By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance It certainly trioa ones faith in man kind to read Sballonbargers utterances on the rate question in Nebraska The clever creation of railroad political man ipulation his statements on that score seem hollow and meaninglesa indeed It is hardly possible that Shallenbarger will succeed in fooling any large num ber of Republican or Populist voters this year His parentage is too palpable Republican Senatorial Convention Tlio republicans of the 29th senatorial district of the statu of Nebraska aro hereby called to meet in convention at tlio court houso in Mc Cook Nebraska at 2 oclock p in on Thurs day Septombor 20 1900 for the purposo of pla cing in nomination one candidate for senator from the 29th district stato of Nebraska and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly como beforo said convention The said convention shall consist of delegates chosen by the republicans of the respective countios of said district apportioned as fol lows Ono delegate at largo from each county nnd ono dolegate for each 125 votes or major fraction thoreof cast at tlio last general elec tion for tlio Hon Charles B Lotton for judgo of tho supremo court Said apportionment en titles the counties to representation in said con vention as follows Chase 3 Frontier 7 Dundy i Furna9 9 Gosper 3 Hayes 3 Hitchcock 5 Red Willow 7 It is recommended that no proxies bo admit ted but that the delegates present bo permitted to cast the lull vote of their county E J Wilcox Chairman J E Kelley Secretary CILY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Sunday school at 10 am Communion at 12 a m and Christian Endeavor No preaching services this week Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughban Pastor Christian Science Pottys hall C H Meeker C S first reader Sunday morning service 11 oclock Subject Man Wednesday evening meeting 8 oclock Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m Evangelist A F Green will preach Evening service evangelistic The ordin ance of baptism will be administered at the close of the evening service Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a in Holy communion and sermon at 8 p m prayers and sermon Sunday school at 10 a m The Rector will offi ciate All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermon Our Bible at 11 a m Class at 12 m Epworth Leagne at 7 p m Serman The Blood at 8 pm Pray er meeting Wednesday night at 8 pm Sunday school at 2 p m and sermon at 3 p m in South McCook M B Carman Pastor Congregational Services will be as follows Sunday school at 10 am Preaching by pastor at 11 a m and 8 p m Christian Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Sunday nights subjectRetrospect and Prospect with solo by Mrs L Suess A cordial invitation to all these services is extended Geo B Hawkes Pastor Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at A McMillens The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office TO REPUBLICANS- We are anxious to have every Republican in close touch and work ing in harmony with the Republican National Congressional Committee in favor of the election of a Republican Congress The Congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legislative record of the party and that being so Theodore Roosevelts personality must be a central figure and his achievements a central thought in the campaign We desire to maintain the work of this campaign with popular subscrip tions of One Dollar each from Repub licans To each subscriber we will send the Republican National Cam paign Text Book and all documents issued by the Committee Help us achieve a great victory James S Sherman Chairman P O Box 2063 New York t BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach Worship of springs Mow It Prevuiled Anions Early Peo ple In the Southivetit Springs are rarely found in the south western part of the United States and for thhi renson they have been from ancient times prized as a most valued possession Tho people who dwelt In this region says Walter Ilough in Records of the Past saw In these sources of life giving water the founts of continuance and well being and near them they located their pueblos Save air no elements of nature are nearer to hivnau life than those com bined into the primitive fluid which must always be within reach of men who put themselves into the grasp of the desert The primary knowledge of the tribes who were the pioneers and of every human being who has since made his home in the great American desert was complete as to the location distribution and idosyncrasies of the water supply Spring water is naturally more prized by the inhabitants of those desert soli tudes than that from living streams because it is always drinkable and al ways at hand while the watercourses which for the greater part of the year are sinuous reaches of dry sand furnish at flood a quickly disappearing supply of thinned mud which will not be touch ed by man or beast except in the dis tress of thirst One is not surprised therefore that a primitive people will regard these springs as sacred In fact the Indians of the southwest are not peculiar in the worship of springs The sentiment is worldwide has had a vast range of time perpetuates itself In the folklore of the highest civilizations and presents in its manifestations a most Interesting body of myth and fancy But in the southwovSt the arid environment has so Intensified thisoature of primitive cul ture that no spring in the region is without evidence of many offerings to the deities of water It is small wonder then that the Pu eblo Indians came to regard springs with special veneration that they wove around them myth and tradition and made them objects of religious worship To one acquainted with the environ ment and its radical needs this seems to have been a natural even though unconscious generalization Perhaps offerings to springs will not admit of such simple explanation Perhaps the mystery of the underground source of water welling up from unknown depths impressive always even to the observer who believes himself free from the trammels of superstition has also had a powerful effect on the mind of the Indian leading like many other natural phenomena to an attitude of worship of unseen powers behind these masks New York Tribune POINTED PARAGRAPHS What happy lives farmers lead In story books Never judge a man by the opinion he has of himself A dozen men may make a club but one woman can make a home When a man borrows trouble he puts up his peace of mind as collateral Men and women should look during courtship and overlook after marriage Happiness has a peculiar way of ap pearing and disappearing unexpect edly Its an easy matter to sympathize with the poor when your pockets are empty Try to be agreeable There are too many disagreeable people in the world as it is Its so hard for some men to save money when single that they dont think it worth while trying after they marry What a man and his wife say to their guests and what they say about them after their departure are differ ent quite different Chicago News Wisdom of the Ancients To the ancients for wisdom Dr Pinches at the University college in London brought out in a lecture some advice of general interest given by a certain little known king of the As syrians On one of the monuments in the British museum is the following Inscription The eggs of an owl given for three days in wine bring on a drunkards weariness The dried lung of sheep taken beforehand drives away drunkenness The ashes of a swal lows beak ground up with myrrh and sprinkled in the wine which is drunk will make secure from drunkenness Horus king of the Assyrians found this out The convivial monarch did not drink in vain if he found these things out Pnttlne Out a Fire When trying to put out a fire re member that one gallon of water at the bottom of the blaze will do more to put it out than ten gallons at the top Play low is the motto to follow while fighting fire A few gallons at the bottom of the flames will rise in clouds of steam when the fire is rising and quench it A big blaze on the lee ward side looks fearful but play low with the water on the bottom of the fire on the windward side and you have the speediest way to quench the flames and will not require a river RouKh on the Count Lord Freelunch Ah count did you make a favorable impression on the father of the heiress Count Broken Favorable Why when I told him I was looking for his daughters hand he said he thought I was looking for a handout Chicago News Perfectly Sccnre An old farmer once excused him self for sleeping under the rectors sermons by observing Lor sir when you are in the pulpit we know it is all right London Standard A BRAZILIAN STATESMAN Dr Jonquin A Snbnco President of Pan American ConRrcxii It Is customary for the president of a pan American congress to be a citi zen of the republic in which it is being held In accordance with this prece dent the conference which met on July 23 at Rio Janeiro chose a Brazilian for its presiding officer In the person of Dr Joaquin Aureilo Nabuco de Araujo ambassador of Brazil to the United States The choice was recognized as an appropriate one and as complimen tary to the United States In view of his being accredited to it as ambassador He is one of the ablest statesmen of Brazil and a diplomat of wide experi ence and varied knowledge Dr Nabuco Is not only a statesman and a diplomat but also an author and a scholar of unusual attainments In his writings he has expressed senti ments of special friendliness toward the United States and for this reason his appointment as the first ambassador of Brazil to this country was most pleasing at Washington When a young man he graduated from tho law de- - TTv f m DB JOAQDIN A NABUCO partment of the universities of St Paulo and Pernambuco and went to Europe to round out his education He began his diplomatic career in 1S76 as attache of the first class to the Bra zilian legation in Washington where he remained for three years He was afterward minister to England and envoy In a special capacity to Italy Ho was for some years a member of the Brazilian congress and it was dur ing that period of his career that he took an active part in the abolition of slavery In the republic He is popular with his countrymen and with the diplomats of the two Americas and on this account and because of his knowl edge of affairs Is considered especially well qualified to preside over the delib erations of the pan American gathering now in session VETERAN LABOR LEADER Sumpel Gonipers nnd His Worlc For Wase Earners Much attention has been given to the declaration of the executive council of the American Federation of Labor call ing on members of union labor organi zations to go into politics for the pur pose of electing men friendly to their cause to seats in the house of repre sentatives Samuel Gompers who as chairman of the executive council and president of the Federation of Labor signed this document and helped to prepare it speaks for an organization mm w JEPupoyBostok jpy Jf z sr SAMTJEIi GOMPERS of over a million members and the in fluence this organization possesses is largely due to his efforts during the many years he has been at its head He was born in England in 1850 but most of his life has been spent in this country His father was a cigarmaker and at the age of ten he went into the shop and in time became a journey man working at the making of cigars for twenty six years His hngers have not lost their cunning and the president of the Federation of Labor can still roll as good a cigar as any one need wish to smoke He was once asked regarding the income he received as the chief officer of a great labor organiza tion and In reply stated that though he had been president of the federa tion for more than twenty years he had not grown rich on his salary dur ing that time For the first five years he received no salary working at his trade to support himself and doing his work of organizing unions at night or on holidays At the end of that period he gave up cigarmaking and devoted his entire time to the federation at a salary of 1000 a year Gradually the salary was increased until it reached 2100 and It was only about two years ago his compensation as head of the order was made 3000 SUNDAY TRADING BXarketa and Fnlrn In Churchyards la Early England It may safely be asserted that from the time of the Conqueror 10C0 10S7 Sunday trading received much atten tion In early ages markets and fairs wero held on Sundays and frequently In the churchyards In 1303 the inhabitants of Cocker mouth presented a petition to ment as their market was fast declin ing through the inhabitants of Cros thwaitc dealing In corn flour beans flesh flsh at their church on Sunda3s and that thereby they were unable to pay their tolls to the king Edward i An order was issued for closing the church market at Crosthwaite At Bradford Yorkshire during the same reign the market was held on a Sunday doubtless in the churchyard The toll yielded 3 per annum In 128 a statute was passed enact ing that henceforth neither fairs nor markets be held in churchyards for the honor of the church In 1312 a market was granted to the town of Sedgefield Durham to he held on a Friday but was soon changed to Sunday In 13G7 the archbishops of Canter bury and York delivered charge- among other thing that firmly forbid any one to koc ket in the churches the the cemeteries thereunto belong other holy places on the Lords y other holy festivals Notes Queries BLUE PAPER The Procens of Mnlwinjc It Discover ly an Accident A woman said a paper 11 vented blue paper It was by that she did it though Before he- i all paper was white She was the wife of William Ki one of the leading paper maker- England in the eighteenth century Ii passing through the paper plant oie day she dropped a big blue bag iuto a vat of pulp Eastes was a stern ch and so since no one had seen the acci dent Mrs Eastes decided to say noth ing about it The paper in the vat which should have been white came out blue The workmen were mystified Eastes en raged Mrs Eastes kept quiet The upshot was that the paper was sent to London marked damaged to be sold for whatever it would bring But the selling agent in London was shrewd He saw that this blue tinted paper was attractive He de clared it to be a wonderful new inven tion and he sold It off like hot cakes at double the white papers price Eastes soon received an order for more of the blue paper an order that he and his men wasted several days in trying to vainly fill Then Mrs Eastes came forward and told the story of the blue cloth bag There was no difficulty after that in making the blue paper This papers price remained very high the Eastes having a monopoly in it Philanthropic Spnrroivs An incident which the writer de clares raised the pugnacious sparrow several degrees in his estimation is described In Outing It shows that the sparrow has other good qualities be sides his sturdiness and self reliance For several days four or five sparrows had visited a certain place on the roof near my window They always brought food for another little fellow who never tried a flight from the spot The visiting sparrows never came empty billed They would drop tiny morsels of food near the little sparrow When it began to eat the crumbs the others set up a great chirping and then flew away After watching this for a few days I went out on the roof and ap proached the lone bird It did not flut ter away from me and made no resist ance when I picked it up The spar row was blind Its eyes were covered with a milklike film Common Cnse The Scotchmans disposition to re gard his own judgment as the best that can be found is well illustrated In a story once told of the moderator of a Scotch presbytery This mans opinion differed widely on a certain question relating to church discipline from that of the associates with whom he was ostensibly consulting At last he said that he would lay the matter before the Lord in prayer and then wait for his guidance O Lord said the mod erator fervently and with perfect sin cerity of purpose O Lord grant that we may be right in this matter for thou knowest that we are very de cided Eauing His Conscience The Rev Mr Goodman inspecting himself in mirror Caroline I dont really believe I ought to wear this wig It looks like living a lie Mrs Good manBless your heart Avery dont let that trouble you That wig will never fool anybody for one moment Chi cago Tribune Koolcd Geraldine You have been ill havent you Gerald Yes I was threatened with brain fever Geraldine What a big joke on the fever New York Press The Millionaire Offense That millionaire yonder has cheated me out of a fortune How Wouldnt he let you marry his daughter Worse than that He never bad a daughter The first instance of collaboration In English literature was that cf the plays written by Beaumont and Fletcher omc of Our Sc asonablc Implement Lines Mitchell Wagons We believe these to be the very best and most serviceable wagon on the market for this clim ate When we sell a man a Mitchell wagon we always make a friend For a cheaper wagon we sell the MILBURN Gang and Sulky Plows In this department we shall keep in stock the best things put out by the Oliver Moline and Case people Our stock is so large that we feel sure we can meet your wants Superior Drills This line of drills is so well known that we will say nothing about them except that we sell them These Good Things are only a few of those that you will find in our yards and ware houses Come in and see us when in need of farm machinery H P I J JL WAITE CO MODERN SCH00Lr0FJ BUSINESS Departments Telegraphy Uookkecpinp Hnnkiup Shorthnid Tjpewrittintr Penmanship and English The largest the best school vest of Chicago Ci nj etcnt facultj strict disci pline modern mothods and individual instruction 210 students placed in positions the past year Positions guaranteed graduates Combined course The only telegraph school in the west Positious pay 15 to 125 per month Day and evening sessions throughout the year You can enter at any time Write for illustrated catalouge MU 13ts A M KEARNS Prin SCO Charles Building Denver Colo BARTLEY Mr Sallack was here last week look ing after the crops on his farm 1 Rev and Mrs Kirby went to the mountains Friday for a few weeks rest A nioe little daughter weighing only five pounds is now receiving the whole attention of the Hoppe family Charlie Dietsch returned from Blue Rapids Kan Tuesday evening Ed Curlee of Lincoln was in Bartley this week A show in town Monday and Tues day evenings pleased the small boy The Perry Bee lumber office is be ing painted and papered Mrs Dietsch has bought nine lots in southwest part of town and will begin building a residence this week Merl and Glen Gartside of Chester are here visiting friends John Williams and family formerly residents of this place were in town this week on their way from Kansas to Dundy county Neb E E Shoemaker has moved into the house recently bought of John Jones Elder J Clark on his way home from Imperial to Riverton stopped off here and visited friends in this vicinity and Freedom Saturday till Monday Mrs Somerville sister of Mrs Miller who recently died left for her home Monday morning taking the train at Cambridge for Bartlett Neb Last Saturday evening Miss Sallie Minnick was pleasantly surprised by a party of her young friends meeting with her on the anniversary of her fifteenth birthday Miss Irene Flint returned to Lincoln Monday evening to resume her position with the State Journal force Old maids would be scarce and hard to find Could they be made to see How grace and beauty is combined By using Rocky Mountain Tea L W McConnell BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach Reduced Rates Summer and Fall Reduced rates will be in effect during the summer and fall as follows Grond Army EncampmentMinneapo lis Tickets on sale Aug 11 12 13 81303 St Paul Minneapolis July 24 23 20 81890 Omaha July 10-11-12-13 81055 Siloam Springs Arkansas Aug 7 10 81745 Milwaukee Aug 11-12-13 82520 Peoria Aug 18 19 82619 Dallas Texas 9 82310 Toronto Sept 12-13-14-15 83540 Rock Island 111 82015 Buffalo Oct 10-11-12 83050 Lincoln July 30 to Aug 9 8740 Rates to numerous other points Call on the agent for particulars Important Notice All porons are herebr notified and warl that TRESPASS in any form on the following described lands in Red Willow comity will be prosecuted to the full extent of tho law VJ4NW 9 W4SW land EVtSEH 9 EHSEJi Oliphant land EiXW Trocar land D S Faruliam owner Ni wton Centre Ma W S MoRLAX Attorney Mc k A Hair Messing Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing Something to make the hair more manage able to keep it from being too rough or from splitting at the ends Something too that will feed the hair at the same time a regular hair food Well fed hair will bestrongand will remain where it belongs on the head not on the comb The best kind of a testimonial Sold lor over sixty years Jde by J C Ayer Co Lowell mil Alio sanunciurers or fMiers 1 SHsgsHHBaBBBaaan SARSAPARILU on 1 c CHERRY PECTORAL V- J V 4 m w 1