The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 2

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Soda Crackers
anything you choose milk for instance or alone
At every meal or for a munch between meals when
you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant
corner in the morning when you wake hungry or at
night just before going to bed Soda crackers are so
light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at
times when you could not think of eating anything else
But as in all other things there is a difference in sod
crackers the superlative being
2Jot Only Do We Get Inspiration From
Nature But Health as Well
For people who arc run down and nciv
ous who suffer from indigestion or dys
pepsia headache biliousness or torpid
liver coated tongue with bitter taste in
the morning and poor appetite it be
comes necessary to turn to some tonic or
strengthencr which will assist Nature
and help them to get on their feet and
yut the body into its proper condition It
as becoming more and more apparent that
Natures most valuable health - giving
agents are to be found in forest plants
and roots
Nearly forty years ago Dr RV Pierce
now consulting physician to the Invalids
Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo
N Y discovered that by scientifically
extracting and combining certain medici
nal principles from native roots taken
from our American forests he could pro
duce a medicine which was marvelously
efficient in curing cases of blood disorder
and liver and stomach trouble as well as
many other chronic or lingering ail
ments This concentrated extract of
Natures vitality he named Golden Med
ical Discover It purifies the blood by
nutting the stomach and liver into
healthy condition thereby helping the
digestion and assimilation of food which
feeds the blood Thereby it cures weak
stomach indigestion torpid liver or bil
iousness and kindred derangements
If you have coated tongue with bitter
or bad tate in tne morning irequent
headaches feel weak easily tired stitches
or pain in side back gives out easily and
aches belching of gas constipation or
irregilar bowels feel flashes of he it al
ternating with chilly sensations or kin
dred svmptoms they point to derange
ment of vour stomach liver and kidneys
which the Golden Medical Discovery
will correct more speedily and perma
nentlv than any other known asent Con
tains no alcohol or habit forming drugs
All its ingredients printed in plain Eng
lish oi wrapper
The sole motive for substitution is 10
permit the dealer to make a little more
profit lie gains you lose Accept no sub
stitute for Golden Medical Discovery
Constipation cauc and aggravates
many serious disease It is thoroughly
cured bv Dr Pierc Pleasant 1 lhts
One a laxative two r three are ca rtc
To have a happy home
you should have children
They are great happy home
makers If a weak woman
you can fee made strong
enough to bear healthy chil
dren with little pain or dis
comfort to yourselfby taking
A Tonic for Women
It will ease all your pain reduce
Inflammation cure Ieucorrhea
whites falling womb ovarian
trouble disordered menses back
ache headache etc and make
childbirth natural and easy Try it
At all dealers in medldnes in
100 bottles
Is my baby girl now two weeks
old writes Mrs J Priest of Wei
ster City Iowa She is a fine
healthy babe and we are both doing
nicely I am still taking Cardul
and would not be without it in
the house
da Biscuit
a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri
tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed
a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is
preserved for you
Su t Float on Streams Hupre Ones
Make a River Lift Itself
I The people of Syria and Tiflis make
their streams do things that Americans
do not seem to have learned the secret
of persuading the water courses of this
country to perform
At Tiflis the natives have learned
how to utilize the power of the current
of the river Kur without building
dams What they have accomplished
possibly might be done by an
can farmer living on the banks of a
rapidly moving stream and desiring a
small cheap power The Caucasians
build floats on the surface of the river
Into them are set water wheels The
whole affair is fastened to the bank in
such a way that it will rise and fall
with any change in the level of the
surface of the river so that the power
is about constant all the time
In llama the ancient entering in of
Ilamath the Syrians have accomplish
ed a feat that makes one think of lift
ing oneself over a fence by tugging at
ones bootstraps They have harnessed
the historic Orontes or Nahr el Asi as
the Syrians call it into the work of
lifting itself many feet toward the ze
nith and trained it thus to water their
fruitful gardens and orchards
As for size the water wheels which
do this work are as to other water
wheels what Niagara is to other water
falls As one stands by one of these
great wooden frames revolving upon
its wooden axle and looks up at its
perimeter forty feet above one thinks
it large and is astonished when he
turns his gaze up stream to see that
relatively it is not a great wheel for in
the distance looms up one sixty feet in
height Even then he is not prepared
for the spectacle of one ninety feet in
diameter grunting around on its cum
brous axle just outside the town
Life in llama for some people is
like the liking of others for olives an
acquired taste because of these very
water wheels According as one feels
about it it is a musical city or one
filled with nerve racking groans Day
and night without ceasing these mass
ive slow revolving structures utter
speech For those who have acquired a
taste for their companionship the never
ceasing tones are soothing resembling
the ocean roar or a slow fugue played
on some cyclopean organ The dia
pason tones are deeper and louder than
the deepest organ stop Now they are
in linisnn nnxv rpnpntinf iha tliomf I
one after another now for a brief mo
ment in a sublime harmony never to
be forgotten according to one traveler
then once more together in a tremen
dous chorus The sounds are describ
ed as a slow movement up the scale
followed with a heavy drop to the key
note as Do mi sol do do do do sol la
do do do This unceasing Sisyphean
music it is said has been going on
for a century at least New York
Two Archhlshops
The archbishop of Canterbury is pri
mate of all England and therefore
takes precedence of the archbishop of
York who is only primate of Eng
land This very nice distinction was
made several centuries ago on account
of a very bitter dispute arising between
the two functionaries as to which
should precede the other The matter
was settled by conferring precedence
upon the archbishop of Canterbury the
two titles being also bestowed at the
same time
De Witt So you saw me stealing a
kiss eh Upton I did and I call It
larceny De Witt ecstatically Par
flon me grand larceny
Salt tbe Clvilizcr
The uie of salt as a necessary sup
plement to diet has had much influence
In shaping the civilization aud explora
tion of the world It is most probable
that the oldest trade routes were cre
ated fur the salt traffic as salt and
incense formed the chief necessaries
of the ancient days This was certain
ly the case with the caravan routes in
Libya and the Sahara while the mines
of north India were the center of a
large trade before the time of Alexan
Another interesting fact is that salt
has played a considerable part in the
distribution of man When it became
absolutely necessary to him as it did
at an early stage of his development
he was forced to migrate to places
where it could be obtained This
brought him to the seashore where he
gained his ideas of maritime commerce
Lastly the preservative effects of salt
on flesh food made long oceanic voy
ages possible and thus opened up the
world to commerce and civilization
He Slopped the Coughing
One Sunday morning a clergyman
vas greatly annoyed by the unusual
amount of coughing among his congre
gation lie had not a strong voice and
could only be distinctly heard when the
people were still and attentive As the
coughing went on and even grew
worse he suddenly stopped right in the
middle of the sermon AM eyes were
instantly turned to the pulpit every
cough was hushed and there was per
fect silence
My friends said the minister with
a smile it seems you stop when I
This gentle rebuke had the desired
effect The people found that their
coughing could be kept down when
they liked to a great extent and the
minister proceeded with his sermon
under far more favorable conditions
Krles on Bills
Among the humorous memories con
nected with English judges is one of
Justice Byles and his horse This em
inent jurist was well known in his
profession for his work on Bills and
as this gave a fine opportunity for al
literation his associates wrere accus
tomed to bestow the name on the
horse which was but a sorry steed
There goes Byles on Bills they took
pleasure in saying and as the judge
rode out every afternoon they indulged
daily in their little joke But the truth
was that the horse had another name
known only to the master and his man
and when a too curious client inquired
as to the judges whereabouts he was
told by the servant with a clear con
science that master was out on Busi
The Benprnll
The Bengali has the best brains of
all the peoples in India and the readi
est tongue His memory is prodigious
and his fertility in talk inexhaustible
He is something of an Irishman some
thing of an Italian something of a
Jew if one can conceive an Irishman
who would run away from a fight in
stead of running into it an Italian
without a sense of beauty and a Jew
who would not risk 5 on the chance
of making 500 He is very clever but
his cleverness does not lead him far on
the road to achievement for when it
comes to doing rather than talking
he is easily passed by people of far
inferior ability London Standard
Her Version of It
But didnt you promise when w
were married that I should smoke In
the house whenever I pleased
Yes but you never plerse by smok
ing in the house You displease me
Relic of Old Cuntonii Prevailing
the Sireewnlcl
One of tin most Interesting regions
in the old fatherland Is the so called
Spreewald the forest of the Spree
situated not fr froui the German cap
ital In the province of Brandenburj
Each village Is a little Venice every
house a little island and these Islets
are connected by bridges sulliciently
raised to allow boats to pass under
them Most of the houses with their
barns and stables rest on piles and
there Is generally a strip of artificial
terra firm a either In front or at the
rear of every building By means of
thee land strips and of the bridges
the slender land communication is kept
throughout the district but mostof the
business aud amusement are carried
oa through tlw canals which not only
form the main highways but penetrate
and cross and recross the whole re
gion It Is on these lagoons that all
traffic is conducted in boats during
the period from spring when the last
vestiges of frost and ice are disappear
ing until the end of autumn You see
the letter carrier shoot up and down
the canals performing his duties hi his
frail craft the police glide leisurely
along the banks watching everything
going on peasants bring the products
of their toil to the nearest towns chil
dren go to aud from school young
mothers dressed in their Sunday
clothes are rowed to church carrying
in their arms a small queer looking
bundle from which two large eyes in
a tiny face stare at the stranger in
wonderment baby is going to be br
tized an important moment with this
strongly religious people Technical
World Magazine
The Events That May Be Crowded
Into n Few Seconds
The duration of a dream is so seldom
accurately measured that a story pub
lished in the St Louis Medical Record
is worth repeating
The writer a doctor was seized with
an uncontrollable drowsiness during a
caI and was struggling to keep awake
when he was asked by his companion
IIow long may you stay in B His
answer which came promptly enough
was That depends on the Western
Union and catching himself he ex
plained that he was expecting a tele
gram In fact however his answer re
lated to the facts of a dream which
had been sandwiched between the two
parts of the sentence
After hearing the words How long
the doctor had dozed off dreamed that
after long and tedious experiments he
had invented a wonderful apparatus
for holding telegraph poles in a ver
tical position had negotiated Avith the
postal company for its sale but unsuc
cessfully and had finally gone to the
authorities of the other company
They in the dream told him they were
considering a German invention for
the same purpose and the dreamer
crossed the ocean to examine the rival
device returned explained the differ
ences to the intending purchaser and
was writing a reply when he woke in
time to hear the end of his companions
The events of the dream had appar
ently consumed months yet the actual
time that elapsed was merely that re
quired for uttering about four short
Precedent For Governess
Albert VII archduke of Austria
married Isabella Clara Eugenie iu
fauta of Spain who brought to him as
dowry the sovereignty of the Low Coun
tries etc When Philip IV of Spain
ascended the throne in 1G21 he took
from his aunt the sovereignty of the
Low Countries but left her the title of
governess Iler husband died soon aft
er whereon she took the veil though
still retaining the reins of government
She died at Brussels in 1033 aged
Ilere there is precedent for the
use of the word governess when a
holds the
post London Notes
Paid For the Opinion
Shortly after Chief Justice Purley of
the court of appeals of New Hamp
shire had retired from the bench and
resumed the practice of his profession
a man called on him to get his opinion
in a certain matter After stating his
case clearly he said Well judge what
do you think of my case The judge
promptly replied I think you are a
scoundrel How much do I owe you
for that opinion inquired the client
Ten dollars demanded the judge
The fee was promptly paid
Rliodesius Larsest Xusset
Weighing 21G2 ounces a gold uugget
which measures five and a half inches
in length and three inches in width
was recently found near Bulawayo It
is believed to be the largest yet found
in Rhodesia and is now in the British
South Africa companys museum at 2
London Wall buildings B C London
The Woman of It
Mother impatiently You have been
very naughty today Juanita I shall
have to tell your father when he comes
home Juanita aged seven Thats
the woman of it You never can keep
anything to yourself
The Determining Factor
Helen Sometimes I like waltzing
and sometimes I do not Ethel It de
pends on your mood Helen It de
pends on my partner New York
Of all persecutions that of calumny
Is the most intolerable Hazlitt
t itixlnf by Sweeping the Strlnca
With a Feather
Open wide your piano so that the
wires are exposed Over the wires
place sheets of music and wheu you
strike a tone you will find that It has
a rattling sound If now you play a
tune in the same manner with the
sheets of music still lying on the
strings It will sound as if the
ment were a banjo
Anyhow It Is a
good imitation
Now remove the music sheets
press down gently but firmly
keys belonging to any cord
simple cord C E G for
Take the
The keys must be pressed down with
out sounding them and held down
while soma one gently brushes the
strings with a feather or a straw The
effect will be as if the cord were play
ed far away and Is heard by you as
very st tones
Change fthe cord always pressing
down the keys without sounding them
while the feather still sweeps the
strings lightly In this way you may
modulate or play a slow piece and the
effect will be very beautiful indeed as
If heard from a great distance
The reason of this is that ordinarily
a damper rests against each string
but when the corresponding key is
struck or pressed down the damper is
raised In sweeping the strings with
the feather lightly only the strings
that are undampered sound the others
being held mute by the dampers but
if the touch of the feather is too heavy
even the other strings may sound so
your care must be in making a light
and delicate touch
Now press down a key gently and
hold it Strike very hard the octave
above this key but do not hold it after
striking the tone When the wire of
the tone struck has been sufficiently
dampered so that it does not sound so
loud the pressed down key will be
heard to sing clearly even though
it was not struck This is because
every note struck is composed of sev
eral notes being in reality a cord in
itself and each note contained in that
cord causes the corresponding note in
the keyboard to vibrate or sing in
sympathy if held down in like man
The other notes that will sound under
these conditions will always be the
fifth above the octave the second oc
tave and the third and fifth above that
and these tones that sound are called
For illustration if C in the lower
part of the piano he struck any or all
of the notes that follow will sound if
their keys are first pressed and held
down Philadelphia Press
When you are all done but finishing
you are just half done
If you have time to boast about be
ing worked to death you have not
much to do
Some people are so unfortunate that
their troubles make people laugh in
stead of cry
A man who underestimates himself
may be tiresome but he is not a cir
cumstance to the man who brags
People may disdain a compliment
but they feel a tender little spot in
them where it hit and refused to be
It is a theory growing in conviction
that the man who says a mean thing
about another isnt as mean as the man
who carries it
The man who travels over the path
behind you wisely looks at your foot
prints and sees where you could have
avoided many a pitfall Atchison
Tiny Trees
The midget of the whole tree family
is the Greenland birch It is a perfect
tree in every sense of that term and
lives its allotted number of years from
To to 130 just as other species of the
great birch family do although its
height under the most favorable condi
tions seldom exceeds ten inches Whole
bluffs of the east and southeast coast
of Greenland are covered with thick
ets of this diminutive species of
woody plant and in many places
where the soil is uncommonly poor and
frozen from eight to ten months a year
a forest of these trees will flourish
for half a century without growing to
a height exceeding four inches
Strange Dances
Queenslands government aboriginal
settlement on Frazers island holds a
weekly dance for the blacks Among
the bundles of old clothes sent to the
settlement there are often ball gowns
so the gins sport decollete dresses
Neither sex wears boots The sexes
have to dance separately Sydney Bul
ShreTrd CneH
Senior Partner We must be careful
not to give Billings any more credit
Hes evidently losing money Junior
Partner How do you know Senior
Partner I heard his remark today that
life is full of ups and downs No
man aver admits that until he begins
to strike the down Philadelphia Press
I have called said the confident
young man with a manuscript sticking
out of his pocket to see whether there
is a vacancy in this office
No replied the melancholy editor
as he looked round the place Im sor
ry to say there is none Even the
waste paper basket is full
A Change
Well well There goes Miss Strong
When I saw her last she was posing
as a bachelor girl Thats her hobby
All thats changed now She drop
ped her hobby for a hubby Ex
jtaaS 2jaft
Barber Shop
Bath Booms Rear Citizens bank
C H Hoile C E Eldbed Co Atty
Attokneys at Law
Long Distance Phone U
Roonia 1 and 7 Pecoad floor McCook Neb
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office BIdg Phone No 13
Consultation free
McCook Neb for terms on
He will do your work right
DENTIST phonk 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh filk McCook
C L Walker
First Door North of Suttons Jewelry Store
McCook Nob
The Arabian Stallion
will be at the Fitch
Smith barn on Fridays and
Saturdays of each week
commencing May 4 th
Terms same as last year
l 134ts
Phone No 1
E B Nelson
oil Fraet
sells the best LUMBER and
COAL and that he apprecirtes
your past favors and solicits your
future patronage
And quit wondering what that
new house barn or granary would
cost but come in and let us iigure
it for you and you will be sur
prised to learn that you have been
making a monntain out of a mole
a J v
The Flour Carried
is the selected output of
some of the best mills
It is made from hard
Western spring wheat
by the most approved
process None of the
good elements of the
grain are lost
for the home hotel or
restaurant kitchen or
the bakeshop can be ob
tained here at prices that
mean a distinct saving
The McCook
Milling Company