The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 17, 1906, Image 6

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B - ihhiiiiwumhh nmm uminnTW nri ii n - - ----
C H Boyle
Food Value
of a Soda Cracker
Trust to Nature
A great many Americans tooth men
anil women are thin pale and puny with
poor circulation because tlwy havofll
treated their siiuRchs by iiast mlj
or too much cuxiiig7by csamK 3
holic beverages or by too cloe confine
ment to home office or factory and in
consequence the stomach mtist he treated
in a natural way before they can rectify
their earlier mistakes The muscles in
many such people in fact in every weary
thin and thin blooded person do their
work with great difficulty As a result
fatigue comes early is extreme and lasts
long The demand for nutritive aid is
ahead of the supply To insure perfect
health every tissue hone nerve and
muscle should take from the blood cer
tain materials and return to it certain
others It is necessary to prepare the
stomach for the work of taking up from
the food what is necessary o make good-
rich red blood We must go to Nature
for the remedy There were certain
roots known to the Indians of this
country before the advent of the whites
which later came to the knowledge of
the settlers and which are now growing
rapidly in professional favor for the cure
of stomach and liver troubles
These are found to be safe and yet cer
tain in their cleansing and invigorating
effect upon the stomach liver and blood
These are Golden Seal root Queens
root Stone root Bloodroot Mandrake
root Then there is Black Cherrybark
The medicinal principles residing in these
native roots when extracted with glyc
erine as a solvent make the most reliable
and efficient stomach tonic and liver in-
vigorator when combined in just the
right proportions as in Dr Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery Where there
is bankrupt vitality such as nervous
exhaustion toad nutrition and thin
tolood the body acquires vigor and the
nerves blood and all the tissues feel the
favorable effect of this sovereign remedy
Although some physicians have been
aware of the high medicinal value of the
above mentioned plants yet few have
used pure glycerine as a solvent and
usually the doctors prescriptions called
for the ingredients in varying amounts
with alcohol
The Golden Medical Discovery is a
scientific preparation compounded of the
glyceric extracts of the above mentioned
vegetable ingredients and contains no
alcohol or harmful habit forming drugs
McCook Nebraska
SgAgant of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Office in Postoffice building
Barber Shop
Bath Booms Rear Citizens bank
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medioino for Busy People
Briags Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Livo
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Slujrfjish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form S5 cents a box Genuine made by
Holuster Drug Company Madison Wis
You have heard that some foods furnish fat
other foods make muscle and still others are
tissue building and heat forming
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water are richer
in the muscle and fat elements and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour
That is why U nee da Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air moisture and dust the price being
too small to mention
C E Eldeed Co Atty
Attorneys at Law
Long Distance Phone 44
Rooms 1 anrt 7 second floor Mrfnnir wVi
Postoffice Buildins MCLOOK HeO
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Padre Angela
lADRE AXGEfLO he say
Why yp no gat married eh
YJou are maki pkiynta inon
JSor gon takn wife my son
Ni am too beez a man
Tandin dees peanutAa stan
I no gatta time for play
Fooleeshness weeth girls I say
My You donta tal me so
Ees say Padre Angelo
Bimeby mebbe two free day
Tonga girl she com an say
Padre Angrlo ees here
No Eet ecsa vera queer
Heesa housakeepa say
I gon find heem deesa way
While she eesa speaka so
Ees com Padre Angelo
Rosa you are look for me
He ees say to her an she
Say Oh please go homa queeck
You are want for som one seeck
I am sand for find you here
Ah da seecka call my dear
Com say Padre Angelo
Deesa yonga man ees Joe
Shaka hans bayfore we go
So I am shak hans weeth her
Leetla han so sof like fur
Den she bow to me an go
Weetha Padre Angelo
Bimeby spose two free day more
She ees com jus like bayfore
An she aska me You know
Where ees Padre Angelo
Housakeep she tal me wait
Eef he dont be vera late
So I tal her taka seat
An to hav som fruit for eat
Den I talk to her an she
Smila sweet an talk to me
How long time I do not know
Den com Padre Angelo
Oh she say go homa queeck
You are want for som wan seeck
My he say Dees seecka call
I am gat no peace at all
Oh well come my dear he say
An he takin her away
I am sad for see her go
Weetha Padre Angelo
Many times ees lika dat
Peopla always seem for gat
Seecka wen he ees away
Rosa com mos evra day
An som time she gatta stay
Pretta longa time you know
Teel com Padre Angelo
Steel I no gat any keeck
How mooch peopla gatta seeck
I am feela glad dey do
Rosa she no keeckin too
Lasta night my Rosa she
Go to padre weetha me
An I tal heem Pretta soon
Mebbe so da firsta June
Rosa gona be my wife
He ees sprise you bat my life
Wat he say an rub hees eyes
Dees ees soocha glad sprise
My You donta tal me so
Ees say Padre Angelo
-T A Daly in Catholic Standard and
The Troper Adjective
Miss Mobile Well Martha how is
your husband now
Martha Poly miss poIy Hes got
that exclamatory rheumatism
Miss Mobile You mean inflammatory
rheumatism Martha Exclamatory is
to cry out
Martha with solemn conviction
Thats it mum thats it He dont do
nothin but holler Christian Register
Jaggsby 2 a m I shay offisher is
thish hie Blank street
Policeman Yes
Jaggsby Wish youd hie drect me
t 411 Goin t hie tend lecture there
Policeman What Attend a lecture
at this hour of the morning
Jaggsby Yesh thashs where I hie
live an Im married Shee Chicago
Accounted For
Its strange said the piano teacher
that you cant learn to run the scales
That is probably one of the traits I
inherited from father replied the
young lady pupil He made his mon
ey in the grocery business you know
New Orleans Times Democrat
Forty people in every hundred
should wear spectacles or eyeglasses
Why Because a greater demand is
made upon eyesight in these modern
times than ever before our eyes are
used more constantly and are subject
ed to the most severe strains
While it is true that a large per
cent of people should wear glasses it
j is amazing to see the number who
from simple neglect do not do so Of
course it is also an important matter
as to the kind of glasses that should
be worn
We cail your attention to the Kryp
tok lenses as the latest scientific
achievement in the optical field We
invite you who are in search of clear
vision to investigate the merits of
this attractive perfect fitting lens
Though in appearance it is a single
focus lens it has two separate and
distinct focal powers which does
away with the necessity of two pairs
of glasses and the continual changing
from one to the other For further In
formation address the Columbian Bi
focal Co Temple Court Denver Colo
who are the sole makers and distrib
utors in the West
Womans Love
Which of the two do you think you
will love the longest Peter or Paul
The one who will forget me the
quickest Paris Figaro
A Little Bitter
I noticed Miss Giglets at the service
today and it struck me as very strange
that she never once said Amen
No Shes such a man hater that she
wont mention the men in any way
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Which side do you wish your hair
combed on asked the barber who ap
peared to be trying to make a hole in
the customers head with his comb
On the outside please Yonkers
The Retort Vepretnrinn
Bill Cuffies Why yer look as though
yer could eat me
Joe Sprouls Not arf The day I as
ter eat yer I turns vegetarian London
His Experience
She Why do you think their affair
isnt platonic
He Well I never met a platonic wid
ow Puck
The Reason
Is you pa runnin fer office
Naw Somebody stole his wooden
leg Atlanta Constitution
Did Not Appreciate
Advice Offered Him
was on an open street car and the
passengers put it down that the
man with his jaw tied up had the
toothache One of them was not sat
isfied with inference but leaned for
ward and solicitously inquired
Does she lift you when she aches
The sufferer glared at him but made
no answer and he presently continued
Ill bet its a double tooth and that
the dentist will have to yank three
times on it
You villain shouted the sufferer
as he wriggled around while three or
four others made indignant protests
All right all right I wont say any
more said the stony hearted man as
he sank back but for the information
of the crowd In general I will observe
that toothache Is caused by the cold
air striking an exposed organ You
probably never gave a thought to it
but there are exactly 3300 nerves ra
diating from your gums and the ex
posure of any one of these causes pain
Speaking of teeth do you know what
the strength of the jaw is It is com
puted that when a full grown and
healthy man shuts his teeth down as
hard as he can on a pine board he is
exerting a force of one horsepower
Every time you bite into a sandwich
you use enough force to open a door
Should you yell Police at the top of
your voice the air pressure would be
sufficient to lift one of your shoes sev
en inches high Should you sneeze
you waste power enough to pull a tur
nip out of the ground and the force of
a hearty laugh would drive a brad awl
halfway through a raw potato Thats
all ladies and gentlemen and no col
lection will be taken up or vote of
thanks looked for Brooklyn Citizen
Ahead of the Times
Im living in the- wrong age grum
bled the little old man who was sfetlmj
outside of the postoffice whittling a
peach stone
Hows that qucidcd the honsesboe
Why be gum I sluldtbave been
livin in an age when thar waiit Hafji
in but automobiles an6 airb8
Why so Hforeos QFG3ga jfixi aj
Trouble Waa I veasaff9
While I went -to i sIar
an ran avway vrii ft lycfefe fofc
hadnt been snip ipJ3s tB
wouldnt have uWri vy kips dsefers
and I would have had tire old woman
yet No sir young man I was born
too early Chicago News
Her Way
Vv fa 4r
m M y Ml J s T
aoKia Bakbu
He If you were to be kissed which
way would you like best
She without a moments hesitation
The manly way Denver Times
Wronir Party
Mr Makinbrakes to chance acquaint
ance whom he has met at a swell
party If you have any influence with
Mrs Upjohn I wish you would sug
gest to her that she announce dinner
Im frightfully hungry
Chance Acquaintance Me I havent
any influence with Mrs Upjohn Im
Mr Upjohn Tit Bits
Fisherman George
Briggs Bowder boasts that he never
told a lie in his life
Griggs Shouldnt wonder if it was
so Why last year he swore off drink
ing just at the opening of the fishing
season Bowder is a terribly eccentric
fellow Boston Transcript
Then He Went
Ah remarked Miss Weery whom
Mr Staylate had been wearying with
old conundrums that reminds me of
the best tiling going
Whats that he asked
A man who has stayed too long
Philadelphia Ledger
Food For Reflection
Clara Why dont you get a new mir
ror dear This one gives a horrible re
Maude Thats queer I have always
considered its reflective powers abso
lutely perfect Baltimore News
The Doctor
Katharine Papa Im going to do
something to help cut down your heavy
family expenses
Papa What Is it daughter
Katharine Papa Im going to marry
our doctor Brooklyn Life
Yes says the philosophical person
wealth brings its disappointments
After we lose it puts in the mate
rialistic man Judge
The IJoom of ibe Snrf
Why do the Meakcrs boom so free
With every passing swell
Tho landlord answered Dont you see
Theyre booming my hotel
Washington Star
Modern lAtv and the IjCUKthciilns
Ixrloil of Youth
It may shmh strange to us though
the fact nevertheless remains that the
veterans of the grand army of Na
poleon weighed down by age and
glory were iihmi of whom few had
passed their thirty fifth year It was a
lime of rash and short living with an
early age and no overtures of real
youth a time when we find Thackeray
ridiculing Du Florae for holding claims
on being still a young man at the age
of thirty live The unmistakable tend
iipv fit mir timo in riiiiviiintf life anil
I to prolong or rather to vanquish age
I is placing its stamp on every event of
individual existence The average man
today carries the spirit and power of
youth into an age which a century ago
was regarded as bordering on the
shady side of existence The buoyancy
and vigor characteristic of our present
middle aged man make it in most
cases extremely difficult to approach
any fair degree of accuracy in deter
mining tiio age of a person passing
along the ascension scale between for
ty and fifty five And what is said of
man refers of course in equal if not in
still more accentuated degree to wom
an One of the causes of this remark
able arrest of old age lies undoubtedly
In the increasing indulgence of our
time in healthy outdoor sports with
their rare free and worry free aban
don The occasional freeing of the
mind from the strenuous life the de
termination for a longer or shorter
time to force business and routine in
terests to the wall and give up oneself
without scruple or narrow minded con
ventional restraint to the spirit of the
sport undoubtedly tends to liberate
forces of original pristine strength
Dr A E Gibson in Medical Brief
Sir Christopher Ilntton Won Roynl
Honors Iy Ilix iraee
In Queen Bess time Sir Christopher
Ilntton won his Avay to the lord chan
cellorship by his ability or anility in
terpsichorean lines He first attracted
the notice of Queen Elizabeth by his
graceful dancing in a mask at court
He henceforth lecanie a reigning
rorito and Ins promotion was rapid
fie was successively made a gentle
umn of the queens privy chamber
Cfsahi of the board of gentlemen pen
zs3 the bodyguard vice cbambcr
Isxb arid a member of the privy coun
cil This delight of the queen to honor
him caused much onvy Complaints
were uttered that under the existing
government nothing could be obtained
by any others than dancers and car
pet knights such as the Earl of Lin
coln and Master Hatton On the
death of Lord Chancellor Bromley the
queen offered Hatton the great seal
Even while chancellor Sir Christopher
exhibited his skill in dancing Attend
ing the marriage of his nephew and
heir with a judges daughter he was
decked according to the custom of the
age in his official robes and Avhen the
music struck up he doffed them threw
them down on the floor and saying
Lie there Mr Chancellor danced
the measures of the nuptial festivity
St James Gazette
A Tonsnc Twister
Try it yourself very slowly and care
fully until you can say it easily then
pass it along to your friends Here
it is
She stood at the gate welcoming
him in
Ten to one a person trying to pro
nounce the sentence for the first time
will fumble it laughably Tongue
twisting sentences however are good
elocutionary exercises They give you
control of your vocal organs so that
you can enunciate properly just as
finger exercises on the piano or organ
give control of the fingers What an
immense amount of mechanical prac
tice does it require to establish any
thing like a close sympathy between
the brain and the physical organs
Elasticity of Spiders Welis
Did you ever watch a spiders web
on a windy day If so you will notice
how wonderfully it accommodates
itself to the swaying of the twigs to
which it is attached It is in fact elas
tic of the very finest quality Were it
not for its elasticity the poor spider
would not long survive The first
breeze would rend the silken meshes
of the web to atoms and the owners
stock of new materal would very soon
be exhausted in repairs and renewals
Besides its elasticity the spiders web
is very sticky a property which ac
counts for the ease wherewith it holds
insects when once caught
Very Polite
The politest man has been discovered
He was hurrying along the street the
other night when another man also in
violent haste rushed out of a doorway
and the two collided with great force
The second man looked mad while
the polite man taking off his hat said
My dear sir I dont know which of
us Is to blame for this violent encoun
ter but I am in too great a hurry to
investigate If I ran into you I beg
your pardon if you ran into me dont
mention it
And he tore away with redoubled
speed Chicago Journal
The great requisite for playing
cards or the horses remarked Mr
Everwise is nerve
Yes answered young Miss Torkins
it must take a great deal of nerve to
enable a man to come home so often
and tell his folks that still further
economy will be necessary Wash
ington Post
The only failure a man ought to fear
Is failure in cleaving to the purpose he
sees to be best George Eliot
J M Rupp
FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpfclf fl q
P O Box il McCook Nebraska
McCook Tribune 1 the Year
j is dkll imjouim
Fairbury Hanchett VV
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing hotter in
the market Write or call on Mr
Ball before buying
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now locution just across street iu 1 Walsh
flcCook -
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice BuildingJ
Lumber and Goal
Home of Quality
and Quantity where
Are you thinking of
building If so it is ten
to one our figures will
please you
Phone No 1 Manager
fTTT rr i y
r l TT -
S3 esc
ill aJsSgffig
The Flour Mill
has kept pace with the march of
progress and the flour of to day
differs from that of our grand
fathers as does the locomotive
from the stage coach
Pride of McCook
the best brand of the times em
bodies all the salient goodness of
a centurys progress in flour
making It is the nutrition of
the grain merely changed in form
to bread making Do you use it
McCook Milling Company