The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 26, 1906, Image 2

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LLAjlWujmWAJJlUlB JJ r f
We havo received thous
ands of similar ones
My husband hail Eczema
oi the fare for ten years He
couldnt cet any relief until
lie tried Hales EczeinaCure
ind one bos almost cured
lum 1 shall use your prepar
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Osteopath lliysician
Little Kobe OUa
My little boy had a form
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We had seven of the lst
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San Antonio Tex
I have been a sufferer with
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Tried many doctors and var
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Have used one box of your
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Ewinu Mo
I havo used two boxes of
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Evergreen Ala
My wife tried most every
thing so relieve her of Ec
zema but was unsuccessful
until I procured a box of
your wonderful Ointment
which has cured her entirely
I shall take pleasure in rec
ommending it to anyone
having skin trouble
I had Eczema very bad
My body was covered With
one box of yonr preparation
I was cured in a few days
Lake Mist
One box of your Eczema
Ointment has cured me En
closed find 100 for another
box which I propose to keep
on hand I would not tako
810000 and be irithout it
Purham Mo
With all my heart I thank
you for the pood yonr won
derful remedy has done for
me Cured my skin diseaso
In lees than a week when all
other medicines failed I
take pleasure in recommend
ingsame O LAKDAHL
Granite Hill Grants Pass
Tour preparation for Ec
zema is wonderful I cannot
ay enough for it
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and all other skin diseases CURED by
A remedy that has never failed It will conquer
ECZEMA and all other skin diseases no matter how
long standing This remedy is the most powerful
local germicidal antiseptic known and was discov
ered after years of experimenting Our most im
portant mission to mankind is to relieve and cure
all sufferers from these terrible annoying disfigur
ing and irritating maladies caused from the various
forms of skin diseases When applied it draws the
disease at once to the surface kills all parasites and
germs and peals off the old diseased skin thus a
permanent cure and makes life worth living The
following poisonous maladies are easily controlled
and cured if Hales Eczema Cure is applied at once
as it kills all disease germs
3Iad Doc Bites Snako Bites Poisonous In
sect Bites Erysipelas IvyFoisoninc Prickly
Scat Itch Rine Worm Barbers Itch Sores
where there is dancer of Blood Poisoning or
Gangrene Old Sores that wont heal Black
Dried Scabs etc etc Dont suffer any
longer Dont let the baby cry and scratch its
skin until it bleeds
Fill in and return to us the coupon below for a
sample box FREE It will tell its own story
There is more conviction in a thimbleful of
tribfl than a demijohn of talk
Reference Any bank in Kirksville
Kirksville RflOn
Kirksville Mo
Kindly send me free of all cost nnd
postage prepaid a sample box of Hales Exzema Cone
Town or City
Uncle Sam in
T has been a mat
ter of surprise
that the second
American occupation
of Cuba was accom
plished with so much
smoothness and dis
patch It was the
middle of August
when the Cuban in
surrection broke out
and it was the mid
dle of September be
fore it became evi
dent that the United
ciiaiiles e ma- States might need to
goon take a hand to re
store order in the Is
land The situation developed so rap
idly that it was only a Ze days after
the landing of the American peace
commissioners in Cuba that the de
cision was made to re establish Amer
ican authority In the island The army
and navy officers had had but little
time to prepare for such a movement
of troops and vessels of war as be
came necessary yet the emergency
found them ready for the task in hand
There was no delay in sendri war
ships and marines and bluej tcets to
Cuban waters and the moment it was
known that soldiers too would be
needed orders were given for the regi
ments to be on the move mobilization
was begun transports were provided
and embarkation of troops proceeded
with the utmost promptitude
When the brigade of 750 marines
under Major Wendell C Neville was
landed in Ilavana and conveyed by
trolley cars to Camp Columbia the
movement was accomplished with such
precision that no hitch of any kind oc
curred and the webfooted soldiers
were stationed at their post of duty al
most before the Cubans knew what
had happened When President Roose
velt telegraphed Acting Secretary of
War Oliver Arrange for 0000 troops
to start for Cuba as soon as possible
the acting secretary was able to wire
Secretary Taft at Havana shortly aft
erward Troops now moving and to
add that he expected to complete the
shipment of the entire force in ten days
The difference between these condi
tions and those which prevailed when
Cuba was first occupied by American
forces in 1S0S suggests that our army
and navy have learned much from
their experiences of the past eight
years In Cuba the Philippines and
China and that much benefit has re-
Copyright 1906 by Clinedinst
suited from the reforms instituted in
the war department and the creation
of the general staff The law establish
ing the general staff went into effect
Aug 15 1003 The body consists of
officers detailed from the army at
large under such rules as may be pre
scribed by the president Its duties
are to prepare plans for national de
fense and mobilization of troops in
time of war to investigate questions
relating to the efficiency of the army
and its preparedness for war and to
assist the secretary of war and other
officers in performance of duty
The general staff is composed of one
chief of staff and two general officers
from the army not below the grade of
brigadier general four colonels sis
lieutenant colonels twelve majors and
twenty captains
It Is the duty of the chief of staff to
supervise all troops of the line and lie
is under the direct authority of the
president himself The efficiency of
the general staff is believed to have
been increased by the separation of the
duties of chief of staff and lieutenant
general Formerly the lieutenant gen
eral discharged the duties of chief of
staff and the head of this supervising
body changed every time a lieutenant
general went on the retired list and a
new man took this place of honor We
have had tour lieutenant generals
Chaffee Bates Corbin and MacArthur
In less than a year A few months
ago a new departure was instituted by
the appointment of a comparatively
young officer Brigadier General James
Franklin Bell as chief of staff He is
the first officer to hold the post without
being at the same time lieutenant gen
eral He might have been a major gen
eral but when a short time ago he
could have been promoted to this rank
he allowed his friend General Jesse M
Lee to have It because General Lee ls
older and would not have another
chance while General Bell has still
fourteen years of active service and
may have other opportunities for pro
motion to the higher rank General
Bell has been In active supervision of
Cuba Again
the movement of troops for the occupa
tion of Cuba and since his arrival in
the Island has been first In command
there by virtue of his rank He is a
hard worker and has seen service on
all kinds of duty Born in Kentucky
In ISoG he attended the public schools
and then went to West roint from
which he graduated In 1S78 with an
excellent record to his credit For
some jears he saw service in the west
and he commanued a troop in the
bloody fight at Wounded Knee His
record in the west was that of a fear-
less and venturesome Indian fighter
He was on the Pacific coast when war
was declared against Spain and sailed
for Manila as a major of volunteer en
gineers and participated In the attack
on that city It was at Manila that he
performed a feat which for bravery
and endurance was unsurpassed in the
annals of the campaign that of swim
ming at night around the Spanish
earthworks fronting on the bay in
search of information Congress evinc
ed its belief that General Bell is no
tin soldier when it awarded hfm a
medal of honor for gallantry in action
General Bell assumed the duties of
chief of staff last spring just in time
to supervise the arrangements for giv
ing aid through the army to the strick
en people of San Francisco Brigadier
General Funston was active in that
work and singularly enough he and
General Bell are agaki closely asso
ciated In the occupation of Cuba
Though General Bell has been ordered
there so as to supervise to the best ad
vantage the disposition of troops and
is the ranking officer present the im
mediate command of the troops de
volves on General Funston
When the transport Sumner sailed
from New York with 900 regulars for
service in Cuba she had on board a
young officer of engineers whose name
is a household word not only in the
United States but all over the world
This officer was Lieutenant Ulysses S
Grand 3d son of Major General Fred
erick D Grant commander of the de
partment of the east Being a grandson
of one of the greatest soldiers of the
time he inherits a love for the smell
of gunpowder and his chief fear has
been that his country would see no
more war during his lifetime He was
born in 18S1 and one of the last acts
of his distinguished grandfather was to
write a letter addressed to The Pres
ident of the United States asking for
the present Lieutenant Grants appoint
ment to West Point It was handed to
President McKinley in 1SG9 and thus
the appointment the elder General
Grant desired was made The young
man made a fine record at the acade
my better than that of his grandfa
ther but as an old officer put it he
will have to work some to beat him as
a soldier Lieutenant Grant has seen
service in the Philippines and has been
military aid to the president
It has been estimated that there are
about 130000000 worth of American
investments in Cuba The industries
which have been built up through
American enterprise and American
money in the past half dozen years in
clude tobacco sugar and other planta
tions mines railroads trolley tele
graph and telephone lines etc Secre
tary Taft in his address at Havana uni
versity paid a tribute to the wisdom
of ex President Palma in encouraging
the investment in Cuba of foreign capi
tal The industrial prosperity that this
has brought about has changed the con
dition of the Cuban masses In many
respects The huts and thatched cot
tages In which so
many natives have
lived are giving
place to homes of
more ambitious pro
portions and better
Secretary Tafts
success in the estab
lishment of Ameri
can authority for a
LiEUTEXAjrr tj b second time with
graxt 3d out arousing hostili
ty among the Cubans themselves will
it Is believed be continued In the ad
ministration of Judge Charles E Ma
goon whom PresidentRoosevelt has des
ignated as Secretary Tafts successor as
governor during the temporary occupa
tion of the Island by the Americans
Judge Magoon has been a pronounced
success as governor of the canal zone
and minister to Panama and he Is a
man whose abilities as a diplomat are
reputed almost equal to those of the
war secretary himself
ITarrutt mVh
David G Farragut was but thirteen
years old when he served as midship
man under Torter In the battle of the
Esse against the Phoebe and Cherub
He was taken to the Phoebe as a pris
oner of war says his biographer and
came aboard crying from mortification
At the same moment however a Brit
ish middy also came alongside with a
young pig In his arms
A prie A prize he was shouting
no boys a fine grunter
It was a pig that had been a pet in
the steerage of the Essex where it was
called Murphy Farragut at once claim
ed It as private property
You are a prisoner and your pig
too replied the British middy
We always respect private proper
ty said Farragut grabbing the pig
and determined to hold on till forced lo
Go it little Yankee cried the old
sters present If you can thrash
Shorty you shall have your pig
A ring was formed and Shorty came
at Farragut hammer and tongs but the
American was handy with his fists
He quickly laid his opponent low The
British bluejackets cheered him hearti
ly and the pig was declared to be his
Not Fluttering
S Baring Gould the English novelist
had the bitter pleasure of reading
many not flattering obituaries of him
Belf Through an error he was report
ed dead and the newspapers of his
native land declared unanimously that
he had left no good work behind An
American editor dined with Baring
Gould in London The talk turned to
the premature obituaries and the
American said How did you feel on
reading them Taken aback non
plused the novelist grimly replied
I -felt like a lady who owned a par
rot This ladys cook came to her one
morning in joj ful excitement Oh
maam she cried the parrot has learn
ed some new words Good said the
lady That bird is wonderfully teach
able It sits and drinks in every
blessed word my husband says to me
What does it say now It keeps
a sayin said the cook Shut up you
old fool
ICenn nnd tlic Sliowmnu
An amusing paper in Chambers Jour
nal on John Richardson the illiterate
and successful English showman of the
last century contain this story
It was during the earlier and les for
tunate part of his pilgrimage that he
numbered Edmund Kean among his
company The old showman was not a
little proud of this association and used
to give himself some credit for having
had a hand in Keans theatrical educa
tion When Macreadys name was be
coming known in the dramatic world
Richardson was asked if he had seen
No muster he said I know noth
ing about him in fact hes some vaga
bone as no one knows one o them
chaps as aint had any eddication for
the thing He never ws with me as
Edmund Kean and them riglars was
The Oldest Hank Notes
The oldest bank notes in the world
are the flying money or convenient
money first Issued in China in 2G97 B
C One writer tells that the ancient
Chinese bank notes were in many re
spects similar to those of the present
day bearing the name of the bank the
date of Issue the number of the note
the signature of the official who is
sued it and its value in both figures
and words On the top of these curi
ous notes was the following philosoph
ic Injunction Produce all you can
spend with economy The note was
printed in blue ink on paper made
from the fiber of the mulberry tree
One of these notes bearing the date
1399 B C is still preserved in the Asi
atlc mu3eum at St Petersburg
Tlie Equinoxes
The popular belief that storms are
more frequent about the time of the
equinox or when the sun crosses the
line In March and September re
ceives some slight degree of support
from the investigations of European
scientists states an expert of the
weather bureau In southwestern
Europe March is the stormiest month
while in the British islands and Nor
way January takes the lead in that
respect but considering Europe as a
whole it appears that storms prepon
derate near the seasons of the equi
Good Dor
The brave Newfoundland had just
rescued his young master from the
boiling surf
My dog too said LOignon pensive
ly once saved my life
Tell us about It said Tete de Veau
with eager interest
I sold him for 3 said LOignon
when I was nearly starving
Fnll Trice
Mrs Skrimper One can never be
lieve one half that is said in advertise
ments Biasfold Tating had an ad
vertisement in yesterdays paper say
ing that everything was marked down
Mrs Bargainhunter Yes I saw it
Mrs Skrimper Well it was false I
bought two postage stamps there this
morning and I had to pay as much as
ever for them
The Song- KIril
They say the birds are timid Great
heavens to be so small and lovely in a
world of hawks and snares and yet
dare to sing as If the gods were good
In all the wide creation there Is noth
ing braver than the heart of a singing
Yet Both Made Hits
Director Say my man how Is It
that Shakespeares statue is standing
on the pedestal marked Scott At
tendantHe must have got his base on
an error sir Brooklyn Life
and Surgeon
Olllco Renidence 524 Main Avenue Ofllcp and
Rosideuco phono 53 Culls answored nijjht or
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