The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 18, 1906, Image 4

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5 jtflk jVifoty
Xargest Circulation In Red Willow Co
-Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
To Members of the German American
Fire Insurance Company Mutual
of Hastings Nebraska
Notice was recently sent you nB a
member of this company of an assess
ment for the amount due from you un
der the order issued by the Hon Ed L
Adams Judge of the Tenth Judicial
District dated February 5th 1906 This
notice was sent to all members of the
German American Fire Insurance Com
pany Mutual since its organization
including policies that had been cancel
ed or had expired and assessing all pro
portionately It includes all paid up
policies and no member is released from
this assessment and to those whose pre
tnium notes are unpaid it includes bal
an ces due on premium notes as well as
thjs assessment
ThG court has instructed me to close
up tho affairs of this company as soon
as possible and this letter again calls
your attention to the matter I do not
wish to add unnecessary expense to this
and hope you will look after the matter
at once otherwise I will be compelled
to take judgment against you in the
District court hero as a member of the
corporation and transcript the same to
your county seat
D KTaylor Receiver
Y M C A Rally
J P Bailey state secretary and E
J Simmonds his assistant conducted
3 successful Y M C A rally in the
city last Sunday having good audiences
at both afternoon and evening meetings
in the Methodist church
In the evening after a fine service and
address by Mr Bailey a committee
composed of the pastors of the city was
chosen to ascertain the feeling of Mc
Cook toward a Y M C A building
and this committee will report as soon
as practicable
It seems to the Tribune that this is a
matter largely for the Burlington rail
road management and its employees
If they take the proper initiative as
they should being the parties in largest
interest the businessmen and people of
the city generally will doubtless do
their full share willingly to assist in se
curing and maintaining a Y M C A
The Proof of the Pudding
Well you know it is not in chewing
the string This holds good in meats as
well as in puddings The B M meat
market guarantees you the best the
market affords in the meat line in any
and all kinds of meats They throw in
liberal and courteous treatment and
prompt delivery Yon will find the
market at the old stand first door south
of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber
al portion of your patronage during the
new year David Magner Prop
To My Friends and Patrons
On account of sickness I am unavoid
ably called away from McCook and
will therefor have to discontinue my
Veterinery Practice for at least a short
time For the benefit of those wishing
to correspond with me while absent my
address will be Mountain Grove Mo
Hoping to be able to soon return lam
Very respectfully
5 4 3ts Wm B Hoag
Brotherhood of St Paul
The Brotherhood have fixed up their
room in the Methodist church for a
rest reading and games room and will
keep it open three nights in the week
Mondays Thursdajs and Saturdays
from 7 to 10 p m beginning Monday
night May 21st All men and boys
welcome Come on fellows and make
yourself at home Free A man from
Omaha speaks at the mens meeting
Sunday afternoon next Come
I will hold an examination at my home
in Indianola on Thursday and Friday
May 17 and 18 giving the examinations
in Saturdays subjects the Five Es
sentials on Thursday I will then
hold the regular examination in Mc
Cook on Saturday May 19th
Flora B Quick Co Supt
Low Rates to California
San Francisco or Los Angeles and re
turn 5000
Via Portland 86250 Liberal stopover
privileges allowed
For particulars call at ticket office
G S Scott Agent
A First Class Plumber
John Hunt of tho new plumbing es
tablishment has secured the services
of a first class plumber this week Best
of work guaranteed
Notice to Members of A 0 U W
Kangaroo court next Monday night
Full attendance is desired
EM Bigelow M W
Cash Received on Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed supplies at The Tribune
H PWaite Cos is headquarters
for hay tools
His First Obituary Notice Called For
Help For Hln Family t
When Robert Burns died the follow
ing obituary appeared In the Edin
burgh Advertiser of July 20 1790 On
the 21st Inst died at Dumfries after a
lingering Illness the celebrated Robert
Burns His poetical compositions dis
tinguished equally by the force of na
tive humor by the -warmth and the
tenderness of passion and by the glow
ing touches of a descriptive pencil will
remain a lasting monument of the vig
or and versatility of a mind guided
only by the lights of nature and by the
inspiration of genius
The public to whose amusement be
has so largely contributed will learn
with regret that his extraordinary en
dowments were accompanied with
frailties which rendered them useless
to himself and his family The last
months of his short life were spent in
sickness and indigence and his widow
with five infant children and in the
hourly expectation of a sixth Is now
left without any resource but what she
may hope from the regard due to the
memory of her husband
The public are respectfully inform
ed that contributions for the wife and
family of the late Robert Burns who
are left in circumstances of extreme
distress will be received at the houses
of Sir William Forbes Co of Messrs
Mansfield Ramsay Co and at the
shops of the Edinburgh booksellers It
Is proposed to publish some time hence
a posthumous volume of the poetical
remains of Robert Burns for the bene
fit of the authors family His friends
and acquaintances are requested to
transmit such poems and letters as
nay happen to be In their possession
to Alexander Cunningham writer
George street Edinburgh or to John
Syme Esq Ryedale Dumfries It is
hoped that in the meantime none of his
original productions will be communi
cated to the public through the channel
of newspapers or magazines so as to
Injure the sole of the intended publica
Never put anything in the ear for the
relief of toothache
Never wear cotton in the ears if they
are discharging
Never apply a poultice to the inside
of the canal of the ear
Never drop anything into the ear un
less it has been previously warmed
Never use anything but a syringe and
warm water for cleansing the ears
Never strike or box a childs ears
This has been known to rupture the
drumhead and cause incurable deaf
Never wet the hair if you have any
tendency to deafness Wear an oiled
silk cap when bathing and refrain from
Never scratch the ears with anything
but the linger if they itch Do not use
the head of a pin hairpins pencil tips
or anything of that nature
Never meddle with the ear if a for
eign body enters it Leave it absolute
ly alone and have a physician attend
to it
All He Needed
A number of Wall street men at
luncheon one day were discussing the
remarkable ability of a certain opera
tor in the street to weather any finan
cial storm
Why said one of the financiers
that chaps a wonder I dont know
how many times theyve had him
against the wall yet he always con
trives to get away
I have heard It said observed an
other that Blank is resourceful
enough to make a living on a desert
Yes he could do that too affirmed
the first speaker if there were an
other man on the island Harpers
Tbe Perfect Spanish Beggar
There is a calm dignity about the
Spaniard of every class which will
strike a stranger Even the beggars
of whom goodness knows there are
plenty seem to stand on a higher plat
form than- their confreres in other
lands In our country the statutory ad
dress is Could you spare me a cop
per but a Spanish beggar thus ad
dressed us at a railway station and
we give his address as typical of his
class O senorito da me un alimos
nita y rogare por su fellz vlaje
which may be translated into English
thus Oh little gentleman give me an
alms and I will pray for you a happy
journey Chambers Journal
A Singulnr Epitaph
At Annapolis N S and in the mili
tary cemetery attached to old Fort
Anne is a tombstone with the following
odd inscription
Here Lyeth the Body of
Margaret Winiett
Born the Cth day of April 1723 and Dyed
the 2Sth of February 1722
The singular part of the epitaph Is
that the child according to the engrav
ing on the headstone died nearly a
year before its birth
Father asked the youth what Is
your understanding of the saying The
race Is not always to the swift
Practically my son replied the
wise father It means that In the race
of life the fast men dont usually come
out ahead Catholic Standard and
The Decline of Chivalry
Wife drearily Ah me The days
of chivalry are past Husband WhaFs
the matter now Wife Sir Walter
Raleigh laid his cloak on the ground
for Queen Elizabeth to walk over but
you get mad simply because poor dear
mother sat down on your hat
Russian Poet and Novelist
Protest and Hln Career
When Maxim Gorky the Russian au
thor and revolutionist landed In this
country he was at once overwhelmed
with invitations to dine In accordance
with the American habit of discussing
all questions grave and gay political
or religious literary scientific or com
mercial over the banquet table At
one such meal when the Russian re
former ate with such well known
Americans as Mark Twain Robert
Collier David Graham Phillips Robert
Hunter and Arthur Brisbane he ap
peared In his characteristic costume of
a blue blouse buttoned high up in the
neck though most of the guests were
attired In conventional evening dress
In this Gorky but followed out his
ideas as a Socialist for he believes in
the leveling of all distinctions as to
rank or class visit to America is
in the Interest of the movement In this
country to help the Russian revolution
ists by raising funds for the purchase
of arms Gorky and his sympathizers
believe that the Iiussian people can
only obtain a full measure of liberty
through the use of force and that their
friends in America should aid in sup
plying the sinews of war The blood
says Gorky we will give ourselves
We need money money money I
come to you as a beggar that Russia
may be free
Gorky himself has already given a
fortune in aid of the revolutionary
cause This fortune he made through
the sale of his books which have en
joyed a great popularity not only in
Russia but in other parts of Europe
and even in America He now aims to
make more money through writing and
lecturing to devote to the same cause
On his visit to the United States he Is
accompanied by a handsome Russian
actress known on the stage as Mme
Andreieva and by his secretary Her
man Teodorevitch Bonrenine
Maxim Gorky Is the authors pen
name and means the bitter one His
real name Is Alexei Maximovitch
Pleshkoff His pen name is expressive
of his character for his writings tell of
the suffering and misery of the Russian
masses and the author knows whereof
he speaks for he was a waif and an
outcast himself He has been called
the tramp novelist He was born in
18GS In Niji Novgorod and his father
who was very poor died when the boy
was five years old Bootblack scullion
bakers apprentice and kicked around
by everybody Gorky was raised in a
pessimistic school and when he took
up writing it was as a poet and nov
elist of protest He has often been un
der arrest for speaking too plainly and
has passed much time in prison
Grandson of Fnmons Financier Who
Has Won Honors In Tennis
In planning his famous winter home
at Lakewood N J known as Georgian
Court the late Jay Goulds eldest son
George Gould made ample provision
for members of his family to indulge
in athletic exercises A devotee of
polo himself he gave special attention
to providing every facility for playing
this game and also tennis He encour
aged his sons Kingdon and Jay to be
come athletes and they have well ful
filled their fathers ambitions for them
in this respect Jay who is now sev
enteen has for some years shown a
special fondness for tennis and his
practice on the courts at Lakewood has
finally resulted in his capturing the
national championship in court tennis
This he did recently by defeating
Charles E Sands the former cham
pion at the Racquet and Tennis club
New York and he has gone to England
to participate in the British champion
ship tournament to be held at the
Queens club London Experts In the
game regard his playing as remark
able He Is not of large frame but Is
very active and his muscles have the
suppleness requisite to success in ten
TItoae Seen In the Winter Tvrlllshta
In Northern Altmka
The most wonderful mirages ever be
held by mortal eyes are those that are
seen in the twilight winter days in
northern Alaska These remarkable
ghastly pictures t tilings both imag
inary and real are mirrored on the
surface of the waste plaius iustead of
upon the clouds or in the atmosphere
Mimic lakes and water courses fringed
with vegetation are to be seen pictured
ns real as life on the surface of the
snow while grassy mounds stumps
trees logs etc which have an actual
existence some place on the earths sur
face are outlined against mountains of
snow in all kinds of fantastic shapes
Some of these objects are distorted
and magnified into the shapes of huge
ungainly animals and reptiles of enor
mous proportions The fogs and mists
are driven across these wastes by the
winds and as the objects referred to
loom up in the flying vapors they ap
pear like living creatures and seem to
be actually moving rapidly across the
At other times they appear high in
the air but this Is a characteristic of
the northern mirages that are seen
near the seashore When the vapors
and mists are driven out to sea the
Images mirrored in them appear to be
lunging through the waters at a terrific
rate of speed dashing the spray high
In the air while huge breakers roll
over them anil onward toward the
mountainous islands beyond and
against which they all appear to be
dashing Monstrous serpents appar
ently several hundred feet long some
times with riders on their backs men
on horseback thirty to fifty feet in
height animals and birds of all kinds
of horrible shapes and colors seem to
be scurrying past racing and chasing
each other until they are lost in the
twilight fogs or dashed to pieces upon
the rocky islands mentioned above and
which are twenty miles out to sea
He Stores Very Little Food For Use
In Winter
In Maine in fact all over New Eng
landred squirrels do not put by great
hoards of any kind for winter use
When a Maine red squirrel has filled
itself with acorns and beechnuts it
will hide a few here and there under
leaves in hollow logs in cracks of
rifted trees and among stone heaps
An average red squirrel having the
run of an oak grove in the fall of the
year may in the course of two weeks
hide away from two to four quarts of
acorns though they will be in perhaps
twenty different places and in no in
stance which we have noted has anj
nut been shelled
The squirrel which plans a hoard of
nuts and makes deliberate preparations
for winter is the little chipmunk or
striped squirrel which seeks winter
quarters soon after heavy frosts and
which remains In hiding all winter
The chipmucks often hide as many as
two quarts of shelled beechnuts in one
place Their storehouses are as a rule
under the ground in sloping and sandy
soil the burrows having been dug with
true engineering skill so that no fresh
et can drown them out
It is believed that most observing
woodsmen will say that the red squir
rels of this vicinity seldom make large
caches of provisions for winter con
sumption and never shell the stored
nuts In fact the red species have no
need to pay much heed to such matters
as they are abroad and active in the
coldest days of winter as much as they
are in midsummer so precautions for
food are not demanded As the red
squirrels subsist for a good part of the
year upon the cones of pines and
spruces which hang to the limbs they
do not care how deep or hard the snow
may be feeling secure in finding all
the food they want among the tree
tops Bangor News
The greater part of the courage that
is needed in the world is not of a he
roic kind Courage may be displayed
in everjday life as well as in historic
fields of action There needs for ex
ample the common courage to be hon
est the courage to resist temptation
the courage to speak the truth the
courage to be what we really are and
not to pretend tfl be what we are not
the courage to live honestly within our
own means and not dishonestly upon
the means of others Smiles
Indian Ocean Serpents
Among the most venomous serpents
in the world are the marine snakes of
the Indian ocean They are the dread
of fishermen and it sometimes hap
pens that vessels are obliged to thread
their cables through barrels to pre
vent the reptiles from swarming on
board Great numbers of them may
often be seen floating on the surface
of the water as If asleep They are
exceedingly fierce and will commonly
attack human beings without provoca
When the Raven Was Milk White
According to Mohammedan belief
the ravens which Noah took with him
on the ark were both pure white When
the ark had been riding the billows of
the flood for thirty three days one of
the giraffes died and the carcass was
thrown overboard No sooner had It
struck the water than the ravens
pounced upon it For this Noah cursed
them and since that day they have
been coal black
The Disappointment
May It was too bad that Miss Trills
disappointed the audience at the ama
teur performance Elsie But she
didnt She was able to appear after
all May Yes but it was generally
supposed that she would not be able
I to appear
y - - c ssrs A- w - - w
Have you seen the beautiful
WEAR in Grannis store
There are beautiful four
piece sets made of finest
muslin and trimmed in fin
est of fine Valenciennes
lace which would certainly
please you and the price is
very reasonable for the la
bor expended on such elab
orate garments would be
worth as much as the price
for which we offer them
Then those separate gar
ments each having a neat
and special style of its own
with either embroidery or
lace as trimmings You will
certainly find something in
our large assortment that
will please as well as fit
This underwear has not the
scant appearance of most
ready made underwear but
is of generous proportions
and the latest styles in the
John Grannis
A Matter of Great Moment
The Tribune is informed that at the
next regular meeting of the city coun
cil Mondayevening May 28 the ques
tion of securing certain concessions from
the city will be broached by the Bur
lington company in its proposed enter
prise of building a viaduct over its yard
tracks at this place
If correctly advised the company
seeksto have the east road leading from
the city to South McCook vacated and
proposes to erect or construct a wagon
viaduct over the tracks at a point south
of the west ice house at the foot of Mc
Dowell street A mere glance will show
one the inconvenience to which people
living in South McCook will be placed
if thus isolated from the main town not
to mention the increased pull that those
driving or hauliug into the city from the
south will be compelled to endure
It is understood that the county pro
poses to open a road on the half section
line ju3t east of East McCook or about
a half mile east of the present road now
leading to South McCook This will
but partially make good the loss of the
present road
This matter was projected into the
discussions of the meeting of the coun
cil Monday evening of this week and
narrowly escaped action at that session
without the people of that section hav
ing an opportunity of making a showing
or defense
This appears to The Tribune as being
a mattdr of no small moment to resi
dents and property owners of South Mc
Cook and they should take steps be
tween now and the next meeting of the
council to see that they are represented
at that meeting and that their rights are
properly and adequately protected
We understand of course that the
company proposes to build a foot via
duct to the round house from the foot
of Main avenue for the use of its em
ployees in getting to and from work and
for those who have business with the
company in the yard or shops
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday afternoon
Corn 33
Wheat 60
Oats 25
He 40
Barley 23
Hor3 5 SO
Eggs 15
Good Butte 15
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Christian Sunday school at 11 and
Christian Endeavor at 11 oclock every
Sunday morning All are welcome
Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11
a m and 8 p m Evening prayer at
730 oclock Wednesday All are wel
come to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 am Preaching by the pastor at 11
a m and 8 p m Christian Endeavor
at 7 p m Morning sermon subject
The Need of Conviction on Moral Ques
tions Evening How Christ Changed
a Mans Idea of Himself All are cor
dially invited to attend these services
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching next Sunday at 11 a m and
8 p m B 1 P U will meet at 7
p m Rev C J Pope of Grand Island
will preach Sunday morning and even
ing Preaching at Zion Hill at 3 p m
Prayer service every Wednesday even
ing at 8 p m You are invited to attend
our services
A A Holmes Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Lesson Mark 614 29 Preaching at 11
a m Class at 12 Mrs McCarl leader
Junior League at 3 p m Mens meet
ing at i p m A speaker will be present
from Omaha Epworth League at 7
Regular servicss at 8 p m Prayer
meeting Wednesday night at 8 oclock
Sunday school and preaching in South
McCook next Sunday
M B Carman Pastor
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards
printed by The Tribune are on sale at
A McMillens
The Ideal Store
The Tribune Office
L W McConnells
The Post Office Lobby
Ten different views printed
Other designs are in preparation
Price Two for five cents
At the home of Andrew Finnell in
Frontier County last Wednesday at
noon occurred the marriage of Harry
Jones and Miss Nellie Russell Rev M
B Carman officiating The young
couple will make their home in Shenan
doah Iowa
Cream in sealed 10c anJ 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market