The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1906, Image 8
WHAT SHE ASKED HIM Not a Cigarette Smoker 1 l V VHQgfglgri They were sitting close together in t the gathering twilight so close to gether that she tickled his cheek with her eyelashes And do ypureally love me she whispered -while her heart stood still -to await his answer J do he averred He had returned the same reply about 3000 times dur ing the previous two years so it was probable he had come to believe it Do you love me truly Truly dear Much Very much Ever so much Ever so very much How much dear It is an awk ward question for a girl to put but they all put it Love you see cannot fce measured in quantities and that snakes it difficult to answer the lady when she wishes to know the extent of your affections How much dear Much more than I can tell you darling She sighed at that Any reasonable -girl might have been satisfied But no girl is reasonable when she is in 3ove Do you love me a million pounds -worth More than that dear Ten million pounds worth Ever so much more than that Do you love me just as much as ever you can You know I do darling She sighed again Still she was not contented Did you ever know a girl Tvho was When we are married dear will you be happy Shant I just he ejaculated And when we are married will you love me more than ever Yes darling Moie than you do now Yes sweetheart Oh you false brute she sobbed T knew you couldnt love me much mow else how could you love me more when were married Oh its Cruel cruel But darling he urged But she Tvould not have any buts She went Straight away and left him without saying good night and it cost him two 3oxes of chocolates and a new gold charm for her chain before she would callow him to apologize and admit he was in the wrong A good old gentleman who was r strongly opposed to tobacco smoking and alcoholic liquor drinking met a 13ady friend in a street car recently sand their conversation was as follows Have you any children madam Yes sir a son Ah indeed Does he smoke No sir he has never so much as ttouched a cigarette So much the better madam the mse of tobacco is a poisonous habit IDoes he frequent the clubs He has never put hisfoot in one Allow me to congratulate you Does Flie come home late Never He goes to bed directly rafter dinner A model young man madam a rmodel young man How old is he Two months The good old gentleman bade the Qady good morning and left the car without a smile DIVORCE EXPLAINED il v t a J Winks Most divorces are caused Sby a common mistake Jinks What is it VWInks Many a man in love only with a dimple or a curl makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl Cincinnati Enquirer It Neighborly Comment Mrs Callers I see Mrs Homer has ra new fall bonnet Mrs Neighbors Yes her husband Ihad a streak of good luck Mrs Callers How was that Mrs Neighbors He took out an ac cident policy for 25 a week recently sand the very next day he broke his Heg Chicago Dally News Doesnt Miss Them I suppose said the garrulous umcle now that you have come Into Sour money you have found that c5cbes will not buy everything Yes assented the nephew but E5iave found that the few things money TOift buy I can get along without 33troit Free Press Expansion Se They say travel broadens a tjersan She Surely The moment a man carters a car he spreads outyover half sa dozen seats Judge 31 tr THE SVv LTS OF LOVE I found her miking toffee Sio lookeu bo nice and sweet That on her neck I dabbed a kiss And beat a swift retreat But she was quicker still She swung the pan around And in a trice that sticky mess I on my shlrt rront found I wore a worried look Jt riled me I confess I said How am I to get homo In this adhesive mess She only laughed and said It Isnt nice Its true But then you see It only shows How sweet I am on you That evening when Id changed And we were friends again She spoke a word which rendered mo The happiest of men And then she said to me cln accents sweet and low I wont do It agrIn it makes You so stuck up you know Deep Enough You are anaemic says the physi cian after much thumping and prod ding You should practice deep breathing Deep breathing retorts the pa tient Why doctor thats just what I do all the time I work in a sub cellar 60 feet below the street level Judge POSSIBLE CHICKEN PROBLEM 0 Alfred wouldnt it be awful if they lost their mother and we had to bring them up on the bottle Brooklyn Life Just the Thing Once on a time In Brazil Attacked by a violent chill A big alligator Climbed on the Equator And enjoyed a comforting grill Puck Appropriate Reply Mildred Is it true that you have broken your engagement with young Smiley Florence Yes He was under the influence of liquor when he called the other evening but he had the audacity to call me up by telephone the next morning and try to apologize Mildred What did you answer Florence Ring off Chicago Daily News For Her What I want pants the comic opera star who had acquired a super abundance of flesh what I want is a vehicle for the proper display of my personality I dont want any ordin ary No Miss Fatyette interposes the playwright You dont want any on dinary vehicle How would an auto mobile truck do in these days of-auto-drama The Usual Way The Tourist Were there not a lot of people killed in a recent wreck near the station we just passed The Conductor Yes forty killed yesterday But how did jou know there had been a wreck The Tourist A natural inference As we passed I noticed a gang of workmen installing safety signal de vices Judge Careless What made you lose that battle asked the Southern American insur gent I lost my head confessed the con trite officer I got so interested try ing to remember exactly what we are fighting about that I forgot to fight Washington Star Cold Calculator Do you think the time will come when there will be no money in poli tics said one boss I dont know answered the other It wont be our fault if it doesnt We have done the best we could to take out all there was in ifWash ington Star Confused Emotions How is your boy doing at college Well answered Farmer Corntos sel I dont exactly know whether to compliment him or to make a fuss He came out first in his class hut he was last in a foot race Washington Star Low Temperature Do you believe that Barkson really had the rich Miss Plunkley all hut persuaded to run away with him Not I Hes too cold Why I dont believe his own prejudices would run away with him Puck Prepared For That Teacher Why did Hannibal cross the Alps New Pupil Same reason the hen had for crossln the road You cant fool me with no conundrums Chi cago Tribune Misleading What a beautiful piece your daugh ter is playing Its from Wagner is1 it not Oh no Shes merely polishing the pJano keys Milwaukee SentinaL TgpjpjR RSg BJPC THfc STUPIDITY OF MAN Pa said Mrs Cutesby Im going to Invite a lot of company in next Thursday night to celebrate our sil ver wedding Silver What are you talkin about The silver weddins when peo ple have been married 25 years aint it Yes Weve never celebrated any of the anniversaries of our wedding and we may as well begin with this one But great Scott ma weve been married thirt Now never mind that Pa Catesby we are going to celebrate our silver wedding anniversary next Thursday night But ma we cant You must re member that weve a daughter whos nearly thirt Oh get that thirt off your mind Mabel will be 24 the 16th of next month My goodness if you didnt know how to make money I some times believe I just couldnt go on liv ing with you youre such a simpleton about eevrything else Whew Well ma go ahead with your durn foolishness but fergit to re peat that old gag about us not bein able to go to the Philadelphia centen nial because Annie was a baby then Chicago Record Herald Red Revenge So you spurn meh he cried in wrathful woe But I shall have my revenge Ha ha laughs the heartless maiden You may laugh now but wait In the four years I have known you you have given me six photographs of yourself Each one of them I shall have enlarged by the cheap crayon process and presented to your vari ous friends and relatives Leaving the frightened girl in a swoon the cruel swain departs with the melodramatic tread of one who will stop at nothing Judge Moderation It was a question of diet Mr Doddington she asked turn ing to appeal to the little man who sat drinking with her husband Dont you think that a little meat from time to time is really necessary to every one The little man paused In my opinion Mrs Golightly said he a little food of any kind now and then does no particular harm Cause For Alarm Maria said Mr Billiams what ails this roast Never mind the roast dear said Mrs Billiams Im more concerned to know what ails you This is the first tme for 25 years that you havent been able to tell exactly what ailed the roast and everything else on the table Arent you well to day John Chi cago Tribune Interests a Waiter The pleasures of the intellectual are all lost on the uneducated re marked the philosopher at the ban quet How for instance could that waiter over there be interested in evolution ft Easiest thing in the world said his friend facetiously evolution means change Detroit Free Press TWO KINDS OF POUNDS Mr Phat Ive gained four pounds since I came here Miss Slim Have you Ive just money enough to last the week Scraps About the Same Thing Little Elmer who has an inquiring mind Papa what is meant by honor among thieves Professor Broadhead Oh just about the same as senatorial courtesy my son Puck A Wish Sons of millionaires remind us We might tackle one perchance And departing leave behind us Footprints on the young mans pants Judge Skeptical Man wants little here LjIow quoted Blank Ive heard of that man said Tank cutting him off But did you ever know anybody that has ever seen him Detroit Free Press Both Easy Miss Youth Its the easiest thing in the world to flatter a man Madam Wise Yes and its about as easy for him to catch on that thats what youre doing too Detroit Free Press His Contribution Miss Prattles Do you ever do any thing for other people Mr Rattles Umhuh I sometimes shut up and give them a chance to talk Detroit Free Press w Wml WQ Eta EvA I 0 t J DANBURY Mrs Nettie Holbun of Denver Colo is here visiting her friend Mrs W A Demay J B Evers has sold his resi dence to Samuel Messner Con sideration 1200 Carl Blind of Iowa a nephew of Samuel Messner is here visit ing Mrs Ed Eno is under the doctors care Mrs W A Demays mother arrived this week on a visit Quite a number from town at tended the sale at S H Stilge bouers Tuesday John Leisure is erecting a new barn 30 by 40 Soren Simonsen is erecting a new barn 30 by 50 The stock food company is do ing a good business They have Howard Ruby out on the road and expect to put four more men out on the road Last week a gasoline stove ex ploded in the back of E B Stil gebouers meat market and it took all the men in town to put out the fire J E Noe has purchased Alfred Palmers house and is having it moved in town D C Boyers house is about completed We have a medicine show with us this week SCHOOL CREEK Ed Vandervort is slowly im proving The Bartley Telephone com pany is putting in a line through this neighborhood J C Sedden is buying barley from Adam Fritz George Wall is able to be out again after being confined to his room for two months from in juries received from a fall from a wagon The county is putting in a bridge on the town line east of E S Dutch er Charles Sedden is husking corn for Fred Lakin north of Indian ola John Dutcher is hauling lum ber from Bartley for an addition 16 by 40 to his barn Ransom Gray is working for Jack McCume near Danbury Charles Vandervort and family visited on the creek the later part of the week Mike Fritz and family spent Sunday with Henry Conrad The four-year-old son of Jake Harschs fell on some wire and severely injured his eye Dr Mc Kechnie is caring for the injured member Charles Broomfield is hauling corn to C N Smith Roy Dutcher helped Fred Bealer drive cattle from Bartley Thursday A good crowd attended the sale at J C Baileys Every- iWJtRSmmiSliiBMBflMm Sgawr V RED WILLOW Mr Canaga has finish Sr H If you will eat morev Sf J you can do more work enabling you to earn more money so that you can buy more Uneeda Biscuit do more work and earn still more money Sf NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY hmiimimgmmmi ry n iMSi r7F i WW OMMamSHHDMMaMMtMMBMB hrminMi W Kara barn Mr Waddell is plastering his house Mr Smith has hauled lumber and will begin building in a few day The plasterers have finished at Ben Kings and Louis Long neckers Laura Ruggles helped Mrs Smith and Mrs Longnecker last week she is now at Mrs Dutch ers Mrs Bose is still at her sisters Mrs Dutcher Mrs Bobs is visiting at her fathers Charles Hotse R F L No 1 The Lend a Hand club met with Mr and Mrs I H Wasson last week and were entertained by the captain and wife most enjoy ably Among the pictures ex hibited by the captain was one of his great grandmother strewing flowers before President George Washington in the streets of Baltimore J A Ware of York state a nephew of Mrs L J Burtless is here for his health and her guest - J B Fiechtner is hauling out lumber for his new house Miss Clara Thomas of Ellens burg Washington is visiting her aunt Mrs James Lee for a few months W N Rogers is having a new cattle shed built on the ranch Also T H Brittain G E Evertson left Tuesday for St Joseph Mo with a car load of cattle CENTERP0INT Elmer Nelms and Edna Austin were united in marriage Novem ber 7th 1906 the ceremony be ing performed at Quick postofnee and store Elmer is a member of the firm of Nelms Bros of Quick and eldest son of J E Nelms of McCook Edna is the daughter of E B Austin late postmaster at Stevens Miss Cassie Gordon is success fully teaching school in the dis trict 19 Frontier county having 22 pupils in attendance rj iscuif 1 1 I i I mamgvi The Weekly Inter Ocean is the only weekly newspaper pub lished in Chicago in connection with a great daily paper It con tains a judiciously selected summary of the news of the nation and world the best stories home farm womans boys and girls and other special departments and fair patriotic able editorials written from a Republican viewpoint It is by far the best general news paper of the Western states The regular price for The Weekly Inter Ocean is 100 and for The McCook Tribune 100 But in subscriptions will be received at this office for the two papers combination for only 105 Breeders Gazette Free Realizing the fact that the majority of persons making sales are doing so with the object of bettering their condition and improving the quality of their breeding stock I will send the Breeders Gazette one year free of charge to every person for whom I call a sale during the balance of 1906 E J MITCHELL Auctioneer thing sold well Mr and Mrs Bailey left Monday for Eureka Springs Arkansas where they go for Mr Baileys health his Ask any JAP that you may see Why the Czar with Bear behind had to climb a tree The YanksGod bless the Yankssays he They gave us Eocky Mountain tea L V McConnell The Miller Knows a thing or two about flour So do you and so do we Its his business though to mill it Its our business to deal in it and your business to use it Use Best Flour by buying here Its direct from the mill fresh absolutely pure and from high grade selected wheat For all purposes where flour is used ours is the best Price just right McCook Milling Company I OJ VWiWWS You Can Reach Up and pluck the fin ancial fruit that accrues to your credit by banking here Its done through Interest We Pay the best paid in banking circles Its done further by the solid credit standing you ac quire through this banks connection lou reach up to a high standard of Paying possibili ties with an ac count here See our cashier and open it today First National Bank - r 3 s v V V t r V i i