Hf l t h r H TWENTY FIFTH YEAR Called ana Accepted Last Sunday the members of the Mc Cook Baptist church unanimously nx tended a call to Rev A F Green who has been temporarily filling the pulpit for several weeks KevGreen formerly hold a pastorate in a Chicago eburch but for the past three years has been doing special work for Nebraska Bap tists His efforts here during the interim since Rev Helmes departed have been very satisfactory hence the unanimity of the call The reverend gentleman is also giv ing play to his administrative and ex ecutive ability by taking steps to have a sidewalk and stone steps added to the physical features of the church proper ty besides active measures in behalf of the churchs finances Thk Tribune expects and hopes the church has entered upon an era of growth and prosperity along all lines of activity Arlngtons Comedians On Monday next Sept 3rd the well known favorites Anngtons Comedians will open a three nights engagement at the opera house opening play will be tho great 4 act comedy drama Sandy Bottom it will be followed by The Princess of Patches and Leah The Forsaken New up-to-date specialties between acts No waits Moving pic tures of the San Francisco earthquake Everything staged and costumed in the most elaborate manner This company is well and favorably known to the public of McCook and their appearance is a guar antee of first class plays at popular prices Carry a company of 16 people Prices 25 35 and 50 cents Seats now on sale at McConnells drug store COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Marriage licenses granted since last report Will B Blackson 24 Bartley Nob Auk 21 Grace Eddy 19 Bartley Nob J 1906 Harry D Stewart 23 McCook Nob I Auk 22 Edua M Yarger 21 McCook Neb f 1906 Fred A Traphagan 27 McCook Nob Aug 27 Mattie Simmerman 17 McCook Nob J 1906 In the estate of George B Berry the will was probated on the 20th and let ters testamentary issued to Lewis W McConnell executor In the estate of James P Smith Charles Smith was appointed executor August 27 the will of Sturmius Brah ler was filed for probate Death of Mrs Thomas Plummer Mrs Thomas Plummer died in a hos pital in Kansas City Mo Thursday of last week The remains were brought here on delayed No 13 last Friday night and on tie following morning were buried in Longview cemetery after services in the Congregational church by Rev G B Hawkes Deceased was a Miss Shumaker of Culbertson before her marriage to Mr Plummer just two years since She leaves a child about one year old The young husband has the deepest sympa thy of all in his bereavement We Make Medicines that Cure There iB no doubt about your getting well in the quickest time possible if we fill your prescriptions Yourdoctor understands our grade of purity that is why he always brings you back to health quickly when we fill his prescriptions L W McConnell Druggist His First Vacation Old Mac assistant night police is now on his first vacation since assum ing the duties of that important position some seven years ago Mac and Fitz gerald are away on a little camping out vacation The Range Peddlers have come and gone and we are still selling such ranges as the Majestic RiversideGarland and Mooresfor much less money and then we have cheaper ones that are splendid McCook Hardware Co Interstate Reunion Tickets to Red Cloud for the Nebras ka and Kansas Interstate Reunion will be on sale from August 26th to Sept 1st Final limit Sept 3rd Fare round trip 410 Notice To whom it may concern Notice iB hereby given that I will not be liable for any of the debts of my husbandTC Kell3y nor will any of my property be bound therefor p Viola Kelley Elite petticoats habit back ad justable waist band 150 to 300 Thompsons only Moline Oliver and Case gang plows Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at H P Waite Cos Dont forget our soda fountain Lon Cone Druggist The Tribune will print it for you MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE A W Utter is visiting in Waucoma Iowa Rev Hawkes returned last night from his trip to Colorado Mrs E B and Scott Odell are vis iting in Henderson Colo W B Fearn took in the Red Cloud fair fore part of the week Mrs J W Eastman is visiting her parents in Ottawa Kansas Mrs William Hiller is in a hos pital in Denver for treatment Miss Mae OConnell is home on a visit to tho rest of the family Dora Oyster is the guest of the Andrews in Indianola this week JHtCooh Rev and Mrs E R Earle are vis iting Arapahoe relatives for a while Mr and Mrs Arthur Dinnils in fant child died Wednesday morning A F Berndt of Minden succeeds W L Sutherland in McMillens drug store P S Heaton of the Kerr Investment Co returned to his office close of last week Mrs A C Wiehe and Miss Ruth ar rived home midweek from their Iowa visit Misses Alice and Nellie Bennett of Omaha are visiting McCook relatives and friends S A Warner arrived home close of last week from a short visit to the folks at Antigo Wis Mrs G W Norris entertained a sister and children closing days of last week and first of this Mrs Lucinda Carothers left last night for Larimer Iowa to be absent a number of months Misses Bessie and Carrie Peterson arrived home Tuesday from a visit to relatives near Omaha Mr and Mrs Sam Pickard are up from Havelock guests of General Fore man and Mrs F C Fuller Louis Suess has been in Chicagothis week making purchases of merchandise for the fall and winter trade Mrs Marks of Alliance nee Miss Clara Phelan is tho guest of her mother Mrs Adele Phelan of our city City Supt G H Thomas is assist ing in county institute work in Webster county this week at Red Cloud Tom Phelan is recovering from a severe attack of quinsy and in a few days Yorick will be himself again Mr and Mrs J H Grannis are vis iting relatives in Indiana They will visit the Chicago markets before return ing home Mrs J E Kelley returned on 14 Saturday night from sojourning a few weeks at Manitou Colo during the heated season Mrs Beach and two daughters of our city and son Herbert Beach and family of Box Elder departed Tuesday morn ing for Mich Mr and Mrs H C Smith returned last Friday night from an absence of several weeks visiting in Michigan and other localities east Game Warden Smith was in this neighborhood this week trying to se cure evidence to convict some of those illegally killing game F W DeConly who has been on the Tribune force for some time departed for Bridgeport this morning to take charge of a paper in that wild and wooly burg Rev G B Hawkes of the Congrega tional church departed on No 1 Tues day for Ault Colo on receiving news of the illness of his brother there with typhoid fever McKlNLEY AND WlLLIAM HlERSEKORN Jr drove over from Lebanon Wednes day with their father returning home Thursday This was their first visit to the county capital Mr and Mrs M C Shurtleff and daughter Grace are out from South Auburn being called here by the ser ious illness of their son and brother on the Shurtleff ranch southwest of McCook Mr and Mrs F S Wilcox and Har ry arrived home from the east Wednes day They have been making a long vi sit in New York and Illinois Miss Amanda Wilcox a sister accompanied them from Illinois and will visit the brothers here Andrew Phillips Dead Andrew Phillips janitor of the Meth odist church who has been ill for some time died at ten oclock this morning Funeral services in the Methodist church Saturday afternoon at three oclock in charge of the G A R Ladies dress skirts 200 2 50 300 350 400 500 600 and 700 Alt erations free Thompsons Mr Skalla Explains McCook Neb Aug 25 To the Edi tor of The State Journal So much haB been said in the papers about Red Wil low county delegates bolting instruc tions that in justice to those who did not bolt and also to the voters of the county the following absolute facts should be made known In our county convention on July 21 a vote on senator was taken Out of a total of 130 Norris Brown received seventy-nine Rosewater three Judge G W Norris somewhere in the thirties and Meiklejohn a few Brown had an absolute majority of twenty eight over all others The seven delegates elected were W T Henton Danbury J E Kelley McCook R W Devoe McCook Chas Skalla Indianola E S Hill Indianola James Ryan Indianola C W Mallory Cambridge Six of these were at the convention all but Ryan Three Henton Kelley Devoe jumped instructions and disre garded the will of the people that sent them Henton was chairman of the delegation and claimed the right to and did vote the absentee for Rosewater The other three Skalla Hill and Mal lory voted for Brown solid on every one of the six ballots and would be voting for Brown yet if a deadlock were in progress They would never have left Brown and they voted for Brown also at the county convention on the prefer ence vote They were entitled to one half vote of the absentees but did not deem it worth while to make a fight for one half vote in the convention It is needless to add that the four Rosewater votes were cast for Miles oil both ballots for governor while the three Brown votes went to Sheldon both times The above statements are absolute facts Yours respectfully Chas Skalla Interesting and Instructive Miss Daisy Davidson gave a very in teresting and instructive address Tues day evening in the Baptist church on the temperance question She repre sents the Y branch of the W C T U As an elocutionist Bhe is worth while in a high degree Her descrip tion of the meeting of the town board was putting the question in a very prac tical light It should have been heard to be appreciated fully The W C T U ladies seek the co operation of all persons who are with them in the battle against the liquor traffic Com Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at A McMillens The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents John Deere invented the steel plow and spent his life in perfecting it These plows are the acknowledged leaders and have the largest sales of any plow in the world All kinds of them on exhibit at the McCook Hardware Co Pet Your Feet Dust McConnells Foot Powder in your shoes and you will see that Easy feet is an easy feat A smooth white powder that destroys all odor of per spiration and rests the feet Price 25 cts Life is What You Make It Why put off purchasing a convenient buggy or spring wagon Your family would appreciate it and all your lives would be lengthened See our large line McCook Hardware Co Beacher Island Memorial Association For the above named occasion we will have on sale to Wray Colo from Sept 14 to 18 with a final limit of Sept 19 round trip tickets for 360 Fruit and Vegetables Plentiful Procure Mason jarsEconomy jars and tin fruit cans at the McCook Hardware Co and fill your cupboards It will make you smile next winter For Threshers you may need a few more spoons knives and forks ask to see our line of good ones for the price of cheap ones McCook Hardware Co McCook Souvenirs We have now in stock a fine assort ment of leather and shell novelty souven irs also leather and comic post caids A McMillen Druggist Residence for Sale Corner Main Avenue and Denver Sts R B Simmons Moline Oliver and Case gang plows Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at H P Waite Cos S W Neb District Log Rolling This meeting will bo held in Beaver City Wednesday and Thursday next Sept 5th and 6th A special car will be attached at McCook to No 2 Wed nesday morning and a large delegation from McCeok Woodmen should attend this log rolling There is quite a strong sentiment for the location of the next meeting at McCook and our Woodmen Bhould see to it that a proper effort is made to have that accomplished They will be strongly supported in the matter by the citizens of McCook Tho boys take with them a drill team a baseball team and a Royal Neighbor organization expecting in all to number about 75 people Additions to the Firm Two new members havo just been ad ded to the Gurney Poultry Co which is now styled the Gurney Produce and Commission Co The firm will do a commission business in fruit etc in ad dition to handling poultry etc as hith erto doing the usual consignment and purchasing commission business Next week the company will move in to new and larger quarters three doors west of the Palmer hotel where they will be able to do business on a larger scale than at their present cramped quarters Democratic Senatorial Convention The Democratic Senatorial Conven tion of the 29th District will be held at McCook Neb at 2 p mTuesdaySept 25th 1906 to place in nomination a can didate for senator and to transact such other business as may come before the convention The appointment of delegates will be the same as that made for the state Democratic convention for the year 96 W A Stewart G V Hunter Secretary Chairman Box Elder Sunday School Picnic The Sunday school picnic at Box Elder last Friday drew a good sized crowd and afforded a good time for them all The schools at Box Elder Sjpring Creek Centerpoint etc partici pated In the morning there were addresses in the afternoon short programs by the several organizations a basket picnic and two games of baseball in both of which the Spring Creekers were victors Sutherland Edmundson W L Sutherland late with A McMil len and Miss Netta Edmundson trim mer for Mrs McFarland last season were united in marriage at Home City Kansas Tuesday of this week They will make their home in Beaver City Nebraska It Is Not Necessary to send away for bargains as wo meet all competitors in prices and qualityand besides having a large line to select from You see what you are buying and get the goods before paying for them McCook Hardware Co Stops Any Headache McConnells Headache Capsules stop any headache stop it quickly stop it completely Nervous headaches and sick headaches speedily disappear and you obtain most welcome relief 25c at McConnells A Few Reasons wby the new Moline wagon is the best put together with clips oak hubs wheels boiled in oil poplar boxes and painted and finished to stay For sale by McCook Hardware Co Home Cooking The ladies of the Baptist church will have on sale at Grannis store home made bread pies cakes rolls etc Sat urday September 1st Sale to begin at ten oclock Sow Wheat Early to get good results and carefully select your drills and harrows We recom mend plowing the ground and have therefore carefully selected the best pos sible in sulky and gang plows Ask to see them McCook Hardware Co Quail and Chickens plentiful Come and see our line of guns Something to suit everyone McCook Hardware Co Ripe and For Sale The Prunell plums and peaches are ripe and ready for sale R B Archibald One gallon of Bradley Vrooman paint will cover at least 300 square feet two coats It gives perfect protection and is durable At Polk Bros store Moline Oliver and Case gang plows Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at H P Waite Cos All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruits and vegetables at Magner Stokes Fine stationery tablets etc Lon Cone Druggist tnbttttc McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 31 1906 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS A McMillen prescription druggist Get The Tribune to do your printing For BookB go to Lon Cone Drug gist The finest ice cream Lon Cone Drug gist McMillens headache cure will stop your headache McConnell Bells Edison phonographs on monthly payments For Sale Half Jersey cow Inquire at this office For diarrhoea summer complaint use McMillens Blackberry BalBam Cream in sealed 10c anl 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market Roses of Eden and Japan The finest perfumes Lon Cone Druggist For Sale A heifer calf for sale Inquire of RB Archibald Attention is directed to tho new adver tisement of Powell Nilsson at Marion this county A now man for the J R Watkins Medical Co will soon call at your house Wait for him Wanted Shorthand pupils for class to commence September 17th 8 31tf L W Stayneu Moline Oliver and Case gang plows Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at H P Waite Cos For Sale The latest Edition Atlas of Red Willow county cheap at The Tribune office Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in the lino of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables The quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten Try Roses of Eden and Japan Lon Cone Druggist Your property will look nicest and be worth more if painted with Bradley Vrooman paint See the guarantee at Polk Bros The members and friends of the Con gregational Sunday school enjoyed the pleasures of a picnic Tuesdy at S B Rankins on the Driftwood Some of our painters are doing beau tiful work with Bradley Vrooman paint It is guaranteed to wear wel and give entire satisfaction Prices and color cards at Polk Bros store Sept 12th and 13th are the dates for the Red Willow County Sunday School convention to be held in McCook It is hoped that every Sunday School in the county will be represented by delegates For softness for lustre for freedom from imperfections in weave we offer our 69c yard wide black taffeta silk in competition with anybodys 100 grade Seeing is believing The Thompson D G Co The nights are a little cooler now and some additional covers on the bed are acceptable Our home made Izzer com forts are the right thing 6 f t x 7 ft 14 yds cloth 6 Izzer batts 185 to 250 Thompsons exclusively Theres no chance of missing it if you buy at Marshs meat market He has the goods and can deliver them Give him a chance to supply your meats of all kinds and he will be very pleased and certain to make good Seems too good to be true A beauti ful breakfast set of 31 piece3 bearing your own initial in gold for absolutely nothing not even trouble or uncertain ty Buy a package of Defiance tea or coffee and learn the secret School days will soon be here The girls will be needing new school dresses Our plaids our tricots our new change able suitings at 32c to 35c give you at least 50 pieces to select from We invite your attention The Thompson DG Co September 10th Roy and Ernest Dut ton will leave on No 1 for the beauti ful San Luis valley Colo where they get some big bargains in land supplied with free and unlimited irrigation by the marvelous artesian wells on every farm 8-24-3 ts Good homes are wanted for destitute and orphan children of all ages by the Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St Omaha From 40 to GO constantly on hand Over 300 passing through the institute during the year If interested write for application blanks inclosing stamp for postage For ten straight years now the same factory has manufactured for us our great specialty the Izzer batt The cleanness flufiiness strength unvary ing and proper sizing of this splendid batt have put it and kept it absolutely in the lead 12 ounces for 12c Thomp sons only 4 k Souvenir Postal Cards Tho McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune aro on sale at A McMillons The Ideal Storo The Tribune Offico L W McConnellB The Post Offico Lobby Eleven different views printod Other designs are in prepara tion Tho price Two for five cents McConnell for drugs NUMBER 14 McMillen Prescription Druggist Everything in drugs McConnell Plenty 5c muslin good at Thompsons McMillen can please you in perfume Best table oil cloth 15c Thompsons All tho best Calicos 5c yd at Thomp sons Boys all leather glovos 13c Thomp sons Best apron checked ginghams 5c at Thompsons One price plain figures cash only at Thompsons Fresh butterof best quality at Marshs meat market Try McMillens ice cream soda with crushed fruits McConnells Fragrant Lotion for chapped hands Mens now worsted suits 650 to 1500 Thompsons Best values in Mens Suits 3500 to 1350 at Thompsons Boys knee pant Norfolk Suits 125 to 500 at Thompsons Misses dross skirts 175 to 600 Al terations free Thompsons Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Mens middle weight fall underwear at 50c and S100 at Thompsons American A 2 bu 16 oz woven seam less grain bags 19c at Thompsons A new line of fancy china the very latest A McMillen Druggist If you cough try McConnells Cough Syrup It stops the tickle Price 25c We sell mens all leather gloves for 18c pair Others to 150 Thompsons Lincoln absolutely pure mixed paint sold and fully guaranteed by A McMillen Druggist Handsome line of new outings both light and dark just received Thomp sons Moline Oliver and Case gang plows Mitchell wagons and Superior drills at II P Waite Cos Program next week of Red Willow County Sunday School convention Sept 12th and 13th Alfalfa is selling on the McCook re tail market at from G to 7 per ton good quality bringing the latter price The storo room now occupied by Tho Ideal 10c Storo opposite P O will be for rent Sept 1st C F Lehn of fice room 6 Walsh block The live stock shipments from Red Willow county last year were as foI lows Cattle 6500 hogs 212C0 horse3 and mules 390 sheep 5265 Somebodys house can be greatly im proved by painting A good reliable article to use is Bradley Vrooman You can buy it from Polk Bros Lost A light tan shirt coat some where between DeGroff s store and H H Mitchells farm on show day Leave at DeGroffn store Mrs A C Finnell Wanted Man with team and wagon to sell a full line of medicines extracts aud spices direct to farmers A paying business Address With references Dr Masters Remedies Sheldon Iowa In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them The extremely careful manner in which one of our foremost citizens was seen lugging a very large and weighty package last week caused many to be lieve that it might bo dynamite It has since been learned that the packago con tained one of the handsome breakfast sets given absolutely free with Defiance tea and coffee Particulars in each package