Dont forget us when you are out to look We like to show goods Prices Right Work Guaranteed Can be found at the Wall Paper and Paint Siore J R DECKER 000 OC3OOOOOX m COOK TRIBUNE Only One Dollar the Year RONFf in a Stock Certificate of the McCook Building Loan Association o No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 120 months will earn 80 nearly 9 per cent compounded annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just opened sxs Our Little Giants For children give exceptionally good wear for a medium priced Hose They are fast black fine stitch soft but very firm This Hose also goes under our guarantee PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Charles Reade was born in Ipeden England in 1814and died on April 11th 1884 After leaving Oxford in 1835 he studied law and was called to the bar in 1843 Soon afterwards he resolved to devote himself to literature He pub lished his first novel in 1852 This was Peg Woffington and its success was so unqualified that if the auther had any doubts concerning his wisdom in changing his profession they were soon dispelled Among his subsequent novels were It is Never too late to Mend The Cloister and the Hearth Hard Cash Foul Play Put Yourself in His PlaceandA Terrible Temptation Most of the novels of Charles Reade had to do with certain social and legal abuses then existing in England and they did much to effect a pronounced improvement in the conditions attacked Reade was scarcely less successful as a dramatist than as a novelist Several of his plays were writen in collaboration with Tom Taylor and Dion Boucicault The Box Tunnel which may be found at the library in magazine form was written in 1S57 It is an excellent specimen of that peculiar quality of humor for which its gifted anuhor was famous Library hours mornings 1030 to 12 oclock afternoons from 1 30 to 6 even ings 7 to 9 Sunday afternoons 2 to 4 Librarian Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at A McMillens The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents The Finest Ever The Tribune recently received a ship ment of the finest type writer paper ever brought to town We also have the cheaper grades But if you like some thing splendid just try a box of Strath more Interstate Reunion Tickets to Red Cloud for the Nebras ka and Kansas Interstate Reunion will be on sale from August 26th to Sept 1st Final limit Sept 3rd Fare round trip 410 To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative bromo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening T T rr tn P H Onrrett and V II Staples wd lots 34block 4Lebauon Lenard J SPPeo to Eph Timmous wdseqr 18 no qr 19-2-26 L L Co to Poter B Garrett wd pt no nrswnr 17-1-26 John F Ganschow to A C Ebert wd lot lOblock 25 Second McCook 150 00 George W Bunting to Mary B Know land lot 3 block 16 First McCook Mary Ellen Higgins to James Smith qcd ue qr n hf se qr 21-3-30 James D Parrott to Eliza J Parrott no arse nr 2V2 2G Sarah AHoffman to Isabella M Rozell 6100 00 State of Nebraska to James Kitheart V 00 Charles F Lehn to Louis Soderberg wd e hf sw qr w hf se qr 24-1-29 sw qr 3-1-30 Louis Soderborg to Charles F Lehn wd so 17 ft lot 15 block 27 McCook II I Peterson to Oscar Horn slier d swqr 4-1-30 US to Milton Halfhill pat se qr 1-4-27 Jacob H and Joshua Gerver to Wm S Young wd s hf nw qr 30-1-29 120 00 4000 00 150 00 1300 00 100 900 00 3200 00 3200 00 1050 00 950 00 Advertised Letters The following letters remained uncall ed for at the McCook postoffice Aug 28th 1906 LETTERS Brown C B Baldwin Geo V Clare E P Clark Mrs L R Davis Jack Ellis Chas Ewing Miss Grace Flemming Frank Gordon Anna M Gould Earnest 2 Graham E R Green G N Hoff Miss Mable Long Miss Maud Miller Mrs Elizabeth McCurtain Norman McDonald W E Oater Exert Roe MrsYinney Raymond Harvey Schmidt Peter Skogstad M C Viland Miss Tillie Willaby C H Winders Fritz Wickmann Henry Leunhn Arthur When calling for these please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in 6 toll days First application gives ease and rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Teiepnone Notice Parties who are not now subscribers who wish telephones please make ar rangements ht the office as soon as pos sible C I Hall Manager W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work guaranteed Phone red 306 or box 595 McCook Neb tf mPmffirmmmmmmmmrmm Two Hun In the county court of Red Willow county state of Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Anthony Droll deceased State of Nebraska ss Red Willow county To all persons interested in the estate of Anthony Droll deceased You are hereby notified that on the 18th day of August 1906 Edward Droll administrator of saidestatefiled in said court hisfinalaccountns said administrator and that said final account will be heard on the Nth flay of September 190G at 10 oclock a in at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county you are hereby cited to appear at paid time and place and show cause if any exists why said account should not be allowed It is hereby ordered that said administrator give notice to all per sons interested in said estate by causing a copj of this order to be published in the McCook Triuuxe a newspaper printed and published in said county for three successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing Dated this lfcth day of August 1906 J C Moore seal County Judge The State of Nebraska Red Willow Co ss In the matter of the estate ef James PSmith deceased I J CMoore County Judgo of Red Willow county Nebraska hereby notify all persons having claims and demands against the estate of James P Smith deceased that I have set the 15th day of March 1907at 2 oclock p m for the examination and adjustment of said claims and demands as provided by law at the county court room in McCook Nebraska in said county All persons so interested in said estate will appear at said time and place and duly present their claims and demands in tho manner required by law or show cause for not so doing and in case any of the said claims shall not be presented bj the 11th day of March 1907 tho same shall be forever barred It is further ordered that notice hereof shall be given by publishing this notice for four con secutive weeks in the McCook Tribune Given under my hand and tho seal of said court this 14th day of August 1906 seal J C Moore County Judge NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court within and for Red Wil low county Nebraska In tho matter of the estate of Sophie Bon gers deceased To the creditors of said estato You are here by notif e I that I will sit at tho county court room in tho said county on the 22nd day of March A D 1907 at tho hour of 2 oclock p m to receive and examine all claim agaiut said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six monthsfrom the 21st day of September A D 1906 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 21st day of September 1906 Witness my hand and the seal of said county court this 27th day of August 190 i seal JCMoore County Judge Important Notice All persons are hereby notified and warned that TRESPASS in any form on the following described lands in Red Willow county will bo prosecuted to the tull extent of the law WHN H 9 y b Ya somern EiiNEU 9 EViSEJi 4-4-30 Oliphant mmv Boys Misses and Childrens Hose for School Wear Five Full Cases Direct from the Eastern Hosiery Mills We have found in our past experience that Hosiery and especially black must be bought direct from first hands to insure new fresh stock which gives almost double wear You can now buy your fall supply with assur that are getting strictly new and first class ance and our guarantee you lualitv in every nair ot Hose you ouy Trom our iic FOR A SCHOOL HOSE for Boys we offer you our SAMSON This brand represents the highest type of Ameri can manufacture in Hosiery being jet black full shaped knit from a special spun yarn that gives strength no other but the SAMSON can offer DONT FORGET we are the Exclus ive Agents for the famous KRE1DER line of INFANTS SHOES The fall stock is now complete and shows an exceptionally strong line of fine button kid scroll top patent leather in Turns Mckays and Welts HIV lanu land D S Famliam owner Newton Centre Mass W S Moelan Attorney McCook A woman worries until she gets wrinkles then worries because she has them If she takes Kocky Mouutain Tea she would have neither Bright smiling face follows its use 35 cents Tea or Tablets LW McConnell Kemember you will find Mike Walsh just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price The Tribune will print it for you DR A ibBS2 Xjlfte f W Wf mr V W r imllllT iimiiU ii unim niMaaMn aaaMtMa - - III II ii jguniiiii n im Contractor srick Mason and Plasterer Ornamental Cement Worker WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence f24 Main Avenue Office and Residence phono 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA rHerbertJFrai Registered Graduate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 160 residence 131 S i ormer location Atlanta Ueorgia 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable Communica tions strictly conndentlal HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken through Jlunn Co receive tpeclal notice without charge in the Scientific American A handsomely lllnstrated weekly largest cir culation of any pclentlHc Journal Terms 3 a year our months fL Sold byall newsdealers MUNN Co36Broada New York Branch Office 625 F SU Washlnaton D C i u mm Is BelieTing If you will figure with us and quality of material is any object you will be easily convinced that we out class all competition BABMTT fJIln HI J W Jkl Jil J1 1 J yj V Ut