The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 14, 1906, Image 6

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WffiasSjgji -
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A Food
to Work On
Work Work 1 1 Work
Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace In
the struggle the man with the strong body and clear
brain wins out every time
The man of to day needs something more than
mere food he needs a food that makes energy a food
to work on
Although some people may not realize it yet it is
a fact proved and established beyond doubt that soda
crackers and this means UnoedS BlSCUlt are
richer in muscle and fat making elements and have a
much higher per cent of tissue building properties
than any other article of food made from flour
That this is becoming known more and more every
day is attested by the sale of nearly 400000000 pack
ages of Uneeda BBSCUit f the finest soda cracker
ever baked An energy giving food of surpassing
value sold in a package which brings it to you with
all the oiiginal flavor and nutriment perfectly pre
served Truly the food to work on
Whoever you are whatever you are wherever
you work Uneeda Biscuit-
To Miss S E Bailey Charity Alley Bartley
Mercantile Company Tho Kilpatrick Kucli Dry
Goods Company Francis McWilliams S L
Wright Bank of Bartley and to all to whom it
may concern
You will take notice that on the 7th day of
Novembpr ISOi tho undersigned G W Jones
Inrchuid at public tax sale of the County
Treasui r of Red Willow County Nebraska all
of the lot and parcels of land hereinafter de
scribed to wit Lot 17 in block -14 and lots 11
and 12 in block4S in the original town of Bartley
Nebraska which said lots were sold for the
taxes assessed and levied thereon for the years
1002 and 1903 that at tho time said taxes were
assessed and levied ana at the time of said tax
bale said property above described was and ever
since has been and now is assessed in the name
of Miss S E Bailey also lots 7 and 8 in block
I Esthor Park Addition to Bartley Nebraska
which said lots last above described were sold
for the taxes assessed and levied thereon for the
years lSS lbs9 1S90 1S91 1S92 1S93 1S94 1S93
1S96 lfciVT lb9S Ib99 1900 1901 1902 and 1903 that
at the time tho said taxes for the year ISSSwero
assessed and levied said property last above de
scribtd was assessed iu tho name of Charity
Alloy and that at the time tho said taxes for
tho year 16S9 were assessed and levied said jiro
perty last above described was assessed in tho
name of the Bartley Mercantile Company and
that at the time the said taxes for the jear 1890
were asesed and levied said property last
above described was assessed in the name of the
Kilpatrick Koch Dry Goods Company and that
at tho time the said Ctaxes for the years lis91
IMS lh93 1S94 1S93 1896 1S97 1S98 199
1900 1901 1902 and 1903 were assessed and levied
and at the time of said tax sale said property
last above described was and ever since has
been and now is assessed in the name of Francis
McWilhams also lots 10 11 and 12 in block E
Esther Park Addition to the Village of Bartley
Nebraska which said lots last above described
were sold for the taxes assessed and levied
thereon for the years 18S9 1SS9 1890 1891 1892
1893ij941895 1895 1897 1893 1S99 1900 1901
1902 and 1903 that at the time the said taxes for
the year 1SS3 were assessed and levied said pro
perty last above described was assessed in tho
name of Charity Alley and at the time the said
taxes for the vears 1SS9 1890 1891 1S92 1893 1S94
te95 1396 lb97 1S93 1S99 1900 1901 1902 and 1903
were assessed and levied and at tho time of said
tax sale said property last above described was
and ever since has been and now is assessed in
the name of the Bartley Mercantile Company
also lot- 3 and 6 in block 37 in the original town
of Bartley Nebraska which said lots last above
described were sold for the taxes assesspd and
levied thereon for the years 1891 1892 1S93 1891
1S95189G 1897 1S9S 1899 1900 1901 1902 and 1903
that at the time said taxc wore assessed and
at tho time of said tax sale tho said property
last above described was and ever since has
been and now is assessed in the name of Bank of
Bartley also lots 7 8 9 and 10 in block 35 all in
the original town of Bartley Nebraska which
said lots last above tie cribed were sold for taxes
assessed and levied thereon for the years 1892
1893 1894 1895 1890 1897 189S 1899 1900 19011902
and 1903 that at the time said raxes were as
sessed and levied and at tho time of said tax
sale said property last above described was and
ever since has been and now is assessed in the
name of S L Wright that the time of redemp
tion of all of said lots and parcels of land from
said tax sales will expire three mouths from tho
date of the service of this notice to wit on tho
21st day of Decomber 190G after which time I
will apply to the County Treasurer of said
county for a deed to all of said lots and parcels
of land above described as provided by law
Dated this 5th day of September 1906
G W Jones
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat
tie mortgage made on tho 17th day of August
1903 by Ed Houlihan H Plaussard Co
upon the following described property to wit
One No 2494 Cross Compound Traction Engine
manufactured by Reeves fc Co one No 2511
Compound Separator manufactured by Reeves
fc Co one No 2934 Farmers Friend Wind
Stacker manufactured by Reeves Co one No
13762 Parsons Feeder one No 440S5 Peoria
Weigher one Tank Pump and Hose one hun
dred and fifty feet seven inch four ply Gaud
Belt Said Reeves fc Co will sell said property
for cash to the highest bidder at public auction
on the 29th day of September 1906 at the city
of McCook Nobraska on lots one 1 and two
2 block twenty two 22 of tho original plat of
said city at two 2 ocockp m of said day
Said mortgage was filed in the office of tho
County Clerk of Red Willow countv Nebraska
on the 18th day of August 1903 There is now
due on said mortgage and tho notes thereby se
cured the sum of one thousand five hundred
and forty five and Sl 100 131581 do lars said
mortgagee has elected to declare tho whole debt
secured by said mortgage duo as by its terms
and the terms of the notes secured thereby pro
vide No proceeding at law has been had for
the collection of said debt or any part thereof
Dated this 4th day of September 1906
Reeves Co
rM P
rv y
l tJ u
To Miss S E Bailey and to all to whom it may
You will take notice that on the 4th day of
February 1905 the undersigned G W Jones
purchased at private tax sale of tho County
Treasurer of Red Willow County Nebraska all
of the lots and parcels of land hereinafter de
scribed to wit Lots 4 5 and 6 in block 70 in
the original town of Bartley Nebraska which
said lots were sold for the taxes a sesed and
levied thereon for the years 1902 and 1903 that
at tho time of said tax sale said property was
aud ever since has been and now is assessed in
the name of Miss S E Bailey that tho time of
redemption of all of said lots and parcels of
land from said tax sale will expire on tho 4th
day of February 1907 after which time I will
aDiilv to the Countv Treasurer of said county
for a deed for all of said lots and parcels of
land above described as provided by law
Dated this 5th day of September 1906
G W Jones
Notice is hereby given that under aud by
virtue of an order of tho District Court of Jeffer
son County Nebraska made and entered on the
28th day of August 1906 iu a case pending in
said court wherein Gertrude Speenburgis plain
tiff and Joseph W Rider Mattio Rider Mollio
Ilurlburt Louis A Hurlburt Alberta Ryan
Peter K Rvan David F Rider Claudia Rider
Florence Farmer Elmer Farmer John Rider
Ida Rider Leodidas D Speenburg L D Speen
burgadministrator De Bonis Non of the estate of
Michael C C Rider deceased adults and Lan
dis Clapper Fleda Clapper and Chester Clap
per minors were defendants for tho partition
of the real estate hereinafter described togethor
with other real estate the undersigned referees
duly appointed by said court having taken tho
oath and given the bond required by law and by
the order of the court will on Tuesday the 9th
day of October 1906 at ths front door of tho
court house in McCookNebraskaat one oclock
p m of said day sell to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real estate to wit
The southwest quarter of section 13 township
3 north and the south half of the southwest
quarter of section 12 and the northwest quarter
of section 13 township 4 north all in range 30
west of tho Sixth principal meridian in Red
Willow county Nebraska
Feank E Tinoiier
Henry Boweis
Isaac S Gardner
C H Dennet Referees
Attorney for Plaintiff
Is tea drinking a harmful habit That depends on the tea and the manner of
making The right tea made in the right way is a most healthful and nourishing
beverage This is a proverbact It is also a proven fact that Defiance Tea is the
right tea to use because of the great care in selecting and curing If prepared
properly it makes not only a most deliciously flavored and fragrant drink but a nerve
soothing brain resting and body building beverage for women children and men for
every meal or whenever a refreshment is needed
If you want the best cup of tea you ever tasted order a supply of Defiance Tea
today and follow carefully the directions for making printed on
each package
Defiance Tea is put up in half pound parchment lined pack
ages which retain all its original strength and flavor
FREE A Beautiful Breakfast Set
of 31 pieces is being given to all users of Defiance Tea and Coffee
Full particulars in each package Ask your grocer
niti Wight
Men Mentioned
In the News
est pertains to
the candidacy
of Governor Fred
erick M Warner
of Michigan for re
election lie has
been nominated by
the Republicans
and Is the first man
to be named by bis
party for the chief
executive office of
the state under the
operation of the new direct nomina
tion law The old caucus system Is
now abrogated In Michigan and the re
nomination of Governor Warner was a
direct expression of the wishes of the
voters comprising the Republican party
In the state
Governor Warner is of British parent
age Is about forty two years old and
was brought up on a farm near Bir
mingham Mich His home is now at
Farralngton He has served in the
Michigan legislature and as secretary
of state Is interested In brickmaking
and owns several large cheese fac
tories He is democratic in his ways
and one day recently stopped at a
quick lunch counter and ordered a
piece of pumpkin pie with a cup of cof
fee He ate the lunch with relish as
he stood by the counter with pie In one
hand and a cup in the other rubbing
elbows with the throng On the comi
ter were chunks of cheese for the tak
ing Governor Warner recognized it
as his own make and he munched it
with satisfaction
We make it at Farmington grow
the pumpkins there too for that mat
ter said the governor as he laid 10
cents on the counter and walked out
I must catch that car and get to my
office The farmers drop in to see me
Saturday nights and I like to be there
to talk over crops with them Railroad
assessments Xo I just came to town
with my four children to buy shoes
In connection with the visit of Sec
retary Root to South America there Is
special significance in the attentions
being paid in Europe to ex President
Roca of Argentina who is making a
tour of England and the continent
Europe now has the advantage in
trade with South America and is anx
ious to retain it while one object of
Mr Roots trip is to pave the way to
closer commercial relations between
the United States and other countries
of the new world In London General
Roca was entertained at a banquet at
the Hotel Cecil by representatives of
all the principal Anglo-Argentina
mercial enterprises
In recognition of hi-
great services in de
veloping the re
sources of the re
General Roca was
twice president of
the Yankee land of
South America
He was war minis
ter under the admin
istration of Presi
dent Avellaneda and
extended the southern frontier so that
it included a large part of Patagonia
His first term of office was memora
ble on account of the extension of the
railway system the foundation of pub
lic schools and the building of public
works He recently retired from office
at the conclusion of his second term
Argentina which is second in size of
the South American republics has
made great progress in the past fif
teen years has for some time enjoyed
a stable government and is iu a flour
ishing condition as to its finances and
industries Its exports amount to
about 200000000 annually and its
capital Buenos Ayres is a cosmopol
itan city of about a million inhabitants
with every improvement known in the
cities of the United States
Edward Rosewater who at the re
cent primary elections in Nebraska se
cured for his candidacy for the senate
the indorsement of tho majority of the
voters of his party is the editor and
founder of the Omaha Bee He has
long been prominent in Republican
politics and received many ballots for
the sonatorship in the contest in the
legislature in 1901 He was born in
Bohemia and came to this country a
poor boy Speaking of his early days
Mr Rosewater once said Andrew
Carnegie and I were fellow telegraph
operators nearly four decades ago He
was stationed out
west and I was in
Washington We got
acquainted as op
erators do over the
wires at night and
would call each
other by our first
names when we
spoke through the
medium of our in
struments and for
nearly forty years
we have leen prom
ising ourselves the
pleasure of meeting
Naturally I was more anxious to
meet him than he could possibly be to
meet me and a few days ago I called
upon him
I assured him when he greeted me
that I sought none of his money for
library or other purposes Carnegie
looked at me searchingly
see that I am a small man
feet four inches in height
taller and is even slighter
than I
Suddenly he extended
You can
I am five
He is no
in build
his hand
again and exclaimed with unmistak
able sincerity of feeling
I am glad indeed to meet you Mr
Rosewater I am glad to assoclato
with a man who Is no bigger than I
Now that the douma Is dissolved by
order of the czar the only organization
which remains to represent the Rus
sian people and which can show a com
mission from them Is the permanent
executive committee chosen by the out
lawed parliament at its last meeting
in Finland At the head of this com
mittee is Prince Paul Dolgoroukoff
who was vice president of the douma
during its short life He Is n close
friend of the president of the douma
M Mouromtseff has long been con
nected with the liberal movement In
Russia and was
high In the coun
cils of the Moscow
z e m s t v o He is
forty eight years of
age comes of an an
cient family and is
a graduate of the
University of Mos
c o w Immediately
after the creation
of the permanent
executive commit
tee and his elec
tion as its chair
VkiffA NriSi
man Prince Dolgoroukoff set about es
tablishing communication with bodies
in sympathy with the aims of the dis
persed parliament and getting into cir
culation through them the hitters mani
festo He is a well to do landowner
but is willing to sacrifice the Interests
of his class if necessary in order to
obtain justice and freedom for the
Colonel Samuel Pomeroy Colt who is
seeking to wrest the junior senator
ship of Rhode Island from the tight
grip of George Peabodj Wetmore Is
the nephew of the Colonel Samuel Colt
who invented the Colt pistol and found
ed the Colt Arms company of Hartford
Conn The younger Colonel Colt is
president of the
rubber trust and
very wealthy ne
is related to almost
all the leading fam
ilies of New Eng
land and is a heavy
swell in social cir
cles He and his
wife who was a
granddaughter of
Governor Nathaniel
Bullock of Rhode
Nlpbi Island were lead
ers of Newport s
smart set until
ten years ago when
Mrs Colt shocked
society by bringing suit for divorce al
leging misconduct between her hus
band and a dashing young woman who
was one of a party with which the
colonel had visited the White moun
tains The colonel retaliated by suing
James J Yan Aleii son-in-law of Mrs
William Astor and former minister to
Italy for 200000 damages for the
alienation of Mrs Colts affections
Colonel Colt got his title by acting as
aid-de-camp to Governor Henry Lip
pitt of Rhode Island ne has been a
member of the Rhode Island general
assembly assistant attorney general
and attorney general
Uncle Toe Cannon and about half the
members of the house went down the
Potomac river recently to a planked
shad party They organized a ball
game and put Uncle Joe in as umpire
He was spry as a cat and made some
marvelous decisions His star perform
ance was when General George Har
ries having made a home run started
round the bases a second time
Youre out shouted genial Uucle
Why demanded Harries I am
entitled to run until they find the ball
Not at all the umpire said firmly
Your time has expired
William Ellis Corey president of the
United States Steel corporation is re
ported to have given Mrs Corey who
has just secured a divorce from him
at Reno Nov 3000000 in securities
in lieu of alimony and in acknowledg
ment of her course in charging him
with desertion instead of accusing him
of undue intimacy
with other women
Mrs Corey obtain
ed the custody of
her seventeen-year-old
son Allan In
the course of the
divorce trial Miss
Ada Corey the steel
magnates own sis
ter testified I be
lieve that my broth
ers associates in
New York are not
of the kind that
tend to uplift a
youth The rich of
New York the kind
my brother associates with are de
moralizing to young people I do not
think any New York man is fit to
have charge of a boy of Allans age
Do you mean all New York men
asked the examining lawyer
I mean wealthy New York men
Miss Corey replied
There have been many designations
of Senator Beveridge of Indiana rang
ing from Tillmans wasp of the Wa
bash down but in the opinion of
many Marcus Alonzo Smiths is the
Marcus Alonzo who is the delegate
In congress from Arizona and who
long fought Senator Beveridges plan
for the admission of Arizona and New
Mexico as a state said I think after
looking him over that Beveridge Is
entitled to be kuown as the stud
cricket of the senate
yWVfHflIW ww iw vw J A
Colic Cholera Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know ils value
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people
It has been prescribed by phy
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
or a physician summoned
It only costs a quarter Can
you afford to risk so much for so
little BUY IT NOW
HwwirMwuum VgyrYftTiffm
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across streot in P Walsh
flcCook - Nebraska
umber end
earn F tie
W mHEEMHuiklilMHHil
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Lumber and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
sells THE BEST
Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phone No 1 Manager
1 Jr PA ill A e It ff lifiif tt il P
The Stuff Heroes
Are Made Of
Flour has played an important part
in the worlds history Tho founda
tion of many a sturdy warrior was
the bread that mother made and
mother always used
The Very Best Flour
she could afford to buy The best
now costs 93 cents a sack It is the
Anchor Patent brand which we sell
It is made from western spring wheat
and is a perfect flour in every way
We can also suit you on feed Car
ry a fine line of Hay Grain Oats
etc and sell at the lowest prices
McCook Milling Company
X yv
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