2 with the remains of her father
Joseph W Parks whose fatal injury
was briefly noted in last weoks Tri
bune The body was taken to Bushnell
111 where interment was made besides
the wife Thursday
Many beautiful floral tributes were
given the sad party at this place from
which Mrs A L Knowland accom
panied them to Bushnell as a special
representative of the order of the East
ern Star
Details of Mr Parks accident are
most distressing While passing over
the mountains of Nevada he became
cold and sought warmth near the heater
in tho Pullman sleeping car The
heater being pushed oxploded Mr
Parks being fatally burned about chest
and face The accident occurred on
Monday morning but Mr Parks sur
vived until the reached his brother in
2Jew Castle Calif where he expired on
Thursday afternoon
Two other persons on the train were
killed by a similar explosion on the dining-car
of the same train
Thanksgiving Services
The Tribune hopes tho attendance
upon the thanksgiving services in the
Christian church Thursday morning at
1030 is not to be taken as a full expres
sion of the sentiment of the people of
McCook regarding the day
The sermon by Rev G B Hawkes of
tho Congregrational churh was apropos
and worthful fixing clearly and unmis
takably the responsibility associated in
separably with our national prosperity
Rev Green of the Baptist church and
Eev Carman of the Methodist church
were participants in the exercises
A collection was lifted
Turkeys Wanted
I am in the market for all the turkeys
ducks and geese also chickens that I
can get at the highest price the market
will afford Bring the turkeys in a
week or ten days before Thanksgiving
so it will give me time to get them to
market Dont forget but see me be
fore you sell your poultry
AL Walsh
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Preaching services at 11 a in and 8 p
m Young peoples meeting at 7 p m
tA F Green Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a m Holy communion and sermon at
S p ni prayers and sermon Sunday-
school at 10 a m The Rector will offi
ciate All are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Christian Endeavor at
7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednes
day art 8 p m The public is cordially
invited to all these services Meetings
very day at 330 and 8 p m during the
coming week G B Hawkes Pastor
Methodists Sunday School at 10
Sermon at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior
League at 4 Epworth League at 7
Prayer meeting Wednesday night at S
oclock Subject for morning Winning
Souls We are here for your good A
full house proves the peoples apprecia
tion of these services We will make
ou glad M B Carman Pastor
A little light in fact more might not
come amiss on the McCook water ques
tion and The Tribune may be expected
to exhibit at least as much tenderecon
cern in the matter as a chicken eating
porker would in a buncfi of gosliDgs
Evangelist Lyon is making good in his
revival at Fremont The first two weeks
200 decided for Christ Suaday last the
sermon to men was heard by 600 men
Will be in McCook during January
T B England has returned to 111
Jules Merle is visiting in Colorado
Percy Catlktt has returned to Bart
ley to live
Supn and Mrs Thomas aro giving
thanks at Harvard
Msss Stoker is in Nelson during tho
Thanksgiving vacation
Miss Ruth Wiehh is in Lincoln for
the Thanksgiving holidays
Miss Ethel Morrissey is down from
Denver guest of McCook friends
Miss Edna Waite is home from the
state university for Thanksgiving
Miss Hanna Suess depnrted Wednes
day morning for her home in crote
Mrs Viola Peterson is entertaining
her brother Mr Knotrio from Iowa
W H Ferguson was up from Lin
coln Monday on important business
Mrs II H Tartsch will be at home
to P E O Saturday Dec 1st 2 P M
Mrs N AFahnestock arrived home
close of last week from an extended
visit in Illinois
Miss Kathryne Sawyer came u p
from University Place Tuesday night
to be thankful with tho homefolks
Bert Beyrer is now manager of a
drug store in Idaho Springs Colo on a
neat salary with bright prospects
Mr and Mrs I M Beardslee re
turned today from visiting their
daughter Mrs W A Dolan in Indian
Albert Wilsey state senator elect
from the 29th district was over from
Moorefield Monday in tho line of legis
lative affairs
Mr and Mrs C H Boyle are visit
ing his parents in Denver over the
Thanksgiving holidays going up to Den
ver Friday last
Mrs L R Hileman returned home
Sunday night from a visit of several
weeks with relatives in Exeter and her
husband in South Omaha
E Schell Kimmell laid aside his
university duties and camo up from
Lincon Wednesday night to be at
home over the Thanksgiving season
Rev A F Green Mrs H A Rouch
and Miss Hurley are delegates to the
Baptist Young Peoples convention in
Holdrego this week Rev Green is one
of the programed speakers
Rev J J Loughran is absent at Ex
celsior Springs Mo and other points
on a short vacation for recreation and
health Rev J J Mallaly has been in
A nice line of large type Bibles at Mc
charge at St Patricks since his depart
Simpson Finnell came in from Ham
burg Iowa last Thursday night on a
shore visit to the Stokes His wife who
has been visiting her sister Mrs J G
Stokes accompanied him home Tues
day night on No 6
Perry Bross formerly master mechan
ics chief clerk here but late clerk for
the supt of the Sheridan division has
resigned from the road service and is
now secretary for a mining company in
Sheridan Mrs Bross is visiting in
R M Douglass had word from his
wife Tuesday evening that his baby
was very ill at Broken Bow Nebraska
but later a phone message that tho little
one was better He was preparing to
leave on the night train when more as
suring news came
Imitation Humanity
All civilized lands now forbid tho sale
of the genuine article and manufacturers
have been busy producing an acceptable
substitute for commercial purposes
About the best thing khown is the life
size cloth doll the one of which tis said
that babys clothes will now fit dolly
They can be had for 25o in the cloth or
60c stuffed at Thompsons only
Give Dolls
Children and dolls are inseparable
You never saw a child that had too
many dolls Come and look over our
array of dolls prices from one cent to
10 You may not be quite ready to
buy but we would like to show these
beauties to you
L W McConnell Druggist
Some Great Bargains In
second hand soft coal Base Burners at
McCook Hdw Co
A trial of McMillens Cream Lotion
will make you a customer
First meeting of the Red Willow Co
Teachers association will be held in
Lebanon December 8th
McConnell is showing the largest line
of pictures he has ever had All the
latest novelties in framed pictures in
etchings pastels crayons and water
The Companys Latest Viaduct Offer
Accompanied by an Expensive
Maintenance Proviso
The latest offer of the Burlington raii
road company to close tho road and
crossing incident at this place by erect
ing a viaduct south from Manhattan st
the prebont crossing and road through
the companys extensive yards at this
place delighted every McCook citizen
desirous of a satisfactory and equitable
adjustment of the questiou until closer
inspection made it plain that the offer
included a proviso that tho city of Mc
Cook must maintain the viaduct
The proposed viaduct would be about
1400 feet long 20 feet wide and it is
estimated would cost about 25000
Having no expert figures at Land wo
are not able to state what the cost of
maintaining such a structure would av
erage annually but the expense- is placed
as high as 1000 annually This figure
if even approximately correct would bo
prohibitive for tho city of McCook im
The council Mouday evoningdeclined
to take any action on the proposition
on the ground that they are enjoined
so the matter seems to be up in the
air as far as before unfortunately
An undrground crossing south of Min
nesota street and about south of the
West school building is also contempla
ted by the company
Pure Staples
Simpsons moiczd silver grey prints 05
American do do do 05
American indigo blue prints 05
American shirting prints 05
Allens pinks 05
Best apron check ginghams 05
Best table oilcloth including white 15
Peerless carpet warp 21c and 23
Best 16 oz 2 bu seamless grainbags 20
Fleischers German knitting yarn sk 25
All colors Saxony yarn skein X5
Mens half wool sox2 pairs for 25
Mens all leather gloves per pair 18
Boys do do do 13
Izzer home made bed comforts
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
One price plain figures cash only
After Thanksgiving Turkey
has been cleaned up the next thing
will be to select some remembrance for
our friends and the thing most desired
will be something useful This is what
we have endeavored to supply
Our store will contain hundreds of
suggestions for the shrewd Christmas
shoppers and all new goods of the latest
McCook Hardware Co
Frederick Chouteau
The man whose name was given to one
of St Louis oldtime fashionable ave
nues was the pioneer exploiter of this
region for furs and our stream the
Frenchman was undoubtedly so called
from his French trappers The most
popular and dressy furs are now supplied
by other regions to McCook people who
find them in largest selection at Thomp
sons Genuine Isabella fox scarfs at
8650 Others SI to 1250
W C T U Meetings
A very instructive meeting of the
Womans Christian Temperance Union
led by Mrs II E Culbertson was held
at the home of Mrs McBride Friday
November 22 The next meeting will
be Friday Dec 7 at Mrs S E Cal-
lens This will be a Mothers Meet
ing lea by lurs a a itoucn au tne
ladies are invited to these meetings
Our Holiday Showing
We invite you to come Saturday
December 8th There are beautiful
gifts and many novelilties never shown
before in this section We will gadly
show you anything and assist you all we
can willingly even though you have no
intention of buying
L W McConnell Druggist
Remember We Are Still Selling
up-to-date clothing for men and boys
Hamilton Brown shoes for everybody
furs for men and women trunks valises
furnishings etc at
The Laboring Mans Friend
Corn Sheiler
One four hole Here been used two
short seasons and well sheltered Price
125t0 McCook Hdw Co Is fitted for
horsepower or steam
Try the Mild Examiner
They are putting out a new brand of
cigars at the Griggs cigar factory It
is a mild delightful article Try one
at McCook Hardware Co cheaper than
horseflesh and stronger than cowhide
Cash paid for eggs highest market
price Reynolds Poultry Co Phone
285 Old Gurney stand
Burial of Mrs E E Rogers
Short services were hold at the homo
south of the city last Saturday over
tho remains of Mrs E E Rogers after
which the body was brought to Mc
Cook and a sermon was delivered in the
Baptist church of which deceased was a
member by Rev A F Green After
which intormont was made in Riverviow
cemetery of this city
Margar6tte Ella Crawford was born
Maj 28th 1863 near Marengo Iowa
She was united in marriage with
Emery E Rogers February 18th 1885
To them were born six children three
boys and an equal number of girls all
of them surviving tho lamented mother
Of hor own family a sister and a bro
ther live near Brooklyn Iowa and a
sister and a brother near Tama City
The bereaved father and family have
tho tenderest sympathy of the neighbors
and friends in this great sorrow
The Levils Auction
A large crowd filled the Bixler Mon
day evening many of them from out-of-town
points to hear and see Charles II
Yales KverlHSting Devils Auction The
company was the most pretentious that
has yet pjf aied in the Bixler and their
production by far the most elaborately
and eHidoutly staged costumed etc It
was very satisfactory and gave full exer
cise to tho stage possibilities of t h e
Harmon Parks Wedding
James A Harmon and Matilda Parks
our city were united in marriage Wed
nesday oveuing of last week November
21st 1903 Rev A F Green of the Bap
tist church performing the ceremony at
at the home of the brides mother in
this city Tho wedding was a quiet
home affair only immediate members of
the families being present They will
make their home in McCook
A young man walked in tho other day
where they keep everything to wear and
said that he desired to get a lid He was
promptly shown the most desirable line
of lts and caps in town and speedily
made his selection He was so pleased
that he stated his purpose to always
inspect Thompsons line for anything
needed for his wardrobe
Special Meettngs
A weeks series of special meetings
will be held in Congregational church
beginning on next Monday Afternoon
meetings each day at 330 and 8 oclock
The preaching will be done by RevGT
Noyce of Trenton and Rev E red Hall of
Eanbury The public is cordially invit
ed to attend these services
Ladles Wool Underwear
The best article obtainable in separate
vests and pants will cost you 1 25 each
or 250 a suit Another grade at 1 A
part wool ribbed at 75 cents Union suits
150 175 250 and 3 Cotton unions
at 35c 50c 65c S5 100 and 125
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our neighbors and
kind friends for their assistance during
the sickness and death of our dear wife
and mother
E E Rogers and Children
When You Can Get Good Buggies
for the price of cheap ones is it not the
thing to do Ten per cent reduction on
all at the McCook Hdw Co for ten
Axt Says
A bottle of Thelma Perfume would
would make a nice gift Thelma is
always a welcome present
L W McConnell Druggist
For Sale
Dining table and chairs and other
furniture Enquire at the Perry house
on Monroe street
American Fence Corn Cribs
The best thing out at McCook Hard
ware Co
Let Ludwick explain the new gas
burner to you
McMillen has in stock the latest copy
right and standard books
Remember your lady friend with a
nice hand bag We have all the latest
novelties in leather and cut steel beads
L W McConnell Druggist
The remains of Ed Hine were brought
here for burial this week Interment
today He is a son of Charles Hine a
former resident of McCook
Wanted To buy a second hand roller
top desk McCook Laundry
Rich black dirt You can have for
the hauling See Diamond at once
Get The Tribune to do your printing
The Compulsory School Law
To School Officers and Parents
Inasmuch as tho compulsory school
law is not well understood I deem it a
duty to give an outline of its require
ments that a better knowledge of our
sevoral duties may be had in order that
there may be but little reason for not
complying with the requirements of tho
law In order to bring out the points of
the law we shall ask questions and ans
wer them
1 Upon whom does this law place
the responsibility of sending children
to school Ans Upon parents o r
other persons having legal o r actual
charge or contrul of a child
2 What is the penalty attached for
violation of this law Ans A fine of
5 to 25
3 Whose duty is it to enforce tho
law Ans It is made the duty of the
county superintendent in all districts
other than city districts
4 Whose duty is it to inform the
county superintendent of any delinquent
attendance Ans The principal or
other teachers of schools and the mem
bers of school boards
5 What are the ages of children who
are compelled to attend school Ans
Children from 7 to 15 years old
6 How long must such children at
tend school Ans Two thirds of the
entire time in which school may bo in
session in the district in which such
children reside providing that no child
attends less than 3 months in any dis
A district having 3 months school
children of compulsory age must attend
school the entire time
A district having 4 months school
children of compulsory age must attend
not less than three months
A district having 5 months school
children of compulsory age must attend
not less than three and one third
A district having 6 months school
children of compulsory age must attend
not less than four months
A district having 7 months school
children of compulsory age must attend
four and two thirds months
A district having 8 months school
children of compulsory age must attend
not less than five and one third months
A district having 9 months school
children of compulsory age must attend
not less than 6 months
The above law does not apply in any
case 1 Where the child is for an
equal time as above specified instructed
in some private or parochial school
2 Where the child is instructed for
an equal time at home or elsewhere by
a person qualified to teach in tho public
3 Where a child of 14 years old is of
necessity employed for his own support
or the support of those dependent upon
4 Where the child is either physical
ly or mentally unable to do the work of
the school
5 Where the child lives more than 2
miles from the school house by the near
est travelled road unless transportation
is furnished by the district of such
As noted above it becomes the sworn
duty of the county superintendent to
enforce this law and yet in fact there
should be no trouble anticipated as
reasonable conditions are given wherein
children are not compelled to attend
Of course if pome parents will not listen
to the requirements of the law there
will be cause for action and yet if it be
found necessary that tho law shonld be
enforced let it be understood now that
no malice or hate will enter into the
action of the superintendent but every
legal and persuasive means will be used
to secure obedience to law first and no
personal offense to parents will be in
tended but the responsibility is upon us
to enforce the law
Flora B Quick
Red Willow County Superintendent
Marriage licenses granted since last
William A Weintz age 23 and Clara
Sly age 21 both of McCook
Charles Headington age 36 and
Kattherine Pruiett age 21 both of Bill
ings Montana Married by the county
George W Dillon age 61 and Mrs
Olivia Enyeart age 45 both of McCook
Don L Thompson age 2S and Gerda
M Anderson age 21 both of McCook
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
McCook Business College
Commercial Branches Short
band Typewriting Tolegraphy
Writo L W Stayner
McCook Nob
Lyon revival meetings in Mc
Cook January 6th to February
AH the cabbage you want at
125 per hundred
Lest wo forgot
Wo say it yet
Hamilton Brown Shoes
Aro tho best by test
Only at Diamonds
Tho Laboring Mans Friend
McConnell for drus
Try McMillens Cough cure
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
The Triuune will print it for you
Tho largest line of dolls and toys in
tho city at The Ideal
You should not be without McMil
lens cough cure and cold tablets
Try Magnor Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Edison Phonographs aro acceptable
presents Buy ono of McConnell
Choice bargains in remnant wall pap
ers at Wood worth Cos
Hot Springs Blood Remedy Wo guar
antee it Woodworth Co
Tho Reynolds Poultry Co will give
you the highest prico for your poultry
and eggs in cash
See those elegant imported celluloid
and silk toilet boxes Japanese silk bas
kets etc at The Ideal
Lost Monday night a M II S pin
class of 93 set with pearls Roward
Mrs R C Cole
If in need of anything in fancy toilet
preparations Woodworth Co have a
fine new lino to select from
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in tho lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
The highest market prico paid for
chickens and turkeys by the Reynolds
Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Phono
Mrs C B Gray has lost a large cake
plate taken from the exchange at Gran
nis store some time ago Kindly re
turn to owner It
Take your poultry and eggs to tho
Reynolds Poultry Poultry Co Old
Gurney stand Get the best market
price in cash
Our Christmas goods are all of such
character as to give lasting satisfaction
to the recipients Good point to remem
ber L W McConnell Druggist
There will not be any Christian
Scienco services next Sunday on ac
count of the lecture by Judge Hannah
at Cambridge on that day at two oclock
in the afternoon
Will pay 50c per tract for listing lands
for sale in this and adjoining counties
Order abstracts of us have only books
owned in county J EBarngrover At
torney proprietor Security Abstract
Realty Co McCook Nebr
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only the best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
Wanted Gentleman or lady with
good reference to travel by rail or with
a rig for a firm of 825000000 capital
Salary 107200 per year and expenses
salary paid weekly and expenses ad
vanced Address with stamp Jos A
Alexander McCook Nebr
All the cabbage you want at
S125 per hundred