The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 06, 1906, Image 1

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830 P M
GHlilan is the Funny Man
on the Baltimore American hold
ing a position quite similar to
Bixbys oi the State Journal He
has been a great success upon the
lyceum platform
Reserved Beats will be checked
off at McConnells Drug Store
Monday July 16 at 7 oclock p
m The sale will begin the fol
lowing morning
All seats 50 cents
McCooks Fourth
The Fourth of July passed off so far
as McCook is specially concerned suc
cessfully without unpleasant or pain
ful incident There was a nice crowd in
town and they and the citizens seemed
to enjoy the day which was intended
to be a quiet unostentatious affair
The concerts by the band were a de
light and greatly enjoyed
The races drew an unexpectedly large
crowd to the driving park The half
mile trot was won by William Lewis
Fred Washburn 2 S S Clark 3 The
quarter mile running race was divided
among the four entries W F Everist
and Bob Kelley each won a heat Bert
Benjamin had third place and William
Escher fourth The half mile pacing
race was the chief attraction Webster
owned by W R Starr and driven by
W Y Johnson won 2nd and 3rd heats
Frank Denton won 1st heat Best time
The base ball game between the rail
road boys from the operating and mech
anical departments resulted in victory
for the former Score 10 to 5
I 0 R M Public installation
The first open installation and ban
quent of Sioux Tribe No 65 I OR M
Monday evening in Odd Fellows hall
Was altogether satisfactory to the Red
men and to their numerous guests The
officers installed are F C Roberson
sagamore WLCoopersenibr sagamore
P R Berryman junior sagamore H
W Conover prophet The installing
officers were F A Munden great pro
phet G H Wilson mishinewa David
Magner deputy great sachem
There was a splendid program and
Resigns This Pastorate
Rev A A Holmes of the Baptist
church resigned his pastorate Sunday
to take effect on August first This re
signation comes as a consideration of
health Mrs Holmes and grandmother
both being effected by the altitude The
ladies will leave next week for Sumner
Nebraska his late pastorate The resig
nation is regretted by all parties con
cerned as the relations of pastor and
people have been satisfactory and the
work of the church prosperous
Second Class Postofflce
Postmaster Kimmell received the
official news close of last week that the
McCook postofflce would on July 1st be
come a second class office This is grat
ifying to McCook people as indicating
a gradual and very satisfactory growth
to the city commercially during the
past year
The Most Complete
well boring outfit in the west run by
gasoline engine and in charge of a com
petent man who knows all about wells
pumps and windmills
McCook Hardware Co
All Roads Lead
to the McCook Hardware Co Our
latch string is out and we are always
ready to entertain you
Mills Simmons
W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat
ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work
guaranteed Phone red 306 or box
595 McCook Neb tf
Toilet articles perfumes and novelties
Lon Cose Druggist
Wall paper McMillens Drug Store
CiirtifrfoW fa
John Gaarde is away on his vacation
Mrs N B iusH of Almena Kansas
is here visiting the homefolks
Miss Emma Perry has been up from
Lincoln this week guest of friends
Miss Nellie - Sampson of Oxford
spent the Fourth with McCook friends
Congressman Norris and family ar
rived home Monday night from Wash
Miss Nellie Mason of Greenwood
Neb is a guest of Mr and Mrs C H
MrsWH Baker and daughter have
been visiting WH Baker in Galesburg
Miss Mable WAiTEfrom Minneapolis
Minn is visiting her brothers HP and
E SWaite
I M Beasdslee is down from Color
ado this week looking after his busi
ness affairs
Mrs Sylvester Cordeal has gone to
Raton New Mexico on a visit to her
daughter Mrs James Whiteford
Floyd Proper came in from Pitts
burg Kansas Monday on a short visit
to the homefolks to whom it was a
pleasant surprise
Louis Thorgrimson asst cashier of
the First National bank arrived home
last Tnursday night from his months
vacation in the northwest
Albert McMillen arrived home
Monday night from Pennsylvaoia His
sister was better when he left but later
news report her not so well
Mr and Mrs John Selby and chil
dren came up from Lincoln to be with
McCook relatives over the Fourth com
ing on No 5 Saturday night
Mrs William Hammell returned
home last Saturday night from an
absence of two or three weeks in Kansas
and Arkansas visiting relatives and
A C Ebert cashier of the Citizens
bank returned home Friday night of
last week after spending a month in
the west and northwest on a well earned
Attorney General and Mrs W E
Mullen of Cheyenne Wyoming are in
the city for a week or so guests of his
mother Mrs Mary Mullen arriving on
Tuesday night
U J Warren of Ft Morgan Colo
joined the family here for the Fourth
Later in the week the family all went
down to Davenport Nebraska to visit
his homefolks
Private Secretary and Mrs J R
McCarl arrived home last Saturday on
13 from Washington D C where they
been living during the session of con
gress which closed on last Saturday
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a m and 8 p m Evening prayer at
730 oclock Wednesday All are wel
come to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8
p m by the pastor Communion at
morning services Christian Endeavor
at 7 p m A cordial invitation to all
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Christian Sunday school at 10 am
Preaching at 11 am and 8 p m DS
Domer of Beaver City will speak on
The Pride of Syria Conquered Obed
ience at the morning service and The
Golden Settings of Life in the evening
Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m
All the regular services next Sunday at
the usual hours Rev C J Pope of
Grand Island will preach next Sunday
Every member of the church is urged
to be present We welcome you to our
A A Holmes Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermon at 11 a m The Moral Ele
ment in Education Class at 12 Junior
League at 5 p m Epworth League at 7
pm Sermon at 8 pm Good and
Bad Manners Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 8 p m Sunday school
and preaching in South McCook next
Sunday afternoon
M B Carman Pastor
Every One Enquires
for the Quick Meal gasoline stoves be
cause they are the best sold by the
f - McCook Hardware Co
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
v 4sv5
Complimentary toMrs Wilcox
The following items are taken from a
Boise Idaho daily
Mrs Cruzen was hostess again Tues
day at a dainty luncheon The table
decorations were sweet peas and mar
guerites After luncheon 500 was
played and Mrs Meholin and Mrs Fer
gusin were the lucky winners The
prizes were a cut glass perfume bottle
and a Japanese candle stick The
guests were Mesdames Quigley Mc
Millan Tipton RandellWyman Ander
son Stephenson Wilcox Davidson
Propper Higgins Woodwortb Agnew
Ferguson McGaw Fletcher Logan
G Wyman Kinyon DeMary Bruce
Pittenger Swift Horner McBirney
Van Valkenburg Shubert Hoover H
Lemp Christenson Culver Hughes
Coato Tipton Collister Lynch Meho
lin Kinyon Pence Leonard Huston
Misses Vallery Long Mobley Bush
Barter Littlefield Lally Mehargue
Stewart Johnesse and Collister
Roses in profusion formed the deco
rations at a delightful little Kensington
given by Mrs G R Green last Wed
nesday afternoon complimentary to
Mrs J A Wilcox of McCook Neb
An amusing contest was enjoyed Mrs
Woodworth winning the prize a souve
nir spoon which was presented to the
guest honor At the conclusion of this
delicious refreshments were served
Those invited were Mesdames Wilcox
Woodworth Meholin Wilson Ferguson
Collister Young Davies Clithero Lane
McConnell Roach Taddock Neal
Tourtellottee Campbell Wallace Keo
pen Crane Hackett Brown Lyman
Hansen Grayeley Horner Williamson
Parks Saums Dodd Palmer Misses
Thomas Bollville Campbell
A Funny Man
Gillian who is to lecture under junior
normal school auspices Friday July
20tb tells his own stories many of
which as he says have been originated
by a good many peoplesmce he originated
them reads his own inimitable bits of
original verse that fairly reek with all
that is best in humanity and all that
is funniest in the world talks his own
monologues in the easy interesting
conversational style that makes the
audience forget it is being entertained
and eel that it is having a most delight
ful visit with a marvelous new found
friend who is as ludicrous as he is awk
ward and as wise as he is witty There
is no man on the platform today who
works more individuality into his public
appearances no other man so distinctly
himself or fascinatingly amusing When
he has had you laugh until there are
pains in your sides he turns on the
warmth of pathos to relax the cramps
and about the time you get ready to
scold him for being serious he solemnly
sends a shaft of unexpected absurdtiy
hurtling down the line and upsets you
so completely that you feel like scolding
him again for the suddenness of the
change He sticks so close to nature
that smiles and tears always the sun
shiny optimistic humanizing acheless
tears follow each other naturally and
easily like the emotions chase them
selves through the soul of a new born
babe His work is as clean as your ears
used to be on Sunday morning when
mother got through using that knitted
wash rag
Welcomed the Great Officers
The members of the local lodge of I
O R M met the high officials of the
order who passed through McCook last
Sunday John W Cherry of Philadel
phia Great Incohonee and Wilson
Brooks of Chicago Great Chief of
Records of tha Great council I ORM
were en route to San Francisco with
funds to the amount of 880000 which
they will distribute among members of
the order in that stricken city
How To Obtain a Clear Velvety Com
Under the balmy influence of Mc
Connells Fragrant Lotion wonderful
improvements take place Tan Freck
les etc disappear The skin becomes
delightfully smooth and white with a
fresh clean complextion having an en
chanting soft sheen like that of the
finest silk velvet
Has a Badly Injured Leg
WHIT Shepherd of East McCook
was severely injured Jast week by fal
ling out of a wagon and having the
vehicle run over his leg The member
was badly bruised and has been giving
him considerable pain and difficulty
Low Rates to California
San Francisco or Los Angeles and re
turn 5000
Via Portland 86250 Liberal stopover
privileges allowed
For particulars call at ticket office
G S Scorr Agent
Fine stationery tablets etc
Lon Conb Druggist
Many Novelties Are with the Great Adam
Forepaugh and Sells Bros Circus
When it comes to a family vote the
circus leads every other kind of enter
tainment and how it has grown in the
last few years This applies not only to
the size of the tents but to the general
tone and excellence of the things it of
fers The Great Adam Forepaugh and
Sells Brothers Enormous Shows United
are a vivid example of this truth It
has grown so big that four special trains
are required to haul it from place to
plaee The big circus tent is provided
with seating accommodations for ten
thousand people Three rings two
enormous stages and a hippodrome track
one quarter of a mile long with a forest
of overhead riggings are used for the
circus features Most of the acts are
new strange as this may sound and
have created sensational interest in
European countries There are more
than two hundred performers in the
revolving bill as many as ten acts going
on at one time Every second of time
counts in the two hours of the ring acts
In fact the frictionless movement of a
tremendous circus program like that
offered by Forepaugh and Sells Broth
ers is one of the very remarkable things
about the big shows and is calculated
to take some of the conceit out of the
average puffed up theater spectacle
stage manager The three herds of
performing elephants with these superior
shows are worth going to see They do
the most unnatural things with the
grace and precision of a trained acrobat
To see the bulky fellows poise them
selves on their beads evolve dancing
figures with regard of tune and chang
ing style and pantomimically enact the
broad humor of a farcical skit is a spec
tacle not soon forgotten and is wholly
unlike any other exhibition of the kind
before the public Captain Webbs
educated seals bring home the fact that i
these small headed beasts are the most
intelligent in all wild nature They
occupy the two great stages and take a
cue with the sympathetic of the most
fervent and cultivated artist They
play musical instruments balance and
tqss balls to each other and juggle
different objects with the most expert
human dexterity It is the most marve
lous exhibition of animal training in the
whole world Circus day will begin
with a street pageant starting from the
show grounds at ten oclock in the
morning This street display is the
most magnificent and munificent ever
organized It will be in many sections
each division separate in feature and
splendor and will be fully three miles
long The open animal cages great
herds of elephants and camels hun
dreds of high stepping horses gaily
gowned equestrians expert horsemen
tableau floats musical vehicles soldier
typesjuvenilo heroesf un making clowns
and so on and so on combine to make
this the most extravagant extensive and
entirely enjoyable pageant ever organiz
ed Will be here Saturday July 14th
Mrs S C Dragoo has returned to
her home in Friend Nebraska The
baby is much better after a serious and
prolonged illness
Gus Blunck is here from Germany
visiting his brother Henry
Wednesday of last week Hari Meyers
and friends indulged in a fine dinner
and trimmings at the Mayers home
W T Shepherd is confined to home
with a severely injured leg the result
of an accident Friday a week ago
Mrs Fred llendershot and children
are here from Cheyenne Wyornirg
guests of her mother Mrs M A Wh it
taker of East McCook
Earl Notley is laid up at home on ac
count of an slight injury
Mrs Hays of Lincoln Nebraska and
Fred Dutton of Mt Pleasant Iowa are
guests at the W G Dutton home
The Finest Ever
The Tribune has just received a ship-
mentof the finest type writer paper ever
brought to town We also have the
cheaper grades But if you like some
thing splendid just try a box of Strath
Large Consignment
of buggies at the McCook Hardware Co
Mr Coleman had a fine line but the new
firm has a better lineand for less money
Dinner and Supper Show Day
The Ladies Aid society of the Meth
odist church will serve dinner and
supper on show day July 14th
A Bargain
in a second hand header
McCook Hardware Co
Everything in drugs McConnell
Best apron ginghams 5c Thompsons
For Books go to Lon Cone Drug
The finest ice cream Lon Cone Drug
Best table
chapped hands
oil cloth
15c yd
Fragrant Lotioi for
Ferris Waists for children misses and
ladies Thompsons
American A seamless woven
grain bags 19c Thompsons
Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Roses of Eden and Japan The
finest perfumes Lon Cone Druggist
400 stylish dress skirts to select from
8200 to 8700 Alterations free Thomp
Ladies extra size gauze unions and
separate garments in good supply at
The Baptist girls will hold a social at
W F Everists homo next Monday
evening Ten cents
W F Everist and Fitch are turning
out some excellent rigs at McCook Liv
ery east Dennison St
Just received a new line of Ideal
white waists in long and short sleeves
open front and open backs Thompsons
The quality is remembered long after
the price is forgotten Try Roses of
Eden and Japan
Lon Cone Druggist
For Sale Furniture as good as new
Buffet china closet tables chairs
chiffonier dresser bed etc
Mrs S M Cook
Mr WF Everist shipped in a carload
of fine work and driving horses which
are on sale at McCook Livery Stable
Phone 40
Set your foot down any old way with
ease after you have used McConnells
Foot Powder for a day or two Try it
for 25 cents
American Beauty gauze corsets and
girdles 35 and 50c Money back after
4 weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
Meters for sale by John Hunt Call
at bis plumbing establishment under
Cones drug store for particulars The
prices are reasonable
Those very stylish black silk J3olero
jackets made of fine silk
we reduce those now remaining from
8675 to 8469 Thompsons
The best knowledge of sponges is used
in making our selections You can de
pend on getting a good sponge at Mc
Connells Drug Store
It developes that we bought too many
ladies white parasols As a conse
quence we offer very pretty 8150 ones
for 8113 and our 8125u ones for 89c
Fell Into the Area Way
W S Hamilton had the misfortune
to fall backwards from the railing in
front of the Citizens bank to the bottom
of the area wit Tuesday evening He
arrived on his head and cut the same
severelybut not seriouslythrough rend
ered unconcious lie was able to drive
to town Friday
Hammocks Built For Two
Strong and durable plain and fanci
fully colored Just built for solid com
fort Look at our hammock stock
youll see the very kind you have been
wishing for It wont cost much 8150
to 8S00
L W McConnell Druggist
Decided on One Thing
The library board has decided on the
mission style of architecture for the
proposed Carnegie library building The
joke is on Thompson the original friend
of our old friend Coronado
Car Load of Paint
on hand at the McCook Hardware Cos
store Better paint for less money than
before offered It will pay you to see
Lincoln Pure Paint
Dont forget the name when you want
to get a durable paint Let us figure
with you McMiLLENDruggist
Enamel Lined
and all other kinds including the cele
brated Alaska Refrigerators at cost
McCook Hardware Co
You cannot mention a perfume that
has merited public approval that we
Bound duplicate receipt books three caa not gu ppiy Algo some others that
receipts to the page for sale at The are just as good even if they are not as
Tribune office popuiar
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postal
Cards printed by The Tribune
are on sale at
A McMillens
The Ideal Store
The Tribune Office
L W McConnells
The Post Ofilco Lobby
Eleven different views printed
Other designs are in prepara
tion The price Two for five
McConnell for drugs
McMillen Prescription Druggist
Dont forget our soda fountain
Lon Conk Druggist
Mens harvest hemlot hats 20cThomp
Simpsons and American prints 5c
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Best spooled carpet warp 21c pound
Thompson s
Dr Kays ollice is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phone 97
Varnish stains tintolac and enamels
at McMillens Druggist
Harvest is now on Get your good
all leather gloves for only 18c per pair at
Our perfumes aro the best make and
lasting Several new odors Try them
McMillen Druggist
We reduce what remain of those loose
back pongee silk coats from 8375 to
toS269 Thompsons
Skins differ as much as faces We
have just the cream you like for your
skin Many varieties at McConnells
Wanted girls for laundries Steady
employment Good wages Apply 200
Barclay Block 18th Larimer Denver
Wo make no bones of it Too many
embroidered waist patterns Our 8100
grade go now at 69c Our 8135 ones for
99ij Thompsons
Found Last Saturday in West Mc
Cook a small hand bag containing
a small sum of money Owner can have
same by calling at this office
Remember you will find Mike Waish
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Perhaps never before in his life did
John Rice feel so urgently the need of
more hands than he did the other night
when one Steves chargers charged and
discharged the cargo
In his new location just across the
9treet from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Theres no chance of missing it if
you buy at Marshs meat market He
has the goods and can deliver them
Give him a chance to supply your meats
of all kinds and he will be very pleased
and certain to make good
JOGormanSupremeOrganizer of the
Western Bees is in the city organizing
a lodge Special features Nebraska
order strictly representative Every
member has a voice in the government
Both sexes are eligible to membership
Has old age and disability benefits
W E Wiehe who is now in charge
of Conductor Sollidays farm just south
and east of the city is an expert gard
ener and florist and expects shortly to
offer his services to the people of Mc
Cook and vicinity in that capacity He
will make a specialty of floral funeral
designs etc
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to GO constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during the year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage
Diamonds stocks of summer clothing
underwear and negligee shirts are all
complete We have a full line of Boys
Buster Brown and Russian Blue wash
suits from 50c to 8150 A complete
line mens summer clothing linen suits
serge coats vests linen pants two piece
summer suits and summer skeleton coats
from 75c to 600 per suit A full loe
and sizes of summer shirts from 29c to
150 Underwear for man or boys from
25c to 8150 per garment Come and
see us We can save you money Dia
mond for clothing and shoes