The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 7
M f - y V 15 P 1 Artistic Wall Decorations Can always be obtained in our wall paper room We have a large stock of the newest and most artistic papers moires crepe new stripes foliage upper and lower thirds white blanks and tile papers Can supply you with suitable papers for any room in the house in exclusive patterns Inspections of the papers will afford ideas for the decoration of your walls Especially attractive novelties can be selected at all times I I L W Tl iimi it rnarrwubLifcJU COUNTY COURT HOUSE 7gyiyg arrg53 jgSHHMBHBKVSDEffZ iiMMuoiMin4Mi nmtA TTrCClMC3YV3KVT3fiPSkl wszzzzxzzzzx SSS Sfeft i 1 CB Fill fife Paint Truth the Sherwin Williams Paint It is made from pure white lead pure zinc white and pure linseed oil The colors are clearer and cleaner than any others and have more lasting glo s Figure 300 square feet two coats to the gallon and you will generally have paint left over for it takes less S W P to do a given job and you dont have to paint so often You get a full gallon for every gallon you buy and honesty in quality and quantity is the most satisfactory paint to buy Its surprising what improvements can be made about the house by the use of a little floor paint varnish stain hard oil and enamels Try Sherwin Williams Paints They are right Always right McConncll Drugs Book Stationery Etc f uMwagregg In the summer of 1902 after the failure of the auditorium project Miss Rache Berry former principal of our high school and C H Meeker along with a few other citizens concluded that a public forces were joined and Accordingly library was a neccessary money solicited from our businessmen The response was generous and 500 in cash was obtained for immediate use and 500 more was subscribed to be paid monthly for a period of six months When matters reached this stage the mayor and city council ap pointed a board of directors and voted the two mill tax allowed by law for the support of public libraries The board consisted of the ii Alexander Campbell Dennis Cullen J A 1U11V V 1 IJC Hull ju ik wv w - - - - Bingham G H Thomas C H Meeker Mesdames V S Morlan George Willetts Jr Sylvester Cordeal and Miss Rache Berry The board elected Miss Berry president Mr Bingham vice president Mrs Cordeal secretary Lists of books were selected and ordered The county commis sioners were induced to allow the board the use of a room in the basement of the court house for temporary quarters Messes Meeker and Cullen the committee on supplies procured the necessary cards blank books cases etc Many citizens aided the enterprise bv donations of books some old some new but all acceptable at that time Judge J S LeHew loaned about a hundred volumes and a case to contain them for a period of two years or until called for Many magazines were donated and by using patent binders there were about volumes of bound magazines ana a rooi b index to facilitate their use Miss Millie Elbert was the first librarian Thus equipped the library was formally opened to the public on September 10th 1902 and turned over to the mayor and city council - The first yearly report from the library showed 1310 books 77 magazines an encyclopedia of 24 volumes a Bible Websters dic tionary besides 20 monthly magazines and six daily and weekly newspapers The number of visitors from September 10th 1902 to May 31st 1003 was 20720 Number of books loaned 12208 In addition to the books in the local library the State Library association sends a box of books every three months and these H Exclusive Dry Goods i I ift New Walsh Bid McCook M - fc2 -1 TOSfT yp7i iJu I1 ir U 4 I B WIS mm M vr -- IssTCiuW JVST 3t7 Lr I I I EAST WARD SCHOOL BUILDING Miiizzzm pedal and Important We will inaugrate the warm weather season with one of the most attractive P and UP-TO-DATE assortments of Summer Dress Goods White Goods and SS5203 yt m tUnzxm in TaA Willmir rnnntv YVaiMlllgd CVtl auurvu m xwu Ttiuwn wvnmj 1 1 111 In ready made waists we are snowin exceptional values in both long and i is ft w SSfSS Dc jjjj23533 White Shirt Waists uM ELBOW SLEEVES all prices -100 and up 3 Sr H Ladies Dress Skirts We purchased our stock of DRESSS HIRTS direct from the manufacturers g3 and are in a position to save you money Call and look over our stock Irli - ii u Fancy Stockings Another new supply of those service able and desirable stockings for children have been received and we can supply you with any grade and size BHBBBaBBBBB YOU are invited to call and look over our complete stock We will take pleasure in showing you SSg o proud and which few if any Nebraska cities of our population can equal c New Walsh Building Andrew Carnages Gift Andrew Carnagie the great library giver has made a gift of 10 000 to the people ol McCook for a library building The pie of the city have secured tnree nne mu ueiy iuls uu mu U j 1 - T1fj isfcairtriiBBf5SWs V - iszizzttvzreztt - mmm ST PATRICKS CATHOLICJ3HURCH Avenue just immediately south of the splendid stone Methodist church and the future superb Carnegie library building how awaits the report of the architect when work will be prosecuted vigorous ly and during the summer it is confidently expected the library will be housed in its own well appointed and handsome structure w I i Jr Jt Phone 56 The County Seat McCook Neb Hc2 m m m r V2 m 5 E3 S2 iS M rm V24 r i D5 53 TK S2 ES m xtl 1 f S Jg 5 eS WTsraea53KT4irr books are loaned to the public on the same conditions and terms as those belonging to the McCook library of the library 2500 books and There are now on the shelves bound magazines an achievement of which the city may well De TV McCook is the county seat of Red Willow county and the just nHHe of all southwest Nebraska Red Willow county has a Jation of about 1 5000and its growth is steady and healthful Here is located the 20000 court house built by tne generous people ot this city a handsome well appointed structure equipped in a mod ern way and offering every convenience to the people in the trans action of their county business As A General Market McCook affords the best market for produce of any place be tween Denver and Lincoln The great majority of its citizens be ing employed in the various departments of the railroad service or engaged in the mercantile business or the practice of the professions they have little opportunity for producing the many articles of daily diet such as vegetables of all sorts poultry and the many cereals which in one form or another enter into the western bill of fare - - - TisSsr WS 1 CONGREGATION L CHURCH Truck farming poultry farming dairying and suchlike are very nrnfitahle and are beinsr quite well attended to and much of the Droduct finds a remunerative mining districts of the west market in the mountainous McCook Has Bank deposits approximating 750000 Twenty miles of water mains Voted 10000 bonds for a main sewer Voted 32000 bonds for the swellest high school building m Western Nebraska Plans preparing for a 10000 Carnegie Free Fublic Library building A wide awake Commercial Club of nearly- ioomembers A population of 4000 A 20000 court house