A s i S v K v it tv I k fv Wi t IX pa r Lets Have Peace All Round The majority cf farmers residing in the Rural district are bitterly opposing the closing of the South road and are threatening to deal and do their trading with mail order houses should the South road be closed On the other hand the railroad company is handicapped for track facilities on ac count of growing business The county surveyor claims a fall of twenty feet from track to water in the river Hence my suggestion of having a subway constructed expenses to be defrayed alike by city county and railroad company which would be a square and fair deal all round Meanwhile remember the Peace Maker Diamond now handles a complete and up-to-date line of the famous Hamil ton Brown shoes from the American Lady and Gentleman Shoes in all leathers down to a solid Boys or Girls School Shoe just the thing for hard kickers Give us a trial DIAMOND The Working Mans Friend 11 FREE TRII TO OMAHA AND RETURN We want to get acquainted with more people in the outlying country in the west We want more people to get acquainted with our big store We want more firesides of this western country to profit by the great values this big store buys and sells every day in the year We are going to make a proposition so that you con visit Omaha without spending a cent for r ilrod fare Listen Attentively je FESTIVAL is the most glorious event that was ever celebrated This year it will be grander and on a much larger scale than at any time in its history It gives you and your family an opportunity to come to Omaha and have the time of your lives Dur ing this great event the railroads will make special rates for October 1 2 3 4 and 5 on all trains coming into Omaha If You Intend Coming to Omaha and wish to know all particulars about our free transportation offer fill out the Coupon below and we will by return mail send you all information H COUPON NEBRASKA CLOTHING GO Omaha Please send me particulars regarding your Free Transporta tion Offer Namo Town County State I OMAHAINEB 1 V - Sept 14 3t E J HITCHELL Auctioneer m m ni an k i i - i Catalogue and Sale Bills Compiled Stock and Farm write ups Satisfaction Guaranteed With the Republican STM P McCook Nebraska Always Rimlbr tin f Um Lasliv fire ftslnln Cures a i In One ay 9 Crip la Two fr I Jyms4 a BQEo s0 HAS MADE OMAHA FAMOUS SOMETHING DOING ALL THE TIME H i il j fe j 11 CJJflJJIlBipEffljBCBiraM jwj RV A tHf e5CF9HPKr3 I HALF FARE October 1st to 5th ALL RAILROADS f a s saaBBaoa a s fls 9 sa ass asEsond I I DAY PARADE nPT 0 DAY PARADE ftnT A I I TUESDAY UU I I THURSDAY Ullla 4 1 ELECTRIC PAGEANT APT 3 CORONATION BALL flnf E WEDNESDAY NIQHTUU I q O FRIDAY NIGHT UUii 0 Come And See f he AIrhiJ2fli Century Wonder Sept 7 4t FIGHTINGTHE SEA nollnncln Contlauonw Icrfonnnnce In Preventing Floods Holland Is a couutry of wooden piles and dikes for the people are perpetu ally fighting against the encroach ments of water One building in Am sterdam rests on no fewer than 13039 piles though the dikes around the town which have been erected at enor mous expense effectually prevent any chance of a flood The streets of the flourishing port of Rotterdam even are frequently under water In the winter and In some parts of south Holland the people are compelled to do their shopping in boats When the Zuyder Zee breaks on to the land those who wade up to their knees along the streets of a flooded village meet all manner of fish This is explained by the fact that the Zuy der Zee with its mud bottom is liter ally crammed with finny tribes and one authority states that if it were well scraped of all its fish one year it would be full again the next The land of Holland is really of four distinct levels and from ten to twelve feet between the highest and the low est To make the land dry the water is pumped from the lowest level to the one immediately above it and so on until the water has been returned again to the sea A large number of engineers are specialty engaged to look after the dikes and no less a sum than 2500000 is expended every year in keeping these fortifications against tho sea in proper repair SOFT CRABS After the New Shells Hard en With Great llapldlty The supply of soft crabs for market is obtained by catching hard crabs and keeping them until they shed their shells For this purpose large rec tangular floats made of laths and planking are employed and three or four times every day the stock on hand is carefully inspected all the soft crabs being picked out and packed without delay They are put into shal low boxes of moist seaweed from ten to thirty five dozen in a box according to the size of the animals When the packing is done carefully the occu pants may be kept alive from sixty to seventy hours after leaving the water Crabs have been shipped all the waj from the Chesapeake to Canada arriv ing at their destination in good condi tion In summer of course ice is used But where soft crabs are concerned it is necessary that they shall reach the market quickly because their new shells harden with great rapidity At the end of twelve hours the shells are like parchment and in three or four days the crab is as hard as ever hence unfit for use in the form most highly approved by epicures New York Herald XnuiicJil Etiquette They were on their honeymoon He had bought a catboat and had taken her out to show her how well he could handle a boat putting her to tend the sheet A puff of wind came and ho shouted in no uncertain tones Let go the sheet No response Then again Let go that sheet quick Still no movement A few minutes after when both were clinging to the bottom of the overturned boat he said Why didnt you let go that sheet when I told you to dear I would have said the bride if you had not been so rough about it You ought to speak more kindly to your wife New York Post Lang and Short Days At Hamburg Germany the longest day occupies seventeen hours and the shortest seven At Stockholm in Swe den the longest has eighteen and a half hours and the shortest five and a half At St Petersburg the longest has nineteen and the shortest five hours In Finland the longest has twenty one and a half hours In the north ernmost parts of Norway the longest day lasts from May 21 to July 2 the sun not sinking below the horizan dur ing this period but skimming along very close to it in the north At Spit bergen the longest day lasts three months and a half The Word Privilege Privilege seen so often of late in the phrase special privilege has been used commonly to signify a right im munity or benefit enjoyed by a person beyond the common advantages of other individuals Primarily however the word signifies an ordinance in fa vor of an Individual and this is in keeping with its derivation privus ones own private and lex law It is in this old sense that Chaucer uses the word Ho to Arrive Man has to be humbugged if one would command him and he has no use for the humble person The way to get into a publishers or editors of fice or indeed any other with a man at the head of it is with a tremendous show of bounce and swagger A Spinster in M A P Dog Days and Rabies There is not the remotest connec tion between dog days and rabies in deed the records show that the fewest cases of rabies occur in July and Au gust There are more cases in April November and December than in any other months Springfield Union A Fine Art Zabzln Hows this for a neat little work of art Its worth over 10 but I managed to get it for 1 Jabzin Wheres the art In It Zabzin In get ting it for 1 of course What men prize most is a privilege even if It be that of chief mourner at a funeral Lowell A Dollar Campaign Work of the Two Congressional Com mlttees Political Amenities at the Headquarters of the Republicans is a dollar campaign on both TniS of the political fence The Republicans are anxious to re tain their majority in the house of representatives and their congres sional campaign committee has ap pealed to the rank and file of the party for 1 contributions promising each subscriber a copy of the campaign text book published by the national authorities of the party Congressman James S Sherman of New York state who is chairman of the Republican congressional committee reports that the result of the appeal has been grati fying and that the dollars are coming fast One of the first to send in his dollar was President Roosevelt Soon after came a letter conveying a dollar from the governor of New York Frank W Iligglns The Democratic congressional com mittee is pursuing a similar plan in raising the funds for Its campaign The chairman of the Democratic com mittee is Congressman James M Griggs of Georgia and he is assisted by Congressman James T Lloyd of Mis souri and Henry T Rainey of Illinois who are managing the canvass in tho west Both the committees have es tablished their national headquarters In New York city and Chairman Sher mans office is not a great way from that of Chairman Griggs Of course the main topics of consideration at these political stamping grounds ar the trusts and the tariff and such sub jects but occasionally political ameni ties are introduced as was the case when Chairman Griggs dropped in one morning recently to see how things wore goin in the camp of the enemy Not much more doing here than there is down our way remarked Mr Griggs after greetings Well do something returned Sher man Hand us out a dollar for our campaign fund Well you must need the money remarked Grigsrs Honestly Id give m7 i v5 d MLwfsL W 11 wM wl WW - BM - f II V wife Is CHAIRMAN SHERMAN AND CHAIRMAN GRIGGS AND AMENITIES OP THE CAMPAIGN it to you only I dont Avant to follow the lead of our distinguished presi dent Just then Louis Coolidge of Washing ton former president of the Gridiron club dropped in What do you think of Jim asked Sherman referring to Mr Griggs lie wont give up to our fund Well Ill pay it for him volun teered Coolidee if hell stand for the credit being given to him If I can make Coolidge give up a dollar Ill stand for anything return ed Mr Griggs So the dollar was passed over and the proper entry made and now James M Griggs chairman of the Democratic congressional campaign committee fig ures as a donor to the Republican fund Now give me a dollar for our fund said Griggs to Coolidge No were working this side of the street returned Coolidge but Ill spend one sojiewhere else So an adjournment was taken to a place where the matters discussed are less dry than political economy and campaign statistics The campaign is especially warm this year in the districts of Congressmen Littlefield of Maine Longworth of Ohio and Warner and Bartholdt of Missouri These congressmen have incurred the hostility of the American Federation of Labor by their attitude on labor bills In the house of representatives and the federation officials are after their political scalps Speaker Cannon and other leading lights on the Republican side are to appear in the Maine district represented by Mr Littlefield and President Gompers and his associates In the Federation of Labor are to op pose the influence of their arguments and oratory to the blandishments of the Republican spellbinders rtrTpg NAPOLEONS ACCOUNT BOOK Sonic Entries Mario Durln Ills Exllo nt St Helena Thero was recently sold In London the last book of accounts of Napoleon at St Helena from 1818 to 1821 Tho expenses are classified by month and were kept by Pierron the ex emperors maltre dhotel with entries by Mont holon There are many corrections In pencil by the august exile himself for ho verified all the accounts and changed English money where it was used luto francs Some of the entries are highly interesting Thus on Aug 15 1S19 the fete of the emperor here Is one by Montholon Artificial flowers 5 Ex traordinary expenses 1 Ds Napoleons resources at St Helena were very modest but his tradesmen as regarded their prices never forgot that he was an emperor though an exiled one Among other occupations to while away the time that hung so heavily on his hands Napoleon went In for gardening and among the en tries are found Four watering cans 1 8s 2 pairs of primers 3 2 axes 4 10s prices which look as if the exile was simply regarded as a subject for fleecing For mending the emper ors bed 2 Is charged Toward the end of his life Napoleons nourishment consisted almost entirely of chickens pigeons and eggs and there are numerous entries for medi cines In March 1821 for instance thirty bottles of sirup one case of prunes two cases of Burgundy plums In April ten bottles of sirup eight doz en oranges eight dozen lemons Lon don Globe BAD CROP YEARS When Birds and Anlmuls Do Not Mate at the Matin Season When birds and animals do nol mate at the mating season It is a sign that a bad year is coming said a farm er Quails gophers rabbits and squir rels all refuse to mate in certain years These years afterward turn out to be bad ones The quails are particularly weather wise By instinct the little wild creatures know that for lack of rain or for some other reason there is to be a grass famine and a seed famine and Instead of pairing oil and mating and setting up housekeep ing in little families of two they re main unmated in the large bands in which they have flown all winter liv ing as It were a kind of apartment house life That year inevitably turns out a bad one though the bachelor and spinster quails with a good dea of picking and scratching manage to get enough to eat But to feed families of little ones in such a famine year would be impossible In California the squirrels In a fam ine year not only do not mate they do not even live They become dormant As by a miracle they remain dormant until a season of plenty comes with the next winters rains Exchange For Her Welfare Mrs Goodheart had made up her mind that most of the so called charity of the present day was not strictly speaking charity at all Whoever gave she had concluded did so for the pleas ant sensation of seeing his or her name figure on subscription lists and she did not agree with this ostentation Here my good man she said ona day last week to a man who had beg ged alms of her here is a threepenny piece and please to understand that I do not give this because I hope to be rewarded for my charity some day but because it gives me pleasure to do so The burly beggar looked dubiously at the tiny silver coin Look ere mum he said In tills ere wicked world we dont orften get the chance to enjoy ourselves Why not make it a shillin an ave a real good time London Tit Bits Important Correction Under the terror in France people learned to be excessively cautious in all they said and still more cautious in what they wrote An old letter is said to be in exist ence of the revolutionary period in which the author had at first written to a friend I write under the reign of a great emotion Then apparently reflecting that it was dangerous to speak of reigns at such an epoch he amended the sen tence thus I write under the republic of a great emotion Forethousrht That fellow Mulkley you were en gaged to at one time may have some of your old love letters may he not asked the husband And arent you afraid he might be cad enough to Not a bit replied the wife deci sively He knows Ive got a trunkful of his love letters to reciprocate if he ever does Judge Helped His Ambition Thank you judge said the prison er sentenced to thirty days on bread and water Seeing that the magistrate was puz zled he explained that he long had de sired to try the simple life but lacked the courage to begin Philadelphia Ledger An Exception Mrs Peagreen Is 13 always an un lucky number Not when you hold all of the trumps In a game of whist Kansas City In dependent Diagnosis Knicker My wife says she feels like an old rag Bocker Then the only cure Is to buy her some new ones New York Sun FIFTY CENTS IN some conditions the gain from the use of Scotts Emulsion is very rapid For this reason we put up a fifty cent size which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children In other conditions the gain is slower health cannot be built up in a day In such cases Scotts Emulsion must be taken as nourishment a food rather than a medicine Its a food for tired and weak digestions Send for free am plo Scott Bowne 409 4J5 Pearl St Chemists Nevr York 50C and i oo All druggists C II Boyle Rooms 1 awl 7 second floor Postollico Building C E Eldiied Co Att y BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distnnco Phono 44 McCook Neb iDrJrtorbsrt J Pratt Reoisthhei Graduate Dentist OHico over MoOonneUs Dm Store McCOOK NEB Telephone OflVe lfif n nc 131 Fornur location Atlanta orgin CHICHESTERS OJSUSH PEniQYL FILL DIAMOND 5m BRAND LADIES Ask your DruRRist for PILLS in Red Gold metallic boxes sealed lth Ribbon Take NO other Buyot Druiririst and ask for CIirCHES T ENGLISH IMLL tho DIAMOND IIKANIK for its Morning TAKE ami A Bluet your EUS V twenty five jears known as Best Safest Al ways Reliable Sold by Druggists everywhere CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO PIIILA PA FEEXJNG UVER ISH I Grie Essstive The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is Harshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it The Butcher Phone 12