The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 19, 1906, Image 6

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    Americas Greatest Weekly
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in the
United States
Circulation 185000
Popular in Every State
In many respects tho Toledo Blade is tho most
remarkable weekly nowspapor published in tho
nited Stated It is tho only newspaper espe
cially edited for National circulation It has
had the Jargort circulation for more years than
-any nowspapor printed in America Further
more it is tho cheapest newspaper in tho world
-ns will bo explained to any person who will
write us for tonus Tho news of tho world so
Arranged that busy people can more easily com
prehend than by reading cumbersome columns
of dailies AH curront topics raudo plain in
each issue by special editorial matter written
from iucoption down to dato The only paper
published especially for pcoplo who do or do
not read daily nowspapors and yot thirst for
plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is
popular is provon by tho fact that tho Weekly
Blado now has ovor 185000 yearly subscribers
nd is circulated in nil parts of tho United
-States In addition to tho nows tho Blado pub
lishes short and sorial stories and many depart
ments of matter tuited to evory member of tho
family Only one dollar a yenr
Write for specimen copy Address
Toledo Ohio
4 is znrrwffffi
To Elba W Graves Mrs Elba V Graves
Ports Wilson E i Uowman Mrs E P Bow
laau und Mrs Charles B Browu
Yon and each of you are horoby notified thai
the undorsiRned Cliarlos B Brown will upply
to the district court of Bed Willow county
fritr ut the district court room in the cltv of
JlcCook Red Willow county Nobraska on the
llrst day of the November term thereof towit
November 12th 1005 at the hour of 9 oclock a
in or as soon thereafter aa counsel can be
heard to havo the judgment and decree hereto
foro rendored in an action wherein Zara A
Wilson is tho plaintiiT and Elba W QroveHMrg
Elba W Graves first name unknown wife of
JMim w uruvos rortH Wilson JS x Uowman
of Dishes FREE with
State of Nebraska Rod Willow county bs
To all parties interested in tho Estate of
Jnmcs Dosbon deceased
Whereas Fannie D Morse of Boston Massa
chusetts has fllod in my office a duly authenti
cated copy of iti8trumunts purporting to bo the
last will and testament and codicils thereto of
James Deshon deceased and of the probate of
the same in tho probate court of Suffolk county
StatoUr Massachusetts and a potition praying
that the saino bo admitted to probate in this
stato and that letters testamentary iasuo there
on to her and that a time and place may bo
fixed for hearing tho same
WhorouponI have appointed the 20th day of
---I 1lV - - - - nflxr n m nt mil rtlteX in
Urst name unknown Mm E P Bowman first ctb0r 1 ttn CKC1f IVA 1 -
name unknown wifo of E P Bowman Charles I Jjcuooit Meu winow county aaorab a as wi
JJ JJrown and Airs Charles U Hrown llrst I uu uuu and Vi coucorned
name unknowa wifo of Charles B Brown aro
defendants on tho 4th day of Juno 190G oponed
up set asido vacated and be let in to defend
Tho files and record of said cause affidavits
and oral testimony will bo used in support of
said motion
And j ou are further notified that on tho 20th
day of September 1900 tho undersigned Charles
Bflrown fllod his answer and cross petition in
said caupo against jou tho object and prayer
of which aro to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by Defondant Ports Wilson and his
wife Zara A Wilson who is plaintiiT in this
action under tho name of Zara A Wilson to
ono E P Bowman upon the north west quarter
ot mo nortn west quarter and lots one anil two
of section oight anil lot seven in section fivo in
township three range twouty six in Rod Will
low county Nebraska to socuro the payment
of ono promisory note dated March 14th lfOl
for tho sum or twenty throe hundred dollars duo
three years alter date which note and mort
gage havo been assigned to mo this defendant
Charles B Brown that thero is now duo upon
said note and mortgage the sum of twenty three
hundred dollars with interest thoreon at tho
rate of six per cent per annum from March 14th
1901 and defendunt Charles B Brown prays for
a decree that his co defondants and the plain-
tiff bo required to pay tho same or that said
premises be sold to batisfy tho amount found
You are reonircd to nnswnrsaid nrnss nnfitinti
on or before Monday tho 5th day of November
Dated this 25th day of September 1906
Chalks B Brown- Defendant
By CnABLEs A Goss and
Boyle Eldked his Attorneys
time and place you persons
may appear ana contest tno same
It is further ordored that said petitioner give
notico to all persons interested in said ostate of
tho pendency of the petition and tho timo and
place set for hearing by causing a copy of this
order to bo publishod in the McCook Tribune a
newspaper published in said county and state
for three consecutive weeks successively pre
vious to the hearing on said petition
In testimony whorefor I have hereunto sot my
hand and my official seal this 25th day of Sep
tember 1900
seal J C Moohe
County Judge
To Albert H Hoskins non resident defeudant
You aro horoby notified that ou tho 4th day of
October 190G Katie Hoskins plaintiiT filed a
petition against you in the district court of Hod
Willow county Nebraska tbo object and prayer
of which are to obtain a divorce from you on
tho ground that you have wilfully abandoned
tho plaintiff without good cause for the term of
more than two years Inst past and that al
thoudh yyu aro of sufficient ability to provide
suitable maintenance for her that you have
grossly wantonly and cruelly refused and neg
lected so to do PlaintiiT further prays that sho
may be awarded tho care and custody of tho
minor child of said parties Lislo DeVaughn
You are required to nnswersaid petitiou on or
before Monday tho 12th day of November 1900
Dated this 3rd day of October 19G -111 Vlt
Katie Hoskins PJm iff
By Boyle fc Eldred her attorneys
This oeautifui Set
No money whatever required you get the set absolutely free
for giving your opinion of the finest tea and coffee in the world
to a few friends and neighbors Full particulars of the plan in
each package It was our intention to withdraw this offer
October 1 st but so many people have said they did not realize
the great chance we are offering until they saw it in the home of
some friend we have therefore decided to extend it This will
give everyone a chance to get a set Many ladies are securing sets
to present to friends at Christmas Remember this is not a
premium with Defiance Tea and Coffee It is a present to users
of these beverages for making new friends Ask the grocer
llalSWSiKP lSlJ Mite stfl tCM
sSilSI drJei
While you think of it drop in at THE TRIBUNE office and ask to see
The Finest Typewriter Paper
Bargains in Carriages Buggies
Spring Wagons and Harness
The excellent quality and finish of the Strathmore will surely satisfy you
6 VrilliIlVi 17th and 18th X
We will give the grandest exhibition ever given in Red Willow county Our special
will be the Famous Lightning Triple Gear Feed Mill with chilled steel burrs that have nine
force feed lugs to force the grain bearings that run in oil gearing enclosed to protect
operator from accident adjustable friction plates to take up wear and prevent breakage It
is also equipped with roller bearings making it easy to operate with one horse We will
show you the best lightest running fastest grinding mill ever introduced to the public It
will STind Corn fine shelled nr in the par T iarlpnr cnlr rfifc rvn onrl urT iaof mm 4 ttK -
thirty bushels per hour fine enough for meal and flour if desired Come and see this famous Jf
grinder on exhibition whether you need a feed mill or not it will please you We will V
show you we can grind gram any way you want it This is a grinder not a crusher and
the price is right The grinder on exhibition will be run by a gasoline engine Mrs Pew
will serve hot biscuits and honey FREE Biscuits baked on a famous Quick Meal Range
GASOLINE ENGINES International The Root and Van Dervoort
MANURE SPREADERS International and Success which will be operated during
this Famous Lightning Feed Grinder Exhibition
Remember the
dates All are
Powell Nilssoh
Marion Nebraska
rir i i i iw --
Come early
and bring
the ladies
-a o
Titer Ar Numerous but Arc JTot All
fcocul Celebrations
The visitor in Mexico Is apt to be
surprised at the number of holidays
celebrated here aud made the occasion
of rejoicing with accompanying music
aud decoration and is likely to think
that the Mexican does nothing but
With his religious and national feast
daj s the Mexican does have many
holidays of more or less general im
portance and when he Is not celebrat
ing these he may be celebrating the
day of his patron saint or of that of
some member of his family so that It
seems Xo require little Inducement for
him to celebrate If a member of tho
family goes out of town for a few
days or weeks his return Is celebrat
ed in some mild way and his welcome
home made pleasant
But not all of the celebrations which
take place In the capital arc Mexican
as the foreign colonies contribute their
share of feast days The Americans
celebrate their day of independence on
the glorious Fourth of July and ten
days latec the French celebrate the
fall of the Bastille and so It goes the
British celebrating the birthday of
their king the Italians the entry mto
Rome of the troops of united Italy the
Germans the birthday of the kaiser
the Swiss the day of the formation of
the confederation The Spanish cele
brate the birthday of their king and
in September their feast of Corvodon
ga is Important enough to last three
days No doubt there are other cele
brations not so public ot prominent
such as the Chinese New Year and
others but the above goes to show
that not all the feasting in the capital
is done by natives An interesting
point however is that foreigners who
come to Mexico are soon the keenest
for the coming of the various holidays
and Mexican religious or their own
are jealously demanded as leisure days
from all houses of business or com
merce Modern Mexico
The Farmer on the Rhino anfl iho
Difficulties He Surmounts
Going down the Rhine you get a4 les
son in farming If you wanted to buy
a farm in America you would go out
with a pick and spade and dig holes
all over a 100 acre tract to make sure
the soil was so and so and that there
was not more than one stone to the
rood On these cliff vineyards along
the Rhine it looks to you as if thero
was not more than a bushel of earth
to the rood and that the rest was all
In America jou wouldnt buy a farm
on the perpendicular surface of the
Grand canyon yet you imagine the
bluffs of the Rhine seemed almost as
impossible before the enforprishig
grapevines got a start there There
may be a few inches of space on the
cliffs where some German has not
made a terrace big enough for a bunch
of grapes but if any such spot has
been overlooked you failed to discover
it with your binoculars
There are advantages in owning a
vineyard on the Rhine Next to the
financial returns the chief advantage
lies in the glamour of romance that
hangs over the bluffs Frowninjr cas
tles look down on you from the most
inaccessible peaks
Who lives in that big brownstone
house you ask a German passenger
on your steamer as you round a bend
That is the castle of an old noble
man who kidnaped a beautiful maid
and held her prisoner you are in
formed When the knights of those
days tried to rescue her the old noble
man would simply drop a big stone or
two upon them as they attempted to
climb the cliff One day while rolling
a stone down upon a knight the noble
man fell off and was killed
And now you observe I suppose
the place is for rent Do you know
how much the administrator wants for
it Chicago Tost
Mrs Craisies Hnhits of Work
It had been Mrs Craigies habit for
many years to begin her work at S
oclock in the morning no matter how
late she had been up the night before
Off and on she wrote till 1130 never
being able to do more than half an
hours work at a time a disability
which makes the amount she produced
the more amazing After luncheon
even after a luncheon at the Carlton
she wrote again until it was time to
pay calls and to talk at tea tables as
idly as if she had been idle all day a
feat of unbending which few women
and fewer men can perform But after
dinner she was always tired At
night she confessed I never by any
chance do anything I cannot even
write a post card then
An grant
August the name of the month is
accented on the first syllable Au
gust the adjective is accented on the
second syllable This is due no doubt
to the fact that though both started
from the Latin augustus they have
arrived by different routes The ad
jective Is the French auguste while
August commemorating the Roman
emperors title is the French aout
and the middle English augst or
aust July used to rhyme with
duly even in Johnsons time as It
bad done centuries earlier and as it
does In southern Scotland to this day
In the Atr
Farmer Greene who has been
knocked down by a balloon anchor
A Product of the Tim cm It Im Mntle hy
the GucntM
Among the silly and absurd articles
appearing from time to time concern
ing hotel and tavern keeping one tells
us again and again how the modern
hotel is shown to disadvantage when
compared with the inns of colonial
days In these articles the writer di
lates and expatiates on the hospitality
of the old time tavern and the cold
indifferent and almost cruel treatment
received from the hands of the modern
hotel man Of course every one knows
if he will drop sentiment f a moment
and give the subject a little sober re
flection that the modern traveler tour
ist or hotel guest would absolutely re
fuse the accommodations afforded by
the Inn of a hundred years ago The
only advantage of a hotel of those
times lay in the fact that the lack of
material comforts drew from the trav
eler a warmer fellow feeling and great
er a condition in which one
man was more his brothers keeper
than prevails today Again the travel
by coach and the small number thrown
together en route or at the hotel made
closer acquaintanceship not only possi
ble but far more desirable than in our
day of big hotels and big crowds
The modern hotel is a product of the
times The wants desires whims fads
and on top of all these the imperative
demands of those who travel have
made the hotel of today what It is from
the standpoint of food accommoda
tions method of service and manage
ment and from every point of view
The hotel keeper of today responds to
the bidding of the guests One might
almost say of the man and woman who
travel Here is your hotel You have
planned it furnished it You have out
lined its methods of management and
it is what you believe should be com
prehended In the modern hotel
The colonial tivern which would not
be tolerated for a moment in our days
was adapted to its times To speak of
It as being superior to the modern hos
telry is to claim that the old stage
coach which left you more weary and
worn at the end of a hundred miles
than the palace coach does today at
the end of a thousand miles was a su
perior vehicle of travel to those used
on the modern railroad Hotel World
No one is defeated until he gives up
Hard times has a good many rela
tives It is the twin brother of the
That man has failed who has not
been able to keep a good opinion of
Self control will succeed with one
talent where self Indulgence will fail
with ten
What the superior man seeks is In
himself What the small man snks
Is in others
There is no disgrace in unprevent
able poverty The disgrace is in not
doing our level best to better our con
Poverty itself is not so bad as the
poverty thought It is the conviction
that we are poor and must remain so
that is fatal
Confidence is the Napoleon in the
mental army It doubles and trebles
the power of all the other faculties
The whole mental army waits until
confidence leads the way Success
Tlie Hazel Tree
A curious survival of the days when
the magicians of Europe sought inde
fatigably for the philosophers stone is
the superstition that attaches to the
hazel tree The old alchemists used
to make their divining rods out of
hazel twigs and they fostered the be
lief that it would mysteriously direct
its owner to hidden treasures if it was
manipulated with the absolute faith
that was required in all those occult
enchantments of the middle ages As
time went on the rod of Jacob as
a branch of hazel was universally
known gathered new powers Not
only would it lead to the discovery of
buried hoards but It would also act
as an infallible agent in locating run
away servants and escaped criminals
It was a sure guide to underground
springs as well and was an unfailing
charm against the lightning
Curious French 3IarUet
There is a curious old market near
Paris in which everything is sold at
secondhand Working girls can fit
themselves out there from head to
foot As a writer says Mimi can sell
her old felt hat and buy a straw one
exchange her old dress for a new one
and if she likes buy a steak and a
salad for her dinner a paper bag of
fried potatoes sweets and some flow
ers for her window Democracy is king
here and no more attention is paid to
the millionaire who is looking for
something marvelous which he may
pick up cheap than to theman with a
wooden leg who wants sMiew boot in
exchange for a dozen sardine tins five
gloves and a stocking
A Parthian Shot
I hear said Mrs Gaddie that
your husbands got a job as superin
tendent of a cemetery and youre go
ing there to live
Well replied Mrs Naybor shortly
Well I was thinking it would be an
awful ghostly and creepy sort of neigh
Perhaps but the neighborhood will
not be prying into our business Phil
adelphia Press
Gol dern em Ill hev th law on emi a iiopeiesn cae
Whars th sheriff Farmer Brown Mr Upmore You know Bllsford
No use kicking Josh Them critters He tries to put up a bold and plausible
Is above the law I reckon Houston i front but I understand his case
It Is not enough to run one must
Btart In time French Proverb
fc -
oughly Hes meretricious through and
through Mr Gaswell Why er I
thought he was operated on for that a
few months ago Chicago Tribune
Cough Remedy
The Childrens Favorite
Coughs Colds Croup and
Whooping Cough
This remedy Is famous for Its cores oyb
alurjie part of tho civilized world It COS
always bo depended upon It contains no
opium or other harmful draff and may D9
givon as confidently to a baby as to on adult
Price 25 cts Large Slzo 50 ots
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across streot in P Walsh
ilcCook - Nebraska
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Froe Base
ment of the Postoffice Buildrnpr
Plumber eod
Lumber and Goal
Ilome of Quality
and Quantity where
- Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to ono our figures will
please you
Phono No 1 Manager
f I I I I I I I i wtTTS
you cant find a bag of feed thats su
perior to ours Chickens pigs cows
and horses alike like it
makes horses frisky makes cowa give
more milk make hens lay more eggs
and fattens pigs for an early market
Our feed is choice and chosen from
farms that grow the best Buy it here
and have it right
McCook Milling Company
t Krf