I H i B Jfo jfttfrafc fm By F M KIMMELL Xargest Circulation in Red Willow Co -Subscription 1 a Year in Advance R F D Service The word has gone out from post office circles that thosS having the nd vantages of R F D service must evince some interest in and appreciation of the same or the service is liable to be drop ped This service is costing Uncle Sam almost 30000000 annually It is a luxury and where rural districts fail to show that they appreciate the service where there is no growth in business where a degree of carelessness exists in the matter of good roads etc the ser vice is likely to bo discontinued and transferred to other localities There is a constant and growing demand for the servico all over the country and the most deserving are most likely to secure it Sioux Tribe No 65 1 0 R M Tho tribe met on Monday evening of this week and named the following officers for the coming term Sachem Floyd Roberson Senior Sagamore W L Cooper Junior Sagamores J Steinman and Berryman A public installation of tho above roamed officers will be given on Monday July 2 A firo program is being ar ranged for this occasion All will be cordially welcomed at this public meet ing Visiting Rednien aro always wel come The Writ Was Granted An application for a writ of mandamus to compel the village of Curtis to revoke a saloon licence was heard by J udge Orr in chambers last Saturday night W S Morlan of McCook JA Williams of Stockville and L H Latham of Cur- itis were the lawyers applying for tl e writ J Ij White of Curtis and Starr tReeder of McCook opposed the granting of the writ There were some pretty boisterous developments in the case -Judge Orr granted the writ however Disastrous Fire at Bartley Bartley had a disastrous fire early Monday morning Dodd Dodds gen eral stock and brick store and the G W Jones building occupied by A J Craw mer with a stock of general merchan dise were all destroyed Dodd Dodd lose 8000 on building and 50000 on stock No insurance on stock 2000 on building A J Crawmers loss on stock 0200 insured for 2100 G W Jones building 1 200 insured for 600 Notice County Institute The first two weeks of the McCook Junior State Normal school June 11 to 22 inclusive will be the Institute weeks for Red Willow Couuty The model school under 31 issSch lees direction will be conducted -during this time All who expect to teach ia this county the com ing year must attend since a state law makes institute attendance compulsory 6 l 2ts FLQ2A B Quick County Supt Telephone tfaiice Parties who are not now subscribers vnho wish telephones please make ar racgemeuts ht the office as soon as pos sible C I llAhh Manager Pat Did you ever see the like ia your Niver butonctandthat was in Chicago I mean those fino turnouts at the MeCook Livery Cash- Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register prinied supplies at The Tribune office Wanted Laborers at the Brush Sugar Factory Brush Colorado Good wages paid Shamrock 3rd Upon solicitation of manyI have con sented to put Shamrock 3rd on tho stand for a short season Those desiring his services must apply at an early date Shamrock 3rd is a black brown Stallion 4 years old Standard by breeding with blood lines second to none Stands 1G hands high Weight 1200 pounds A horse of great substance and power a more beautiful horse to look at is not found in the state of Nebraska While he has great courage and is a free driver he is as gentle as a lamb any woman can harness and drive him as my wife has freauentlv done Tln n iin to oreea to this great horse I dont hesitate to say taking every thing into account he is tho greatest and most - horse to breed to that is now or ever has been iu Red Willow county You will nnd him at the New Livery Barn at the west end of Dennison Street McCook Nebraska Terms only 810 00 to insure foal W R Starr owner BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach HOLLISTERS iccky Mountain Tea Nuggets A BnBy Medloine for Busy People Brings Golden Ecalth and Bonowed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live d ine7 Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Siueffish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -Jet form cents a bor Genuine made by Eolustek Dnuo Company Madison Wis RURAL WATER SUPPLY Um Snnliry Condition Not What It Ought to Be When such great sums of money are being expended by city governments that the Inhabitants of towns may have a sanitary water supply It seems strange that the supply in rural towns should receive little or no attention This latter population may seem rela tively Insignificant but it comprises about 40000000 souls This means that those 40000000 people are drinking the water most available without a thought of Its sanitary couditlon These various sources of supply whether wells springs or small streams are similarly unreliable for furnishing drinking water The statis tics of mortality in the country are very Indefinite but even these show that the rural population is not as free from illness as it should be And though everywhere the rural death rate is lower than the urban death rate yet the lowering in the country has not been as great as In the city An exam ination of typhoid statistics shows that the death rate of other diseases is gen erally lower in the country than in the city but the prevalence of typhoid is almost equal to if not greater in the rural districts than in the cities Several instances have been reported which show the rural typhoid rate to be ten times greater than the urban rate for the same district To particu larize a certain district in central Pennsylvania proves tnis fact It is made up of a rural population with 100 Inhabitants to the square mile It Is a region of fine farms wild mountains and woods country residences and pic nic groves And in this valley there has been as much typhoid fever as in the city of Philadelphia Sad as this condition is there seems to be no remedy for it The sources of a ciry water supply are few and the city government easily controls the conditions affecting It But what can be done when the sources of supply are numbered by the thousands A mint of money and an army of chem ists would not be sufficient to give the same care to the country supply that is given to that of the city New York Herald SNOWSLIDES OF ROCKIES Peril of Mountain Takes Its Toll of Life and Property Every year the life of a miner in the high mountain regions Is menaced by the avalanche or snowslide and every year brings Its list of casualties and of hairbreadth escapes The story of snowslides would fill a book and would be a thrilling tragic and in some cases a grewsome one Hen have ridden hundreds of feet on the back of a snowslide and have es caped unhurt Others have been caught and buried so deep and in such uncer tain spots that their bodies have not been discovered until the melting of the snow in the following spring Some have been caught as they were walking but a few steps from the boarding house to the mine or while f emptying a car on the mine dump Not infrequently men have found them selves temporarily imprisoned by the entrance of the mine being closed by a slide while they were at work and have had to dig their way out A Chinese cook at one of the Idaho mines stepped outside his kitchen door for a moment and was caught and hurled with the slide 1000 feet down the hillside and his body was not re covered till the following snrins Such incidents denote the extreme suddenness power and velocity of the slide Little or no warning is given a roar a cloud of snow obscuring the sight of the real slide and in a mo ment thousands of tons of snow mingled with trees and debris are shot down the gulch or the slope of a moun tain as from the mouth of a cannon In a few seconds all is over and the scenery of the little valley is com pletely clianged Klines and Minerals Whnt a Letter 1V111 Do A proofreader anent the importance of trifles read from his notebook these absurd sentences each made by the omission of a single letter The conflict was dreadful and the I enemy was repulsed with ter reat laugh- When the presidents wife entered the humble sitting room of the miner she was politely offered a hair A man was yesterday arrested on the charge of having eaten a cabman for demanding more than his fare An ernploj ee in the service of the government was accused of stolen a small ox from the mail The stolen property was found i vei pocket Observation An observant man in all hio inter course with society and the world con stantly and uuperceived marks on - - A UU 1lJC lastnmlnnlvnnfn lei iLrson a tiling the figure ex- j uuij uu W11 uave nroBn nf - v i0 djut uiiu uiereiore on meeting tnat person or thing knows Instantly what kind and degree of at tention to give it This is to make something of experience John Foster Tamed Poetry I wish to submit a lyric sir said the timid young man My friends say its a beauty really sings itself Humph said the cold hearted edi tor We couldnt use a poem like that We want one that once printed will remala perfectly quiet and not keep our readers awake by singing itself at all times The true strength of every human soul is to be dependent on as many nobler as it can discern and to be de pended upon by as many inferior as It can reach The world which took but six dnva QLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE j out Browne ST0EY OP THIS FLOOD THERE ARE MANY AND VARIED VER SIONS OF THE DELUGE Tho reat Event In Chronicled Not Ontr In the Talmud and Koran bat In the Lcgentld of Almost Every Race That Ever Lhcd on Earth One of the most powerful and vivid descriptive portions of the book of Genesis is that devoted to the wonder ful story of the deluge Together with the accounts of Adams fall the slay ing of Abel and the turning of Lots wife into a pillar of salt every one remembers from childhood how Noah was warned of the doom impending over the children of men and how he constructed a huge ark in which he did live himself and his family and two of every beast of the field and fowl of the air for tho space of 100 days or until the waters subsided and the dry land appeared But the Biblical recital of this terrible visitation of divine wrath is by no means the only one In fact the most skeptically inclined must believe that something of the sort actually occurred long ago for It has been perpetuated not only In the Tal nfud and Koran but in the legends of almost every nation and race that ever lived on the face of the earth including the Chinese the ancient Aztecs of Mexico the Indian tribes of North and South America and even the savages of Africa The story of course varies material ly in the multitudinous traditions but the gist of it remains substantially thp same namely that the earth was onco visited by a great flood in which nearly every living tiling was overwhelmed and lost Thus In the Koran we read that Noah constructed the ark with divine assistance and was railed at for his pains by the wicked When the time prescribed for the punishment of mankind arrived water was seen to flow from the burning oven of Noahs wife and immediately all the veins and arteries of the earth broke and spurted out water Noah was then admonished in these words Take and bring into the ark two couples of every kind of animal male and female with all your family except him who has been condemned by your mouth and receive the faith ful and even the unbelieving but few only will enter The Koran also says that the ark was built in two years and that it contained three stories the upper one for the birds the middle one for the men and the provisions and the hold for the beasts Canaan the son of Ham refused to be saved There fore Noah cursed him and his posteri ty became black and Avere enslaved The Persians assert that Ilam incurred his fathers malediction as well When six months had passed the ark rested on the top of Mount Djondi Ararat after having made the circuit of -the world Tabari says that two sorts of animals left the ark which had not en tered it the pig and the cat Concern ing the latter we have this interesting piece of information When the rats be gan to make trouble the voyagers com plained to Noah Whereupon the patri arch passed his hand down the back of the lion who sneezed and the cat leaped out of Its nose And the cat ate the rats According to the Talmud Noah and his family and one pair of each kind of beast were to be saved in the ark but of every clean beast seven were to en ter iu The rhinoceros however had to be left out for the simple but suffi cient reason that its neck alone was three miles long Nevertheless all the rabbinic writers agree that thjj Rhi noceros survive ille flood hoMce it ig reasonnble to suPO tho jJe jjUe ed on the roof of the ark and rceqved his daily food through a hole bored in the side of the vessel writer declares that an entire countiv was so called after Aral he Fair ail ancient Armenian i h i aboht l0 B C no fell in a bloody battle with the Babylonians and the scene of his death was thenceforth known as Aral Arat or the Fall of Arai Tosephus refers to the moiinr iin as Xazuana and declares that the re mains of the ark were there to be seen carefully preserved Almost all the Asiatic traditions closely resemble the Biblical Berosus in hs Chaldee history B C 2G0 speaks of ten kings who appear to correspond to the ten patriarchs in Genesis before the flood The last of theo kings was called Xisuthrus Be- - relates that Kronos appeared to Xihriis in a dream and warned him that all men would be destroyed by a deluge on the loth of the month Dae sios and commanded him to write down all the learning and science of men and to hide it in the sun city Siparis and then to build a ship and enter it along with his family and rela tives and nearest friends and to take into it with him food and drink and beasts and wiuged fowl When he was asked whither he was about to sail lie was bidden to reply To the gods to pray them that men may prosper i did as he was commanded and when the flood showed sisms of abating he sent out three birds In suc cession The first and second came back the latter with mud on Its feet but the third returned not Soon after this the ship was stranded on a moun tain and Xisuthrus disembarked with his family offered thanks to the gods and vanished Subsequently the re maining survivors heard his voice In the heavens bidding them fear God to make is like to take 6000 to make aml to take uis Things out of Siparis I and from them instruct men I HABITS OF THE RICH Vaiaulca of Millionaire Sxtrarneance In the Metropolis Zola In his youth before fame came to him wrote some stories about mil lionaires wherein it seemed to him he exaggerated shamefully In his descrip tions of the costly homes and habits of the rich but later on when Zola be came a friend of millionaires he found that his accounts of their extravagance had fallen far short of the truth In the same way stories about the extravagance of American millionaires that sound like exaggerations may also fall short of the truth Here for In stance are some facts that an interior decorator of New York supplied the other day They sound extreme but let Zola be remembered A man bought for his hall twelve antique marble columns at Pompeii Finding he could use only eight of the columns he had the remaining four de stroyed although he was offered for them twice what he had paid He had paid 5000 apiece Aubusson carpets with a pile three inches thick are often made to order at a cost of 10 a yard Such a cost though Is nothing beside what is or dinarily paid for antique rugs They measured by the yard often cost 500 or 000 a yard Chairs of ivory inlaid with wood are occasionally sold at 500 apiece One millionaires piano cost 150000 A five inch band of Ivory four years in the carving runs around the case which was decorated by Everett Shinn The gold and silver plate of one household requires an expert to look after it The man is a goldsmith and his salary is 2000 a year Billiard rooms sometimes cost 50 000 to furnish The tables and cues are inlaid with Ivory and gold Certain wines Schloss Johannesberg for instance stamped with the crest of Prince Matternlch are sold at private sales to millionaires for 40 and 50 a bottle Automobiles of ninety or more horse power made to order will cost from 30000 to 10000 Some millionaires keep a dozen or more automobiles with a head chauffeur at 4000 or 5000 a year salary and two or three assistants at 25 a week each Then there Is the ocean going yacht which cannot be maintained In the most modest way at a smaller annual expenditure than 25000 New York Press A PESSIMISTS QUESTIONS Why is It that a cleaning of win dows is the signal for a rainstorm Why is John always late the night the cook is out and visitors are expected In the evening And why oh why do visitors al ways come the one afternoon in the week when one is not dressed to re ceive them Why does a woman think she has so much better taste than her richer neighbor if she but had as much money to gratify it Wiry is it that a leak in the pipe is always discovered Saturday afternoon when a plumber cannot be found until Monday morning Why is it that when one has made a purchase one sees ten minutes later something else which would have been better or cheaper or more becoming Philadelphia Ledger The English Police In the conduct of the police depart ment in an English city we find a striking comparison with our Amer ican notion of police work In Man chester as in London the policeman always the servant of the public As i pdon he carries neither club i 7 Ilir duties are verv beast was taken in tow by a rope at- iv the sniilg thse of a New tacllPil tn ifa lin S0111O iiitlir IHJiii j i - c wm -- - uuo OniCei a UJUUIUU Ul likewise declare that oaji extended r ls work that the striking dif- nis Hospitality to another outsider itt Jftnce VlL uie snape 01 Og the giant ho elimi ter Success He is always quiet al- ways neai -v ti deferential P1 treatment of the nubiip Such o crbearins manners as a ew police- we sometmes see Ararat has been known under tlifa mm w nniif not bo oicrared ij Man- name for 3000 years and an Armenian I In LOrt foi J mat- Oriciii of There were chauffeurs lo automobiles Ilistorv tell ic Defore about the year lido men strangely ac coutered their faces covered with soot and their eyes carefully disguised en tered by night farms and lonely habi tations and committed all sorts of dep redations They garroted their vic tims dragged them before a great fire nnere tuey burned the soles of their feet and demanded information as to the whereabouts of their money and jewels hence they were called chauf feurs a name which frightened so much our good grandmothers Paris Figaro Child Love Welcome to the parents the puny straggler strong in his weakness his little arms more irresistible than the soldiers his lips touched with persua sion which Chatham and Tericles in manhood had not Ilis unaffected lamentations when lie lifts up his voice on high or more beautiful the sobbing child the face all liquid grief as he tries to swallow his vexation soften all hearts to pity and to mirthful and clamorous compassion Emerson Merely n Precaution Now Lester said the old codger addressing his callow nephew in an admonitory tone it is as proper that you should pay the fiddler as it is to liquidate any other debt but its a fine exhibition of extry width betwixt the eyes to Inquire the fiddlers price before the dance begins Puck Use your gifts faithfully and they shall be enlarged Fractice what you know and you shall attain to higher knowledge Arnold ysk SilJv OitYZiZLtt selling Christian Sunaay school at and Christian Endeavor at il oclock every Sunday morning All are welcome Elder J G Slick of Arapahoe will preach Sunday June 30 Morning sub ject The Lords Suprer Itr Use1 Evening subject The Pover That Conquers W E Rambo will preach both morn ing and evening June 17th SCHOOL CREEK A good rain is needed in this vicinity Fruit tree agents are beginning to come Valentine Gray is working for C S I Quick Edd Vandervort is helping N Smith with 11S Wheelers moved in their - lnci Tuesday neu baiJ family of McCook spent Jim L Kilgore ounaaywit Tndianola visited Mrs Kankin and Sun with Mrs Sedden u t putcher Mrs Sedden and Mrs Mrs C spent Tuesday afternoon witu K Dutcher John and Charlie Dutcher accon panied their mother to McCook Wed nesday evening where she took the train for CrestonIowato spend the sum mer with her da lighter COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT g Licenses to marry have been issued as follows since our last report Royal W Emberling 1 of McCook and Mrs Dollie Russell 23 of Bartley James E Wilson 35 of Bennet and Catherine Longcecker 2G of Indianola William A Cassell 2S and Edna Cathcart 2G both of McCook William X Yocum 59 and Mrs Eli zabeth Yutzy GO both of Cambridge Aaron A Kryder 22 and Hazel M Hatcher 19 both of Indianola A petition was filed for the probate of the will of John Bassler Whats the good of keeping from him Any good things you may see That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mountain Tea LWMcConnell iJO 55 Boys fiT Tfr IlYtO M to make moneys A whole army of boys are making all the money they want W THE SATURDAY m EVENING POST i 1 1 r u ii a few hours a week after school I i It isnt luck it isnt thai they are any brighter tnan you it isn t that they have any better chances than you S3 They just took hold of the work heartily and found that making money came lots easier than they expected Most every- body who sees THE POST wants it And what we want you to do is to show THE POST to the people in your town to get them to let you deliver it every week In a few weeks youll have a regular list of cus tomers and be making money steadily PrV you don r neea a cenl xo sia we ijaend ten copies of THE POST free Sell tnese at 5c tne copy ana mat iurmsnes an r the money you need to buy further supplies Sit fffir aown now ana write us a iener mai yuu wum loirci fjfA iA ftA n1k vnAr nnrl 11 2nI Vnll PVPTTthinir T 111 llliu IU lliunv Altvlvjr uiiu w w j w - - troti npi1 - otor An pHiicntinn nt nnv husiness callepe in ff the country free to boys who sell a certain number of copies 250 in Extra Cash Prizes Each Month to Boys Who Do Good Work THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 425 Arch St Philadelphia cirr church announcements Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a in and 8 p m Evening prayer at 730 oclock Wednesday All are wel come to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Looghran Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 am from the subject The Sunday School There will also bo baptism of children Child rens Day exercises in the evening at 730 All are invited Geo B IIawkes Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m B Y P U will meet at 7 p m SC Miller of McPherson College McPherson Kansas will preach at 11 oclock a m Childrens Day exercises at 8 p m Prayer services every Wednesday at 8 A A Holmes Pastor Methodist Sunday School at 10 am Lesson Matt 1G13 28 Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Class at 12 Epworth League at 7 p in Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 8 p 111 A O U W memorial sermon at 3 p m Sunday school and preaching in South McCook next Sunday afternoon M B Carman Pastor McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday afternoon Corn 35 Wheat 00 Oats 2S Rye -10 Barley 25 H0B8 Errs Good Buttoi 5 90 12 15 Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks ollice since last Thursday evening F M and J G Ricliej to J II Gerdis vd w hf G-2-50 CwG0W G B Morgan to J Mos vd jt se ne qr 19-1-27 A C Fluiicliniau to AK Meier wd nw Powell XiNcon to GT Iliinixlecd lot 2 4 and r Mock 1 Marion J B LillHrd to E Lewis qcd se qr U S to ED Uair nat lots 1 2 3 and I e lif nr qre lif U S to R A Bair pat e lif svv qr lots Gand i G MJ0 O M Mejcn to II II Mclntoiii wd swqr 7-2-30 R II Jolnioii to R O Fisher wd o lif e qr 32-3-215 V Peterson to J B Smith wd ne qr 10-4-30 Yf Steinliraker to G Bfiomuard wd lots 14 and 13 block 2 WG McC G B Smith to HC Shouse wd mid 1 5 to lot 22 bkek 2H Indianola B G Go ard to II Rarliazutt wd lots 2 3 and 1 block 1 Fifth McCook M L Loperto I M Peirce wd swqr 20-1-29 O E Derore to V Rider d sw qr 13 nw 13-4-30 and lot 10 block 7McCook USto JLtiriKK pat w hf nw qr 27-1-3 U S to J L Gram pat e hf sw qr 22 e hf nw qr 1 28 A G Bump to J V Lathrop wd lot 3 block 21 First McCook V Lakin to K Lakin wd whfseqr W P Clark to X II Wolf wd u hf no qr 13-1-29 J A McKeow n to J D Wilkin wd so C D Flannels to A J LansjHtou wd vo qr and e qr of nw qr 10-1-27 G A Attwood to S J Attwood d n hf TT Plnmmer to GDTroendly wdlota 3 and 129-3-30 BM Frees Tr to II Rishol wd lot 3 lhnk 17 Second McCook L L Co to E Rislicl wd lot I block 1 7 Second McCook 1 C Snjder to E Britfnd let 9 and 10 Second McCook 1 M Bntchellor to WD William d lot 7 block 21 McCook J C Latterly to S J White d ne qr 33-1- 1 JBBlair to F Blair wd e hfnwqr lots 1 and 2 4 L L Co to O M Hes wd lot IGblack 37 Indianola B E Sherey to G Shcrcy wd u hf lot 8 and lot 9 block 19 Indianola G Eckart to C E Hotze wd same C Snjder to E- Britt wd lots 9 and 10 block 2i Second McCook NOTICE FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Secret tho Board HJ0GO 1JuO CO 1SO0O 15C0 00 2coaoo 2CGO0O 323 GO otoco fcOCO 100 CO CO ICO 331 X 123 DO Lao to 2060 IX tM1W 223 CO LGOOCO W of of Education of th School District of the City of McCook in Red Willow coaatT in the State of Nebraska until C oclock m i rf mj ii XJ - isvrj iVi iimwuKiiie nw uanKcliooI hou e in aid city the ame b inK a four room two story frame budding about fortj -nine and one half bjfifty oix feet in its present location- a distance of about one fourth mileover almost level pround toa place selected by said board baid btllldinc I to homnrlm rt prudent manner and no unnecessary ininrv done thereto 1 he same is to be u uiuvk ueruie ioundation about four or five feet from the Bround so that it can be let down on the foundation wall- Iho person movHjB said bui IdinBhall furnish tho blocfe on hj h it shall be left standinff prior to Je5 tint tlit down on the foundation A certi fied check pa able to tho order of Eaid board for not less than fifty dollars by some reson sible bank shall accompany each bid Said board reserves the nBht to reject any and all Uj order of the Board of Education of the School District of the City of McCook in Red W liiow county in the State of Nebraska this Slt day of Mav IPCS r w nT 1 jt3t Secretary 0 30b 0 10 10 460 00 When the baby talks it is time to Uollisters Rocky Mountain Tea give baby medicino known Its the g iers It makes them eat to loving mot 53 cents Tea or sleep and grov W McConnell Tablets L