The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 9

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the gientcst ill a round range be
foio the American people
The Famous Quick
liotii Gasoline nnd Steel Ranges
The McCook Junior Normal School
Will Graduate Those Who At
tend Three Sessions
In order to make the junior nor
mal work appear permanent and to
give it a dignity a graduating ex
ercise will be held this year at the
close of the session and all those
who havo been in attendance eight
weeks or more for three years will
be counted as graduates and be given
an elementary state teachers certifi
cate good in any county in the state
for two years Already there are
four at McCook who may qualify un
der this new ruling and as many as
twenty more may become graduates
provided thev attend the coming sum
mer Credit that can be verified will
also be accepted from the Culbertson
Union Normal Instituteheld at Cul
bertson in the summer of 1902
Teachers who can qualify under this
provision are asked to present their
cases to the principal as early as
possible It is also the desifeJbf the
state superintendent jto include in the
graduating class those who reeeive
jm j
13000 Square Feet of Floor Space i
- Jmrx rr tMTjnM - --
- -
mPf 1 aniMa m pal in nam mi I iiiTiriiTt ii r - i ifj
Flat and Hollow Silverware in all Grades
The Old Hickory and Moline Wagons
John Deere Moline and Rock Island
Plow Goods Dain Hay Tools Deering
Mowers and Binders
Our stock is unequalled in S W Nebraska
words with honor and
credit on their certificates
J L McBrien State Supt Lincoln
G H Thomas Principal McCook
H F Hooper Clarks
C H Miller Lincoln
Jas OConnell Trenton
F J Munday Beaver City
Eva OSullivan South Omaha
Nellie May Schlee iew York City
1 Dundy County
j C Estella Goodwin Benkleman
1 Chase County
Nellie E Dick Wauneta
j Hitchcock County
Jas OConnell Trenton
1 Hayes County
j Mrs Margaret E West Hayes Center
Red Willow County
Flora B Quick Indianola
Frontier County
i Thos Scott Stockville
Furnas County
F J Munday Beaver City
For Dosing Oneself
A physician recommends rochelle
salts for amateur doctoring He says
that it is an excellent thing several
times a clay to take as much of the salts
as may be put on a cent in a little wa
ter That will sweeten the stomach
and act as a very desirable spring
medicine He also speaks highly of
1 soda having no patience with those
timid peopie who have an idea that it
is a dangerous dose doing some vague
1 harm to the coating of the intestines
Why everything we eat almost has
soda in it he cnied in disdain It is
an admirable thing to take half ro
chelle salts and half bicarbonate of
soda as directed several times a day
I know of few gentler and still more
beneficent general medicines
A Poisonous
People in general look upon all spe
cies of the frog as being perfectly
harmless Should you be traveling in
New Granada United States of Colom
bia however you would do well to
let a certain little tree croaker severe
ly alone He secretes a poison equally
as deadly as that of the rattlesnake
It exudes from his skin in the shape of
a milky liquid and is used by the na
tives as a poison for their arrows
Write ns Yon Feel
If you would write to any purpose
you must bs perfectly free from with
in Give yourself the natural rein
think on no pattern no patron no pa
per no press no public think on noth
ing but follow your impulses Give
yourself as you are what you are and
how you see it Every man sees with
his own eyes or does not see at all
Required to Display
- W T Colemans Immense Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Spring Wagons Driving Wag
ons Stanhopes Surreys
Large stock
Prices Right
AH the latest improved articles
to make the work easy in the
kitchen and for uptodate cookery
liort Stones
AboEt People
I f J M 1
James Keir Hardie leader of the
powerful Labor party in the British
house of commons is a remarkable
character He worked in Scotch coal
mines from the time he was seven
years old until he reached the age of
twenty four He learned to write short
hand as a young man not by attent lug
a business college or working with pen
and paper after hours but by scratch
ing on the walls of
the coal mine the
mysterious looking
characters of ste
nography He did
not become a short
hand reporter but
his present position
as leader of the La
bor party is more
influential than he
dreamed of possess
ing in his early
manhood Hardie
continues to wear
in parliament his costers cap and sack
coat the costume which so shocked tho
sticklers for the traditional usages of
the house when he first entered it One
day about that time he was proceeding
to the parliament library to consult a
book when he found his way gently
In all the latest designs in
Locks and Hinges
Improved Sash Fasteners
Spring Lifters
all kinds of barn trimmings
Collar Pads
High grade articles as cheap as common
stuff elsewhere
Hardware Merchant
as treasurer
of the Republican
national committee
received campaign
contributions from
the New York Life
Insurance compa
ny is the latest
financier to get into
a controversy with
cobxeliusk bliss the former
tive agent of that company Andrew
Hamilton The disagreement pertains
to the question whether Mr Hamilton
did or did not turn over the sum of
73000 to Mr Bliss on behalf of the
New York Life to be used for the elec
tion of the Republican national ticket
in 1S9G Mr Bliss has been promi
nent in Republican politics for years
aud was treasurer of the national com
mittee of that party in four presiden
tial campaigns It has been said that
his case illustrates the saying that the
office should seek the man rither than
the man the office for tho h offices
have been urged upon him ca numer
ous occasions he has only o ea served
in a post of a public characor That
was when he was for a short time sec
retary of the interior in the c tbinet of
President McKinley Mr Eiss was
born in Fall River Mass in 1S33 Ho
has been a merchant in New York for
twenty live years
but firmly barred by a policeman aIio
Are you working here mate
Yes replied Mr Hardie who Avaa
attire1 in his usual democratic style
cloth cap and all
On the roof
No on the floor
The roof of the house was being re
paired and as the policeman was not
quite sure about the floor repairs hu
allowed Hardie to pass
Owing to his simple way of dressing
Mr Hardie was once placed in an awk
ward position while traveling in Bel
gium He was arrested on suspicion of
being connected with- an anarchist
who had just been seized on thj
charge of attempting the life of King
Leopold Hardie had difficulty in con
vincing the police that he was a mem
ber of the British parliament
Representative Oscar T Gillespie of
Texas whose resolution asking for in
formation concerning the community
of interests of the Pennsylvania Balti
more and Ohio and other railroads waa
recently passed came to congress tho
first time on the toss of a coin He is
from the Twelfth district and first
served in the Fifty eighth congress
There were three candidates for tha
nomination Several thouand ballots
were taken Finally it was decided to
break the deadlock by the toss of a
coin The third man was eliminated on
the first toss and Gillespie won the
second toss and the nomination
Mine Lillian Nordica who narrowly
escaped serious injury by the prematui e
falling of a heavy curtain at the Met
ropolitan Opera House New York re
cently is a prima donna who possesses
much presence of mind On this occa
sion she was so near the curtain that
it struck a bouquet from her hand and
bruised her fingers but she retained
her composure and
r m XJ
helped to avert a
pnnic in the audi
ence It was only a
few weeks before
this that the great
soprano had won
admiration for her
coolness when a fire
broke out on the
Metropolitan stage
while she was sing-
LILLIAN- nordica mg Brunehild in
Gotterdammerung She stamped out
the flames as she kept on singing and
when her skirts caught fire subdued
the threatening elements without so
much as a tremor in her voice
Mme Nordica once sang at a concert
in a town in Texas Among the crowd
in the concert room was a cowboy
who during the evening sat spellbound
as he listened to Nordicas notes When
her last song was finished and she was
wrapping up to return to her lodging
it was discovered that her overshoes
had been f ojrgotten The cowboy
singer asserts that this was the j
tiest compliment ever paid to her
Clarence S Darrow of Chicago has
been counsel in many famous labor
cases and now he is to be one of the
lawyers who will conduct the defensG
of the men indicted on the charge of
murdering ex Governor Steunenberg of
Idaho The accused men are officials
of the Western Federation of Miners
Mr Darrow was the legal adviser of
EugeneY Debs in the great railway
strike of about ten years ago and he
was counsel for the
miners in the pro
ceedings before the
anthracite coal
strike commission in
1902 Mayor Dunne
of Chicago appoint
ed him special coun
sel for the city to
aid in the solution
of the traction prob
iKldiS I
J lfiiu
The Great Majestic
Wheeler Wilson
All Guaranteed for Five Years
The Unexcelled American
The Unequalled Elwood
In all heights and at from to 65c a rod
mediately offered to go rof tGeilT and
brought them one at a time Mmo
Nordifii thtnkfcd him graciously ana
expressihi recrei that he should have
had so much trouble Not at all
madam said the admiring youth I
only wish you were a centiped The
I t -T
was based on this statement Those
who have never taught must take ex
amination in all branches required
for the certificate desired Such per
sons who have a two years high
school education or its equivalent
and who attend a summer school ap
proved by the state superintendent
at least six weeks doing at least
thirty days actual school work will
be required to take an examination in
all branches required for the certifi
cate desired except in the five essen
tials Upon attendance at an ap
proved summer school at least six
weeks such teachers will be required
to take examination in Reading and
one other of the five essentials at
their selection with the advice and
consent of the county superintendent
of the proper county Six weeks or
more attendance at such school and
creditable work done this summer
in the other three of the five essen
tials approved by the county super
intendent will be taken in lieu of
an examination in these three essen
It is recommended that county su
perintendents so far as possible vis
it the various summer schools where
their teachers may attend in order
that the work done by the instructors
as well as the teachers may be prop
erly inspected before official approval
is given at which time also the coun
tv superintendent may decide in
which of the five essentials his
teachers must take the regular exam
ination We also recommend that
the various summer schools make our
outlines on the five essentials and
the other subjects as given in our
circular of October 12 the basis of
the summer work
We urge upon all summer schools
to have a sufficient number of in
structors in order that classes will
not be so large as to make thorough
work impossible
Yours very truly
from the state board of examiners
grades which will entitle them to the
The Famous B P S
The Mound City
For all inside work You know what
it can do
affairs befor thr senate committee oh
interoccaiic canals was a successful
business man be
Oje f7
senator J I
fore he entered pol
itics In Florida he
is known as our
business senator
nis work in ch
gress has largely
been along line
connected with
commercial or In
dustrial matters
He was born in
Oranire Va in IStT
and educated at the
school of William
D i 11 w i d d i e at
Greenwood which he left in 18G1 to
enlist in the Confederate service He
followed the fortunes of the Confed
eracy until the close of the war and
shortly afterward removed to Florida
and engaged in the lumber business
He lived in lumber camps and went
through all the hardships incident to
life away from the centers of
i tion One of his achievements a
Washington was an enactment which
1 put on the pension list about 1700 vet
erans of the Seminole war
lem He is noted The UnUintlcsc Cut
as a brilliant lawyer anl an eloquent Is it trlle tout your father Is ea
speaker and is also widely known as angry with you that he even refuse
a writer One of his books Resist to speak to you
Not Evil champions the ideas of Tol Why he wont recognize me at aiL
stoi Another Farmingtou is a nov
el which describes country life and
rural characters in days gone by when
there were but few links between the
life of the city and that of the coun
try Mr Darrow is forty nine yean
old and a native of Ohio He started
out in his profession as a railroad at
torney but his sympathies soon car
ried him in an opposite direction
of the feats of his career was his sum-
ming up of the miners case bafore the
strike commission when he spoke for
two days without notes and without
manifesting fatirnia
Representative Ollie James of Ken
tucky was explaining how any Re-
He is so angry that the last time we
met he even cut my allowance Bal
timore American
Her Version of It
But didnt you promise when
were married that I should smoke ftt
the house whenever I pleased
Yes but you never plerse by smofc
One lag ia the house You displease me
TIic Australian Native
1 For hundreds of years perhaps thonv
i sands the Australian black has accepfc
J ed the doctrine of a Trinity in heavea
and the theory of evolution In sonw
respects he is far superior to his civi
lized contemporary but he curls
publican senator who voted against the
sdf ar0UQ1 like a and sinfcj fo
liUlt 1UCC k V UillJil Ulll H tlO 11AC
a Kentucky negro and his wife
Shut up woman Is a mighty
good min to slam ro in yo face the
husband said
Do it do it yo black gum nigger
do it answered the wife but if yo
does I sutnly can hyar yo a sayin
Good mawniu jedge yo honor in
de rnawniu
Thats the way with those Repub
lican senators They would like to
beat up the rate bill but if they do
they know they will be saying the next 1
morning Good morning Mr Tresi
dent I plead not guilty
Senator James P Taliaferro of Flori
da who recently had an altercation
sleep on the bare ground at sunset la
the dark he is a veritable coward
Vmt llaipen
In a written examination on physfcaC
geography one of the questions was
What happens when there Is aa
eclipse of the moon
A boy with rather an admirable
knack of getting out of a difficulty
wrote the following answer
A great many people come out to
look at It London Answers
Free will is not the liberty to fa
I whatever one likes but the power ot
doing whatever one sees ought to b
done even In the face of otherwisa
with William Nelson Cromwell the overwhelming Impulse
lawyer ata hearing on Panama canal 4 -freedom indeed
There He