The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 10, 1906, Image 1

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4 v
Meeting Favors Closing Street
The MfConlc Uotniii ml cub was
called r r esbion Mnnuuy rwsning to
take net on on tlm nvutpr of ihu Burling
tons npiihuiM n In the city council to
close Manhittian street south of the
the railroua Supt Eaton for the com
pany was present and made a statement
of the companys wishes Of the forty
members and citizens present several
expressed themselves almost without
exception in favor of the companys
desire Mr Kelley made a motion that
it is the sentiment of the McCook Com
mercial club that the city council take
favorable actiou on the companys peti
tion and that the street be closed as
prayed for Mr Sutton gave a second
and the motion prevailed by a vote of
34 to G Those opposed to the proposed
closing of the street were practically
unrepresented and without spokesmen
for reasons best known to them perhaps
The matter will come up before the
meeting of thn council Monday evening
next for action
Won All Three of Em
The Q base ball team was victor
in three games Friday Sunday The
first and second games Friday and Sat
urday were with Bartley The first
game was theirs by a score of 8 to 2
The second one came their way to the
tune of 3 to 2 Sunday afternoon Dan
bury went against the locals bub wero
defeated by 4 to 3 This was a close
game for the seven innings which wer
agreed upon But one score was made
during the seven innings one by the
Q in the first It was afterwards
agreed to play out the nine innings
The final score was 4 to 3
A Humiliating Spectacle
It is indeed a humiliating spectacle to
see citizens who claim to be law abiding
and who in the main respect law and the
rights of others boldly going out into the
country these days with guns and dogs
killing game prohibited by the laws of
Nebraska We say it is humiliating to
any citizen who has a higher ideal of
law than that its sting and disgrace is
being found out not in the fracturing of
the law itself
A Series of Splendid Rains
This section of the state has been
treated to a series and succession of
splendid rains since last Satuaday In
all about four inches of rain have fallen
and the value thereof is only to be calcu
lated in big figures The area covered
is large also
The Finest Ever
The Tribune recently received a ship
ment of the finest type writer paper ever
brought to town We also have the
cheaper grades But if you like some
thing splendid just try a box of Strath
Helps For The Hands
You need them just as much as you
need tooth powder and tooth brushes
Youll find just the kind of manicure
tools you need in this extensive stock of
ours L W McConnell Druggist
Beat the Drouth Enemy
by using a Deering corn binder and
save jour fodder which in fact is worth
cne third of a corn crop
McCook Hardware Co
Washed the Main Sewer
The heavy rains of early in the week
damaged the sewer trench some by wash
ing and caving but the cost of restor
ing was not heavy
For Sale Cheap
Set of 17 vol International Encyclo
pedias complete up to date Can be
seen at the Bee Hive A bargain
M C Shurtleff is up from South
Auburn Feb this week looking after
some business matters
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during the year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Diamonds stocks of summer clothing
underwear and negligee shirts are all
complete We have a full line of Boys
Buster Brown and Russian Blue wash
suits from 50c to 150 A complete
line mens summer clothing linen suits
serge coats vests linen pants two piece
summer suits and summer skeleton coats
from 75c to 600 per suit A full line
and size3 of summer shirts from 29c to
150 Underwear for man or boys from
25c to 150 per garment Come and
see us We can save you money Dia
mond for clothing and shoes
M its Ira Ceark is with the home
Mrs E L Hawkins is a Holdrege v
this week
Guy Ballew is a guest of his sister
Mrs S C Beach
Miss Josephine Mullen is spending
the week in Denver
A W Utter is in Long Island Kans
as on a visit to relatives and frieuds
Rev and Mrs A A Holmes late of
our city have gone to Corning Calif
Chester Rodgers is now serving in
the districtcourt clerks office as deputy
Joshua Gerver was over from Cedar
Bluffs Kansas Friday last on business
Edmond T Meyer of Culbertson was
a business visitor to the valleys finest
Supt G II Thomas was a pilgrim to
the states capital city on business
Rev and Mrs Carman returned
home Wednesday night from the
coin assembly
Mrs W C Schenck returned home
Monday night from her sojourn of a
week in Denver
C U Boyle departed last Saturday
night to be absent three weeks on pleas
ure and business
Miss Viva Phelan arrived home
first of the weak from spending a few
weeks in Illinois
R O Light returned Monday night
from his trip to VilHsea Iowa and
It to the homefolks
J S McBkayer who has been absent
for several weeks in Missouri returned
I home last Saturday
Wallace McMillen arrived home
Saturday noon from his Pennsylvania
trip of several weeks
Miss Ruth Campbell returned Sat
urday morning on 13 from a brief visit
to Red Cloud friends
C E Throne of Longmont Colo
was in the city end of week gone on his
way to Hastings on a visit
G M Battershall was a Lincoln
guest Tuesday Guy is now making
his home at Lafayette Indiana
Mrs Albert Barnett and Mrs J R
McCarl arrived home last Saturday
night from their visit in Kansas
Mrs M S Jennings and children
departed Sunday for Chicago to be
absent a couple weeks on a visit
S Seaman of Beatrice spent a few
drys in the city this week on his way
back home from a visit to the moun
Miss Maude Burgess is assisting in
Mr Clapps dry goods store this week
during the absence of Mr Clapp in Chi
Mrs H F Hooper and young son
left this morning for Beaver City
where they will visit friends a week or
Misses Ethel and Jessie Pope of St
Joseph Mo spent Thursday in the
city on their way home from visiting in
Prof H F Hooper leaves today for
Hayes Center where he will assist Mrs
Supt West in county institute worK
next week
Mrs L R Clyde returned first of
the week from Las Vegas N M where
she has been spending a few months
for her health
Mr and Mrs J E Beyrer cr nie
down from Pueblo Colo end of last
week and have been guests of McCook
relatives this week
Misses Lillie and Ruth Campbell
left on 2 Sunday morning for Ord
Nebraska to make two of a house party
of seven young ladies in that burg this
Miss Genevieve Feeny went to Chica
go this week to make fall purchases of
millinery goods She will be ready
August 15th to make a fine display of
hats etc
John Barbazette of Terre Haute
Indiana who has been the guest of his
brother Harry for some time is now
spending a week or longer in Denver and
the mountains
R L Okerson was called down to
Hastings first of the week by the ill
ness of his little baby The wife and
the little one have bpen visiting in Hast
ings for some time
Mrs M E Fisher was a guest of
Mrs J W Line briefly this week Mrs
Fisher departed this morning for At
wood Kansas to spend some time with
her son Will at that place
Mr and Mrs Elmer Ireland ar
rived in the city Monday night and
will be the guests of his brother Dr H
M Ireland for some time Mr and
Mrs Ireland are just home from service
in Porto Rico at Bayamon and both
seek health in the states
mrL m
Boost The Hospital Proposition
The hospital committee have had
their first meeting They appointed
their sub committees and formulated
their plan of action They are to build
an hospital at the estimated cost of
from ten to twelve thousand dnlllars
furnish it and lease it to competent
parties for a term of years The money
is to be raised on the stock plan shares
to bo 25 each
When the hospital shall have been
built and leased the committee will
turn it over to a board of trustees elect
ed from and by the stockholders A
subscription for stock is now in circula
tion It now waits for the enterprise
of McCook and vicinity to say whether
we will have an up-to-date hospital or
not We all know the need and long
felt want of a modern hospital The
trained nurse will be there to give skill
ful care and kind words surgical op
erations can be performed much more
satisfactorily the people at home will be
much relieved of care trouble incon
venienceand much unnecessary expense
lying in cases can be treated in the
most up-to-date and approved manner
Happiness and joy will then reign in
the home where otherwise pain trouble
and sorrow would be supreme It will
be the greatest and best advertisement
MoCook ever put out There is now no
hospital between Lincoln and Denver
Let us all buy stock and make this
hospital something more than a dream
Appreciated Progr ra
The following program was much ap
preciated in Junior Normal this morn
ing each member being encored
Song School
Talk Miss Templeton
Song School
Vocal Ruth Wiehe
Piano Jessie Miller
Vocal Prof Miller
Talk Rev Loughran
Song School
A New Tailoring Firm
The departure of Nels O Nelander for
Europe brings into the late firm of Line
burg Nelander two members namely
H P Petersen and NHoaglundboth of
Omaha The new firm now stands
Petersen Hoaglund Co They oc
cupy the old quarters in the Walsh
Took Out a Small Bridge
The bursting of a small dam on the
Morlan farm early in the week as a re
sult of the heavy rains took out the
small bridge over the road leading south
of the city at a point near E E Rogers
Dont forget our soda fountain
Lon Cone Druggist
Baker Cadman
Jesse J Baker and Mrs J P Cad
man of our city were united in marriage
last Sunday morning Rev A F Green
officiating at the residence of Mrs Cad
man They took No 13 the same
morning for Denveron a short wedding
G H Rowlands baby has been quite
C F Neumann went down to College
view Neb Monday night
Mrs W H Dungan is entertaining
her sister Miss Kembel
Frank Burbridge is visiting the
homefolks in Danburypart of the week
Mr and Mrs Clint Hamilton are
taking special interest in a new daugh
Mr and Mrs A E Petty arrived
home Wednesday night from their
trip east
Mrs J E Kelley departed on 13
yesterday for Manitou Colo on an
Cecil McMillan and Freda Fowler
are spending the week with Mrs OCon
aell at Trenton
Mrs L W Stayner returned home
Wednesday night on 3 from a weeks
visit at Leavitt Nebraska
Mrs Walter Chase of Chicago who
has been visiting her sister Mrs Bertha
Berry returned home this week
Mr and Mrs H H Berry and Mrs
Sarah McCarl returned home Wednes
day from attending the Epworth as
sembly at Lincoln
Mrs Fannie Green who has been
visiting her daughter in Harlan Iowa
for a number of week returned home
early in the week
Mrs Augusta Anton will go to Rock
Island 111 next week All Degree of
Honor dues and assessments not paid
before August 16th must be paid to C
J Ryan
Mrs E E Magee and Master Bruce
came up from Holdrege Wednesday on
No 1 and are the guests of the Kim
mells Mr Magee will likely come up
Friday night for over Sunday
An Old Citizen Passes Away
Darius Kendall one of the earliest
and oldest citizens of McCook passed
away about four oclock Thursday
morning after being in failing health
fpraJong time
-Arrangements are being made for the
funeral and burial Saturday afternoon
at 2 oclock
The aged wife has the sympathy of all
in her bereavement and loneliness
Darius Kendall was born December
22 1820 in New York state Died in
McCook Neb August 9 190G Was
united in marriage with Lovina Collins
in 1847 and one son was born to them
Moved from New York to Wisconsin
from there to McCock in 1884 and has
lived here ever since and been in busi
Notice To Box- Renters
The courtesy of opening lock and
combination boxes has been so misused
in many instances and has become a
nuisance and imposition of such propor
tions that it has become absolutely ne
cessary to withdraw the courtesyexcept
under the most urgent necessity Ren
ters are thereforo hereby given notice
that they must be prepared to open
their own lock and combination boxes
in the future as required by the laws
and regulations of the post office depart
At Daisy Fly Killer
Tuesday afternoon a window fell at
the home of S E Blue in East Mc
Cook breaking open a tin box contain
ing Daisy fly killer A little child in
the amily unknown to the rest of the
family got and ate some of the poison
Fortunately the little one ate an over
dose which doubtless saved its life at
least the physician so declared
Sow Wheat Early
to get good results and carefully select
your drills and harrows We recom
mend plowing the ground and have
therefore carefully selected the best pos
sible in sulky and gang plows Ask to
see them McCook Hardware Co
Ask Us
If you dont see displayed just what
you want please ask about it We are
more than likeiy to have it in the store
If not we get it for you and save you
time trouble and money Dont hesi
tate to ask
L W McConnell Druggist
Gibbs Burlingham
Monday afternoon at the home of the
brides parents in East McCook Mr
John M Gibbs of Trinity Texas and
Miss Edna Lois Burlingham of that
place were united in marriage Rev A
F Green officiating Mr and Mrs
Gibbs will remain here for two weeks
with her parents before departing for
their future home in Trinity Texas
Keep Babies Well
Hot weather breeds summer com
plaint in children McConnells Black
berry Balsam prevents and cures it
Give the children a dose occasionally
and they will stay well all summer 25c
a bottle
McCook Souvenirs
We have now in stock a fine assort
ment of leather and shell novelty souven
irs also leather and comic post caids
A McMillen Druggist
No Fear
of decay if you get a long or round gal
vanized steel tank of the
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale or Rent
New 10 room house Nice lawn and
trees Good location C F Lhhn
Office New Walsh block room 6
Quail and Chickens
plentiful Come and see our line of
guns Something to suit everyone
McCook Hardware Co
Time to Sow
turnips and winter radishes We have
the seed McCook Hardware Co
A horse he was riding fell onto his leg
and right foot last Saturday and McC
Wayson is numbered with the cripples
this week His ankle and the calf of the
leg received quite painful injuries
W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat
ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work
guaranteed Phone red 306 or box
595 McCook Neb tf
The former skating rink orchestra
gave a social dance in the Menard opera
house Tuesday evening
Dont forget that Walker excells and
out sells any one else in the wall paper
Toilet articles perfumes and novelties
Lon Cone Druggist
All kinds of fresh and salt meats
fruits and vegetables at
Magner Stokes
Fine stationery tablets etc
Lon Cone Druggist
ril IH Hit Hil if
A McMillen prescription druggist
For BookB go to Lon Cone Drug
The finest ice cream Lon Cone Drug
McMillens headache cure will atop
your headache
For diarrhoea summer complaint use
McMillens Blackberry Balsam
For Sale Horse and buggy
quire at this office
Cream in sealed 10c anl 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Roses of Eden and Japan The
finest perfumes Lon Cone Druggist
For one fortnight only August 4 to
18 at Diamonds Clearance Sale of evor
Magner Stokes can supply you
with anything in the lino of fresh and
salt meats Also fruits and vegetables
The quality is remembered long after
the price is forgotten Try Roses of
Eden and Japan
Lon Cone Druggist
McCook has been represented on the
assembly grounds at Lincoln this week
over a score of our citizens being among
the throng at different times during the
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Red Willow countys total assessment
for 1906 is 195075682 as against 1803
92129 in 1905 The countys total state
and school taxes for 1905 has been cer
tified up to the state at 1365530 It
was 1262745 in 1905
Theres no chance of missing it if
you buy at Marshs meat market He
has the goods and can deliver them
Give him a chance to supply your meats
of all kinds and he will be very pleased
and certain to make good
A Dorcas kensington will be given iu
the park on Thursday afternoon Aug
16th Mesdames Campbell Oyster
Rowell Rankin Randel and Rodgers
will act as hostesses Everyone invited
In case of storm an adjournment will be
made to the home of Mrs W E DeWitt
Now is your opportunity tomorrow
is some other fellows If you are al
lowing the time to lapse and not taking
advantage of our Clearance Sale from
August 4 to 18 you are losing an oppor
tunity that is certainly costing you
money Diamonds the working mans
county court
Licenses to marry have been issued as
follows since our last report
Jesse J Baker 32 and Mrs J P
Cadman 37
J M Gibbs 29 and Edna Burling
ham 18
Advertised Letters
The following letters remained uncall
ed for at the McCook postoffice Aug
7th 1906
Andrews Lilly Kennedy Miss Hazel
Bullock Edward Xilson Charlie 2
Brown Henry Pit Miss Jennie
Bruce W Parker John
Crundy J J Rue J L
Clark R E Stono Mrri Emma
Deahl Smith Vaughn
Duncan E H Smith E B
Graves E P Ward Harry
Hammell Mrs W M Werner Godfrey
Hopkins Frank Wilson Mrs Jas
John Fred Wiseman Win
Jennett E J Washburn Frank
Kinnedy J Yount John
Keith Frank
KliiiRor Alice
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A Temperance Lecture
Thomas Darnell state attorney for
the Anti Saloon League of Nebraska
will deliver a lecture on temperance in
the Methodist Cnurch next Tuesday
evening August 14th under the aus
pices of the ladies of the W C T U
Lecture will begin at eight oclock
He should have a large hearing
Axt Says
Headaches cause more unnecessary
suffering than any other ills Remedies
should not contain injurious ingredients
but be effective We know of one pure
healthful headache remedy Its Mc
Connells Headache Capsules
Saturday August 18th
I will sell 50 head of farm and driving
horses at Steve Wilsons barn Saturday
August 18th These are desirable ani
mals and will be sold at reaonable
Frank Stillman
Celebrated Fleming
stacker One on exhibition at the
McCook Hardwaer Co
Souvenlr Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postal
Cards printed by The Tribune
are on sale at
A McMillens
The Ideal Store
The Tribuno Office
L W McConnellH
The Post Office Lobby
Eleven different viowb printed
Other dosigLS aro in prepara
tion The price Two for iivo
McConnell fo drugs
McMillen Prescription Druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
McMillen can please you in perfume
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
moat market
Try McMillens ice cream soda with
crushed fruits
McConnells Fragrant Lotion for
chapped hands
Try Magnor Stokes for frosh and
salt meats fruit and vegetables
Dr Kays office is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Frank Stillman will sell 50 horses at
Wilsons barnAugust 18th
Rooms for rent two blocks north of
post office Mrs L R Hilhmah
A new line of fancy china the very
latest A McMillen Druggist
Lincoln absolutely pure mixed paint
sold and fully guaranteed by
A MoMilien Druggist
Four Rooms for rent furnisned or
unfurnished Prefer family with no
children Mrs S A Rowell
The store room now occupied by Tho
Ideal 10c Store opposito P O will
be for rent Sept 1st C F Lohn of
fice room 6 Walsh block
August Fichtner of White post office
Hayes county was in the city Saturday
to meet Mrs Fichtnerwho arrived from
the east on No 3 that day
Our toilet soap3 are pure keep the
skin active and healthy Best for nur
sery toilet or bath
L W McConnell Druggist
John Hunt is pleased toannonnce that
he now has a first class plumber Give
him a chance to clean your bath tub
and fixtures Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay
Wanted Man with team and wagon
to sell a full line of medicines extracts
aud spices direct to farmers A paying
business Address with references Dr
Masters Remedies Sheldon Iowa
The San Francisco Earthquake Hor
ror the Book by Lmthicum and Trum
bull White Contains over 400 pages
with Photographic illustrations Good
clear print with best cloth binding
just the same as have been sold by
Agents at 8150 Our price while they
last 59c The Bee Hive
Real Estate Transiers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
State of Nebraska to L O Aker d nw
2600 00
L L Co to P M Bull wd lot 4 block
8 Fourth McCook 17 00
J T Avery to J H Cerver wd nw qr
30-1-29 1000 00
U S to J F Envies pat se qr 1-4-29
K C Stephens to J Pycha wd n lif ne
630 00
Boyle Jt Eldred to C T Eller wd ne qr
5-2-30 2000 00
E C McKay to E E DeLont wd lot 7
bockl2 SecondMcCook 1300
C H Downey to W Knape wd lot i
block 12 West McCook 600 00
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday afternoon
Corn 42
Wheat 3J
Oats 23
Rye 3
Barley 23
Hors 6 00
Errs 12
Good Buttei 13
Life is What
you make it Why put off purchasing
a convenient buggy or spring wagon
Your family would appreciate it and all
your lives would be lengthened See
our large line McCook Hardware Co
For Threshers
you may need a few more spoons knives
and forks ask to see our line of good
ones for the price of cheap ones
McCook Hardware Co
Important Notice
All persons are hereby notified and warned
that TRESPASS in any form on the following
described lands in Red Willow county will be
prosecuted to the full extent of the law
WtfNWM 9 WKSWK 4-1-30 Somers land
EXEi 9 EViSEK 4-1-30 Oliphant land
EHNWW M 29 Crecar land
D S Faraham owner Newton Centre Mass
W S Moelak Attorney McCook