The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 31, 1906, Image 8

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Prices on Walking Skirts
The most popular garment of a womans wardrobe is
the Walking Skirt No other garment is so indispensable or
called for on as many occasions
The styles shown are new and innumerable and a
careful study of the essential requirements of this popular gar
ment has resulted in the selections we offer for your inspec
From season to season the Shirt Waist too plays a
most important part entirely of its own and appears in more
and more charming guises the number of which is only ex
ceeded by feminitys eager demand for something different
and something new In our line you can find very attractive
waists made with yokes and prettily tucked both back and
front while another model is ornamented with clusters of
tucks in varying widths and depths and still others trimmed
with fine lace and insertion which cannot fail to please Both
long and three quarter sleeves are included in these designs
We offer these goods at such low prices that you cannot af
ford to miss real bargains
Inspect titfrgoods and see for yourself
JK imwiiiiMBMngpMi a mm bw
VWVt fcafcHfcvfcfc fcfcfcfc
Two brothers of Mrs Dietsch from Io
wa and one from Seward Neb were
here several days last week on a visit
Dr McKechnie of Indianola assist
ed Dr Arbogast in a surgical operation
here Thursday
a rt Crabtree of Indianola was a cal
ler here Thursday
A brother of Mrs Flint is here from
West Virginia on a visit
The many friends of Mrs J F
Grimes gave her a pleasant surprise
party Wednesday evening
Grace Eddie and Will Blackson sur
prised nearly everybody by getting mar
ried last Wednesday evening before the
gossipers were expecting it They are
well known here and we all wish them a
happy journey thro life
A sister of Mrs R C Fidler who had
been visiting here for some time re
turned to Oklahoma Saturday
Tno junior nine played ball at Hol
brook Friday and got scalped
George Theobald is in Iowa on busi
ness this week making arragements to
erec a flouring mill on the mill site
near Wauneta Neb which he recently
The editor of the Inter Ocean tried
cutting weeds with a scythe Tuesday
afternoon and you can bet your life he
wont butt into that kind of a job again
hell stick to his types and rules after
Mr and Mrs Will Downs are here on
a visit with Mr Downs parents Mr
and Mrs W B Downs They will re
turn to their home in Wymore next
Mrs Percy Catlett stopped off here
Friday evening on her return from Fair
mont Neb where she has made an ex
tended visit with her parents Mr and
Mrs I W Stevens Percy Catlett
drove down Saturday from his farm
near McCook and was glad gladder
gladdest to see his wife and baby They
drove home Sunday afternoon
Dr Arbogast reports a 10 pound boy
at the home of Mr and Mrs Ira Wy
more near Freedom
Mr Wes Arbogast was down from his
farm in Dundy county this week vis
iting his sons and daughters in this vi
A daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph
Hoover is here from Iowa on a visit
Miss May from Curtis is here visiting
her friend Miss Pearl Lyman
We havent time nor space to men
tion all who are attending the Reunion
at Cambridge tfiis week We will just
say nearly everyone and wont miss it
Mrs Mose King has gone to Iowa for
a two weeks visit and to can fruit next
years supply
Miss Pearl Lyman starts this Thurs
day night for an extended visit to her
old home in West Virginia
Mr and Mrs Roy Hoover of Waune
ta were here on a visit this week
Charlie Catlett came in from Lincoln
Monday evening and will rest up a
while before returning to Weslyan Uni
Miss Mabel Ellis who was superin
tendent of our schools here last year
came in from the east Monday evening
to visit her many friends for a few days
Alonzo French is working in Philip
Gliems store
Achsah Dutchor who was visiting at
Miss Phyllis Sargents home returned
home Sunday
Mr Miller Mrs Gliems father died
in Iowa last week and the remains
were shipped here and the funeral servi
ces were held in the M E church last
Sunday Interment in Danbury ceme
Mrs Jones and family of Gove City
Kansas are visiting at S H Stilge
bouers for a ahort time
One of George Godowns boys is un
der the doctors care
S H Stilgebouer and family Mr
Jones and family Mayo Green and Bert
Thomas and families are all taking in
the Old Soldiers Reunion at Cambridge
this week
Mrs Phillips and Alma Noe went to
Indianola last Sunday
Miss Julia is taking a trip witn her
uncle and expects to return with Miss
Bertha Friday
Mrs Ola Stilgebouer and youngest
boy left for Hebron Neb for a visit
thence to Lincoln to attend the state
Sam Minniear is a new clerk in George
B Morgans store on Saturdays
Mrs Wm Harrison has been very
poorly but is some belter afcthe present
Evangelist Smith of the Church of
Christ is going to hold a four weeks
meeting in the town hall beginning
Sept 2
Est EVei s
IT m Vnnnnf1T rPfilVeC3 a
- -V nat frrviQ writer TjattOr fiVAr
brought to town We alscyfiave the
cheaper grades But if you like some
thing splendid just try a box of
Toiletartifles perfumes and novelties
Lon Cone Druggist
An Insrenions Accusation
The favorite horse of the Chinese
Emperor Tsi said a Chinese states
man died through negligence on the
part of the royal master of the horse
Thd e xperor was so enraged nt this
thai he drew his sword and would
have run the careless functionary
through the body
But the learned mandarin Yen
tse struck up the emperors sword
Sire this man has not yet been
formally accused of any crime He de
serves to die but his accusation should
come first It Is the law
Well said the emperor tell mo
what he has done
Listen you rogue said the man
darin turning to the trembling master
of the horse listen to a catalogue of
your heinous offenses In the first
place you have allowed a horse to
perish that his majesty had intrusted
to your care In the second place It
Is on your account that the emperor
became so exasperated that he was
actually on the point of disgracing
himself in all his peoples eyes by
killing a man for the sake of a horse
Enough said the emperor appre
ciating the rebuke Let him go He
is pardoned
Breaking It Gently
Laura said Mr Ferguson as he
buttered a biscuit and passed his cof
fee cup for a second filling I dont
miss anything but after I had come in
last night about 1130 I found the
house had been broken into Some
body had smashed a pane of glass in a
basement window crawled inside and
made his way up the stairs to the first
floor There hasnt been anything dis
turbed in the pantry the china closet
or the sideboard has there
No answered Mrs Ferguson
But mercy who could it have been
and what do you suppose he wanted
I suspect he rejoined clearing his
throat that I er did it myself and
that I wanted to get inside without
disturbing anybody You had all gone
to bed and I had left my latchkey in
my other trousers It will cost about
25 cents to repair the basement win
dow The weather man I see pre
dicts possible showers for today
Chicago Tribune
Three Kinds of Lightning
The Etruscans of old believed that
there were three kinds of lightning
one incapable of doing any injury an
other more mischievous in its character
and consequently only to be issued with
the consent of a quorum of twelve
gods and a third carrying mischief in
its train and for which a regular de
cree was required from the highest di
vinities in the Etruscan skies Curi
ously enough modern scientific men
agree with the view that there are
three kinds of lightning but their vari
eties differ from the Etruscans The
first is known as forked lightning and
runs in zigzag lines the second as sheet
lightning because it is seen in a body
and the third as globe lightning as it
sometimes runs in the shape of a ball
The latter variety is rather slow in
The Word Xice
Nice is one of the exceptional
words which have risen on the scale
and improved with age It is from the
Latin nescius and originally signi
fied ignorant To Chaucer it regularly
meant foolish wise and nothing
nice In Spensers time it still meant
effeminate From general foolishness
there was probably first a specializa
tion to foolish fussiness about trifles
Then the idea of ignorance dropped
out and the word meant particular
about details accurate It was credit
able to be a nice observer or to
show nice judgment And so in the
end the positively agreeable meaning
of today was evolved
A Savage Poison
The juice of the green pineapple is
accredited in Java the Philippines
and throughout the far east generally
with being a blood poison of a most
deadly nature It is said to be the
substance with which the Malays poi
son their kreeses and daggers and to
be also the finger nail poison for
merly in use among the aborigine Jav
anese women almost universally
These women cultivate a nail on each
hand to a long sharp point and the
least scratch from one of these was
certain death
The Meanest Man
The meanest man has been located
in Philadelphia He dropped a large
roll of bills on the street and a boy
who found it returned the money to
him Counting the bundle carefully
the owner put It in his pocket My
son he said benignly to the boy I
am rejoiced to see that you are guided
by lofty principles and as an earnest
of my approbation shall refrain from
charging you interest for the time you
have had my money
A Continuous Feast
They were from the country on
their first visit to London and a notice
in their hotel puzzled them consider
ably It ran Breakfasts S to 11 lunch
eons 12 to 2 teas 3 to 5 dinners G to
8 suppers 8 to 11 Say Garge
said one to the other cordin to this
yere there beant so vary much toime
fer soightseein St James Gazette
Advantage of Bein a Brute
Do you think animals feel pain as
deeply as we do
Ive never studied the subject but
it is safe to say that they dont worry
as much as we do over pains that have
not yet been felt Chicago Record
In our relation with one another we
are apt to neglect the little things
which count so much In making our
lives happier
i ntf
Hoch and Hanging
Queer Situation In Kansas Regarding
Capital Punishment The State
Executive and His Ideas
on the Subject
St y
n mnn or woman shall be
ed by this state while I am
governor declares Hoch of
Kansas and accordingly the
fifty nine murderers awaiting death in
Kansas prisons are much Interested in
the governors chances of re election
Not that hanging Is a political Issue in
this campaign There is no reason to
believe that Hochs opponents are anx
ious to hang anybody but the governor
has forcibly announced his position on
this Important question and those
most deeply concerned in it naturally
feel that their lease of life will be
more certain If Hoch continues In office
It is a peculiar Kansas law which
puts the responsibility of hanging cit
izens or leaving them unhung upon the
shoulders of the governor Apparently
the legislature which enacted it was
opposed to capital punishment but did
not have the full courage of its convic
tions The law provides that the gov
ernor at his discretion may issue an
order to the warden of the state peni
tentiary commanding him to hang any
duly convicted and sentenced murder
er It also provides that no governor
may be compelled to issue an order for
the execution of any convict whether
convicted in his own term or that of a
predecessor Since 1SG7 no governor
has signed a death warrant and the
census of murderers row has increas
ed until now it reaches fifty nine To
sign consistently the death warrant of
any one of them a governor would
have to order the execution of the
other fifty eight
Professional humorists as well as
murderers ought to feel deep Interest in
the Kansas campaign for Hoch has
furnished them intentionally or inad
vertently with some of their best copy
Just before the convention which nom
inated Governor Hoch met his enemies
startled the country with the charge
that the governor had attempted to kiss
by force and against her will and con
sent the wife of ex Governor Stanley
He was hailed as Hoch der Kisser
and It looked for the moment as if the
0 -
ridicule of the irreverent might rob
the governor of the nomination but
Hoch declared that the story was a
gross exaggeration of an innocent inci
dent and Mrs Stanley subsequently
corroborated him
Governor Hoch isexuberantly express
ive in his language and in a message
to the senate last winter stirred up the
temperance element of his constituency
to a hot pitch until he explained that he
had used certain words in a Pickwick
ian sense Set em up was the of
fensive expression It is said to be a
formula well understood by those who
frequent places of liquid refreshment
A senator had absentmindedly caused
a bill to be passed twice and the gov
ernor in sending back the superfluous
bill suggested that the senator set em
up The senate thinking such lan
guage unbecoming in the mouth of the
governor of a prohibition state passed
a resolution of inquiry requesting the
governor to explain what he meant In
a message in response to this resolu
tion the governor said This expres
sion used playfully and without any
particular meaning seems to have
caused the emaciated corpse of the
Democracy of Kansas to sit up and
take notice If the angel Gabriel were
to blow a blast upon his trumpet the
Democrats would sleep onfundisturbed
but if he were even to whisper the
magic words set em up from the en
tire aggregation headed by the talented
and handsome senator from Atchison
would come the answer in swelling
tones We will have the same
Not long ago Hochs own paper the
Marion Record took advantage of his
absence on state business to tell a story
of his experience in the grasshopper
days of the Record Hoch had been
messing around the press and needed
a bath A can of concentrated lye was
handy and the embryo editor thought
that if It would take the dirt off type
It would take it off the typesetter so
he put some in his bath water The
governor is thick skinned the Record
said In continuing the story but the
lye worked through in time He had
heard that it was no use to kill a He
but he concluded that that lye was not
committing suicide but murder so he
rushed to his office to write his obitu
ary But he survived and the obituary
was never published
The Caacrta Camellia Tree
In the days jf Its glory the palace at
Cnserta of the king of Naples had
among Its features a so called English
garden made in 1782 by order of Marie
Caroline of Austria It was bright with
flowers and wonderful rare oriental
plants and trees so that It was re
nowned throughout the world but the
crown and glory of all consisted In a
camellia tree a plant then unknown
5n Europe The seeds were collected
as though flakes of gold and the queen
used to give them and cuttings of this
camellia as presents to her friends
These cuttings were most hlghlyprized
and thus It has become a European
flower so much so that the exporta
tion of camellias Is an extensive Indus
try In central Italy and In Germany
there are vast fields of them In its
palmy days the Caserta plant had eight
branches the largest of which was
twelve inches In diameter the whole
being thirty feet high This mother
plant was In a flourishing condition up
to a few years ago but lately the gor
geous garden has been allowed to fall
Into decay and with It the glorious
camellia Pall Mall Gazette
Rewards of Literature
A very talented and well known
writer successful too in the popular
estimation tells me I know a man
who spent fifteen years leisure In get
ting the material for his best book and
writing it over three times then offer
ed It to almost every publisher in
America meeting with refusal by all
and finally sold it to a London pub
lisher for 50 had it republished in
America some years afterward got a
few dollars before the publishers fail
ed and as his last royalty received
just 2 cents which was exactly 10 per
cent of the last sum due him I am
the man but I dont publish the fact
nor feel inclined to brag about it nor
to complain for that would be useless
and would only cheapeu my wares in
the literary market The book paid
me by accurate calculation 33 cents
a week for the fifteen years work
Birds Have Favorite Plants
Like man birds have their favorite
plants It has been discovered that the
goldfinch is passionately fond of apple
blossom This may be because its fa
vorite building site is in the lichen
covered forks of apple trees but apart
from such attachment the bright little
finch frequently spends hours tearing
the petals into tiny fragments Though
the nightingale never builds in the
thorn boughs it loves to sing on may
laden branches often in the very midst
of the fragrant blossoms It is some
what peculiar that most birds avoid
the cow parsnip owing no doubt to the
unpleasant greenish smell emitted by
this umbelliferous plant Small birds
very often build in less secure places
but the parsnip gigantic and strong as
it is is left severely alone London
What Makes the Trout Shy
The shyness of the summer trout of
the still springhole is due not entirely
to his keen eye trained by the quietude
of transparent waters It is to be cred
ited more to his gregariousness The
cool places and deeper pools of the
trout stream are apt to be few and hive
the fish in schools If the school num
ber say fifty fish it means a hundred
watchful eyes and a collective shyness
adjusted to that of the most timid fish
of the fifty whose sudden dash to safe
ty gives the warning signal to all A
single nervous trout and there are
usually several is thus enough to scat
ter a big school in a flash and bailie the
hopes of the angler Clarence Doming
in Outing Magazine
Tobacco Leaves
A scientist writes The essential
quality for which tobacco is smoked or
chewed lies not really in the leaves
themselves but is contained in thou
sands of hollow knobbed hairs which
cover their surface The vital nicotine
is garnered in these pear like balls but
as it is impossible to shave off these
hairs and would be a scarcely com
mendable achievement if it could be
undertaken it becomes necessary to
preserve the whole foliage for com
mercial purposes
Where the Money Came From
Batchellor Thats a good cigar youre
smoking Popley Yes thats a fine ten
center you gave me Batchellor I
gave you I guess not Popley Ob
yes Im sure it was your money paid
for it The only money I found in our
babys bank this morning was the
dime you put in yesterday Catholic
Standard and Times
The One Rule
At a club where card playing was
prohibited four members smuggled
in a pack and calling the waiter
aside asked him if he had ever known
the rule broken nis reply was All
the years I have been here I have
known every rule broken except one
that of giving of tips The game pro
Are you sure the sick man wanted
me asked the physician reaching for
his hat
He didnt mention your name but
hes screamin for some one thatll put
him out of his misery and I thought
of you right away Houston Post
Didnt Walt
Were you frightened when you
arose to make your first speech
What should frighten me The
audience The audience left as soon
as my name was announced
A Hopeless Case
I am in favor of spelling reform
Glad to hear it Come around and
give my stenograpljr a few points
wont you Philadelphia Ledger
At Once
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We are anxious to have every
Republican in close touch and work
ing in harmony with the Republican
National Congressional Committee in
favor of the election of a Republican
The Congressional campaign musts
be based on the administrative and
legislative record of the party ndj -that
being so Theodore
must be a central figure
and his achievements a central
thought in the campaign
We desire to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tions of One Dollar each from Repub
licans To each subscriber we will
send the Republican National Cam
paign Text Book and all documents
issued by the Committee
Help us achieve a great victory
James S Sherman Chairman
P O Box 2063 New York
The Best Guaranty of Merit
Is Open Publicity
Every bottle of Dr Pierces world
famed medicines leavinc the great labo
ratory at Buffalo N Y has printed
upon its wrapper all the incredients
entering into its composition This fact
alone places Dr Pierces Family Medi
cines in a class all by themselves They
cannot be classed with patent or secret
medicines because they are neither This
is why so many unprejudiced physicians
prescribe them and recommend them to
their patients They know what they
are composed of and that the ingredients
are those endorsed by the most eminent
medical authorities
The further fact that neither Dr
Pierces Golden Medical Discovery the
great stomach tonic liver invigorator
heart regulator and blood purifier nor his
Favorite Prescription for weak over
worked broken down nervous women
contains any alcohol also entitles them
to a place all by themselves
Many years ago Dr Pierce discovered
that chemically pure glycerine of proper
strength is a better solvent and preserv
ative of the medicinal principles resid
ing in our indigenous or native medi
cinal plants than is alcohol and further
more that it possesses valuable medicinal
properties of its own being demulcent
nutritive antiseptic and a most efficient
Neither of the above medicines con
tains alcohol or any harmful habit
forming drug as will be seen from a
glance at the formula printed on each
bottle wrapper They are safe to use and
potent to cure
Not only do physician prescribe the
above non secret medicines lamely but
the most intelligent people employ them
people who would not think of using
the ordinary patent or secret medicines
Every ingredient entering into the com
position of Dr Pierces medicines lias
the strongest kind of an endorsement
from leading medical writers of the
several schools of practice No other
medicines put up for like purposes has
any such professional endorsement
Dr Pierce Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation Constipation is the cause of
many disease Cure the cau e and you
cure the disease One Pellet is a gentle
laxative and two a mild cathartic Drug
gists sell them and nothing is just as
good Easy to take as candy
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Write the Columbian Bifocal Com
pany Temple Court Denver Colo for
booklet on eyes
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