k Jf Cn i s No MODEL SCHOOL SHOES McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPART 6 Central Time 1146 p M 2 5J0am 12 14 800 am 955 pm MAIN LINE WEST DEPABT No 1 Mountain Time 1206 p M A 112P M 5 800pm 13 937AM IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 P m No 175 departs 645am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars eeats free on through trains Ticket sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For informationj time tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or LWWakeleyGeneral Pas senger Agent Omaha Nebraska Burlington Bulletin August 1906 You will find some attractive excur sion rates that will interest you To Chicago and Return Very low Less than half rates for the round trip August 4th to 6th inc August 11th to 13th inc Ample return limits To New England and Canada Daily low round trip rates to Canada and on August 8th and 22nd to New England resorts G A R Rates to Minneapolis and St Paul August 11th to 13th inc Much less than half rates for the round trip To San Francisco and Los Angeles and Return Only 5000 direct routes and 6200 via Shasta Route and Puget Sound returning via Northern Pacific Burlington line via Billings All the attractions of the West included in this rate and route Daily Sept 3rd to the 14th inc limit Oct 31st Denver Colorado Springs and Pueblo For Pikes Peak celebration one fare round trip maximum 1500 from the Missouri River Sept 19th to 22nd inc Homeseekers Excursions Frequent ly each month according to territory Ask your agent Write DClem Deaver Agent Burlingtons Homeseekers Infor mation Bureau at 1004 Farnam St Omaha at our getting hold of a free section of Kindaid land Thousand of acres of these lands are being vacated and we assist settlers in locating on these lands Consult nearest Burlington Ticket Agent G S Scott Agent C B Q Ry L W Wakeley GPA Omaha Dont forget that Walker excells and out sells any one else in the wall paper line Hi in I if w Camping Out in September how delightful the old shade tree is The mail comes in and eagerly we peruse our letters TRAVELERS LETTERS OF CREDIT are valuable assets on occasions like these This bank issues them to its depositors as well as honors their checks Bank here for first class ac commodations at home and abroad First National Bank The MODEL SCHOOL SHOES have always been THE BEST There are none just as good The prices are no higher than the inferior quality This makes them cheaper and more economical for the purchaser They wear longer keep their shape better and are more comfortable to the wearer QUALITY FIT and STYLE are the three essential standards THE MODEL always maintains We sell everything from a threshing machine to a clothes pin McCook Hardware Co W B Phone 31 Mills Time Card R B Simmons Successor to W T Coleman RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS J S McBrayer is in Denver on busi ness W H McCartney a west end conduc tor resigned August 13th Brakeman Frizzell went up to Denver Wednesday on a short visit W S Perry was out from Lincoln last Friday on business of his office Conductor G H Pearce spent Monday and Tuesday with Benkelnian relatives U ri jstennett maae nis nrst run on the McCook Imperial line Monday Mrs Stennett came up from Holdrego Saturday W A Middleton has resigned from the railroad service and gone into part nership with John Hunt in the plumb ing business At the regular shoot of the Havelock gun club last Saturday Sam Pickard won the medal making a score of 23 out of a possible 25 Brakeman J J Gaughan it is report ed has decampedAugust 13th being the date given A young wife and numerous creditors remain Brakeman L L Cassell running on the Oberlin line was in the city toady on his way to Colorado Springs where he goes to work for an electric company A doctor and a lance relieved Con ductor J F Utters case of tonsilitis last Saturday He suffered keenly for several days with the painful throat af fection Agent and Mrs NBBush of Almena Kansas returned first of week from their York state visit He has returned to work but Mrs Bush will remain here a while Machinist Frieze and wife of Chicago visited in McCook close of last and first this week He formerly worked here and is now with the company in Chicaga Levi Cook of the Burlington water service who was terribly burned by a gasoline explosion at Arapahoe died on the train Sunday night of last week while being taken to a Denver hospital The famous Cooke drum corps of Den ver passed through McCook Sunday night in a special car for the G A R encampment in Minneapolis They were expected to detrain and play but the hour of their arrival was late and a good many McCook people were disap pointed Engineer Archibald innocently became a graat hero and the lion of the hour down in Rawlins county on Monday af ternoon He was pulling the eastbound passenger which met a very heavy rain at Blakeman When the train reached Ludell it was still pouring and Mr Archibald asked the section foreman just off the tiack how hiB section was and was informed that it was all right Despite this assurance Mr Archibald dscided without orders to slow down at a certain high bridge between Ludell and Herndon and it was fortunate for the train crew and passengers that he did for as he approached the bridge he saw it ready to topple from its founda tions and stopped the train just in time to save a plunge into 25 feet of water When the passengers learned of the tragedy his forethought had averted the women kissed him the men hugged him and wanted to raise a purse for him Now Mr Archibald is naturally a very modest man and all this demonstra tion over what Le considered a small matter made him feel like an awkward school boy St Francis Herald Brakeman C E Crouch is in Chicago on a vacation W D Darnell spent the fore part of the week in Minden Trainmaster Weidehhamer met the re turning family in Omaha Wednesday Mr and Mrs C R Liggett returned Tuesday from a short outing in Color alo Brakeman and Mrs M K Pace left on Thursday morning for Springfield Mo on a visit Condector and Mrs Frank Kendlen with their daughter are in Colorado for a fortnights recreation M KOyer recently promoted conduc tor and transferred to Denver will have the Denver Lyons local run Carrie Nation was a west bound pas senger on Thirteen last Sa urday morn ing and left the train long enough to lecture a few smokers on the platform E S Kohler assistant superintend ent Lincoln was promoted to superin tendent Sterling division in place of E P Bracken who was transferred to sup erintendent of Sheridan division in place of F D Weidenheimer who re signed Kohler was formerly station agent at various points on this division was promoted to traveling auditor then to train master then to tssistant super intendent Democratic County Convention Democratic county convention was called to order by M Plummer chair man county central committee P Walsh of McCook was elected chair- man of the convention and Barney Hofer of McCook secretary E Benjamin of McCook was nomin ated for representative by acclamation C H Boyle of McCook was nomina ted for county attorney by acclamation James Donnelly of Indianola was nom inated for county commissione by ac clamation The following delegates and alter nates were elected to the various con ventions State P Walsh M Plummer I A Sheridan Barney Hofer and E Benjam in alternates J McClung NJUerhng J V Harrison A L Haley and L Miller Congressional W McCallum C J Ryan P Walsh J W Dutcher P H Callen alternates J F Carmichael D Diamond A L Haley R L Duck worth and A L Miller I A Sheridan was permitted to elect the delegates to the senatorial conven tion The convention expressed their pre ference for Shallenberger for governor On motion the chairman and secretary of the county central committee were empowered to fill any vacancy that may occur on the ticket The following resolutions were adopt ed Resolved that the Democrats of Red Willow county Neb in convention assembled do heartily indorse the Kan sas City platform as formulated by that able leader of democratic princi ples Hon William Jennings Bryan in its entirety as well as the issues set forth by the democratic state platform at Lincoln in 1905 The following county central com mittee was elected Alliance P II Callen Beaver W J Stilgebouer Bondville Wm Uerling Box Elder Geo Younger Coleman John Droll Danbury Thos Plumb Driftwood J W Jones East Valley Chas Shafer Fritch Joe McKiver Gerver Albert Styer Grant Mr Wesuh Indianola N J Uerling Lebanon James Farrell Missouri Ridge Alex Brown North Valley Ed McKillip Perry Glen Somerville Red Willow R H Thomas Tyrone Peter Hickman Willow Grove 1st ward CJ Ryan EBenjamin 2nd ward B Hofer PFoxen M Plummer chairman McCook Barney Hofer secretary McCook Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards i printed by The Tribune are on sale at A McMillens The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents Orleans and St Francis Branch special to trihune Oileans Neb Aug 15th 0G The copious rains the last two weeks have saturated the corn belt of the St Francis branch and assured tho best crop of the king of grain ever grown on the Beaver Valley route Corn is clean dark color good stand and rank growth Threshing is progressing between Orleans and St Francis and wheit is much better than was expected quality extra testing 60 pounds per bushelTwo fields of wheat yielded at Orleans 30 bushels per acre one field af Stamford threshed 28 bushels per ncre and several 20 bushels per acre Danbury had many fields that yielded 20 bushels and all along the line comes the story of good yields and of superior quality Tho best yield of wheat on the St Francis branch is in Cheyenne county west of McDonald near the county line William Ertt threshed 30 acres which weighed out 44l bushels per acre Mr Ertt has 87 acres of this splendid wheat yet to thresh This wheat was sown in September 1905 and put in with great care finished with a Campbell packer Here is a lesson for wheat raisers worthy of imitation Ten new threshing outfits with steamers were unloaded in Cheyenne county within the last few weeks Since the passenger service was put on the St Francis branch Jan 1st 06 the towns and country have made remar able growth This improved service has done more to develop the Beaver Valley financially and increase the pop ulation than any crops could do The mails have increased towns are build ings up and every train brings home seekers and land purchasers Atwood is building a 35X00 court house wa er works and a 50000 hotel is contemplated St Francis has built two new hotels The Fowler lumber yards has put in the largest plant in northwest Kansas A new bank will start Oct 1st and a new post office building will be erected of brick or stone cement by Geo Benk elman postmaster A new town has sprung up on the cite of old Beardsley between McDonald and Blakeman An elevator is being built store buildings and residences and a new postoffice will be established soon Wheeler Kansas will have a change of postmasters and a store will be esta blished there Orleans Neb is building 7 blocks of cement side walks 5 feet wide from Stromsburgs store to the depot Mayor Peterson and his administration is do ing good work in improving Orleans Pete Shea has his new store finished A new bank building will be erected soon by Mark Holland Mr Lane will erect a large brick where Hallis Malm store stood before the fire All over Orleans many new residences are being built and under construction Lot values has increased 3 time in price within the past year The personnel of tne passenger crews on the St Francis branch are as follows East end Suncay lay over at Orleans conductor William Line McCook engineer Harry Tyler McCook fire man Geo Campbell McCook mail clerk Henry C Fairchild Orleans ex press messenger William Banter Ox ford cream man Ernest Pettis Oxford West end Sunday lay over at StFrancis conductor Harry Beale McCook engineer William Archibald McCook fireman Doyle Cotner Republican City mail clerks O D Renwanz Orleans and Ed B Williams Republican City express messenger Harry Scidmore St Joe Mo Mrs Faircbild and children has re turned to Orleans having been some time visiting east Mrs Lane conductors Lane wife was visiting at Atwood last week Stewart Richard assistant postmaster at Orleans died at Omaha where he went to have an operation Stewart was born and raised at Orleans His death was a great shock to his many friends He was an efficient official very bright able and agreeable He was sick only a short time and his sudden death was a blow to his parents brothers and sisters CDHume of Orleans the well known mail clerk who run so many years on the St Francis branch is not expected to live at Omaha hospital wliereiie 5 MODEL SCHOOL SHOES THE MODEL SHOE STORE aw McCOOK NEBRASKA PHONE 18 BUGGIES Everything IN Implements IMWMMWWWMMBMWWMMBMWMWw8iHBIWiW3flaB and Hardware RESOLVED THAT WE DONT LIKE To BLoW OUR OWN HORN BUT WEVE GotThe Goods- IF You PONT BEXICVE ITJWTCOftE AROUND AND EE bUJTEK BRoWW TW iSoPTffJCHTllttlTSlt ftcTBRrTcT THE Tto MHT Np3 it 1 5 jv 5t as easy for one firm in 517 as for another to talk but when if come 5 to backing up state ments thats different it takes knowinc how money and a good name to get the best lines of goods into a it 1 5 a mistake to think that any merchant can buy any line 5 of goods he want 5 to buy the makers of the be 5t good5 hunt for the best stoke in a town to handle their linej and when a manufacturer ha 5 once placed hi 5 line in astoke there it STAYS THI 5 1 5 WHERE KNoWIMG HoW COME 5 IN THEN BILL 5 MU 5T BE PAID THAT TAKE 5 MONEY THEN THE MUST GIVE ITS PATRoN 5 FAIR TREATMENT GOOD GOOD 5 FOR THEIR MONEY THAT BEGET 5 A GOOD NAME THE THAT HA 5 THE 5E THREE How money and a good name becomej THE WHIRLPOOL INTO WHICH THE BE 5T LINE 5 OF GOODS MADE DROP AND RESPECTFULLY C L DEGROFF CO went to have an operation Mr Hume is too weak physically to endure an op eration and his death is expected at any time He is clerk in charge on trains 15 and 16 St Joe and Oxford R P O Low Rates to California San Francisco or Los Angeles and re tura 5000 Via Portland 0250 Liberal stopover privileges allowed For particulars call at ticket office G S Scott Agent Scrub yourself daily youre not clean inside Clean insides means clean stom ach bowels blood liver clean healthy tissue in every organ MORAL Take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnell Pianos by Mall Write today for new catalogs and special prices on fine pianos We man ufacture the celebrated Mueller pi anos made doubly Btrong to stand the wesbBn climate and guaranteed for 20 years Sold direct to you at factory prices Also 20 other standard makes including Steinway Steger Emerson Hardman Davis Bradford A B Chase Kurtzman McPhail etc Also over 50 slightly used upright pianos at one half former cost 85 98 105 and up to 190 Easy terms if desired Write today you will save money We ship pianoe everywhere Address 8CHMOLLER MUELLER PIANO CO 1311 13 Farnam street Omaha Neb The largest piano house In the west Oyer 600 pianos in stock Established Write JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms on Auctioneering He will do your work right DR B J GUNN DENTIST Phone it Office Rooms 3 and Walsh Blk McCoik H P SUTTON JlcCOOR s JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA Reduced Rates Summer and Fall Reduced rates will be in effect during the summer and fall as follows Grond Army EncampmentMinneap lis Tickets on sale Aug 1103 St Paul Minneapolis July 1390 Omaha July 10-11-1-2-13 1055 Siloam Springs Arkansas Aug7 lih 1743 Milwaukee Aug 11-12-13 232u Peoria Aug 1S 19 2619 Dallas Texas 2310 Toronto Sept 12-13-1-1-13 3340 Rock Island 111 201 Buffalo Oct 10-11-12 3050 Lincoln July 30 to Aug 9 740 Rates to numerous other points CaO on the agent for particulars Bound duplicate receipt books -lire receipts to the page for sale xt Thk Tribune office Let The Tribune do your printing-