The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 4

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i k
s the-
tificate in Nebraska upon examina
tion before the state superintendent
Sir Miller has studied music with
Karleton Hackett of the American
Conservatory of Chicago with A R
Ruff of Kimball Hall Chicago and
with John Randolph He was grant
ed a diploma and later a Bachellors
degree by the Wesleyan Conserva
the first of its kind at least in the
mmS W Jllil
w r 8M jmmmw
WsmMMmmw I
county Later he attended the pub
lic school at Orleans In 1889 he
graduated from the high school at
Chariton Iowa but after a year spent
with his parents on the farm he again
took up the high school course at
Alma graduating in 1891 After
teaching a rural school for a few
months Mr Hooper was appointed
a deputy in the office of the county
olerk This position which gave him
an excellent business training he re
tained for more than two years when
teacher and student In 1895 he
came to Lebanon where he instruct
ed the village school and spent his
spare time in editing the Lebanon
Leader The next September found
him located at Overton Then in
turn he succeeded to the principal
ship at Axtel Adams and Dorches
ter remaining two years in each
place except the last Every change
brought with it increase in salary
All iuiiiIii
f v r i JILT- 4 1 r
j w rraj ziHiiMwrvw ejr f
ofMcCook Neb
Organized as State Bank
March 4 1885
Chartered as National Bank
August 6 1888
Comparative Statement of Deposits for the
Past Ten Years
ay ist 1896 10625620 May isti9oi 23510827
1897 11901497 1902 243S3i93
1898 182675 16 1903 29167165
1899 25202665 1904 34372144
1900 24569377 1905 31731127
MAY 1st 19C6 44413164
Condensed report at Close of Business May 3 06
Loans 62G2177 7L ripita stock S 50000 00
US Bonds 5000000 Surplus - 10000 00
Premium on bonds 114329 U 1 livided profits 1261514
Banking House F and F 1155 00 Oivusaii m 4999750
Exp Int on Deposits 4075 85 Depuifs 44413164
U S Treas 5 pr cent
fund 25CO00 -Due
from Bk 193764 11
Cash on Hand 3253382 533797 43
556074428 568744 25
Officers and Directors
B M Frees President
F A Pennell Cashier
H P Sutton
H P Waite Vice President
L TuoRGRiMsoxAsst Cashier
C J Platt
tory The operatic cantata Queen That year Mr Hooper was elected
Esther rendered here two years ago
is a tribute to Mr Millers skill in
organization while the Friday morn
ing music programs at chapel bright
features of sessions have been large
ly made possible hy Ms help
Superintendent of Clarks Schools
In 1872 when he was scarcely one
year old Mr Hoopers parents lo
cated with him at Melrose near Or
leans the early county seat of Har
lan county His early education was
number of teachers and number of
pupils During the summer vaca
tions Mr Hooper attended sessions
of the state university and the Fre
mont normal school graduating
from the latter institution in 1903
with the degree B Ped The same
summer he completed his examina
tion for a professional life certificate
superintendent of schools at Clarks
which position ho still holds
His success in building up the work
there together with his strong teach
ing ability manifested last summer
while an instructor at the McCook
junior normal promises much in the
way of even more substantial pro
gress to the teachers in the summer
which is just before us
State Superintendent of Instruction
The people of McCook not less
acquired in an old log school house jtnan the teachers attending the
or normal school have always taken
a keen interest in the work and hopes
of the present genial state superin
tendent of public instruction His
j visits have been so many to even the
remuie parts 01 western iNeDrasna
and much of his best work wras done
in the Republican valley that he
seems fairly to belong to this section
of the state When you say that Mr
McBrien is a worthy and well qualified
successor to Mr Fowler in the office
of state superintendent you indicate
in a measure the high regard in
which the formen is held by school
people everywhere While not a na
tive Nebraskan Mr McBrien has
spent most of his life here When
very young he came with his parents
I to Johnson county Nebraska and
experienced the conditions incident to
pioneer life in a new country His
j early ambition was to acquire an ed
ucation Soon after completing the
i work of the district school he began
his work as a teacher in Johnson
ponntv TTfi pnntirmprl this work- nnri
auenueu nigner scnoois ot learning
and later was elected county super
intendent Then he became the
President of Orleans College at Or
leans From this place he went to I
Geneva as superintendent of the city
schools Serving four years he re
signed this post to become deputy
state superintendent under Mr Fowl
er This office he occupied four
years and if the hopes of his friends
are realized he will serve four years
in the place to which he succeded in
January 1905 Mr McBrien is a
graduate of the Sterling high school
He has studied at Campbell Normal
University Lincoln Normal Universi
ty and the state university In IS 91
he was elected president of the Ne
braska state teachers association
he once more took up the work of a He has also taken a prominent part
in the national educational associa
tion and last February he read a pa
per at the meting of the department
of superintendence at Louisville
Kentucky In union with Mr Fowl
er Supt McBrien originated and
worked out the idea of the union
normal county institutes and the
junior state normals which were out
growths On the occasion of his fre
quent visits to McCook he is always
received with glad acclaim for his in
spiring talks give new life to the
work in which the teachers are en
gaged The great and most notable
work of Mr McBriens present ad
ministration will be the new law on
the certification of teachers the J new found friend who is as ludicrous
the five lie is
nhasis to be placed on essen
tials and an effort to increase the
salaries of public school teachers
Deputy State Superintendent
The deputy state superintendent
is Mr E C Bishop for four years
superintendent of York county and
recently vice president of the Lincoln
Business College Mr Bishbp is
known as a man who thinks and
works He was one 61 the county
superintendents who spent the larg
est part of his time in the schools of
his county seeing what his teachers
were doing making suggestions and
planning ways of encouraging them
and promoting the good of the
j schools He worked out a daily pro
gram for the rural schools which has
been adopted in all parts of the state
j He gave an impetus to the work of
j the eighth grade by encouraging the
eighth grade graduations and kept a
j very large proportion of the rural
school children in the schools until
j they had finished the work of this
j grade He was one of the first to
j agitate the question of more work in
spelling He inaugurated contests
in his county and arranged to have
tlie subject taught in all his districts
He was popular with his teachers
because he devoted himself to their
interests They grew 1 have confi
dence in him to know that his plans
were good ones and to have in a de
gree his enthusiasm and loyalty to
the school interests of the county
Since his appointment as deputy up
on the accession of Mr McBrien to
the office of stale superintendent Mr
Bishop has devoted himself in a won
derful way to the building up of the
rural schools of Nebraska He has
organized corn growing contests
among the boys and cooking contests
among the girls the exhibit of this
work at Lincoln last December being
probably the most unique that was
ever held in the country Mr Bish
op also acts as superintendent of tne
educational exhibit at the Nebraska
state fair
Principal McCook Junior Normal
Stipt G H Thomas has been as
sociated with the union normal insti
tute and junior normal ideas from
their incipiency In 1902 he was a
member of the faculty of the Cul
bertson Union Normal Institute and
in the years since then he has been
principal of the McCook junior nor
mal school Mr Thomas is a native
of Wisconsin He graduated in 1S9 i
from the Har
in 1897 from
braska In the
1 1 ii Jiivuuii
An Unusually Attractive Course Will
Be offered the Teachers
The entertainment course this sum
mer will be even more attractive than
the whole world talks his own mono
logues In the easy interesting con
versational style that makes the au
dience forget it isbeing entertain
ed aiyl feel that it is having a most J
uengntiui visit witn a marvelous
as awkward and as wise as he is
witty There is no man on the plat
form today who works more individ
uality into his public appearances
no other man so distinctly himself
or 50 facinatingly amusing When
he has had you laugh until there
are pains in your sides he turns on
the warmth of pathos to relax the
cramps and about the time you get
read to scold him for being so seri
ous he solemnly sends a shaft of tin
expected absurdity hurtling down the
line and upsets you so completely
that you fedl like scolding him again
fcr the Suddenness of the change
He sticks so close to nature that
smiles- and tears always the sun
shiny optimistic humanizing ache
less tears follow each other natu
rally and easily like the emotions
thateha se themselves through the
soul of a new born babe HisAvork
is as clean as your ears used to be on
Sun Jay morning when mother got
through using that knitted wash rag
The Dunbar Company a male
quartette and bell ringers will givi
a concert on Wednesday night Aug
ust 1 The Dunbar Company is cer
tainly the most novel and versatile
company of musical artists now be
fore the public Their tour the past
season has been transcontinental and
everywhere successful They were
first to open ani last to close and
hold all records as a lyceum attrac
tion The company consists of The
Male Quartette as good as the best
a cdmplete concert organization
They present an extensive repertoire
of classic popular and humorous se
lections The Bell Ringers stand un
equalled They use a magnificient
peal of more than one hundred musi
cal hand bells cast by England
greatest bell founder especially for
this company Ralph Dunbar Vio
loncellist is a special feature of the
company He is an artist who has
won pronounced success as a soloist
with some of our best concert com
panies and has been aptly styled
Tho American Cellist
Season tickets will be sold to this
course of entertainments three num
bers to those Avho are not enrolled in
the McCook junior normal school
for one dollar Single admission
tickets will cost fifty cents each
The following new ruling of the
state superintendent regarding sum
mer school attendance and certifica
tion will be of interest to old as wll
as new teachers
All teachers who attend n Summer
n n i
heretofore There will be three pos- e reowemems ci xwue iy i u
sibly four numbers
and all are i certuica to ximj suite aupciraicnuraii
solutely free to the teachers who en
Frank R Roberson the world
traveler who has delighted S3 many
McCook audiences and who is now
abroad collecting material for oilier
lectures will throw his beautiful pic
tures on the screen Monda Jum
25 and how he will fascinate hs
auditors with that wonderful roce
only those who have heard him cn
imasrine wniie it cannot ue an
Ci1j s1 nitnviifnil 1ir 1 Cfnfn
vard school and L
high infcteade at lensfcsix weckSf will be
the University of Ne i in I
latter year he became - mp iu r
IAVA Wi VSUIVsA Wl vs i w v V
an instructor in tne iucuooic mgi 1 f mition u 1
schoo and later sen e J in the same
a t of tlJ Count Su
at In 1900 he was
capacity -Harvard
JJO intcn1nit of thc proper COUntv
the principal of the Nelson schoo s attendance at
and in the fall of the same year he c - wm1i ii
j entered upon I113 work as superi voA fTto rummer in the other
ibuubui ul uie jibuuuil ut suWJ1
ftce csrc ti2ls approved by the
1 Court 7 Superintendent will be
en 11 lieu of examination in thee
th ce es ertiils Such attendance school iot less tnan six weeics time
wiVcte taken for granted in ad- will be devoted by experts from the
university to the teaching of Field
vance There must be a bona fide
before credit is sriven Crops Horticulture and Soils
A ftf cVn o Iield ipeetiir I1IU1 xiusumiui y uiieuuun uuiug giv
j nd made ftste grades on condition
of professierl work approved by the
County Superintendent
Tiiore who have never taught must
take examination in all branches re
rcrj for thc revtiRcato desired pro
vided that such persons who attend
- Fcioci nppioved by the
Stntc Superintendent at least six
weel s will be required to take ex
rrhiaton in Reading and one other
of the fve eseitinls at their selection
that it will be entirely new county ii weciis or more attend-
en to demonstrations in judging tlie
various kinds of domestic animals
Agricultural Botany especially that
part of it which relates to plant
physiology and plant pathology The
various heads of departments includ
ing Dr A E Davisson the principal
will also each visit the school and
Text Rooks The text books
the McCook school district will
The second number will be Mr mice at such a Summer School and primary and model school instructor
Strickland W Gillilan an unrivaled creditable work done this summer in she has no superior in Nebraska
humorist It is to occur Friday 1 the other three essentials approved j Expenses We will keep expenses
July 20 Let another man say what by the County Superintendent will absolutely at the minimum Board
the only Gillilan says and it wouldnt be taken in lieu of examinations in and room will cost 3 350 or 4
be funny Let another man say his these three essentials Such attend- j per week as the teacher chooses We
own sayings and try to look like the j ancc will not be taken for granted in will have separate lists at these
only Gillilan and it wouldnt amuse advance There must be a bona fide prices The maximum prices for
anybody It takes the only Gillilan j attendance before credit is given I rooms alone is fifty cents per week
look the only Gillilan manner and t j There will also be accommodations
the only Gillilan original material
lilan tells his own stories many of
which as he says have been originat
ed by a good many people since he
originated them reads his own in
imitable bits of orginal verse that
fairly reek with all that is best in
humanity and all that is funniest in
to make a tout ensemble that is as house keeping
irresistible as it is inimitable Gil A isew and Most Desirable Depart- Location Junior normal schools
uro at the formal have been established at Alliance
A new and most desirable
Tuition The tuition will be
solutely free A nominal fee of 2
will be charged each teacher to help
pay for the lecture and incidental
Railroad Rates The Burlington
railroad gives a reduced rate of one j
and one third fare for tlie round trip J
to all who come to the McCook junior
normal provided tickets are bought
June 9 10 11 or 12 Full fare must 1
be paid going Take a receipt from
I the local agent and this properly
endorsed will entitle its holder to a
return ticket on any day up to
ust 20 for one third theregular rate
No reduced fare can be secured un-
less the student comes on the dates
aboved mentioned j
Model School The work in the
model training school will be given
the first three weeks only Why not
arrange to be present from the be
ginning so as to miss none of it
Want t
trading with ns
We sell from one
to three pounds more suar for 100
than houses who give dre lit - - v
All canned goods one to three cents
lower also
XXXX Coffee 15c a package Yale
Coffee from 15 to 35c which is 5c a
pound cheaper than coffee is sold
We appreciate the trade we are hav
ing Our casli sales are 1000 more up
to date than for corresponding date last
You may look for bargains the entire
season at our store as we will sell all
goods at as low a figure as they can be
a wilcox so
iiifrt --
The organization and management
of the junior normal schools shall
be under the jurisdiction of the state
superintendent of public instruction
and he shall as far as practicable
attend such junior normal schools
provide proper instructors for the
same and make and complete all
other arrangements Section 19
subdivision 1J5 school laws 1903
Entrance Requirements The en
trance requirements are that one
must be at least fourteen years of
age of good moral character and of
good physical health and must have
a fair knowledge of the common
school branches such as may be ob
tained in the country school or the
lower eight grades of a well organ-
nounced what his subject will be at with tho advice and consent of the Pt at the disposal of the junior nor- ized town or city school
the present time it is enough to say County Superintendent of the proper
mai scnooi students tree ot ciiarge j Numlicrs Nearly 2500 different
11 woum oe wen nowever tor eacn teachers and students have been en
teacher to bring such books as she roiied in these junior normals in the
may have on the work she expects past three years Manv county su
to take up In Arithmetic however 1 perintendents have testified to the
Milnes Standard Arithmetic will be better work accomplished in their
used in Grammar Hoenshels in schools as a result of this profession
Reading Reed Shermans new ai traininsr
book one of the new books just
adopted for the reading circle work
in Geography a new text now being
brought out by Dr George E Con-
dra of the state university The
American Song Book will be the son
book used in the capel exercises
The Outlook Hundreds of begin
ning teachers will come to receive
1 yH9PwiiBK
Miss Schlee who was with us last j -
yearis at present attending the j their first lessons in professional
icuciiei vjuiiee vuiumuui urn li iniuujj leacners holding first
l bw iorK Jity iiLLing nerseii 10
assume charge of training work next
year at Peru State Normal As a
yraue county certificates will have
opportunity to take work in the
branches required for a professional
state certificate good for life Teach
ers holding second grade county
certificates will be anxious for first
grade certificates Teachers holding
first and second grade
tificates will be anxious to meet the
requirements of the new law in pro
fessional training which requires
twelve weeks professional hoit
for a first grade certificate and eight
weeks nrnfpccinnoi -
for those who desire to do licht
1 aimug ior a
North Platte Holdrege Valentine
ture in the teaching of Agriculture and McCook under the law passed
this year will be the hearty co-opera- by the legislature of 1903 All these
tion of the University of Nebraska schools will open June 11 1906 and
Li ii i i i it -inn
luiuugu ils bcuooi ui Agriculture ciue ausuai n nvv
with the McCook junior state normal
a7 raae county certificate
Teachers who look forward to hteh
SRhOOl mnot nnt t l x
v v -- uo uv luigei mat un
der the new law no one shall be elig
ible to teach in
the high school de
partment of a high school
who is not a graduate from a regu
lar four year course of a college or
university or graduate from the ad
y fl