The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1906, Image 2

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i u
Brick Mason and Plasterer
Ornamental Cement
Prices Right Work Guaranteed Can be -found
at the WaU Paper and Paint Siore
Gatewood Valine
Building Loan
We have received thous
ands of similar ones
31 y husband had Eczema
on the fare for ten yeare Ha
couldnt pet any relief until
hetrird Hales LczemaCure
and one box almost cured
him I shall ue your prepar
ation in my practice
Osteopath lhysician
Little Kobe Okla
My little boy had a form
of Eczema for live years
We bad seven of the best
doctors and none of them
helped him One box of
Hales Eczema Cure relieved
him wonderfully five boxes
bave cured him
San Antonio Tex
1 have been a sufferer with
Eczema for forty years
Tried many doctors and var
ious kinds of medicine but
could not get any relief
Have used one box of your
Eczema Ointment and I am
now entirely cured
Ewing Mo
I have used two boxes of
your preparation and it has
cored me of Eczema
Evergreen Ala
My wife tried most every
thing to relieve her of Ec
zema but was unsuccessful
until I procured a box of
your wonderful Ointment
which lias cured herentirely
I shall take pleasure in rec
ommending it to anyone
having skin trouble
I had Eczema very bad
My body was covered With
one box of your preparation
I was cured in a few days
Lake Miss
One box of your Eczema
Ointment has curtdme En
closed find 100 for another
box which I propose to keep
on hand I would not take
8101X03 and be rvithont it
Durham Mo
With all my heart I thank
you for the good your won
derful remedy has done for
me Cured my skin disease
In less than a week when all
other medicines failed I
take pleasure in recommend
ing same O LANDAHL
Granite Hill Grants Pass
Tour preparation for Ec
zema is wonderfuL I outset
ilcuuuKO lor St
LLfTiMiS9Zeirst vazTBm
No better on safer
investment is open to
you An investment
of 100 per month for
120 months will earn
8o nearly g percent
compounded annually
Dont delay but see
the secretary today
Subscriptions r e
ceived at any time for
the new stock just
and all other skin diseases CURED by
A remedy that has never failed It will conquer
ECZEMA and all other skin diseases no matter how
long standing This remedy is the most powerful
local germicidal antiseptic known and was discov
ered after years of experimenting Onr most im
portant mission to mankind is to relieve and cure
all sufferers from these terrible annoying disfigur
ing and irritating maladies caused from the various
forms of skin diseases When applied it draws the
disease at once to the surface kills all parasites and
germs and peals off the old diseased skin thus a
permanent cure and makes life worth living The
following poisonous maladies are easily controlled
and cured if Hales Eczema Cure is applied at once
as it kills all disease germs
Bind Doc Bites Snake Bites Poisonous In
sect Bites Erysipelas Ivy Poisoning Prickly
Heat Itch Ring Worm Barbers Itch Sores
where there Is dancer of Blood Poisonlnc or
Gangrene Old Sores that wont heal Black
Dried Scabs etc etc Dont suffer any
longer Dont let the baby cry and scratch Its
skin until it bleeds
Fill in and return to ns the coupon below for a
sample box FBEE It will tell its own story
There is more conviction in a thimbleful of
trpf than a demijohn of talk
LBeference Any bank in Kirksville
Ktrksville Mo
5V - Jt 4
Ft j
Kirkaville Mo
Kindly send me free of all cost and
postage prepaid a sample box of Hales Exzema Cube
Town or City V
E9t US w
yfcpJ j pr bj J B 5jr r J5
i Contractor
Office over HcAdams Store
Phone 190
Only One Dollar the Year
in a Stock Certificate of the
Anatomy of nn Oyster
To discover the heart of an oyster
the fold of flesh which oystermen call
the mantle must be removed This
is fatal to the oyster of course but in
the interest of science and for the ben
efit of the curious it Is occasionally
done When the mantle has been re
moved the heart shaped like a cres
cent or horned moon Is laid to the
view The oysters heart is made up
of two parts just like that of a hu
man being one of which receives the
blood from the gills and the other
drives it out through the arteries The
liver is found In the Immediate vicin
ity of the heart and stomach and is a
queer shaped little organ which is
supposed to perform all the functions
of a blood filter Every oyster has a
mouth a heart a liver a stomach and
other necessary Internal organs in
cluding a set of cunningly devised In
testines The mouth is at the small
end of the oysters body near the
hinge of the shell It is oval in shape
and though not readily discovered by
an unpracticed eye It may be easily
located by gently pushing a blunt bod
kin or similar Instrument along the
folds of the surface of the body at the
place mentioned Connected with the
mouth is the canal which the oyster
uses In conveying food to the stomach
from whence It passes Into the curious
little set of netted and twisted intes
tines referred to Santa Fe New Mex
Has the Wasp Affection
A colony of wasps made a nest in the
dark room of a studio last summer At
first the party who used the room did
not relish their company but for cer
tain reasons he did not molest them
He paid no attention to the little buz
zers and they came and went at their
own sweet will After a time he began
to study them and soon came to the
conclusion that they were gradually
becoming acquainted with him his
ways and his dark room One day a
stranger was seated on the window sill
The first wasp entering the room paid
no attention to him but made for the
old crack in the wall Then out came
a big fat fellow who darted through
the open window like a bullet Within
five minutes half a dozen wasps came
with a rush at the stranger and two
of them located him But the writer
has never been touched by his wasp
colony Outing Magazine
Raters Sailabouts and Larks
What is a rater a sailabout a lark
is a question commonly heard among
those not familiar with yachts and
technical racing terms A rater is
thirty eight feet long and carries the
double sails sloop rig and jib The
half rater is thirty two feet long car
ries the same style sails as the rater
and usually gets a five minute handi
cap in rater races The sailabout car
ries a single large sail and is built on
graceful lines with rounded sides and
ends while the lark has square sides
and ends and carries the single sail
Few larks are built now Most of the
yachtR recently built have the double
centerboard The centerboard pre
vents drifting sidewise and the single
board is often entirely out of water
during heavy winds hence the use of
the double board
Ceylon Sharks
Sharks infest the waters of Ceylon
and the pearl divers of that region are
in deadly fear of these wolves of the
deep The divers are mostly Tamils and
Moormen and display marvelous en
durance and pluck To protect them
selves against the ever present danger
to which the presence of the sharks ex
poses them the divers carry charms
given them by recognized shark bind
ers who receive a small government
fee and a dozen oysters a day from
each boat Owing to the constant
noise and splashing the sharks are
generally kept at a distance and acci
dents are rare
Famons Ivinfi Ogr
Og the famous king of Bashan men
tioned in Deuteronomy had a bedstead
nine cubits long or about sixteen and
a half feet It is doubtful whether
Og himself was of the full length of
his bedstead Many bones of reputed
giants have been found in different
countries of the world and uninformed
people hastily concluded that the men
to whom these bones were supposed
to have belonged must have been from
fifteen to thirty feet in height All
such remains have been proved to be
those of the gigantic animals existing
In a former era of the worlds history
The Study of Poetry
Never before was there so much
study of poetry and the drama This
Is due to the modern extension of edu
cation and to the spread of reading
matter among the masses Poetry is
not the fashion of an hour it is an
eternal need of the soul a need that
Increases with the Increase of intel
lectual light Edward Markharu in
Success Magazine
Jndiclnl Wit
Her Christian name is Handel ex
plained a witness at West Ham -but
she didnt like it and took up Annie
Most people observed the magis
trate prefer a handle to their names
Which considered judicially would
appear a brilliant sally London Trib
Dont you think her face rather too
Well I dont know I cant see any
place where its worn through Can
your Puck
Therrlver Orinoco has more-tributaries
than any other river The total
Election of United Staten Senators by
Popular Vote or by a Near Appronch
to This Sjntem La Follettea Idcna
and Result of Their First Trial
from vari
ous states
during the prog
ress of the po
litical campaign
this fall indi
cate that sys
tems for giving
the voters a
greater share In
the nomination
of party candi
dates and esne
cially in the
choice of mem
bers of the
United States
senate are com
ing strongly in
to favor In
many states party conventions have re
cently declared in favor of amendment
of the constitution so as to permit of
election of senators by popular vote
in the absence of constitutional au
thorization for such a method of elec
tion at the present time the party or
ganizations in a number of states have
adopted a plan which provides the
nearest approach to popular election of
senators that can be obtained without
a change In the constitution
This Is the plan of voting at the
primaries for the party nominees for
senate seats By this system the sena
tors are elected by the legislatures ac
cording to the method provided in the
constitution but the party majorities
in these bodies are expected to respect
the will of the rank and file as ex
pressed at the primaries This plan
was tried at the recent primaries in
Illinois Indeed at these primaries the
voters balloted not only for senators
but for congressmen and other officers
from sheriff up thus doing away with
the holding of party conventions for
the nomination of such officers The
Democrats made no nominations for
the seat In the senate to be filled
Among the Republicans there were
three leading candidates Shelby M
Cullom Richard Yates former govern
or of Illinois and William G Webster
Mr Cullom now holds the seat which
is to be filled and the Republican
ers decided on instructing the next leg
islature should it be Republican to
send him back to the senate
In Ohio the question was brought to
the front by Representative Theodore
E Burton
The recent Republican state conven
tion adopted a declaration favoring
nomination of candidates for state of
fices at the primaries It said In re
spect to senatorial elections
Until otherwise provided by law when
a United Slates senator is to be chosen
notice shall be given to the Republicans
of the state that the delegates to the
state convention In addition to making
other nominations shall indorse a can
didate for United States senator so that
at the primaries the Republican electors
of the state In the selection of delegates
to the state convention may have oppor
tunity to express their preference as to
candidates for that office
This is not as radical a plank as was
favored by Congressman Burton
In Wisconsin the direct nomination
idea was for years a pet feature of the
scheme of reforms urged by Senator
La Foilette As governor he advocated
this plan in season and out of season
claiming that doing away with conven
tions nominating party candidates for
state offices and for membership in the
house of representatives by direct vote
at the primaries
and Instructing the
legislature by the
same plan whom
to select as sena
tors would abolish
bossism minimize
the evils of cor
poration interfer
ence in politics and
make all elections
more truly repre
sent the voice of
the people He was
a pioneer in the advocacy of this plan
and fought for it for years before he
could get it embodied in the statute
law of the state Curiously enough
when the plan became law and was
tried for the first time In a guberna
torial canvass the result was contrary
to Senator La Follettes preferences
In the primaries recently held he advo
cated the nomination for governor of
I L Lenroot The latters chief op
ponent for the nomination was the
The first mention of petroleum In
America was mado by Father De la
Roche dAIlien a Franciscan in 1029
It may be a surprise to many people to
kno that both the product Itself and
the names petrol and petroleum were
familiar at least as far back as the
middle of the fourteenth century In the
Sloane manuscript fifteenth century
mention Is made both of rock oil and
of the correct derivation of the name
which is mediaeval Latin and of
course has nothing to do with Peter
Petroleum oleum est factum de petra
Galllce petrollle Petroleum Is an
oil made from rock In French
troille The property of drawing
fire had struck the Imagination long
before the work quoted In Nature
was published In 1596 Lodge used It
In a metaphor As the clay petrol
draweth fire so the looks do gather
affection The word petrol or petreol
disappeared from English and did not
return until the days of the motor car
industry when it was reintroduced
from the French in the sense of refined
Dnelfl With Plntols
Discussing pistols as dueling weap
3ns the Paris Figaro sought the views
of a man who had the reputation of an
expert on the field of honor lie at
once began to rail at duels with pistols
He could not bear even to speak of
them The fact was that he had once
himself at an encounter of that kind
received a ball in the shoulder
Then you disapprove of them simply
because you were defeated
Why I was not defeated
No I was a second You may well
believe that I promised myself never
to mix again in affairs of that sort
However one day I had to accompany
a friend on the field ne had asked It
of me as a personal favor I could not
refuse But I insisted upon one con
What was that
That I should climb a tree during
the firing
A good scheme
You think so Well I was wounded
again My friend fired in the air
Soldiers In Battle
It is important to be cool and self
possessed at the beginning of a fight
writes one who has commanded men
in battle As soon as the first shot is
fired men become serious and go into
action with a calmness which is most
impressive High explosive shells
with their deafening noise make the
most impression on young and unsea
soned soldiers while shrapnel affects
the old soldiers the most Those who
Imagine that it is possible to see a
heroic look on mens faces at a de
cisive moment are completely mistak
en Their faces are pale and have a
hard look about them The struggle
which is going on within them betrays
itself by the nervous haste of their
MoxinitolesH Cities
Over in Europe there are many hap
py towns where the note of the mos
quito is never heard and the inhabi
tants dont care a snap about the pen
nyroyal market But in America the
cities which can claim to be mosqui
toless would not run up to a dozen
Denver is one of them and strange to
say Grand Rapids Mich only a short
way from the gnat Gehennas of Lake
Superior is another The explanation
is that the city is built on hillocks of
drift sand so deep and so finely pul
verized that they absorb moisture like
tissue paper Stagnant water does not
get a ghost of a chance to accumulate
and mosquitoes have carried their car
go of microbes to more congenial mar
kets Health Culture
Golf and the Liver
Golf is the greatest of all games It
Is the only recreation that is at one and
the same time health giving and a
complete preoccupation without being
unduly physically exhaustive But I
am profoundly convinced that it Is far
better for a mans liver that he should
play a poor game than a good one I
know from personal experience that it
is far better for the liver to play a
really bad game Nothing stirs up the
liver like the irritation the excitements
and the paroxysms of a really bad
game London Graphic
The Dopr and the Stick
Professor Wilhelm Wundt the fa
mous German psychologist tells of
teaching a dog to jump over a stick
One day the professor commanded his
dog to jump but held out no stick
At first the dog seemed surprised and
on repeated ordering to jump he bark
ed At last he sprang into the air and
barked very vigorously as if to com
plain of the absurd and ridiculous com
mand to jump when no stick was held
Mans Debasing Influence
This African explorer whose expe
riences are being published In some of
the papers says parrots are delicious
eating I always thought they were
very tough
But he refers to wild parrots Its
their association with men that makes
most parrots tough Philadelphia
Two Sides of a Word
Miss Sharpe Ive paid this bill once
Baker Indeed maam Im very sorry
that I didnt recollect it Miss Sharpe
I dare say that you are sorry that you
didnt re collect it but Ill take care of
The Good One
There Is but one good wife In this
town said a clergyman In the course
of his sermon the congregation looked
expectant every married man
I 4tifrlr Vlno rnf hnl nAAnA V ntt
number is put at 2500 including 430 present governor James O Davidson - - - -
large streams
and he It was who won
Barber Shop
Bath Booms Rear Citizensbank
Offlco Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone Bending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken through Munn Co receive
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ciciUmc Jiiiienciii
A handsomely Illustrated weekly Largest cir
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MUNN New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
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If you will figure with us7and
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A Positive Cure For
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Mrs C H Kunyon Stan
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Three Sizes 25c 50c 100
BallMSnowliniinent Co
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Wa iad Kecommcnded by
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Oilico Residence 124 MninAvouue Offlco and
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J M Rupjp
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska