The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 3
p I V tp ii -- TWENTY FOURTH YEAR HH55 is a guarantee of excellent teaching But notwithstanding thorough per sonal acquaintance it will help in the matter of still better understand ing to present the members of the fao - McCOOK JUNIOR STATE NORMAL Fourth Annual Summer Session to Open June 11 TEACHERS WILL BE HERE UNTIL AUGUST IT Prospect Excellent for Greatly Increased Attendance Over Former Years BRIEF SKETCHES OF FACULTY The fourth annual summer session of the McCook junior state normal school will hegin Monday June 11 and continue for a term of ten weeks until Friday August 17 As each succeeding year has meant increased opportunity and better work so it is the hope of the state department of public instruction under whose MISS NELLIE E DICK SUPERINTENDED CHASE COUNTY tion we operate and the faculty im mediately in charge to make this ses sion the best of all its predecessors not less in the breadth and character of the instruction offered than in the chances of self improvement and gen eral culture afforded the individuals who will come under its influence The county superintendents of Dundy Chase Hayes Hitchcock Red Willow Furnas and Frontier coun ties Avhich are included in the Mc Cook junior normal school district bave been painstaking in encourag ing and supporting this normal dur ing the four years of its existence and to such an extent that it is noticeable that the instructional pow er of tho teachers of the southwest Nebraska has been improved and strengthened in a marked manner But there is yet much work to be done there are still advances that the conscientious teacher can make The junior normal exists to supply help in such endeavors The state superin tendent has inaugurated a splendid campaign for more thorough work in what are termed the five essentials To meet the need it is felt will arise probably as many as three classes each will be organized in Reading Arithmetic Grammar Geography and History There will be besides classes in practically the same studies as have been offered heretofore op portunity being thus afforded those desiring to do so to secure first grade county or professional life certifi cates But particular emphasis will be laid upon the five essentials To those who have been in attend ance at the McCook junior state nor mal school in previous years it will be a source of keen satisfaction to know that so many of the former in structors have been returned to do service here again This in itself MISS FLORA B QUICK SUPERINTENDENT RED WILLOW COUNTY ty superintendents and through the story of their past accomplishments show by what right taey are called to assist the teachers of southwest Ne braska in preparing for higher pro fessional standing MISS NELLIE E DICK Superintendent Chase County Miss Nellie E Dick superintendent of the schools of Chase county was born September 30 1S80 at Waynes ville Illinois and there received her first instruction She removed with her parents to western Nebraska set tling in Chase county and soon en tered the Wauneta high school She graduated in 1899 Since that year her time has been wholly devoted to teaching and to educational work Her experinece includes seven years as a teacher in western Nebraska and eastern Colorado Miss Dick is an ex cellent illustration of what the am bitious and successful teacher can ac complish in the way of self-improvement She has allowed no opportuni ty to advance in her chosen profes sion to slip by unimproved as is shown by the fact that she was an earnest student at the McCook junior normal school in the first years of its organization where she was an in dustrious worker quickly calling her abilities to the notice of the instruc tors Her training as a rural school teacher and her experience as a stu dent in the normal specially fit her to perform the duties of a county su perintendent for she can fully un derstand and sympathize with her co workers in the perplexities that so often confront them Miss Dick was first elected superintendent of Chase county in 1903 and in 1905 was re elected MISS FLORA B QUICK Superintendent Red Willow County During the three years Miss Flora B Quick has occupied the office of superintendent of the schools of Red Willow county she has specially en deared herself not only to the teach ers who are under her immediate supervision but to all who have come in contact with her in their attend ance at the junior normal Unfailing willingness to render help genial and inspiring frankness and a wealth of sympathy have been the qualities which have won her so many friends Miss Quick was born in Council Bluffs Iowa but came with her par ents to Nebraska in 1878 When MRS MARGARET E WEST SUPERINTENDENT HAYES COUNTY one recalls how comparatively recent is the settlement of the Republican valley it is easy to see that Miss Quick has been a witness to all the marvelous development and enrich ment of western Nebraska In 1899 and 1900 Miss Quick attended Doane College at Crete and in 1903 she graduated from Franklin Academy in the classical course The better to fit herself for her work as a teach er she did what she is seeking her teachers to do attended an approved summer school first at the University of Nebraska and later at the Peru State Normal School As a teacher she has had seven years experience in the schools of Indianola her home town three of them being in the sec ond primary department and four in the eighth and ninth grades In 1903 she wa s chosen county superinten dent of schools and in 1905 she was re elected Miss Quick enjoys a dis tinction very seldom permitted the candidate of a political party On the ulty class instructors as well as occasion of her last election she re ceived the nomination for her office at the hands of all three parties in the county and was elected absolutely without contest It is apparent that Miss Quick because of the richness and varied character of her training and experience can be of inestimable help to the teachers attending the junior normal and the fact that she will be here herself for the most part through the entire session will be a source of satisfaction and assistance to the entire student body MRS MARGARET E WEST Superintendent Hayes County The superintendent of public in struction in Hayes county Mrs Mar garet E West is a self made teacher Her growth and development in edu cational work have been simultanous with the growth and development of Hayes county and of the west The limit to ones accomplishments is I after all merely ones zeal and cour age and application and Mrs West fitly symbolizes this in her leader ship of the educational work of her county She is a proper person to be come a leader for she has worked her way up from the ranks she has labored while others have slept she was unceasing in her endeavors bet ter to prepare herself for the teach ers vocation Born in Tarcola Ill inois in 1860 she removed with her parents to Adams county in 1872 and in 1878 she was united in mar riage with Mr A L West In 1885 they made their home in Hayes coun ty Mrs West was educated in the common schools at the Fremont Nor mal in the county institutes and at the junior normals Of the twenty eight summer schools held in Hayes county Mrs West has been a member of twenty five For two years 1902 1903 and 1903 1904 Mrs West very succesfully taught the seventh grade in the McCook city schools school district is Superintendent Jas OConnelf of Trenton Mr OConnell received his early education as far as Ihe seventh grade in the city schools of Chicago but removing to Nebraska he entered the public schools of this state and graduated from the Salem high school Later MISS C ESTELLA GOODWIN SUPERINTENDENT DUNDY COUNTY he attended the Peru Normal for three years graduating from this splendid professional institution in both the teachers elementary and the advanced courses For two years af ter completing his normal work Mr OConnell taught in the rural schools of Pawnee county then one year in the grammar department of the West Lincoln schools He was principal for four years at Howe Nebraska PRINCIPAL GEORGE H THOMAS ly returning to school work nearer home at Hayes Center In 1905 she was elected county superintendent of Hayes county A student in many and varied schools a teacher of seventeen years experience in all grades from rural to city a county supervisor Mrs West is qualified as few can be to give the teachers in her jurisdiction safe counsel and wholesome instruction JAMES OCONNELL SUPERINTENDENT HITCHCOCK COUNTY JAMES OCONNELL Superintendent Hichcock County In point of length of service and association with the educational movements of southwest Nebraska the dean of the county superinten dents in the McCook junior normal and for three years in charge of the schools at Palisade Nebraska It was from this position that he was called to the office of county superin tendent to which he was elected in 1901 He is now beginning his third term In 1902 Superintendent OCon nell was one of the organizers and principal promoters of the Union Nor mal Institute held at Culbertson I that summer embracing the counties of Dundy Chase Hayes Hitchcock and Red Willow and which is the i real progenitor of the McCook junior i normal In each of the sessions of j the latter school Supt OConnell has j been a helpful assistant and as an instructor in the faculty is strong 1 and inspiring Last year for five weeks he conducted classes in Or I j thography Bookkeeping Mental i Arithmetic and School Law the lat ter of which by reason of the practic al applications which were worked out by the students attracted more than local attention During the ses sion of 1906 Supt OConnell will I serve as an instructor for the full time the school is open Mr OCon 1 nell is a veteran of the Spanish war having served valiantly as a member of the gallant Firt Nebraska while on duty in the Philippine Islands Full of capacity as an organizer rich and ripe with tho varied experience of a teaching career well acquainted with the methods of normal training elsewhere employed Supt OConnell brings to the McCook junior normal such skill and capacity as cannot fail to be of immeasurable advantage to all who attend 3HSS C ESTELLA GOODWIN Superintendent of Dundy County Miss C Estella Goodwin superin tendent of schools in Dundy county began her education in the graded schools of Iowa but at the age of eight years removed with her parents ribtme MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MAY II 1906 to Nebraska Till she was fifteen she attended the rural and graded schools of this state and then began teaching in Dundy county Miss Goodwin is also a type of the Nebraska pioneer who despite adversities and lack of opportunity made her own way to the front of her profession Teach ing to earn the means to attend school working faithfully between terms as a student she has advanced step by step through the various grades of rural and city school teach er till now she stands at tho head of the schools of Dundy county Miss Goodwin entered the middle class of the Galesburg Illinois high school in 1898 Later she returned to Ne braska secured a first grade county certificate and taught two years in the rural schools of Dundy county and then entered the Western Illin ois Normal at Macomb where she was graduated in the state certificate course in 1902 She taught the next year in Illinois came back to Ne braska and in the fall of 1903 was elected to the office pf county FRANK J MUNDAY SUPERINTENDENT Ft KNAb COUNTY tendent of Dundy county She is at present entering upon her second term The young people from the extreme west end of the state who at tend the junior normal look eagerly forward to her frequent visits to Mc Cook because the counsel and en couragement she gives themare in spiring and vital FRANK J MUNDAY Superintendent Furnas County Supt Frank J Munday of Furnas county just entering upon the duties of his present office will come to the j McCook junior normal this year in me capacity oi instructor iis train ing in the rural school first as a stu dent and in IS 9 6 18 9 7 as a teacher his experience as a principal first at Edison in 1899 00 and then at Har dy in 1902 03 closing with his su perintendency of tho Cambridge schools for two and one half years - - I yT v aKHRP THOMAS SCJTT bUPER NTENDENT FRONTIER COUNTY popular in his home county both among the teachers whose chief he now is and also with all classes of patrons Mr Munday was chosen president of the southwest Nebraska district teachers association at the meeting held at Arapahoe the last of March He will prove a tower of strength as a class teacher as an ad viser and as an inspiring leader dur ing the session of 1906 THOMAS SCOTT Superintendent of Frontier County Superintendent Thomas Scott of Frontier county is a native of j ois ana receivea nis eariy training iu that state and in Missouri He taught and attended school alternately until he finished his college course His normal training was received at Nor mal Illinois He has taught in all grades of schools and all kinds of buildings from sod houses up Mr Scott was principal at Elwood two years and at Curtis nine years He is now beginning his work of super vising the schools of Frontier county SCIENCE 1KAC1IER hOUTII SCHOOL is broad la ui uiu and inclusive NUMBER 50 MISS EVA OSULLIVAN Science Teacher South Oniulm High School The McCook junior normal school has always been fortunate in having on its faculty a young woman who has long been recognized as tho i -- MISS EVA OSULLIVAN OMAHA IIKiH ful voice and who have been profited J1TUU Utl tlilU 11C t0 JIUUIUICU LU i I m exact a PinsiaKing instruc the superintendency of Furnas ts OfImiToVlTr nnclifv 15m fr iYo muiu ill L11U nnrf h to ad riuWnc tho on- Sood fortune thereby that has been proaching summer Mr Munday was born in Bureau county Illinois and came to Nebraska with his parents ablest and most skillful teacher of the sciences in the state of Nebraska and students and officers both may rejoice that Miss Eva OSullivan of South Omaha will return again this I summer This will he three con secutive years that she has been given the McCook assignment Miss OSullivan is a nativo born Nebras kan attended the public schools of West Point which is her home town and graduated from the high school in 1S93 Entering the University of Nebraska she took up the general scientific course of study and gradu ated with special distinction in 1897 with the degree of B Sc She has taken one summers work toward the i degree of Master of Arts After leav j ing the university Miss OSullivan taught two years at Creighton one i in the sixth and seventh grades and j one in the high school For seven i years she had charge of all the sci ence instruction and the general management of the laboratories of i the South Omaha high school Be cause of friendships formed and tech I nical ability to do the instructional work assigned her no choice could jbe happier than this for the 1906 session of the normal CHARLES II MILLER Music Supervisor Lincoln City Schools This will be the third consecutive year that Mr Charles H Miller su pervisor of music in the Lincoln City schools will have worked as an in structor in the McCook junior nor mal school and each year those who have been inspired by his rich tune I uiuns ou irequenuy an expert mu sician is not qualified to instruct in the other branches of the school cur- -v ls Willi 1U I 1QOQ TTVQTT o TT QT t T- ed the state normal at Peru and grad- His experience as a teacher notor in Of frnm tho me at IVV UU tU iV VW QUV course Mr Munday is nf v1rtr 1rkv 1tnrr 4nnAl deservedly i clsuiwu 1c saii icatmug m the country Then he became a I cipal of schools and later a teacher oi iingnsn anu matnematics in a large high school He served for monv vpnr nt Vohrr oc citnorricnr ui music at tne same time acting in the capacity of ward school principal and teacher of grammar grade work It was his splendid achievements in this field that attracted the attention of the Lincoln people to his ability i and which resulted in his present appointment in 1904 A an insti tute and normal school instructor he i has been much sought after summers and is deservedly popular and I cessful in such work Mr Miller re- l ceived his first instruction in a coun try school later aucnded Princeton academy and then a larse normal Most of his education however has CHARLES H MILLER MUSIC SUPERVISOR LINCOLN CITY SCHOOLa been acquired by private study and with private teachers and in the school of experience It was thoroughly done as is shown by the fact that at the age of twenty one he secured a professional state life r I u