The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 02, 1906, Image 6

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I Building Loan
1 Association
We have received thous
ands of similar ones
3Iv husband had Eczema
on the face for ten years He
couldnt set any relief until
hetni d Hales EczemaCure
and one 1kx almost cured
Jnm shall use your prepar
ation in my practice
Osteopath Physician
Little Kobe Okla
My little boy had a form
of Eczema for five years
AVe bad seven of the best
doctors and none of them
helped him One box of
Hales Eczemi Cure relieved
him wonderfully five boxes
have cured him
San Antonio Tex
I have been a sufferer vdtlt
Eczema for forty years
Tned many doctors and var
ious kinds of medicine but
could not set any relief
Have used one box of your
tczema ointment and I am
now entirely cured
Ewing 3Io
I have used two boxes of
your preparation and it has
cared me of Eczema
Evergreen Ala
Sly wife tned most every
thing to relieve her of Ec
zema but vrii unsuccessful
until I procured a box of
your wonderful Ointment
which lias cured her entirely
I shall take pleasure in rec
ommending it to anyone
havwK skin trouble
il onticelloil o
I had Eczema very bad
c5 i y uvuy us ravereu it uu
K one box of your preparation
X was enred in a few days
Lake Miss
One box of your Eczema
Ointment has cured me En
closed find Si 00 for another
boxwhich 1 propose to keep
on hand I would not take
100X0 and be without it
purham Mo
With all my heart I thank
you for the good your won
derful remedy has done for
me Cured my skin disease
In less than a week when all
other medicines failed I
take pleasure in recommend
lngsame G LANDAHL
Granite Hill Grants Pass
Tour preparation for Ec
zema is wonderful I cannot
iay enough for it
Dayton Wyo
Lets Talk
Who is your Furnace Man
All depends on him whether
your furnace will be satisfac
tory or not Does he under
stand the system of hot air
heating circulation and ventil
ation Is he competent to make the elbows angles fittings
etc required in an ordinary furnace job and install them
without endangering your property by fire A Furnace Man
must have practical experience We have made the furnace
business a specialty for the past twenty one years fourteen
years at Omaha Nebraska We are the sole agents for the
Boynton Furnaces
They Are the Best Made
Estimates and an information regarding the proper installa
tion of a modern heating apparatus free of charge Your
patronage respectfully solicited
Polk Bros New Store
Dennison Street flcCook Nebraska
in a Stock Certificate of the
No better or safer
investment is open to
you An investment
of 100 per month for
120 months will earn
8o nearly 9 percent
compounded annually
Dont delay but see
the secretary today
Subscriptions r e
ceived at any time for
the new stock just
and all other skin diseases CURED by
laMfl wmw ilHasl Hn
A remedy that has never failed It Trill conquer
ECZE3IA and all other skin diseases no matter how
long standing This remedy is the most powerful
local germicidal antiseptic known and was discov
ered after years of experimenting Our most im
portant mission to mankind is to relieve and cure
all sufferers from these terrible annoying disfigur
ing and irritating maladies caused from the various
forms of skin diseases When applied it draws the
disease at once to the surface kills all parasites and
germs and peals off the old diseased skin thus a
permanent cure and makes life worth living The
following poisonous maladies are easily controlled
and cured if Hales Eczema Cure is applied at once
as it kills all disease germs
3Iad Doc Bites Snako Bites Poisonous In
sect Bites Erysipelas Ivy Poisoning Prickly
Seat Itch Ring Worm Barbers Itch Sores
where there is dancer of Blood Poisoning or
Gangrene Old Sores that wont heal Black
Dried Scabs etc etc Dont suffer any
longer Dont let tho baby cry and scratch its
skin until it bleeds
Fill in and return to us the coupon below for a
sample box FREE It will tell its own story
There is more conviction in a thimbleful of
trial than a demijohnof talk
- Reference Any bank in Kirksville
Kirksville MO
Kirksville Mo
Kindly send me free of all cost and
postage prepaid a sample box of Hales Exzema Cubs
Gatewood Valine
UlilCC vicC xiCHUllil store
Clique i yj
Ii Uxe nn Inherited Habit and o
Sljrn of
With tlie big restless cuersetie
world outside cf tills tropical belt how
ever the matter of keeping warm is
ever present troublesome ami expen
sive throughout half of each pasalng
As a matter of fact the world of hu
manity dwelling In stovcland never has
been In all tho ages really anJ com
fortably warm In winter It is largely
our own fault Mankind is the only an
imal which employs tire In the effort to
survive the ealtl of the winters The
hardy lower animals do not need it
however much their luxuriously ener
vated representatives the dog and the
cat may enjoy it when they have a
Ancient man only got himself rid of
his provident coat of hair and his suf
ficent latent heat when he began to
loaf around the family cooking stove
and absorb the intoxicating comfort of
artificial warmth This faraway an
cestor Is responsible for the fact that
the present day human being outside
of the belt aforesaid is obliged to keep
close to a thermometer registering
nearly or quite 70 degrees F from Oc
tober to May besides which he must
needs wear extra clothing This also Is
an inherited habit
A traveler west once asked a half
naked Indian in midwinter how he
managed to stand the weather The
Indian replied Your face n got a
coat It no cold Indian face all over
National Magazine
The Metnl In n Death Dealer to All
DIseuse CerniN
Copper is a marvelous preventive
of disease If wo returned to the old
copper drinking vessels of o ir forefa
thers typhoid epidemic would disap
The speaker a filtration uxpert took
a copper cent from hit pocket
Examine this cent under the micro
scope he said and you will lind it
altogether free from disease germs
Examine gold and silver coins and
you will find them one wriggling and
contorting germ mass Yet copper
coins pass through dirtier hands than
gold and silver ones Youd think they
ought to be alive with micro-organisms
Iut no Copper kills germs
Diphtheria and cholera cultures smear
ed on a copper cent die in less than
two hours
They have many cholera epidemics
in China but certain towns are always
immune These towns keep their
drinking water in great copper vessels
Travelers have tried to buy these ves
sels for they are beautiful but the
villagers will not sell them They have
a superstition that their health and
welfare depend on their retention I
wish all superstitions were as true and
salutary as that Philadelphia Bul
The Joke Was on the Students
When Dr Nathan Lord was presi
dent of Dartmouth college he used to
drive about in a dilapidated old fash
ioned contrivance The students be
came tired of seeing the concern and
though Dr Lord knew of this he clung
to the old calash One night a group of
the young men hauled the thing out of
the shed where it was kept took it sev
eral miles down the road toward Leba
non and hid it in a spot where it -was
concealed by dense foliage They were
just about to depart well satisfied -with
the tiresome job when the curtain
which completely enveloped the front
of the calash was suddenly pushed
aside and the well known face of Presi
dent Lord appeared Now gentle
men he said you may draw me back
Homes Under the Ground
In the salt district in Cheshire Eng
land the brine has been pumped so
continuously out of the earth that the
land has settled very considerably
The houses naturally sink with the
earth and in some of the streets in
Northwich only the roofs are visible
The houses are inhabited although
the rooms are underground In a
great many cases additional stories
have been added so that by living in
the upper rooms the residents may
have some light and air The road
ways sink too but are kept up to the
proper level by the government
He Laid
Dont waste your time in clipping
off the branches said the -woodman to
his son but lay your ax at the root of
the tree And the young man went
out and laid his ax at the foot of the
tree like a good and dutiful boy and
then he went fishing Truly there is
nothing so beautiful as -filial obedience
Strand Magazine
One VIetv of It
But if she makes all her own dresses
I should think shed be a good wife
for you It shows shes industrious
and sensible
Not for me thank you It simply
shows how poor her father must be
Philadelphia Ledger
Hit It
You cant guess what sister said
about you just before you came in Mr
Highcollar said little Johnnie
I havent an idea In the world John
Thats it You guessed it the very
first time
The Difference
Tell a women her face is her fortune
and she Is complimented Hint to a
man that his cheek is his most valu
able asset and he Is likely to get mad
Chicago Record Herald
He who reads only what pleases nev
r grows very learned
Trinity mill the Lund It Occupied
Veined at flnOOOOO
Trinity church is valued at 12500
300 This estimate includes the land oc
cupied by the churchyard It is in the
most valuable part of New York If not
in the most valuable division of prop
erty in the world
St Pauls church Is valued at o500
Grace church at what was once de
scribed as the head of Broadway Is
valued at 950000
The First Presbyterian church on
Fifth avenue 1 tween Eleventh and
Twelfth streets is valued at 750000
St Marks church on Second avenue
an old landmark in that neighborhood
is valued at 275000
The Marble Collegiate church Fifth
avenue and Twenty ninth street is
valued at 1000000
The Church of St Paul the Apostle
the Paulist church at Fifty ninth
street and Columbus avenue is valued
at 700000
The West Presbyterian church on
West Forty second street is valued at
inO000 St Thomas at 1700000 and
the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church
9 and 11 West Fifty ninth street at
The valuation of the Temple Emanu
El is 1530000 of St Patricks cathe
dral 1000000 of the Bnai Jeeshuruu
synagogue u00000 of the Temple
Beth EI at the corner of Fifth avenue
and Seventy sixth street 1300000 of
the Broadivay Tabernacle Broadway
and Fifty sixth street 700000 and of
the Christian Scientist church Central
Park West and Sixty eighth street
300000 New York Sun
Odd Ill rl or Ornament and a Very
Substantial Dinner
There is a practical minded million
aire h has invented a substitute for
valuable pictures which it is hoped will
not commend itself to others He has
had a large number of bank notes
framed and these are hung upon the
wall where the pictures should be
In the drawing room is one frame
that contains a bank note for 100000
and he says There is the money in
case I find a picture which is
i ly valuable to pay that price for it
MeanwLie the note tells its own taio
1 and saves me from explaining to my
I visitors tnat this picture cost so much
as most other rich men do
j The chief pleasure of these collectors
J appears to arise not from the beauty of
the work but from the cost of It then
why not have checks or bank notes for
a large sum hung on the walls as I do
Besides I find that it is much more in
teresting to my visitors for most ot
them look long and carefully at the
bank notes who would but glance at
the work of art
This eccentric man gave a dinner on
the same principle In the soup plates
there was no soup but sovereigns for
fish were served five pound notes for
game checks and for sweets shares in a
thriving company and there was not a
guest who did not enjoy this enter
tainment more than any he or she had
ever before been present at London
Dean Swift on Spelling
Dean Swift roundly denounced the
poets of his day who had Introduced
the barbarous custom of abbreviating
words to fit them to the measure of
theirverses Swift instances drudgd
and disturbd as mortal offenses
The custom so Introduced had begun to
dominate prose Another cause bor
rowed Swift suggested from the clip
ping process which he held had con
tributed to the maiming of the lan
guage is a foolish opinion advanced
of late years that we ought to spell ex
actly as we speak which besides the
obvious inconvenience of utterly de
stroying our etymology would be a
thing we should never see tlie end of
Risks In Railway Journeys
The idea that the man who goes on a
railway journey takes his life in his
hand and is rather more likely than
not to meet with an untimely death at
the first curve the train negotiates is
scarcely borne out by the fact that the
chances against any one passenger
meeting his death on the railway are
30000000 to 1 This immunity from
disaster rellects considerable credit
upon the companies but still more upon
engine drivers and signalmen whose
skill and care are the main factors in
the safety of the passenger London
Court Journal
Reason reason as much as you like
but beware of thinking that it answers
to everything suffices for everything
satisfies everything This mother loses
her child Will reason comfort her
Does cool reason counsel the inspired
poet the heroic warrior the lover
Reason guides but a small part of
many and that is the least Interesting
The rest obey feeling true or false
and passion good or bad
Tnlcing Him Down
Crittick was pleased to say that my
play had few equals as a bit of real
Ism remarked young De Riter
He said even more than that said
Yes he added and positively no
Inferiors Exchange
Carelessness Somewhere
Gladys Mamma cant see anybody
today Shes upstairs with the new
baby You see they sent her a girl
when shed ordered a boy an shes so
disappointed shes sick Puck
The men who go through life with
chips on their shoulders always avoid
meeting the right man New York
They Wtre Once Very Gorjreona and
Worn In the Daytime
In the middle ages night robes as a
general thing were unknown luxuries
Under the Tudors royalty and no
bility had them made of silk or vel
vet and as the old books say hence
no washing was necessary
A night robe of black satin bound
with black taffeta and edged with vel
vet of the same color was daintily
fashioned for Anne Boleyn
More luxurious still was one owned
by Queen Bess It was of black vel
vet fur lined and greatly offset by
flowing borders of silk lace And in
15GS her majesty gave orders that
George Brodigman should deliver
threescore and six best sable skynnes
to furnish us a night gown Four
years later her highness orders the
delivery of twelve yards of purple
velvet friezed on the back syde with
white and russet silke for a night
gown for herself and also orders tho
delivery of fourteen yards of murry
damask for the makynge of a night
gowue for some one else
Night gowns for ladles of a later
period were called nyght vails In
Queen Annes time it was the fashion
to wear them over the customary dress
In the streets In the daytime when out
on a pleasure walk And as was fit
ting ladies who Indulged In night
caps had them also made of silk or
velvet with much pretty garnishing
of lace and glittering cords and the
fair ones made presentation of costly
caps to each other as tokens of respect
or affection
How They Are Stripped of Their
Shells While Alive
The shells shipped from tlie Colon
district are taken from turtles caught
on the Lagarto and San Bias coasts of
the Caribbean sea during the months
of May June July and August when
they approach the shore to deposit
eggs which are laid on the sandy
beaches above high water mark at
night Holes are dug about one and a
half feet deep and the eggs deposited
therein Generally about three layings
are made during a period of nine
weeks The eggs are rightly covered
with sand and left to be hatched out
by the heat of the sun Tlie turtles are
caught either while on shore or In the
water by means of nets
As a rule they are killed immediately
after being caught cleaned and tho
shell frame washed with sand But on
the San Bias coast the Indians do not
kill them but at once proceed to re
move the shell by subjecting the tur
tles to great heat afterward throwing
the turtles back into the sea By the
application of heat the successive plates
of shell come off very easily
Turtles caught in these waters vary
in size from one to four and a half feet
long with a maximum weight of 150
pounds and the average weight of
shell obtained from each is from six to
seven pounds The commercial value
of tortoise shell depends upon the thick
ness and size of the plates rather than
upon the brilliancy of the colors
They Waited Well
A large audience once gathered in
Baltimore to hear Professor Sylvester
read a unique original poem of 400
lines all rhyming with the name Rosa
lind He had appended to the poem a
large number of explanatory footnotes
which he said he would read first
When at last he had done so he look
ed up at the clock and was horrified to
find that bo had kept the audience an
hour and a half before beginning to
read the poem they had come to hear
The astonishment on his face was an
swered by a burst of good humored
laughter from the audience apd then
after begging all his hearers to feel at
perfect liberty to leave if they had en
gagements he read the Rosalind poem
Xo 3Iivtnke
The editor was apologizing over the
telephone for an annoying typograph
ical error in his paper
In our account of the meeting at
which you were chairman last night
colonel he said we tried to say
Following is a detailed report of the
proceedings but it appeared In print
as perhaps you have noticed Follow
ing Is a derailed report and so forth
Mistakes of that kind you know
It may have been an accident in
terrupted the man at the other end of
tlie wire but it wasnt a mistake
You sidetracked most of the report
Chicago Tribune
Antismokin Edicts
Strenuous efforts have been made In
times past to stamp out smoking
Among the rules of an English school
In 1629 it was laid down that a master
must be a man of grave behavior nei
ther papist nor Puritan no haunter of
alehouses and no puffer of tobacco In
Turkey where the pipe is now omni
present former sultans made smoking
a crime and offenders were punished
by having their pipes thrust into their
noses while in Russia a royal edict or
dered the aoses of the smokers to be
cut off
The Real GIntton
Benevolent Old Lady to little boy In
street Why why little boy how did
you ever get such a black eye Small
Boy Me and Sammy Jones was fbjjht
in for an apple in school an he smash
ed me Benevolent Old Lady Dear
dear and which glutton got the applei
Small Boy Teacher maam
Talents Triumph
What s the difference between tal
ent and genius
Talent makes money oftener than
genius does Detroit Free Press
Barber Shop
Bath Booms Rear Citizensbank
Ofllco Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
and Surgeon
Ofllco Residence 524 Main Avouue Oflice and
Residenco phone W Calls answered mht or
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch end dtrcrlntli nmay
quickly ascertain our opinion free TTuei cr an
Invontoti is probably patent ible Comuitinlca
tlons strictly conQdouthU HANDBOOK onlatenta
sent Tree Oldest agency for secnnuK patents
Patents taken through Jtunn Co rccolvo
tpectal notice without charge in tbo
cientsfic jnuericmi
M tmnilanmAtft I11aa4 tA fttAAtrlv TAVfflnof lf
culatiou of any scicntlQc Journal QYrnis 3 a
year four months L Soldbyall Twrfdealers
Branch Office G25 F SU Washington D C
V tttUitttMH htTj
BB3Eagigiiii mmiiitiiBi hi i im iiw
If you will figure with usand
qunlity of marerial is any object
you will be easily convincedjthat
we out class all competition
ivmunminsiivn i ntA
Ygvl need ra1
be fearfiil if you use
for that cough There are
inanv pnnnnmnHTno rr Kn
would be well if they had
Ballards Horehound Syrup
Cures Coughs Colds Bronchi
tis Sore Throat Whooping
Cough and Lung Troubles
Mrs Emma Johns Las Ve
gas Mex -writes I re-
uummena Jtiorehound Syrup
to all I know troubled with
coughs colds etc I have
been saved numerous sick
opens Dy using tnis remark
able preparation
PRICE 25c 50c 100
Ballard Snow Liniment Go
Sold aud Recommended by
1 h m