The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 19, 1906, Image 4

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    Sfc jBtfrrt Item
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican Ticket
For United States Senator
For Governor
For Lieutonant Governor
M R HOPEWELL of Burt county
For Railroad Commissioners
H J WINNETT of Lancaster
A J WILLIAMS of Piorco
For Secretary of State
For Auditor
For Superintendent of Public Instruction
For Treasurer
For Attorney Genoral
For Land Commissioner
For Representative
For County Attorney
For Commissioner 2nd District
Holbkook has tbe name and fame of
having improved more rapidly propor
tionately the past few years than any
other town in Southwestern Nebraska
Ask any JAP that you may see
Why the Czar with Bearbehind
had to climb a tree
The YanksGod bless the Yankssays he
They gave us Rocky Mountain tea
L W McConnell
Low Rates to California
San Francisco or Los Angeles and re
turn 5000
Via Portland SG250 Liberal stopover
privileges allowed
For particulars call at ticket office
G S Scott Agent
It arouses energy develops and stim
ulates nervous life arouses the courage
of youth It makes you young again
Thats what Rocky Mountain tea will
do 35 cents tea or tablets
L W McConnell
Whispering Smith Frank
Spearmans new book has been
donated to the library It is a story
of the West as it was when the
railroad first went through of the
conflicts between the railroad men
and the mountain outlaws of the
love making and the fighting that
came to some of the pioneers
The most dramatic vivid real and
thrilling story of the West since
Bret Harts early days
We are ready to loan boxes of
books to teachers in Red Willow
Library hours Mornings 1030
to 1200 oclock afternoons from
130 to 600 oclock evenings
from 700 to 900 oclock Sunday
200 to 500 oclock p m
Miss Pearl Hayes and James
Cummings were quietly married
in Beaver City last week
We understand that S H
Stilgebouer is going to move to
Marian and put in a bank of
which he S W Stilgebouer and
Mr Smith of Bartley will be the
principal stockholders
Joe Dolph is building a coal
Fred Lyons has returned from
Portland Oregon
W R Burbridge and family
returned from a visit in south
eastern Kansas Tuesday and re
ports fine crops down there
We are anxious to have every
Republican in close touch and work
ing in harmony with the Republican
National Congressional Committee in
favor of the election of a Republican
The Congressional campaign must
be based on the administrative and
legislative record of the party and
that being so Theodore Roosevelts
personality must be a central figure
and his achievements a central
thought in the campaign
We desire to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tions of One Dollar each from Repub
licans To each subscriber we will
send the Republican National Cam
paign Text Book and all documents
issued by the Committee
Help us achieve a great victory
James S Sherman Chairman
J O Box 2063 New Yorkr
1 41
j m
The Wrecker of Scllly
As far back as the time of Henry L
there were royal grants of the Islands
and their wrecks and frequent was
the phrase in centuries following With
royal encouragement why should they
not be wreckers One Sunday long
ago In Scllly service was In progress
when there came the cry of Wreck
The men started from their seats In
a moment there would have been a
stampede but they cowered back as
the minister sternly thundered a warn
ing He strode to the door Again his
voice arose Lets all start fair ho
shouted throwing off Impeding cassock
as he ran while his congregation la
bored at his heels Most curious of all
wrecks was that of a bark with a car
go of beads that went ashore 200 years
ago So generous has been the ocean
with this treasure that throughout
these two centuries it has intermittent
ly boon tossing beads ashore yet so
frugally that the supply is not yet ex
hausted for in a few minutes search
I found that some had been thrown
there since the last search of the Is
landers Robert Shackleton in Har
An Old Meat Bill
The state historian of New York in
compiling some records brought to light
some amendments to laws confirmed at
ye eneral Court of assizes held in
New jTorke beginning on ye 5th end
ing on ye 8th day of October 1670
The following catches the ejre
Whereas divers Complaints have
Lbeen made of the great abuse of bring
ing deaa noggs Porke Into this city
it not being discernible how long
they have been Killd by reason -they
are too often brought frozen so not ca
pable of being preserved by Salt which
tends much to ye dlsreputacon of that
Commodity when sent abroad and ye
Merchants who Export it into Warmer
Climates for ye reasons aforesaid it is
Ordered That henceforth no hogg or
hoggs shall be brought dead to tills
place either for sale or payment of
debts except it shall be in cask well
Salted Packt according to ye Law
otherwise sinoakt or dryed of which
all persons are to take Notice as they
will answer ye contrary at their Per
IIlBtory on a Watch Face
Almost the last work of the Belgian
astronomer Houzeau was an article in
which while arguing In favor of a dec
imal division of time he pointed out
the origin of the double set of twelve
hours represented on our watch and
clock faces The ancient Inhabitants
of Mesopotamia chose the number 12
as an arithmetical base because it has
four divisors viz 2 3 4 and G while
10 has only two divisors viz 2 and 5
They counted twelve hours in the day
and twelve in the night measuring the
day by the progress of the sun and the
night by the progress of the stars
across the sky This system prevail
ing over all others has come down to
us and so our watches bear on their
faces a souvenir of those ancient days
when the sun served for a clock hand
half of the time and the stars the other
Banlces and His Horse
Animal trainers of the old days led
adventurous lives In 1G00 all London
was talking of a man named Bankes
servant to the Earl of Essex who had
taught his horse to count and perform
a number of feats including mounting
to the top of St Pauls cathedral while
a number of asses as the historian
puts it brayed below Sir Walter
Ealeigh in his history says of Bankes
that he would have shamed all the
enchanters of the world for whatso
ever was most famous among them
could never master or instruct any
beast as he did his horse When
Bankes took his horse to Rome both
were burned for witchcraft
A Possible Exception
A high schoolteacher was examining
the physiology class
How many ribs have you Charles
he asked
Why er I dont know said
Didnt the text books state he
then queried somewhat sharply
Yes oh yes of course but you
see Im long waisted
Ben Butlers Retort
An old lawyer in speaking about Gen
eral Ben Butler said Ben Butler was
a terror and a torment to the judges
On one occasion Judge Sanger having
been bullied and badgered out of ail
patience petulantly asked What does
the counsel suppose I am on this bench
for Scratching his head a minute
Butler replied Well I confess your
honors got me there
Easy Answer
A Liverpool paper tells the pathetic
story of one A who is compelled to
grow a beard to ward off pneumonia
and other ills The woman with whom
he has fallen in love however declines
to marry him unless he will shave
What asks our contemporary
should A do The answer seems
easy Keep the beard and cut the
There Is a certain development of
love in which the covetous longing of
two people for one another has yielded
to a higher mutual thirst for an Ideal
above them both But who has found
such love who has experienced it Its
true name is friendship
On the Safe Side
Schroeder to his neighbor a widow
edWhy did you send your housekeep
er away since she was such a good
cook The Widower She made such
splendid puddings I was afraid I should
marry her Fliegende Blatter
A cubic foot of distilled water
weighsvery nearly 1000 ounces
Hei a Smart One and la No r a
Railroad Prcnident
Edward Howland Robinson Green
who was nominated by the Reorgan
ized Republicans for governor of
Texas but declined to run is the
son of Mrs Hetty Green the richest
woman In America He is president of
the Texas Midland railroad and his
mother says Eds n smart one He
did not become president of a railroad
without working hard to attain that
rung on the ladder of success despite
his mothers influence in the financial
world When he graduated from col
lege In 1887 his mother asked him
what he wanted to do
Well mother said the young man
I think I would like first of ail to
take a vacation and have a good time
About three months would be enough
I think The latter asked him how
much money he would need for his ex
penses while resting and he replied
that about 1000 a week would suit
him She turned to her secretary and
told him to place 12000 to young Mr
Greens credit The latter started out
to enjoy his vacation and for twelve
weeks Mrs Green saw or heard noth
ing of her boy On the last day of the
last month young Green returned to
his mother and reported himself ready
for work On this occaslan Mrs Green
did not consult her sons wishes as to
just what employment would suit him
I want she said turning to her
clerk those papers about the Connect-
icut road The clerk passed over some
folded documents She selected one
from the bundle and gave it to her son
When he examined it he found that it
was an appointment making E H R
Green the foreman of a railroad section
gang in Vermont As a compensation
for his labor in this aesthetic occupation
Edward was to receive 45 a month
He did not chew his pill He swallow
ed it and struck out like a man for his
job A tough job he found it His
section was one of the roughest on the
road The drop from 4000 a month
spending money to 45 a month wages
was a rather difficult matter to adjust
and at the first months end he was 40
in debt He wrote to his mother for a
remittance but she didnt remit
One day Mrs Green rolled along in
her private car and stopped for a chat
on the roadside with Ned She was
favorably impressed with his progress
and that night promoted him superin
tendent of the division at a salary of
100 a month He proved himself so
capable a railroad man that when Mrs
Green bought the Texas Midland she
made him its president
President Joseph F Smith of
Mormons and His Arrest
Joseph Fielding Smith head of the
Mormon church who was arrested a
few days ago on the charge of living
unlawfully with five wives was a wit
ness before the senate committee on
privileges and elections in the Smoot
case He at that time expressed his
belief In the principle of polygamy and
admitted having a plurality of wives
President Smith recently returned
from a trip to Europe and on his ar
rival in Utah was Informed of tbe
birth of his forty third child
President Smith is of patriarchal ap
pearance He was born in 1838 and
married his- first wife forty years ago
He was elected president of the Mor
mon church in 1901
fes4SOSUJcik -
Sir Walter Scotts First Brief
Sir Walter Scott had his share of the
usual curious experiences shortly after
being called to the bar nis first ap
pearance as counsel In a criminal court
was at Jedburgh assizes in 1703 when
lie successfully defended a veteran
poacher Youre a lucky scoundrel
Scott whispered to his client when the
verdict was given Im Just o your
mind returned the latter and Ill
send you a maukin I e a hare the
morn man Lockhart who narrates
the Incident omits to add whether the
maukin duly reached Scott but no
doubt it did On another occasion Scott
was less successful In his defense of a
housebreaker but the culprit grateful
for his counsels exertions gave him in
lieu of the orthodox fee which Ire was
unable to pay this piece of advice to
the value of which lie the housebreak
er could professionally attest First
never to have a large watchdog out of
doors but to keep a little yelping ter
rier within and secondly to put no
trust in nice clever gimcrack locks
but to pin his faith to a huge old heavy
one with a rusty key Scott long re
membered this incident and thirty
years later at a judges dinner at Jed
burgh he recalled it in this impromptu
Yelping terrier rusty key
Was Walter Scotts best Jeddart fee
Westminster Gazette
WastebunUct TrcaxnrcH
I have In my employ said -a dealer
in autographs a number of celebri
ties housemaids Thanks to these
young women I secure at nominal cost
many an autographic gem All I ask
of the maids is that they ship me week
ly the contents of their masters waste
baskets They bale the stuff up In
burlap and every Monday or Tuesday
It comes to me by freight I go over
It carefully making many finds Here
will be a begging letter from a famous
author in hard luck Here in a brief
note a great actor will boast of his
last success Here will be a dinner
invitation from a celebrated million
aire Some celebrities of course save
their valuable letters and some sell
them but the majority throw into the
wastebasket most of the mail they re
ceive and I searching the baskets
contents every Monday morning find
my reward in many a letter worth 10
or 20
The Bed and the Candidates
Judge Harlan and James B
ry once canvassed Kentucky together
as the Republican and Democratic can
didates for governor They traveled
about the state on a joint debating trip
and in many small mountain places
had to sleep in the same bed They
were warm personal friends and so
did not object to this intimacy One
night Mr Harlan got into bed first
Senator McCreary was not far behind
and just as he entered the bed Judge
Harlan raised his bulky form and said
in his stentorian voice McCreary
there is one thing certain the next
governor of Kentucky is in this bed
As he spoke the bed slats broke and
Judge Harlan rolled to the floor Sena
tor McCreary caught and held himself
in bed and as Judge Harlan reached
the floor said John you are right
The next governor of Kentucky is still
in this bed
The Sea Horse
This fish is found in the Atlantic
ocean around the coast of Spain the
south of France in the Mediterranean
and in the Indian ocean Sea horses
are very small and have been found
often curled up in oyster shells The
head is much like that of a horse and
the rings around the body and tail re
semble those of some caterpillars The
habits of these fishes are singular and
Interesting They swim with a waving
motion and frequently wind their tails
around the weeds and rushes They
have fins to sustain them in the water
and even in the air They live on
worms fishes eggs and substances
found In the bottom of the sea
Odd Proposal of Mnrrlaffe
That celebrated painter of flower
and figure subjects William Hunt was
on one occasion commissioned by a
gentleman to paint his portrait in the
attitude of kneeling and holding in his
hand an open scroll whereon were writ
ten a declaration of love and an offer of
marriage The lady to whom this un
usual proposal of marriage was sent
replied with a chalk drawing of her
self with a sheet of paper in her hand
on which was inscribed a laconic
Rnliliish Heaps
In a thousand miles of Europe I saw
but one rubbish heap some old metal
cans at Carlsruhe Everywhere else
was a complete absence of all waste
or carelessness and above all of de
facement and roadside uncleanliness
The foul vacant lots and dirty dumps
that abound In and about American
towns are not to be found anywhere
One of Them
Struggling Artist No use trying to
compete with the picture factories
which are turning out cheap daubs by
the million The trouble is the people
are not educated Lots of buyers cant
tell the difference between those pic
tures and mine Frank Friend I pre
sume thats true I cant myself
Open to the Warning
Old Quiverful And so you want to
take our daughter from us you want
to take her from us suddenly without
a word of warning Young Goslow
Not at all sir If there is anything
about her you want to warn me against
Im willing to listen
The secret of progress lies In know
ing how to make use not of what we
have chosen but of what Is forced
upon us
Departments ToleErnpIiy Bookkeeping JJnnkinc Shorthand Typewriting Penmanship and
English The larRest the host school west of Chicago Competent faculty strict discipline
modern methods and individua instruction 00 students placed in positions the pact jenr
Positions guaranteed graduates Combined course The only telegraph school in the west
Positions pay 15 to 12 per month Day and evening sessions throughout the year You can
enter at any time Writo for illustrated catalogue
A M KEARNS Prin 500 Charles Building Denver Colo
The American UnfTnlo
The buffalo is the bulkiest living land
animal nativo to North America A
full grown buffalo bull stands about
five feet eight or ten inches at the
shoulder and weighs about 1800
pounds But specimens of over six
feet at the withers have been recorded
and Mr Hornaday tells me that he
weighed a living bull at 2100 pounds
A full grown cow stands about four
foot eight at the shoulders and accord
ing to Audubon weighs about 1200
pounds though Henry says seldom over
700 or S00 pounds The lower weight
seems to be nearer the average run
but I have seen cows that stood as
higli and looked as heavy as ordinary
bulls Ernest Thompson Seton in
Fish Sold Alive
Fleusburg a seaport town on the east
coast of Schleswig Holstein has an ex
cellent system of bringing to port fish
which are intended for immediate con
sumption Instead of packing the fish
in the hold of the vessel the fishermen
use flat oblong boxes drilled with
holes to allow free access of water and
into these the live fish are placed as
soon as caught and are towed under
water By this means the fish are kept
alive until the harbor Is reached and
they are then taken out of the boxes
and sold alive on the quay so that
there can be no question as to their
absolute freshness
Iiifc Preserver Seats
Some pleasure steamers on the Eng
lish coast employ a very good idea in
connection with a few of their deck
chairs They are really air tight
boxes to which a back and sides have
been added They stand back to back
in the middle of the deck and are kept
together by means of a piece of wood
across the top When this is removed
the seats can be opened on hinges If
the vessel got wrecked the seats could
be opened and flung overboard and
they would form a buoyant raft for
passengers to cling to London Mail
What the Jury Thoncht
Flatman I hear you were arrested
the other day for insulting and brow
beating a janitor How did you come
I was tried for it and acquitted
On the ground that it was justifi
No the jury couldnt be made to
believe such a thing was possible
Chicago Tribune
Study Tourself
order to judge of the inside of
others study your own for men In gen
eral are very much alike and though
one has one prevailing passion and an
other has another yet their operations
are much the same and whatever en
gages or disgusts pleases or offends
you in others will engage disgust
please or offend others in you Ches
They Knew Him
Knox It seems that Graphters ac
quaintances are all very shrewd peo
ple Jenks Did he tell you that
Knox He implied as much He an
nounced the other day that he doesnt
owe anybody a dollar Philadelphia
Feminine Amenities
Yes dear I was married last month
Id like you to call on me and see the
pretty little flat I have
Tve seen him my dear Life
Every being that can
Lets Talk
Who is your Furnace Man
All depends on him whether
your furnace will be satisfac
tory or not Does he under
stand the system of hot air
heating circulation and ventil
ation Is he competent to make the elbows angles fittings
etc required in an ordinary furnace job and install them
without endangering your property by fire A Furnace Man
must have practical experience We have made the furnace
business a specialty for the past twenty one years fourteen
years at Omaha Nebraska We are the sole agents for the
Boy n ton Furnaces
They Are the Best Made
Estimates and any information regarding the proper installa
tion of a modern heating apparatus free of charge L Your
patronage respectfully solicited
Polk Bros New Store
Dennison Street HcCook Nebraska
R F D NO 1
While Joseph Dudek and W
P Broomfield were stretching
wire the other day the lever
slipped and struck Mr Dudek a
violent blow over the eye giving
him an ugly cut
Joseph Downs and son Edward
have returned from their Hooker
county visit
Mrs W P Burns arrived home
Tuesday from her trip to Friend
where she was called by the illness
of her daughters baby
A new house is being erected on
the Hatfield ranch which will be
occupied by a Russian family Mr
Hatfields policy seems to be now
to farm his big ranch out in smaller
parcels to the thrifty Russians A
sound policy doubtless
W N Rogers and son Henry
left last night for Kansas City
to look after some show stock
Mrs R D Rogers received a
telegram Saturday moaning tell
ing of the death of a sister in
Postal Clerk A D Bower is at
home for a vacation of a couple
Some unknown
parties are caus
ing considerable annoyance at
North Star schoolhouse Threat
ening letters are being placed un
der the door against the teacher
and a young man of that neighbor
hood besides windows have been
broken the door and the room be
fouled and defiled insomuch that
for two days of last week it was
not possible to hold school in the
room until the same could be
cleaned and purified It is to be
hoped that these creatures can be
brought to justice and this outrage
Chicago andKansasCity delivery
Rooms 7 8 and 9 Pratt Buildin
over Profit Lovell Hastings Ave t3
Hastings Nebraska
Bell 67 Telephones Auto 1637
McCook Laundry
Dry and Steam Cleariing and