The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1906, Image 2

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    CTlnTmBBBtWMilyrtJiaillfiii lllllll IIL MiiiBiWTrTfiMiyvjiriiiWV - jPfll
waS sg msazss
This Beautiful Set
of Dishes FREE with
No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free
for giving your opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world
to a few friends and neighbors Full particulars of the plan in
each package It was our intention to withdraw this offer
October 1 st but so many people have said thev did not realize
the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of
some friend we have therefore decided to extend it This will
give everyone a chance to get a set Many ladies are securing sets
to present to friends at Christmas Remember this is not a
premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee It is a present to users
of these beverages for making new friends Ask the grocer
fit 7 iWW v
While you think of it drop in at THE TRIBUNE office and ask to see
The Finest Typewriter Paper Made
The excellent quality and finish of the Strathmore will surely satisfy you
i mm i
You Can Get
p nn
With the Choicest Magazine and Agricultural Features
For Only Five Cents More
Than the Price of the TRIBUNE Alone
What the Weekly Inter Ocean Contains Each Week
21 columns of news
14 columns of talks by a practical farmer on
farm topics economical machinery
planting growing and storing of fruits
and vegetables breeding and marketing
of live stock
20 or more Lost and Found Poems and
1 column of Health and Beauty Hints
Chess and Checkers Best short and con
tinued stories Puzzles and Complica
tions Dr Reeders Home Health Club
Miscellaneous Questions and Answers
Poems of the Day A special Wash
ington letter Taking cartoons and illus
5 columns of live entertaining editorials
7 columns of live stock and market reports
ao Questions and answers bv readers on
thing pertaining to the business of farm- V
ing gardening raising of live stock and
poultry etc etc
10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects
7 columns of information on recipes pat
terns formulas etc furnished by
14 to 21 columns of stories of public men
historical geographical and other mis
5 columns of a specially reported sermon
by the Rev Dr Quayle of Chicago and
the Sunday School Lesson
These Make the Weekly Inter Ocean the Leading Farm Home and
News Paper of the West
OUR OFFER The price of the Weekly Inter Ocean remains 100 a year
The price of the McCOOK TRIBUNE remains 100 a year
The two papers each one year will cost only 105
N B This special arrangement with the Weekly Inter Ocean is for alimited time only Subscrbers
to the Weekly Inter Ocean are assured that no papers will be sent after their subscription ex
pires unless renewed by a cash payment
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Reqisteeed Geaduate
Office over SIcConnells Drag Store
Telephones Office 160 residence 131
1 former location aimmu ueorgia
C H Boyle
C E Eldeed Co AtVy
Atxobnets at Law
Long Distance Phone 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor MPpnftv
Postoffice Building MCL00K fleb
Holly C Thomas defendant will tako notice
that on the 5th day of November 1906 Clara
Thomas the plaintiff herein filed her petition
in the District Court of Bed Willow County in
the State of Nebraska the object and prayer
thereof being to obtain a divorce from said de
fendant and that her maiden name be restored
and such other and futher relief as the nature
of the case may require
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before the 17th day of December 1906
Dated this 5th day of November 1906
Claba Thomas Plaintiff
By V S Moelan
Hex Attornoy
The Way the Sleek Brnte Impressed
an Excited Frenchman
Tigers are impressive creatures es
pecially when one meets them In the
forest George Maxwell writes of
them There Is little doubt that al
most every one has a peculiar sensa
tion of the almost godlike beauty pow
er activity and strength of a tiger A
tiger will overawe and make conscious
of his inferiority a man who would be
unaffected by the bulk of an elephant
The feeling Is however elusive of de
scription and I can perhaps best ex
plain it in the words of a most charm
ing French gentleman who was once
manager of a great tin mining com
pany in Perak We had just finished
lunch when he entered in a state of
tremendous excitement Walking alone
and unarmed along an unfrequented
bridle path through the forest he had
walked almost on to a tiger
He gave us a most vivid narrative
of the encounter how the tiger had
been lying down concealed in some
long lalang grass beside the path how
he was within ten yards of it before
he saw it how then it rose and looked
at him how it yawned at him how it
then walked slowly across the path In
front of him and then stopped and
looked at him again yawning and how
it then deliberately walked away into
the forest whose depths finally hid it
from view
Some one asked the Frenchman
whether it was a big tiger He an
swered Well messieurs I cannot say
if he is a big tiger 0y eyes see that
he is big but I cannot say how big I
see him to be and if I say how big it
is perhaps that I tell you a lie But I
can tell you messieurs how big I feel
him to be aAd I can tell you the truth
When he is standing there in front of
me I tell you that I feel he is not less
than feet high Exchange
Age Food and Temperature Seem to
Have No Bearing on Size
The Salvelinus fontinalis which is
currently but inaccurately called brook
trout was supposed for many years to
be a small fish Agassiz was largely
instrumental in exploding this fallacy
It is not an uncommon thing for an
angler with ordinary luck to get a six
or seven pound trout of this variety
It is known that a trout may grow to
weigh eleven or twelve pounds There
is however great difficulty In account
ing for its variation in size
In northeastern Canada there are
large streams and lakes in which only
fingerlings have ever been found In
the immediate vicinity of such water
three and four pound trout are quite
common and seven and eight pounders
are not phenomenal In all these wa
ters Crustacea do not abound there are
no small fish of any kind except small
trout All the fish are pure fly feeders
At some places It is true frogs abound
but taken as a whole the difference in
food supply is not an adequate expla
nation for the difference in growth
There is no substantial difference in
the waters as to temperature size Ori
gin uj iu vuuioe vuuiuuu uuuuiLiuiia
are the same The small trout taken to
virgin lakes in which there are no fish
have sometimes grown to a great size
have sometimes remained small and
sometimes have not thriven The an
glers who haunt these waters have not
yet found a satisfactory explanation
of this peculiar condition of things It
is one of the mysteries which lend
fascination to the art You never can
tell what is going to happen when you
go fishing St Paul Dispatch
Country Libraries
The usefulness of urban libraries has
been proved up to the hilt but the
question arises why similar advantages
cannot be supplied in rural districts
As a matter of fact they are more
needed in the country than in the
towns The dullness of country life is
constantly bewailed and it can be
readily believed that a young agricul
tural laborer or a young woman
brought up in the country would be
very glad to have the chance of the
wide choice of books which their cous
ins in town enjoy Bristol Press
A JTeir York Jeweler
There had been a difference of opin
ion as to whether the bill had been
paid It resulted in favor of the cus
tomer and the collector from the jew
elry establishment on Fifth avenue
called to apologize Perhaps you will
be willing to pardon the mistake he
said If you knew how many accounts
we have on our books There are G0
000 of them and we are sometimes
likely therefore to make a mistake
New York Sun
Too Bier a Mouthful
Office Boy What name please For
eign Visitor Herr Schwartselburghhau
Office Boy Youll have to call again
sir The office closes In five minutes
and I shant have time to pronounce
your name before the boss is gone
Bon Vivant
A Broad DiHtlnctinn
Perhaps said the clerk youd
like to look at goods a little more ex
pensive than these Not necessari
ly replied the shopper but I would
like to look at some of better quality
Philadelphia Press
Simpklns When is your son coming
home from college Tompkins In
The more a man follows nature aad
igobedlent to her laws the longer he
will lira the farther e deviates from
these the shorter wllfbe his existence
Curiou Way In Which Water la Pro
cured For Yczd
Almost in the center of Persia lies
Yezd a city of perhaps 40000 people
on the great caravan route It is a city
of the desert says the author of Five
Years In a Persian Town but how
complete that desert Is and how largo
It is hard to realize
In going from the Caspian sea to
Yezd one sees a strip of green country
thirty miles wide along the sea and
another twenty miles in diameter
round Teheran Aside from that there
Is nothing but waste
The desert in Persia however is of
many kinds There are places where
the ground Is absolutely bare except
for the thick crusts of salt that He
like snowdrifts streaking the plain in
every direction There are also places
equally salt where the proximity of a
certain amount of useless water pro
duces a larger quantity of plant life
than in the ordinary desert For the
rest there is a vast waste of sandy
patches and of gravelly soil fertile
enough when water can be brought to
it sometimes flecked with dry brown
ish shrubs sometimes quite bare
Two desert plants never touch one
another In the most favorable places
two very tiny shrubs may be found
within two yards of each other but
with a single exception one does not
see on the central Persian caravan
route a place away from the hills
with enough natural growth to modify
the color of the distance
Even In the oases no seed comes up
that is not purposely sown no plant
seems to have any association with
the rest One fixes the eye on each of
them individually as upon a single
unit not as on a part of a field or a
The water for these oases is brought
by the most difficult means imagina
ble It Is found in -abundance at the
foot of the mountains perhaps 300
feet underground When a well has
been sunk and plenty of water found
a hunt Is made for the nearest place
in the desert which is lower than wa
ter level in the well Such a spot Is
Yezd thirty miles from the sources
which water it In a line with that
place other wells are sunk thirty or
forty yards apart each shallower than
the one before and then from the se
lected site a tunnel is run in to the first
pit from that to the second and so on
back to the wells even though they be
forty miles away Through this un
derground channel flows the life giving
Sometimes It happens that a sudden
hard rain falls In this desert country
It brings many disasters for the sun
baked mud roofs of the dwellings are
cavl in their walls are washed away
and other damage is done them But
worst of all too much water washes
out and caves in these Quanat chan
nels and until they are again dug out
no water comes to town
It has happened at Yezd that a single
rainy day the water from which had
dried away or sunk into the ground be
fore the next sunrise has by filling
the channels caused a water famine
In the city for three months
IvinsflsherM nx Weathercocks
There Is a very quaint old world
superstition in connection with the
kingfisher which I fancy still obtains
here and there in remote parts of the
countryside The superstition is this
If a stuffed or dried kingfisher be sus
pended by a thread or string from the
beam or ceiling of a room its breast
will always turn in the direction of the
prevailing wind How the notion first
arose and how in the light of common
sense and inquiry it has been so long
perpetuated it is hard to say but it
has long existed and still exists I
have a clear recollection as a young
ster of going into a humble cottage in
the shires and seeing a stuffed king
fisher thus suspended as a weather
vane Country Life
Japanese Flnprer Xapkln
The Japanese have a picturesque Im
provement on finger bowls At the
conclusion of the repast a tiny basket
woven of exquisite straw and in orna
mental design is placed before each
guest This basket contains a filmy
satiny paper napkin printed with ap
ple blossoms chrysanthemums Irises
or some other attractive design and
twisted lightly into a flower like shape
Before being placed In the basket the
napkin has been slightly dampened
with perfumed water the scent cor
responding with the design and this
napkin the guest uses Instead of dip
ping the hands in water
Charles V Liked Mechanics
Charles V of Spain like Louis XVI
of Prance was particularly fond of
timepieces and had a decided taste for
mechanics When in Germany he in
vented a carriage for his own accom
modation and after his abdication he
would amuse himself in making little
puppets soldiers performing their ex
ercises girls dancing with their tam
bourines and little wooden birds that
would fly in and out of the window
A Reasonable Request
Pa Uncle James has given me his
steamer trunk
Well what of it
Now pa dont be peevish Couldnt
you give me a trip to Europe to sort of
round out Uncle James present
Houston Chronicle
Too Late
And you didnt propose to her
ix it
about six months I guess He has been Why
gone six months and he writes that he i -was leading up to it but suddenly
Is halfback now Judge noted that her voice had a sort of pre-
vious engagement ring Smart Set
Circumstances are beyond the con
trol of man but his conduct Is In hla
wn power Beaumont
teSSJaiitelU KVr k V
Cough Remedy
The Childrens Favorite
Coughs Colds Croup ana
Whooping Cough
This remedy Is fnmon for its cores orr
a large pnrt of the civilized world It caa
always be depended upon It contains no
opium or other hnnnful drnc and may do
given as confidently to a baby as to an aamt
Price 25 eta Large Size 50 eta
TotheCeeditobsofSaid Estate
aAehereby notified thltl ii
oclock a m of m i1 aLf
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just ncross street in P Walsh
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Lumber and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phone No 1 Manager
Nebraska I
In the Conntr Conrt within and for Red Wil
lowConnty Nebraska
deceased mtue i matter of the estate of Aaran Colvin
Notice is hereby given all persons havinc
r1i3Ji0dmands aeainst Aaran Colvin late
Of Red Willow Omintr V0K1
that the time nzed foV fi ling claims against
said estate is sir mnM rL v stagains
1906 Allsnch persons
are reqnired to present
of rIS win3 dy verifled t the ContFjndS
yledwllowConnfJ on or ere May 2nd
1907 or the same wi be forever barred
lisIlUlndtredryjatteLaboT0 noti b
lished in the McCook Tribune a weeklv nPtti
paper published in said
county for fousnc
r or Ionr snc
ceseive weeks
Given under my hand and the seal of th
nSSSSt ath day of tol fe
J C Moore
County Judge
A tffss jfinaa
against said EstateT with a vf if - ciains
ment and bUAVSIS
for DaentrnltllS limited
29th davofAnril iw uo ear from said
seal tS
mooee County Judge
Notice is hereby gfebat
Co have filed in thn Vi i d worth
bond and petition ford rnUCt8k8 oJce th
malt spirituous and vlnon fi6111 V soli
brick building on lot 11 btorfMR TO ln tho
ward of the city of M cCW fn thv second
1st 1906 to Mar s5 WrSJt5n N niber
okth Co Applicants
Important Notice
Shit ffisPASsVrH notifled and earned 4
described wii3 an P on the follow S
es assi5ssra5ft
I nn w
EKNVM5try Ohphantland
regar land
L -