The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1906, Image 1

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Mlli ix- UVSr3 ftT 3 -
A New Dray Firm
Tho dray business of R M Oaburn on
Monday was taken in charge by Messrs
Douglats Brown the new owners Mr
Douglass will bo in personal charge of
tho business Mr Brown who recently
retired roin the Burlington train ser
vice will give his stock business his
more personal attention owning a large
well stocked farm a few miles from Mc
Cook Both members of tho new firm
were formerly Burlington freight con
ductors a fact which will give them a
large and faVorabln acquaintance in Mc
Cook and will be an element in the suc
cess of their business
McCook Souvenirs
Wo have now in stock a fine assort
ment of leather and shell novelty souven
irs also leather and comic post caids
A McMillen Druggist
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
The highest market price paid for
chickens and turkeys by the Reynolds
Poultry Co Old Gurnoy stand Phone
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p
m A F Green Pastor
Christian Science Zint McClain
building C H Meeker C S first
reader Subject Soul and Body
Methodist Sunday School at 10
Sermon at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior
League at 4 Epworth League at 7
Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
JEpiscoeal Services on Sunday at 11
a m Holy communion and sermon at
8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday
school at 10 a m The Rector will offi
ciate All are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sunday School at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by Pastor Christian Endeavor at
7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednes
day at 8 p m The public is cordially
invited to all these services
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Turkeys Wanted
I am in the market for all the turkeys
ducks and geese also chickens that I
can get at the highest price the market
will afford Bring the turkeys in a
week or ten days before Thanksgiving
so it will give me time to get them to
market Dont forget but see me be
fore you sell your poultry
M Walsh
American and EUwood Woven Wire
Steel fence If you have used it you
will take no other If you have not
you should
We are the agents
McCook Hardware Co
Quick Meal Acoap and Riverside ranges
built to last a life time Can you
find any better Are there others as
McCook Hardware Co
The Kilties Plaids
Very much admired were the plaids
worn by the Kilties band when in
our city this week Very similar pat
terns can be had in good worsted mater
ial for 35c per yard at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos 10 patterns
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones pleaBe make ar
rangements at the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
Special Sale
Introduction sale on pictures picture
frames and all kinds of mirrors com
mencing November 14th for three days
only at the Wall Paper and Paint store
Tuerk water motor and several steam
radiators Inquire or write
The Tribune McCook Neb
LostA Terriers Reward
A black and white rat terrier Reward
for its return to Mrs Kendlen at Palmer
20 good linseed oil barrels for sale at
the Wall Paper and Paint store
A - C - 0 - R
let Ludwick explain the new gas
burner to you
Wanted To buy a second handroller
top desk McCook Laundry
Kl AiVF3t8
Mrs Fred Landberg is entertaining
her sister from Denver
E B Perry the Cambridge lawyer
had business fn court this week
Mrs Haggarty returned this week
from an absence of several weeks
Mrs Albert Barnett is home from
her visit to Omaha and other points
Mrs K M Stangland went up to
Denver Thursday to see the new grand
Mrs Anthony Clark is up from Or
leans guest of her sister Mrs V fl
Mrs J F Forbes arrived home Sun
day night from visiting her parents in
Mr and Mrs Charles Hawkes and
family departed for their homo in Den
ver Wednesday
John Maisel was up from Indianoln
first of the week on the Curlee case
which was continued
Abe Williams Jr is home from his
sojourn of several weeks in Colurado
and he is glad of it
Mrs F L Schwab departbd this
morning for her old home in Hnrndon
Kansas on a visit
W E DeWitt and cousin Ray D
Palmer are spending part of tho week
in Denver and Sterling Colo
Mrs Avoline Perrine left for Omaha
yesterday morning to spend some time
and to have her eyes treated
Mrs H A Beale gave a baby part
Tuesday in which six youthful misses
participated Refreshments were served
Mrs F C Korth is down from Den
ver guest of her parents Mr and Mrs
Henry Hesterworth living south of the
Mrs Elizabeth Weidenhamer mo
ther of Trainmaster Weidenhamer do
parted for her home in Galesburg 111
Thursday evening on No 12
C OBlomquest formerly with the
Barnett Lumber Co now of Benson
this Btate and traveling for a wholesale
concern in Omaha was here on business
Mr and Mrs Harie Thomas of Har
vard Nebraska were guests of Supt
and Mrs G H Thomas first of the
week departing for homo on 2 Thurs
day morning
L H Blackledge the Red Cloud
disciple of Blackstone was in the city
Saturday that is all of him but that
charming hirsute development of a
Titian hue
Mrs Arbogast of Bartley accom
panied the doctor on his visit to the
county seat Tuesday investigating the
case of the man found dead on the road
between McCook and Culbertson Mon
day night
Barney Hofer has been commis
sioned an assistant deputy head consul
for the M W A until after the annual
log rolling next fall with all the author
ity of a district deputy which means
much to McCook Woodmen and the
coming log rolling
Rev Mallaly who held a successful
mission in St Patricks church all of
last week is in Superior this week going
from here Sunday morning on 2 He
expects to return to McCook in about
week or so for a short season of work
less strenuous than last weeks efforts
All the cabbage you want at
110 per hundred Saturday
The Commercial house bus team add
ed to their laurels Tuesday moruing by
doing a double stunt in the runaway
business on lower Main avenue The
colored driver was thrown out both
times but escaped injury on both oc
The library board is arranging for a
series of literary and social entertain
ments to be given during the winter to
incourage and promote good reading
The first of the season will be given
November 30 Hon George W Norris
will lecture on Dickins and his works
following with reading from the same
author interspersed with instrumental
and vocal music A short time will be
spent in informal social greetings The
library board solicits and invites the aid
and co operation of the churches
schools reading business and social
clubs professional and business men
to make these entertainments a success
Programs later
The Kilties simply delighted a fine
and splendidly enthusiastic audience in
the Bixler opera house Tuesday night
They played sang and danced into the
hearts of the audience from the outset
and remained there
Mens Pajamas
Mens warm outing flannel pajama
suits for 165 8200 225 just received
at Thompsons
Rough Skin
McConnells Fragrant Lotion makes
rough skin soft and smooth eases irri
tation 25 cents
nlrF I iifi I i i e
George Beason of Culbertson Found Dead
Monday Night Near Perry on
Public Highway
George Beason of Culbertson was
found dead Monday night late near
Perry on the public highway between
McCook and Culbertson He was in an
intoxicated condition when he left Mc
Cook earlier in the night riding in a
lumber wagon from which he fell a
number of times Finally he became so
helpless that his fellow traveler was un
able to get him into the wagon and he
was left on the roadside Tho gentleman
drove toward Culbertson finally meet
ing two men in a buggy coming this way
These men were advised of the place
whore Beason was left on tho roadside
but when they found him he was dead
They came ou to McCook Sheriff Peter
son was notified and he brought the
body to Pades undertaking parlor The
following morning Coroner Arbogast
was notified at Bartley and during Tues
day he investigated tha case with the re
suit as above indicated
Responsive to a telegram from tho
dead mans wife at Cheyenne Wyom
ing the remains were shipped on No 1
Wednesday to Cheyenne for burial
Beason has been living at Culbertson
for the past four months but formerly
made his home for years in Plattsniouth
He was a blacksmith by trade His
fondness for the flowing bowl was doubt
less his undoing
Strangers Fleeced
Two strangers passing through the
city from Western Colorado on Tuesday
were thoroughly flleeced while here to
their great satisfaction surprising as it
may seem They were fitted out with
lamb fleeced coats fleeced underwear
fleeced gloves and fleeced hose The
Thompson Dry Good Co did the busi
Remember We Are Still Selling
up-to-date clothing for men and boys
Hamilton Brown shoes for everybody
furs for men and women trunks valises
furnirhings etc at
- Diamonds
The Laboring Mans Friend
Was Burled from Church Tuesday
The year old baby of Mr and Mrs
Mike Hust died on Sunday and wad laid
away in Riverview cemetery Tuesday
afternoon Services were held in the
German Congregational church by Rev
G L Henkelmann
What is Nicer
than nickel ware that lasts longer and
looks better than anything else and is
less trouble to keep clean See the
beautiful line at McCook Hardware
Cos direct from the Rochester Stamp
ing Works There are none others just
as good
In The Heart of The City
That is where you will be when you
go to the McCook Hardware Co and
see the large new line of carving sets
Something entirely new and up-to-date
with prices to suit everyone Now is
the time
Market Sale and Supper
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will have a market sale
of fancy articles and an oyster supper
Saturday Movember 27th in the Petty
lodge room Supper 25 cents
Furnished or Unfurnished
I will rent lower half of my house
consisting of five rooms and bath fur
nished or unfurnished Inquire at house
or phone black 203
H L Kennedy
Good warm overcoats for 3 years to
8 years for 250 Young mens ditto
14 years to 19 years 450 Mens ditto
500 to 51500 Mens heavy ulsters
500 at Thompsons
Cast Up By The Sea
a nautical and temperance drama will
be presented at Bixler s opera house
Monday November 19 Tickets 50c
35c 25c
Investigate Our Plan
of advertising with our customers A
whole case of fine jewelry to be prac
tically given away
McCook Hardware Co
Will Do Plain Sewing
Mrs L A Clark and Mrs F J
Pierce will do plain sewing at their
home in West McCook Phone black
Warm Night Gowns
Outing flannel night gowns for men
women and children 40c to 200 at
Liver Laziness Cured By
McConnells Little Liver Pills Help
the liver along once in a while
Sleeping Garments
Childrens footed fleeced lined sleep
ing garments 50c each at Thompsons
Get The Tribune to do your printing
Committees for Lyon Meetings
Executive committee Rev A F
Green chairman II C Clapp record
ing secretary Rev G B Hawkes corre
sponding secretary J G Schleich
treasurer G E Thompson L H Linde
mann Dr Ireland Judge Moore A
Prayer meeting Rev G B Hawkes
chairman Dr Ireland Mrs H A
Roucb A H Tirrill
Building Rev M B Carman chair
man L H Lindemann Mrs A Bar
Music Mrs G H Thomas chair
man Mrs F M Kimmell L II Linde
Advertising The pastors of tho
A union prayer meeting will be held
at the Congregational church next
Wednesday at 8 p m led by Rev A F
Green to help on the Lyon revival
meetings The executive committee
have decided to build a tabernacle seat
ing 1200 people
The dates are January G to Feb
ruary 3
Pure Staples
Simpsons silver grey prints 05
American silver grey prints 05
American indigo blue prints 05
American shirting prints 05
Allens pink prints 05
Best apron check ginghams 05
Best table oil cloth fancy and white 15
Peerless spooled carpet warp 21
Fleischers German knitting yarn -25
6 big red handkerchiefs for 25
Mens grey mixed sox 05
Fleece lined wrappers 75
All colors Saxony yarns 05
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
One price plain figures cash only
Our New Greenhouse
is filled with the choicest plants and
flowers We have just received from
Japan our annual shipment of choice
flowering bulbs including the famous
Chinese sacred lily Choice carnations
and floral designs our specialty We have
a fine lot of large chrysanthemums in
bloom It McCook Greenhouse
Phone 91
Coal is High
Therefore you should be careful in
buying a heater Our stock is large in
this line and it will pay you to examine
our stoves before buying inferior quality
stoves at low prices and pay for it twice
over in coal
McCook Hardware Co
Ribs Furnished
We furnish ribs with all our union
suits for men women and children
Our extra elastic ribbed garments are
the only satisfactory make to buy and
we have them in all the sizes 25c to
200 each The Thompson Dry Goods
Masquerade Ball Thanksgiving
Manager Bixler will hold a masquer
ade ball in the Bixler opera house
Thanksgiving nighi Fine music A
fine time Tickets 75 cents Masked
ladies free Spectators 25 cents Just
come thats all
By Ladies of Episcopal Church
That Cafa Chantant at Menards hall
Tuesday evening November 20 You
will miss the event of the season if you
dont go Its worth twice what you
Talcum Powder
When buying Talcum Powder always
ask for BY LO Absolutely the purest
softest sweetest and best Talcum pow
der manufactured
L W McConnell Druggist
McMillens Specialties
Cough Cure
Headache Cure
Sure Corn Cure
Little Liver Pills
Cream Lotion
Fine Chickens
I have a few choice cockerels
Ideal Princess strain of Rhode
of the
Reds and also a few choice cockerels of
the Silver Laced Wyandottes for sale
E Fletcher Bartley Nebr
Have on hand and are receiving con
stantly the new novels and standard
A McMillen
Cream to Feed Hogs
of course not then get a new f rictionless
Empire Cream Separator at McCook
Hardware Cos store No complicated
machinery to get out of order
S A And Northern Ohio
Blankets and Robes direct from
factories at wholesale prices
McCook Hardware Co
White Bear Skin Hoods
New lot just received at 50c and up to
150 at Thompsons Five colors of
Bear skin at 200 per yard
McMillens Cream Lotion will cure
chapped face and hands
V 1
Try McMillens Cough cure
Use McConnells Liquid Smoke
preserving your meats
Woolen Blankets for tho price of
cotton ones at tho McCook Hardware
For Sale A soft coal burner suit
able for light housekeeping Inquire at
this office
Cascara quinine tho best thing for
coughs and colds 35 tablets in box 25c
Woodworth Co Druggists
For Rent Two furnished rooms
Furnace heat electric lights and bath
Julius Kunert
Magnor Stokes can supply you
with anything in the lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
Cascara quinine cures colds and
coughs without causing sick stomach
or effecting the head 25c at Woodworth
Wo have always led in perfumes and
toilet articles This season we have in
creased our lead Come and see the
L W McConnell Druggist
Buy your Kodak supplies of McCon
nell lie has a full line of plates films
negative albums trimming boards
mounts and mounting tissue develop
ing and fixing powders and in fact every
thing you need for the photographic
David Diamond has bought two lots
just west on Dennison street from the
Citizens Bank building and oxpects at
once to commence the erection of a two
story brick 50 x 65 feet Upstairs will
contain a modern up-to-date lodge hall
banquet room parlor reading room etc
Father Mullally C S P will return
to McCook Saturday November 17
and will remain for two weeks During
this time he will hold services every
evening in St Patricks church He
will conduct what is known as an
inquiry class and will answer clearly
all questions regarding the Catholic
church her doctrines and practices
His endeavor will be to keep out all
animosity and to speak in a pleasing
conciliatory and convincing manner He
will preach at Sunday morning services
Marriage licenses granted since last
Martin S Rinck age 30 and Emma
J Lang age 25 both of Indianola
Fred G Flanagan age 27 and Estelle
Crocker age 21 both of Indianola
Jlra C King age 27 and Winnie Bales
age 19 both of McCook
Henry C Shepherd age 62 and Anna
Maria Ward age 56 both of Osborn
Harvey Barnhart age 25 Freedom
Neb and Noma Elsie Brush age 21
Bartley Neb
E M White was appointed executor
of tho estate of Ezra A White late of
Bartley Nov 12th
Mrs Mary Cain was appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of James Cain
A decree of adoption was rendered in
the case of Myrtlo L Miller
Mrs Bertha Berry was appointed
guardian of the mnor heirs of Charles
C Berry deceased
Cafe Chantant
at Menards hall Tuesday evening
November 20 beginning at 815 sharp
Change of program ever 15 minutes
till 930 Refreshments served during
program Dancing fortune telling etc
from 930 till 12 General admission
including refreshments 2 cents Dance
tickets gentlemen 50 cents Nothing
more entertaining and enjoyable has
ever been given in the city You are
invited by ladies of Episcopal church
A New Brick Building
Earl Ludwick this week commenced
excavating for a new brick building
which he will have built in the spring
The structure will be 37J x 70 feet
two stories high with basement and
will have special arrangements and pro
visions for the furniture and house
furnishing business It will be located
just north of the Commercial hotel
Try the Mild Examiner
They are putting out a new brand of
cigars at the Griggs cigar factory It
is a mild delightful article Try one
Paragoric Hive Syrup and McCon
nells Balsam are at your disposal in
pure products Should be in every
house where there is a small child
L W McConnell Druggist
Next Attraction
The Players Club in Cast Up By
the Sea Monday November 19 at
Bixlers opera bouse
For Sale
Dining table and chairs and other
furniture Enquire at the Perry house
on Monroe street
Wall Paper
Only a few more rooms of wall
left from 50 cents up at the
Paper and Paint store
nupji W Tw
McCook Business College
Commercial Branches Short
hand Typewriting Telegraphy
Writo L W Staynkr
McCook Neb
All the cabbage you want at
110 per hundred Saturday
Lest wo forgot
We say it yet
Hamilton Brown Shoos
Are the best by test
Only nt Diamonds
The Laboring Mans Friend
McConnell for drugs
Who sells tho Acorn stove
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
The Tribune will print it for you
Big 1000 doll free at The Ideal Ask
for votes
For lazy liver uso McMillens Littlo
Liver Pillets
Jardinieres now colorings
Millens Drug Store
Cast Up by tho Sea
Monday November 19
at Bixlers
Whispering Smith and Coniston
at McMillens Drug Store
Try Magner Stokes for fresh and
salt meats fruit and vegetab6s
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Tickets now on sale for the Players
Club first performance at McCounells
50c 35c and 25c
The Reynolds Poultry Co will give
you tho highest price for your poultry
and eggs in cash
Business changes seem to be the regu
lar program these fall days We wont
recognize ourselves soon
A fine assortment of fancy dining
room and parlor lamps at special prices
Woodworth Co Druggists
Rooms voa Rent Furnished or un
furnished For information inquire at
The Thompson Dry Good Co
Family recipes and prescriptions of
all kinds accurately and correctly filled
by Woodworth Co Druggists
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and every thing per
taining to the meat market business
Take your poultry and eggs to tho
Reynolds Poultry Poultry Co Old
Gurnoy stand Get the best market
price in cash
Cloth dolls for cutting out and stuf
fing large life size 25c the 20 inch size
15c Foxy Grand Pa 15c cats 15c
Thompsons only
Wanted A boy to strip tobacco
from 4 to G oclock and on Saturdays
Call at tho Griggs cigar factory under
Benjamin Burnetts cigar store
We sell rubber goods of known qual
ity Our stock is complete our prices
the most reliable
L W McConnell Druggist
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in thfj P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you tho best cash
market price for them
Marsh operates on the theory that
nothing is too good for his patrons
hence he buys only the best of livestock
of all kinds and sells only tho best of
meats You can prove it by a trial
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
I offer for sale my choice quarter the
n w of 32-4-30 bounded on the north
east and west by a public highway
close to school and church containing
168 acres 115 acres in cultivation For
particulars address owner H Gearty
519 East Jefferson street Springfield
If the proper city authorities will take
time to walk about abit onights it is in
timated to Ths Tribune that they will
find a number of street lights so decid
edly on the bum as to be deceased in
fact so deceased as to require fumiga
tion We are not advised whether or
not these derelicts are on the regular
pay roll
After all there was something com
pelling about the old manner of accomp
lishing results They used to teach us the
dangers of narcotics by the laying on
of hands in the strenuous manipula
tion of the slipper It is different now
We teach the effects of narcotics ia our
grade schools But from the fearless
manner in which the kids tackle the
weed even going to and returning from
school we are forced to admit the mod
ern plan is not effective