The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 24, 1906, Image 2

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Brick Mason and Plasterer
Ornamental Cement
Prices Right Work Guaranteed Can be
found at the Wall Paper and Paint Siore
can be paid off in
monthly payments of
Only One Dollar the Year
A 00Q
with the McCook Co operative
Building Savings Association
If you are paying more you pay too much We can
mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and
less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa
tion Call on the secretary who will explain our
system Office in First National Bank
McCook Building Savings Association
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nob Ausust 7tli196
The Board of County Commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present Samuel Premer
C B Gray and F S Lofton county commis
sioners C E Eldred county attorneyand E J
Wilcox county clerk
The minutes of previous meeting read and ap
The following claims vera audited and al
lowed and on motion the clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county general fund
levy of 1906 in payment thereof as follows
State Journal Co printing records SO 00
F M Kimmell printing 23 25
McCook Republican printing 12 0
V C Bullardcoal for pauper X W
EG Caine Co same 3 00
NJ Uerling mdse paupers 36 31
E J Wilcox oflico expense 17 50
HJArbogastregistrars fees 2nd quar6 2 30
Philip Gliemsame 2 55
W H Smith same 4 25
S E Ralston same 1 50
F M Remington same 20
H P Waite Co hardware and nails 25 93
McCook El Lt Co lights for July 2 60
G W Predmore Sons awnings labor 2 5
C L Walker signs 1 25
G W Cramer work on pile driver 7 00
H I Peterson serving road notices 2 20
Samuel Premer commissioner ser it mil 11 50
C B Gray 30 50
F S Lofton 15 40
And on the county bridge fund levy of 1906 as
Standard Bridge Co steel bridge over
Driftwood 753 20
W C Bullard lumber 5 75
EGCaine Co lumber 104 00
And on the county road f uiid levy of 1900 as
W T Clark road work 24 00
On motion the resignation of N J Campbell
deputy clerk of tho district court was accepted
The appointment of C A Rodgers as deputy
of tho district court was on motion approved
The official bond of Chester A Rodgers clerk
of ths district court was examined and on
motion approved
On motion board adjourned to meet Sept
11th 1906
Samuel Peemeb Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nebraska August 7th 1906
The board of equalization met pursuant
to adjournment present Samuel Premer CB
Gray and F S Lofton commissioners Chas
Skalla county assessor and E J Wilcox
county clerk
Minutes of previous meeting were read and
The board having completed tho equalization
of assessments find the total assessed value of
of tho real and personal property of Red
Willow county as returned by tho assessors and
equalized by tho board of equalization for tho
year 1906 to bo 195075682
On motion the levy of taxes for tho year 1906
wero made as follows
County general fund 9 mills
County bridge fund 4
County road fund 2
McCookcity bond 2
McCook city Sower bond 2
Bartley village bond 5
Willow Grove precinct bond duo 190S1
Willow Grove precinct bond duo 1911 1
North Valley precinct bond 3
School district bond levies for the year 1906
District Lory District Levy
2 20 17 3
33 4 44 5
With 1 000 Worth of Shoes
On motion board adjourned sine dio
Samuel Premek Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
lot 44 block 3 McCook Cemetery
Ben G Gossard to William Hold wd
lotl block 1 Fifth McCook
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
William Ebbeka to John J Galley wd
whf 9-2-26 3000 00
Frederic Huutwork to Rudolph Cars
ten wd swqr 15-4-27 3000 00
Ulysses C Broithaupt to Samuel Cur
rent wd nhfseqr 31-4-27 1700 00
City of McCook to William Baily wd
10 00
C J L Tranierto Magdalena Dietsch
lots 16 to 21 incl block 7 1st Bartley 400 00
Wooster BDowns to Georgo Theobald
wd lot 14 block 46 Bartley 50 00
William V Vickery to Same lots 1 to 12
and 13 to 22 block 46 Bartley 475 00
George Theobald to John E Hathorn
wd lots 1 to 12 and 14 to 22 block 46
Bartley 600 00
S JlMiller et nx to M A Miller wd
seqr 3-3-27 4000 00
M A Miller et ux to Ora BMiller wd
4000 00
W B Downs to George Theobald qcd
lot 13 block 14 Bartloy
George Theobald to John E Hathorn
qcd same
23 00
23 00
Lincoln Land Co to Michael Hust wd
lots block 4 Sixth McCook ITj 00i
County Judge to Th Public Decree of
final settlement lots 15 17 block 2
Advertised Letters
The following letters remained uncall
ed for at the McCook postoffice Aug
22nd 1906
Anderson Mrs Vina
Barney Ray 2
Buttler Cleo
Billings W
Clark W G
Enfield Lewis
Emmet H
Ellison T P
Francisco H C
Hall L M
Hall John B
Ilubes J B
Hollon J W
Knutsen Knut
Long W C
Maley Sam
Matousek James
McComo Miss Mollic
ORear C F
Preis Henerick
Roach Ed
Reiss Chas T
Simmons C E
Stafford Edward
Hiler Ruff
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
The Finest Ever
The Tribune recently received a ship
ment of the finest type writer paper ever
brought to town We also have the
cheaper grades But if you like some
thing splendid just try a box of Strath
For the next ten days we are going to give your boy a watch with each purchase of
shoes amounting to 1000 all made at one time These watches are the standard
American make and are warranted for one year We are able to make this present to
the boys only by our good luck in landing a large lot direct from the manufacturers for
spot cash Having in mind a boys desire to have a watch to carry at school we have
been prompted to make this very liberal offer to our patrons to induce them to give us
their shoe business early and at one time You take no chances in buying your footwear
early as the prices will not go lower this season and may be higher Our same guar
antee goes with all shoes bought at this time our prices are as low as the lowest and
we have the stock in a large variety of styles and prices Although we are one of the
oldest firms in the city selling footwear we have no old stock nothing but new strict
ly up-to-date with lasts to fit the foot Buy your footwear now Get your boy a
watch Its only for ten days that we make this liberal offer
In tho county court
state of Nebraska
Red illow count
In the matter of the estate of Anthony Droll
State of Nebraska ss Red Willow county
To all persons interested in the estate of
Anthony Droll deceased
You are linrebr notified that on tho 18th day
of August 1906 Edward Droll administrator of
saidestatefiled in said court hislinal accountas
said administrator and that said finnl rmnnt
will be heard on the Hh day of September 1906
at 10 oclock a in at tho county court room in
the city of McCook in said county von are
hereby cited to appear at said time anil place
and show cause if any osistswhy said account
Fhould not be allowed It is hereby ordered
that said administrator give notico to all per
sons interested in said estato by causing a copy
of this order to he published in tho McCook
iKiHUNE a newspaper printed and published
in said county for three successive weeks prior
to the date set for hearing
Dated this 18th day of August 1900
J C Moore
seal County Judge
In tho county court within and for Red Wil
low county Nebraska July 25 th HOC in the
matter of tho estate of Charles F Babcock
To the creditors of said estato You are here
by notifol that I will sit at tho county court
iuum ju mu saiu county on me sth day of Feb
ruary A D 1907 to receive and examine all
claims against said estate with a view to their
adjustment and allowance The time limited
for the presentation of claims against -aid
estate is six months from the 3rd day of utr
ust A p 1906 and the time limited forpay
ment of debts is one year from said 3rd day of
August 1906
Witness my hand and the soal of said county
court this 2sth day of July l
fsEAL JCMooiie County Judge
Tho State of Nebraska Red Willow Co ss
In the matter of the estate ef James PSmith
I J C Moore County Judge of Red Willow
county Nebraska hereby notify all per ons
having claims and demands against the estate
of James P Smith deceased that I have set
the loth day ofMarch lXJ7at 2 oclock p w
for the examination and adjustment of said
claims and demands as provided bylaw at
the county court room in McCok Nebraska in
said county All persons so interested in said
estate will appear at said time and placo and
dulv present their claims and demands in the
manner required by law or show cause for not
so doing and in case any of the said claims
- Vot be Presented by the 11th day of March
190itne same shall be forever barred
It is further ordered that notice hereof shall
be given by publishing this notice for four con
secutive weeks in the McCook Tribune
Given under my hand and the seal of said
court this 14th day of August 1906
seal J C Moore County Judge
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards
printed by The Tribune are on sale at
A McMillens
The Ideal Store
The Tribune Office
L W McConnells
The Post Office Lobby
Ten different views printed
Other designs are in preparation
Price Two for five cents
Interstate Reunion
Tickets to Red Cloud for the Nebras
ka and Kansas Interstate Keunion will
be on sale from August 2Gth to Sept 1st
Final limit Sept 3rd Fare round trip
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
i i nun
T--I- x r
and Surgeon
Office Residence 524 Main Avenue Office and
Residence phono 53 Calls answered night or
iw J Pratt
Registered Graduate
Office over McConnells Drug Store
Mccook neb
Telephones Office 1G0 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly uscertain our opinion free whether an
Invention la probably patentable Communica
tions atnctlyconndentlal HANDBOOK onlntents
sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken throuch aiunn Co receive
tpecial notice without charge in tho
Scientific American
A handsomely illustrated weekly Jjjreest cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms 13 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN Co36Bfoada New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
Is Belienig
If jou will figure with us and
quality of material is any object
you will be easily convinced that
we out class all competition