The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 6

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The Metropolis
of the
McCook now recognized as the metropolis of the Republican
Valley and of southwestern Nebraska was platted in June 1S82
24 years ago this coming June on an eminence overlooking the
fertile Republican River Valley and is now the commercial trade
center for a vast section of country as well as its educational and
social headquarters coming up to this high place in less than a
quarter of century Where 25 years ago was virgin prairie and the
pasture land of the range cattle who possessed this empire of the
future is now a charming and energetic city of 4000 souls having
all the advantages of any city east or west solid business houses
handsome and cosy residences splendid churches electric light
system water works telephones sewer system under contract five
school houses and the handsomest public school building by far in
Southwestern Nebraska and to cost 40000 now about to be con
structed which will be completed this fall
McCook came into life suddenly and unexpectedly by the wise
action of the Burlington Railroad company choosing the present
site as a location for the main division station of the entire system
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west of the Missouri river lying as it does midway between the
Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains And no lovelier spot could
have been selected Easy of access from every quarter yard room
for widest expansion for roundhouse repair -shops machine
shops and for every demand of a great crailroadls -great-division
In the valley of the Big Horn River Wyoming now open for settlement
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Office Building First Floor
We are past the experimental stage our canals are in
operation We do not depend on reservoirs and streams
that are half the time dry but we have an abundanee of nev
headquarters McCook is indeed an ideal location And so it has
Tracks were laid a large eating house a large depot and freight
house offices for the management and other essentials went up as
by magic The herding ground of the cattle barons became a
beautiful village of 1000 souls full of life and western vigor within
a year A water work system was put in and later enlarged to
about twenty miles of mains now furnishing a million or more gal
lons of water daily for domestic and lawn and business purposes The
opening of the United States land office here in 18S3 brought those
in quest of free homes from all parts of the country They came by
thousands and McCook grew apace until today she has fully 4000
inhabitants and is one of the most inviting spots and best business
points in the state of Nebraska Business in every form is repres
ented but happily not overdone Schools and churches abound
and a social and artistic life exists here equal to that to be found
in any way-back-east city
The Methodists Congregationalists Baptists German Congre
gationalists Episcopalians Seventh day Adventists Catholics each
and all have fine church buildings and in most instances cosy par
sonages with resident pastors The splendid character of some of
these edifices may be gathered from half tone illustrations to be
found in this oublication
Real Estate
Undoubtedly close and special attention should be paid to the
matter of real estate in summing up McCooks advantages Her
climate is superb soil of the richest water the purest seasons
long and favorable and her real estate offers inducements for in
vestment for either a home in the city or a farm in surrounding
country or for speculation in either not to be surpassed if equaled
in any part of the Great West
All things considered city -property is very reasonable Choice
resident lots sell from 150 up and business locations from 500 up
A Farm Jand ranges from 1000 to 6000 depending upon
The Burlington Route and the Chicago Northwestern
No Cyclones No Blizzards Worlds of Coal A Delightful Climate Rural Free Delivery Pure Water for Domestic Use A Wonderful
Productive Soil Telephone Connection in all Directions An Abundant Supply of Water for
Irrigation Abundance of Timber in the Surrounding Mountain
Enormous Crops Splendid Home Market Beautiful Weather
There are no crop failure no destructive hail storms no drouths no loss of crops from excessive moisture This valley of land was selected on account of its beautiful location and richness
of soils The washing away of the hills and the decomposition of vegetation through the countless ages of the past have created a soil unsurpassed
No stone nor gravel it lies there like a rotted stock yard awaiting the farmer to plant the seed and turn on the moisture The Big Horn River the largest stream in the state traverses this great valley carryi ng with
it unlimited volume of water as it rushes on to the sea The Hanover canal is built and in operation A perpetual water right attaches to the land
DEAR SIR In regard to the Hanover Irrigation
Lands in the Big Horn Valley Wyoming will say we have
without question the finest body of irrigated land in Wyom
ing or anywhere in the west 30000 acres is practically
level some of it so level that water will follow a plow furrow
for miles Unlike other irrigated lands there are no stones
or gravel and no clearing to be done The decomposition of
vegetation and the washing away of the hills for ages has
created a soil unsurpassed in richness There is no sod to
rot the entire tract spreading out between the Big Horn
river and the canal ready for the planting of seed and the
turning on of the water to transform it into a garden spot
The following extract from a letter written by A M
Duboc will prove interesting reading
The soil is of unknown depth and incredible fertil
ity All kinds of small grain here reach the greatest per
fection The writter has secured samples of Big Horn oats
which run 132 bu to the acre of Macoroni wheat which
threshed 68 bu and of Bald barley which produced 90 bu
to the acre We know of one case where a single grain of
wheat produced thirty three straws each of which had a
head averaging sixty three grains making a total of 2079
grains from a single kernel
This valley surrounded by high mountains is pro
tected from cyclones blizzards and high winds The tem
perature is uniform the winters are mild the summers plea
sent The Big Horn Valley has th i lowest altitude of any
part of Wyoming consequently a longer growing season and
a wider range of crops All kind of grains raised in the mid
dle states are raised successfully here Alfalfa is raised in
abundance as well as timothy and clover As to fruit there
are no large bearing orchards as the country is too young
but here and there farmers in the valleys have planted trees
and their yield is simply wonderful cherry trees so loaded
that their limbs touched the ground and apple trees so burd
ened with fruit as to be neccessary to prop each limb to pre
vent their breaking and fruit men predict that this valley is
unequalled for fruit culture
er failing water a volume sufficient to irrigate at least
1000000 acres See report of government engineer
These lands are now selling at from 30 to 40 per
acre Terms 1 3 cash balance in five annual payments
A Perpetual Water Right attached to every title and the
title is absolute and perfect
The C N W R R is now building from Casper
and the B M from Frannie the road is graded to Wor
land and trains will be running to Worland by June 1st
traversing the entire tract of the Hanover irrigated land
bringing the best of shipping facilities to our very door A
beet sugar factory will be built at Worland this summer will
make beet culture one of the most profitable crops as is the
case with other irrigated lands
This wonderful valley unsurpassed in richness of soil
a delightful climate abundance of coal rich in mineral re
sources is developed beyond the most sanguine expectations
It is reasonable to expecc that these lands will advance to
from 100 to 300 per acre as has been the case with other
irrigated lands in other localities under less favorable sur
soundings and conditions
To parties purchasing 160 acres of land we remit rail
road and stage fair and if a less amount of land is purchased
proportional amount is refunded
This land is selling rapidly and you can do no better
than avail yourself of this opportunity either for a home or
an investment We believe these lands will advance from
10 to 20 per acre in 60 to 90 days
For further information call on or address
Yours truly
L H Lindeman Agt
Spearman Block McCook Neb
tion improvements whether irrigated or non irriagted upland or
bottom and nearness to the city These prices are constantly be
ing raised on account of the lively demand and the indications are
that this year will see real estate values go considerable higher
A Railroad Town
McCook as the headquarters for the Burlingtons McCook div
ision of a thousand of miles of track is perhaps best known as a
railroad town The machine shop round house blacksmith shop
vast storehouse division headquarters freight depot eating house
and all the immense equipment of the great Burlington plant at this
place employ in all departments about a thousand men with a pay
roll monthly of some 40000 and are among the most prominent
factors in our growth and prosperity McCooks growth in this re
spect has been steady and continuous and alone is destined to
make her a city of larger importance and increasing population
McCooks Residences
While the business section of the city is abreast the best it is in
McCooks residences that her citizens most glory and take greatest
pride We say it without fear of successful contradiction that no
city of its size in the west excels it in this respect Ranging from
the more pretentious residence costing 10000 to the humbler cot
tage of 1000 all have the quality of being tasteful modern cosv
and have surrounding lawns trees etc unequalled anywhere And
to all this should be added a civic pride which is invaluable and
characteristic which has ever kept McCook in the forefront among
Nebraskas younger and smaller cities A visit to our city and a
trip through our residential district will convey to the mind more
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than mere words can paint a picture of thrift and beauty and
comfort most attractive and charming
McCooks Public Library
One of the items of our civic pride is the McCook Public Librarv
which will shortly be known as the Carnegie Library Is ODen
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