The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 10, 1906, Image 2

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School Shoes for Children
School Shoes for Misses
School Shoes for Boys
Shoes Built Especially for School Teachers
Brick Mason and Plasterer
Ornamental Cement
Prices Right Work Guaranteed Can be
found at the Wall Paper and Paint Siore
A 000
with the McCook Co operative
Building Savings Association
can be paid off in
monthly payments of
If you are paying more you pay too much We can
mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and
less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa
tion Call on the secretary who will explain our
system Office in First National Bank
cCook Bu il dig Savings Association
Ayers Pills
Keep them in the house
Take one when you feel bil
ious or dizzy They act di
rectly on the liver oe1ffia
Autauiuuiuiurruui iiuuuiucr use
run era or cblgoists ok k hill t co susuux n u
Whereas the resident lot owner- butting on
certain streets heroin after more fully describ
ed have petitioned forsidewalks and the prayer
of their petition has been allowed
Therefore be it rejolved By the mayor and
council of the city of McCook that sidewalks
be built and are hereby ordered constructed
within thirty days after the publication of this
resolution at the established gradeto bo furn
ished by thb city engineer upon application to
wit On east side of Main avenue lots 11 and 12
block 4 First Addition lots 7 8 J 10 11 12
block 13 and lots 7 S 9 block 6 Second Ad
dition Also on south side of Dudly street lots
1 12 block 9 First Addition and lots 1234ofi
block 12 lots 123 456 block 13 lot 1 block 24
Original town all in the city of McCook
Original Lots 1 4 12 block 23
First addition Lot 1 block 22 Lots li 7
block 23
Second addition Lots 6 7 block 2S Lots 6
7 block 25 Lots 1 2 3 4 5 0 block 27
The material to be used in the construction
thereof shall be either flag stone vitrified brick
or concrete For flag stone 3 inch thick laid on
solid foundation well tamped and surfaced
Vitrified brick must be of even size laid in 2
inches of dry sand upon a well tamped and
solid foundation Lay brick diagonally across
space to be level on surface 1 inch lower on the
out side of walk
Concrete must be made 1 part Portland cem
ent to 2 of sand and 4 of crushed btono laid
upon a solid well tamped foundation tamped
well and surfaced with 2 of cement and 2 of
All walks to be of a uniform width of 5 f
all brick walks to be curbed on each side by
brick set on end
Said walks to be built under the supervision
of the committee on streets and als and the
city engineer in accordance with the provisions
of Ordinance No 113 as amended
Passed and approved this 11th day of June
1906 H P Waite Mayor
seal City Clerk
Whoreas the committee on streets and alleys
have condemned the sidewalks along certain
streets and lots abutting herein after more
fully described as unsafe for public travel and
advised the building of a sidewalk on a certain
street where there reside no sidewalk pet
Therefore be it resolved By the mayor and
council of the city of McCook that the side
walks are ordered rebuilt and constructed with
in thirty days from the publication of this res
olution to be built at the established grades
established by the city engineeron application
to wit West tide of McDowell street lots 7 S 9
10 11 12 block 19 south side Dennison street
lots 1 2 block 25 south side Dennison street
part lot 12 block 30 north side Dennison street
lot 7 block 19 west side Monroe street lots 450
block 24 west side Madison street lots 3 5 6
block 23 west side Main avenue lots 1234567
89101112 block 4 lots 1 2 block 14 east side
Madison street lots 789101112 block 25 west
Marshall street lots 23456 block 15 lots 123
45 block 22 lot 1 block 10 north side Doug
lass street lot 7 block 12 north side Dearborn
street lot 7 block 1 west side Manchester
street lots 235 block 5 west side McDowell
street lots 8910 block 18 west side Manchester
street lots 3458910 block 5 All in the Orig
inal town of McCook
Also west side McFarland street lots 123456
block 7 lots i 2 block 8 lot 1 block 21 west
side Manchester lots zJ block 9 lots 2345
block 5 lots 12 block 19 west side Madison
street lots 123 block 12 lots 1236 block 3
west side Monroe street lots 123456 block 2
lots 123456 block 13 Jot 1 block 16 east side
Marshall street lots 789101112 block 12 lots
89101112 block 3 All in the First Addition
Also west side McFarland street lot 6bIock 10
lots l23456block 11 west side Madison street
lots 123456 block 14 north side Monmouth
street lot 67 block 25 All in Second Addition
Also Main avenue lots 3456 block 10 lots
1 2 block 19 First Addition
The committee on streets and alleys report
that there is a public need of a sidewalk along
the south side of lot 6 in block 3 Original town
of McCook and there is no resident petitioner
along said route it is ordered that a walk be
built to fill up the gap in the walk three
fourths of the council having voted to that
The material to be used to be flag stone
vitrified brick or cement Flag etone to be 3
inch thick laid on a solid foundation well
tamped and surfaced Vitrified brick must be
of even size laid in 2 inches of dry sand upon a
well tamped and solid foundation laid diagon
ally to a level surface 1 incVi lower on out side
of walk curbed on both sides by setting brick
along endwise all well tamped after laying
Concrete to be made 1 of Portland cement to 2
of sand and 4 of crushed stone well mixed and
laid on a smooth well tamped surface tamped
well and surfaced with 1 of cement and 2 of
All sidewalks to be of a uniform width of 5
feet except walks on Main avenue block 4 all to
be S feet in width W A Middleton
Tseal City Clerk-
August 3rd 1906 2ts
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Giune In Plenty nnd One Species of
Semi domesticated Snake
Throughout Cuha game is abundant
Deer though not native have flour
ished and multiplied greatly Rabbits
are plentiful also the wild boar so
called the wild pig the wild dog and
the wild cat of the island Wild fow3
especially ducks and pigeon abound
the former crossing from the southern
states during the winter season whilu
the latter remain on the island the year
round Fheasants quail snipe wild
turkeys and wild guinea fowl are also
numerous with several varieties of
game birds such as the perdiz tojosac
rabiches and the guanaros
The only distinctive native animal is
the jutia or hutia ratlike In appear
ance and black It grows to a length
of sixteen or eighteen Inches not in
cluding the tail While eatable it la
not especially palatable
Cuba has more than 200 species of
native birds including those already
mentioned as game birds many pos
sessing the most beautiful plumage
but those with song are rare
In swampy localities crocodiles and
American alligators caimans are
found and although these frequently
grow to an enormous size but little
attention is paid to them by the na
Chameleons small lizards tree toads
and similar harmless Silurians of di
minutive size are very common whilo
occasionally the Iguana and other largo
varieties of the lizard species are seen
Few varieties of snakes exist in
Cuba One of these the mala from
ten to fourteen feet In length Is a
semi domesticated reptile if such n
term may be used for it Is most fre
quently found about the huts farm
houses and small villages its favorite
living place being In the palm thatches
of the old buildings while its favorito
food is poultry Another snake named
the jubo is more vicious in disposition
than the maja although never reach
ing more than one third Its size It Id
not poisonous The other varieties are
still smaller in size are seldom seen
and not venomous Havana Post
He Went
Like most men he said I have
my shortcomings I suppose but
Oh It Isnt your shortcomings father
objects to Interrupted the girl Its
your long staylngs
Never before have we been able to show the trade such a large variety of well made good fitting popular priced
School Shoes
We have them wide we have them narrow we have them light and heavy
High top Shoes for Boys made from the very best of calfskin something that will keep them warm and dry in all
kinds of weather at a trifling cost over the common Shoes
We have paid an extra price this season to have ROCK OAK soles on all of our fall Shoes which will insure the
wearer much better service without adding one cent to the price of the Shoe to you
If you will buy your School Shoes and fall footwear of us we will guarantee you satisfaction on every pair not
only will we guarantee them but we will stand ready to make it good at all times
We have a firstclass Shoemaker constantly in our employ who will always sew and nail all Shoes gratis bought
at our store
Come and inspect our line before buying if you buy the quantity we give you the discount
A Fisherman Emblem Thnt Telia of
Distress and Hope
One of the frequent sights in the
ports along the eastern coast is that of
a fishing schooner coming into the har
bor with an American flag hoisted at
the mainmast head in Its reverse posi
tion To the interested spectators that
flag always brings a pang of distress
for it means that one or more of the
crew are missing through some calam
ity of the sea But to the members of
the craft itself the signal is not always
an emblem of woe The flag Is hoisted
from their viewpoint to notify those
concerned that the complement of the
ship Is not full and they live on hope
for a long time before they acknowl
edge that the men who have disappear
ed are really lost
A stranger to seafaring ways asked
the skipper of one of these fishing
schooners the other day what the dis
tress signal meant and he was set
right by the captain who remarked in
the most cheerful way in the world
Theyre missing out of th crew of
course but we havent given them up
by a long sight Ye see they may
have been picked up by some other
boat an carried off to th other side
Oh no we dont give them up just be
cause weve missed them Its more
than likely theyll turn up yet New
York Press
Elephant rower
How many men would be needed to
pull a weight hauled by an elephant
Fifty The answer is the result of re
cent investigations made to determine
the respective pulling power of horses
men and elephants Two horses
weighing 1G00 pounds each together
pulled 3750 pounds or 550 pounds
more than their combined weight One
elephant weighing 12000 pounds pull
ed S750 pounds or 3250 pounds less
than his weight Fifty men aggregat
ing about 7500 pounds In weight pull
ed 8750 pounds or just as much as the 1
single elephant But like the horses
they pulled more than their own
weight One hundred men pulled 12
000 pounds
Proverbs of Amhuiii
Here are some rather clever proverbs
of Assam The best crops grow on
others fields but the best sons are at
home A bird is a little thing but
it builds Its nest on a lofty hulung
tree Buy land which slopes to the
middle and marry a girl who has a
good mother The biggest jack fruit
always hides under the leaves If a
man slips down it Is always his eldest
wifes fault but if his youngest wife
makes a mistake he says he will see
about it A hasty cook a hasty
broom and the husband goes fasting
a slow cook a slow broom and the
husband eats three meals a day
and Surgeon
Office Residenc 124 Main Avenue Office and
Residence phoue 53 Calls answered night or
ir Herbert J Pra
Registkeed Graduate
Office over McOonnells Drug Store
Telephones Office 1C0 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions i trictlrconddentlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken through Munn Co receive
rptcial notice without charge la the
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated weekly J arzest cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms 13 a
year four months L Soldbyall newsdeaer
MUNN Co36Boadwa New York
Branch Office C25 F SU Washington V C
m m t t i t t t t i i
s BelieTin
If you will figure with us and
quelity of material is anv object
you will be easily convinced that
we out class all competition
iiMnFr r n