The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 13, 1906, Image 4

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By F
jcgsak ptfrctje
Xargest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Gkntleman Geouok Mkiklkjohm
is tho latest announcement for U S
senator Briefly his platform favors
Railwny regulation regulation of trusts
ana direct nomination of all oflicers
state district and county and for elec
tion of U S senators by vote of people
Not a bad platform
The date for holding tho convention
for tho Fifth congressional district has
lmnn nlnwd at Wednesday Aug 8th
1906 at 3 oclock in tho court house at
Hastings All tho indications now point
to tho renomination of Congressman G
W Norris and to his election Ho has
made the people and tho party an hon
ored representative An upright mat of
ability and growing in usefulness his re
election would be the part of wisdom
Notice of Republican Caucus
Notice is hereby given to the Republi
can voters of Willow Grovo precinct
that a caucin will bo held in each vot
ing precinct therein on Thursday July
19th 1906 at S pm for tho purpose of
electing delegates to tho Republican
county convention to be held July 21st
1906 at McCook Nebraska and for
such other business as may properly
come before said caucus
Tho caucuses will be held in tho re
spective wards as designated below
1st Precinctlst wad basement Com
mercial Hotel
2nd Precinct 1st ward W 11 Acker
mans ofiice
1st Precinct 2nd ward City Hall
2nd Precinct 2nd ward II II Berrys
S R McCaul
John Brit tain
T J Smith
Lon Cone
Valley Grange Precinct
The Republican caucus for this pre
cinct will bo held on July 19th at S
oclock to select 5 delegates to the
county convention etc
R McDonald Committeeman
Republican County Convention
The Repnblicaus of Red Willow county Neb
are hereby called to meet in delegate conven
tion at the city of McCook on Saturday July
21st 1900 at 11 oclock a m for the purpo e of
electing 7 delegates to the State Convention to
be held at Lincoln Aug 22 Also to elect dele
gates to the Congressional and to the State Sen
atorial Conventionaud to place in nomination
candidates for the following oflices
One State Representative
One County Attorney
One County Commissioner 2nd District
And for the transaction of such other business
before said convention
as may properly come
The basis of representation to said conven
tion shall bo 2 delegates at large for each vot
ing precinct and 1 delegate for each 10 votes or
fraction thereof cast for the Hon Chas B Lot
ton for Supremo Justice at tho last general
election Said apportionment entitles the sev
eral precincts to the following representation
in said contention
Beaver 6
Bondville -
BoxElder 4
Coleman 3
Daubury -
Driftwood 4
East Valley S
Fritsch 4
Gerver 5
Grant 4
Indianola J
Missouri Rigc 3
North Valley 4
Perry 4
Red Willow 5
Tyrone 4
Valley Grange 5
Willow Grovo
lward 1 precinct 11
1 ward 2 precinct 10
2 ward 1 precinct 11
2 ward 2 precinct 6
Tntnl 130
tho committee that the
if commended by
caucuses to elect delegates to this convention
It has caused more laughs and dried
more tears wiped away diseases and
driven away more fears than any other
medicine in the world Hollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents Tea or
Tablets L W McConnsiI
Depredations of Tax C ojotefe
Citizens ol Me iuoii and adjoining
counties of Texas are in a state of ter
ror because of the depredations of
coyotes which are killing scores of
cattle Worse than that the slinking
brutes are spreading hydrophobia
am ig the stock A man living In Til
den was bitten by an infected colt and
died In a few dayfi Ways and means
of getting rid of the pests are being
Massachusetts Slncl Tax Proposal
At the coming session of the Massa
chusetts legislature a bill will be offer
ed giving to each city and town the
privilege of raising money for munici
pal purposes by such methods as the
town or city may deem best This iB
the single tax proposal -which was de
feated In the last hay state legislature
It In Excellent For the Distention It
Claimed a Neither GnNtrlc Juice
Nor Pepwin Worlc Troperlr Unless
Largely Diluted With Water
How much water should we drink
and when should we drink It are ques
tions so simple that at first sight their
discussion seems superfluous One
would naturally answer Drink all the
water you wish when you are thirsty
but authorities say Drink more than
you wish when you are not thirsty
for they recommend that a gallon or so
be drunk between meals which is
more water than we need and the very
time the system least demands it Us
ually we experience thirst during or
directly after eating
Inasmuch as S7 per cent of the whole
body is water which is of course be
ing used up every moment there is no
question that we should drink of this
element copiously but it is a serious
question whether we should refrain
from water at meals the time we par
ticularly desire it
There is a class of persons ever
growing more numerous that believes
that whatever is is wrong For the
natural and simple they would substi
tute the artificial and complicated To
drink water while or directly after eat
ing is a natural instinct Give a dog
his dinner putting a bowl of water
near it and observe that he will first
eat all he can and then immediately
drink Wild animals look for a stream
after feeding Cage birds will stop
pecking at seed to peck at water Chil
dren have a perpetual thirst aud I
haA e seen babies that unlike young
Oliver have refused to eat more when
denied water after every few mouth
It is especially important that babies
be given what water thej vish and at
the time they wish it which is usually
at table
The thinner food is the more easily
and thoroughly is it digested in fact
it cannot be digested until it has been
made liquid by the gastric and intesti
nal juices Indigestion is caused often
by food that has not been sufficiently
moistened by the digestive secretions
There are sound p iological rea
sons for our craving water with meals
Water is the solvent that constitutes
93 per centof the gastric juice Now
when one eats a hearty meal and does
not drink the amount of water in the
stomach is not suflicient thorouguly to
moisten the great quantity of food
and tliis makes digestion difficult On
the other hand when enough water is
ingested with the food the latter is
well moistened and broken up the di
gestible particles being then readily
acted on by the gastric juice and after
ward absorbed Again when the par
tially digested food chyme passes into
the intestines it is most important that
it be very moist particularly as water
is constantly absorbed from the chyle
in the large intestine Bad cases of
constipation are caused by dry chyle
remaining in the intestines where it
sets up an inflammation that some
tius proves fatal dry faeces of
course resisting peristaltic action The
excrement of persons suffering from
constipation is always dry and hard
and is a potent cause of appendicitis
The idea that water drinking at
meals unduly dilutes the gastric juice
is nonsensical water being not so pal
atable that one is apt to drink more
than his digestive functions require
As a matter of fact water generally
facilitates the digestion of albuminous
substances In this connection Dr A
Jacobi in his work on Infant Diet
houldhe held on Thursday July 19th at 8 p esg began to siacken but was renewed
TfrHipr recommenueu wiiuu i
convention and that the
bo allowed at said
delegates present from each of the respective
precinct be authorized to cast the full vote of
their precinct
t mkb Ryan uharle
Bondville Precinct
Tho Republican caucus of Bondville precinct
to elect deleKates to tho County convention to
bo held at McCook July 2lst will be held at tho
residence of Herman Reiners on Thursday July
19th 1906 at 8 pm Heney N Colling
Grant Precinct
The Republican caucus of Grant precinct to
elect 4 delegates to the County convention to
be held at MoCook July 21st will be held at
the Banksville school house on Thursday July
19th 1906 at S p m A Peters
page G7 says
In experiments upon digestion of
albumen with gastric juice obtained
from the stomach of animals It was no
ticed that after a certain time the proc-
merely by the addition of water The
gastric juice became saturated with
the substance it had dissolved and
ceased to act upon what remained un
til it had been diluted In the living
stomach this dilution is of even greater
importance for it permits of the im
mediate absorption of the substances
soluble in water and which do not re
quire the -specific action of the gastric
juice Neither the gastric juice nor
pepsin has any true digestive action
unless they be largely diluted with wa
It goes without saying that it Is not
the food that Is ingested but that
which Is digested that does good and
this principle holds good with water
which is practically a food Now
when one resists the perfect y v -al
desire to drink while eating Lj n bi
not thirsty several hours afto v rd
but he is advised nevertheless to lv
himself to drink at that time But if
he drinks then the water having no
food to mix with it will go through
him as it were--that Is It will do no
The importance of water to the hu
man economy may be inferred from
the various purposes it subserves
First It softens and dissolves solid
foods thus facilitating their mastica
tion and digestion second it main
tains a due bulk of blood and the
structures of the body third it keeps
substances in solution or suspension
while moving in the body fourth It
supplies elements in the bodys chem
ical changes fifth it makes easy the
elimination of waste material sixth it
discharges superfluous heat by tran
spiration through the skin and by
i slon through other outlets and sev
enth It supplies in a convenient form
heat to or abstracts heat from the
body Some of these functions are
performed by water In Its liquid state
land others In a state of vapor
Have yon Indigestion Try water
instead of drugs with your food G
Elliot Flint in New York World
She Quention Veracity of the Author
of The Life of Inul Joncn
The life of the naval hero Paul Jones
has been much under public discussion
of late owing to the finding of his body
in Paris by General Horace Porter and
Its burial ut Annapolis with signal hon
ors All this has given renewed Inter
est to The Life of Paul Jones pub
lished by the late Colonel Augustus C
Buell in 1900 It was hailed by the
critics as the final word on the career
of the hero and was read with much
avidity by students on ncceunt of the
attractive glamour thrown by It about
his career But now eomes Mrs Regi
nald De Koven and says that this life
of Jones Ks a mass of fabrications that
it Is based upon a framework of truth
and deals In proper sequence with the
Hiinf ovciits of the heros career but
is padded with inventions of clever
construction and of unparalleled au
dacity Mrs De Koven classes the
book as the most audacious historical
forgery ever put upon a credulous pub
The woman who makes these charges
against the veracity of a dead author is
the daughter of ex United States Sena
tor Charles B Farwell of Illinois She
was born in Chicago in 1SG0 and is a
graduate of Lake Forest university
She married Reginald De Koven the
operatic composer in 1SS4 Mrs De
Koven is herself well known as an au
thor one of her best known works be
ing By the Waters of Babylon which
she wrote in 1001 and dramatized three
years later
How Done Tuberculosis Patients
Treated at Sea Breeze
It is estimated that there are GO000
persons in the United States who are
crippled through bone tuberculosis and
the pity of it is that they should re
main so all their lives when they might
be cured There are nearly 5000 such
cases in the city of New York and an
effort is being made to give strength
courage and health to as many as pos
sible of these sufferers through treat
ment at the hospital maintained at Sea
Breeze by the New York Association
For Improving the Condition of the
Poor Some 20000 of the poor of the
great city are benefited each summer
by a longer or shorter stay at Sea
Breeze which is at the northern end of
the famous Coney Island The good
done there for persons afllicted with
bone tuberculosis is only a part of the
large work done by the association
The salt air and the life out of doors
winter and summer have been found
I - --
to bo very beneficial to such cases
where the treatment has been tried on
the shores of England and France and
it is expected that the success of the
hospital at Sea Breeze will lead to the
establishment of others in different
parts of the United States The visit
which President Roosevelt paid last
summer to Sea Breeze through the in
vitation of Jacob A Riis brought the
good work dona there to public atten
tion as never before The sight of the
children strapped to boards or with
their legs in frames Is a pitiful one but
they are cheerful and hopeful for they
all expect to be cured and the medical
men say there is good ground for such
expectations They all agree with five-year-old
Max I dont want to get
dead and be an angel I want to play
of Thin DanRcrouM and Pro-
tructccl Disease
Although there is always more or
less typhoid fever in most of the larger
cities of tliis country the late summer
and autumn are the seasons when It is
most to be feared
The disease Is not so formidable as
regards the mortality as some others
but its great length and the evil conse
quences which sometimes follow it in
the form of weak heart weak sirine or
nervous disorders make it quite as se
rious as some which are more fatal but
far less protracted
Unless one knows how the disoase is
usually spread one cannot hope to
avoid it and so it may be useful to
consider in what ways the germs of
the malady find their way into the sys
Water is the usual vehicle for ty
phoid germs as is well known and
probably all great outbreaks of the dis
ease in cities are due to an infected
water supply This lias been strikingly
shown in Philadelphia where some
parts of the city are supplied with fil
tered water and others with uniiltered
or mixed Avater Comparing two parts
of the city in which the conditions ex
cept as to water supply are almost the
same it was found that in the one sup
plied with filtered water the occurrence
rate of typhoid fever was one in five
thousand while in the others in which
tho uniiltered water was draink it was
one in sixteen hundred
But a city with an ideal water sup
ply may be scourged with typhoid
fever although less severely through
the medium of impure ice and it is al
most as important to know where the
ice is cut or with what water it is
made if artificial as where the city
water comes from Not long since a
number of officers on one of the United
States ships in the Mediterranean
squadron were taken down with ty
phoid fever When the source of the
infection was traced it was found to be
some ice bought at Athens the ice ma
chine on shipboard having broken
Another source of infection is found
in oysters that have been fattened in
streams contaminated with sewage
Not only lias typhoid followed the eat
ing of these fish but the typhoid bacilli
have been found in the stomachs of the
L w vegetables used for salads may
have been grown in soil contaminated
with slops used as fertilizers or may
have been wa hed in infected water
Unless a water supply is above sus
picion all that used for drinking tooth
cleaning aud in the kitchen should be
boiled and the drinking water cooled
by putting vessels containing it on the
ice not by putting ice in the water it
Finally great care should be taken
to screen all food from flies for if
there is a case of typhoid fever in the
neighborhood flies may become most
active distributers of the poison
Youths Companion
Jealousy is like some other things
the lid should be kept on it
When you say no say it in a manner
that will leave no doubt of your mean
When giving advice to others here is
a small slice to serve yourself Keep
stiil more
How little the best doctor knows
And how helpless he is in the presence
of serious illness
Tt is said that disappointment is hard
to bear but we all stand it pretty well
when we look in the glass
A man jut starting into a law suit
has more faith in courts than his at
torney ever claims to have
There are too many young men who
start out to make their mark in the
world and stop at a soda fountain or
hammock on the way Atchison Globe
The -Word Cniuiibnlism
The word cannibalism is really the
name of a people It is identical with
Carib many of the Caribs who for
merly flourished in the AYest Indies
having been consumers of human flesh
The letters 1 n and r are Inter
changeable in certain aboriginal Ameri
can languages so that Columbus found
one West Indian island saying Cani
ba where another said Carib while
Shakespeares Caliban is another va
riety of the same Columbus own con
jecture was that the name was con
nected with the great khan and later
philologists of the old slapdash type as
sociated with canis a dog Ap
parently however the meaning of
carib was brave and daring
Tio Faith Iu Him
Guess that freckled daughter of
Thompsons must have a steady young
What makes you think so
The old man was in here yesterday
to buy one of these newfangled con
trivances that make a big saving in
the gas you burn
I dont believe the young mans a
steady If he was theyd save all the
gas Cleveland Tlaln Dealer
There Are No Certain Ones
The only objection I have to this
story said the cynical bachelor is
the frequent use of the phrase a cer
tain girl The phrase is grossly inac
curate as everybody well knows that
all girls are exceedingly uncertain
Chicago News
Love when true faithful and well
fixed is eminently the sar tifying ele
ment of human life Without It the
soul cannot reach its fullest height or
holiness Ruskin
Comfort and independence abide with
those who can postpone their desires
Success Magazine
iniuiinuii w
m rT
A Novel S2i Valuable
Vacation Tour
in the Big Horn
Worland Wyo
Buy a S2000 excursion ticket to
Basin and rector there to draw for a land prize in the Shoshone Reser
IZnormake Worland your objective point in looking uP mineral -timber
final limit of August loth
claim in the Curl Creek mountains
X rmitvoutomake the side trip from Worland to the Thermopoh
m fane
hot springs uhoe waters and curativo properties are Pnonced
ns any in Lb world the out flow is 18500000 gallons of water wery 4
will become one
hours at a temperature cf 135 degrees P Tnermopolis
of the most remarkable health resorts of this unUy
the Black Hills to Dead
Side trip tickets from Edgemont
S D and return g P
wood and return S700 to Hot Springs
returnS230Stop overs allowed on Shoshone tickets
Frannie to Cody
j iiv nmliiKtiul camping tour from Cody throujn
vii inri Wp th Svlviin Pass Route everything providedvOJUU
Another delightful mountain side trip is that from Cody to C
Inn in the Yellowstone Park l
Log Cabin
aha8ka Tepeo or
boundary This is one of tho hoicest
Ferv 2 miles eaht of the park
Reception and Banquet to the V G M
The boys or McCook lodge No 590
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
tendered a reception and banquet to
Vice Grand Master C W Mier of the
orderglast Fridny evening The affair
was a memorable one in every aspect
and particular to the bos of 599 This
is the first visit from a grand master
this lodge has ever received since its
organization four jears ago and it was
keenly appreciated by the members
The McCook Commercial club rooms
where tendered the lodge in receiving j
the grand master and here the reception
master addressing
propor was held the grand
dressing the members and a pleasant
session withal being enjoyed with profit
to all
After the session in the club room a
banquet was spread in honor of the
grand master at tho Palmer hotelwhich
was in keeping with the traditions of
that hostelrietho management spareing
neither expense nor effort in producing
a banquet of unexcelled excellence or in
serving it in the best stylo and with the
mot t tasteful accessories
W C Allen of Galesburg Illinois
general chairman of the joint protective
board wns present and served as toast
master with distinction and cleverness
The wives of the firemen enjoyed the
occasion with their husbands
The affair was a most satisfactory ore
and the boys are delighted with the
success of the same ascribing much of
the credit to the management of the
Palmer for their banquet
Over The Thousand Mark
The school census has been complet
ed and while the increase is not as large
as expected on account of quite a num
ber of Russian and other tamuies leav
ing the city this spring to engage in
the sugar beet culture elsewhere the
result indicates a growth over last year
Tho tninl number of nonulation of
school age is 1071 as against 1018 last
year or a gain of 26
The Alliance papers of recent date
announce the completion of an exceed
ingly careful census and report the en
umeration of 927 youngsters of school
age in that city or a gain of 11 over last
This shows McCook to have 147 more
persons of school age than Alliance
For State Professional Certificates
Examinations for state professional
certificates will be held in McCook
Monday and Tuesday July 23 and 21
The examinations for Red Willow coun
ty will be conducted by County Supt
Quick Following will be the program
Monday forenoon Chemistry gener
al history
Monday afternoon English literature
plane trigonometry zoology
Tuesday forenoon Geology physica1
Tuesday afternoon Psychology rhet
Prairie chickens are being killed by
local sportsmen notwithstanding the
law of the state of Nebraska prohibits
killing before September 1st After all
what is the difference between breaking
the law against theft and against shoot
ing birds out of season
You will find the only Shetland pony
for hire in the city at McCook Livery
CURES catarrh of the stomach
By virture of an order of sale issued from the
District court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under decrees in actions wherein James r loy
L plaintiff and Carlos C Bnrret al are defen
dants and Edward B Cowles is plaintiff and
The Cheshire Provident Institution are defen
dants to me directed and delivered I shall
offer at public sale and sell to the highest bid
der for cashat the east door of the court house
in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on
the 13th day of Aufiust 1900 at the hour -of I
oclock pmthe followiDcdesnbed real estate
to wit The west half of the southwest quarter
of section twenty 20 and the west half of tho
northwest quarter of section twenty nine lJ
in township two 2 north of ranse twenty nine
29 west of the 6th pm in Red lllow coun
ty state of Nebraska
Dated this 13th day of July 190C
II I Peteesox Sheriff
W A Middleton
W C Milliard
C H Meeker
W E Htffelbower
Forest Re-
- i i nnta in vtvlinrn nvailaulC
tain and forest hunting mm trout nsum oi j -
Call or write for Yellowstone Park folders describing tours beyond
Shoshone free lands Big Horn
Gardiner or Codv or Black Hills leaflet
folder etc Let mo describe to you mu
mi outing through tho interesting Northwest in con
nection with the cheap excursion rates to Worland ono
of tho principal points of registration for Shoshone
City Council Proceedings
The city council was in session Mon
day evening all present but councilman
Following bills were allowed
W A Gold 8 10 00
Thomas Burge CO 00
Frank Denton 50 00
tf H Sliirlnv 3 00
John Ekstedt I 1
SAWarner 20 20
W T Coleman 1 15
L W McConnell 50
Rosebush Northrup 120 57
J B Northrup 11 SS
Hammond Printing Co - 15 75
L P Chapman 100
2 35
J 4i
101 30
13 00
John Hunt 2125
Schell Kimmell 5 50
C A Seed 1 00
William Zint 2 00
Fire claims were allowed to city fire
men to the total of S1S600
City marshals report was read and
Police judges report was read and
referred to city attorney
City treasurers report was read and
referred to finance committee
Resolution was passed establishing
and making tho annual levy for the
fiscal year of 190G The estimate calls
for S1235000 The revpnue for 1905
was 6907825 The expenses of the city
for 1905 were 8918052
The appropriation ordinance was pis
sed It is No 126
Ordinance No 127 establishing and
describing sewer district No 1 and pro
viding for its construction and the pay
ment thereof was passed
Growing Oranges in California by
Bertha M Smith A business worth
11000000 a vear was developed from
half a dozen navel orange cuttings How
the fruit is gathered sorted and packed
The struggle of the producers for a pay
ing market and their triumph through
co operation
Automobiles for Everybody o
longer mere toys for the rich but within
the reach of men with moderate in
comes What it costs to keep one How
they compare with horse and carriages
for physcians and others who drive The
economy of commercial automobiles by
Harry B Hanies
The New State of Oklahoma by
M G Cunniff The spirit of the peo
ple of Oklahoma and Indian Territory
who will soon be citizens of a new com
monwealth Stories of life and work in
the two territories What the pioneers
have accomplished
Bridging the Gorge of the Zambesi
by A T Prince The enormous span
flung across a canyon 350 feet deep
just below the greatest cataract in the
world The adventures in its building
The most picturesque link in the Cape
to Cairo railway
The Model School House by C C
Johnson The H plan building a new
and simple design that allows light and
air How New York has improved the
vision and the health of its children 30
per cent iNoiaoie examples oi mis
school architecture
The above may be found at the public
Library hours Morning 1030 to 12
oclock Afternoon 130 to 6 oclock
Evening 7 to 9 oclock Sunday after
noon 2 to 5 oclockr
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each bos 25c
Six gentle high headed high
single drivers at McCook Livery t
i v If