The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 10
as rwPmwPPmtfw V - - v -33 v v 1 s NOTICE OF SVLE Iu tlif district Court of Red Willow county State of Xe jraka In the matter of the appli cation i Ultra Snjder guardian of Gertrude M bnjder a minor for license to sell real es tate Nolice is hereby uiven that in pursu ance or an order of the Honorable R O Orr Judge or tho District Court of Red Willow Countj Nebraska made on tho 2ird day of April 1900 for the sale of the real estate herein after described there will be sold at public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash at the eat front door of tho court house in the city of McCook in said county on the 19th day of May 1906 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit the interest of Gertrude M Snyder minor in and to lot Nine and Ten block Twentj -Eight Sec ond Addition to McCook Red Willow County Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour Dated this 21th day of April 1900 CiiAKA Snyder GnardiHii of Gertrude M Snjder a minor Botle Eldred Attorneys for Clara Snjder Guardian PUBLICATION NOTICE Herman E Mej er Gerald Wilcox Fowler S Wilcox and Dewitt C Marsh defendants will take notice that W H Ferguson has filed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow Countj Nebraska against said defendants tho object and prayer of which are to enforce the specific performance of a written contract for the sale of the following described premises to wit The south half of the northeast quar ter and the southwest quarter all in section five township two north rango twenty nino -west of the 6th P M in Red Willow Nebraska made and entered into by and be tween the plaintiff as vendee and the defend ant Herman M Mejer as the vendor on or about the 19th day of March 1906 at the price of 11200 and that a deed from said Mejer to the defendant Gerald Wilcox recorded in book Sl at page 07 of the deed records of Rpd Willow ouiitj Nebraska conveying said south half of the northeast quarter and a deed from said Mete r to the defendants Fowler S Wilcos and Dewitt C Marsh recorded in book 32 at page 506 of -aid deed records convejing said south west quarter he each set aside declared null and void and the cloud thereby cast upon the plaintiUs title to said premises be removed You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday tho 4th day of June A D 1900 Dated this 24th day of April A D 1906 4-27-4 W H Ferguson Plaintiff By W S Morlan his attorney NOTICE OF SUIT The Saint Joseph Loan and Trust Com lana corporation inconorated under the laws of the state of Missouri and Re becca Walrath defendants will take no tice that on the fourteenth day of April 1906 William G McBrajer plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska against said de fendants the object and prayer of which are to quiet titla of the plaintiff in and to the north east quarter of section twentj two township three north range thirty in Red Willow Coun ty Nebraska and to secure a decree cancelling and to satisfy of record the mortgages on said land executed by one Adam Walrath and wife Rebecca Walrath to tho Saint Joseph Loan and Trust Company and recorded in Book 13 on page 412 and in Book 13 on page 416 of the mortgage records of said countv and to ex clude the defendants from audnll title caim lien or interest in said premises or any part thereof You are required to answer said peti tion on or before tho 2Sth day of Mar 1906 Dated April 12 1906 William G McBrayer 4-20-4 ts Plaintiff By Boyle Eldred His Attorneys JOE HIGHT CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED McCook Neb Speciaa fr2edai3 Awarded Gold Medal for Mcdel Institution Range Gold Medal for Home Comfort Gas Machine Gold Medal for Collaborator Silver Medal for Collaborator DESPERATE HEROISM An Incident of the Indian Fishtins Days In Illinois The desperate intrepidity and war like heroism of the early settlers of Il linois are illustrated by an incident narrated in Historic Illinois The early days were a time of hardship danger and death Every forest covert every tuft of prairie grass might hide some skulking red enemy Among the early frontiersmen was a Captain Whiteside whose name became a ter ror among the Kickapoos A party of fourteen white men led by Whiteside made an attack upon an en campment of Indians of greatly supe rior force Only one Indian escaped During the heat of the skirmish Cap tain Whiteside was severely wounded he thought mortally having received a shot in the side As he fell he called to his sons to keep on fighting and not to yield an inch of ground or permit the savages to touch his body Uel Whiteside who had also been shot in tbe arm so that he could no longer use his rifle hastily examined his fathers wound discover ing that the bullet had glanced along the ribs and lodged against the spine With that daring and disregard for pain so often characteristic of border men he immediately whipped out his knife gashed the skin extracted the ball and held it up crying Youre not dead yet father The old man leaped to his feet re newed the fight and bore his full part to the end Many such instances of heroism distinguished the men who in those days of peril were called upon to defend the frontiers of Illinois EASILY SCARED An Adventnre Witli a Rhinoceros In Cast Africa Of a curious encounter with a rhi noceros an African traveler writes in the Globe Trotter published in Nairobi British East Africa He was peace fully grazing on a choice patch of green stuff and apparently meant to do the well bred thing and allow us to pass by so with my heart in my mouth nothing in my pockets and an empty magazine rifle in my hand I attempted a slide for a more secure position But I was immediately foiled of this ob ject by a suspicious movement on the part of the enemy A swish of the tail a suggestive uplifting of the snout and a sniff of the atmosphere and the deli cate and fairylike creature bore down ponderously upon my two native bear ers and myself Aly knees promptly refused to work I could not move a muscle and so witl all the British pluck and courage c which we have read so much I calmly resigned myself By this time the hide ous beauty had advanced to within ten yards of its prey when to my surprise the two boys accompanying me hastily dismantled themselvesof all baggage mm TORONTO ONTARIO nufacture ONLY and wTtlTall muscles stretched really for a sprint they stood their ground and without moving an inch began to whistle for all they were worth Quickly noting the satisfactory re sult of the maneuver I blew my whistle hastily and with good will The shrill notes struck strangely on the untutored ear of the rhino for he promptly turned tail and fled A Short Cut There goes a man observed a steamship agent as he directed atten tion to a surly looking individual who had just engaged passage for Europe whose efforts are devoted to con structing short cuts in business meth ods and in eliminating all time con suming men and their propositions from his busy existence He is a man of very few words Some years ago this gentleman crossed the ocean and had a very unpleasant trip One morn ing a sympathetic passenger offered him a lemon expressing a sincere wish that it would give relief The pale traveler seized the lemon hurled it viciously into the ocean and growled This is a quicker way than the other New York Times An Odd Moorish Custom As a people the Moors are already well inclined to anything that gilds life A correspondent says Nothing delights tliem more as a means of agreeably spending an hour or two than squatting on their heels in the streets or on some door stoop gazing at the passersby exchanging compli ments with their acquaintances Na tive swells consequently promenade with a piece of felt under their arms on which to sit when they wish His Statement Dr Price Price diplomatically I dont know whether I sent you a state ment of what er you owe me Mr Knok Neither do I Dr Price Price Oh you didnt get it then I suppose I didnt send you a statement Mr Knok Yes you did But it looked more like a statement of what you think I possess Knew Her Ways Mr Gayboy What did my wife say when you told her I wouldnt be able to come home tonight until a late hour Messenger She didnt say anything Mr Gayboy Then you must have gone to the wrong house Chicago Tribune t A Doubtinp Thomas She Did you let father know you owned a lot of house property He I hinted at it She What did he say He He said Deeds speak louder than words I have also seen the world and after long experience have discovered that ennui Is our greatest enemy and remu nerative labor our most lasting friend Justus Moser wmmmmmmm BETTER THAN EVER NEARLY A MILLION RANGES CLD AND USED IN EVERr CLIME A HOME COMFORT RANGE MADE AND SOLD EVERY THREE MINUTES DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO USER TRADE MARK REGISTERED AND IS ON EVERY HOME COMFORT RANGE DONT ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES RANGE ILLUSTRATED S 3GLB ONLY FROM OUR WAGONS BY OUR TKAVI LIKQ SALESMEN AT A UNIFORM PFJCE THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA THEY ARE HOT SOLD BY BEALEhJ G BY HAIL FROIXI FACTORY Previous Awards 27 Highest Diplomas 16 Gold Medals One Silver Medal The highest Award and only Medal ever given on Ranges in Canada C6 A GENEROUS CRITIC Story of Join Osenford n Once Fp mons London Character John Oxenford was for years the leading theatrical critic of Loudon Mr Oxenford was troubled with a seri ous bronchial affection which occa sionally disturbed the audience for he refused to give up his beloved theater although desperately ill A certain ris ing young actor was very anxious to obtain Oxenfords valuable opinion on his work and the tender hearted old gentleman literally left his bed and came down to the theater on a bitter cold night to do a good action to a clever youngster In the middle of one of the actors finest scenes on came the cough from the Oxenford box It con tinued so long that it unnerved the actor and he came to a dead stop To the surprise of everybody he advanced to the front and said Ladies and gen tlemen I am sorry to say that unless the old gentleman with the irritating cough retires temporarily from the theater I really cannot go on I forget everything It is painful so to address you but I am powerless in the matter and place myself in your hands The disturbance at once ceased and the box was empty When the cur tain fell a friend rushed around and breathless said to the distressed actor Do you know what you have done Do you know who it was that you turn ed out of the box I neither know nor care was the reply Why it was John Oxenford The actor was paralyzed but he got his good notice all the same The veteran critic went home coughing to praise the young actor who had turned him out JUDGING DOGS The Rules by Which the Different Points Are Valued The average man is greatly puzzled to find one dog awarded a first prize and another which to him appears to be quite as fine a specimen awarded no prize at all A man who knows the relative values of the different points in all breeds of dogs is a veritable walking encyclopedia Generally speaking the best dog is one which comes nearest the standard of requirements for its own particular breed about 23 per cent of the points being usually awarded for fine head proportions an equal number for legs and feet a similar number for body and color and the rest for symmetry In the Dalmatian for instance thirty points are given for color and mark ings while head eyes and ears have only fifteen the bulldog on the other hand has forty five for head and ears while coat and color amount to but five points the collie has twenty five for coat color being Immaterial and twenty-five for head and ears The St Bernard has forty for head and ears and five each for coat and color ThePomeranian has but fifteen lvhiis ST LOUIS MO U S A at the Mm fnnhmt In Coiiijjsfiion with Manufacturers o the World ftni rscelyed the ONLY sooo mm li Prize for head and ears forty five points go ing for coat color and tail with fifteen for appearance It may be set down as governing in all breeds of doss that whatever is the typical feature of that I Tirnpfl ic tlm fontnro nnnn H liirh cfrocc is laid in the allotment of points The Ants Coiv The aphis one of the most widely distributed species of insects known to the entomologists is sometimes re ferred to as the ants cow The aphis actually gives milk although the crea ture itself is so small that it is esti mated to weigh but the one one-thousandth of a grain Out of the back of the aphis project two hollow tubes These connect with ducts in the body which secrete a sweet liquid When the tubes are touched the liquid exudes in small drops The ants know this and they make a regular business of tickling the tubes of the little aphis to make her give down her milk The ant is very fond of this saccharine food and will milk a hundred aphides in the course of an hour Why He Resigned The French Baron Rothschild once had in his service a valet named Al phonse first class but an acknowl edged red This valet obtained per mission once a week to attend the meetings of his Socialist lodge Sud denly the baron noticed that Alphonse no longer desired this off night and in quiring into the cause was informed that the valets late Socialist colleagues had worked out a calculation that if all the wealth of France were divided equally per capita each individual would be the possessor of 2000 francs Monsieur said Alphonse with dig nity I resigned I have 5000 francs Argonaut Henpecked Husbands Henpecked husbands are found even in India A writer says To live as I have done in a Hindoo house especial ly when the real house mistress is a masterful and deeply religious widow who is grandmother to the babies and mother to their parents is no longer to wonder at the absolute terror with which men speak of the stri achchar For the men of India are poor souls the most henpecked in the world Too Much Heart And you rejected him I did He has the reputation of being a large hearted man Thats the trouble with him He is too large hearted He can love half a dozen women at the same time A Cut Artery A quick wltted woman stopped the flow from a cut artery In the leg by putting the foot in three inches of flour In a large jar and packing floor to the top of the jar beating the flour down with a piece of stove food Awarded y tia Group Jury proved tliD Department Jury Affinn a Supsrlcr jufj Efl2 T3 Cssaltlse ol Five HE rUKIi QsSmmwf FORT RAFsfCSES rv luim rc REAL ESTATE 51030 Acre Tracts Alalfa Sugar Beets Garden Tracts On First Bottom within one mile of the round house will be on the market on easy terms APRIL ist 1906 Call at the office for particulars JLKelley A G Bump Next door to postofiice McCOOK - NEBRASKA Col A J Driscoll H H Berry AUCTIONEERS Live Stock Sales a Specialty Thirty j ears experience Write for date3 and terms Reference Citizens bank of McCook The Bank of Culbertson McCOOKXEIJ JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska sSgsAjjentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Oflico in Poatoilice building HOLLISTERS Bocky uiouniain Tea Nuggets A Bnsy Medicine for Bn3y People Brings Golden Health and Eenowed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Siuccish Bowels Headache- uiiu uiicivacue n s isocicy mountain Tea In tab let form a cnts a bo c Genuine made by Holusteu Drug Company Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Mr GCFahrenhruck General Repair Shops BICYCLES GCSS SEWING MACHINES ETC GASOLINE STCVES REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE Two doors east of DeGrofFs Store AlcOook ebraska IIHIMT UVVT J irJ f v A