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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1906)
I h fa H fr c t t v A IV R K IV - C 1 Ji TWENTY FIFTH YEAR ftj Revival Stirs Fremont Special Dispatch to tho World Horald Fremont Nob Nov 17 The union evangelistic campaign in this city led by the noted evangelist Rev M H Lyon ia becoming tho chief center of inteioat The big tabernacle seating more than 2000 ia thronged each night A chorus of two hundred voices led by Mr J D Stontz aud a fine orchestra are a great attraction Mr Stentz has an excep tionally fine baritone voice and his solos nro much enjoyed Last evening a special excursion on the Northwestern brought in a full train load of people from Blair and other eastern towns Mr Xiyon is a university man of ripe scholar ship and was for several years a Chicago pastor All classes in the community are bBing interested in the meetings Mr Lyon will be in McCoolc January 6th to February 3rd Died From His Injuries A telegram received from MrEmerson Hanson this morning announces tho -death of his father-in-law Mr Joseph W Parks in Newcastle Calif Thurs day morning of this week from injuries received on Monday last in an explosion of n car heater Mr and Mrs Hanson will pass through McCook Sunday or Monday on their way back presumably to Iiushnell 111 with the remains for interment beside tho wife who preceded iiim to the spirit land about a year since The tenderest sympathy of all goes out to Mrs llanson in the sad and tragic death of her beloved father whose sweet character was the admiration of all who bad the pleasure of his acquaintance Cameras and Kodaks Before you could walk you were inter ested in pictures and your interest has lasted to this day This is a universal trait it is part of life itself Had you tiad a camera in your youth it would have made this a better and more beau tiful world to you Picture making en 5arges existence developes the artistic faculties and is educational in a variety of ways Eemember the boy or girl this yar with a camera L V McConnell Druggist Colored Bears The hunters have been unusually suc cessful this season in getting all the dif ferent colors of bears Bear skins in brown navy gray red and green are new etable for 8200 a yard at Thompsons and the white will be here ia a day or two All colors in bear skin coats at 300 each Turkeys Wanted I -am in the market for all the turkeys ducks and geese also chickens that I can get at the highest price the market will afford Bring the turkeys in a week or ten days before Thanksgiving o it will give me time to get them to market Dont forget but see me be Sore you sell your poultry M Walsh An Interesting Item Long coats for children and misses at 225 to 5750 for ladies 8600 to S16 50 childrens bear coats 300 and many eiderdown and other childrens coats as low as 35c each can be secured at Thompsons - CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p xa A F Green Pastor Christian Science Zint McClain building C H Meeker C S first leader Subject Ancient and Modern Necromancy or Mesmerism or Hypno tism Methodist Sunday School at 10 Sermon at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior league at 4 Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 oclock Catholic Order of services Mass 8 am Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a m Holy communion and sermon at S p m prayers and sermon Sunday school at 10 a m The Rector will All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Congregational Sunday School at 10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p a0 by Pastor Christian Endeavor at 7 pm Prayer meeting every Wednes day at 8 p m The public is cordially iavited to all these services Geo B Hawkes Pastor JIcMillen has in stock the latest copy right -and standard books A nice line of large type Bibles at Mc Millens All the cabbage you want at 5125 per hundred M E KNIPPLE - A trial of McMillens Cream Lotion k31 make you a customer vs- bis - MOVEMENTS 0F THE PEOPLE Mrs Clara Anton is visiting in Den ver this week L AIIurlbuet is homo on a visit to the family from Fuirbury F C Kellogg was over from Long Island Kansas Saturday on business Mrs R MDouglass left Wednesday night for Broken Bow on a visit to a sister Mr and Mrs F M Kimmell enter tained the Thursday whist club this week S W Clark Bartleys now post master was a business guest of tho city Saturday evening Mrs Jennie Palmer of Hastings is a guest of Mr and MrsW Ernest DeWitt for over the holidays Ed Fitzgerald and family had a lit tle scare one morning this week caused by a superheated stovepipe The dam age was slight however Mrs II A Beale went down to Lin coln Monday morning on 2 to be with her sister Mrs T L Parks for two weeks Mrs John Stilwell was cnlled to Kansas Wednesday night by fatal ill ness of her mother who died two hours before her arrival home A Happy Wedding1 Mr Edward J Kates of Plattsmouth and Miss Lillio Campbell of our city were united in marriage last evening at tho homo of Dispatcher and Mrs T B Campbell under tho happiest au spices in tho presence of about fifty ad miring and well wishing neighbors friends and relatives Tho ceremony was performed in the arch of the swell window in tho back parlor the weeding party approaching to the music of the wedding march from Mendelssohns Lohengrin with Miss Ruth Wiehe at the piano The ring ceremony with Rev G B Hawkes as celebrant was used Little Mary Boyle was the pretty ring bearer The bride was prettily gowned in white wash chiffon trimmed with Valen ciennes lace edging and insertion with a handsome and elaborate yoke effect and carried a bouquet of brides Toses The parlor decorations were in white and green chrysanthemums and smilax in drapery effects The wedding station was done in similar colors in a grill ef fect The dining room colors were scar let and white red and white carnations the floral utilities and scarlet wedding bells suspended by ropes of smilax ad ding appropriate form and tint Dainty refreshments were served after the ceremony Mrs C H Boyle presid ing at the dining table assisted by Mrs H C Clapp Mrs Albert McMillen and Miss Mokko During the serving Miss Ruth Wiehe played several piano selec tions and Mr Roswell Cutler gave a vocal number The young folks were handsomely re membered with gifts They will leave for Lincoln on Satur day morning to remain in the capital city until Tuesday when they will pro ceed to Plattsmouth where a cosily-furnished home is awaiting and where they will be at home to their friend3 after January 1st The wedding occurred on the 25th an niversary of the marriage of the brides parents who were doubly felicitated on that account Among the guests were the brother and wife of Mr Campbell Mr and Mrs J W Campbell of Wray Colo Money Talks Simpsons mercerized dress prints 5c American silver grey 5c indigo blue 5c shirting 5c Best apron check ginghams 5c Best table oil cloth 15c Best 2 bu 16 oz seamless grain bags 20c Peerless spooled carpet warp 21c 23c Flieschers German knitting yarn J pound skeins 25c 6 big turkey red handkerchiefs for 25c Lined bear skin hoods 50c Mens all leather gloves per pair 18c Boys tper pair 13c All colors saxony yarn per skein 5c One price plain figures cash only The Thompson D G Co Information for Everybody For ten days in order to reduce our stock before invoicing we will give ten per cent reduction on all our Buggies Road Wagons Spring Wagons and Sur ries Remember we are exclusive agents for theStar Ball Bearing Buggies that only need oiling once a year and runs one third easier than the old kind McCook Hardware Co The ladies of the Baptist church will hold an Exchange Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving at Grannis store Roast chicken mince pie pump kin pie cakes etc Who sells the Acorn stove J - a o tjfc -- T r BrT ST - i - - t They Pleased Everybody The Players clubs first appearance Monday evening in the Bixler in Cast Up By the Sea was a wholesome and enjoyable success Tbey were compli mented by a large sympathetic and ap preciative audience and the verdict is ono of general satisfaction and pleasure Tho cast was well taken There was a notable absence of prompting The players had the presentation well in hand and everything passed off with a smoothness often lacking in quite pre tentious professional companies appear ing here in fact the club is composed throughout of splendid amateur talent as is clearly set out by the following cast of character Jonas Aldrich Fjank Strout Captain St Morris Charles Heber Herman Lett S C Beach Colonel Ellsworth Pepper Raymond Light Jack George Kearns Ruth Miss Effie Abbott Lillian Lacy Miss Gertrude Storer Mrs Aldrich Miss Lona Phelps Frisky Mrs S C Beach Tho element added by a delightful tuneful orchestra was not by any means inconsiderable An Evening1 With Dickens A unique entertainment will be given in Bixlers opera house Friday evening November 30th It will be a Dickens revival Congressman Norris will lec ture on the notable man his works the London scenes made historic by him etc Other features of the evening will be excellent music a short programme and social amusements Let everybody turn out and make this a real revival of good literature Committee Mrs E E Rogers Dead The Tribune- is pained to learn of the death of Atrs E ERogers at her home two miles south of McCook yesterday afternoon after a short illness Fuller particulars and abituary will be given next week The funeral will occur tomorrow af ternoon burial in Riverview cemetery Margret Ellen Crawford was born in Poweshiek county Iowa May 20 1863 A True Accident It occurred on Wednesday of this week and the date will be remembered by the leading character in the affair She got two cents a pound more in trade for her butter than the butter houses offered her in cash She took it all out in Fleishers German knitting yarn at 35 cents per skein and later learned that the same yarn is sold every day for 25c a skein at The Thompson D G Co Top Buggies From 4500 up Surreys from 7500 up and spring wagons from 6500 up at the McCook Hardware Co We guarantee our wheels for five years You do not need to deal with strangers we are here all the time to make our guarantees good Mills Simmons Remember We Are Still Selling up-to-date clothing for men and boys Hamilton Brown shoes for everybody furs for men and women trunks valises furnirhings etc at Diamonds The Laboring Mans Friend Investigate Our Plan of advertising with our customers A whole case of fine jewelry to be prac tically given away McCook Hardware Co Special Sunday Dinners Mrs Anna Murphy serves her special Sunday dinners at one oclock Op posite Dr Welles residence Main Ave They are worthwhile too Save One Third Your Feed By grinding Everyone is pleased with the Sandwich Reliance grind ers for sale by the McCook Hardware Co Will Do Plain Sewing1 Mrs L A Clark and Mrs F J Pierce will do plain sewing at their home in West McCook Phone black 162 Try the Mild Examiner They are putting out a new brand of cigars at the Griggs cigar factory It is a mild delightful article Try one Phurs Phurs Cold climato furs the right bright dressy kind in large supply from 5100 to 1250 apiece at Thompsons Chrysanthemums for Thanksgiving- Come before the assortment is broken Phone 91 It Mrs L M Best Wholesale arrests of Burlington yard and trainmen at Denver have been made recently The number is placed at 40 Burglary is the charge The Bush interest in the Bump Bush cement business -has been pur chased by J Oscar Hammond rrwYr3sSS -if Essay on Teeth We alLhave teatb That is sometime or other we do Teeth are of various kinds some are white some are yellow and some are hollow Gold teeth are planted but thoy do not grow It would be hard to get along without teeth girls sould not chew gum without them cows would not care to stand in the shade without teeth Gold fish should have gold teeth but they do do not Hens do not have teeth at all because they are no good to lay eggs with We do not always know what to do with an aching tooth but for a Sweet Tooth go to C R- Woodworth Co the now druggists They have a fine largo line of fresh and dainty box choco lates and bon bons A Burnt Child A burnt child dreads the fire so runs the old saw A lady bought table oil cloth for covering her kitchen walls the other day and paid her dealer 20c a yard for it Her next door neighbor put her wiso by i nforming her that 15c is all it over costs at The Thompson D G Co 28 yd at 5c a yard is 140 for experi ence cash down Christmas Is Coming Our store will be headquarters for the greatest line of useful presents ever shown in the city And then we have some thing for tho little ones that is en tirely new Toys will be on display the first of December other goods ready now McCook Hardware Co Masquerade Ball Thanksgiving Manager Bixler will hold a masquer ade ball in the Bixler opera house Thanksgiving nigh t Fine music A lino time Tickets 75 cents Masked ladies free Spectators 25 cents Just come thats all Indefinitely Postponed On account of the death of Mrs E E Rogers Thursday tho social announced to be held in the school house of district No31 the evening before Thanksgiving has been indefinitely postponed Congregational Sunday school at 10 A M Preaching by Pastor at 11 A M and 8 P M Union prayer meeting next week at Bap tist church The public i s cordially invited to these services Geo B Hawkes Pastor Manufacturers of Stoves Have All raised the price but we are still selling the best lines at a smaller price than they have over been sold before You will get the benefit while they last McCook Hardware Co Wanted Clerical position for young man Lots of things I dont know A few things I can do Am some on figures Some can read my writing Who wants me Address X Y Z care Tribune Farmers Attention We are in the market for Cane Millet and Kaffir Corn seed Let us know what you have to effer and submit samples McCook Hardware Co Novelties in Photo Mounts We have many novelties in mounts for those photoes you have made Beautiful effects can bo obtained with them L W McConnell Druggist American Fence Corn Cribs Farmers load them on their wagons and ask no questions when they find they make a good hog or chicken yard when not needed for corn McCook Hardware Co Union Thanksgiving Service Union Thanksgiving service will be held at the Christian church Thanks giving day at 1030 A M Sermon by Rev Geo B Hawkes Service will last only one hour Everybody come Ruuk Der Femmes Ladies and misses dress skirts from 200 to 750 a large line to select from Alterations free The Thomp son D G Co For Thanksgiving You will need a nice Carving Set and you should look over the line at the Mc Cook Hardware Co which is new and up to date For Sale Dining table and chairs and other furniture Enquire at the Perry house on Monroe street Somnambulistic Habiliments Sleeping garments for children foot ed and fleece - lined for 50c at Thomp sons Skating Season is Open and the McCook Hardware Co has a fine line of skates for a little money For Sale Two 25 yard Royal Wilton carpets H L Kennkdy v ir WebraBlta state i ji6W District Court Pioceedings E C Clark vs C B Q Railway Co Damages Special appearance over ruled Lorenzo W Billingsley and Robert J Green vs Roy E Dutton Suit on ac account Motion for new trial overruled Forty days for bill of exceptions Henry T Church vs C B Q Rail way Co Damage Tried to jury Ver dict for plaintiff 140 Motion for new trial overruled Forty days for bill of ex ceptions C L Hawkins vs D E Ewing Ap peal Tried to jury Verdict for plain tiff for 50 Motion for new trial sus tained Verdict set aside Byron B Barrett vs Ruby Ellen Quig ley et al Equity Sale confirmed aud deed ordered 19358 surplus to be paid to Ruby Ellen Quigley State of Nebraska vs Bert Young Felony Leave to file nolle prosequi Thomas C Kelley vs Viola Kelley Divorce Decree of divorce Ira LElliott vs Security Mutual Hail Ins Co a corporation Damage Trial to jury Verdict for plaintiff for 250 Motion for new trial overruled Forty days for bill of exceptions William FEverist vs William Fischer Suit on contract Demurrer overruled Defendant allowed 40 days to plead Peter Holmes Updike vs Eli Titus ot al Equity Leave to amend prtition by making Leslie G Hurd party defend ant Thirty days for defendant to plead Joshua Russell vs The Iluber Manu facturing Co a corporation Replevin Tried to jury Verdict for defendant Damages 27650 Motion for new trial confessed Francis T Walker vs Lavilla J Burt less et al Specific Performance Tried to court To be submitted on brief In the matter of tho complaint of Fannie M Colson asking a reduction of the assessed valuation of her personal property in the city of McCook in the state of Nebraska Appeal Trial upon record and stipulation Order assessing 50 per cent penalty reversed Affirmed as to other matters George Hess et al vsSidney Dodge et al Injunction Injunction sustained so far as appropriation of money to build schoolhouse is concerned Vacated as to location of schoolhouse site John M Farrell vs John W Mat thews Appeal Trial to jury Jury instructed to return verdict for defend ant State Bank of Lebanon vs Margaret S Clayton Equity Sale confirmed and deed ordered Mary E Miller vs Samuol L Miller Divorce Defendant ordered to pay 100 into court instanter and 100 in 30 days Mamie E McCurry vs John F Mc Curry Divorce Decree of divorce John O Miller vs Annie A ORourke et al Equity Title quited in plaintiff William Gardner plaintiff in error vs Sarah A Rowell defendant in error Appeal Error sustained Garnishee pro ceedings dismissed Edward D Shirley vs Laura Shirley Divorce Decree of divorce Chas Bornman vs George Wyrick et al Equity Defendants giyen 30 days to plead Katie Hoskins vs Albert II Iloskins Divorce Decree of divorce granted plaintiff Plaintiff awarded custody of child James I Lee et al vs the City of Mc Cook et aliEquity Demurrer sustained Appeal by defendants Bond 250 Bond to keep injunction in force 1000 George Theobold vs Mary E Davis et al Equity C E Eldred appointed guardian ad litem for minors Decree removing cloud on title William G Jones vs William B Guth rie Equity Defendant allowed 30 days to answer State of Nebraska vs V E Lyons Felony Default of recognizance entered Justin A Wilcox vs Geo A Nichol son et al Equity Order reviving judg ment Hellin McBrayer vs W G McBrayer Injunction dissolved Susan Cutting vs Sanford M McGriff Sale confirmed and deed ordered Pres ent sheriff to make deed In re application of J E Ludwick to sell real estate Order to show cause Dec 15th In re application of Michael Esch to become a citizen Order to cor rect certificate of citizenship to agree with facts and record nunc pro tunc James W Leisure vs David HRitten house Order correcting lis pendens William H Aiken vs Henry Marshall Order correcting decree as to description of land Let Ludwick explain the new gas burner to you Wanted To buy a second hand roller top desk - Me Cook Laundry Get The Tribune to do your printing WSjHiaiwB fsrzifrrcTFfT J ygg Snbtitte McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 23 1906 NUMBER 26 McCook Business College Commercial Branches Short- hand Typewriting Telegraphy Write L W Stayner i McCook Neb - - i ii Lyon revival meetings in Mc Cook January 6th to February 3rd Lost wo forgot Wo say it yet Hamilton Brown Shoos Aro tho best by test Only at Diamonds Tho Laboring Mans Friend MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Try McMillens Cough cure Everything in drugs McConnoll McConnells Balsam cures coughs The Trihunk will print it for you You should not be without McMil lens cough cure and cold tablets Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit aud vegetables Dr Kays office is now ono door north of Commercial hotel Phono 97 Ladies of tho Episcopal church an nounce a bazar for Decembor 17th Choice bargains in remnant wall pap ers at WooowoitTH Cos Granite ware Price aud quality non comparable The Ideal Hot Springs Blood Remedy We guar antee it Woodwoktii Co Woolen Blankots for tho price of cotton ones at the McCook Hardware Co Tho Reynolds Poultry Co will give you the highest price for your poultry and eggs in cash There is no need of your having that lung raking cough McConnells Bal sam will cure it If in need of anything in fancy toilet preparations Woodworth Co have a fine new line to select from If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruits and vegetables at Magneu Stokes We havo some of our most exquisito perfumes in fancy holiday packages L W McConnell Druggist Magner Stoke3 can supply you with anything in the lino of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables Hair brushes make good presents and we have tho good kind L W McConnell Druggist The highest market price paid for chickens and turkeys by tho Reynolds Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Phono 285 Take your poultry and eggs to tho Reynolds Poultry Poultry Co Old Gurney stand Get the best market price in cash From now until Christmas our win dow will b o resplendent with useful gift goods Watch them L W McConnell Druggist There will be services at St Albana Episcopal church Thanksgiving day at 645 a m Holy communion and a short Thanksgiving address Offering for Clarkson hospital at Omaha In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you havo poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of livestock of all kinds and sells only the best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed I offer for sale my choice quarter the n w of 32-4-30 bounded on the north east and west by a public highway close to school and church containing 16S acres 115 acres in cultivation For particulars address owner H Gearty 519 East Jefferson street Springfield HI Congressman Norris who will lecture on that occassion has visited the scenes and places made memorable and historic by the great author Charles Dickens besides having made a special study of bis works and life so is well equipped to entertain and instruct At the Bix ler Friday evening November 30th All the cabbage you want at 5125 per hundred M E KNIPPLE