The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 24, 1906, Image 8

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New Fall Goods
for School Dresses
There is no necessity for beginning
school with old clothes
Begin Anew with
Everything New
We are showing a complete assortment of Fall Dress
Goods Plaid and Brocade Silks Plain and Changeable
Silks Mercerized Waistings Madras Waistings and Shirt
ings New Belts and Collars Hand Bags Side and Back
Combs We are offering the best values in
Dress Skirts
for both ladies and misses ever shovn in Red Willow
count All the latest shapes colors and styles in Misses
Girls and Children s Caps and Tamoshanters Fancy
Plaid Ribbons all colors in Pillow Ribbons
and cheaper Kimona Cloths in great variety
We have another small
supply of Elbow Length
125 and 200 per pair
Both Blacks and Whites
i New Walsh Block Phone 56 - McCook
46Qkv a-
David Stonecypher is quite sick
Chester Strockey who has had typh
oid fever is about the same
Mr and Mm Jessie Hill of Holdrege
visited a shsrt time this week with
their uncle J W Welborn
Mrs Morgan is very sick at her home
in North Indianola
Mrs L B Simmons came up from
Edison last week and made the folks a
short visit
Miss Ilines of eastern Nebraska is a
a guest of the Misses McDonald this
Mrs Erasmus Smith returned home
Monday after a few days visit with
friends in Minden
Chester L Walker of McCook was an
Indianola visitor Wednesday
J B Rozell and daughter Ruby re
turned from their trip to Denver Sun
day morning
Mr Williams and family of Colorado
are visiting at Andy Lords
Mrs McMallum came home Monday
from her visit in Canada She was
gone about two weeks
Mrs Schoeffer and children arrived
home Monday from Superior where
they have been visiting
Miss Nellie Ward of Havana was the
guest of Miss Edna Holcomb Monday
Mr Spaulding and family returned
from their outing Monday evening
And still the hot weather continues
It is enough to cause one to sigh and
wish for Greenlands icy mountains
One of the gang working under C
Miller was painfully injured Saturday
evening while helping load a car by a
wheel falling on him He was sent to
the hospital in Denver
A daughter of Alonzo Barton died in
Lincoln Thursday and the body was
brought here for burial
Mr and Mrs Rhymer came over to
visit a day or two last week with J
Bauldings family While here their
two year old baby took sick which ne
cessitated their staying awhile Dr
Minnick was called and the little one is
some better
Patrick McNeil wife and daughter
are visiting in Hastings this week
Mr and Mrs Davis and child of Dan
bury were Indianola visitors recently
While in town they were guests of Wil
liam Wallace and family
Paul Seely of Poughkeepsie New
York is in Indianola on business
John W Welborn went to Denver
Saturday evening for a short visit
Tuesday was the hottest day of the
year registering 99 in the shade
William Porter of Haigler came down
to Indianola Wednesday and took his
daughter Bertha home She was sick
with a mild form of fever
J C Puckett and family attended
the party at Mr Proboscos last Tues
day evening A very pleasant time is
Mr Daniel Lehn was the central fig
ure in a runaway which occurred last
Thursday night He had taken a load
of apples to Danbury and after he had
gotten a few miles on the return trip
thought he would take a smoke He
dropped the lines and struck a match
the noise of which frightened the horses
and they ran away throwing him and
grandsons out The children were un
hurt but Mr Lehn was severely injured
by the wheels of the wagon passing over
his body The horses after running a
ways became detached from the wagon
and were intercepted by some persons
shortly after The horses were unin
Mr Brahler was buried Sunday
Mrs Smith is recovered though can
not ride far
Geo Owens returned to St Louis last
Threshing has been the order of the
The Longneckers and Smiths were in
vited to spend the day at the Hollands
end were charmingly entertained Mis
ses Anna and Nellie are at home now
Miss May Rider has been over to
Herndon visiting with Mrs Kleint who
is there on business They will come
over on the creek in a few days to get
Housekeepers are making jelly and
canning apples
700 300 and less are numbers of
chickens raised by different ones so
Red Willow is a good place to get good
Dr Ireland and wife and his brother
and wife called to see friends at Red
Willow last Sunday afternoon It is
pleasant to meet our missionaries and
Mr Ireland and wife are from Porto
Rico but are in the States for Mr Ire
land to take treatment
Mrs King and Miss Julia Sly called
to see Mrs Longnecker one day last
Mr and Mrs Hoagland have gone to
Indianola on a visit of five weeks Mrs
Burton will stay with Lila and Merle
during the absence of the old folks
Mr and Mrs McNeil have gone to
Hastings to make a visit
A little party was given for Dean
Smith by Mrs Smith on his birthday
Tliey Knew Neither Idlcnean Jior
Itichen Nor Poverty
The flocks of llamas belonged to the
sun and the Inca It -was death to
kill one At certain seasons of the
year they were collected from the hills
and shorn Large numbers were sent
to supply food for the court and to be
used at the religious festivals and sac
rifices Male llamas only -were killed
The -wool belonged to the Incu and
was stored in the government deposi
tories and dealt out according as the
peoples wants required In this Avay
they were provided with warm cloth
ing When they had worked up enough
wool into clothing for themselves they
were then employed in working up
material for the Inca The distribu
tion of the wool and superintendence
of Its manufacture were in the hands
of officers appointed for the purpose
No one was allowed to be idle Idle
ness was a crime and was severely
All the mines belonged to the Inca
and were worked for his benefit The
various employments were usually in
the hands of a few and became heredi
tary What the father was that the
son became A great part of the agri
cultural products was stored in grana
ries scattered up and down the coun
try and was dealt out to the people as
required It will thus be seen that
there was no chance for a man to be
come rich neither could he become
poor The spirit of speculation had no
existence there Chambers Journal
A Clever Scheme That Wan Spoiled
In the DrnwiiiFr
Two young men in a French village
were called on to draw for conscrip
tion One oily Avas Avanted to complete
the number and of the tAvo who Avere
to draw one was the son of a rich farm
er and the other the child of a poor
The farmer ingratiated himself Avith
the superintendent of the ballot and
promised him a present if he could find
means to preAeut his son from going
in the army In order to accomplish
this the official put into the urn tAAro
black balls instead of one white and
one black ball When the young men
came he said
There are two balls one black and
one white in the urn He aat1io draws
the black one must sen e Your turn
is first pointing to the widows son
The latter suspecting that all AA as
not fair approached the urn and drew
one of the balls Avhich he immediately
swallowed without looking at it
Why said the superintendent
have you done that Hoav are we to
know whether you have drawn a black
or a white ball
Oh thats Aery easy to discover
was the reply Let the other now
draw If I have the black he must
necessarily draw the white one
There was no help for it and the
farmers son putting his hand into the
urn drew the remaining ball which to
the satisfaction of the spectators was
a black one
Pranks of the Types
Tom Moore AA rote the line Had
taken up in heaA en his position but
the printer made it read Had taken
up to heaA en his physician In a
weekly story paper a love story con
tained no less than tAventy ridiculous
errors Instead of falling into a rev
erie the young lady fell into the river
bull pup appeared for pull up
nasal for natal and trombone
for trembling The fair heroine was
awfully hungry instead of angry
Her heart was filled with et ceteras
and not ecstasies and when she
meant to say thine the types made
her say I am thin I am wholly thin
A newspaper in telling of a cow cut
into hah es by a railway train said the
cow was cut into calves
A Cutting Rebuke
In some parts of Scotland it is cus
tomary for a bride to bring a dower to
her husband no matter how little
One couple who had experienced the
strife of wedded bliss for some years
were having the usual row when the
husband taunted the lady with the
paucity of worldly goods with which
she had endowed him
Awa said he When ye marrit
me a ye brought was a cask o whisky
an the auld Bible
Weel Jock was the response gin
ye had paid as muckle attention to the
book as ye did tae the whisky ye
would hae been a meenister o the
gospel the noo
There Is no building material so du
rable as well made bricks In the Brit
ish museum are bricks taken from the
buildings in Nineveh and Babylon
which show no signs of decay or disin
tegration although the ancients did not
burn or bake them but dried them In
the sun The baths of Caracalla and
of Titus in Borne and the Thermae of
Diocletian have endured the ravages of
time far better than the stone of the
Equipped For Unnnlap
Isnt It awful remarked Growells
looking over his gas bill for the last
quarter Isnt It surprising how gas
bills run up
ot so surprising replied Kidder
considering how many thousand feet
they have Philadelphia Press
His Wenlth
Magistrate You were begging In the
public streets and yet you had fifteen
shillings in your pocket Prisoner
Yes your Avorshlp I may not be as
Industrious as some but Im no spend
thriftLondon Express
Time appears long only to those who
dont know how to use It
Truly Remarknblc Action of Sea Wa
ter In Ireland
All the talk Avas of the old country
Its marvelous beauty its marvelous
happenings and Casey said to the
The sea setting fire to tall cliffs
you wouldnt believe that possible I
Assuredly not returned the Tex
an Neither In Ireland nor else
By those words said Casey smell
ing his shamrock tenderly you prove
your ignorance of Ireland sir and
shoAV you have never been to Bally
The tall cliffs of Ballybunion Avade
knee deep In the rough Atlantic They
are the buhvarks of Erins Avest coast
and since the Avorlds beginning the
wild Atlantic surges breaking against
them have eaten them but in caves
and holIoAAs
These cliffs of Ballybunion contain
in their depths masses or iron pyrites
and alum Now and then the salt sea
water eats into these masses and ox
idization at once takes place and
flames burst forth and the rocks crack
and melt in the great heat
Once the cliffs of Ballybunion burn
ed for weeks Like a volcano they
sent up yellow flame and black foul
smelling bitter smoke and the Irish
came from hundreds of miles to see
that Avonderful sight
Only in Ireland only in Ballybun
ion sir said Casey fingering his
shamrock may you see cliffs set afire
by the salt sea they stand knee deep
In Minneapolis Journal
Development of a Chick
The development of a chick Avitliin
the egg is one of the most Avonderful
things in nature At the end of the
fifty eighth hour of incubation the
heart begins to beat two vesicles are
seen and a feAV hours later the auri
cles also appear On the fourth day
the outlines of the Avings may be per
ceived and sometimes of the head also
on the fifth day the liA dr is visible on
the sixth other internal organs appear
In 190 hours the beak is fully formed
in 200 hours the ribs are clearly deAel
oped In 240 hours the feathers
in 2GS hours the eyes appear in
2SS the ribs are completed and the
feathers on the breast in 330 the
lungs stomach and breast have as
sumed a natural appearance On the
eighteenth day the first faint piping of
the chick is sometimes audible
At Anchor
A chief of bureau in the naA y de
partment tells a good story of the time
when one of the secretaries of the naAy
got the notion Into his head that of
ficers should not permit their Avives to
reside at the foreign stations to which
their husbands might be attached So
an order to that effect AAas promulgat
ed Soon thereafter considerable per
plexity and no little amusement Avas
afforded the secretary Avhen he receiv
ed the following cablegram from Com
modore Fyffe then in command of the
Asiatic squadron
Secretary Navy Washington
It becomes my painful duty to report
that my wife Eliza Fyffe has In dis
obedience to my orders and In the face
of regulations of department taken up
her residence on the station and persist
ently refuses to lea e
Harpers Weekly
Male Birds Lend the Way
When birds are migrating the males
usually precede the females The rob
ins for instance which are seen early
in the year are almost invariably males
which apparently traveled on befort
their mates The female binds follow
perhaps because they are noc so pow
erful and also perhaps because they
like to take their time and gossip with
one another In the fall the male birds
leave first the old ones while the fe
males travel along together with their
young solicitous for their welfare and
still training them after the fashion of
mother birds
Canals anil Roads In Prance
It is curious that the French who
have done more than most nations to
cultivate the graces of life should be
the people to boast the most perfect
system of canals and roads in the
world more curious still that when
most practical they are still careful
not to sacrifice the purely graceful or
decorative The roads and canals are
built for use but between their serried
ranks of poplars they become so many
stately groves and avenues crossing
the country from end to end Century
Nagsby Youre naturally pessimis
tic I dont think I ever saw you look
cheerful Carsby Ah thats easily ex
plained Nagsby How so Carsby
You didnt know me before I was mar
ried Illustrated Bits
Matrimony resembles a pair of
shears so joined that they cannot be
separated often moving in opposite j
directions yet always punishing any
one who comes between them S
There Are Jio Certain Onen
The only objection I have to this
story said the cynical bachelor is
the frequent use of the phrase a cer
tain girl The phrase is grossly Inac
curate as everybody well knows that
all girls are exceedingly uncertain
Chicago News
Love when true faithful and well
fixed is eminently the sanctifying ele
ment of human life Without it the
bouI cannot reach its fullest height or
holiness Buskin
Comfort and independence abide with
those who can postpone thelrdeslres
Success Magazine
rThe Basis0
V V fij n
iaGood Meal J
Good VH Coflee
pjlf To man persons the most elaborate meal Avithout
JW good coffee is not a meal And the most modest spread 1a
Em Avith the addition of a tempting cup of Defiance Coffee at Ml
m once becomes a feast HI
There is that something about the delightful taste and frag
rance of Defiance Coffee that creates appetite enhances the
flavor of the food and sends one aAvay from the table Avith
absolute satisfaction
The great care in selecting preparing and packing Defiance
Coffee is the reason for this It is strictly a first class cof
fee cured roasted and blended in a first class manner
They are painting school district No
3s school house C W Roper being
one of the artists
Mrs W P Broomfield assisted Mrs
W N Rogers during the threshing
season Saturday and Monday J E
Dillon was the thresherman He ship
ped his outfit west after completing this
Carl Schlutsmeier is taking in the S
D A camp meeting at Beatrice this
P H Blunck assisted Wilson Glover
in loading a car of goods at Perry this
Joseph Downs is on the sidk list part
of the AAeek
Fred and Jacob Randel loft Thurs
day night for the east Will be in
Chicago and Cincinnati attending a
golden wedding at the latter place
Mrs W E Wiehe has been visiting
in Iowa and Eastern Nebraska part of
the week
ABPrices little boy is suffering Avith
summer complaint
J M Billings left the first of the
week for Hutchinson Kan
G F Randel had a phone put in this
Miss Rector has contracted to teach
the Box Elder school
G N Henderson is threshing for A
C Hockman and Thos Elms
John Miller of McCook is helping 1
C Foye build his new house
Ross Richey is visiting relatives in
this neighborhood
Mr and Mrs A T Wilson and Mrs
Richey visited Mr and Mrs Bolles last
Phillip Gliem is under the doctors
G B Morgan and son Daniel are
aAvay buying fall goods
Prof G W Fletcher was up from
BeaAer CityWednesdaybetween trains
Mrs Phillips is over from Indianola
on business
Harve Lord and family visited in Ind
ianola Sunday Miss Nellie stayed over
there for a short time
Mrs Harley Pennabaker died a week
ago last Wednesday of heart trouble
She had been here on a visit about six
days She leaves one child
Our neighborhood Avas visited by a
nice rain last Sunday
comes to your kitchen absolutely pure fresh and sound
kept so by the airtight package in Avhich it is put up
There aviII be no guess Avork no uncertainty about the qual
ity of your coffee and the goodness of your meals if you use
Defiance Coffee Try it a Aveek for proof
FREE A Beautiful Breakfast Set
of 31 pieces Avith your initial in gold given Avith Defiance
Tea and Coffee Full particulars in each package Ask
your grocer
Letts Spencer GrocerXo St Joseph Mo
Columbian Bifocal Co Temple
Court Denver Colo Send for booklet
A ccsrefial
wife will always
Keep isnpplsed
A Positive Cure For
Rheumatism Cuts Old Sores
Sprains Wounds Stiff Joints
Corns Bunions and all Ills
Mrs C H Bunyon Stan
berry Mo writes I have
used Snow Liniment and cant
say enough for it for Rheu
matism and all pains It is
the most useful medicine to
have in the house
Three Sizes 25c 50c 100
Ballard Snow Liniment Co
Jasid and Recommended by