The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 24, 1906, Image 3

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J2S -
By Walter Irwin M O
Much has been said and written
upon the hygiene of the body of habi
tations of the school factory and
dwelling and we have many treatises
on the care of the sick on drainage
water supplies and nitrations all of
which is intended to add to the gen
eral knowledge of preventive med
icine And there can be no question
of the desirability of a wide diffusion
of intelligence on these matters It
is obvious however that If the public
mind had a more intelligent compre
hension of the value of eyesight the
cause of many eye troubles and the
best means by which they might bo
counteracted it would aid in the real
ground work of our general health
The eyes sustaining as tney do
such close relatio vith some of the
most important organs of the body
not only by continuity of structure
but by intimate nerve communication
are frequently found to be the cause
either existing or predisposing of
some of the most trying and painful
diseases known to pathology
Derangements of the system caused
by the irritation of the optic nerve
are numerous and are mistaken for
indigestion and stomach ailments
neuralgia etc one never dreaming
that the eye is at fault for the ailment
and needs attention
Many so called nervous headaches
are in reality nothing more than the
reflex from overtaxed nerve centers
which supply the eyes As a fair
means of ilustration A child will
perfect sight and in perfect health
if forced to wear grandmas glasses
continuously for ten minutes is more
than likely to complain of headache
and even nausea and if the offending
glasses were not removed would soon
become positively ill Then why can
we not draw a sensible comparison
from this self evident fact and realize
that while we may manage to live
quite comfortably even though con
scious of defective sight still when
we overstep the bounds of carefully
nursing this defective organ we are
apt to suffer the consequences in vari
ous forma of nerve trouble which
have their entire origination in our
defective sight
It has come to be a generally ac
cepted axiom that the eye and more
often sooner than later must have
help to enable it to perform the work
demanded of it- Modern civilization
and a specialized humanity are in the
main responsible for this condition
The eye is a characteristic of a high
er form of life as somebody has said
and the higher life puts the greatest
strain upon the organs most charac
teristic of it The Indian doesnt wear
glasses he does not need them His
eyes have never been subjected to
the intense weakening strain which
among highly civilized peoples has
made glasses more than a necessity a
Even under the most favorable con
ditions the demands made upon the
eyes seem to be more than the latter
can sustain without assistance of
some sort It is largely a matter of
strain Weak eyes are not necessarily
diseased eyes And the strain varies
in different localities and under dif
ferent conditions
The best assistance you can give
your eyes are properly fitted glasses
Hero we would call your attention
to the Kryptok Bifocals also Toriscus
lenses Kryptoks are the latest op
tical achievement are considered the
best lenses in existence by all the
leading oculists and opticians in the
United States
We trust that by referring to
that you will not overlook their spe
cial merits when the time comes for
you to seek assistance for your eyes
Kryptok lenses give you comforts as
well as qualities- of sight that you
cannot obtain in any other style ot
bifocals The Kryptok will not only
add to your appearance but at the
samo time enable you to see both
long and short distance within a single
The Columbian Birocal Co Temple
Court Denver Colo Write for booklet
Klsliernran George
Briggs Bowder boasts that he never
told a lie in his life
Griggs Shouldnt wonder if it was
so Why last year he swtfie off drink
ing just at the opening of the fishing
season Bowder is a terribly eccentric
fellow Boston Transcript
Then He Went
Ah remarked Miss Weery whom
Mr Staylate had been wearying with
old conundrums that remiuds me of
the best thing going
Whats that he asked
A man who has stayed too long
Philadelphia Ledger
Food For Reflection
Clara Why dont you get a new mir
ror dear This one gives a horrible re
Maude Thats queer I have always
considered its reflective powers abso
lutely perfect Baltimore News
The Doctor
Katharine Papa Im going to do
something to help cut down your heavy
family expenses
Papa What is it daughter
Katharine Papa Im going to marry
our doctor Brooklyn Life
Lfc avtQ ai
V FRANKLIN President a u tutKi uashier
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
riiiiit Nur cinn nnn
Yes says the philosophical person
wealth brings its disappointments
After we lose it puts in the mate
rialistic man Judge
a a n a
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 7000
a a a
4WW SbrQ
Commercial College
fall term opens sept 3
all departments
1Cr PERMONTH is not an unusual
1 UVJ prico for first-
class Stenographers or Bookkeepers The de
mand for good ones is unprecedented All you
need iscood capabilities ambition and the
kind of instruction we can tivo you
Will lou Iry It
and Equipment Practical Teachers ROHRBOUGH BROS
1 norougn Courses City Advantages Catalogue Fltcr
BMmg 1 jia -a
E J HITCHELL Auctioneer
Catalogue and Sale Bills Compiled Stock and Farm
write ups Satisfaction Guaranteed
With the Republican McCook Nebraska
Gatewood Valine
Office over McAdams Store
Phone 190
Thrilling Incident In the Life ot
Juiuch Freeman Clurke
Whou James Freeman -Clarke was
a young man he visited Salisbury
England Ilere the beautiful cathe
dral lifts Its spire 404 feet Into the
air The spire Is topped by a ball and
on the ball stands a cross From the
ground the ball looks like an orange
bat Its diameter is really greater than
a mans height
Workmen were repairing the spire
Mr Clarke saw them crawling round
the slim steeple in the golden after
noon like bugs on a bean stalk The
Impulse came to him to climb the
spire and stand on the horizontal beam
of the cross Accordingly at dusk
when the workmen had left the young
American slipped In and made his
way up the stairs to the little window
which opened to the workmens stag
ing To run up the scaffolding to the
ball was easy Then came the slightly
more bulging curve of the ball A
short platform gave him foothold He
reached up put his hands on the base
of the cross and pulled himself up
To gain the cross arm was merely
shinning up a good sized tree and
soon he stood on the horizontal timber
and reaching up touched the top of
the cross
After enjoying his moment of exalta
tion he slid to the foot of the cross
and with his arms round the post
slipped down over the great abdomen
of the ball His feet touched nothing
The little plank from which he had
reached up was not there
Hero was a peril aijd one for a cool
head and sure eye Of course he could
not look down The hugging hold that
he had to keep on the bottom of the
cross shortened the reach of his body
and made it less than when he had
stood on the plank and reached up to
the cross with his hands no must
drop so that his feet should meet the
plank for he would never be able to
pull himself back if he should let him
self down at arms length and his
feet hung over empty air
Now his good head began to work
He looked up at the cross and tried
to recall exactly the angle at which he
had reached for It to make his mem
ory tell him just how the edge of that
square post had appeared A few
inches o the right or to the left would
mean dropping into vacancy
Bending his head away back he
strained -his eye up the cross and fig
ured his angle of approach He cau
tiously wormed himself to the right
and made up his mind that here direct
ly under his feet must be the plank
Then he dropped The world knows
that he lived to tell the tale
All Its Streets Are Staireuaet and
All Are Safe
Here is a pretty pictue of Algiers by
Frances E Nesbitt Now it is pos
sible to go safely into even the darkest
and remotest corners and they are
dark indeed A first visit leaves one
breathless but delighted breathless
because all the streets are staircases on
a more or less imposing scale the
longest is said to have at least 500
steps delightful beeause at every
turn there Is sure to be something un
usual to a strangers eye The newer
stairs are wide and straight and very
uninteresting but only turn into any
old street and follow its windings in
and out between white walls under
arches through glooaiy passages here
a few stairs there a gentle incline al
ways up and always the cool deep
shade leading to the bright blue of the
sky above
Being so narrow and so steep there
are of course no camels and no carts
Donkeys do all the work and trot up
and down with the strangest loads
though porters carry furniture and
most of the biggest things Up and
down these streets comes an endless
variety of figures town and country
Arabs spahis in their gay uniforms
French soldiers Italian workmen chil
dren in vivid colors Jewesses with
heads and chins swathed in dark wrap
Interesting beyond all these are the
Arab women flitting like ghosts from
one shadowy corner o iwnthi the
folds of their haicks concealing ail the
glories of their indoor dress so that in
the street the only sign of riches lies in
the daintiness of the French shoes and
the fact that the haick is pure silk and
the little veil over the face of a finer
material Chicago News
After Itortf Years
After long years work is visible In
agriculture you cannot see the growth
Pass that country two months after
and there is a difference We acquire
firmness and experience incessantly
Every action every word every meal
Is part of our trial and our discipline
We are assuredly ripening or else
blighting We are not conscious of
those changes which go on quietly and
gradually in the soul We only count
the shocks in our journey Ambitions
die grace grows as life goes on Fred
erick W ltobertson
Good Ladies Horse
You told me he was a good ladles
horse angrily said the man who had
made the purchase
He was replied the deacon My
wife owned him and shes one of the
best women I ever knew Chicago
Record Herald
Did your husband ever bet on a
winning horse
Oh yes answered young Mrs Tor
kins All the horses Charley bets on
win at some time or another Wash
ington Star
Honesty sometimes keeps a man
from growing rich and civility from
being witty Selden
She Once Killed Perhuns the Grrnt
Ilusin ov Occupied by the Pacific
Ocean Latest Idea of Science us to
Conditions on Our Satellite
Millions of years ago the earth was
not the land bound sea swept globe
bo familiar to us but a liquid fnass on
whicli floated crust some thirty five
miles thick At that period says the
Strand Magazine it turned on its axis
at a constantly Increasing speed that
finally shortened the day to three hours
When that terrific velocity was ob
tained 5000 cubic million miles of mat
ter were hurled off by the enormous
centrifugal force and otir moon was
born The cleaving of so large a body
must have left some scar on the earths
surface It has accordingly been sug
gested that the great basin now occu
pied by the Pacific ocean was once
filled by what Is now the moon
Our moon has the distinction of be
ing the largest of all planetary sat
ellitesso large indeed that to the
inhabitants of Mars it must appear
with the earth as a wonderfully beau
tiful twin planet
Because the moon rotates on its axis
in exactly the same time that It re
volves around the earth Ave are des
tined to see little more than one hemi
sphere So slow Is this rotation that
the lunar day is equal to fifteen of our
days For half a month the niion is
exposed to the fierce heat of the sun
for half a month it spins through space
in the densest gloom
Smaller in mass than the earth is
the moons attraction for bodies must
be correspondingly less A good ter
restrial athlete could cover about V20
feet on the moon in a running broad
jump and leaping over a barn would
be a very commonplace feat A man
in the moon could carry six times as
much and run six times as fast as he
could on the earth
Although separated from us by a
distance that at times reaches 1253000
miles and Is never less than 222000
miles we know more of the physical
formation of the single pallid face that
the moon ever turns toward us than
we know of certain parts of Asia And
the heart of Africa Powerful tele
scopes have brought our satellite with
in a distance of forty miles of the
earth Physicists have mathematically
weighed it and fixed its mass at one
eighth of the earth or 73000000000
000 tons
The moon presents aspects without
any terrestrial parallel Rent by fires
long since dead its honeycombed
crust seems like a great globe of chill
ed slag Craters are not uncommon on
the earth but in number size and
structure they bear for the most part
little resemblance to those of the moon
A lunar crater is not the mouth of a
volcano having a diameter of a few
hundred feet but a great circular plain
twenty fifty even a hundred miles
in diameter surrounded by a precipice
rising to a height of 5000 or 10000
feet with a central hill or two about
half as high
Water cannot possibly exist as a
liquid for the temperature of the
moons surface during the long lunar
night is probably not far from 460
degrees below the zero mark of a
Fahrenheit thermometer and the at
mospheric pressure is so low that a
gas under pressure would solidify as
it escaped Ice and snow are the
forms then which lunar water must
Because of the present paucity of
water the moons atmosphere is so ex
ceedingly rare that startling effects
are produced Perhaps the most strik
ing is that of the sunrise Dawn and
the soft golden glow that ushers in
terrestrial day there cannot be The
sun leaps from the horizon a flaming
sickle and the loftier peaks imme
diately flash into light
There is no azure sky to relieve the
monotonous effects of inky black shad
ows and dazzling white expanses The
sun gleams in fierce splendor with no
clouds to diffuse its blinding light
All day long it is accompanied by the
weird zodiacal light that we behold at
rare intervals
Even in midday the heavens are
pitch black so that despite the sun
light the stars and planets gleam
with a brightness that they never ex
hibit to us even on the clearest of
moonless nights at sea They shine
steadily too for it is the earths at
mosphere that causes them to twinkle
to our eyes
In the line of sight it is impossible
to estimate distances for there is no
such phenomenon as aerial perspec
tive Objects are seen only when the
rays of the sun strike them
At times there may be observed
spots which darken after sunrise and
gradually disappear toward sunset
They cannot be caused by shadows
for shadows would be least visible
when the sun is directly overhead
They appear most quickly at tlu
equator and invade the higher alti
tudes after a lapse of a few days In
the polar regions they have never been
seen What are they Organic life
resembling vegetation answers Pro
fessor Pickering of Harvard univer
sity vegetation that flourishes luxuri
antly while the sun shines and withers
at night
A single day it may be urged is
not sufficiently long for the develop
ment and decay of vegetation but six
teen hours on the moon Is little more
than half an hour on the earth a day
lasts half a month and may be regard
ed as a miniature season
The expressions Halleluiah and
Amen are said to have been intro
duced into Christian worship by St
Jerome about A D 390
In This Act It Is Said You May ItcnJ
a Minis Character
No woman should marry a man till
she has seen him sharpen n lead pen
cil She can tell by the way lie does
It whether he Is suited to her or not
Here are a few Infallible rules for her
guidance In the matter
The man who holds tho point toward
him and close up against his shirt
front Is slow and likes to have secrets
no Is the kind of man who when the
dearest girl In the world finds out that
there are others and asks him who
they are and what he means by call
ing on them will assume an air of ex
cessive dignity
The man who holds the pencil out
at arms length and whittles away at
it hit or miss Is impulsive jolly good
natured and generous
He who leaves a blunt point is dull
and plodding and will never amount
to much ne Is really good hearted
but finds his chief pleasure In the
commonplace tilings of life
He who sharpens his pencil an incli
or more from the point is high strung
and imaginative and subject to ex
uberant flights of fancy He will al
ways be seeking to mount upward and
accomplish things in the higher re
gions of business and art and his
wifes greatest trouble will bo to hold
him down to earth and prevent his
flying off altogether on a tangent
The man who sharpens his pencil all
around smoothly and evenly as though
It were planed off in an automatic
sharpener is systematic and slow to
anger but he Is so undevlating from n
fixed principle that he would drive a
woman with a sensitive temperament
to distraction in less than six months
On the contrary he who jumps in
and leaves the sharpened wood as jag
ged as saw teeth around the top has
a nasty temper and will spank the
baby on the slightest provocation
There are certain women who can
manage that kind of man beautifully
however and if he gets a wife with a
calm persuasive ej e lie will come
down from his high horse in a few
minutes and be as meek as a lamb
The man who doesnt stop to polish
the point of lead once the wood is cut
away has a streak of coarseness in his
He who shaves off the lead till the
point Is like a needle is refined deli
cate and sensitive He will not be
likely to accomplish so much as his
more common brother but he will nev
er shock you and is without doubt a
good man to tie to New York Press
The Fate of Mokruni a Moslem Chief
of Africa
France was never In greater danger
of losing her colonies in Africa than
during tho war with Germany in 1S70
The troops were recalled from Africa
to take part in the conflict that was
going on against France and Algeria
was left almost defenseless
The hour for whicli the conquered
races had long waited had come and
if a holy war had been proclaimed it
is probable that the French would have
been driven from northern Africa
But the tribes did not rise while the
French had their hands full on the
other side of the Mediterranean and
the fact was due to their fidelity to a
solemn pledge
When the war broke out a chief of
great influence among the tribes Mo
krani gave his word to the governor
general of Algeria that there should
be no insurrection while the war lasted
That word was faithfully kept Disas
ter after disaster followed the French
arms The defeats of the war cul
minated in the surrender of Paris
But not a man of the tribes of Kabylia
stirred The Moslems faith was
plighted the Moslems faith was kept
When however the last battle had
been fought and the treaty of peace
signed Mokrani then released from
his word gave the governor general
notice that in forty eight hours he
would declare war The French
armies released from duty at home
hurried across the Mediterranean The
end was inevitable Mokrani seeing
that all was lost put himself at the
head of his warriors and fell fighting
in the front rank The French erected
a monument to mark the spot where
their noble enemy perished
Where He Was
To what do you attribute your good
health and remarkably robust condi
To regular habits and early retir
Then you have been so situated that
you could carry out these excellent
rules for the preservation of ttva
Oh yes I was in the Illinois peni
tentiary for twenty three years
Cleveland Plain Dealer
What a splendid woman she is
I am glad to think you have got
such a wife
Such a wife Why man you have
no idea of her generosity When I was
poor she refused to marry me because
she was afraid of being a burden upon
me but the moment I came into my
fortune she consented at once What
do you think of that for kindness
Percy I am tired of this life of ease
I want a life of toil danger excite
ment and adventure
Oh tliis Is so sudden But you may
ask papa Life
Not Exhausted
She Henry Im going to give you a
piece of my miud He I thought Id
had It all New York Press
Those who always creep are the only
ones that never fall
Thoso who nro Raining flosh
rnd strength by regular treat
ment with
Scotts Emulsion
should continue tho trpatmont
In hot weather smaller doso
and a little cool milk with It will
do away with any objection
which Is attached to fatty pro
ducts during tho hoatod
Send for free Mmple
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50c and 100 all druggists
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
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rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Direct private wire to Kansas City
Grain and Provisions for Chicago and
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Wo solicit your hedging business and
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Parm Buildings a Specialty
MoCook Neb
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Safe Always reliable Ladle ask Druggist for
Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue rihbon
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Mention thli saner
This Morning
A Ge le Laxative
Ana petizer
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
p r i ces is Harshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12