The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 21, 1906, Image 1

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Besides Generous Plans are Being Developed to Entertain the
Many Visitors Who are Expected to be Here
During the Big Meeting
No criticism will be due the gentlemen of the McCook Driving Park
association if their first annual racing meet October 5 6 7 ie not a suc
cess written in capital letters They have provided a superior half mile
track stables grandstand and the other etceteras essential An inspection
of the racing events of the three days with the purses hung up in each
class shows them to be worth while and will doubtless attract good tal
ent In all there will be 170000 in purses and the association already
has information that the competition will be such in each class as to give
spectators all those who love to see a horse race the worth of their money
The question of entertaining the guests between events at the park
and at night has been given careful consideration Several street attrac
tions have been secured by the association and others are expected so the
association does not contemplate that there shall bo a dull minute during
the meet
Manager Bixler of the New McCook Opera House has been busy also
and announces that he will have new attractions each night during the
meet and promises that the companies will be high class and altogether
satisfactory So nothing to be desired remains unprovided for
The enterprise is being financed by the people of McCook with such
liberality as to guarantee its success Give it a boost
New Headquarters Building
The practical destruction of the freight
house by fire recently has raised the
question of a new and suitable head
quarters and depot building for McCook
The thought is converting the present
depot into a freight and transfer house
and the building of an adequate modern
depot and headquarters building one
that will not only meet present require
ments but one that will anticipate the
growth of McCook and southwest
The present headquarters building
and depot is utterly inadequate and ill
suited for the great volume of business
transacted this is self evident ad
mitted and needs no argument
It is to be fondly hoped that the Bur
lington management will see the matter
in this light and realize for McCook
this needed improvement
Free Inlgation
Write a letter at once to LeRoy E
Dutton Alamosa Colo and he will tell
you all about the beautiful San Luis
Valley which is supplied with free and
unlimited irrigation by the marvelous
artesian wells on every farm The land
can be bought by give away prices It
is of such porous quality that it sub-irrigates
with very little work and is self
irrigating It grows 500 to 800 bushels
of potatoes 20 to 25 tons of sugar beets
50 to 60 bushels of wheat 75 to 100
bushels of barley 100 to 110 bushels of
oats per acre and the farmers there are
getting rich raising field peas which are
planted like small grain grown v thout
cultivation and harvested by turning
hogs cattle and sheep in
Notice to Teachers
There will be no teachers examina
tion held in this county for the month
of September The next reguiar exam
ination days will be the third Friday
and the Saturday following in October
Flora B Quick
County Superintendent
Delicate Perfumes
We have all the leading perfumes
Thelma Flower Girl Jockey White
Rose Wood Violet and others too num
erous to mention
L W McConnell Druggist
Winter Bedding
In addition to our home made Izzer
comfoits we are actively selling from our
large line of blankets All kinds and
prices from 65c a pair up to 875
good wide bed Blankets Thompson
School Supplies
See our assortment of pen and pencil
tablets slates pencils mK pens eras
ers etc McMillen Druggist
Seats Free
In time for the grand opening of the
Opera House we offer mens fine black
woisted trousers at 175 a leg seats
free The Thompsons Dry Goods Co
One price plain figures cash only
Residence for Sale
Corner Main Avenue and Denver Sts
R B Simmons
A Few Bargains
In second hand Buggies
McCook Hardware Co
Dont forget our soda fountain
Lon Cone Druggist
New Dress Goods
The largest line of broadcloths ever
shown by us are now on sale 100
125 150 The largest and best line
of black goods consisting of about
twenty varieties are now active with us
We show a very extensive line of bright
and shadow plaids We have fifty
pieces of school suitings from 16c a
yard to 35c We solicit your early in
spection Thompsons
Music Lessons on the Piano
Miss Deborah Heckman late of the
Royal Conservatory of Dresden Ger
many will be prepared after October
17th to give music lessons on the piano
Railroad Men Held For Larceny
Brakemen V E Lyon and B F
Metz appeared before Squire Berry
Monday to answer for alleged burglary
and larceny from Burlington freight
trains Lyon pleaded guilty and was
placed under 300 bond to appear at the
next term of district court In default
of cash or bondsmen he was placed in
the county jail Metz was charged
similarly but the charge of burglary
in his case was withdrawn and he was
allowed to plead guilty to larceny of two
pair of shoes He was fined 1000 and
costs and required to pay the price of
the shoes 700 making in all 2155
It seems that for a year or more the
company has been annoyed by occasion
al but continuous cases of burglary
from cars Shippers have been making
frequent claims for shortages and de
tectives have been working to bring to
justice those guilty
While the above are the first instances
of the fruits of the work of the detec
tives other arrests are expected
Henry LeeRoy at Commercial Hotel
The celebrated chef Henry LeeRov
formerly head cook in the Burlingtons
dining car service between Omaha and
Denver late of the Lincoln hotel has
been secured as head cook for the Com
mercial house of this city a fact upon
which both the public and the manage
ment of that hostelrie are to be warmly
congratulated as MrLeeRoy comes with
high endorsements as a cook of first
class ability
The Baby
Watch the baby carefully Dont
wait for a symptom to develop before
getting a physicians prescription for
Coughs Whooping Cough Bronchitis
Croup Diphtheria Scarlet Fever
Then come here to have it filled
L W McConnell Druggist
Fruit and Vegetables Plentiful
Procure Mason jarsEconomy jars and
tin fruit cans at the McCook Hardware
Co and fill your cupboards It will
make you smile next winter
McCook Souvenirs
We have now in stock a fine assort
ment of leather and shell novelty souven
irs also leather and comic post caids
A McMillen Druggist
The Sherwin Williams Paint
For all kinds of good painting No
matter what you want to paint you can
get the best and most economical paint
if you see that it bears the Sherwin
Williams label Every package backed
up by the reputation of the largest
paint makers in the world See color
card L W McConnell Druggist
S A Warnfr lef t Wednesday night
to join the wife at Antigo Wis
Mrs J D Hare and Miss Hazel
in Denver for a few days this week
Harlow W Keyes was up from
dianola Tuesday on legal business
Sidney Dodge and J H Wicks wero
over from Marion Wednesday on busi
Oscar Green returned to his univer
sity work in Lincoln Monday morning
on No 2
Mrs E L Miller a former resident
has been a guest of Newton Newkirk
since last week
Mr and Mrs E M Day departed on
14 Sunday for Topeka and Chicago on
a visit to relatives
Mrs J M Brady and Miss Stasia ar
rived home last Friday night from
their visit to St Paul Minn
Mrs J G Schobel and Marjorie
went down to Minden Weduesday
morning on a visit of a few days
Miss Edna Waite went down to Lin
coln Tuesday on 12 to register in the
state university for her second year
Mrs C E Benedict came over from
Curtis close of last week and has been
a guest of her sister Mrs Ainsworth
Mrs C B Sawyer arrived last Sat
urday night from University Place and
they are how occupying the home on
North Marshall
Dr A P Welles arrived home on
No 1 this noon from his absenco in
the east during tne neatea season in
the lake country
Russell Woods of Wauneta was the
guest of Harry Allen a few days last of
past week on his way east to attend
Culver military school
Miss Carty of Beardsley Kansas
visited McCook relatives and friends
last week Pete is now postmaster ar
that point and a merchant
Rev I R Beeson of Savannah Mo
spent part of the week here introducing
literature of the Christian Homo
phanage of Council Bluffs Iowa
Mrs Fay Hostetter was in Hastings
Sunday completing arrangements for
Miss Clara Ferrenbergs appearance
here with her in her recital tonight in
the Methodist church
Mr and Mrs David Diamond and
children went down to Hastings first
of the week to be absent ten days The
store was closed Thursday on account
of the Jewish New Year
Messrs L W McConnell E J
Wilcox H P Sutton and F A Pennell
went up to Imperial Wednesday morn
ing to indulge in a hunting fishing rec
reation of a few days and incidentally
to take in the county fair
Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell went
down to Lincoln Monday morning to
arrange for Schells admission to the
state university He will register in the
scientific course They will make a
brief visit to Supt and Mrs Magee in
Mrs Will Johnston visited Mrs
David Magner briefly close of week
gone Mr Johnston will be remembered
as having been chief clerk to the master
mechanic here in years agone as well as
having held other positions here and
elsewhere in the company service
Franklin Blanchard of Davenport
Iowa a brother of Mrs William Wey
gint is here on a visit being the first
time they have seen each other in many
years W B Weygint of Neligh Ante
lope county Nebraska a son is also
here on a visit
Mrs I H Harrison is visiting her
daughters at Friend
G W Henderson is threshing for W
B Sexson
Gus Morosic is having a new house
built the main part of the building
being twenty eight feet square A
couple of men from Iowa are doing the
On next Sunday morning Rev J A
Kerr will hold his last service for this
conference year
George Younger had a Havana tele
phone put in his house last week
Mr Gordon and daughters Florence
Ida and Ossie went to McCook last
Sunday evening where the girls entered
school Monday morning
Fred Satchell hauled a load of corn to
Thurst Doyle last Monday
The little daughter of Mr and Mrs
Fred Satchell was very sick Sunday
but was much better last report
Mr McDonalds baby has been having
the measles
Toilet articles perfumes and novelties
Lon Cone Druggist
Death of Fred Beardslee
All hearts in this community go out
to bereaved wife and to Mr and Mrs
I M Beardslee and children in the sad
death of their eldest son Fred which took
place in Denver Wednesday morning
The remains were accompanied to this
city on 2 this morning and interment
in Longview cemetery will occur this
aftornoon Brief services will be held
at the home by Rev Hawkes of the Con
gregational church The services will
be private confined to the members of
the family intimate friends and to
the members of the McCook band who
will attend in a uniformed body to pay
their last tribute of respest to the mem
ory of a member and brother who has
gone on before
Fred Beardslee spent most of his life
in Indianola and McCook and bis host
-of friends will join us in tenderest ex
pressions of keen sorrow and sympathy
A Blind Horse Runs Away
A blind horse owned by G W Wat
kins and being driven by his young son
ran away last Friday afternoon on
West Dennison street finally plunging
over the areaway and headlong through
the big east plate glass window in
Lovell McFarlands millinery store
while their fall opening was in progress
and at its height creating great excite
ment among the ladies within and utter
ly destroying the big plate glass The
animal was with difficulty rescued from
its position the railing doubtless alone
keeping it from being precipitated to
the bottom of the areaway
Wont Be Good
The Tribune hears stories of hunters
killing over the limit 10 chickens on
a given days hunting They are either
true or some of the sportsmen liars A
rumor comes to us also that a certain
McCook sportsman last Saturday over
in Valley Grange precinct killed two
quails If those who witnessed this un
lawful act will give Game Warden Cor
win the evidence he will make the
guilty party smoke The open season
for quail is only the last fifteen days of
Democratic Senatorial Convention
The Democratic Senatorial Conven
tion of the 29th District will be held at
McCook Neb at 2 p mTuesdaySept
25th 1906 to place in nomination a can
didate for senator and to transact such
other business as may come before the
The appointment of delegates will be
the same as that made for the state
Democratic convention for the year 96
W A Stewart G V Hunter
Secretary Chairman
Attention Woodmen
All members of Noble Camp No 633
M W A are requested to attend the
meeting next Thursday night Sept 27
to make arrangements for the big class
initiation the latter part of next month
John Hunt Consul
C B Gray Clerk
will soon be here and it would not be a
bad idea to look over your buildings and
see just how much glass you will want
Walker can supply your wants and will
do your glazing at a reasonable cost
Curry Powder
We prepare our Curry Powder our
selves from the choicest spices Its the
best you can buy anywhere Buy an
ounce and try it
L W McConnell Druggist
Pure Spices
We have a specially fine line of all
kinds of spices If you want something
pure and good try them
McMillen Druggist
Quick Meal Ranges
Splendid value for the money
McCook Hardware Co
Have you sent for the beautiful
Breakfast Set with your initials in gold
which is being given to users of Defiance
Tea Coffee Full particulars in each
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
H P Waite Cos
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
H P Waite Cos
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
H P Waite Cos
Fine stationery tablets etc
Lon Cone Druggist
Winter stock hand picked
75c per bushel
Tabor Iowa
McConnell for drugs
A McMillen prescription druggist
Get The Tribune to do your printing
For Books go to Lon Cone Drug
The finest ice cream Lon Cone Drug
Rooms For
Rent Over new Ideal
M L Rishel
That city scales project
a humming
should go
McConnell sells Edison phonographs
and records
All the good colors in pull braid at
McMillens headache cure will stop
your headache
False fire alarm Wednesday evening
about 8 oclock
For diarrhoea summer complaint use
McMillens Blackberry Balsam
Cream in sealed 10c an l 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Boys fast color black Melton three
piece suits for 400 at Thompsons
Roses of Eden and Japan The
finest perfumes Lon Cone Druggist
Very swell line of ladies outing flan
nel night gowns on sale at Thompsons
The dance Tuesday evening by the
ladies of St
Albans guild was fairly
Cotton flannel husking mittens with
two thumbs reversible 700 a dozen at
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills
H P Waite Cos f
Small boys overcoats 3 to 8 years
silk medalion on sleeves brass buttons
velvet collar 250 at Thompson
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the line of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
McConnell has a complete assortment
of the celebrated Watermans Ideal
Fountain Pens Every pen guaran
Alex Bergeron of Denver will shortly
be in McCook on his regular piano tun
ing trip Wait for him Leave orders
at Suttons store
The quality is remembered long after
the price is forgotten Try Roses of
Eden and Japan
Lon Cone Druggist
The regular meeting of the Dorcas
society of the Congregational church
will be held at Mrs H P Waites
Thursday afternoon next September
27th at 2 30 oclock
Theres no chance of missing it if
you buy at Marshs meat market He
has the goods and can deliver them
Give him a chance to supply your meats
J of all kinds and he will be very pleased
and certain to make good
Anyone who buys tea or coffee and
doesnt get one of the beautiful new
breakfast sets given away with Defiance
Tea Coffee is missing the greatest op
portunity we ever heard of Look in a
package of Defiance Tea Coffee for
particulars No money required the
dishes are absolutely free
For Rent Furnished room
When the Curtis Musical Comedy Co of Twenty five Artists
Will Entertain the Proud McCookites Who Will
Throng the New Opera House
The opening of the New McCook Opera Houso next Thursday ovo
ning will be an incident of more than local or passing importance Not
only is McCook and Red Willow county greatly interested in this extraor
dinary affair but indeed all this section of the state must and doubtless
does realize what it signifies to them in many ways for McCooks New
Opera House stands without an equal in Nebraska outside the larger
cities This bold claim will bo bettor understood when wo state that it
will seat 1200 people and that its stage will easily accommodato tho larg
est companies being absolutely metropolitan in its proportions
The Curtis Musical Comedy Co in a repertoiro of Weber Fields
musical comedies will occupy tho boards for three nights also giving
a matinee on Saturday afternoon at 230 oclock Theso entertainments
will bo presented here on the same splendid scale as was given thoir New
York production and will embrace all the late musical gems and comedy
Season tickets at 300 and 400 each are for sale by the McCook
Commercial Club committee Messrs U P Sutton Barney Hofer and L
W McConnell Let every patriotic McCookito go the limit and give
Manager Bixler an opening benefit in keeping with the splendid public
house he has buildod with such astounding liberality of purse
McMillen Prescription Druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
The Tribune will print it for you
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
McMillen can please you in perfume
Walker sells Johnsons wood dyes and
floor wax
McConnell sells Edison
and Records
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Try McMillens ice cream scda with
crushed fruits
For Sale Two houses on three lots
J M Henderson
of Mrs H L Kennedy
Childrens outing flannel night gowns
and sleeping garments at Thompsons
Wanted To buy a second hand roller
top desk McCook Laundry
A new line of fancy china the very
latest A McMillen Druggist
Fine black clay worsted suits foryoung
men 16 to 20 ears 950 at Thompsons
Ladies misses and childrens new
coats in the most desirable styles now
here Thompsons
The fall is the best season of the year
to paint Let Walker figure on your
painting he can save you money
Lincoln absolutely pure mixed paint
sold and fully guaranteed by
A McMillen Druggist
Moline Oliver and Case gang plows
Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at
II P Waite Cos
Rub the ache with
McConnells No 13 Liniment
Youll simply rub the ache away Price
See See See
Cut Glass assortment
price of 2oc I think
the Ideal
The large New
at tho special
I saw them at
Found At the Bon Ton a ladys
pocket book Will be given to owner
when described and payment made for
this notice
We put Red Willow county to sleep
under our home made Izzer bed com
forts 14 yds cloths 6 Izzer batts well
tacked and hemmed 185 to 250
Thompsons only
Every home in McCook should have
one of the new initial in gold break
fast sets They cost absolutely nothing
Full particulars in every package of De
fiance Tea or Coffee
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Every dish has your initial in gold
surrounded with a beautiful floral de
sign You cant buy one of the new
breakfast sets but you can get one ab
solutely free Read the advertisement
of Defiance Tea Coffee which appears
in this paper every week or still better
get a package of Defiance Tea Coffee
at your grocer Each package contains
full information