The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 25, 1906, Image 3

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Copyrlarht 1D0C by Judge Company
T 014
Ordinarily there is a great indisposi
tion to wear glasses a prejudice born
and fostered by pride and ignorance
Few prejudices are more foolish for
the proper adjustment of glasses to
improperly focused eyes Is one of the
greatest boons to humanity When
glasses are needed they should be
worn and a failure to do so means
deterioration of ocular health and
functions and usually produces much
unnecessary suffering and Inconven
ience to the individual
Upon recognition of the symptoms
of failing sight which are indistinct
vision near or far vision blurring
IMMwi i i ie nixjimnwiiiwiinr
tired eyes headache etc at once con
sult someone who is in authority to
advise you or send for our new book
Kryptok Eye Sense on the care
and treatment of the eyesight
If you find that you are in need of
bifocals be sure to start with the
right kind You will make no mis
take in choosing the Kryptok Invisi
ble Bifocal Lenses as they are all
their name signifies bifocals without
the disagreeable feature of the divid
ing line If interested write for book
let The Columbian Bifocal Co Tem
ple Court Denver Colo are the ex
clusive manufacturers
Only One Dollar the Year
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
W B WOLFE Vice President
Paid UpCapital 50000 Surplus 4000
BEN flOREAU 41161
Dark bay 16 hands weight 1150 four
years old in July 1906
This superb trotting stallion is a son
of Domain P trial in 220 he by Dom
ino P he by Patron 214 Dam
Louita by Borden 2243 Grandam
Alcyreta by Aicyonium 224U si of
four below 211 and ten others better
than 230
BEN MOREAU will be at the East
Dennison Livery Barn McCook Neb
Friday and Saturday of each week be
ginning April 20
Terms 1200 to insure
For folders and further particulars
McCook Neb
Mares will be kept inpasture on farm at 50u per month
12 miles south and 3 miles west of McCook Best of care
will be taken but not responsible for escapes or
X f
CImngcs lrm a FIhIi to a Bird
The story of the early life transfor
mation and final death of the Chinese
quail is the most remarkable that Is
found in the ornithological literature of
the world The narrative in all Its un
reasonableness is found in the story of
om chuug which is the name the Chi
nese quail Is known by when at home
in the Flowery Kingdom Celestial au
thorities on bird lore declare that nn
specimen of om chung was ever known
to live a year that they do not lay
eggs as all other known species of
birds do and finally that their pro
genitor is a slimy four jointed worm
which has a red head and a sting on
the end of its tall This queer seacoast
worm according to the curious legend
of om chung lays 100 eggs annually
Fifty of these become fish and the oth
er fifty are worms of the same species
as the parent The fish that has come
into existence In this curious manner
also lays 100 eggs a year Fifty of
these become water denizens after the
image of their parent and the others
become birds of the famed om chung
family These om chungs or Chinese
quails never breed and are only
brought into existence as above related
We give the above not as a literal fact
but as a specimen of the Chinese Men
of evolution
Biographies as a Stimulus
We cannot help living in some degree
the lives of heroes who are constantly
in our minds Our characters nro n
stantly being modified shaped and
molded by the suggestions which are
thus held The most helpful life sto
ries for the average youth are not the
meteoric ones the unaccountable ones
the astonishing ones like those of Na
poleon Oliver Cromwell and Julius
Caesar The great stars of the race
ciazzle most boys They admire but
they do not feel that they can Imitate
them They like to read their lives
but they do not get the helpfulness and
the encouragement from them that
they do from reading the lives of those
who have not startled the world so
much It is the
triumph of the or
dinary ability which is most helpful as
an inspiration and encouragement
The life of Lincoln has been an in
finitely greater inspiration to the world
than the life of Napoleon or that of
Julius Caesar O S Marden in Suc
cess Magazine
Bulldos a Menace to Health
The bulldog Is a menace to health
We have this on the authority of a
noted French physician who says that
because of his large mouth the bull
dog Is a great purveyor of disease es
pecially of consumption diphtheria
and the like as the dribbling from the
heavy loose jaws is incessant Those
who fondle bulldogs do so at a great
risk He traces many cases of In
fectious disease especially among
young children to households in which
bulldogs are kept as pets When we
uuu u mis me invariant ferocity of
the beast the danger to which children
and other innocent and defenseless
people are exposed whenever he roams
the Btreets or highways we have an
argument In favor of his disposal that
cannot be gainsaid Away with bull
If City Noises Jar Yon
Get some spermaceti roll a wad large
enough to fill the ear orifices put it in
a piece of fine cotton cloth tied with
thread and insert into ears on retiring
pressing it quite firmly therein so that
the ball of spermaceti will closely fill
up all the air space in the ears You
will find it quite effective for barring
noises and hence inducing natures
sweet restorer balmy sleep to get in
Its good work This ear plug Is harm
less and cheap It helped me out great
ly years ago amid the citys din my
sense or hearing being Intensely keen
and temperament neurotic It Is worth
a trial and I have no patent on it
New York Herald
The Soft Axunrer
If nature had made me an ostrich
said old Grouch I suppose I could eat
your cooking N
Wouldnt that be nice answered
his imperturbable spouse Then I
could get some plumes for my hat
Boston Stanscript
I Auto Boats as j
Kacang Crait J
HE aito boat is pushing the au
tomobile close In the race for
popularity Builders are rush
ed the present season in turn
ing out power boats for cruising and for
racing Across the ocean an auto boat
exhibition has just been held In Mo
naco France where the latest achieve
ments in the form of racing and pleas
ure motor boats were displayed and
tested In general the French have led
In the building of motor boats as thpv
have in the construction of motor
vehicles One of the sensations of the
last season among the European
sportsmen was the auto boat Antoinette
III At Lake Garda Italy she cov
ered ninety three miles in 3 hours 2
minutes 42 seconds or at the rate of
uiirry one miles an hour Antoinette
III is only a little over twenty six feet
long but possesses a motor capable
of developing 200 horsepower Thlj
season the Antoinette IV was on ex
hibition at Monaco and she is expected
to be an improvement even over the
speedy Antoinette III The Seasick
and Rapier II also showed much speed
Motor boats are of two classes pleas
ure craft and racing machines The
pleasure craft may be speedy but in
their case speed has to be sacrificed
to comfort and safety The racers are
built on different lines They are con
structed so as to be very light and at
the same time carry internal combus
tion motors of high power Some very
fast motor boats have been built in
America in the past fow yeurs or pur
chased by American millionaires of
foreigners Alexander Steins 200 horse
power Veritas made thirty miles in
1 hour 23 minutes and 24 seconds on
the -Hudson last summer The same
season the Tillcum and Union raced
from Tacoma to Seattle twenty eight
miles the Tllicum winning She made
the twenty eight miles In 1 hour 20
minutes Perhaps the most sensation
al motor boat yet constructed in Amer
ica is the freakish craft invented and
built by Charles F Herreshoff and
called the Den Her Inventor states that
she has traveled for short distances at
the rate of forty miles an hour and a
speed of fifty miles an hour is predicted
for the craft when sufficient skill in her
management is attained
The mile a minute boat has not yet
put in its appearance though Paris has
a count who has invented a gliding
boat called a hydroplane with which
he hopes to be able to reach a mile a
minute gait or sixty miles an hour
The boat has planes or fins upon the
bottom Exceptional claims as to
speed are made for a type of power
boat invented by Thaddeus Davids of
New York and recently patented at
Washington It has a tube running
through the hull thus allowing the
water to pass through the vessel from
bow to stern where It Is delivered to
the propeller in a solid mass This
prevents In great measure the churn
ing up of the water and the -eddies
caused by the water coming in around
the sides of the stern to the screw It
also lessens the combs of spray formed
by a boat making high speed and
which sometimes are bo heavy a al
most to hide the craft from view
resistance Is offered to the water at
the bow It is claimed in consequence
of the tube passing through the hull
The Invention takes advantage of the
principle that the movement of a fluid
through a pipe or tube is somewhat
analogous to the movement of a rope
through the same that Is It can be
drawn through with less friction than
it can be pushed through The invent
or expects that by using this type of
construction power boats may increase
their speed from 33 1 3 to 50 per cent
In other words boats which are ap
proximating a speed of forty miles an
hour as is claimed for the Den might
be able to hit up a pace of sixty to
seventy miles in the near future
It Is about three years since William
K Vanderbilt Jr brought his turbine
yacnt Tarantula with Its record of
2673 knots to this country Mr Van
derbilt has a large estate at Great
Neck on Long Island sound just out
side New York and with either auto
mobile or auto boat can beat the train
from the citys business center Other
rich men who do business In New
York and live An the suburbs on the
pound or up the Hudson are adopting
tnotor boats for getting to and from
their homes and their craft hAv hn
I named the Wall street fleet
The Xllae In the River
It is little short of astonishing to
see how little wuter Is required to float
the southern river steamers a boat
loaded with perhaps a thousand bales
of cotton slipping along contentedly
where a boy could wndr iicmw tin
stream Once however the Chatta
hoochee got too low for even her light
draft commerce and at Gunboat
Khoals a steamer grounded As the
drinking water on board needed re
plenishing a deck hand was sent ashore
with a couple of water buckets Just
at this moment a northern traveler ap
proached the captain of the boat and
nsked him how long he thought they
would have to stay there
Oh only until that man gets back
with a bucket of water to pour into
the river the captain replied Pres
ently the deck hand returned and the
stale water from the cooler was
emptied overboard Instantly to the
amazement of the traveler the boat
began to move
Well if that doesnt beat thunder
he gasped
The fact was that the boat touching
the bottom had acted as a dam and
there was soon backed up behind her
enough water to lift her over the shoal
and send her on down the stream
Harpers Weekly
A IleiuurUnhle Career
General Sam Houston was not onlv
a great Texan but probably the most
striking and commanding figure which
has yet appeared In the public life of
the far southwest born in Virginia
taken to Tennessee at an early age
whence while yet in his teens he went
to war with Andrew Jackson against
the Creek Indians desperately wound
ed in the battle of the Horseshoe Bend
adjutant general of Tennessee and a
representative in congress from that
state governor of Tennessee in his
youth married separated from his
wife In two months resigning Imme
diately as governor self exllett for
years among the Cherokee IndianB
emigrating to Texas In 1S32 member
of the convention of 1830 which de
clared Texas to be an Independent re
public general and commander in
chief of the army which achieved in
dependence at San Jacinto twice
president of the republic- United States
senator and governor of the state
C A Culberson in Rrlbners
John Doe Proceedings
John Doe proceedings were abol
ished by law In Great Britain in 1832
Previous to that time John Doe had
figured In the old fashioned ejectment
action for the recovery of the posses
sion of land together with damages
for the wrongful withholding thereof
For various reasons of convenience
and history dating from the reign of
Edward III A did not proceed against
B directly In such a case Instead A
delivered to B an entirely false state
ment from the fictitious John Doe
that A had devised the land to John
for a term of years and John had
been ousted from It by the equally
fictitious Richard Hoe Then Rich
ard informed B that he was not going
to defend the action himself but B
must do It and so on Occasionally
by way of variety John Doe gave
place to one Goodtltle
Columbia niver Thrice Named
The Columbia river has had three
names It was first called the Oregon
Afterward it was called the St Itoque
but when it was discovered by Robert
Gray in 1792 It was given the name of
his vessel the Columbia In place of
the two floating appellations Oregon
and St Roque According to Whitney
the original name of the river was the
Orejon big ear or one that has big
ears the allusion being to the custom
of the Indians who were found in its
region of stretching their ears by bor
ing them and crowding them with or
Why Is ItT
Here Is a question In naval science
which Is to the average sailor man a
riddle unsolved Take a vessel of say
2500 tons place on it a cargo of 3500
tonsr This gives you a total of 0000
tons Hitch a little tug to this ves
sel and she will yank the big craft
along at therate of six or eight knots
an hour Now put the tugs machinery
in the big vessel It wont move her
half a knot an hour Why is this
When Yon Take a Bnth
When drying off after a bath stand
in the bathtub in water up to the an
kies When rubbed with coarse towels
until the body is all aglow step out
and wipe the feet This prevents that
uncomfortable chilly feeling experienc
ed if one steps immediately out of a
bathtub full of water on to the bath
We never can say why we love but
only that we love The heart is ready
enough at feigning excuses for all that
It does or imagines of wrong but ask
it to give a reason for any of Its beau
tiful and divine motives and it can
only look upward and be dumb Low
A Kindly Provision of Nature
The codfish said the professor
lays considerably more than 1000
000 eggs
It is mighty lucky for the codfish
that she doesnt have to cackle over
every egg said the student who came
from a farm
Not Gnilty
Lawyer You say you left home on
the 20th Witness Yes sir Lawyer
And came back on the 25th Wit
ness Yes sir Lawyer severely
What were you doing In the interim
Wltness Never was in such a place
We are all wise The difference be
tween persons is not In wisdom but in
j art Emerson
for Mr Protection
Ave plnce this label on every
package of Scottw Emulsion
The man withallHhon his back
is our trade mark and it is a
guarantee that Scotts Emul
sion will do all that Is claimed
for it Nothing better for lung
throat or bronchial troubles in
infant or adult Scotts Emul
sion is one of t ho greatest ilesh
builders known to the medical
Well sent you a sample free
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointmknt fails to cure any caso
no matter of how long standing in Gtoll
days First application gives enso and
rost 50c If your druggist hnsnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Have you pains in the back
j mation of any kind rheumatism faint
ing spells indigestion or constipation
Ilollisters Rocky Mountain Tea makes
you well and keops you well To conts
L W McConnell
X Sc boxe 8SfVSwthnbIueebb
e n other RcAme daiiL rrom auhll
or send lc in stomps for Parllriilan TeStl
nioninU and Keller Tor Ladle InUtUr
2100 2aiiaon Square IlIIX 54
Mention thU ajcr
1 This Morning I
j TAKE 1
1 Gc Ie Laxative I
I And Tpetizer 1
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is flarshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12