The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 25, 1906, Image 1

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High School Commencement
Tbo high school graduating exercises
will occur Tuursday night May 31st at
the M E churchDr Thomas EGreen
who has been chosen mb the speaker will
use for the subject of hiB address The
IKey to the XXth Century Wo doubt
if any man ever came before the wide
public of the Ijceum world with such
jrapidityormetsucb a universal welcome
cas has greeted him Just a year ago
obedient to what he considered a call to
31 wider ministry be resigned a pastor
ate bo had held for fifteen years over one
of the largest Episcopal Churches in the
United States and stepped upon the
platform Today ho is recognized as
the head and leader of th5 prosent gen
eration of popular orators He has
lectured practically every available
night of the winter and spring On bis
second trip into New England he was
given such a reception as to be an ova
tion No one on the platform today so
nearly represents the high intellectual
and oratorical standards of the older
school of Beecher Phillips and Brooks
ao does Dr Green Ho unites ripe and
road scholarship with vital magnetic
personality He not only talks as few
mien can but he talks about something
so forcefullyso exbaustiveIyso convinc
ingly that his lecture is stronger after
-weeks of recollection than in the im
mediate charm of its delivery He is a
5man with a message and he spells it in
syllables of lambent flame
Narrow Escape from Death
Little Charlieotto daughter of Mrs
IMayme Blanding had a very narrow
escape fromdeatb last Saturday aftter
coon under the cars in the McCook
yard A lady another little girl and
nerself were passing between cars
when the switch engine gave one end of
the string of cars a slight impulse In
her hurry to draw her little friend to
safety the Blanding child fell and the
car wheel caught her leg above the
ankle bruising the leg very severely
Had the car moved another inch her leg
would have been mashed and her life
probably lost The car had to be
pinched away from the spot before
the little one Couldr be liberated bo
tightly was Tier leg squeezed under the
wheel She is getting on nicely how
ever and will doubtless be able to be
about as usual soon with no ill effects
of the accident
Such accidents but emphasize the
urgency of the need of a foot bridge over
sthe tracks in the McCook yard
Will Give Supper
The E L will give a chicken pie sup
per at the Methodist church Saturday
May 26th 1906 at 5 p m For 25c you
get the following
Chicken Pie
Soiled Ham Jelly
Radishes Lettuce
Mashed Potatoes with Gravy
Cabbage Salad Pickles
White Bread
Strawberry Short Cake
Sco Tea Coffee
By Lo Fragrant Talcum Powder
The exquisite true violet odor possess
ed by BY LO Talcum Powder is so
fragrant and so lasting that we very
much doubt if you can match it in any
other toilet powder McConnell is sole
agent for this finest softest and smooth
est of all Talcum Powders 25c
If the Best is None Too Good
use Roses of Eden or Japan per
fume Fragrant and lasting Try it
Lon Cone Druggist
Dainty Gift Books
We have a nice line of gift books
suitable for graduating presents
McMillen Druggist
We have added still a larger sized die
to our button machine and are turning
out small medium and large buttons
from the scraps of your dress for fas
tening and for trimming one lady hav
ing seven dozen made for one suit
Theyre fashionable Thompsons
Short kimonos at 50c and 75c long ki
monos at 100 and 135 just received
in strikingly pretty new lawns and
crepes impossible to do them justice
here See them at Thompsons
Large stock of garden hose to select
from both and Inch Only beat
grades kept in stock F D Burgess
Call at Honest Johns and you will
eo the nicest
best prices
lace trimmed waists at
Amoskeag 16 oz 2 bu seamless grain
bags 19c Thompsons
Best carpet warp on spools 21c and
23c at Thompsons
Mens new worsted suits 650 to
61350 Thompsons
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Very neat boys 3 piece suits 450 at
jSebruska State
iral Fecial
I M Smith isentertaining his daugh
ter Mrs Coffey from Kansas
Mrs Elmer Kay and baby joined
the family hero first of tbo week
M and Mrs Ben String departed
first of the week for Seattle Wash
J E Kelley went up to Denver
Wednesday on a short business visit
Mrs Sam Pickard and children are
up from Havolock guests at the Puller
L C Stoll arrived home Tuesday
evening on No 5 from a short visit in
Miss Emma Perry was up from the
state university over Sunday with the
W S McTaggart and F A Tigard
of Lebanon were at the couuty capital
Tuesday on business
Mr and Mrs C D Kenady are
visiting McCcok relatives this week
arriving in the city close of last weefe
Mrs Harry E Rogers returned
first of the week from Galesburg 111
accompained by her mother who wiil
make her home here
Rev AAHolmes departed Wednes
day night on No 3 for Los Angeles
Cal to be absent about four weeks
He will be in San Francisco and Corn
ing Ual during his absence holding
special revival services at the latter
place Mrs Holmes will have charge
of the local services during his absence
on the coast
Mrs W G Dutton and Mrs M A
Northrup arrived home Saturday night
on No 3 from Lincoln where they have
been attending the state convention of
the G A R Mrs Dutton was elected
state treasurer of the Ladies of the G
A R and also delegate to the national
convention to be held at Minneapolis
Minn in August
Miss Millicent Slaby of the South
McCook school spent last week in Peru
and her position in the teacher corps
wqs filled by Miss Kittie Stangland
meanwhile While at the state normal
Miss Millie received her life certificate
as Ir teacher attended the first class
reunion in five years ofthe class with
which she was graduated from the nor-
mal and had the pleasure added of
witnessing the graduation of her friend
Miss Vanche Plumb A full and
happy week
McCook Won Second Game
McCook high school and Culbertson
high school base ball clubs had their
second go on the local high school
grounds last Saturday afternoon be
fore a large and exuberant audience of
admirers of both teams It was an in
teresting game from opening to end
with both clubs giving good accounts of
The line up of the teams was as fol
12 3 456789
Marks p 10 0 0 0 0
Eisenhart ss 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lehman c 0 0 1
Warren rf 0 0 1
Walker 1st 0 0 0 1
McNiece If 0 0 11
M Baldwin 3rd 0 0 0
WBaldwin 2nd 1 000
GalbraithSolomancf 0 0 0 0
Battery MarksBaldwin and Lehman
McKenna 3rd 11 0
Barbazett c 1
Burnett 1st 0 0 0
Sutton 2nd 0 0 1
Green ss 0 0 0
ORourke If 10 0
Brady cf 0 0 0
0 0
Hammel rf 110
Kimmell p 10 0
Battery Kimmell and Barbazett
Frank Vanderhoof umpired the game
Card of Thanks
We are truly grateful to all the kind
neighbors and friends for assistance and
sympathy during the illness and after
the death of our dear little 21 montbs
old daughter Ena Lucile
Mr and Mrs George Fenney
Girls union suits of gauze 25c to 35c
Largest display of wash goods at
We have the queen quality shoeB the
kind that wear well at J H Grannis
Value astonishing is that 36 in black
taffeta silk for 69c yd at Thompsons
We invite comparison with any offered
at 100 yd
We desire to speak in emphatic praise
of those Ideal shirt waist suits now
moving out so briskly Weve never had
nor seen their equal for style and desir
ability White with blue pin dot black
with white pin dot all white with eyelet
embroidery linen color trimmed with
neat dotted bands Prices 200 to
350 Sold only by the Thompson Dry
Goods Co
McCook Visited by Three Incipient
Fires Friday Night
The Franklin Block Occupied by Jamb
McAdams Is Unly Building Dam
aged to Any -
of No Moment
McCook had the very unusual experi
ence last Friday night of being visited
by three fires That none of them
amounted to a large damnge is no fault
of the party or parties responsiblefor
them t
The principal fire was in the Franklin1
block occupied by James McAdams
Here the damage to the building was
about 200 while Mr McAdam3s loss
will be less than 100 The fire was
practically confined to the area way and
started at the foot of the steps leading
down from West Dennison street The
step some of the timbers under the
sidewalk the door and window in the
basement of the building were all
damaged more or less at this point The
fire just made entrance into the base
ment when the department got busy
so that the damage to goods stored
there was small
The departments activities were
somewhat deterred at the outset by the
inexpliable actions of some unknown
person who shut off the water once at a
fire hydrant and again disconnected the
hose during the progress of the fire
The party was finally rapped over the
head with a hydrant wrench but disap
peared and could not be identified or
found afterwards when there was more
time to devote to him
The other fires were confined to out
houses in the rear of the Fleischmann
saloon and of the Ludwick furniture
store and the damage was practically nil
The city authorities have taken action
to more thoroughly protectthe city in
this regard at night
ploussards barn last
U It was mysteriously destroyed byJire
of itetjontc f
And the query arises und what natur
ally what next
High School Graduation
The graduating exercises of the high
school which will mark the conclusion
of the public school work of the class of
1906 will occur next Thursday night
May 31st at 830 oclock at the Method
ist church Dr Thomas E Green one
the most interesting and notable lectur
ers upon the lyceum platform will be
the speaker of the evening and will use
as the subject of his address The Key
of the XXth Century A large orches
tra will also play several numbers in the
course of the evenings program In
order to accommodate impartially all
who will desire to attend these exercises
a careful plat of the -church has been
made and a reserved seat ticket has
been provided for each sitting These
tickets may be secured at McConnells
drug store beginning Saturday night
May 26th at 7 oclock A merely nom
inal fee of 15 cents will be charged
which will insure the purchaser the
seats he selected and enable him to see
and hear with comfort No greater
number of tickets will be issued than
there are 3eats in the church
Flowers For Memcrlal Day
We have secured from Southern
Texas a few thousand Cape Jasmine
blooms These are large waxy flowers
with a sweet tropical fragrance These
we sell at 50c per doz In addition to
these we offer choice roses and carna
tions McCook Greenhouse Phone 91
Easily Earned Money
You can easily earn money by pack
ing your eggs in Egg Seal and keep
ing them until fall when they will be
twice their present value It will pay
you to try it
L W McConnell Druggist
I will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by the firm of Tuttle
Brown having sold my interest to Geo
gia Brown MrsL M Tuttle
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
Do you want a dainty dressing sack or
a long kimono We have the material
in exquisite patterns just what would
please you J H Grannis
A very complete line of black and col
ored umbrellas and sun shades 50c to
500 Thompsons
If you want a -nice and serviceable
street suit just call nt Hbnest Johns
J for Arnold Biege
1 J r
atSLtlDlitsrjQhn W Randel One of
vl 23rgesrvcr Seen Here
Ehe services Saturday morning in
St Patricks church by Rev Lough ran
were most impressive The funeral
courtage was one of the largest ever
racon n this city attesting magnificently
to the noble character of the deceased
2 vLucy Murphy was born in Elkhart
Indiana May 11th 1868 Was united
in marriage with John W Randal
January 31st 1588 Came to Red Wil
low county Nebraska January 11 1890
and located near McCook Departed
passed away May 16th 1906 A hus
band and six young children are left to
mourn the loss of a devoted and loving
wife and mother
The members of the Degree of Honor
of Mcuook attended toe services in a
The following relatives from away
were present at the funeral last Satur
day morning May 19th I P Murphy
and Thomas Murphy of Lincoln John
Murphy of Glenarm Illinois Mary M
Murphjrand CHRandal of Elkhart
Illinois William Grennan of Cedar
Rapids Nebraska
a card of thanks
We are deeply grateful to the neigh
bors and friends and- especially to -the
members of the JDegree of -Honor for
tueir help and sympathy during the
brief Illness and after the death of our
dear wife and mother
J W Randal and Family
We Wish To Announce
that we will close our places of business
atLsKVEN oclock every evening except
Saturdays Pay Day and one night suc
ceeding each pay dayduring the months
of tTune July and August We earnest
ly urge our customers to assist us in
this matter by doing their trading be
fore this hour
Clint Hamilton Lbr Co
The Thompson D G C
ij Ed Huber
J G Stokes
Jas McAdams
C L DeGroff
M E Knipple
II C Clapp
J A Wilcox J3on
A E Petty
D W Colson
D C Marsh
W T Coleman
Pade Son
H P Waite Co
Barnett Lbr Co
H H Tartsch
Paul Anton
J E Ludwick
ODonkell Feeny
Lovell McFarland
The Snerwin Williams Paints are
absolutely what theyare recommended to
be Every gallon full measure and
every gallon guaranteed to give satisfac
tion We have sold these paints for the
past fifteen years and can show you
many a house painted with it It is a
satisfaction giving paint it covers most
surface is easiest to apply looks nicest
and wears longest Does not check or
scale off Call for color cards
L W McConnell Druggist
That we Tuttle Brown this dayMay
15th have dissolved partnership and
that the business will hereafter be run
by Georgia Brown who will assume all
responsibility of the said firm pajing all
debts of said firm She being sole owner
of said business MrsL M Tuttle
Lincoln Pure Paint
Dont forget the name when you want
to get a durable paint Let us figure
with you McMillen Druggist
- Wanted at Once
A good single driver gelding Phone
black 46 McCook Neb
Pat Did you ever see the like in your
loife Niveroutonctand that was in
Chicago I mean those fine turnouts
at the McCook Livery
We have the best and up-to-date
umbrellas with silver and gold handles
at Honest Johns
Sunshine Finishes for all furniture
wookwork etc Lon Conf Druggist
Six gentle high headed high bred
single drivers at McCook Livery
Mens alpaca coats for summer 175
300 Thompsons
Best apron checked ginghams 5c yard
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Best table oilcloth 15c yard at Thomp
Wall paper McMilleij Drug Store
rib tut
McConnell for drugs
All colors in cotton crepe 15c Thomp
15 stylos 150 mens hats at Thomp
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Childs little
fancy parasols 10c
H P Waite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
Ladies wrappers 150 100 39c at
A butchers cotton for white suits 15c
yard Thompsons
McConnell for wall paper paints
varnishes stains oils etc
Varnish stains tintolac and enamels
McMillens Druggist
You will find tho only Shetland pony
for hire in tho city at McCook Livery
Watch for
the opening of our soda
Lon Cone Druggist
Mens ribbed balbriggan union suits
from the best factory 125 to 275
W F Everist and Fitch are turning
out some excellent rigs at McCook Liv
ery east Dennison St
Just received another lot of those very
handsome black silk coats at 66 50 to
1000 Thompsons
There is only one Our Best Paint
Heath Milligan Sold by
Lon Cone Druggist
Tho best is always the cheapest when
it comes to garden hose Try the
Whirlpool F D Burgess
Dance at the skating rink Decoration
day evening Good orchestral music
Gnod order 10 cents set
White linen and pique wash skirts and
white batiste and panama skirts in new
est designs at Thompsons Alterations
Mr WF Everist shipped in a carload
of fine work and driving horses which
are on sale at McCook Livery Stable
Phone 40
A summeraenjoyment is wrapped up
in one of those nice new hammoks at
McConnells You can get one for any
price from 1 up
At the Methodist church last Sunday
thirty five united with the church and
9500 was raised for the Nebraska
Methodist Hospital at Omaha
When wanting a garden hose get the
old xnliable 5 ply Whirlpool with a
record of five years actual wear
F D Burgess
Yes they are on the way and will be
here in a few days those beautiful
Arnolds Biege Suitings
Honest Johns
The children of the Methodist Sunday
school enjoyed the delights of an oldstyle
picnic at Fitchs grove a few miles
southwest of the city last Saturday
Remember you will find Mike Waish
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Romper suits for boys and girls made
of stout blue shirting piped with red
sizes 1 to 6 years Price 50c The
Thompson Dry Goods Co One price
plain figures cash only
Pattons Sun Proof Paints are the only
paints to use in this climate Absolutely
pure Goes further wears longest and
looks best Sold by C L Walker the
up-to-date painter and decorator
The Farmers Mutual Insurance Co of
Nebraska has written more insurance in
the last ten years than any other com
pany doing business in the state
J W Burtless Agent
McCook Neb
The 35th Annual State Holiness
Camp Meeting will be held this year at
Epworth Lake Park Lincoln Neb
from June 15th to 2oth Write W H
Prescott 1817 M St Lincoln Neb for
The May apportionment of the state
school funds this year will exceed
slightly 41273879 But one larger
semi annual apportionment ha3 been
made by Trensurer Mortensen The
rate per pupil will be about 110 Red
Willow countys apportionment is 3
I wish to say to the ladies of McCook
that I have bought the interest of Mrs
Tuttle and that I will hereafter run
said business on my own responsibility
I will after the 1st of June have a first-
50000 tomatoe plants jQc per 100
350 per i000 25000 cabbage
plants 35c per ioo 300 per looo
McCook Greenhouse Phone o 1
FOR SALE Half section five miles
from McCook price 8 per acre If
taken at once
Address Lock Box 515 Falls CItyNeb
McMillen Prescription Druggist
Everything in drugs McCounell
Let The Tribune d j your printing
Wall paper bargains
Lon Cone Druggist
II P Waite Cos is headquarters
for bay tools
Walker has a full stock of room mould
ings and headings
Frosb butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Corset cover embroideries 30c to 75c
at Thompsons
chapped hands
10 4 bleached linen sheeting for suits
100 Thompsons
Dr Kays ofBco is now one door north
of Commercial hotel Phono 97
Ladies extra size gauze unions and
soparate garments at Thompsons
To Rent Two unfurnished rooms
Inquire at tho old Knipple residence
Let Walker figure on your painting
He can save you money Employs only
tho best painters and paperhangers
Our perfumes are tho best make and
lasting Several new odors Try them
McMillen Druggist
Our garden hose comes to us direct
from the manufacturers and is guaran
teed F D Burgess
Either lawns linens or dimities that
you may wish to find from fivo cents up
to fifty five at Honest Johns theres
every kind
Those lace curtains at Grannis are
beauties for the price for wo have them
ranging in prices from 125 per pair to
850 per pair
W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat
ere and cleans gasoline stoves Work
guaranteed Phone red 306 or box
595 McCook Neb tf
All the latest patterns in wall paper at
Walkers Call up phone 157 and ho
will bring the sample book to your home
for your inspection
Pasture for a few head of cattle or
horses Terms reasonable Phone
birch 2352 or address me at McCook
Neb Wilson Glover
Persons holding tickets of admission
to the commencement exercises of the
high school must be in their seats by
830 oclock as no seats will be reserved
after that hour
Consult John Hunt if you have any
thing you want done in the steam fitting
or plumbing line Satisfactory work
guaranteed And next best of all tho
price will be right
At McConnells you will find the
house cleaning requisities you lack
chamois skins cleaning sponges borax
ammonia wall paper paint furniture
polish rubber gloves etc
Theres no chance of missing it if
you buy at Marshs meat market He
has the goods and can deliver them
Give him a chance to supply your meats
of all kinds and he will be very pleased
and certain to make good
The Farmers Mutual insurance Co of
Nebraska has carried farm insurance
cheaper the past ten years than any
other company doing business in the
state J W Burtless Agent
McCook Neb
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
The Brotherhood of St Paul of the
Methodist church dedicated their quar
ters in the church basement Monday
evening their rest games and reading
room being then opened to the men and
boys of the city and to the temporary
sojourners within our city A music
program added to the regular attrac
tions of tho rooms and evenings
iuy your wall paper of McConne I
He has the newest and most artistic
patterLS nearly all of which are excu
sive designs It is his desire to pletsa
you and if he doesnt have the paper in
stock will gladly order He has some
class cutter and fitter Said Mrs Tuttle elegant patterns in upper and lower
to have no interest whatever in the bus 1 thirds crowns gilts crepes and ingrains
iness The patronage of the ladies of and stripes lor paneling etc You will
McCook especially solicited be disappointed if you dont see his
Georgia Brown J papers before you buy