The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 21, 1906, Image 8

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For Coughs
land Colds
There is a remedy over sixty
years old Ayers Cherry
Pectoral Of course you have
heard of it probably have used
it Once in the family it stays
the one household remedy for
coughs and hard colds on the
chest Ask your doctor about it
The best kind of a testimonial
Sold for over sixty years r
Stado by J C Ayer Co Lowell HUE
Also Qftsuffcoturers of
Wo have bo secreti We publish
the formulas of all oar medicines
Ayers Pills Increase the activity of
the liver and thus aid recovery
I -
4 A
A Minute I
and think of the time and energy we have spent in procuring
for you the wonderful values in Purses Veils Combs Belts
Necklaces Hand bags and notions of all descriptions that we
have now on display We have the new Fritz Scheff Belt in
plain colors and also in the rich plaids Then there are those
handsome Bead Belts in jet and cut steel something so much
in vogue a few years ago and now coming back with more
popularity than ever before
TThe Purses are of every size color and shape Dainty little
Finger Purses made of mottled kid in delicate shades that
will harmonize beautifully with any of your new fall suits
Then if you like something more serviceable we can show an
elegant line of Fritz Scheff Russian Morocco etc heavily
embpssed and jeweled and strikingly beautiful
iIAnd you must see our Combs an endless variety many so
quaint and pretty that lend style and most becoming finish to
any coiffure
jThe fancy veils this season are shown in the daintiest of
colors and patterns either in chiffon illusion or lace These
sell at very reasonable prices and that helps to enhance their
beaut you know They give the plainest hats the air of grace
and style
ifLong strands of Black Beads are very popular and the little
pearl strands that lit closely about the throat add a touch of
elegance to any gown Let us have the pleasure of showing
3ou our goods they will surely please you
eOur new line of Ladies and Childrens Coats will be here in
a few days
J f il if
Jr V JK L m ft
kVftVMiVfcl k1
H P Petersen N Hoaglund A N Lineburg
Formerly in Pat Walsh Building-
Are now located in the New Stone Building at the foot
of Main avenue We are prepared to show a complete line
of Woolens for Fall and Winter We will continue to
do the same HIGH GRADE WORK as heretofore We
extend an invitation to our old as well as new custom
ere to give us a call Promoters of up-to-date tailoring
Breeders Gazette Free
Realizing the fact that the majority of persons making sales are doing
so with the object of bettering their condition and improving the quality of
their breeding stock I will send the Breeders Gazette one year free of charge
to every person for whom I call a sale during the balance of 1906
E J MITCHELL Auctioneer
An ice cream social was held in the
Banksville school house last Friday
night for the benefit of the organ
The new postofflce at Banksville will
be opened soon The postmaster has
received his commission and service will
shortly be resumed
P H Blunk and family were guests
of Jacob Wesch last Sunday
Mrs H Hass has bought 160 acres of
land in the devils gap neighborhood
H Hellason and family were also
guests of Jacob Wesch Sunday
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 tola
days 3irst application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50 in stamps and it will be for
wardedjpostpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Fob Sale Half Jersey cow Inquire
at this office
Strenuous Welcome Extended to a
Party of Traveler
A traveler In New Zealand tells of a
native welcome Ills party drew near
to the central home v the tribe of
Maoris As we rested beneath the
parapets we were startled by a horri
ble yell and round the corner of the
stockade appeared a ferocious figure
tattooed red painted befeathered and
naked except for a very brief waist
fringe of dangling palm liber His
eyes rolled till the whites only were
seen then he thrust out a long and
snaky tongue and grimaced fearfully
Shaking a wooden spear In his hand
he swiftly cast it at us then turned
and rushed toward the village Just
as the spearsman turned one of our
young men who had rapidly divested
himself of all but his waist shawl
darted out in pursuit and we followed
at a more dignified pace The entrance
to the village was barred by a body of
armed men crouching still as death
on one knee each holding a gun butt
on the ground barrel sloping toward
us We advanced until we were with
in twenty paces of the warriors Then
all at once at a wild cry from a chief
on the right they jumped to their feet
leaped high in the air with their feet
doubled under them like deer and with
one voice literally barked out a thun
dering chorus This way and that our
martial hosts bounded brandishing
their loaded rifles in time to the chant
Halting abruptly with an tiarth shak
ing thud they fired a volley of ball
cartridge over our heads
Another volley reverberated from
hill to hill and the bullets whistled over
us Then the brown Avarriors fell back
and a gayly dressed band of women
with green leaves wreathed about their
brows and waving shawls and leafy
boughs advanced with a gliding semi
dance and chanted their ancient wel
come song When the womens song
ceased out to the front danced six girls
a group of vividly barbaric yet not
inharmonious color appareled in loose
crimson roundabouts and short gowns
of gorgeously flowered print their
brows bound about with red handker
chiefs which held in place the black
and white plumes of the rare hula bird
and the iridescent feathers of the long
tailed cuckoo their cheeks dabbed with
red ocher paint greenstone pendants
and sharks teeth hanging from their
These barefooted nymphs hands on
hips and heads thrown back glided
into the measure of a dance to the
music of a shrill monody chanted by
a white haired tattooed old lady Then
all at once the chant ended on an un
expected high note and the performers
stopped breathless and glowing all
over with their self evolved emotions
Broad flax mats were spread out for
us on the green and after speeches of
greeting we were regaled with pork
preserved birds wild honey and pota
toes in quantity sufficient to havosat
isfied a starving garrison Chicago
Just How to Do It
Advance to the inner door and give
three distinct raps The devil will
attend your alarm You give him your
name postoffice address and the num
ber of years that you are owing for
the paper He will then admit you
You will advance to the center of the
room address the editor with the fol
lowing countersign Extend the right
hand about two feet from the body
with the thumb and index finger clasp
ing a ten dollar bill which drops into
the extended hand of the editor at the
same time saying Were you looking
for me The editor will say You
bet After giving him the news you
wiil be obliged to retire with a receipt
for the obligation properly discharged
Kingman Kan Leader Courier
Billiards at Sea
Can you imagine playing billiards
in a heavy gale said the captain
Do you wonder that our great liners
with their elevators and telephones
and gymnasium dont have billiard
tables as well One ship once had a
billiard table the Great Eastern The
wonderful Great Eastern had a billiard
table on a swinging deck This deck
was supposed to counteract the ships
motion and to keep the table steady
but it failed to do so and very re
markable were some of the shots made
on the Great Easterns table in rough
weather Nevertheless the table was
kept for years and was a popular insti
tution aboard the big boat but no oth
er boat before or since has ever both
ered to introduce billiards
Singular and Plural
It is a question of taste and fancy
whether one should make two bites of
a cherry but we all really make two
bites of the word cherry when we
use it in the singular The original
English version of cerise was cher
is or chiris -which was mistaken
for a plural so that cheri or chirl
was soon manufactured as a singular
Exactly so has pea come into being
as a false singular obtained from the
supposed plural and true singular
pease Sherry for sherris is an
other case and shay from chaise
Chinee from Chinese and corp
from corpse are others in vulgar
speech Similarly riches is really a
Bingular of which richnesses was the
old plural London Graphic
An Infallible Sign
A student in one of the colleges was
writing on a paper in medical juris
prudence in which he was asked to
enuumerate the signs of d ath by
drowning After some more or less fu
tile guesses he added But the surest
sign of all is crape on the door
Short Stories
But for some sorrow and trouble we
would never know half the good there
Is about us Dickens
gi1WMri ii
Some Entries Made During 111m EI2o
at St Helena
There was recently sold In London
the last book of accounts of Napoleon
at St Helena from ISIS to 1S21 Tho
expenses are classified by month and
were kept by Pierron the ex emperora
maitre dhotel with entries by Mont
There are many corrections In pencil
by the august exile himself for he
verified all the accounts and changed
English money where it was used into
francs Some of the entries are highly
Interesting Thus on Aug IS 1819
the fete of the emperor here is one by
Montholon Artificial flowers 3 Ex
traordinary expenses 1 Cs
Napoleons resources at St Helena
were very modest but his tradesmen
as regarded their prices never forgot
that he was an emperor though an
exiled one Among other occupations
to while away the time that hung so
heavily on his hands Napoleon went
In for gardening and among the en
tries are found Four watering cans
1 8s 2 pairs of pruners 3 2 axes
4 10s prices which look as if the
exile was simply regarded as a subject
for fleecing For mending the emper
ors bed 2 is charged
Toward the end of his life Napoleons
nourishment consisted almost entirely
of chickens pigeons and eggs and
there are numerous entries for medi
cines In March 1821 for instance
thirty bottles of sirup one case of
prunes two cases of Burgundy plums
in April ten bottles of sirup eight doz
en oranges eight dozen lemons Lon
don Globe
When Birds and Animals Do Not
Mate at tlie Matins Season
When birds and animals do not
mate at the mating season it is a sign
that a bad year is coming said a farm
Quails gophers rabbits and squir
rels all refuse to mate in certain
years These years afterward turn
out to be bad ones The quails are
particularly weather wise By instinct
the little wild creatures know that foi
lack of rain or for some other reason
there is to be a grass famine and a
seed famine and instead of pairing off
and mating and setting up housekeep
ing in little families of two they re
main miniated in the large bands in
which they have flown all winter liv
ing as it were a kind of apartment
house life That year inevitably turns
out a bad one though the bachelor and
spinster quails with a good deu of
picking and scratching manage to get
enough to eat But to feed families of
little ones in such a famine year would
be impossible
In California the squirrels in a fam
ine year not only do not mate they do
not even live They become dormant
As by a miracle they remain dormant
until a season of plenty comes with
the next winters rains Exchange
For Her Welfare
Mrs Goodheart had made up her
mind that most of the so called charity
of the present day -was not strictly
speaking charity at all Whoever gave
she had concluded did so for the pleas
ant sensation of seeing his or her
name figure on subscription lists and
she did not agree with this ostentation
Here my good man she said ono
day last week to a man who had beg
ged alms of her here is a threepenny
piece and please to understand that I
do not give this because I hope to be
rewarded for my charity some day
but because it gives me pleasure to
do so
The burly beggar looked dubiously at
the tiny silver coin
Look ere mum he said In this
ere wicked wqrld we dont orften get
the chance to enjoy ourselves Why
not make it a shillin an ave a real
good time London Tit Bits
Important Correction
Under the terror in France people
learned to be excessively cautious in
all they said and still more cautious in
what they wrote
An old letter is said to be in exist
ence of the revolutionary period in
which the author had at first written to
a friend I write nnder the reign of a
great emotion
Then apparently reflecting that it
was dangerous to speak of reigns at
such an epoch he amended the sen
tence thus
I write under the republic of a
great emotion
That fellow Mulkley you were en
gaged to at one time may have some
of your old love letters may he not
asked the husband And arent you
afraid he might be cad enough to
Not a bit replied the wife deci
sively He knows Ive got a trunkful
of his love letters to reciprocate if he
ever does Judge
Helped His Ambition
Thank you judge said the prison
er sentenced to thirty days on bread
and water
Seeing that the magistrate was puz
zled he explained that he long had de
sired to try the simple life but lacked
the courage to begin Philadelphia
An exception
Mrs Peagreen Is 13 always an un
lucky number
Not when you hold all of the trumps
In a game of whist Kansas City In
Knicker My wife says she feels like
an old rag Bocker Then the only cure
Is to buy her some new ones New
York Sun
R F L No 1
P H Ulunelc paid 225 for a fine
young mule team this week ho bought
from William Baumbnck P II is har
vesting Fred Wagners Kafir corn this
Uust BlunCk will farm tho McCollum
place next season
R A IJammel has purchased a piece
of land adjoining him on tho south
T H Brittian is visiting in Wray
Colo this week
Mrs A Phillippi returned this week
from her Wray Colo visit
George Stroud has retired from the
railway service and rented tho Solliday
place onto which he and mother moved
this week
They have a fine boy baby at Alvin
Brittians born last Thursday
Miss Horrel who hca been visiting
Mrs J W Stroud departed on last
Saturday night for her home in Lead
viile Colo
Mrs Jos Dudek is entertaining a
daughter granddaughter and grand
sons wife
G E Everteon arrived home from
the sandhills close of last week bring
ing with him 75 head of cattle
An enjoyable party at Joe Crokers
last Saturday night
They say that W N Rogers is about
ready for that big bear hunt out west
W P Burns is baching it He
took in the old settlers picnic close of
last week and allows it was a success
lie was one of the bell wethers himself
Otto Weber has purchased the Dodd
corner that was destroyed by fire a few
months ago and is now clearing away
the debris preparatory to erecting a two
story brick building 50x80
Several parties are now suffering with
colds and some pneumonia
Scarlet fever has broken out in the
primary department of our school
Elder Clark preached here Sunday
morning and evening
Mr and Mrs F G Stilgobouer left
Monday morniag for Detroit Mighigan
where they will place their son Dale in
the hands of a specialist with the hope
of having him cured of a lingering
affliction Their many friends hope
their endeavors may be successful
A fake medicine show is in town this
week getting money of the very credu
lous for little return in value
Dr and Mrs Brown were visitors in
Indianola Wednesday
Mr W A McCool and Mr Skalla
made a call in Bartley Tuesday on their
way to Cambridge looking after inter
ests of the republican party
II Ij Brown is putting down a fine
cement out door cellar
The farmers are busy pu ting in fall
grain since the nice rain3
The funeral of the infant child of Mr
and Mrs William Hornkohl was held
in the M E church here Tuesday
J A Fletcher is painting Dr Browns
Frank Untiedt got ten dollars for the
best colt shown here last Saturday
Frank Hodgkins has about recovered
from the injury of his leg
Dr Arbogast was called to Cambridge
last Saturday to asist Dr McDonnell
in a case of abdominal surgery
Otto Weber is in Indianola working
for Mr Dow on his brick residence
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
It arouses energy develops and stim
ulates nervous life arouses the courage
of youth It makes you young again
Thats what Rocky Mountain tea will
do 33 cents tea or tablets
L W McConnell
Americas Greatest Weekly
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in the
United States
Circulation 185000
Popular in Every State
In many respects the Toledo Blade is the most
remarkable weekly newspaper published in the
United States It is the only newspaper espe
cially edited for National circulation It has
had the largert circulation for more years than
any newspaper printed in America Further
more it is the cheapest newspaper in tho world
as will be explained to any person who will
write us for terms The news of the world so
arranged that busy people can more easily com
prehend than by reading cumbersome columns
of dailies All current topics made plain in
each issue by special editorial matter written
from inception down to date The only paper
published especially for people who do or do
not read daily newspapers and yet thirst for
plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is
popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly
Blade now has over 1S5000 yearly subscribers
and is circulated in all parts of the United
States In addition to the news the Blade pub
lishes short and serial stories and manydepart
lnents of matter suited to every member of the
family Only one dollar a year
Write for specimen copy Address
Toledo Ohio
We are anxious to have every
Republican in close touch and work
ing in harmony with the Republican
National Congressional Committee in
favor of the election of a Republican
The Congressional campaign must
be based on the administrative and
legislative record of the party and
that being so Theodore Roosevelts
personality must be a central figure
and his achievements a central
thought in the campaign
We desire to maintain the work of
Mm enmnaifm with DODular subscrip
tions of One Dollar each from Repub
licans To each subscriber we will
send the Republican National Cam
paign Text Book and all documents
issued by the Committee
Help us achieve a great victory
James S Sherman Chairman
P O Box 2063 New York
Eminent Doctors Praise its Ingredients
We refer to that boon to weak nervous
suffering women known as Dr Pierces
Favorite Prescription
Dr John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff
of Tiie Eclectic Medical Ebview saya
of Unicorn root Helonias Dlolca which
is one of the chief ingredients of tho Fa
vorite Prescription
nA remedy which Invariably acts as a uter
ine lnvlgorator makes for normal ac
tivity of tho entire reproductive system
He continues in Helonias wo have a medica
ment which more fully answers tho above
purposes than any other drug with which lam
acquainted In tho treatment of diseases pe
culiar to women It is seldom that a case ia
seen which does not present some indication
for this remedial agent Dr Fyfo further
says The following aro among tho leading
Indications for Helonias Unicorn root Pain
or aching in tho back with loucorrhcea
atonic weak conditions of tho reproductive
organs of women mental depression and Ir
ritability associated with chronic diseases of
the reproductive organs of women constant
sensation of heat In tho region of the kid
neys menorrhagia Hooding duo to a weak
ened condition of tho reproductive system
amenorrhoca suppressed or absent monthly
periods arising from or accompanying an
abnormal condition of tho digestive organs
and ansemic thin blood habit dragging
sensations in tho extreme lower part of tho
If more or less of tho above symptoms
are present no invalid woman can do
better than take Dr Pierces Favorite
Prescription one of tho leadingingredi
ents of which is Unicorn root or Ilelonias
and the medical properties of which it
most faithfully represents
Of Golden Seal root another prominent
Ingredient of Favorite Prescription
Prof Finley Ellingwood M D of Ben
nett Medical College Chicago says
It is an important remedy in disorders o
tho womb In all catarrhal conditions
and general enfeeblement it Is useful
Prof John M Scudder M D late of
Cincinnati says of Golden Seal root
In relation to its general effects on the
system there is no medicine in use about which
there is such general unanimity of opinion It
Is universally regarded as the tonic useful In
all debilitated states
Prof Bartholow M D of Jefferson
Medical College says of Golden Seal
Valuable in uterine hemorrhage menor
rhagia flooding and congestive dysmenor
rheca painful menstruation
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription faith
fully represents all the above named in
gredients and cures the diseases for which
they are recommended
During Carnival and Won
derful Electric Street Parades
September 26 to October 6
Buy a round trip ticket fare
cut out this offer and bring it to ua
and we will refund the entire amount
on the purchase of any new piano in
our store
Over 600 pianos in stock all the
leading makes including the Stein
way Steger Emerson Hardman A
B Chase McPhail Kurtzman Mueller
and over 20 others Special rock bot
tom prices marked In plain figures on
each instrument Used upright pianos
for 85 95 105 and up on terms to
Save from 75 to 150 and deal with
e reliable firm
Free information and parcel stand
Make our store your headquarters
Free parade seats
Dealers and Makers of High Grada
lt 1311 1313 Farnam St
j Omaha
McCook Nebraska
Studio upstairs in new Rishel building
south of Post Office
McCook Nebraska
SS Agant of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Office in Postoffice building
McCook Neb for terms on
He will do your work right
mccook Nebraska
McCook Tribune
ioo per year
1 il
i a