The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 18, 1906, Image 7

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LiaBcjnkTN FrS7l
Its easy
Thousands of boys all over
this country who never
had much money to call
their own are happy now
at the merry jingle of cash
in their pockets made by
Friday afternoons and Saturdays
They have no better chances they
are no brighter than you Its just
this instead of dreaming aboutthe
good times to come they got right
down to business and hustled for
what they wanted You can do
the same Dont lose any time
about it Write a letter to day
asking us to send you our hand
some booklet about boys who
make money also the complete
outfit for starting in business
With this will come ten free copies
of The Post which you can sell
at 5c each After this you buy as
many copies as you need at whole
sale prices As an inducement
to do good work we give among
other prizes watches sweaters
etc to boys who sell a certain
number of copies And in addition
250 in Extra Cash Prizes
425 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa
Col A J Driscoll
H H Berry
Live Stock Sales a Specialty
Thirty years experience Write for dates and
terms Reference Citizens bank of McCook
The Bank of Culbertson McCOOKNEB
h ft -
General Repair Shops
Two doors east of DeGrofFs Store
McCook Nebraska
Colic Cholera Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know its value
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people
It has been prescribed by phy
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
or a physician summoned
It only costs a quarter Can
you afford to rislc so much for so
little BUY IT NOW
i iMliHlliMflEMRiMfiMiH
Will make the season of 1906 at
my farm a half mile northeast of
Perry station 600 to insure
foal 700 for standing colt
Q W Watkins
When the Evidence of GliONtx SuiliufJ
to II mi k Men
The testimony of ji ghost would not
now count for much In n court of I
but the day has boon when It hrj
sufiiced to hang a man There wis a
ghostly accuser In a case with vhci
the readers of Scott are familiar Soon
after the 45 an English soldier wan
dering near Braemar met a violent
death Years passed and then came a
story of a communication from another
A farm servant declared that In the
night a spirit had appeared to him de
claring Itself to be the ghost of the
soldier whose bones it Is said lay
still unburled The Highlander must
see to their decent interment and
have the murderers two men named
brought to justice The highlander
promised but did not keep his word
and a second and third time the spirit
appeared and upbraided him for his
breach of faith Alarmed at last and
no longer daring to delay the man
called a companion and went to the
spot which the spirit had indicated
and there found the bones of the mur
dered warrior concealed in a moorland
tract called the hill of Christie
The story of the highlander came to
the ears of an anti Jacobite who caus
ed the matter to be brought to trial
before the court of judiciary Edit
burgh There the tale was corroborat
ed by a woman who had seen a naked
figure enter the place on the night
spoken of by the man It was an age
of superstition in a district more than
commonly given to superstition and
the jury seemed disposed to find the
two men charged guilty of the murder
but it happened that the principal wit
ness spoke only Gaelic Now said i
the counsel for the defense in what
language did the ghost speak In
as good Gaelic as I ever heard in Loch
aber was the reply Pretty good for
the ghost of an English soldier said
counsel and that question and com
ment saved the necks of the men at the
bar The jury could believe In a ghost I
but not In an English ghost speaking
Gaelic London Standard
Abilene Came to Be Selected by
Mm Hersey
Abilene was named by the wife of
the founder of the town T F Ilersey
With her husband she had come to
central Kansas in the spring of 1857
They lived in a log house on the west
side of Mud creek and were the first
settlers on the town site although no
Bible from cover to cover When
she was asked to name the town she
turned to the New Testament for sug
gestion There in the third chapter of
Luke first verse she found this Now
In the fifteenth year of the reign of
Tiberius Caesar Pontius Pilate being
governor of Judaea and Lysanias
the tetrarcb of Abilene
Call the town Abilene said she
It means City of the Plains and that
exactly describes the location
So Abilene it was and in the fight
for the county seat wherein it contest
ed with Newport Smoky Hill and Un
ion City all long since passed away
good fortune attended it and the new
town became the county capital for
the 37S dwellers then in Dickinson
county Kansas City Star
Fleslxmaking Food
Cream gruel according to an emi
nent English authority is the ideal
nourishment for thin folk A teacupful
taken at night immediately before re
tiring Is said to give marvelous results
To be at its best it must be perfectly
made then thinned -with sweet cream
Taken In that condition and warm it
Is agreeable as well as fattening and
produces just that sense of satisfied
hunger essential to ideal rest It Is
claimed that perseverance in the treat
ment yields such apparent results that
the cheeks can be seen to expand from
day to day
The Pepper Tine
The pepper vine grows best in a
wooded valley where there Is plenty of
moisture and abundant foliage to pro
tect it from the heat of the sun It Is
given a rude sort of cultivation The
growers plant it keeping the grass
from Its roots and when the tree near
which it Is planted has no lower
branches strings or poles are placed in
proper position to enable the vine to
climb the tree It needs no further at
Yes my dear I believe in transmi
gration of souls I may be a brute in
my next life
Wouldnt that be discouraging or
dont you care for change Hous
ton Post
In Plain Word
What asked the judge was the
cause of the altercation
I didnt see anny yer honor but it
was him callln me a liar that shtarted
the fight Chicago Record Herald
The Bengal canal 900 miles in length
Is the longest artificial water course In
the world
Rapid HIhc In he Army nnd
Brave Ki cord
Major General Leonard Wood who
has been criticised on account of the
attack upon the Moros in the battle
of Mount Dajo lias had a remarkable
career and ids rapid promotion in the
army has made for iilin inaiy enemies
Ills advancement to the rink of brig
adier general In the regular army by
President MelCiuley aroueil much crit
icism and when Presidant Coosuvelt
advanedd him to the major generals
rank the hostile comments broke out
afresh General Wood is not a grad
uate of West Point and was a surgeon
In the army at th beginning of the
1 mmMMfMMMm
mmm mmsm
Spanish war when lie organized and
assumed command of the famous regi
ment of rough riders in which Presi
dent Roosevelt was lieutenant colonel
General Wood holds a congressional
medal of honor which was awarded
him for bravery In a campaign against
Apahes His career is a notable illus
tration of the pranks of fortune An
old friend of General Wood once said
Some time in the fall of 18971
dont recall the exact date I re
ceived a letter from General Wood lie
wound up by saying that he was think
ing strongly of making a trjp into the
Klondike country which was then the
sensation of the hour The exact word-
town then existed nor was there one j Jug escapes me but the inference was
until 18G0 Then C H Thompson who that the future looked rather blank
had moved to the county from Leaven
worth bought from the Kansas Pa
cific Railway company a tract east of
Herseys and laid out a town
When it came to the naming of the
future city Mr Thompson went to
Hersey and asked him to suggest a
No was the reply let my wife
do it She Is a great reader
Mrs Hersey was a graduate of a
seminary In the east and her little
library which she carried with her in
her wanderings was one of the ties
that bound her to the girlhood life She
in short that he would have to do
something then If ever and the Klon
dike seemed to offer a chance In less
than four months after getting this de
spondent letter the Maine was destroy
ed and the circumstances were in mo
tion that were destined to put a gener
als stars on the docs shoulder straps
and surfeit him with glory If he had
made the necessary arrangements in
1817 I dare say he would be sitting to
day In a miners cabin
Was a devout Methodist and knew her J Romance of Lieutenant Scharrar and
His Yonngr Bride
Love bravery and beer formed a
most unusual combination in the case
of the beautiful Miss Wilhelmina
Busch and the gallant Lieutenant Ed
uard F Scharrar The lieutenant is
an officer of the German army The
girl with whom he fell in love is the
daughter of the millionaire brewer
Adolphus Busch of St Louis He was
an ardent wooer and it Is said had
proposed several times previous to the
memorable day on which he took the
brewers daughter on a ride to Belle
ville a suburb of St Louis She had
not said yes before but on this day
he was particularly ardent and sug
gested marriage on the spot They
went to a hotel and the would be
bridegroom wrote on the register Mr
and Mrs Eduard Scharrar How-
ever no marriage took place at that
time While he was trying to arrange
for one the young lady in the case
called up her father by telephone and
he put in a protest as the result of
which they both returned to St Louis
without being married Then the
daughter was packed off In baste to
the California home of the family at
rasaaena xnere iouowea a race-
across half the continent between the
lieutenant and the more or less per
turbed parent Papa Busch took a spe
cial train but the young officer got
there first and persuaded the fair Wil
helmina to permit a second attempt at
matrimony to be made The marriage
was duly solemnized
Evil Thnt Come From MIhuhc of the
Vocal OrjcauH
The chronic sore throat Is not infre
quently produced by the mlsrse of the
vocal organs Very often thst unruly
little member the tongue is accounta
ble for the difficulty as it Is for a great
many other troubles In this transitory
life Many people have a habit when
talking of pushing the tongue so far
back against the delicate membranes
that line the throat that Irrit ition moro
or less painful is caused and if It con
tinues any length ot time ulers will
form and so will a doctors bill
Control of the tongue is excellent in
all senses of the word Physically this
organ may be managed by depressing
it into a hollow at a point three-quarters
of an inch back of where the tip
of it comes when in a natural position
in the mouth and at the same time
singing very light head tones This
exercise requires some patience at
first but the habit of keeping the
tongue down is soon acquired In
speaking or singing it should not be al
lowed to hoop up and fill the mouth
thus interfering with the free passage
of the tones of the voice from the
throat to the front of the mouth where
they should strike and then escape
clear as a bell This hooping up of the
tongue in the mouth is the cause of
much of the indistinct and slovenly
utterances to which we are too often
obliged to listen
In many people we uotiee the line
from the point of the chin to the neck
is in the form of a right angle In a
shapely throat this line forms a curve
just as a canarys does when the small
yellow artist is warbling his carols
To develop the throat and make this
angle a curve stand before a mirror so
that you may watch the throat swell
out Now thrust your tongue out as
far as it will go then draw it back
quickly and forcibly at the same time
bringing it downward in the mouth as
far as you can Place your thumb and
forefinger against the larynx common
ly called the Adams apple and if you
are making the right movement you
will feel the larynx pass downward
For a week or two make the move
ments lightly After that time put as
much force into it as you can The
exercise should be practiced for a few
minutes several times a day to insure
rapid and good results
To fill up the hollows of the neck
stand correctly and then slowly fill the
lungs with air without elevating your
shoulders As the air is forced upward
into the throat hold it there a few sec
onds and then expel slowly This ex
ercise is best performed soon after ris
ing in the morning and before retiring
at night New York Post
Time and Eternity
The stream of time never runs dry
and the ocean of eternity will forever
send its mighty surges mountain high
against the bank of times little
stream sweeping with each receding
billow over its expansive bosom the
frail human craft from the shore of
time with earths happiness human
affection toil trials tears and sin to
the eternal shore of celestial beauty
and bliss Oh mighty ocean of eterni
ty your wonderful anthem of life and
death brings eternal woe and condem
nation to him who is untrue to himself
and his divine pilot but to the trust
ing faithful man it sings of endless
felicity in the presence of time who
has redeemed his people from the
bondage of sin and has swept them
through the pearly gates Ducktown
Tenn Gazette
The Wonderful Diatom
One of the most wonderful things in
vegetable life is a beautiful and mi
nute class of seaweeds called diatoms
They belong to the seaweed family
yet they may be found by the thou
sands in any roadside ditch fresh or
salt water lake or even in cisterns
wells springs etc Most species of
plants are made up of an infinite num
ber of little cells but with the diatom
it is otherwise Each representative
of this wonderful family of plants is
formed of but a single cell and this so
minute that it would require 2500 of
the most common form laid end to
end to make a string an Inch in length
Some species of diatoms have the pow
er of independent motion and on that
account were for some time believed
to be animals
Candy and the Flag
The following is accredited to the
late Senator Hoar At a Fourth of July
celebration in a Canadian town where
both English and American guests
were assembled the flags of the two
countries were used In decorations A
frivolous young English girl loyal to
the queen but with no love for the
stars and stripes exclaimed Oh
what a silly looking thing the Ameri
can flag is It suggests nothing but
checkerberry candy Yes replied
Senator Hoar the kind of candy that
has made everybody sick who ever
tried to lick it
Charity is a universal duty which it
is in every mans power sometimes to
practice since every degree of assist
ance given to another upon proper mo
tives Is an act of charity and there Is
scarcely any man in such a state of
imbecility as that he may not on some
occasions benefit his neighbor John
Hl Advantage
First Man How do yon do Second
Man Beg pardon but you have the
advantage of me First Man Yes I
guess I have We were engaged to the
same girl but you married her
The taste of beauty and the relish of
what is decent just and amiable per
fect the character of the gentleman
and the philosopher Shaftesbury
Slipper Time
Oxford Time
We am and will bo pli nnd to t how jou a full lim of
Babies Childrens Misses and Ladies
Slippers and Oxford Ties
in White CamnF Kid Patent Liittln r Tniis in welts hum
turned high low and fj ring heel Not the extreme toe or
price but a line carefully selected for stjle lit and comfort
Dont forget hut we alwajs cnrr the LOW COMFORT
and DANCING PUMPS If ou are a customer of ours
we will bo glad to take care of jour f otwear Nailing and
sewing always gratis
t4l4fl4t4 fcstffev4fevdt
JAw5vvV fiXipiaFii
a hi in iijiiinii 11 liL 1 Mil 1 11
y vl v vx
IB X C3wf
B 1 KfegJSVaasWgggtV
1 1 3Kf5EarW3Wa f
I I lattf3lT5SV v Fit
SB rvvir
a X -- - rs f -- JTt it v a
The Sun
never seems
m 10 looK pleasant
when his picture
is painted with
a ayS Perer P3 infer
Pattons Sun Proof Paint Is anhoncst pracs
tlcal paint guaranteed to contain no water or
otber adulterant It resists the action of heat
and cold to a wonderful degree and surpasses
any other paint made in durability beauty and
covering qualities
QAnrl frtT Vinnlr nnA trlnr fri1 itrfr tn
M Patton Paint Co Lake Street Milwaukee
The Farmers Mutual
The Cheapest and Most Reliable in the State
Owned operated and controlled by farmers entirely
Over 54 000 000 in force 51417 1 1 losses paid in 1905
Phone Ash 135 1 Local Agent
I axative
Dr E O Valme
1 Office over McAdams Store
Phone 190
2 f
1 Tnciironrp rnrrmomr
E J HITCHELL Auctioneer
Always Remember the Full Nome
omo Qllm
kires a Cold In One Bay Grip in Two
oaBox 25c
The MGook Tribune
uly 100 per Year
Catalogue and Sale Bills Compiled Stock and Farm j
write ups Satisfaction Guaranteed
With the Republican Mok Nebraska