The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 8

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    Tjl T nrlwip Tho Honse
i JJ 1jUIaTT LJ 7 n v n i S II 43 I
There will be many houses in McCook that will have to open their spare rooms to the
increasing popuace this summer In doing so thejcvill be some pieces of fin nil me I hat nu
need We have made a special study of formlure suitable for rental rooms and invite Ou to
look through our stock
and Rugs
Ait Squaies
from 3 75 up
The Seasons
latest in
R u z
To See Them
A Bed Rooms can be furnished with iron bed
14 IJr
l I
springs mattress dresser writ h
stand carpet one
A 5000 b ibscriber telephone system
An arc and incandesent electric lighting system
One of the best half mile speed Hacks m the west
One oi the best loo barrel roller mills in Nebraska
Two fine large elevators - -
An unsurpassed climate
Farming Minoundings of unequailed sod feitihtv
ii h - J A a
chair and a rug U1 -- w ifci 1 Vf
Dressers from 7 50 to 3500
Smitary Steel Conches 600 and 750
Wecury six different styles of bed springs
Whether you are light or heavy we can give
you a spring that you will sleep on
We sell the Leonard Cleanable and Grand Rapids Re
frigerators Come in and we will demonstrate to ou -why
these refrigerators aie the best made to day The ieason
is they are so easily gotten at to clean unci BY
TEST in saving ice
une Is The Month lor Kridts
Young man You c m furnish our house com
plete from this store Furniture Stoves Granite
ware Queensware Carpets Rugs Refrgerators Etc
Go Carts and Park Wigons for the Babies
The House Furnisher
SCsS 3 S
Improvements planned and under way which will cost 200000
this season
Twenty miles of irrigation ditch in her immediate vicinity
Openings for wklewaake men in the professions and in business
not withstanding both are quite will represented here
Two rural free delivery routes and three star routes running out
of the city She receives eight mails a day frohf east arid west
Just let the contract for a main sewer systdm to cost 0000
The lateral system will eventually greatly increase1 this expenditure
I At nAPrnffc
B i EJ V M M W U 9 H 1 C
lift- r J
EE Solved
if I 7
r - fin 7y
lm5irfl 1 SIS
Watch this m
Depaitment of
Our Store 0
i Laigest Grow 5 H
n Assort mci t I v
I In Tlifi Cxtv 4
cure a first grade county certificate
an applicant must have an average
of at least SO per cent with no grade
below 70 per cent in any one subject
However the county superintendent
has authority to require a higher
minimum average and a minimum
grade for his county but in no case
has he authority to lower the stan
dard fixed by the state examining
11 Credit certificate An average
grade of S5 per cent or higher with
no grade in any subject below SO per
cent will entitle the holder to the
words With Credit in the certify
12 Honor certificate An average
grade of 90 per cent or higher with
no grade in any subject below 85 per
cent will entitle-the-holder to the
words With Honor in the certifi
13 Renewal without examination
An applicant passing- With Credit
or With Honor v doing the required
amount of readingcircle work and
meeting the requirements of the coun
ty superintendent in attendance at in
stitute and county associations will
be entitled to the renewal of his cer
tificate without examination which
makes the certificate practically a
permanent certificate
14 Failure Re examination An
applicant failing in one or more sub
jects may retain the grades which are
satisfactory and take over only those
in which he failed by paying the reg
ular examination fee as provided by
15 Result of examination The
county superintendent shall notify
each applicant of the result of the ex
amination within ten days after re
ceiving the report from the state ex
amining board Until the examina
tion is completed and report made by
the county superintendent all cor
respondence by an applicant relative
to the examination must be with and
throught the county superintendent
except in case of appeal
1G Verification of grades An ap
plicant may receive verification of
grades from the state examining
board by making the request to them
in writing stating time and place of
taking the examination and accom
panying the request with twelve cents
in stamps to cover postage and ex
pense of verification
17 Date of certificate The date
of issuance on a certificate will be the
date on which examination was com
18 Emergencj certificate Any
teacher receiving an emergency cer
tificate must complete the examina
tion at the first subsequent regular
19 Disposition of answer papers
The answer papers of all applicants
will be kept on file in the pffice of
the state superintendent for ninety
days after which they will be des
troyed The county t superintendent
will receive back only thVgracles
20 Change of county A teacher
holding a certificate Jaone count-
mMmm t im v y - TT
1 n w aaiA
- lily is -x I Wv
B tt V S h
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I S 2
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S1911 S r
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tea uSl yft a- a
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Everything 8 f A
in Dishes j J
iv 1 x
and desiring to teach in another
must receive a new certificate from
the county superintendent of the
county to which lie may go or secure
tne endorsement of the certificate al
ready held
21 Old certificates Invalid When
A county certificate granted under
the old law will be valid only for the
term for which it was originally
granted After October 1 1905 a
county superintendent can not legally
renew any county certificate issued
under the old law Neither can he
by the endorsement of a certificate
extend its life beyond the time for
which it was originally granted
2 The five essentials When a
first second or third grade county
certificate granted under the old law
expires the homer tnereoi in oruer
to secure a certificate under the new
law will be required to take an ex
amination before the state examin
ing board in the following five essen
tial subjects reading arithmetic
geography grammar and history
After an applicant has taken the ex
amination in the five essential sub
jects and received passing grades the
state examining board will accept the
remaining passing grades as shown
by the certificate held making them
state grades for the first certificate
under the new law Provided
First That teachers engaged in edu
cational work whether teaching or
attending school who have complied
1 with the requirements as to reading
circle work attendance at the county
institute and educational meetings
and who have been granted certifi
cates since July 1 1903 may have
the grades shown on such certificates
validated by the state superintendent
I and made state grades except in
the case of the five essentials as pro
vided in this Rule 22 and except as
governed by Rule 10 upon the re
quest of the county superintendent
of the county in which such person
applies for a certificate This pro
vision shall continue in full force
and effect to and including the reg
ular examination in August 1907
Provided Second All teachers
who attend a summer school approv
ed by the state superintendent at
least six weeks will be required to
take examination in Reading and
one other of the five essentials at
their selection with the advice and
consent of the county superintendent
of the proper county Six weeks or
more attendance at such a summer
school and creditable work done this
summer in the other three essentials
approved by the county superinten
dent will be taken in lieu of examina
tion in three essentials Such
attendance will not be taken for
granted in advance There must be
a bona fide attendance before credit
is given All other grades now held
meeting the requirements of Rule 10
will be certified to the state superin
tendent and made state grades on
condition of professional wjork ap
proved by the county superintendent
This proviso was made and adopt
ed at Geneva1 January 25 in -a con
ference with the county superinten
dentof Clay F411more Nuckolls Sa
line and Thayer counties The
reasonableness of such a proviso is
self evident
23 Teachers fom other states
A teacher coming from another state
will be required to pass an examina
tion in the five essentials and in all
subjects that are required for the
Nebraska certificate applied for and
for which there is no grade dn the
foreign certificate
21 Those who have never taught
must take examination in nil
branches require for the certificate
desired provided that such persons
who attend a summer school ap
proved by the state superintendent
at least six weeks will be required
to take examination in Reading
and one other of the five essentials
at their selection with the advice and
consent of the county superintendent
of the proper county Six weeks or
more attendance at such summer
school and creditable work done this
summer in the other three essentials
approved by the county
dent will be taken in lieu of exami
nation in these three essentials Such
attendance will not be taken for
granted in advance There must be
a bona fide attendance before credit
is given
This rule was made and adopted
at Geneva January 25 in a confer
ence with the county superintendents
of Clay Fillmore Nuckolls Saline
and Thayer counties The -reasonableness
of such a rule is self-evident
State of Nebraska Department of
Public Instruction Lincoln March
7 190G
To County and City Superinten
dents High School Principals and
Teachers of Nebraska
It seems necessary to give an ex
position of our ruling relative to
summer school attendance and cred
its therefor as announced in our cir
cular letter of January 30 and also
to pass upon the minimum require
ments for approved summer schools
First All schools established by
the state and all schools recognized
as accredited institutions and author
ized to grant teachers certificates
under the law of the state are hereby
approved summer schools
Second No school will be approv
ed with a less number in the faculty
than five first class instructors whose
minimum qualifications must be at
least a first grade county certificate
in force The term must be at least
thirty days of actual school work
No credit will be granted any teacher
at any summer school on less than
thirty days actual attendance No
summer school will be approved on a
less equipment than our best four
year high schools No summer school
will be approved that ddes not main
tain -a model rural -school under the
supervision of a first class instructor
at least two weeks No school will
be approved in any county without
first having the approval of the coun
ty superintendent of such county and
submitting to this department an
a lady also man is enti
tled to get everything she
needs in Dress Goods
Trimmings Notions Un
derwear Hosier Shoes
Itc Etc
We have a large stork
to select from and as
everyone knows our prices
are always right
We are Headquarters for the Celebrated
which are without a doubt the best the market affords at the following prices
fa fa
112 R 51 RO T7
Per yard A good washable silk at 42 1 2C
Thi is a good number for waists and childrens dresses You should see our line of wash
fabiics batistes lawns ginghams etc
j itsaxssBsS9vQNgxaveNauarvssBXBsss
plication for approval at least thirty
days before the opening of the term
of school which application must set
forth the names of the instructors
their scholarship their experience
and the time each is to devote to the
work giving also the equipment and
the buildings in which such summer
school is to be held
Where possible this department
urges upon teachers to attend the
longer term in the established
schools rather than the shorter term
at the temporary schools Time is
an element in education It will
be held by this department that
all teachers who attend a summer
term of ten weeks this year devot
ing sixty days to actual school work
have met the requirements of the
law going into force September 1
1907 requiring twelve weeks as the
minimum normal training for a first
grade county certificate
As stated in our amendment to
rule 22 in our circular of January
CO a teacher certificated under thf
old law who attends a summer
school approved by the state superin
tendent at least six weeks nii
have all of her old grades areepw d
upon approval by the county super in
tendent of the proper county and
made state grades except in the fne
essentials Upon such attendance
the only examination required in Un
live essentials will be in Reading
and one other of the five essentials
at her selection with the advice and
consent of the county superintendent
of the proper county Six weeks or
more attendance at such school and
creditable work done this summei
in the other three of the five essen
tials approved by the county super
intendent will be taken in lieu of an
examination in these three essentials
It seems necessary to interpret what
is meant by creditable work It is
this A written review will be given
in each of these three essentials
based upon five questions selected
from lists furnished this department
by the various approved summer
schools The grades obtained on this
review and the class record of each
teacher after beinc srraded and av
eraged by the proper instructor of the
various schools will be the grade
granted to such teacher provided
that such review papers must be for
warded to this department for in
spection and approval by our state ex
amining committee This depart
ment will reserve the right to raise
lower or reject any grade obtained
on such review for proper cause In
Reading and the other of the five
essentials the regular examination
will be required
It seems that some have a misun
derstanding of our new rule No 24
announced in our circular letter of
January 30 relative to those who
have never taught
In our circular letter of December
S it was stated We believe the time
is at hand when no certificate need
be issued to anyone with less than a
ThLStft WshscLo1 education
This will be on an average two veir
more scholarship than heretofore
quirediir several counties Rule 24
J n